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Objective: To determine whether the prevalence of obesity in ethnic admixture adults varies systematically from the average of the prevalence estimates for the ethnic groups with whom they share a common ethnicity. Methods and Procedures: The sample included 215,000 adults who reported one or more ethnicities, height, weight, and other characteristics through a mailed survey. Results: The highest age‐adjusted prevalence of overweight (BMI ≥ 25) was in Hawaiian/Latino men (88%; n = 41) and black/Latina women (74.5%; n = 79), and highest obesity (BMI ≥ 30) rates were in Hawaiian/Latino men (53.7%; n = 41) and Hawaiian women (39.2%, n = 1,247). The prevalence estimates for most admixed groups were similar to or higher than the average of the prevalences for the ethnic groups with whom they shared common ethnicities. For instance, the prevalence of overweight/obesity in five ethnic admixtures—Asian/white, Hawaiian/white, Hawaiian/Asian, Latina/white, and Hawaiian/Asian/white ethnic admixtures—was significantly higher (P < 0.0001) than the average of the prevalence estimates for their component ethnic groups. Discussion: The identification of individuals who have a high‐risk ethnic admixture is important not only to the personal health and well‐being of such individuals, but could also be important to future efforts in order to control the epidemic of obesity in the United States.  相似文献   

Plans to harvest deep-water corals in the remote Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, close to populations of endangered Hawaiian monk seals ( Monachus schauinslandi ), have raised concerns about the seals' use of deep-water habitats. Movements and diving patterns of seals studied at French Frigate Shoals (FFS) Atoll indicated two areas where five males out of 33 instrumented seals dove deep enough (300–500 m) to encounter commercially sought deep-water corals. Submarine surveys conducted at each location found beds of gold ( Gerurdia sp.) and pink ( Corallium sp.) precious coral suggesting an overlap between the foraging habitat of some seals and the target of the coral fishery. Areas adjacent to the coral beds that were visually censused using submersibles showed significantly fewer precious corals. Precious coral beds were not found on previous submarine surveys at other regions around FFS, supporting the notion that seals were selecting the areas with corals as forage habitat. Five male seals were fitted with back-mounted video cameras to document feeding among precious corals. None of the five seals dove deep enough to encounter precious corals (>300 m). However, three of the seals visited beds of black coral ( Cirrhipdhes sp.) at shallower depths (∼ 80 m). One seal was observed revisiting the black coral beds on three successive nights to feed on fish hiding among the coral stems.  相似文献   

Scaptomyza is a highly diversified genus in the family Drosophilidae, having undergone an explosive radiation, along with the Hawaiian‐endemic genus Idiomyia in the Hawaiian Islands: about 60% of 269 Scaptomyza species so far described are endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. Two hypotheses have been proposed for the origin and diversification of Hawaiian drosophilids. One is the “single Hawaiian origin” hypothesis: Scaptomyza and Idiomyia diverged from a single common ancestor that had once colonized the Hawaiian Islands, and then non‐Hawaiian Scaptomyza migrated back to continents. The other is the “multiple origins” hypothesis: Hawaiian Scaptomyza and Idiomyia derived from different ancestors that independently colonized the Hawaiian Islands. A key issue for testing these two hypotheses is to clarify the phylogenetic relationships between Hawaiian and non‐Hawaiian species in Scaptomyza. Toward this goal, we sampled additional non‐Hawaiian Scaptomyza species, particularly in the Old World, and determined the nucleotide sequences of four mitochondrial and seven nuclear genes for these species. Combining these sequence data with published data for 79 species, we reconstructed the phylogeny and estimated ancestral distributions and divergence times. In the resulting phylogenetic trees, non‐Hawaiian Scaptomyza species were interspersed in two Hawaiian clades. From a reconstruction of ancestral biogeography, we inferred that Idiomyia and Scaptomyza diverged outside the Hawaiian Islands and then independently colonized the Hawaiian Islands, twice in Scaptomyza, thus supporting the “multiple origins” hypothesis.  相似文献   

We used sighting reports, including decades of citizen-reported Hawaiian monk seal (Neomonachus schauinslandi) sightings, to describe female breeding biology and reproductive success in the main Hawaiian Islands. We first used this data set to describe the timing of events in the female reproductive cycle. We then conducted an expert review of patterns in sighting histories to detect unobserved pupping events. Finally, we estimated the age-specific reproductive curve for female monk seals in the main Hawaiian Islands. Charting reproductive cycles showed indications of the robust condition of female monk seals in the main Hawaiian Islands; they nursed pups 12% longer than their counterparts in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands and regained condition to molt more quickly after weaning a pup. By examining sighting histories, we were able to infer 25 unobserved pupping events that had previously gone uncounted. We accounted for additional uncertainty with a randomization procedure. After accounting for unobserved pupping events, the age-specific reproductive rate of main Hawaiian Islands monk seals exceeded 0.70 for prime aged females (8–18 years). This is the highest reproductive rate reported for any of the Hawaiian monk seal breeding sites, illustrating the important role of the main Hawaiian Islands population in Hawaiian monk seal recovery.  相似文献   

Aim To estimate the rate of adaptive radiation of endemic Hawaiian Bidens and to compare their diversification rates with those of other plants in Hawaii and elsewhere with rapid rates of radiation. Location Hawaii. Methods Fifty‐nine samples representing all 19 Hawaiian species, six Hawaiian subspecies, two Hawaiian hybrids and an additional two Central American and two African Bidens species had their DNA extracted, amplified by polymerase chain reaction and sequenced for four chloroplast and two nuclear loci, resulting in a total of approximately 5400 base pairs per individual. Internal transcribed spacer sequences for additional outgroup taxa, including 13 non‐Hawaiian Bidens, were obtained from GenBank. Phylogenetic relationships were assessed by maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference. The age of the most recent common ancestor and diversification rates of Hawaiian Bidens were estimated using the methods of previously published studies to allow for direct comparison with other studies. Calculations were made on a per‐unit‐area basis. Results We estimate the age of the Hawaiian clade to be 1.3–3.1 million years old, with an estimated diversification rate of 0.3–2.3 species/million years and 4.8 × 10?5 to 1.3 × 10?4 species Myr?1 km?2. Bidens species are found in Europe, Africa, Asia and North and South America, but the Hawaiian species have greater diversity of growth form, floral morphology, dispersal mode and habitat type than observed in the rest of the genus world‐wide. Despite this diversity, we found little genetic differentiation among the Hawaiian species. This is similar to the results from other molecular studies on Hawaiian plant taxa, including others with great morphological variability (e.g. silverswords, lobeliads and mints). Main conclusions On a per‐unit‐area basis, Hawaiian Bidens have among the highest rates of speciation for plant radiations documented to date. The rapid diversification within such a small area was probably facilitated by the habitat diversity of the Hawaiian Islands and the adaptive loss of dispersal potential. Our findings point to the need to consider the spatial context of diversification – specifically, the relative scale of habitable area, environmental heterogeneity and dispersal ability – to understand the rate and extent of adaptive radiation.  相似文献   

The monophyly and phylogeny of the adaptive radiation of Hawaiian finches (Fringillidae: Drepanidini; honeycreepers, auct.) were studied using parsimony analysis of comparative osteology, combined with Templeton (Wilcoxon signed‐ranks) tests of alternative phylogenetic hypotheses. Eighty‐four osteological characters were scored in 59 terminal taxa of drepanidines, including 24 fossil forms, and in 30 outgroup species. The optimal phylogenetic trees show considerable agreement, and some conflict, with independently derived ideas about drepanidine evolution. The monophyly of a large Hawaiian radiation was upheld, although one fossil taxon from Maui fell outside the drepanidine clade. The finch‐billed species were placed as basal drepanidine taxa, and continental cardueline finches (Carduelini) were identified as the radiation's closest outgroups. The study found anatomical as well as phylogenetic evidence that the radiation had a finch‐billed ancestor. The optimal trees identify the red‐and‐black plumage group as a clade, and suggest that the tubular tongue evolved only once in the radiation. Because comparative osteology provides too few characters to strongly support all the nodes of the tree, it was helpful to evaluate statistical support for alternative hypotheses about drepanidine relationships using the Templeton test. Among the alternatives that received significant statistical support are a relationship of the drepanidines with cardueline finches rather than with the Neotropical honeycreepers (Thraupini), classification of the controversial genera Paroreomyza and Melamprosops as drepanidines, and a secondary loss of the tubular tongue in Loxops mana. The hypothesis of monophyly for all the Hawaiian taxa in the study was not rejected statistically. The study provides a framework for incorporating morphological and palaeontological information in evolutionary studies of the Drepanidini. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 141 , 207–255.  相似文献   

Invasive rodents are among the most ubiquitous and problematic species introduced to islands; more than 80% of the world’s island groups have been invaded. Introduced rats (black rat, Rattus rattus; Norway rat, R. norvegicus; Pacific rat, R. exulans) are well known as seed predators but are often overlooked as potential seed dispersers despite their common habit of transporting fruits and seeds prior to consumption. The relative likelihood of seed predation and dispersal by the black rat, which is the most common rat in Hawaiian forest, was tested with field and laboratory experiments. In the field, fruits of eight native and four non-native common woody plant species were arranged individually on the forest floor in four treatments that excluded vertebrates of different sizes. Eleven species had a portion (3–100%) of their fruits removed from vertebrate-accessible treatments, and automated cameras photographed only black rats removing fruit. In the laboratory, black rats were offered fruits of all 12 species to assess consumption and seed fate. Seeds of two species (non-native Clidemia hirta and native Kadua affinis) passed intact through the digestive tracts of rats. Most of the remaining larger-seeded species had their seeds chewed and destroyed, but for several of these, some partly damaged or undamaged seeds survived rat exposure. The combined field and laboratory findings indicate that many interactions between black rats and seeds of native and non-native plants may result in dispersal. Rats are likely to be affecting plant communities through both seed predation and dispersal.  相似文献   

We analyzed long-term winter survey data (1956–2007) for three endangered waterbirds endemic to the Hawaiian Islands, the Hawaiian moorhen (Gallinula chloropus sandvicensis), Hawaiian coot (Fulica alai), and Hawaiian stilt (Himantopus mexicanus knudseni). Time series were analyzed by species–island combinations using generalized additive models, with alternative models compared using Akaike information criterion (AIC). The best model included three smoothers, one for each species. Our analyses show that all three of the endangered Hawaiian waterbirds have increased in population size over the past three decades. The Hawaiian moorhen increase has been slower in more recent years than earlier in the survey period, but Hawaiian coot and stilt numbers still exhibit steep increases. The patterns of population size increase also varied by island, although this effect was less influential than that between species. In contrast to earlier studies, we found no evidence that rainfall affects counts of the target species. Significant population increases were found on islands where most wetland protection has occurred (Oahu, Kauai), while weak or no increases were found on islands with few wetlands or less protection (Hawaii, Maui). Increased protection and management, especially on Maui where potential is greatest, would likely result in continued population gains, increasing the potential for meeting population recovery goals.  相似文献   

The recent movement to revitalize the Hawaiian language and culture through the Kula Kaiapuni, or the Hawaiian Language Immersion Program, has grown over the past 11 years to include almost 1,600 students during the 1998–99 school year. During this period, the field of Hawaiian language has become highly politicized by nonindigenous Hawaiian language educators attempting to colonize the field and control resources purported to redress wrongs to the native people including loss of language and culture.  相似文献   

Aim Pacific biogeographical patterns in the widespread plant genus Melicope J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. (Rutaceae) were examined by generating phylogenetic hypotheses based on chloroplast and nuclear ribosomal sequence data. The aims of the study were to identify the number of colonization events of Melicope to the Hawaiian Islands and to reveal the relationship of Hawaiian Melicope to the Hawaiian endemic genus Platydesma H. Mann. The ultimate goal was to determine if the Hawaiian Islands served as a source area for the colonization of Polynesia. Location Nineteen accessions were sampled in this study, namely eight Melicope species from the Hawaiian Islands, four from the Marquesas Islands, one species each from Tahiti, Australia and Lord Howe Island, two Australian outgroups and two species of the Hawaiian endemic genus Platydesma. To place our results in a broader context, 19 sequences obtained from GenBank were included in an additional analysis, including samples from Australia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, Southeast Polynesia and Asia. Methods DNA sequences were generated across 19 accessions for one nuclear ribosomal and three chloroplast gene regions. Maximum parsimony analyses were conducted on separate and combined data sets, and a maximum likelihood analysis was conducted on the combined nuclear ribosomal and chloroplast data set. A broader nuclear ribosomal maximum parsimony analysis using sequences obtained from GenBank was also performed. Geographic areas were mapped onto the combined chloroplast and nuclear ribosomal tree, as well as onto the broader tree, using the parsimony criterion to determine the dispersal patterns. Results Phylogenetic analyses revealed that Platydesma is nested within Melicope and is sister to the Hawaiian members of Melicope. The Hawaiian Melicope + Platydesma lineage was a result of a single colonization event, probably from the Austral region. Finally, Marquesan Melicope descended from at least one, and possibly two, colonization events from the Hawaiian Islands. Main conclusions These data demonstrate a shifting paradigm of Pacific oceanic island biogeography, in which the patterns of long‐distance dispersal and colonization in the Pacific are more dynamic than previously thought, and suggest that the Hawaiian Islands may act as a stepping stone for dispersal throughout the Pacific.  相似文献   

《Ecology and evolution》2017,7(23):9925-9934
The evolutionary trajectory of populations through time is influenced by the interplay of forces (biological, evolutionary, and anthropogenic) acting on the standing genetic variation. We used microsatellite and mitochondrial loci to examine the influence of population declines, of varying severity, on genetic diversity within two Hawaiian endemic waterbirds, the Hawaiian coot and Hawaiian gallinule, by comparing historical (samples collected in the late 1800s and early 1900s) and modern (collected in 2012–2013) populations. Population declines simultaneously experienced by Hawaiian coots and Hawaiian gallinules differentially shaped the evolutionary trajectory of these two populations. Within Hawaiian coot, large reductions (between −38.4% and −51.4%) in mitochondrial diversity were observed, although minimal differences were observed in the distribution of allelic and haplotypic frequencies between sampled time periods. Conversely, for Hawaiian gallinule, allelic frequencies were strongly differentiated between time periods, signatures of a genetic bottleneck were detected, and biases in means of the effective population size were observed at microsatellite loci. The strength of the decline appears to have had a greater influence on genetic diversity within Hawaiian gallinule than Hawaiian coot, coincident with the reduction in census size. These species exhibit similar life history characteristics and generation times; therefore, we hypothesize that differences in behavior and colonization history are likely playing a large role in how allelic and haplotypic frequencies are being shaped through time. Furthermore, differences in patterns of genetic diversity within Hawaiian coot and Hawaiian gallinule highlight the influence of demographic and evolutionary processes in shaping how species respond genetically to ecological stressors.  相似文献   

Wolbachia is a genus of parasitic alphaproteobacteria found in arthropods and nematodes, and represents on of the most common, widespread endosymbionts known. Wolbachia affects a variety of reproductive functions in its host (e.g., male killing, cytoplasmic incompatibility, parthenogenesis), which have the potential to dramatically impact host evolution and species formation. Here, we present the first broad-scale study to screen natural populations of native Hawaiian insects for Wolbachia, focusing on the endemic Diptera. Results indicate that Wolbachia infects native Hawaiian taxa, with alleles spanning phylogenetic supergroups, A and B. The overall frequency of Wolbachia incidene in Hawaiian insects was 14%. The incidence of infection in native Hawaiian Diptera was 11% for individuals and 12% for all species screened. Wolbachia was not detected in two large, widespread Hawaiian dipteran families—Dolichopodidae (44 spp screened) and Limoniidae (12 spp screened). Incidence of infection within endemic Hawaiian lineages that carry Wolbachia was 18% in Drosophilidae species, 25% in Caliphoridae species, > 90% in Nesophrosyne species, 20% in Drosophila dasycnemia and 100% in Nesophrosyne craterigena. Twenty unique alleles were recovered in this study, of which 18 are newly recorded. Screening of endemic populations of D. dasycnemia across Hawaii Island revealed 4 unique alleles. Phylogenetic relationships and allele diversity provide evidence for horizontal transfer of Wolbachia among Hawaiian arthropod lineages.  相似文献   

利用对比观察法,研究黑蜗牛的形态结构、生殖特点、死亡原因,发现黑蜗牛的螺旋贝壳短,只有壳顶和两个螺层,体螺层不能完全容纳软体,螺旋贝壳中碳酸钙含量约为60.3%,易软化。体背上生长着外套膜和外壳膜,外套膜在螺旋贝壳内包裹着内脏囊,外壳膜覆盖在螺旋贝壳的表面,能向不同方向伸展。壳口处的外壳膜上有排泄孔,排泄孔与外套膜上的呼吸孔连通,具有呼吸、排泄粪便和排泄尿液的多种功能。证明黑蜗牛是一种新的软体动物——最原始的蜗牛,也是陆生软体动物贝壳退化成内壳的过渡物种。隶属于琥珀蜗牛科(Zonitidae),夏威夷琥珀蜗牛属(Hawaiia),沂水琥珀蜗牛种(Hawaiia yishuiusculeLi)。  相似文献   

It has been noted in the literature that community conflict resolution rituals have many structural and functional similarities to the goals and methods of psychotherapy. A Hawaiian form of conflict resolution called ho`oponopono (to make right, orderly, correct) is a case where a conflict resolution format actually was used to create a culturally appropriate family therapy. This was done under the sponsorship of a Hawaiian social welfare organization with Hawaiian ancestry therapists. An important element in the transformation and usefulness of ho`oponopono as a Hawaiian therapy is the maintenance and incorporation of metaphoric understandings about the nature and dynamics of Hawaiian social relations.  相似文献   

Located approximately 4000 km from the nearest continent, the Hawaiian Islands comprise the most isolated archipelago on Earth. This isolation has resulted in a unique flora that includes nearly 200 native ferns and lycophytes, 77% of which are endemic to the islands. Because the Hawaiian Islands are volcanic in origin, all abiotically dispersed organisms must have arrived there via the wind or the water. Fern spores are most likely dispersed through the air, and thus patterns of air movement have undoubtedly played a significant role in determining the geographic origins of the ancestors of the Hawaiian ferns. We have identified four possible climate-based or weather-based spore dispersal hypotheses that could have resulted in the movement of ancestral spores to the Hawaiian Islands: (1) the northern subtropical jetstream, moving spores from Indo-Pacific regions; (2) the trade winds, dispersing spores from Central and North America; (3) storms carrying spores from southern Mexico and/or Central America; and (4) a dispersal mechanism carrying spores from the South Pacific across the equator resulting from the combined influence of a seasonal southern shift of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), Hadley Cell air movement, and the trade winds. Utilizing recently published molecular phylogenetic studies of three fern genera (Dryopteris, Polystichum, andHymenophyllum) and new analyses of three additional genera (Adenophorus, Grammitis, andLellingeria), each of which is represented in the Hawaiian Islands by at least one endemic lineage, we reviewed the biogeographical implications for the Hawaiian taxa in light of the possible common dispersal patterns and pathways. We hypothesize that three of the five endemicDryopteris lineages, both of the endemicPolystichum lineages, at least one endemicHymenophyllum lineage in the Hawaiian Islands, and, perhaps, one endemicGrammitis lineage resulted from ancestral spores of each lineage dispersing to the Hawaiian Islands via the northern subtropical jetstream.Adenophorus is sister to a mostly neotropical clade, therefore, it is likely that the ancestor of the Hawaiian clade dispersed to the Hawaiian Islands via the trade winds or a storm system. The ancestor of the endemicLellingeria lineage may have dispersed to the Hawaiian Islands from the neotropics via the trade winds or a storm system, or from the South Pacific across the equator through the combination of a seasonal southern shift of the ITCZ, Hadley Cells, and the trade winds.  相似文献   

The seven currently recognized species of Geranium endemic to the Hawaiian Islands are unusual in their shrubby or arborescent habit and unlobed, parallel-veined leaves rather than the palmately cleft or lobed leaves and herbaceous habit typical of the genus. Their placement within the genus and their biogeographic source have been obscured by this morphological distictiveness and the limited resolution of relationships on the basis of morphology in the very speciose subgenus Geranium. Phylogenetic analysis of rbcL gene sequences provides strong support for the monophyly of the Hawaiian group, and indicates that the Hawaiian clade is deeply nested within section Geranium rather than comprising a separate section. The continental relatives studied to date with the greatest similarity in sequence to the Hawaiian group are native to the Americas rather than Asia or the Pacific. The Hawaiian species are extremely similar to one another in rbcL sequence, while the tree topology obtained is consistent with a basal position for Geranium arboreum within the group.  相似文献   

We used mitochondrial and nuclear genetic markers to investigate population structure of common bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, around the main Hawaiian Islands. Though broadly distributed throughout the world's oceans, bottlenose dolphins are known to form small populations in coastal waters. Recent photo‐identification data suggest the same is true in Hawaiian waters. We found genetic differentiation among (mtDNA ΦST= 0.014–0.141, microsatellite FST= 0.019–0.050) and low dispersal rates between (0.17–5.77 dispersers per generation) the main Hawaiian Island groups. Our results are consistent with movement rates estimated from photo‐identification data and suggest that each island group supports a demographically independent population. Inclusion in our analyses of samples collected near Palmyra Atoll provided evidence that the Hawaiian Islands are also occasionally visited by members of a genetically distinct, pelagic population. Two of our samples exhibited evidence of partial ancestry from Indo‐Pacific bottlenose dolphins (T. aduncus), a species not known to inhabit the Hawaiian Archipelago. Our findings have important implications for the management of Hawaiian bottlenose dolphins and raise concerns about the vulnerability to human impacts of pelagic species in island ecosystems.  相似文献   

Wolbachia is a genus of parasitic alphaproteobacteria found in arthropods and nematodes, and represents on of the most common, widespread endosymbionts known. Wolbachia affects a variety of reproductive functions in its host (e.g., male killing, cytoplasmic incompatibility, parthenogenesis), which have the potential to dramatically impact host evolution and species formation. Here, we present the first broad-scale study to screen natural populations of native Hawaiian insects for Wolbachia, focusing on the endemic Diptera. Results indicate that Wolbachia infects native Hawaiian taxa, with alleles spanning phylogenetic supergroups, A and B. The overall frequency of Wolbachia incidene in Hawaiian insects was 14%. The incidence of infection in native Hawaiian Diptera was 11% for individuals and 12% for all species screened. Wolbachia was not detected in two large, widespread Hawaiian dipteran families—Dolichopodidae (44 spp screened) and Limoniidae (12 spp screened). Incidence of infection within endemic Hawaiian lineages that carry Wolbachia was 18% in Drosophilidae species, 25% in Caliphoridae species, > 90% in Nesophrosyne species, 20% in Drosophila dasycnemia and 100% in Nesophrosyne craterigena. Twenty unique alleles were recovered in this study, of which 18 are newly recorded. Screening of endemic populations of D. dasycnemia across Hawaii Island revealed 4 unique alleles. Phylogenetic relationships and allele diversity provide evidence for horizontal transfer of Wolbachia among Hawaiian arthropod lineages.  相似文献   



Putative phytogeographical links between America (especially North America) and the Hawaiian Islands have figured prominently in disagreement and debate about the origin of Pacific floras and the efficacy of long-distance (oversea) plant dispersal, given the obstacles to explaining such major disjunctions by vicariance.


Review of past efforts, and of progress over the last 20 years, toward understanding relationships of Hawaiian angiosperms allows for a historically informed re-evaluation of the American (New World) contribution to Hawaiian diversity and evolutionary activity of American lineages in an insular setting.


Temperate and boreal North America is a much more important source of Hawaiian flora than suggested by most 20th century authorities on Pacific plant life, such as Fosberg and Skottsberg. Early views of evolution as too slow to account for divergence of highly distinctive endemics within the Hawaiian geological time frame evidently impeded biogeographical understanding, as did lack of appreciation for the importance of rare, often biotically mediated dispersal events and ecological opportunity in island ecosystems. Molecular phylogenetic evidence for North American ancestry of Hawaiian plant radiations, such as the silversword alliance, mints, sanicles, violets, schiedeas and spurges, underlines the potential of long-distance dispersal to shape floras, in accordance with hypotheses championed by Carlquist. Characteristics important to colonization of the islands, such as dispersibility by birds and ancestral hybridization or polyploidy, and ecological opportunities associated with ‘sky islands’ of temperate or boreal climate in the tropical Hawaiian archipelago may have been key to extensive diversification of endemic lineages of North American origin that are among the most species-rich clades of Hawaiian plants. Evident youth of flowering-plant lineages from North America is highly consistent with recent geological evidence for lack of high-elevation settings in the Hawaiian chain immediately prior to formation of the oldest, modern high-elevation island, Kaua‘i.  相似文献   

The Hawaiian islands are an extremely isolated oceanic archipelago, and their fauna has long served as models of dispersal in island biogeography. While molecular data have recently been applied to investigate the timing and origin of dispersal events for several animal groups including birds, insects, and snails, these questions have been largely unaddressed in Hawai''i’s only native terrestrial mammal, the Hawaiian hoary bat, Lasiurus cinereus semotus. Here, we use molecular data to test the hypotheses that (1) Hawaiian L. c. semotus originated via dispersal from North American populations of L. c. cinereus rather than from South American L. c. villosissimus, and (2) modern Hawaiian populations were founded from a single dispersal event. Contrary to the latter hypothesis, our mitochondrial data support a biogeographic history of multiple, relatively recent dispersals of hoary bats from North America to the Hawaiian islands. Coalescent demographic analyses of multilocus data suggest that modern populations of Hawaiian hoary bats were founded no more than 10 kya. Our finding of multiple evolutionarily significant units in Hawai''i highlights information that should be useful for re-evaluation of the conservation status of hoary bats in Hawai''i.  相似文献   

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