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We report the only definite specimen of the teleosaurid crocodylomorph genus Machimosaurus from the Kimmeridge Clay Formation of England. This specimen (an isolated tooth) is now the only evidence of Machimosaurus in the Kimmeridge Clay Formation because a large skull and mandible, previously considered to be of Machimosaurus mosae, was recently shown to pertain to a metriorhynchid crocodylomorph. The tooth described herein was originally figured in 1884 as a tooth crown from a metriorhynchid crocodylomorph. However, its conical shape, blunt apex and distinctive enamel ornamentation are characteristic of the teleosaurid genus Machimosaurus. That Machimosaurus, and teleosaurids in general, were so rare in the Kimmeridge Clay Formation suggests that these marine crocodylomorphs did not commonly use this seaway. Their rarity is in contrast to contemporaneous deposits from continental Europe where teleosaurid remains, including Machimosaurus, are far more common. These continental deposits were deposited in shallow-marine/brackish ecosystems, suggesting that teleosaurids were largely restricted to coastal marine environments.  相似文献   

Orthosuchus stormbergi (Nash 1968) is a rare member of the Lower Jurassic crocodylomorph fauna of Southern Africa. Here we report on a new specimen, consisting of a nearly complete dentary bone, and a previously collected specimen that can confidently be referred to this taxon. The dentary presents several features of utility for generic-level identification of Southern African crocodylomorphs, and furthermore the anatomy of this specimen allows for a modest revision of the generic diagnosis. Furthermore, it provides an opportunity to reassess differences in dentary morphology between basal South African crocodylomorphs with the intention of refining taxonomic identification. Finally, we review the stratigraphic provenance of all of Southern Africa’s known crocodylomorph taxa, and show that most are confined to the uppermost Elliot Formation. Protosuchus, Litargosuchus, Notochampsa, and Orthosuchus have first appearance data in uppermost Elliot Formation. Only Notochampsa has a confirmed last appearance datum in the Lower Clarens Formation. These findings have implications with regards to the true position of the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary, and paleoenvironmental pressures acting on the Crocodylomorpha over the boundary of the Upper Elliot and Lower Clarens Formations.  相似文献   

A level with fern stumps was discovered in the Aptian Douiret Formation, South-Tunisia. These stumps are preserved as external moulds or casts, without any preservation of anatomical structures. These stumps are considered to be affiliated with the numerous fossil plants assigned to the fern genera Alstaettia and Piazopteris that are widely distributed in coeval strata from the same region, either as leaf imprints or as permineralized remains. The record of in situ fossil forests for the Southern Hemisphere reveals that their systematic components are different, i.e. mainly corystosperms and/or conifers, and rarely under tidal influence. The way this fern grove settled in a margino-littoral environment is discussed.  相似文献   

We report the largest known British specimen of the metriorhynchid crocodylomorph genus Dakosaurus discovered offshore from Chesil Beach, Dorset, England (Kimmeridge Clay Formation). This specimen is large toothed, which has extreme enamel spalling on the labial surface, enlarged carinae (‘carinal flanges’), carinal wear, macroziphodont denticles, and the crown retains much of its labiolingual width along most of its apicobasal length. This suite of morphologies is unique to Dakosaurus. All known Kimmeridge Clay Formation Dakosaurus specimens are isolated tooth crowns. A skull previously referred to Dakosaurus lacks all the cranial apomorphies of D. maximus and D. andiniensis, and cannot be referred to this genus. Furthermore, the vast majority of putative Dakosaurus tooth crowns from the ‘Potton Sands’ ( = Woburn Sands Formation) do indeed represent Dakosaurus (as well as two Plesiosuchus specimens), and they most likely originate from the Kimmeridge Clay Formation.  相似文献   

Microremains of various sharks, actinopterygians and crocodiles have been recovered from two sites in the Douiret Formation and three sites in the Aïn el Guettar Formation in southern Tunisia. The presence of an actinistian is also suggested based on histological study of hemisegments of lepidotrichia. Convergence in dental enameloid microstructure between neoselachian sharks and actinopterygians sharing a tearing dentition is also documented. The vertebrate assemblage of the Douiret Formation suggests a pre-Aptian age for this formation and the presence of Bernissartia in the Aïn el Guettar Formation confirms faunal exchange between Africa and Europa during the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The Jahrum Formation act as reservoir rocks in the Zagros Mountains west of Iran. For the study of this formation, a stratigraphic section of Lapoee which is situated north of Shiraz has been examined. Petrographic and stratigraphic results along with field observations show that the Jahrum Formation consists of cream-grey thin-to-medium-bedded limestone so that at the top of the formation, they are locally changed to dolomite. The Jahrum Formation overlies the Sachun Formation. We also found Nubecularids as paleoecology indicators in middle parts of the Jahrum Formation. The presence of Nubecularids in the Lapoee stratigraphic section (i.e. the Jahrum Formation) indicates a lagoon depositional environment.  相似文献   

The fossil fauna of the Santana Formation (Early Cretaceous) comprises many distinct taxa, but crocodylomorphs are poorly understood. Here we describe a new specimen (MPSC-R1137) that consists of a complete hind limb found in the Crato Member, the basal section of the Santana Formation. Based on the characteristics of the fibula (e.g., pronounced variation of the shaft width) and length proportions of the femur and tibia, this specimen can be distinguished from Caririsuchus camposi and Araripesuchus gomesii, which are known from the Romualdo Member (the upper lithostratigraphic unit of the Santana Formation). The only crocodylomorph formally described from the Crato Member is Susisuchus anatoceps, whose holotype lacks elements of the hind limb. On the basis of a comparative anatomical study of the hind limb, which shows no similarities between MPSC-R1137 and other crocodylomorphs from the Araripe Basin, we tentatively classify this new specimen as cf. Susisuchus sp., and provide new anatomical information for this rather derived crocodylomorph.   相似文献   

The Hadar paleoanthropological site in Ethiopia preserves a record of hominin evolution spanning from approximately 3.45 Ma to 0.8 Ma. An angular unconformity just above the ca. 2.95 Ma BKT-2 complex divides the sediments into the Hadar Formation (ca. 3.8-2.9 Ma) and the Busidima Formation (ca. 2.7-0.15 Ma). The unconformity is likely a response to a major tectonic reorganization in the Afar Depression, and activation of the As Duma fault near the Ethiopian Escarpment (west of Hadar) created a half-graben in which the Busidima Formation was deposited. The pattern and character of sedimentation in the region changed dramatically above the unconformity, as cut-and-fill channel conglomerates and silt-dominated paleosols that comprise the Busidima Formation stand in sharp contrast to the underlying deposits of the Hadar Formation. Conglomerate deposition has been related to both the perennial, axial paleo-Awash and ephemeral, escarpment-draining tributaries. Overbank silts have yielded fossils attributed to early Homo and Oldowan stone tools. Numerous tuffaceous deposits exist within the Busidima Formation, but they are often spatially limited, fine-grained, and reworked. Recent work on the tephrostratigraphic framework of the Busidima Formation at Hadar has identified at least 12 distinct vitric tephras and established the first geochemical-based correlations between Hadar and the neighboring project areas of Gona and Dikika. Compared to Gona and Dikika, where Busidima Formation sediments are exposed over large areas, the highly discontinuous sediments at Hadar comprise less than 40 m in composite section and are exposed over an area of <20 km2, providing only snapshots into the 2.7-0.15 Ma window. The stratigraphic record at Hadar confirms the complex depositional history of the Busidima Formation, and also provides important details on regional stratigraphic correlations and the pattern of deposition and erosion in the lower Awash Valley reflective of its tectonic history.  相似文献   

Turiasauria is a clade of eusauropods with a wide stratigraphic range that could extend from the Bathonian to the lower Aptian including Turiasaurus, Losillasaurus, Zby and putatively, Galveosaurus, Atlasaurus and isolated remains from Middle Jurassic-to-Lower Cretaceous. Some are characterised by the presence of heart-shaped teeth. Several tooth occurrences from the Portuguese Upper Jurassic with this type of morphology (SI: 1.1–1.8) are reported and discussed. If this morphology is regarded as synapomorphic of Turiasauria, the teeth will be tentatively related to this clade. From a sample of 43 teeth, three main morphotypes are described. Three hypotheses might explain the morphological variation: (1) the range of tooth morphologies indicates variation in the jaw, (2) the range of tooth morphologies indicates taxonomic variation or (3) a combination of both. The general wear pattern in morphotypes I and II starts with a distal facet, then the appearance of mesial/apical facet and finally a ‘V’-shaped facet. In morphotype III, the wear begins with a mesial facet. The variability observed for Portuguese Upper Jurassic specimens is congruent with the morphological variability along the tooth row shown by other sauropods with spatulate/spoon-shaped teeth and it is considered the most parsimonious hypothesis to explain it.  相似文献   

The new pycnodont fishAnomoeodus pauciseriale is described. The single specimen consists of associated but disarticulated skeletal remains including the paired prearticulars, some skull elements, remains of the pectoral girdle and the vertebral column. It comes from the White Chalk Formation (Upper Cretaceous) of East Sussex near Lewes, England. The precise stratigraphic age and locality are not known. The specific identification is based on characters of the prearticular dentitions because the other skeletal remains are not diagnostic. In contrast to other species ofAnomoeodus, the new species is characterised by a combination of rather short prearticular dentitions with only four tooth rows, a comparable low number of medial teeth, and the absence of intercalated teeth between tooth rows.   相似文献   

There have been numerous studies on variability and correlation in dental crown size, but the significance of the resulting patterns remains unclear. Regions of low variation and high correlation have been hypothesized to represent the poles of Butler's morphological fields, to be related to absolute tooth size, or to be related to morphological complexity of the teeth and functional efficiency. Variation and correlation of tooth lengths and breadths were investigated in 138 red colobus monkeys to further assess the relations among size associations, crown morphology, and absolute tooth size. In the maxilla and mandible, the postcanine teeth are the most highly correlated and least variable, followed by the incisors, then the canines. There are also lower correlations between premolars and molars than within either group. While there appears to be a relation between degree of morphological differentiation and levels of correlation and variation, there are no notable differences in the correlation of opponents along the dental arcade, which is the most important functional consideration. This suggests that different levels of correlation and variation within upper or lower teeth are “artifacts” of tooth dimensions that contribute to different geometric designs in different tooth groups as the germs develop. This morphological effect is coupled with the influence of integration fields, indicated by higher variability and lower correlations of the third molar, the largest or most molarized tooth. It is concluded that there are wide functional tolerances in occlusion with respect to the gross dimensions of dental crowns and their interrelationships.  相似文献   

Frequencies and morphological and chronological distributions of enamel hypoplasias are presented by tooth type (permanent I1 to M2s), based on a sample of 30 prehistoric Amerindians with complete and unworn dentitions. There is nearly a tenfold variation in frequency of defects by tooth, ranging from 0.13 per mandibular second molar to 1.27 per maxillary central incisor. The six anterior teeth average between 0.70 and 1.27 defects/tooth, whereas the eight posterior teeth average between 0.43 and 0.13 defects/tooth. Earlier developing teeth, such as incisors, have earlier peak frequencies of defects (2.0-2.5 years), while later developing teeth, such as second molars, have subsequent peak frequencies (5.0-6.0 years). These variations are relevant when comparing hypoplasia data based on different teeth. Differences in hypoplasia frequencies among teeth are not solely due to variation in time of crown development, as is usually reported. Rather, there is evidence for biological gradients in susceptibility to ameloblastic disruption. Anterior teeth are more hypoplastic than posterior teeth. More developmentally stable "polar" teeth are more hypoplastic than surrounding teeth. Polar teeth may be more susceptible to hypoplasias because their developmental timing is less easily disrupted. In all teeth, hypoplasias are most common in the middle and cervical thirds. Crown development and morphological factors, such as enamel prism length and direction, may influence the development and expression of enamel surface defects.  相似文献   

The Xiazhen Formation is an Upper Ordovician lithostratigraphic unit in the Jiangshan-Changshan-Yushan (JCY) area, which contains series of Late Ordovician reef successions. The reef successions of the Xiazhen Formation at Zhuzhai are critical for evaluation of the Late Ordovician marine diversity and palaeoecology. However, their age has long been uncertain and generally is regarded as of upper Katian, based on the occurrences of shelly fossils and correlation with the stratigraphic equivalent Changwu Formation. The newly discovered graptolite species Anticostia uniformis, in the Xiazhen Formation, together with the combined evidence of brachiopods and sedimentology, indicates an age range for the graptolite locality from the Dicellograptus complanatus Biozone to the Diceratograptus mirus Subzone of late Katian, but the graptolites do not rule out the possibility that it is Hirnantian.  相似文献   

Detailed stratigraphic analysis of the Omo I and Omo II fossil localities confirms both the relational and sequential context reported by Butzer in 1969. The two fossils derive from approximately the same level within upper Member I of the Kibish Formation. Additional features of the local stratigraphic sequences indicate a complex history of depositional events, minor erosional surfaces, and weak soil formation throughout upper Member I.  相似文献   

At least 22 tridactyl dinosaur tracks, poorly preserved in various degrees of expression, have recently been found at an exposure in the Dakota Formation (Lower Cretaceous, Albian) in Jefferson County, Nebraska. These tracks generally have broad, blunt digits and a broad posterior margin. The largest of the tracks measures 57 cm in length and 58 cm in width. All of the tracks lie within a stratigraphic horizon of 40 cm or less, but they do not form a single trackway. We interpret the trackmakers to have been ornithopods.

The Jefferson County tracks are in a well-cemented sandstone with oscillation ripples, at a stratigraphic level between two well-established sequence boundaries. Channel forms and lateral accretion units are common in the stratigraphic interval enclosing the tracks, and the site is interpreted as a bar or sand flat in a tidally influenced river.

The Jefferson County tracks are only the second known occurrence of large Mesozoic tetrapod tracks east of the Rocky Mountain Front-High Plains Margin, including the Black Hills of South Dakota, west of the Atlantic Coastal Plain, and north of the Gulf Coastal Plain. Further, this paper is the first documentation of in situdinosaur fossils from the Nebraska-Iowa area.  相似文献   

湖北秭归盆地中侏罗世泄滩组孢粉组合   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文记录了鄂西秭归盆地东缘泄滩组上部21个属36个种的孢粉植物群,其中包括3个新种,讨论了主要属种组合特征和地层延限,根据中侏罗世孢粉植物群组合在国内外的对比,提出泄滩组上部Cyathidites minor-Classopollis-Callialasporites组合的时代属于中侏罗世,这个组合以桫椤科,掌鳞杉科植物的繁盛,和出现大量Cal-lialasporites母体植物为特点,暗示泄滩组上部形成于炎热而干旱的气候环境。  相似文献   

The holotype of cf. Halticosaurus orbitoangulatus Huene, 1932, comprises an incomplete and macerated but associated skull of an archosaurian reptile from the middle (second) Stubensandstein (middle Löwenstein Formation; Upper Triassic: Norian) of Baden‐Württemberg, Germany. It was originally interpreted as a theropod dinosaur but more recently it has been suggested that this taxon has crocodylomorph affinities. Detailed preparation of the holotype of cf. H. orbitoangulatus has revealed much new anatomical information and permitted reassessment of its affinities. The maxilla lacks both a distinct antorbital fossa and a medial bony lamina bordering the antorbital fenestra. The lateral surface of the dentary bears a pronounced horizontal ridge. The squamosal differs from that of basal crocodylomorphs in being L‐shaped rather than arcuate in dorsal view, lacking a dorsolateral overhang, and lacking an interlocking contact with the paroccipital process as, for example, in the basal crocodylomorph Saltoposuchus connectens from the same horizon and locality. Phylogenetic analysis placed cf. H. orbitoangulatus amongst loricatan pseudosuchians (but not amongst Crocodylomorpha) rather than amongst theropod dinosaurs. The holotype of cf. H. orbitoangulatus represents a previously unrecognized taxon of loricatan pseudosuchian, which is here named Apatosuchus orbitoangulatus and set apart from other known Norian‐age non‐crocodylomorph loricatans by its apparently much smaller size. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

We report on and name two new taxa of basal crocodylomorph archosaurs from the Lower Jurassic, Litargosuchus leptorhynchus gen. et sp. nov. , from the upper Elliot Formation (Stormberg Group) of South Africa, and Kayentasuchus walkeri gen. et sp. nov. , from the Kayenta Formation (Glen Canyon Group) of Arizona, USA. Examination of this material led to a reconsideration of basal crocodylomorph interrelationships. A phylogenetic analysis found no support for the monophyly of Sphenosuchia.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 136 , 77–95.  相似文献   

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