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喀斯特石漠化环境有着高度的生境异质性,异质性生境中土被不连续,土壤瘠薄,岩溶漏斗上的土壤保水性差,严重制约着喀斯特植被的生长及分布。为探究克隆植物在喀斯特地区的适应策略,本研究以喀斯特黄色石灰土为基质,选用克隆植物活血丹(Glechoma longituba),以一个节间连接的两个分株为材料,保持节间连接或切断,种植于相邻花盆中,并施以不同浇水量,以明确不同水分可用性水平下克隆整合对活血丹生物量积累、生物量分配、叶片气孔及叶片组织特征的影响。结果显示,克隆整合显著促进活血丹生物量的积累及对根、叶的生物量分配;增加了活血丹叶气孔导度,降低了气孔指数;叶海绵组织受克隆整合影响较小,但栅栏组织及栅海比(栅栏组织/海绵组织)表现为非整合分株高于整合分株。本研究表明,克隆整合可增加活血丹胁迫分株对根、叶的投资,并以更佳的叶气孔、组织适应策略提高其在喀斯特生境中的生存与适应。  相似文献   

Interconnected ramets of clonal plants can functionally specialize in the uptake of resources from aboveground and/or underground sources. Ramet pairs of the clonal stoloniferous herb Glechoma Iongltuba L. were grown In spatially heterogeneous environments with complementary availability of light and nutrients. Plasticity with respect to root-shoot ratio, fitness-related traits (biomass, number of ramets and dry weight per ramet), morphological traits (lamina area, root length) were experimentally examined. The aim was to understand the adaptation of G. Iongltuba to an environment with reciprocal patchiness of light and soil nutrients by plasticity In Its root-shoot ratio and clonal morphology. The results showed that the performance of ramets growing In patches with high light Intensity and low soil nutrients into the adjacent opposite patches was Increased in terms of fitness-related traits. However, the performance of those from patches with low light Intensity and high soil nutrients into the adjacent opposite patches was not changed. The root-shoot ratio and clonal morphology were plastic. Morphological traits such as lamina area and root length were altered In a way that enhanced the capture of light resources and soil nutrients. Apparent reciprocal resource transport between the ramets In an environment of reciprocal patchiness of resources can enhance the growth of ramets with complementary resource deficiencies.  相似文献   

连钱草的组织培养与植株再生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1植物名称连钱草[Glechomalongituba(Nakai)Kupr.]。2材料类别叶片和茎段(带侧芽)。3培养条件诱导芽培养基:(1)MS+NAA0.2mg·L-1(单位下同),(2)MS+NAA0.2+6-BA1.0,(3)MS+NAA0.2+6-BA2.0,(4)MS+NAA0.2+6-BA3.0;增殖培养基:(5)MS+6-BA2.0 ̄4.0;生根培养基:(6)1/2MS+IBA0.5+IAA0.2。各培养基中均添加30g·L-1白糖和5g·L-1琼脂,pH5.8。培养温度25℃,诱导和增殖培养的光强为1000 ̄2000μmol·m-2·s-1,光照时间12h·d-1。4生长与分化情况4.1启动培养取连钱草植株,清洗干净,截取茎段(带侧芽),用70%的酒精处理30s,转入0.1%升汞…  相似文献   

陈光登  黎云祥  郭靓  韩玮  兰英 《植物研究》2006,26(4):416-420
对连钱草Glechoma longituba (Nakai) Kupr.愈伤组织培养作了初步的探索,以不同的培养条件,利用连钱草的顶芽、叶、叶柄为外植体,研究了连钱草愈伤组织的培养。结果表明:在以MS培养基和LS培养基为基本培养基附加不同外源激素2,4-D、NAA、KT、BA条件下,连钱草在一个较宽的生长范围内,均可诱导产生连钱草的愈伤组织,但不同外植体、不同类型植物激素及其不同浓度对愈伤组织发生均有一定影响:作为外植体,连钱草叶柄和叶都可顺利诱导出愈伤组织;生长素2,4-D对连钱草外植体的脱分化起促进作用,但NAA却抑制愈伤组织的形成;细胞分裂素KT和BA均能与2,4-D组合促进愈伤组织的诱导。MS+2,4-D在光暗交替条件下和LS+2,4-D在黑暗条件下有利于连钱草愈伤组织的诱导,最佳诱导和增殖条件是MS+2,4-D(1.5 mg·L-1)+BA(1.0 mg·L-1)光、暗交替(光照14 h·d-1)。在此条件下, 30 d后,叶的诱导率达91.38%,叶柄的诱导率达100%;愈伤组织继代培养14 d后,平均增殖率达202.2%。  相似文献   

Very little has been published on the life-history significance of clonal plants inhabiting southern African savanna environments. This study investigated the fitness implications of clonal integration, resprouting behaviour and growth phenology in a stoloniferous herb, Nelsonia canescens (blue pussyleaf) at a savanna site in Zambia, central Africa. Census data on growth and survival were obtained regularly on permanently marked ramets over a 4-year period, from 2001 to 2005, and analyzed to assess how physiological integration and module demography contribute to fitness in Nelsonia. Above ground and below ground growth occurred during the dry and rainy seasons, respectively. Dry season growth was characterized by resprouting and production of stolons that bore small pubescent leaves with high mortality (30–80% month−1). Deep roots and high leaf turnover appear to contribute to sustained growth during the dry season when topsoil moisture and nutrient availability are low. The interaction between maximum temperature and precipitation explained a significant proportion (59%, p<0.01) of the monthly variation in leaf size and increasing evapo-transpiration levels appeared to trigger the shift in leaf size from a large wet season type to a small dry season one. During the dry season Nelsonia resprouted from dormant buds buried at the time of root development in daughter ramets in the rainy season. Temporal integration significantly (p<0.05) enhanced survival of daughter ramets. However, daughter ramets with severed mother–daughter ramet inter-connectors experienced high initial mortality that was caused by both early stolon severing and drought stress during the root development phase. The majority of ramets lived for 5–10 months and 25% were still alive at the age of 3.5 years. The study showed that although the growth phenology of Nelsonia has serious ecological implications for accessing scarce resources during the dry season, the species utilizes a number of strategies to overcome resource limitations in a seasonally heterogenous environment. Co-ordinating editor: G. P. Cheplick  相似文献   

在深度遮光(光照强度为高光条件的6.25%,约为自然光照的5.3%)或低养分条件下,金戴戴(Halerpestes ruthenica Ovcz.)生物量、初级分株叶面积、分株总数、匍匐茎总数和总长度均显著减小,而比节间长和比叶柄长显著增加.在低养分条件下,金戴戴匍匐茎平均节间长显著增加,而匍匐茎分枝强度和分株数显著减小.这些结果与克隆植物觅食模型相符合,表明当生长于异质性生境中,金戴戴可能通过以克隆生长和克隆形态的可塑性实现的觅养行为来增加对养分资源的摄取.在深度遮光条件下,金戴戴平均间隔子长度(即平均节间长和平均叶柄长)均显著减小.这一结果与以往实验中匍匐茎草本间隔子对中度和轻度遮光(光照强度为高光条件的13%~75%,>10%的自然光照)的反应不同.这表明,在深度遮光条件下匍匐茎克隆植物可能不发生通过间隔子可塑性实现的觅光行为.光照强度和基质养分条件的交互作用对许多性状如总生物量、匍匐茎总数和总长度、二级和三级分株数、分株总数、初级分株叶面积以及分枝强度均有十分显著的效应.在高光条件下,基质养分对这些性状有十分显著的影响;而在低光条件下,基质养分条件对这些性状不产生影响或影响较小.这表明,光照强度影响金戴戴对基质养分的可塑性反应.在深度遮光或低养分条件下,金戴戴可能通过减小匍匐茎节间粗度(增加比节间长)来增加或维持其相对长度,从而更有机会逃离资源丰度低的斑块.  相似文献   

在深度遮光 (光照强度为高光条件的 6 .2 5% ,约为自然光照的 5.3% )或低养分条件下 ,金戴戴 (HalerpestesruthenicaOvcz.)生物量、初级分株叶面积、分株总数、匍匐茎总数和总长度均显著减小 ,而比节间长和比叶柄长显著增加。在低养分条件下 ,金戴戴匍匐茎平均节间长显著增加 ,而匍匐茎分枝强度和分株数显著减小。这些结果与克隆植物觅食模型相符合 ,表明当生长于异质性生境中 ,金戴戴可能通过以克隆生长和克隆形态的可塑性实现的觅养行为来增加对养分资源的摄取。在深度遮光条件下 ,金戴戴平均间隔子长度 (即平均节间长和平均叶柄长 )均显著减小。这一结果与以往实验中匍匐茎草本间隔子对中度和轻度遮光 (光照强度为高光条件的 1 3%~ 75% ,>1 0 %的自然光照 )的反应不同。这表明 ,在深度遮光条件下匍匐茎克隆植物可能不发生通过间隔子可塑性实现的觅光行为。光照强度和基质养分条件的交互作用对许多性状如总生物量、匍匐茎总数和总长度、二级和三级分株数、分株总数、初级分株叶面积以及分枝强度均有十分显著的效应。在高光条件下 ,基质养分对这些性状有十分显著的影响 ;而在低光条件下 ,基质养分条件对这些性状不产生影响或影响较小。这表明 ,光照强度影响金戴戴对基质养分的可塑性反应。在深度遮光  相似文献   

Gynodioecy, the phenomenon of having both hermaphrodite and female (i.e. male‐sterile) individuals within the same population, is an important intermediate step in the evolution of separate sexes in flowering plants. In this study, we investigated the floral micromorphology and microsporogenesis of the gynodioecious herb Glechoma longituba from four natural populations in Korea. The floral micromorphological characters of the different sex morphs were examined and compared using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and the ultrastructure of microspores during microsporogenesis was studied. We also examined the development of anthers and pollen grains in the three sexual morphs (i.e. hermaphrodites, females, and gynomonoecious, i.e. individuals with a mixture of female and hermaphroditic flowers) by embryological investigation. The major difference in anther development between the three phenotypes was the early disintegration of the tapetal cells in the anthers of female flowers. While mature fertile pollen grains were found in both hermaphrodite and gynomonoecious phenotypes, females did not produce any pollen grains. In addition, both fertile and sterile pollen grains in gynomonoecious phenotypes were frequently observed. The results of the present study indicate that floral micromorphological characters were not distinct between sexual morphs of G. longituba, except for the structure of the inner cell surfaces of the anther. The observed tapetum abnormalities and degeneration of pollen grains in both gynomonoecious phenotypes and females may be the consequence of inbreeding depression in hermaphrodites.  相似文献   

We quantified the differences in floral characters and attractiveness to flower visitors under natural conditions between the sexual types in the gynodioecious plant Glechoma longituba. We also manipulated flowers by altering corolla size or nectar volume, or by removing anthers, to examine the effect of these primary and secondary attractants (i.e. rewards and advertisements) on attractiveness. A change in corolla size and shape reduced visiting frequency and pollen load. Removal of anthers did not affect visiting rates, but significantly reduced pollination rates and stigmatic pollen load. A decrease in the nectar volume of a flower was associated with a reduction in handling time and pollen loads on stigmas. These results show that corolla size is an important advertisement to pollinators (particularly at greater distance), which associate hermaphrodite flowers with a larger corolla and a larger volume of nectar than female flowers. We found that artificial changes in population structure affected the behavior of pollinators as well as the pollination rates of flowers. We suggest that the pattern of distribution of hermaphrodite and female clones in a population may serve to avoid pollen limitation in a female clone or patch. This effect may ensure female reproductive success and allow for the maintenance of female individuals in natural populations of this gynodioecious plant.  相似文献   

Y Zhang  Q Zhang  M Sammul 《PloS one》2012,7(9):e44221
Clonal growth allows plants to spread horizontally and to establish ramets in sites of contrasting resource status. If ramets remain physiologically integrated, clones in heterogeneous environments can act as cooperative systems - effects of stress on one ramet can be ameliorated by another connected ramet inhabiting benign conditions. But little is known about the effects of patch contrast on physiological integration of clonal plants and no study has addressed its effects on physiological traits like osmolytes, reactive oxygen intermediates and antioxidant enzymes. We examined the effect of physiological integration on survival, growth and stress indicators such as osmolytes, reactive oxygen intermediates (ROIs) and antioxidant enzymes in a clonal plant, Fragaria orientalis, growing in homogenous and heterogeneous environments differing in patch contrast of water availability (1 homogeneous (no contrast) group; 2 low contrast group; 3 high contrast group). Drought stress markedly reduced the survival and growth of the severed ramets of F. orientalis, especially in high contrast treatments. Support from a ramet growing in benign patch considerably reduced drought stress and enhanced growth of ramets in dry patches. The larger the contrast between water availability, the larger the amount of support the depending ramet received from the supporting one. This support strongly affected the growth of the supporting ramet, but not to an extent to cause increase in stress indicators. We also found indication of costs related to maintenance of physiological connection between ramets. Thus, the net benefit of physiological integration depends on the environment and integration between ramets of F. orientalis could be advantageous only in heterogeneous conditions with a high contrast.  相似文献   

Bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum is considered one of the most harmful diseases of pepper plants. Recently, research on plant disease control through the rhizosphere microbiome has been actively conducted. In this study, the relationship with disease occurrence between the neighboring plant confirmed by analyzing the physicochemical properties of the rhizosphere soil and changes in the microbial community. The results confirmed that the microbial community changes significantly depending on the organic matters, P2O5, and clay in the soil. Despite significant differences in microbial communities according to soil composition, Actinobacteriota at the phylum level was higher in healthy plant rhizosphere (mean of relative abundance, D: 8.05 ± 1.13; H: 10.06 ± 1.59). These results suggest that Actinobacteriota may be associated with bacterial wilt disease. In this study, we present basic information for constructing of healthy soil in the future by presenting the major microbial groups that can suppress bacterial wilt.  相似文献   

The remediation of metal-contaminated soils by phytoextraction depends on plant growth and plant metal accessibility. Soil microorganisms can affect the accumulation of metals by plants either by directly or indirectly stimulating plant growth and activity or by (im)mobilizing and/or complexing metals. Understanding the intricate interplay of metal-accumulating plants with their rhizosphere microbiome is an important step toward the application and optimization of phytoremediation. We compared the effects of a “native” and a strongly disturbed (gamma-irradiated) soil microbial communities on cadmium and zinc accumulation by the plant Arabidopsis halleri in soil microcosm experiments. A. halleri accumulated 100% more cadmium and 15% more zinc when grown on the untreated than on the gamma-irradiated soil. Gamma irradiation affected neither plant growth nor the 1 M HCl-extractable metal content of the soil. However, it strongly altered the soil microbial community composition and overall cell numbers. Pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA gene amplicons of DNA extracted from rhizosphere samples of A. halleri identified microbial taxa (Lysobacter, Streptomyces, Agromyces, Nitrospira, “Candidatus Chloracidobacterium”) of higher relative sequence abundance in the rhizospheres of A. halleri plants grown on untreated than on gamma-irradiated soil, leading to hypotheses on their potential effect on plant metal uptake. However, further experimental evidence is required, and wherefore we discuss different mechanisms of interaction of A. halleri with its rhizosphere microbiome that might have directly or indirectly affected plant metal accumulation. Deciphering the complex interactions between A. halleri and individual microbial taxa will help to further develop soil metal phytoextraction as an efficient and sustainable remediation strategy.  相似文献   

Ecological theory suggests that microbial communities with greater microbial diversity would be less susceptible to invasion by potential opportunistic pathogens. We investigated whether the survival of the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the wheat rhizosphere would be affected by the presence of natural and constructed microbial communities of various diversity levels. Three levels of microbial community diversity were derived from wheat roots by a dilution/extinction approach. These wheat rhizosphere inocula, as well as a gnotobiotic microbial community consisting of seven culturable wheat rhizobacterial isolates, were introduced into the nutrient solution of hydroponically grown wheat plants on the day of planting. Phenotypic characterization of the culturable microbial communities on R2A medium, Shannon microbial diversity index, community-level physiological profiles, and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphisms were used to assess the varying microbial diversity levels. At day 7 the roots were invaded with P. aeruginosa and the number of P. aeruginosa colony forming units per root were measured at day 14. The average number of surviving P. aeruginosa cells was 3.52, 4.90, 7.18, 6.65 log10 cfu/root in the high, medium, low, and gnotobiotic microbial community diversity level treatments, respectively. The invasibility of the rhizosphere communities by P. aeruginosa was inversely related to the level of diversity from the dilution extinction gradient. The gnotobiotic community did not confer protection against P. aeruginosa invasion. Although these data indicate that invasibility is inversely related to diversity, further study is needed to both reproduce these findings and define the specific mechanisms of the diversity effect.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen increasing interest in indirect genetic effects, i.e. influences on the phenotype that depend on the genotype of other conspecific individuals; however, the empirical evidence for such effects is still limited, especially in wild plant species. The present study of the clonal herb Sedum album assessed direct and indirect genetic effects on performance-related traits in a 4-year experiment with clonally replicated genotypes, grown in pairs and differing in anthocyanin pigmentation to allow separation of individuals during data collection. In agreement with the existence of indirect genetic effects, the experimentally-paired plants not only expressed their own genotype but were also affected by the genotype of their pair mate. The effect of neighbour genotype explained up to one-fourth of the variation in performance and most likely resulted from competition, imposed by the close physical contact between paired individuals and the limiting conditions used in the garden environment. Indirect genetic effects from competition have the potential to enhance the efficacy of group-level selection relative to individual selection, given the nutrient-poor and spatially-confined substrate available to plants of S. album in the natural habitat.  相似文献   

The floral biology and pollination process of Glechoma longituba (Nakai) Kuprian, a clonal gynodioecious, perennial herb that is widely distributed in China was investigated in natural populations. During visits to the flowers of G. longituba, the carpenter bee—Xylocopa sinensis mainly displayed nectar-robbing behavior with minimal pollination. Nectar robbing behavior began at the onset of flowering and continued for about 3 weeks ending at about the middle of the flowering period. A total of 18.6% floral visits in this period were by nectar robbers, with about 90% of the flowers in the study populations being subjected to two or two nectar-robbing episodes. During controlled experiments, lower pollination efficiency was recorded for X. sinensis compared to legitimate pollinators. Pollination by the robber-like pollinator X. sinensis during the early-mid phase of the flowering season yielded seeds of 16.16%. Although nectar robbing by the carpenter bee seemed to have a slight enhancing effect on seed set in G. longituba, this effect was effectively masked by the more pronounced detrimental effect of nectar robbing. Experiments indicated that nectar robbing by the carpenter bee reduced seed production by more than 26%, largely owing to the consequent shortening of the life span of robbed flowers. Furthermore, 10.43% of the ovules and 13.04% of the nectaries in the robbed flowers were damaged, thus causing a decrease or entire loss of reproductive opportunity in the robbed flowers. In addition, a higher number of pollen grains remained on the androecia of robbed flowers indicating that nectar robbing may have a lowering effect on male fitness in G. longituba.  相似文献   

通过施用微生物菌肥研究寒地大豆根围土壤细菌多样性和群落组成,缓解因长期施用化肥和农药带来的土壤问题。以大豆合农69为研究对象,设置6个处理:施用大豆专用肥、颗粒肥、复合菌肥、减施15%化肥配施颗粒肥、减施15%化肥配施微生物复合颗粒肥和空白对照,采用高通量测序技术分析大豆荚期根围土壤细菌多样性和群落组成;采用传统统计学方法对株高、荚数、粒数和产量进行统计。门水平放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)、绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)、芽单胞菌门(Gemmatimonadetes)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)、Patescibacteria和WPS-2为优势菌门。其中减施15%化肥配施颗粒肥处理的优势菌门为变形菌门,其他几个处理的优势菌门为放线菌门;目、科和属水平Gaiellales/Other、酸杆菌目(Acidobacteriales/Other)、Frankiales/Other、鞘脂单胞菌属(Sphingomonas)、嗜酸栖热菌属(Acidothermus)、芽单胞菌属(Gemma...  相似文献   

本文对活血丹的克隆形态、显微结构、主要药用成分等方面进行了综述,为活血丹的进一步研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Male and female nectar robbers may show significantly different behaviour on host plants and thus have different impacts on reproductive fitness of the plants. A 4-year study in natural populations of Glechoma longituba has shown that male carpenter bees (Xylocopa sinensis) are responsible for most of the nectar robbing from these flowers, while female bees account for little nectar robbing, demonstrating distinct behavioural differentiation between male and female bees in visiting flowers. The smaller male bee spends less time visiting a single flower than the larger female bee, consequently, the male bee is capable of visiting more flowers per unit time and has a higher foraging efficiency. Moreover, the robbing behaviour of female carpenter bees is more destructive and affects flower structures (ovules and nectaries) and floral life-span more than that of the male bee. According to the energy trade-off hypothesis, the net energy gain for male bees during nectar robbing greatly surpasses energy payout (17.72 versus 2.43 J), while the female bee net energy gain is barely adequate to meet energy payout per unit time (3.78 versus 2.39 J). The differences in net energy gain for male and female bees per unit time in nectar robbing are the likely cause of observed behavioural differences between the sexes. The differences in food resource preference between male and female bees constitute an optimal resource allocation pattern that enables the visitors to utilise floral resources more efficiently.  相似文献   

Rhizosphere competence of bacterial inoculants is assumed to be important for successful biocontrol. Knowledge of factors influencing rhizosphere competence under field conditions is largely lacking. The present study is aimed to unravel the effects of soil types on the rhizosphere competence and biocontrol activity of the two inoculant strains Pseudomonas jessenii RU47 and Serratia plymuthica 3Re4-18 in field-grown lettuce in soils inoculated with Rhizoctonia solani AG1-IB or not. Two independent experiments were carried out in 2011 on an experimental plot system with three soil types sharing the same cropping history and weather conditions for more than 10 years. Rifampicin resistant mutants of the inoculants were used to evaluate their colonization in the rhizosphere of lettuce. The rhizosphere bacterial community structure was analyzed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of 16S rRNA gene fragments amplified from total community DNA to get insights into the effects of the inoculants and R. solani on the indigenous rhizosphere bacterial communities. Both inoculants showed a good colonization ability of the rhizosphere of lettuce with more than 106 colony forming units per g root dry mass two weeks after planting. An effect of the soil type on rhizosphere competence was observed for 3Re4-18 but not for RU47. In both experiments a comparable rhizosphere competence was observed and in the presence of the inoculants disease symptoms were either significantly reduced, or at least a non-significant trend was shown. Disease severity was highest in diluvial sand followed by alluvial loam and loess loam suggesting that the soil types differed in their conduciveness for bottom rot disease. Compared to effect of the soil type of the rhizosphere bacterial communities, the effects of the pathogen and the inoculants were less pronounced. The soil types had a surprisingly low influence on rhizosphere competence and biocontrol activity while they significantly affected the bottom rot disease severity.  相似文献   

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