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Oil-rich seeds of Jatropha curcas are being focussed as a source of bio-diesel. However, prior to its industrial use, a lot of crop improvement efforts are required in Jatropha. Availability of a large number of EST sequences of Jatropha in public domain allow identification of candidate genes for several agronomic characters including oil content in seeds. Here, we have analysed 42,477 ESTs of Jatropha spanning 22.9 Mbp for microsatellites and fatty acid metabolism related sequences. Unigene sequences were built using CAP 3 programme resulted in 12,358 contigs and 5,730 singlets. Nearly, 8 % unigenes showed presence of microsatellites, slightly over-represented compared to their occurrence in ESTs. Most of the microsatellites were either di- or tri-nucleotide repeats, while other categories of tetra-, penta- and hexa-nucleotide repeats together constituted ~4 % of total microsatellites. Assessment of functional relevance of unigenes was carried out using Blast2GO using its default settings. The overall sequence similarity level against sequences in ‘nr’ database was >80 %. A total of 931 sequences that participated in any of the pathways related to fatty acid or lipid metabolism were found at GO level 6. Among these, GO terms “Fatty acid metabolic process” and “Fatty acid biosynthetic process” were most over-represented. Overall, our work has due relevance in identifying molecular markers for the candidate genes for oil content in Jatropha seeds, and will prove to be an important reference for further studies for identification of trait specific markers in Jatropha.  相似文献   

Sequence Analysis of the Genome of an Oil-Bearing Tree, Jatropha curcas L.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《DNA research》2011,18(1):65-76
The whole genome of Jatropha curcas was sequenced, using a combination of the conventional Sanger method and new-generation multiplex sequencing methods. Total length of the non-redundant sequences thus obtained was 285 858 490 bp consisting of 120 586 contigs and 29 831 singlets. They accounted for ∼95% of the gene-containing regions with the average G + C content was 34.3%. A total of 40 929 complete and partial structures of protein encoding genes have been deduced. Comparison with genes of other plant species indicated that 1529 (4%) of the putative protein-encoding genes are specific to the Euphorbiaceae family. A high degree of microsynteny was observed with the genome of castor bean and, to a lesser extent, with those of soybean and Arabidopsis thaliana. In parallel with genome sequencing, cDNAs derived from leaf and callus tissues were subjected to pyrosequencing, and a total of 21 225 unigene data have been generated. Polymorphism analysis using microsatellite markers developed from the genomic sequence data obtained was performed with 12 J. curcas lines collected from various parts of the world to estimate their genetic diversity. The genomic sequence and accompanying information presented here are expected to serve as valuable resources for the acceleration of fundamental and applied research with J. curcas, especially in the fields of environment-related research such as biofuel production. Further information on the genomic sequences and DNA markers is available at http://www.kazusa.or.jp/jatropha/.  相似文献   

拟南芥R2R3-MYB类转录因子在环境胁迫中的作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
MYB转录因子是植物转录因子中最大的家族之一,以含有保守的MYB结构域为共同特征,分为三个亚族(R1/2-MYB、R2R3-MYB和R1R2R3-MYB),其中含有两个MYB结构域的R2R3-MYB成员最多,广泛参与植物次生代谢调控、细胞形态发生、胁迫应答、分生组织形成及细胞周期控制等。近年来,R2R3-MYB在植物逆境胁迫中的作用引起了广泛关注,本文综述了拟南芥R2R3-MYB蛋白在环境胁迫响应中作用的研究进展。  相似文献   

Twenty genotypes of Jatropha collected from diverse eco-geographic regions from the states of Chhattisgarh (3), Andhra Pradesh (12), Rajasthan (4) and Uttarakhand (1) of India were subjected to elevated CO2 conditions. All the genotypes showed significant difference (p < 0.05 and 0.01) in the phenotypic traits in both the environments (elevated and ambient) and genotype x environment interaction. Among the physiological traits recorded, maximum photosynthetic rate was observed in IC565048 (48.8 μmol m−2 s−1) under ambient controlled conditions while under elevated conditions maximum photosynthetic rate was observed in IC544678 (41.3 μmol m−2 s−1), and there was no significant difference in the genotype x environment interaction. Stomatal conductance (Gs) emerged as the key factor as it recorded significant difference among the genotypes, between the environments and also genotype x environment interaction. The Gs and transpiration (E) recorded a significant decline in the genotypes under the elevated CO2 condition over the ambient control. Under elevated CO2 conditions, the minimum values recorded for Gs and E were 0.03 mmol m−2 s−1 and 0.59 mmol m−2 s−1 respectively in accession IC565039, while the maximum values for Gs and E were 1.8 mmol m−2 s−1 and 11.5 mmol m−2 s−1 as recorded in accession IC544678. The study resulted in the identification of potential climate ready genotypes viz. IC471314, IC544654, IC541634, IC544313, and IC471333 for future use.  相似文献   

克隆获得了大豆转录因子MYB基因GmMYB174,该基因序列全长1086 bp,编码361个氨基酸,属于MYB-related家族。生物信息学分析表明大豆GmMYB174与番茄、苜蓿、葡萄等物种同源性较高,序列分析表明包含2个保守的Trp(W)位点和1个保守基序SHAQKFF。亚细胞定位结果显示GmMYB174定位于细胞核中;组织表达量显示GmMYB174在多个组织均有表达,其中在上胚轴中表达量最高。启动子元件分析表明GmMYB174包含ABRE、MYB、MYC、LTRE、GT-1等逆境胁迫应答元件。实时荧光定量PCR分析表明Gm MYB174在干旱、盐、ABA处理下均有响应。因此,GmMYB174可能参与多种胁迫应答途径。  相似文献   

A new full-length cDNA of stearoyl-acyl carrier protein desaturase was obtained by RT-PCR and RACE techniques from developing seeds of Jatropha curcas. Sequence alignment showed that its deduced amino acid sequence had high similarity with other stearoyl-acyl carrier protein desaturases. The gene was functionally expressed in E. coli and the desaturating activity of recombinant protein was easily detected when assayed in vitro with added spinach ferredoxin. Southern blot analysis indicated that the gene was a member of a small gene family. Northern blot analysis revealed it was highly expressed in developing fruits of J. curcas. Revisions requested 16 December 2005; Revisions received 6 February 2006  相似文献   

A study was conducted to identify common arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi present in rhizosphere of Jatropha curcas L., an important bio-diesel crop, from different arid and semi arid regions of India viz., Jodhpur (Rajasthan), Hissar (Haryana), Jhansi and Lalitpur (Uttar Pradesh) and Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh). A total of 20 AM species were recorded, which consisted of two species of Acaulospora and 18 species of Glomus. The highest frequency of occurrence was recorded for Glomus intraradix (100%), followed by Acaulospora scrobiculata (83%), G. etunicatum (50%) and Glomus 1 (50%). Maximum species richness was recorded at Jodhpur, followed by Jhansi, Hissar, Hyderabad and Lalitpur. The results seem to suggest that species richness was more in arid regions as compared to semi arid areas.  相似文献   

MYB转录因子作为植物中最大的转录因子家族之一,参与植物的生长、代谢、抵御生物和非生物胁迫等多种生理生化过程。R2R3-MYB是MYB转录因子家族的主要存在形式。辣椒是具有重要经济价值的蔬菜作物,其R2R3-MYB转录因子缺乏系统的研究。从一年生辣椒(Capsicum annuum)、浆果状辣椒(C. baccatum...  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Jatropha curcas is a drought-resistant tree whose seeds are a good source of oil that can be used for producing biodiesel. A successful crop establishment depends on a rapid and uniform germination of the seed. In this work we aimed to characterize the responses of J. curcas seeds to temperature and water availability, using thermal time and hydrotime analysis,


Thermal and hydrotime analysis was performed on germination data obtained from the incubation of seeds at different temperatures and at different water potentials.

Key Results

Base and optimum temperatures were 14·4 and 30 °C, respectively. Approximately 20 % of the seed population displayed absolute dormancy and part of it displayed relative dormancy which was progressively expressed in further fractions when incubation temperatures departed from 25 °C. The thermal time model, but not the hydrotime model, failed to describe adequately final germination percentages at temperatures other than 25 °C. The hydrotime constant, θH, was reduced when the incubation temperature was increased up to 30 °C, the base water potential for 50 % germination,Ψb(50), was less negative at 20 and 30 °C than at 25 °C, indicating either expression or induction of dormancy. At 20 °C this less negative Ψb(50) explained satisfactorily the germination curves obtained at all water potentials, while at 30 °C it had to be corrected towards even less negative values to match observed curves at water potentials below 0. Hence, Ψb(50) appeared to have been further displaced to less negative values as exposure to 30 °C was prolonged by osmoticum. These results suggest expression of dormancy at 20 °C and induction of secondary dormancy above 25 °C. This was confirmed by an experiment showing that inhibition of germination imposed by temperatures higher than 30 °C, but not that imposed at 20 °C, is a permanent effect.


This study revealed (a) the extremely narrow thermal range within which dormancy problems (either through expression or induction of dormancy) may not be encountered; and (b) the high sensitivity displayed by these seeds to water shortage. In addition, this work is the first one in which temperature effects on dormancy expression could be discriminated from those on dormancy induction using a hydrotime analysis.  相似文献   

A novel DREB (dehydration responsive element binding protein) gene, designated BjDREB1B, was isolated from Brassica juncea L. BjDREB1B contains a conserved EREBP/AP2 domain and was classified into the A-1 subgroup of the DREB subfamily based on phylogenetic tree analysis. RT-PCR showed that BjDREB1B was induced by abiotic stresses and exogenous phytohormones, such as drought, salt, low temperature, heavy metals, abscisic acid, and salicylic acid. Gel shift assay revealed that BjDREB1B specifically bound to the DRE element in vitro. Yeast one-hybrid assay showed that full-length BjDREB1B or its C-terminal region functioned effectively as a trans-activator. Furthermore, overexpression of BjDREB1B in tobacco up-regulated the expression of NtERD10B, and BjDREB1B transgenic plants accumulated higher levels of proline than control plants under normal and saline conditions, together showing that BjDREB1B plays important roles in improving plant tolerance to drought and salinity.  相似文献   

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