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Vascular calcification is an advanced feature of atherosclerosis for which no effective therapy is available. To investigate the modulation or reversal of calcification, we identified calcifying progenitor cells and investigated their calcifying/decalcifying potentials. Cells from the aortas of mice were sorted into four groups using Sca-1 and PDGFRα markers. Sca-1+ (Sca-1+/PDGFRα+ and Sca-1+/PDGFRα) progenitor cells exhibited greater osteoblastic differentiation potentials than Sca-1 (Sca-1/PDGFRα+ and Sca-1/PDGFRα) progenitor cells. Among Sca-1+ progenitor populations, Sca-1+/PDGFRα cells possessed bidirectional differentiation potentials towards both osteoblastic and osteoclastic lineages, whereas Sca-1+/PDGFRα+ cells differentiated into an osteoblastic lineage unidirectionally. When treated with a peroxisome proliferator activated receptor γ (PPARγ) agonist, Sca-1+/PDGFRα cells preferentially differentiated into osteoclast-like cells. Sca-1+ progenitor cells in the artery originated from the bone marrow (BM) and could be clonally expanded. Vessel-resident BM-derived Sca-1+ calcifying progenitor cells displayed nonhematopoietic, mesenchymal characteristics. To evaluate the modulation of in vivo calcification, we established models of ectopic and atherosclerotic calcification. Computed tomography indicated that Sca-1+ progenitor cells increased the volume and calcium scores of ectopic calcification. However, Sca-1+/PDGFRα cells treated with a PPARγ agonist decreased bone formation 2-fold compared with untreated cells. Systemic infusion of Sca-1+/PDGFRα cells into Apoe−/− mice increased the severity of calcified atherosclerotic plaques. However, Sca-1+/PDGFRα cells in which PPARγ was activated displayed markedly decreased plaque severity. Immunofluorescent staining indicated that Sca-1+/PDGFRα cells mainly expressed osteocalcin; however, activation of PPARγ triggered receptor activator for nuclear factor-κB (RANK) expression, indicating their bidirectional fate in vivo. These findings suggest that a subtype of BM-derived and vessel-resident progenitor cells offer a therapeutic target for the prevention of vascular calcification and that PPARγ activation may be an option to reverse calcification.  相似文献   

Tight junctions (TJs) are an essential structure of fluid-secreting cells, such as those in salivary glands. Three major families of integral membrane proteins have been identified as components of the TJ: claudins, occludin, and junctional adhesion molecules (JAMs), plus the cytosolic protein zonula occludens (ZO). We have been working to develop an orally implantable artificial salivary gland that would be suitable for treating patients lacking salivary parenchymal tissue. To date, little is known about the distribution of TJ proteins in adult human salivary cells and thus what key molecular components might be desirable for the cellular component of an artificial salivary gland device. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the distribution of TJ proteins in human salivary glands. Salivary gland samples were obtained from 10 patients. Frozen and formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded sections were stained using IHC methods. Claudin-1 was expressed in ductal, endothelial, and ∼25% of serous cells. Claudins-2, -3, and -4 and JAM-A were expressed in both ductal and acinar cells, whereas claudin-5 was expressed only in endothelial cells. Occludin and ZO-1 were expressed in acinar, ductal, and endothelial cells. These results provide new information on TJ proteins in two major human salivary glands and should serve as a reference for future studies to assess the presence of appropriate TJ proteins in a tissue-engineered human salivary gland. (J Histochem Cytochem 56:1093–1098, 2008)  相似文献   

Apoptosis induction is an important host defense mechanism to control viral infection, which is antagonized by viral proteins. Murine cytomegalovirus m41.1 encodes a viral inhibitor of BAK oligomerization (vIBO) that blocks the mitochondrial apoptosis mediator BAK. However, its importance for viral fitness in vivo has not been investigated. Here, we show that an m41.1-deficient virus attains reduced titers in salivary glands of wild-type but not Bak1−/− mice, indicating a requirement of BAK inhibition for optimal dissemination in vivo.  相似文献   

成人多能祖细胞(multipotent adult progenitor cells,MAPC)最初是从骨髓中分离出来的一种稀有的类似于胚胎外内皮细胞的细胞,与骨髓基质干细胞相比,其生物学性状更加稳定,扩增120代不衰老,分化能力更强,因此受到越来越多的干细胞研究者的青睐。该文将就MAPC的发现、发展过程及前景作一综述。  相似文献   

S Li  G Sun  K Murai  P Ye  Y Shi 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e43324
TLX has been shown to play an important role in regulating the self-renewal and proliferation of neural stem cells in adult brains. However, the cellular distribution of endogenous TLX protein in adult brains remains to be elucidated. In this study, we used immunostaining with a TLX-specific antibody to show that TLX is expressed in both neural stem cells and transit-amplifying neural progenitor cells in the subventricular zone (SVZ) of adult mouse brains. Then, using a double thymidine analog labeling approach, we showed that almost all of the self-renewing neural stem cells expressed TLX. Interestingly, most of the TLX-positive cells in the SVZ represented the thymidine analog-negative, relatively quiescent neural stem cell population. Using cell type markers and short-term BrdU labeling, we demonstrated that TLX was also expressed in the Mash1+ rapidly dividing type C cells. Furthermore, loss of TLX expression dramatically reduced BrdU label-retaining neural stem cells and the actively dividing neural progenitor cells in the SVZ, but substantially increased GFAP staining and extended GFAP processes. These results suggest that TLX is essential to maintain the self-renewing neural stem cells in the SVZ and that the GFAP+ cells in the SVZ lose neural stem cell property upon loss of TLX expression.Understanding the cellular distribution of TLX and its function in specific cell types may provide insights into the development of therapeutic tools for neurodegenerative diseases by targeting TLX in neural stem/progenitors cells.  相似文献   

成年大鼠海马神经前体细胞表达功能性的 L-型钙通道   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为了建立一种能够获得高纯度成年大鼠海马神经前体细胞(HPCs)的体外贴壁培养方法,并鉴定HPCs上是否存在功能性L-型钙通道,分离Wistar成年大鼠海马组织,制成单细胞悬液,利用无血清培养技术,在添加碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(bFGF)、表皮生长因子(EGF)、N2和B27 supplement的DMEM/F12培养液中进行培养.连续传代,采用细胞免疫荧光法对第六代细胞进行鉴定,呈巢蛋白(nestin)阳性的细胞可达99.9%.把培养高纯度的细胞在分化培养基中诱导分化14天后,表现为神经元和星形胶质细胞的形态,且分别呈Ⅲ型β-微管蛋白(Tujl)阳性和胶质纤维酸性蛋白(GFAP)阳性.细胞免疫荧光和免疫印迹结果显示,HPCs表达L-型钙通道的Cav1.2α1C和Cav1.3α1D亚单位,共聚焦钙成像证明了功能性L-型钙通道的存在,并且利用全细胞膜片钳技术记录到了L-型钙电流.以上结果表明成年Wistar大鼠的海马HPCs可表达功能性的L-型钙通道.  相似文献   

The use of stem cells as a vehicle of therapeutic genes is an attractive approach for the development of new antitumoral strategies based on gene therapy. The aim of our study was to assess the potential of bone marrow-derived Multipotent Adult Progenitor Cells (rMAPCs) to differentiate in vitro and in vivo into endothelial cells and to be recruited to areas of tumor vasculogenesis. In vitro, rMAPCs obtained from Buffalo rats differentiated into cells expressing endothelial markers and demonstrated functional endothelial capacity. Intravenous injection of undifferentiated rMAPC transduced with a lentivirus expressing GFP in an orthotopic rat model of hepatocellular carcinoma, resulted in tumor recruitment of the injected cells and in vivo differentiation into endothelial cells in the tumor area with contribution to vasculogenesis. In summary, our results suggest that rMAPCs can be efficiently recruited by vascularized tumors and differentiate to endothelium and thus may represent a useful vehicle for delivery of therapeutic genes to sites of active tumor neovascularization.  相似文献   

内皮祖细胞(Endothelial Progenitor Cells,EPCs)是血管内皮细胞的前体细胞,即能分化为成熟血管内皮细胞的祖细胞。随着对EPCs功能和影响其分化、生存、归巢和组织分布因素的了解,EPCs作为临床诊断、预后判断和治疗方法将有广阔的前景。本文就EPCs的的来源,EPCs的分离、培养、鉴定,EPCs的表面标志,EPCs的动员、分化和归巢等生物学特性及其进展展开综述。  相似文献   

内皮祖细胞(Endothelial Progenitor Cells,EPCs)是内皮细胞(endothelial cells,ECs)的前体细胞,即能分化为成熟ECs的祖细胞,它在血管内皮再生中发挥着重要作用。随着EPCs研究的深入,其在临床诊断、预后判断和各种缺血性疾病的治疗方面将会有广阔的应用前景。然而,关于EPCs的定义、来源、表面标记以及培养鉴定方法目前仍存在争议。  相似文献   

John Scott 《Gerodontology》1986,5(3):149-158
Degenerative structural changes develop in the secretory tissues of most salivary glands in man with advancing age. Quantitative studies have shown losses of a third or more in the parenchymal content of submandibular and labial glands and mostly these changes accrue steadily across the adult life span. The parotid appears less prone to such extensive change but currently only limited data are available for this gland. Positive correlations are evident between the age-dependent decrements of secretory tissue and reductions in salivary flow rate for the submandibular and labial glands. The parotid, however, shows no functional correlation with the demonstrable tissue losses of old age. Future research should he directed at structural-functional anomalies in aging glands and should seek to examine the changing demands on salivary structure and function within the wider context of the maintenance of oral health in the elderly.  相似文献   

We studied the development of stem/progenitor cells of the human brain transplanted in the adult rat brain after expansion in an in vitrotissue culture. It was preliminarily shown by the immunological methods that the stem cells grown in a medium with growth factors formed neurospheres, which were heterogenous and contained both stem and progenitor cells of the human brain. The cells were implanted in the hippocampus, striatum, or lateral ventricle of the rat brain as a suspension or aggregates (neurospheres) and their behavior and differentiation were studies within 10, 20, and 30 days using the morphological and immunochemical methods. The cultured cells of the human brain continued their development in the rat brain, migrated, and formed neurons and astrocytes. The white mater fibers, lateral ventricle wall, and perivascular spaces served as the main pathways of migration. The neuronal differentiation was shown by staining with antibodies to -tubulin III, neurofilaments-70, and calbindin. Some growing nerve cells had long processes with growth cones. At the same time, some transplanted cells retained the undifferentiated state within one month after the implantation, as shown by the vimentin expression.  相似文献   

Magnetic nanoparticle-based gene transfection has been shown to be an effective, non-viral technique for delivery of both plasmid DNA and siRNA into cells in culture. It has several advantages over other non-viral delivery techniques, such as short transfection times and high cell viability. These advantages have been demonstrated in a number of primary cells and cell lines. Here we report that oscillating magnet array-based nanomagnetic transfection significantly improves transfection efficiency in both human prenatal cardiac progenitor cells and adult cardiomyocytes when compared to static magnetofection, cationic lipid reagents and electroporation, while maintaining high cell viability. In addition, transfection of adult cardiomyocytes was improved further by seeding the cells onto Collagen I-coated plates, with transfection efficiencies of up to 49% compared to 24% with lipid reagents and 19% with electroporation. These results demonstrate that oscillating nanomagnetic transfection far outperforms other non-viral transfection techniques in these important cells.  相似文献   

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