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1. We investigated the role of the autonomic nervous system in the control of the heart rate using an isolated heart preparation. 2. Addition of the parasympathetic blocker, atropine, to the organ bath resulted in an increase in heart rate as expected. 3. Addition of the sympathetic blocker, ergotamine, to the organ bath showed no change in the heart rate. 4. Addition of the sympathetic blocker, propranolol, to the organ bath resulted in the expected decrease in heart rate. 5. Both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems appear to play a role in the control of the heart rate.  相似文献   

Summary Wounded amphibian skin heals initially by a migration of epithelial cells from the cut edge towards the center of the wound. The density of currents leaving wounds made in Notophthalmus viridescens skin was manipulated in order to determine whether electrical fields associated with these currents might have a significant role in promoting this cell migration during wound healing. Wounds were made with either a needle (200 m) or a biopsy punch (500 m). Currents leaving the wounds were measured with a vibrating probe, and the wounds fixed at various times after wounding. When the Na+-dependent currents were reduced by blocking Na+ channels with benzamil, wound healing, as revealed by scanning electron microscopy and by paraffin histology, was impaired. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that there is an electrical component to wound healing.  相似文献   

Although the North American, adult, red-spotted newt has been an excellent model in the study of appendage regeneration at the tissue and cell levels, experiments involving embryonic forms have been essentially impossible to perform at the molecular level due to the great difficulty in breeding newts in the laboratory. Recently, we reported our methods to successfully spawn many thousands of embryos of Notophthalmus viridescens for developmental studies on a year round basis. As no detailed examination of embryogenesis of this amphibian exists, we provide a scanning electron microscopic overview of N. viridescens development. Furthermore, we chronicle the life cycle of the newt, when produced under laboratory conditions, which also undergoes two metamorphoses as newts in the wild.  相似文献   

Lymphocytic activity was examined in thymuses of adult newts by studying the number, location, morphology and fate of cells within thymuses which had been processed for autoradiography 15 min, 2 and 4 h, and 2, 4, and 10 days subsequent to the injection of tritiated thymidine. Results of this study indicate (1) that the adult thymus is a highly proliferative organ, (2) that large and medium-sized lymphocytes present in the peripheral parenchyma give rise to smaller lymphocytes which move centrally and emigrate from the thymus, and (3) that many thymocytes leave the thymus within 2-4 days after they have been produced. The significance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

The epidermal cells which migrate over the wound surface of the amputated limb of the adult newt were examined using the scanning electron microscope. Specimens were prepared routinely for scanning electron microscopy or were embedded in Epon 812 for light microscopic observations. A cuff of epidermal cells was seen at the edge of the wound, from which cells appeared to migrate over the wound surface. As early as five hours after transection of the limb, the basal layers of this cuff appeared to send out pseudopodial projections. These seemed to establish a physical contact with a fibrin-like substratum, which apparently served as a means of support for the migrating cells. Subsequently, the epidermal cells became elongate and had the appearance of streaming toward the center of the wound. Between 10 and 13 hours post-amputation, the cells in the central region of the stump were rounded up and some possessed microappendages resembling microplicae and microvilli. Throughout the entire period of wound coverage, the cells seemed to maintain contact with the fibrin network, which appeared to be the first structural element of wound architecture. As a result of these observations, the mechanism by which the epidermal cells migrate has been clarified.  相似文献   

It is well documented that growth hormone (GH) replacement therapy will restore normal limb regeneration to hypophysectomized adult newts. However, it is also known that the GH preparations used in previous reports were contaminated by other pituitary hormones shown to support regeneration when administered free of GH. The recent availability of bioengineered human GH was studied for its ability to restore the regenerative capacity to hypophysectomized newts. Five days posthypophysectomy adult newts were subject to forelimb amputation distal to the elbow. Animals were divided into three groups (n greater than 20). Each received one of three GH preparations: pituitary-derived bovine GH, pituitary-derived human GH, or bioengineered human GH. GH was administered via intraperitoneal injection (0.029 IU/50 microliters) on alternate days for either the first 5 days (total of 3 injections) or for 35 days (total of 18 injections). Pituitary-intact and hypophysectomized control newts were subjected to forelimb amputation and injected with hormone diluent. All newts that received GH demonstrated normal limb regeneration to the early digitiform stage by 35 days postamputation. None of the hypophysectomized control newts showed any evidence of regeneration. We conclude that GH alone can restore the ability to undergo normal limb regeneration to hypophysectomized newts.  相似文献   

In urodele amphibians, limb regeneration is dependent on innervation and is blocked by the administration of colchicine. The objective of this experiment was to determine if colchicine blocks limb regeneration by a direct action on the blastema cells or by an indirect action on the nerves, specifically, if colchicine treatment of the brachial nerves would inhibit limb regeneration in the newt Notophthalmus viridescens. Colchicine was applied to the nerves by implanting a colchicine-loaded silastin block adjacent to the brachial nerves of an amputated newt limb. With appropriate dose levels of colchicine, limb regeneration was completely inhibited. Contralateral control limbs, carrying unloaded silastin blocks, and control limbs with colchicine-loaded blocks implanted equidistant from the blastema, but not adjacent to the brachial nerves, regenerated normally. Thus, the results indicate that the colchicine inhibition of limb regeneration is mediated by colchicine effects on the nerves. The possible mechanism of colchicine action on nerves may involve either wallerian degeneration, or inhibition of axoplasmic transport, or both.  相似文献   

Cyclic 3', 5'-guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) was measured at eight stages of forelimb regeneration in adult newts and compared with the cGMP levels of non-regenerating control limbs. There was a significant increase in cGMP content during dedifferentiation followed by a sharp decrease to minimal levels at the cone stage. A second smaller increase in cGMP occurred between the cone stage and mid-differentiation, followed by a decrease to relatively constant levels approaching control values as differentiation progressed. The changes in cGMP during dedifferentiation and during the period of highest cell proliferation indicate that cGMP may play a role in these processes. The smaller increases in cGMP levels during differentiation may reflect a reduced rate of cell division in the differentiating tissues.  相似文献   

Studies of the response of adult mammalian and amphibian ventricle to injury have indicated the formation of a connective tissue scar in the place of the wounded or amputated muscle. It has been demonstrated that amphibian myocytes adjacent to a wound surface, unlike mammalian myocytes, have a proliferative capacity. In the present study, a minced cardiac muscle graft was placed into the adult newt ventricle in order to increase the number of myocytes near a wound surface. With such an increased number of reactive myocytes, it was thought a new wall consisting primarily of muscle might be formed. One-sixteenth to one-eighth of the ventricular apex was removed, minced and returned to the amputation surface of the ventricle. General histological and autoradiographic studies were conducted on two sham-operated animals and on five experimental animals which were killed at 5, 10, 20, 30, 50 and 70 days after surgery. Major events of the repair and reorganization of minced cardiac muscle included blood clot formation followed by necrosis of the blood clot and much of the muscle graft. By ten days, an apparent coalescence of muscle fragments and continuity of ventricular and graft lumina were observed, although the graft area never formed an integrated unit with the wounded ventricular wall. The peak of mitotic activity (3.19%) and thymidine labeling (28.1%) of graft cells, including many cells which resembled cardiac myocytes, was observed at 20 days. At 30 days, the graft was observed as a continuous wall composed primarily of muscle fibers. Several 30-, 50- and 70-day grafts had rhythmic contractions. These results suggest that amphibian cardiac muscle has histogenetic and proliferative capacities not attributable to mammalian cardiac muscle.  相似文献   

To better understand the mechanisms governing the proliferation of cardiac myocytes it is important to identify the factors controlling this phenomenon, and to characterize their actions. DNA synthesis was quantified in vitro in ventricular myocytes from the adult redspotted newt, Notophthalmus viridescens. Ventricles were enzymatically separated and plated onto laminin. Myocytes were fed modified L-15 medium with 10% fetal bovine serum, and were variously treated with transforming growth factor-beta, transforming growth factor-beta combined with platelet-derived growth factor, acidic fibroblast growth factor, basic fibroblast growth factor, 12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate, heparin, or conditioned medium from ventricular myocytes or non-myocytes (primarily endothelial cells). With their final feeding the cells were given 1 Ci/ml of tritiated thymidine, and 24 hours later were fixed and stained. Dishes were coated with photographic emulsion, exposed, and developed. The percent of cells with labeled nuclei was determined. Experimental media that significantly increased DNA synthesis included those containing acidic fibroblast growth factor (121% of control), basic fibroblast growth factor (119% of control), 12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (233% of control) and conditioned medium from ventricular myocytes (230% of control) or non-myocytes (128% of control). Media significantly inhibiting DNA synthesis were those containing heparin (31% of control), transforming growth factor-beta (38% of control), non-myocyte conditioned medium and heparin (75% of control), or transforming growth factor-beta and platelet-derived growth factor (63% of control).  相似文献   

The effects of the vital dye trypan blue (TpB) on the regeneration of amputated newt forelimbs were examined. Administration of the dye (10 mug/g body weight) via IP injection during the early wound healing and dedifferentiation phases of regeneration inhibited the normal regenerative response. The accumulation phases of regeneration are similarly halted but only by greater concentrations of TpB (50 mug/g body weight) while redifferentiation and morphogenesis are only affected by still greater concentrations of the dye (100 mug/g body weight). In addition to abolishing the regenerative response, low levels of TpB were also capable of inducing skeletal abnormalities in the regenerates as might be expected from previous reports on the teratogenicity of the dye. The in vitro action of newt hyaluronidase (as well as purified testicular hyaluronidase) on hyaluronate was diminished by TpB, with virtually complete inhibition observed at initial reaction mixture concentrations of 100 mug/ml. The results of this study suggest that TpB acts to disrupt the normal regenerative response by preventing dedifferentiation and remodeling, perhaps by inhibition of various necessary lytic enzyme functions or by interference with normal intercellular communications.  相似文献   

Prolyl hydroxylase activity extracted from regenerating newt (Notophthalmus viridescens) limb tissues can be increased by brief preincubation with cofactors (ascorbate, alpha-ketoglutarate, Fe2+ and O2) prior to assay with [3H]proline-labeled collagen substrate. Newt prolyl hydroxylase is optimally active at 30 degrees C, but loses activity rapidly at 37 degrees C. The presence of cofactors or substrate decreases enzyme heat lability. Detergents (Triton X-100 and octyl glucoside) do not aid enzyme extraction and inhibit enzyme activity. Activity solubilized during homogenization without detergent remains soluble following high speed centrifugations. Comparative studies are reported for enzyme extracted from chick embryo tissues.  相似文献   

The red-spotted newt has the ability to fully regenerate complex structures by creating a pool of dedifferentiated cells that arise in response to tissue injury. An understanding of the mechanisms involved in the regenerative ability of the newt is limited by a lack of characterized assays. This deficiency includes the cloning and validation of housekeeping genes for normalizing gene expression data. We describe the cloning, characterization and real-time quantitative PCR evaluation of the normalization potential of the newt homologues of cytoplasmic beta-actin and GAPDH during newt limb regeneration and within the blastemal B1H1 cell line. Nvbeta-actin demonstrates a heterogeneous expression during limb regeneration and may be associated with differentiation state. The level of Nvbeta-actin expression in B1H1 cultures under conditions of myogenesis and serum resupplementation varies with the treatment. NvGAPDH is ubiquitously expressed during limb regeneration and within B1H1 cultures and does not demonstrate overall variations in expression levels. Thus, NvGAPDH is a more appropriate normalization factor in gene expression analyses during limb regeneration and treatments of B1H1 cultures.  相似文献   

Using indirect immunofluorescence methods, we have localized for the first time in the newt, Notophthalmus viridescens, beta-endorphin (beta-ep)-like immunoreactivity in the neurons of spinal ganglia (SPG), spinal cord (SPC), as well as in the hypothalamic region of the brain. An examination of serially sectioned SPG showed that the beta-ep-positive neurons, cell bodies, and nerve fibers were distributed at all levels of SPG. Peripheral regions of the perikarya of beta-ep-positive SPG neurons exhibited intense staining for beta-ep, the central nuclear region remaining nonreactive. In SPC, brightly staining fibers were seen entering the afferent nociceptive input areas, namely the Lissauer's tracts, substantia gelatinosa, and the dorsal ascending columns. Dot-fiber immunofluorescence pattern was observed throughout the gray matter of SPC representing beta-ep-positive, secondary sensory neurons as well as interneurons. Also, discrete cluster of neurons located deep in the gray matter of SPC stained positively to beta-ep antisera. This study not only demonstrates for the first time the presence of beta-ep like material in the newt, more specifically in SPG and SPC, but also raises the question of a possible link between beta-ep and newt limb regeneration as previous work has shown that SPG support limb regeneration in a denervated-amputated newt forelimb.  相似文献   

The eyelids of the newt were studied in 10 microns serial paraffin and 1-2 microns plastic sections using standard histological stains and special stains for glycoconjugates. The eyelids contain four different glands. Simple acinar serous and simple acinar mucous glands occur in the skin; unicellular mucous glands occur in the conjunctiva; and convoluted tubular seromucous glands are present in connective tissue beneath the conjunctiva. The first two are identical to cutaneous glands found elsewhere on the head and body. The simple acinar serous glands are surrounded by myoepithelial cells and release their secretion, which is composed largely of proteins with minimal glycoconjugate content, by a holocrine mechanism. The secretory product of the simple acinar mucous glands is composed of neutral glycoconjugates with a minor content of acidic glycoconjugates; the mucin exhibits strong PAS and PAPD staining and weak staining by AB and PAPS methods. The unicellular conjunctival mucous glands secrete both neutral and acidic glycoconjugates as shown by positive reactions with PAS, PAPD, PAPS, and AB methods. Convoluted tubular seromucous glands in the ventral eyelid synthesize both proteins and neutral glycoconjugates. The mucous secretions of the conjunctival glands probably provide lubrication and protection for the cornea.  相似文献   

Summary It has been suggested that the immune system might figure prominently in the regulation of forelimb regeneration. However, neither the nature of this influence nor the aspect(s) of regeneration influenced are clearly known. The determination of which components of the immune system are indispensable for regeneration would be a logical first step in attempting to address such questions. This investigation, therefore, examined the effects of removing the spleen, a major lymphoid organ in the newt, upon the progress of regeneration. Splenectomies performed concomitantly with or after forelimb amputation failed to alter the time course of regeneration. Splenectomies, but not sham-splenectomies, performed prior to amputation reduced the time required to achieve successive stages of regeneration under some, but not all conditions, i.e., when performed 10–20 days before amputation, during the late fall and winter. Up until 35 days after amputation, no gross morphological distortions were observed as a result of splenectomy. It was concluded that the spleen is not required for regeneration to occur.Portions of this work constitute part of the thesis submitted by M.E. Fini in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the M.S. degree in Biology at Boston College  相似文献   

The atrial wall of Notophthalmus viridescens is 25–75 μm thick and is trabeculated sparsely. Coronary vessels are absent. The endocardial endothelium is continuous and has 50–60 nm-wide fenestrae with diaphragms, rests on a discontinuous basal lamina and lacks occluding junctions. Cells found in the subendothelial connective tissue are xanthophores, melanophores, mast cells, fibroblasts, macrophages, and unmyelinated nerve fibers with Schwann cell investments. Epicardial mesothelial cells contain numerous 6–7 nm filaments and lamellar bodies which resemble myelin figures. Mesothelial cell junctions include maculae adhaerentes diminutae, desmosomes, and interdigitations. The epicardial connective tissue layer is more extensive than that of the endocardium, with xanthophores and melanophores rarely present and nerve fibers never observed. The myocardium consists of a mesh-work of myocytes 3–5 cell layers thick with little intervening connective tissue. Myocytes are 6–10 μm in diameter and have two or three peripheral myofibrillae. Typical A, I, H, Z, and M bands are present with a sarcomere length of 2.5 μm. T tubules are not observed. The sarcoplasmic reticulum has subsarcolemmal dilations. The nuclear pole region contains abundant mitochondria and atrial granules, extensive Golgi, and elements of smooth and rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum. Lateral intercellular junctions consisting of dense plaques, frequently continuous with Z-line material, are common. Oblique and transversely oriented junctions consisting of primarily of fascia adhaerentes, are present. It appears that amphibian atrial myocytes more closely resemble those of the amphibian ventricle than those of the mammalian atrium. Structural differences between amphibian atrial and ventricular myocytes seem to be quantitative rather than qualitative in nature.  相似文献   

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