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It has often been assumed that the introduced species Chrysanthemoides monilifera is displacing native species in invaded coastal communities in Australia but no direct evidence has been presented that this displacement is occurring and, if so, to what extent. At an invaded site near Moruya, New South Wales, we found strong negative correlations between the presence (measured as cover, frequency or volume of shrub) of C. monilifera and Acacia longifolia, the hitherto dominant native species, and of C. monilifera and Lomandra longifolia. The negative correlations are partly accounted for by differences in the amounts of each species on different zones on the dune, but the negative correlations remain even within these zones. Also a comparison with uninvaded sites indicates that C. monilifera is displacing A. longifolia from the fore-dune and mid-dune but is having less effect in the swale. In addition, there is a trend towards reduced seed production of A. longifolia when growing in proximity to C. monilifera. There is no significant difference in the presence of L. longifolia in the uninvaded and invaded sites. In invaded sites, significantly fewer C. monilifera seedlings occur in the presence of L. longifolia. Thus it appears that the observed negative associations arise from different causes. Chrysanthemoides monilifera is displacing the structurally similar, and previously dominant A. longifolia, while the tussock-forming L. longifolia is locally hindering the invasion.  相似文献   

Animal-pollinated invasive species have frequently been demonstrated to outcompete native species for pollinator attention, which can have detrimental effects on the reproductive success and population dynamics of native species. Many animal-pollinated invasive species exhibit showy flowers and provide substantial rewards, allowing them to act as pollinator ‘magnets’, which, at a large scale, can attract more pollinators to an area, but, at a smaller scale, may reduce compatible pollen flow to local native species, possibly explaining why most studies detect competition. By performing pollen limitation experiments of populations in both invaded and uninvaded sites, we demonstrate that the invasive plant Lythrum salicaria appears to facilitate, rather than hinder, the reproductive success of native confamilial Decodon verticillatus, even at a small scale, in a wetland habitat in southeastern Ontario. We found no evidence for a magnet species effect on pollinator attraction to invaded sites. Germination experiments confirmed that seeds from invaded sites had similar germination rates to those from uninvaded sites, making it unlikely that a difference in inbreeding was masking competitive effects. We describe several explanations for our findings. Notably, there were no differences in seed set among populations at invaded and uninvaded sites. Our results underscore the inherent complexity of studying the ecological impacts of invasive species on natives.  相似文献   

The seed production, germination and regeneration characteristics of two native species (Acacia longifolia var. sophorae and Banksia integrifolia) and two invasive subspecies (Chrysanthemoides monilifera ssp. monilifera and ssp. rotundata) were compared. C. monilifera ssp. rotundata was similar in seed characteristics and regeneration to B. integrifolia in that: (1) seed production was over an extended period each year; (2) seed longevity was low (0–2% viable after burial for 3 years), but increased with depth of burial; and (3) regeneration from 26 to 28% of mature plants occurred after fire. By contrast, C. monilifera ssp. monilifera was similar to A. Iongifolia var. sophorae in that; (1) seed production was over a short period each year; (2) of the total buried, 6–13% of seeds were viable after 3 years, and again numbers increased with depth of burial (percentages of missing seeds of A. longifolia were high but all remaining seeds were viable after 3 years); and (3) regeneration after fire occurred only from seed, hence their seed longevity is an important factor for long-term survival. However, growth habit and niche occupation by ssp. rotundata is similar to that of A. longifolia and the above differences may contribute to the observed displacement of the native by the invasive species. The distribution of the two invasive subspecies is at present largely in separate areas in Australia and it is predicted this situation will continue because of their differing climatic preferences, morphology and regeneration from fire.  相似文献   

Abstract. Basiphilous pioneer species are among the most endangered plant species in The Netherlands. They find most of their refuges in young coastal dune slacks, especially on the Wadden Sea islands. For the purpose of nature management it is important to know which processes control the presence of basiphilous pioneer communities, and to learn about the nature of slacks harbouring the concerning successional sequences. In a large dune slack on the Island of Terschelling, we assessed soil nutrient status and tested for nutrient limitation in four chronosequential stages: 2, 6, 37 and ca. 80 yr of age. Stage 2 harboured a basiphilous pioneer vegetation; in the stages 3 and 4 a dense vegetation of dwarf shrubs and grasses occurred. Soil organic matter and nutrient concentrations in each stage were measured in 1991. In 1992 and 1993 fertilizers were applied to all stages to detect nutrient limitation. Rates of accumulation of organic matter, nutrients and above-ground biomass were estimated. When interpreted as successional stages, the different stages represent a sequence as expected on the basis of general successional theory. There was a peak in yearly nutrient accumulation between the 6- and 37-yr old stage and a steady state after ca. 80 yr. Between the first two and the latter two stages a shift occurred from allogenic to autogenic succession which correlated with a shift in emphasis from available nutrients to light availability as limiting resources. Basiphilous pioneer species suffered only deficiency of nitrogen, probably because of their low phosphorus requirements. It is concluded that in dune slack habitats, in addition to a low nutrient availability in general, a very low phosphorus availability favours basiphilous pioneer species to species showing co-limitation of nitrogen and phosphorus as found in some grasses and dwarf shrubs. A comparison between the effects of lime addition and the effects of nitrogen and phosphorus additions suggests that, in the early stages, soil buffering increases the availability of nitrogen and inhibits the availability of phosphorus. Sod cutting is an effective technique for restoring basiphilous pioneer vegetation, when slacks are acidified only superficially and buffering-mechanisms can be reactivated. Yearly mowing and removing of standing crop may prolong the life-span of basiphilous pioneer vegetation, when soil acidification has not yet dropped below pH 6.  相似文献   

Gilbert M  Pammenter N  Ripley B 《Oecologia》2008,156(1):169-178
Past work suggests that burial and low nutrient availability limit the growth and zonal distribution of coastal dune plants. Given the importance of these two factors, there is a surprising lack of field investigations of the interactions between burial and nutrient availability. This study aims to address this issue by measuring the growth responses of four coastal dune plant species to these two factors and their interaction. Species that naturally experience either high or low rates of burial were selected and a factorial burial by nutrient addition experiment was conducted. Growth characteristics were measured in order to determine which characteristics allow a species to respond to burial. Species that naturally experience high rates of burial (Arctotheca populifolia and Scaevola plumieri) displayed increased growth when buried, and this response was nutrient-limited. Stable-dune species had either small (Myrica cordifolia, N-fixer) or negligible responses to burial (Metalasia muricata), and were not nutrient-limited. This interspecific difference in response to burial and/or fertiliser is consistent with the idea that burial maintains the observed zonation of species on coastal dunes. Species that are unable to respond to burial are prevented from occupying the mobile dunes. Species able to cope with high rates of burial had high nitrogen-use efficiencies and low dry mass costs of production, explaining their ability to respond to burial under nutrient limitation. The interaction between burial and nutrient limitation is understudied but vital to understanding the zonation of coastal dune plant species.  相似文献   

Question: How does habitat degradation affect recruitment limitation and its components (seed limitation versus establishment limitation) of woody plant communities in a Mediterranean landscape? Location: 1600‐1900 m a.s.l. in the Sierra Nevada National Park, southern Spain. The landscape is a mosaic composed of native forest and two degraded landscape units: reforestation stands and shrubland. Methods: We evaluated fruit production, seed rain, seedling emergence and seedling survival in two consecutive years with contrasting rainfall patterns. Seed and seedling data were used to calculate values of seed and establishment limitation. Results: In general, the woody community was both severely seed‐ and establishment‐limited. Species were less seed‐limited in the landscape units with higher adult density (i.e. shrub species in shrubland, Pinus spp. in reforestation stands). In contrast, degradation did not exacerbate establishment limitation, which was severe in all landscape units. This general pattern was modulated by the biogeographical distribution, dispersal type, and life form of the species. Boreo‐alpine species were more limited in establishment than species with a typical Mediterranean distribution. Zoochorous species were less seed‐limited in the landscape units preferred by dispersers (i.e. native forest). Tree species were more establishment‐limited than shrub species, irrespective of the landscape unit. Seed limitation, and especially establishment limitation, varied among years, with establishment being almost nil in the very dry year. Conclusion: In the case of Mediterranean landscapes, when degradation from human impact involves a reduction in the adult abundance of the woody plant community (trees and shrubs), seed limitation increases, although establishment limitation is generally high in all landscape units, especially for boreo‐alpine species. Conservation and restoration strategies should take into account our results showing that tree species were unable to recruit in an extremely dry year, because more aridity is expected under a climatic change scenario in Mediterranean ecosystems.  相似文献   

Exotic entomophilous plants need to establish effective pollinator interactions in order to succeed after being introduced into a new community, particularly if they are obligatory outbreeders. By establishing these novel interactions in the new non-native range, invasive plants are hypothesised to drive changes in the composition and functioning of the native pollinator community, with potential impacts on the pollination biology of native co-flowering plants. We used two different sites in Portugal, each invaded by a different acacia species, to assess whether two native Australian trees, Acacia dealbata and Acacia longifolia, were able to recruit pollinators in Portugal, and whether the pollinator community visiting acacia trees differed from the pollinator communities interacting with native co-flowering plants. Our results indicate that in the invaded range of Portugal both acacia species were able to establish novel mutualistic interactions, predominantly with generalist pollinators. For each of the two studied sites, only two other co-occurring native plant species presented partially overlapping phenologies. We observed significant differences in pollinator richness and visitation rates among native and non-native plant species, although the study of β diversity indicated that only the native plant Lithodora fruticosa presented a differentiated set of pollinator species. Acacias experienced a large number of visits by numerous pollinator species, but massive acacia flowering resulted in flower visitation rates frequently lower than those of the native co-flowering species. We conclude that the establishment of mutualisms in Portugal likely contributes to the effective and profuse production of acacia seeds in Portugal. Despite the massive flowering of A. dealbata and A. longifolia, native plant species attained similar or higher visitation rates than acacias.  相似文献   

We investigated the spatial cohort structure of Trillium populations in old-growth cove forests in Great Smoky Mountains National Park (TN, USA). We mapped the locations of all Trillium erectum L., Trillium grandiflorum (Michaux) Salisbury, and Trillium vaseyi Harbison occurring within two 10 × 10 m sample plots at each of three old-growth sites—Anthony Creek, Cove Mountain, and Kalanu Prong. The height and life stage of each individual were recorded and a randomly selected subset was excavated for age determination. Our results suggest that Trillium populations in cove forests of the southern Appalachians display a high degree of spatial aggregation and are relatively stable, spatially, over long time periods (i.e., decades). Individual patches (aggregations of plants) within populations were typically multi-aged and no clear spatial cohort structure was observed. Surprisingly, more isolated plants (distal from large aggregations) were among the oldest plants in the population, rather than recent colonists dispersing away from parent populations. Individual species were less mingled than expected given that they share a common dispersal agent (ants). This study provides a double-baseline for Trillium population structure in old, primary forests with low browse pressure.  相似文献   

Aims Studies integrating phylogenetic history and large-scale community assembly are few, and many questions remain unanswered. Here, we use a global coastal dune plant data set to uncover the important factors in community assembly across scales from the local filtering processes to the global long-term diversification and dispersal dynamics. Coastal dune plant communities occur worldwide under a wide range of climatic and geologic conditions as well as in all biogeographic regions. However, global patterns in the phylogenetic composition of coastal dune plant communities have not previously been studied.Methods The data set comprised vegetation data from 18463 plots in New Zealand, South Africa, South America, North America and Europe. The phylogenetic tree comprised 2241 plant species from 149 families. We calculated phylogenetic clustering (Net Relatedness Index, NRI, and Nearest Taxon Index, NTI) of regional dune floras to estimate the amount of in situ diversification relative to the global dune species pool and evaluated the relative importance of land and climate barriers for these diversification patterns by geographic analyses of phylogenetic similarity. We then tested whether dune plant communities exhibit similar patterns of phylogenetic structure within regions. Finally, we calculated NRI for local communities relative to the regional species pool and tested for an association with functional traits (plant height and seed mass) thought to vary along sea–inland gradients.Important findings Regional species pools were phylogenetically clustered relative to the global pool, indicating regional diversification. NTI showed stronger clustering than NRI pointing to the importance of especially recent diversifications within regions. The species pools grouped phylogenetically into two clusters on either side of the tropics suggesting greater dispersal rates within hemispheres than between hemispheres. Local NRI plot values confirmed that most communities were also phylogenetically clustered within regions. NRI values decreased with increasing plant height and seed mass, indicating greater phylogenetic clustering in communities with short maximum height and good dispersers prone to wind and tidal disturbance as well as salt spray, consistent with environmental filtering along sea–inland gradients. Height and seed mass both showed significant phylogenetic signal, and NRI tended to correlate negatively with both at the plot level. Low NRI plots tended to represent coastal scrub and forest, whereas high NRI plots tended to represent herb-dominated vegetation. We conclude that regional diversification processes play a role in dune plant community assembly, with convergence in local phylogenetic community structure and local variation in community structure probably reflecting consistent coastal-inland gradients. Our study contributes to a better understanding of the globally distributed dynamic coastal ecosystems and the structuring factors working on dune plant communities across spatial scales and regions.  相似文献   

The coastline of southern Brazil is characterized by vast sand dunes. From March 1982 to April 1984 the dune vegetation was sampled along a transect between the Atlantic shore and an inland freshwater marsh, and phenological cycles of plant species were observed at monthly intervals.The occurrence of 23 annual species in the local dunes and peak germination, growth and flowering of 21 perennial species during spring, summer and fall, suggest that unfavourable temperatures and inundation of slacks during winter are seasonally limiting factors for this flora.Differences in the floristic composition between this region and its southern and northern extremes in the southwestern Atlantic together with a marked seasonality of the total species number and of germination and flowering periods, suggest that this area corresponds to a warm temperate biogeographic transition zone between northern tropical and southern cold temperate regions.  相似文献   

Most restoration projects involving invasive plant eradication tend to focus on plant removal with little consideration given to how these invasives change soil microbial communities. However, soil microorganisms can determine invasibility of habitats and, in turn, be altered by invasives once established, potentially inhibiting native plant establishment. We studied soil microbial communities in coastal dunes with varying invasion intensity and different restoration approaches (herbicide, mechanical excavation) at Point Reyes National Seashore. Overall, we found evidence of a strong link between bacterial and fungal soil communities and the presence of invasives and restoration approach. Heavily invaded sites were characterized by a lower abundance of putatively identified nitrifiers, fermentative bacteria, fungal parasites, and fungal dung saprotrophs and a higher abundance of cellulolytic bacteria and a class of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Archaeosporomycetes). Changes in soil microbiota did not fully dissipate following removal of invasives using herbicide, with exception of reductions in cellulolytic bacteria and Archaeosporomycetes abundance. Mechanical restoration effectively removed both invasives and soil legacy effects by inverting or “flipping” rhizome‐contaminated surface soils with soils from below and may have inadvertently induced other adverse effects on soils that impeded reestablishment of native dune plants. Land managers should consider additional measures to counteract lingering legacy effects and/or focus restoration efforts in areas where legacy effects are less pronounced.  相似文献   

Aims Mediterranean coastal dunes are habitats of great conservation interest, with a distinctive and rich flora. In the last century, Acacia spp., native from Australia, have been introduced in Portugal, with the objective of stabilizing sand dunes, and since have become dominant in numerous sand dune habitats. This invasion process led to the reduction of native plant species richness, changed soil characteristics and modified habitat's microclimatic characteristics. The aim of this research was to typify and compare, in Mediterranean sand dune ecosystems, the ecophysiological responses to drought of Helichrysum italicum and Corema album, two native species, and Acacia longifolia, an exotic invasive species. We addressed the following specific objectives: (i) to compare water relations and water use efficiencies, (ii) to evaluate water stress, (iii) to assess water use strategies and water sources used by plants and (iv) to evaluate the morphological adaptations at leaf and phyllode level. Methods In order to obtain an integrative view of ecophysiological patterns, water relations and performance measuring methods have been applied: predawn (ψ PD) and midday (ψ MD) water potential, chlorophyll a fluorescence, oxygen isotopic composition of xylem, rain and groundwater (δ 18 O) and leaf carbon isotopic discrimination (Δ 13 C). The leaf characteristics of the three species, as well as the histochemistry of non-glandular trichome cell walls, were also studied to identify morpho-traits related to drought resistance.Important findings The results support our initial hypothesis: although A. longifolia clearly possesses a degree of resistance to water stress, such ability is provided by a different water strategy, when compared to native species. Natives relied on morphological adaptations to restrict water loss, whereas the invasive species adjusted the water uptake as a way to balance their limited ability of restricting water loss. We corroborate that woody native species (i) have a conservative water-saving strategy and minor seasonal variations relative to invasive species, (ii) use enriched water sources during drought periods, indicating different water sources and root systems comparing with invasive species and (iii) present drought leaf morpho-functional adaptations related with limiting water loss. Comparing the physiological performance of invasive and native species can offer causal explanations for the relative success of alien plant invasions on sand dunes ecosystems.  相似文献   

Invasive species significantly contribute to biological change and threaten biodiversity, with a growing body of evidence that plant invasions affect higher trophic levels. We explored the relative importance of plant invasion and forest structure on aerial arthropod abundance, diversity, and composition on Robinson Crusoe Island, Chile. We used flight intercept traps to sample aerial arthropods within distinct canopy strata of native and invaded forests over 3-mo periods in 2006 and 2007. Arthropod abundance and diversity were higher in native than invaded forest, and arthropod communities were distinct between forest types. In both forest types, arthropod abundance was highest in the lower canopy, and canopy strata exhibited some differences in arthropod community composition. Several morphospecies were distinctly associated with each forest type. The strong differences in aerial arthropod communities associated with the invasion of native forest by non-native plants may affect other trophic levels, such as insectivorous birds. Steps to stop invasive plant spread and to restore native forest composition and structure are needed to safeguard the integrity of native communities, from plants to higher-level consumers.  相似文献   

Questions: Are positive understorey‐dominant associations important in physically severe dune communities and does the strength of positive associations vary with disturbance at the local scale and with stress at the regional scale? Do associational patterns observed at the neighbourhood scale predict diversity at higher scales? Location: Coastal sand dunes, Aquitaine (France). Methods: Associational patterns with five dominant species were recorded along a local gradient of disturbance and a 240‐km long regional gradient. Density, richness, cover and variance ratio of understorey species were recorded in quadrats located in dominant and in open areas. Spatial pattern of dominant plant species was recorded using a distance‐based method. Results: Positive understorey‐dominant associations were most frequent at both regional and local scale, although negative associations with understorey species were observed for one of the five dominants. At the regional scale, there was a shift in the magnitude of spatial associations, with higher positive associations in the most stressful sites, whereas spatial associations where not affected by the local disturbance gradient. Positive associations were not related to the size of the dominants but rather influenced by the identity of the dominant species. Conclusions: Our study highlights the potential crucial role of facilitation together with the importance of turnover of the dominants in explaining large‐scale variation in diversity. However, because positive associations may also be attributed to environmental heterogeneity or co‐occurrence of microhabitat preferences of species, experiments are needed to fully assess the relative importance of facilitation versus other drivers of community diversity.  相似文献   

Spatio-temporal dynamics of species richness in coastal fish communities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Determining patterns of change in species richness and the processes underlying the dynamics of biodiversity are of key interest within the field of ecology, but few studies have investigated the dynamics of vertebrate communities at a decadal temporal scale. Here, we report findings on the spatio-temporal variability in the richness and composition of fish communities along the Norwegian Skagerrak coast having been surveyed for more than half a century. Using statistical models incorporating non-detection and associated sampling variance, we estimate local species richness and changes in species composition allowing us to compute temporal variability in species richness. We tested whether temporal variation could be related to distance to the open sea and to local levels of pollution. Clear differences in mean species richness and temporal variability are observed between fjords that were and were not exposed to the effects of pollution. Altogether this indicates that the fjord is an appropriate scale for studying changes in coastal fish communities in space and time. The year-to-year rates of local extinction and turnover were found to be smaller than spatial differences in community composition. At the regional level, exposure to the open sea plays a homogenizing role, possibly due to coastal currents and advection.  相似文献   

The rehabilitation, after mining, of coastal sand dunes north of Richards Bay by Richards Bay Minerals began some 18 years ago, and resulted in the simultaneous availability of a known-aged series of stands representative of coastal dune forest succession.
A survey of the millipede community in this area revealed increases in species diversity and a decrease in their density, with an increase in stand age. Development of these communities is characterized by replacement and addition of species, typical of ecological succession. Colonization of areas disturbed by mining reflects on the species reservoir present in the surrounding unmined forests with apparent pioneer species being either replaced or complemented by the relatively slow invasion of secondary species.
Comparisons of age-specific millipede community variables on rehabilitating dunes with those recorded in relatively undisturbed dunes suggest that the development of communities results from autogenic succession initiated through habitat rehabilitation. With several community parameters in rehabilitating dune forests being similar to those recorded in undisturbed forests, it is concluded that the millipede community can be restored through management options based on principles relating to ecological succession.  相似文献   

Abstract. The nutrient status was studied in permanent plots of four plant communities, two rich-fen communities and two wooded grassland communities, all formerly used for haymaking. The concentrations of N, P and K in plant material of dominant and subdominant species (above- and below-ground) were measured in plots experimentally scythed annually or biennially for two decades, and in plots unscythed for four decades. Three of the communities had an N:P ratio of 14 or less, indicating N-limitation; the most fertile grassland community had particularly low values for the N:P ratio (6–12), as did a majority of the species, including all tall-herb species. A species-rich community of fen-margin vegetation in the lowest productive rich fen, had an N: P ratio of 17–19 in the above-ground biomass, which indicates P-limitation of nutrients. Molinia caerulea and Thalictrum alpinum were found to be the vascular plants with the highest N:P ratio, indicating P-limitation of nutrients. Calculations of N:K and K:P ratios indicated possible K-limitation in the rich-fen communities, especially for Thalictrum alpinum, the species with the highest N:K value. No expected change from N- to P-limited growth was found; in contrast, a reduction in the N:P ratio was found in the annually scythed plots of the rich fens, suggesting that reduced biomass production is mainly a result of disturbance by scything. As expected, a reduction in the concentration of K was detected in the scythed plots.  相似文献   

Coastal dune vegetation distributes zonally along the environmental gradients of, e.g., soil disturbance. In the preset study, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities in a coastal dune ecosystem were characterized with respect to tolerance to soil disturbance. Two grass species, Elymus mollis and Miscanthus sinensis, are distributed zonally in the seaward and landward slopes, respectively, in the primary dunes in Ishikari, Japan. The seaward slope is severely disturbed by wind, while the landward slope is stabilized by the thick root system of M. sinensis. The roots and rhizosphere soils of the two grasses were collected from the slopes. The soils were sieved to destruct the fungal hyphal networks, and soil trap culture was conducted to assess tolerance of the communities to disturbance, with parallel analysis of the field communities using a molecular ecological tool. In the landward communities, large shifts in the composition and increases in diversity were observed in the trap culture compared with the field, but in the seaward communities, the impact of trap culture was minimal. The landward field community was significantly nested within the landward trap culture community, implying that most members in the field community did not disappear in the trap culture. No nestedness was observed in the seaward communities. These observations suggest that disturbance-tolerant fungi have been preferentially selected in the seaward slope due to severe disturbance in the habitat. Whereas a limited number of fungi, which are not necessarily disturbance-sensitive, dominate in the stable landward slope, but high-potential diversity has been maintained in the habitat.  相似文献   

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