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Using the carbon isotope labeling technique, the response of cyanobacterial central carbon metabolism to the change in environmental conditions was investigated. Synechocystis was grown in the heterotrophic and mixotrophic cultures fed with 13C-labeled glucose. The labeling patterns of the amino acids in biomass hydrolysates for both cultures were detected by the two-dimensional 1H-13C correlation nuclear magnetic resonance (2D 1H-13C COSY NMR) spectroscopy and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) technique. The in vivo intracellular flux distributions were then quantitated from the labeling measurements and metabolite balances using a parameters fitting approach. From the estimated flux distributions, it was found that the pentose phosphate pathway was the major pathway of glucose catabolism in the heterotrophic culture, while in the mixotrophic culture, the flux of CO2 fixation through the Calvin cycle was about two-fold of the glucose input flux. The relative flux through the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase was very high in both cultures, and this reaction represented about 25% of the assimilated CO2 in the mixotrophic culture. More importantly, we found a substantial outflow from the tricarboxylic acid cycle to glycolysis pathway carried by the malic enzyme, demonstrating the operation of a C4 pathway in cyanobacterial cells through the PEP carboxylase and malic enzyme. The estimated flux distributions also revealed that the NADPH synthesis was in excess relative to its requirement, and the excess NADPH might be reoxidized in cyanobacterial respiration to provide the energy for cellular requirement. Moreover, the analyzed result also suggested that the activity of the respiratory electron transport chain in cyanobacterial cells was not inhibited by light.  相似文献   

Relative protein abundances of Escherichia coli MG1655 growing exponentially on minimal medium with acetate or glucose as the sole carbon source were investigated in a quantitative shotgun proteome analysis with TMT6‐plex isobaric tags. Peptides were separated by high resolution high/low pH 2D‐LC, using an optimized fraction pooling scheme followed by mass spectrometric analysis. Quantitative data were acquired for 2099 proteins covering 49% of the predicted E. coli proteins, showing system‐wide effects of growth conditions. In total, 507 proteins showed a fold change of at least 1.5 and 205 proteins changed by more than twofold. Significant differences in abundance were observed for most of the proteins in the central carbon metabolism and in proteins relevant for amino acid and protein synthesis, processing of environmental information and scavenging of a variety of alternate carbon sources. Periplasmic‐binding proteins were also more abundant on acetate, especially proteins involved in scavenging extracellular resources such as sugars. All MS data have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange Consortium via the PRIDE partner repository (dataset identifier PXD003863).  相似文献   

Using (13)C-labeled glucose fed to a penicillin-overproducing strain of Penicillium chrysogenum, the intracellular fluxes were quantified, and the presence of two new pathways, not previously described in this organism, is suggested. Thus, glycine was synthesized not only by serine hydroxymethyltransferase, but also by threonine aldolase. The formation of cytosolic acetyl-CoA was found to be synthesized both via the citrate lyase-catalyzed reaction and by degradation of the penicillin side-chain precursor, phenoxyacetic acid. Furthermore, the experimental data indicate that the main activities of homocitrate synthase and alpha-isopropylmalate synthase are located in the cytosol. All experimental data on the labeling patterns were obtained using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, which is faster and more sensitive than the nuclear magnetic resonance methods usually applied for analysis of labeling patterns.  相似文献   

Carotenoid production by microorganisms, as opposed to chemical synthesis, could fulfill an ever-increasing demand for 'all natural' products. The yeast Phaffia rhodozyma has received considerable attention because it produces the red pigment astaxanthin, commonly used as an animal feed supplement. In order to have a better understanding of its metabolism, labeling experiments with [1-(13)C]glucose were conducted with the wildtype strain (CBS5905T) and a hyper-producing carotenoid strain (J4-3) in order to determine their metabolic network structure and estimate intracellular fluxes. Amino acid labeling patterns, as determined by GC-MS, were in accordance with a metabolic network consisting of the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway, the pentose phosphate pathway, and the TCA cycle. Glucose was mainly consumed along the pentose phosphate pathway ( approximately 65% for wildtype strain), which reflected high NADPH requirements for lipid biosynthesis. Although common to other oleaginous yeast, there was no, or very little, malic enzyme activity for carbon-limited growth. In addition, there was no evidence of phosphoketolase activity. The central carbon metabolism of the mutant strain was similar to that of the wildtype strain, though the relative pentose phosphate flux was lower and the TCA cycle flux in accordance with the biomass yield being lower.  相似文献   

We describe here a novel methodology for rapid diagnosis of metabolic changes, which is based on probabilistic equations that relate GC-MS-derived mass distributions in proteinogenic amino acids to in vivo enzyme activities. This metabolic flux ratio analysis by GC-MS provides a comprehensive perspective on central metabolism by quantifying 14 ratios of fluxes through converging pathways and reactions from [1-13C] and [U-13C]glucose experiments. Reliability and accuracy of this method were experimentally verified by successfully capturing expected flux responses of Escherichia coli to environmental modifications and seven knockout mutations in all major pathways of central metabolism. Furthermore, several mutants exhibited additional, unexpected flux responses that provide new insights into the behavior of the metabolic network in its entirety. Most prominently, the low in vivo activity of the Entner-Doudoroff pathway in wild-type E. coli increased up to a contribution of 30% to glucose catabolism in mutants of glycolysis and TCA cycle. Moreover, glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase mutants catabolized glucose not exclusively via glycolysis, suggesting a yet unidentified bypass of this reaction. Although strongly affected by environmental conditions, a stable balance between anaplerotic and TCA cycle flux was maintained by all mutants in the upper part of metabolism. Overall, our results provide quantitative insight into flux changes that bring about the resilience of metabolic networks to disruption.  相似文献   

Using (13)C-labeled glucose fed to the facultative alkalophilic Bacillus clausii producing the alkaline serine protease Savinase, the intracellular fluxes were quantified in continuous cultivation and in batch cultivation on a minimal medium. The flux through the pentose phosphate pathway was found to increase with increasing specific growth rate but at a much lower level than previously reported for Bacillus subtilis. Two futile cycles in the pyruvate metabolism were included in the metabolic network. A substantial flux in the futile cycle involving malic enzyme was estimated, whereas only a very small or zero flux through PEP carboxykinase was estimated, indicating that the latter enzyme was not active during growth on glucose. The uptake of the amino acids in a semirich medium containing 15 of the 20 amino acids normally present in proteins was estimated using fully labeled glucose in batch cultivations. It was found that leucine, isoleucine, and phenylalanine were taken up from the medium and not synthesized de novo from glucose. In contrast, serine and threonine were completely synthesized from other metabolites and not taken up from the medium. Valine, proline, and lysine were partly taken up from the medium and partly synthesized from glucose. The metabolic network analysis was extended to include analysis of growth on the semirich medium containing amino acids, and the metabolic flux distribution on this medium was estimated and compared with growth on minimal medium.  相似文献   

Properties of isocitrate lyase fromEscherichia coli, the first enzyme of the glyoxylate bypass, have been compared from cells grown on either acetate or glycolate as the sole carbon source. Michaelis constants for isocitrate, isoelectric points, native and subunit molecular weights, antigenic properties, peptide mapping with V-8 or trypsin, and several other properties were examined. Our data suggest that only one isocitrate lyase form exists inE. coli regardless of carbon source used for growth.  相似文献   

The novel concept of isotopic dynamic 13C metabolic flux analysis (ID-13C MFA) enables integrated analysis of isotopomer data from isotopic transient and/or isotopic stationary phase of a 13C labeling experiment, short-time experiments, and an extended range of applications of 13C MFA. In the presented work, an experimental and computational framework consisting of short-time 13C labeling, an integrated rapid sampling procedure, a LC-MS analytical method, numerical integration of the system of isotopomer differential equations, and estimation of metabolic fluxes was developed and applied to determine intracellular fluxes in glycolysis, pentose phosphate pathway (PPP), and citric acid cycle (TCA) in Escherichia coli grown in aerobic, glucose-limited chemostat culture at a dilution rate of D = 0.10 h(-1). Intracellular steady state concentrations were quantified for 12 metabolic intermediates. A total of 90 LC-MS mass isotopomers were quantified at sampling times t = 0, 91, 226, 346, 589 s and at isotopic stationary conditions. Isotopic stationarity was reached within 10 min in glycolytic and PPP metabolites. Consistent flux solutions were obtained by ID-13C MFA using isotopic dynamic and isotopic stationary 13C labeling data and by isotopic stationary 13C MFA (IS-13C MFA) using solely isotopic stationary data. It is demonstrated that integration of dynamic 13C labeling data increases the sensitivity of flux estimation, particularly at the glucose-6-phosphate branch point. The identified split ratio between glycolysis and PPP was 55%:44%. These results were confirmed by IS-13C MFA additionally using labeling data in proteinogenic amino acids (GC-MS) obtained after 5 h from sampled biomass.  相似文献   

The mutant deficient in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) was constructed by disrupting zwf gene by one-step inactivation protocol using polymerase chain reaction primers. The knockout of zwf gene was shown to have different influence on the metabolism of Escherichia coli grown on glucose or acetate. The decreased rates of substrate uptake and CO(2) production were found for the mutant grown on acetate, whereas these two rates were increased during the growth on glucose. The metabolic flux analysis based on (13)C-labeling experiments indicates that the metabolism of the mutant grown on glucose is related to the higher flux via tricorboxylic acid (TCA) cycle to generate anabolic reducing equivalents normally provided by the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway. However, the metabolism of the mutant grown on acetate shows a lower flux towards the TCA cycle as compared with the parent strain. The decreased flux through TCA cycle is associated with an increased flux via the glyoxylate shunt, by which the carbon source can bypass the two decarboxylative steps of TCA cycle in which CO(2) is released, thus conserving more carbon for biosynthesis in response to the decreased uptake rate of the carbon source.  相似文献   

Several approaches to reduce acetate accumulation in Escherichia coli cultures have recently been reported. This reduction subsequently led to a significant enhancement in recombinant protein production. In those studies, metabolically engineered E. coli strains with reduced acetate synthesis rates were constructed through the modification of glucose uptake rate, the elimination of critical enzymes that are involved in the acetate formation pathways, and the redirection of carbon flux toward less inhibitory byproducts. In particular, it has been shown that strains carrying the Bacillus subtilis acetolactate synthase (ALS) gene not only produce less acetate but also have a higher ATP yield. Metabolic flux analysis of carbon flux distribution of the central metabolic pathways and at the pyruvate branch point revealed that this strain has the ability to channel excess pyruvate to the much less toxic compound, acetoin. The main focus of this study is the systematic analysis of the effects of small perturbations in the host's existing pathways on the redistribution of carbon fluxes. Specifically, a mutant with deleted acetate kinase (ACK) and acetyl phosphotransferase (PTA) was constructed and studied. Results from the metabolic analysis of carbon redistribution show the ackA-pta mutation will reduce acetate level at the expense of the growth rate. In addition, in the ackA-pta deficient strain a much higher lactate formation rate with simultaneously lower formate and ethanol synthesis rates was found. Expression of the B. subtilis ALS in ackA-pta mutants further reduces acetate levels while cell density similar to that of the parent strain is attained.  相似文献   

Glucose and xylose are the two most abundant sugars derived from the breakdown of lignocellulosic biomass. While aerobic glucose metabolism is relatively well understood in E. coli, until now there have been only a handful of studies focused on anaerobic glucose metabolism and no 13C-flux studies on xylose metabolism. In the absence of experimentally validated flux maps, constraint-based approaches such as MOMA and RELATCH cannot be used to guide new metabolic engineering designs. In this work, we have addressed this critical gap in current understanding by performing comprehensive characterizations of glucose and xylose metabolism under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, using recent state-of-the-art techniques in 13C metabolic flux analysis (13C-MFA). Specifically, we quantified precise metabolic fluxes for each condition by performing parallel labeling experiments and analyzing the data through integrated 13C-MFA using the optimal tracers [1,2-13C]glucose, [1,6-13C]glucose, [1,2-13C]xylose and [5-13C]xylose. We also quantified changes in biomass composition and confirmed turnover of macromolecules by applying [U-13C]glucose and [U-13C]xylose tracers. We demonstrated that under anaerobic growth conditions there is significant turnover of lipids and that a significant portion of CO2 originates from biomass turnover. Using knockout strains, we also demonstrated that β-oxidation is critical for anaerobic growth on xylose. Quantitative analysis of co-factor balances (NADH/FADH2, NADPH, and ATP) for different growth conditions provided new insights regarding the interplay of energy and redox metabolism and the impact on E. coli cell physiology.  相似文献   

Growth on glycerol has already been a topic of research for several yeast species, and recent publications deal with the regulatory mechanisms of glycerol assimilation by the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. We investigated glycerol metabolism of S. pombe from a physiological point of view, characterizing growth and metabolism on a mixture of glycerol and acetate and comparing it to growth on glucose under respirative growth conditions in chemostat experiments. On glycerol/acetate mixtures, the cells grew with a maximum specific growth rate of 0.11 h?1 where 46 % of the carbon was channeled into biomass and the key fermentation product ethanol was not detectable. 13C-assisted metabolic flux analysis resolved substrate distributions through central carbon metabolism, proving that glycerol is used as a precursor for glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, and the pentose phosphate pathway, while acetate enters the tricarboxylic acid cycle via acetyl-CoA. Considering compartmentalization between cytosol and mitochondria in the metabolic model, we found compartmentalization of biosynthesis for the amino acids aspartate and leucine. Balancing of redox cofactors revealed an abundant production of cytosolic NADPH that must be finally regenerated via the respiratory chain shown by the simulated and measured CO2 production and oxygen consumption rates which were in good agreement.  相似文献   



Genome sequencing and bioinformatics are producing detailed lists of the molecular components contained in many prokaryotic organisms. From this 'parts catalogue' of a microbial cell, in silicorepresentations of integrated metabolic functions can be constructed and analyzed using flux balance analysis (FBA). FBA is particularly well-suited to study metabolic networks based on genomic, biochemical, and strain specific information.


Herein, we have utilized FBA to interpret and analyze the metabolic capabilities of Escherichia coli. We have computationally mapped the metabolic capabilities of E. coliusing FBA and examined the optimal utilization of the E. colimetabolic pathways as a function of environmental variables. We have used an in silicoanalysis to identify seven gene products of central metabolism (glycolysis, pentose phosphate pathway, TCA cycle, electron transport system) essential for aerobic growth of E. colion glucose minimal media, and 15 gene products essential for anaerobic growth on glucose minimal media. The in silico tpi -, zwf, and pta -mutant strains were examined in more detail by mapping the capabilities of these in silicoisogenic strains.


We found that computational models of E. colimetabolism based on physicochemical constraints can be used to interpret mutant behavior. These in silicaresults lead to a further understanding of the complex genotype-phenotype relation. Supplementary information: 10.1186/1471-2105-1-1  相似文献   

Hydrogenase isoenzyme 1 from the membrane fraction of anaerobically grown Escherichia coli has been purified to near homogeneity. The preparation involved dispersion of the membrane fraction with deoxycholate followed by ammonium sulphate precipitation, ion-exchange, hydroxyapatite and gel filtration chromatography steps. The enzyme was assayed by quantification of the H2:benzyl viologen oxidoreductase activity immunoprecipitated by a non-inhibitory antiserum specific for the enzyme. The enzyme constituted about 8% of the hydrogenase activity found in the detergent-dispersed membranes, the remainder being attributable to hydrogenase isoenzyme 2. Isoenzyme 1 was purified 130-fold and the specific activity of the final preparation was 10.6 mumol benzyl viologen reduced min-1 (mg protein)-1 (H2:benzyl viologen oxidoreductase). The final preparation contained polypeptides of apparent Mr 64,000, 31,000 and 29,000. Antibodies were raised both to the final preparation and to immunoprecipitation arcs containing hydrogenase isoenzyme 1, excised from crossed immunoelectrophoresis plates. The former cross-reacted with all three polypeptides in the enzyme preparation but the latter recognised only the Mr-64,000 polypeptide. Immunological analysis revealed that the polypeptides of apparent Mr 31,000 and 29,000 are fragments of a single polypeptide of Mr 35,000 which is present in the detergent-dispersed membranes. The fragmentation of the Mr-35,000 polypeptide during the preparation correlates with a change in the electrophoretic mobility of the enzyme. A similar electrophoretic mobility change was observed, accompanied by cleavage of the Mr-35,000 polypeptide to one of 32,000 when the enzyme was analysed after exposure of detergent-dispersed membranes to trypsin. The enzyme in the detergent-dispersed membranes consists minimally of two subunits of Mr 64,000 and two subunits of Mr 35,000. It contained 12.2 mol Fe and 9.1 mol acid-labile S2-/200,000 g enzyme. The enzyme, purified from bacteria grown in the presence of 63Ni, was found to contain 0.64 (+/- 0.20) mol Ni/200,000 g enzyme. A constant ratio of 63Ni immunoprecipitated to hydrogenase isoenzyme 1 activity immunoprecipitated by antiserum specific for the enzyme was observed during the preparation, consistent with Ni being part of the enzyme. The enzyme has a low Km for H2 (2.0 microM) in the H2:benzyl viologen oxidoreductase assay. It catalyses H2 evolution employing reduced methyl viologen as electron donor. It is inhibited reversibly by CO and irreversibly by N-bromosuccinimide.  相似文献   

An automated glucose feeding strategy that avoids acetate accumulation in cultivations of Escherichia coli is discussed. We have previously described how a probing technique makes it possible to detect and avoid overflow metabolism using a dissolved oxygen sensor. In this article these ideas are extended with a safety net that guarantees that aerobic conditions are maintained. The method is generally applicable, as no strain-specific information is needed and the only sensor required is a standard dissolved oxygen probe. It also gives the highest feed rate possible with respect to limitations from overflow metabolism and oxygen transfer, thus maximizing bioreactor productivity. The strategy was implemented on three different laboratory-scale platforms and fed-batch cultivations under different operating conditions were performed with three recombinant strains, E. coli K-12 UL635, E. coli BL21(DE3), and E. coli K-12 UL634. In spite of disturbances from antifoam and induction of recombinant protein production, the method reproducibly gave low concentrations of acetate and glucose. The ability to obtain favorable cultivation conditions independently of strain and operating conditions makes the presented strategy a useful tool, especially in situations where it is important to get good results on the first attempt.  相似文献   

The use of parallel labeling experiments for 13C metabolic flux analysis (13C-MFA) has emerged in recent years as the new gold standard in fluxomics. The methodology has been termed COMPLETE-MFA, short for complementary parallel labeling experiments technique for metabolic flux analysis. In this contribution, we have tested the limits of COMPLETE-MFA by demonstrating integrated analysis of 14 parallel labeling experiments with Escherichia coli. An effort on such a massive scale has never been attempted before. In addition to several widely used isotopic tracers such as [1,2-13C]glucose and mixtures of [1-13C]glucose and [U-13C]glucose, four novel tracers were applied in this study: [2,3-13C]glucose, [4,5,6-13C]glucose, [2,3,4,5,6-13C]glucose and a mixture of [1-13C]glucose and [4,5,6-13C]glucose. This allowed us for the first time to compare the performance of a large number of isotopic tracers. Overall, there was no single best tracer for the entire E. coli metabolic network model. Tracers that produced well-resolved fluxes in the upper part of metabolism (glycolysis and pentose phosphate pathways) showed poor performance for fluxes in the lower part of metabolism (TCA cycle and anaplerotic reactions), and vice versa. The best tracer for upper metabolism was 80% [1-13C]glucose+20% [U-13C]glucose, while [4,5,6-13C]glucose and [5-13C]glucose both produced optimal flux resolution in the lower part of metabolism. COMPLETE-MFA improved both flux precision and flux observability, i.e. more independent fluxes were resolved with smaller confidence intervals, especially exchange fluxes. Overall, this study demonstrates that COMPLETE-MFA is a powerful approach for improving flux measurements and that this methodology should be considered in future studies that require very high flux resolution.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2007,42(8):1259-1263
We have investigated production, solubility and activity of recombinant glutathione-S-transferase (GST) expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 grown in defined media with glucose or glycerol as carbon source. GST was predominantly expressed as a soluble protein on both carbon sources, and 83–84% was found in the supernatant after cell lysis. In cultures grown on glucose, only 32 ± 9% of the GST was active, while 76 ± 13% of the GST was active in cultures grown on glycerol. This shows that glycerol has the potential to increase the activity of soluble GST in E. coli cultures in vivo.  相似文献   

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