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U.S. Department of the Interior is planning to remove two high dams (30 and 60 m) from the Elwha River, which will allow the river to erode sediment deposits in the reservoirs, and ultimately restore the river ecosystem. Fluvial sediment transport and deposition paradoxically represent ecological disturbance and restoration. A one-dimensional, movable boundary sediment-transport model was applied at a daily time step to simulate changes in river-bed elevations and particle-size distributions and concentrations of suspended sediment. The simulations included a three-year dam removal period and a four-year recovery period. Simulated concentrations of suspended sediment recover rapidly during the recovery period. Simulated bed elevation and particle-size distributions are stable for much of the river during the recovery period, but high flows periodically disturb the river bed, causing changes in river-bed elevation and particle-size distribution, especially during autumn, when summer/autumn chinook salmon are incubating in redds. Although the river bed will become increasingly stable after dam removal, episodic high flows will interrupt recovery trends. Productivity and diversity of the ecosystem may be lower because of excess sediment immediately after dam removal but should increase during recovery above current levels as the river. Monitoring of the recovery of the Elwha River ecosystem can target ecologically significant physical parameters indicating the transition from a sediment transport-limited state to a supply-limited state.  相似文献   

以皖南山区的河源溪流为研究区域, 根据2016年7月和11月两次的调查数据, 在区分土著物种和本地入侵物种的基础上, 初步比较研究了低水头坝的坝上蓄水区和冲刷区鱼类群落的季节动态及所受水坝大小和功能的影响。共采集鱼类24种, 隶属4目10科, 其中土著鱼类13种, 本地入侵鱼类11种。尽管坝下冲刷区的鱼类群落无显著季节变化, 但坝上蓄水区的鱼类群落季节动态显著, 其中11月的鱼类个体数显著高于7月。水坝大小对鱼类群落的影响相对较小, 仅冲刷区入侵鱼类群落结构随水坝大小显著变化; 水坝功能对鱼类群落的影响较大, 蓄水区土著鱼类群落及冲刷区入侵鱼类群落等都随水坝功能显著变化——同蓄水坝相比, 引渠坝的蓄水区中宽鳍鱲较少但中华花鳅和吻虾虎鱼较多, 且引渠坝的冲刷区中高体鳑鲏和泥鳅具有更高多度。研究表明, 在研究区域内, 低水头坝对鱼类群落分布的影响视水坝蓄水功能而不同, 而水坝大小的相对重要性较低。研究也进一步证实, 因亲流性土著鱼类与广布性入侵鱼类对低水头坝干扰的响应不同, 在开展有关人类活动对溪流鱼类多样性的影响评价时, 有必要区分土著物种和入侵物种来进行, 以确保研究结论的科学性。  相似文献   

Longitudinal connectivity is a fundamental characteristic of rivers that can be disrupted by natural and anthropogenic processes. Dams are significant disruptions to streams. Over 2,000,000 low-head dams (<7.6 m high) fragment United States rivers. Despite potential adverse impacts of these ubiquitous disturbances, the spatial impacts of low-head dams on geomorphology and ecology are largely untested. Progress for research and conservation is impaired by not knowing the magnitude of low-head dam impacts. Based on the geomorphic literature, we refined a methodology that allowed us to quantify the spatial extent of low-head dam impacts (herein dam footprint), assessed variation in dam footprints across low-head dams within a river network, and identified select aspects of the context of this variation. Wetted width, depth, and substrate size distributions upstream and downstream of six low-head dams within the Upper Neosho River, Kansas, United States of America were measured. Total dam footprints averaged 7.9 km (3.0–15.3 km) or 287 wetted widths (136–437 wetted widths). Estimates included both upstream (mean: 6.7 km or 243 wetted widths) and downstream footprints (mean: 1.2 km or 44 wetted widths). Altogether the six low-head dams impacted 47.3 km (about 17%) of the mainstem in the river network. Despite differences in age, size, location, and primary function, the sizes of geomorphic footprints of individual low-head dams in the Upper Neosho river network were relatively similar. The number of upstream dams and distance to upstream dams, but not dam height, affected the spatial extent of dam footprints. In summary, ubiquitous low-head dams individually and cumulatively altered lotic ecosystems. Both characteristics of individual dams and the context of neighboring dams affected low-head dam impacts within the river network. For these reasons, low-head dams require a different, more integrative, approach for research and management than the individualistic approach that has been applied to larger dams.  相似文献   

1. Dam presence is commonly associated with strong accumulation of polluted sediments. In spite of this context of multiple stressors, physical effects are often solely considered in the ecological assessment of the dam impacts. 2. We studied four ‘reservoir/downstream reach’ systems differing in levels of sediment contamination in reservoirs. Using assemblages and biotrait (i.e. ecological or biological attribute) responses of macroinvertebrate communities and leaf litter breakdown, we examined the individual effects and potential interactions between sediment contamination and dam presence along the gradient of ecotoxic pressure. 3. Leaf breakdown rates ranged from 0.0044° per day in the most contaminated reservoir to 0.0120° per day in the reference reservoir. Comparisons of community trait profiles among reservoirs highlighted a gradient of trait responses to sediment contamination. 4. In the absence of toxic contamination, the dam‐induced modifications in biotraits of invertebrate assemblages were not related to a reduction of leaf litter breakdown. Conversely, contaminated sediment in reservoir induced strong functional disturbances (i.e. bioecological shifts and reduction of leaf litter breakdown) downstream of dams. 5. Key biotrait categories positively related to leaf litter breakdown rate have been identified. They corresponded mainly to shredders and/or small‐sized (<0.5 cm) insects, using aquatic (e.g. crawlers) or aerial (e.g. fliers) active dispersal strategies. In addition, trait categories positively correlated to contamination level have been considered as ‘response’ traits. They corresponded to large‐sized (>4 cm) species, having several generations per year (polyvoltin), using asexual reproduction and/or disseminating by drift (aquatic, passive). 6. In the current context of ecological continuity restoration, this study has identified the risks associated with the presence of historical contamination in the run‐of‐river reservoirs for downstream ecosystem health.  相似文献   

王强  庞旭  李秀明  王志坚  袁兴中  张耀光 《生态学报》2019,39(15):5508-5516
河流物理生境是维持河流生物多样性及生态功能的关键因素。生境质量的好坏能反应河流健康的程度。以我国西南地区的五布河和藻渡河为例,采用河流生境调查方法(RHS)和树状水系连通性指数(DCI)定量评估水电梯级开发和水坝建设对河流物理生境质量和河流纵向连通性的影响。结果表明,水电梯级开发后,五布河干流未受水坝明显影响河段、库区河段、减水河段分别为20.48、43.34、18.09 km,占总长度的25.0%、52.9%、22.1%。藻渡河干流河口至双河口段未受水坝明显影响河段、库区河段、减水河段分别为58.61、8.28、18.99 km,占总长度的68.2%、9.6%、占22.1%。水电梯级开发后,五布河干流河流片段由26个增至29个,藻渡河干流河流片段由2个增至5个。两条河流纵向连通性分别降低了7.8%和38.0%。五布河坝下减水河段生境质量降低14.1%,库区河段生境质量变化不明显。藻渡河减水河段生境质量与近自然河段无显著差异;两座坝后式电站库区河段生境质量明显低于近自然河段。水电梯级开发对两条河流物理生境的影响与水坝位置选择、建坝前的自然阻隔数量与分布、河流地貌特征、水电资源开发方式等密切相关。  相似文献   

This review compares and contrasts the environmental changes that have influenced, or will influence, fishes and fisheries in the Yangtze and Mekong Rivers. These two rivers have been chosen because they differ markedly in the type and intensity of prevailing threats. The Mekong is relatively pristine, whereas the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze is the world's largest dam representing the apotheosis of environmental alteration of Asian rivers thus far. Moreover, it is situated at the foot of a planned cascade of at least 12 new dams on the upper Yangtze. Anthropogenic effects of dams and pollution of Yangtze fishes will be exacerbated by plans to divert water northwards along three transfer routes, in part to supplement the flow of the Yellow River. Adaptation to climate change will undoubtedly stimulate more dam construction and flow regulation, potentially causing perfect storm conditions for fishes in the Yangtze. China has already built dams along the upper course of the Mekong, and there are plans for as many as 11 mainstream dams in People's Democratic Republic (Laos) and Cambodia in the lower Mekong Basin. If built, they could have profound consequences for biodiversity, fisheries and human livelihoods, and such concerns have stalled dam construction. Potential effects of dams proposed for other rivers (such as Nujiang-Salween) are also cause for concern. Conservation or restoration measures to sustain some semblance of the rich fish biodiversity of Asian rivers can be identified, but their implementation may prove problematic in a context of increasing Anthropocene alteration of these ecosystems.  相似文献   

水坝拆除引起河流连通性、水动力、河流地貌等一系列变化,直接影响了鱼类群落结构和空间分布。黑水河为金沙江左岸一级支流,其上共建四级电站,出于支流生境恢复需求,第四级水坝老木河水坝于2018年12月实行拆除。为探明低水头坝拆除对鱼类群落的影响,结合2018年6月和2019年6月黑水河下游60.4km河段10个点位的渔获物调查,对拆坝前后鱼类群落结构和生态类型变化、优势物种与单位捕捞努力量以及不同河段间的群落相似性进行了分析。结果表明,水坝拆除半年后优势物种仍以鲤科和鳅科为主,但物种数和丰度整体上增加;生态类型上以杂食、喜急流和产微粘性卵鱼为主;拆坝后鱼类群落空间分布变化明显,靠近河口的自然河段鱼类上溯洄游到原坝址的上下游,部分长江上游特有鱼类在原坝址附近发生定殖行为,且拆坝后各河段的鱼类组成结构有同质化趋势。总体上,老木河水坝的拆除对黑水河下游的鱼类群落结构和空间分布产生了积极的影响。  相似文献   

Release of trapped sediment from a dam is currently considered to be an effective mitigation method in dammed rivers. However, it has a high impact on the ecosystems downstream. In order to mitigate the impact of the sediment trapped by these dams, sediment gates were constructed in the two most downstream dams—Dashidaira Dam and Unazuki Dam—to release trapped sediment into the downstream. Since synchronous sediment release from Dashidaira Dam and Unazuki Dam was initiated, however, the formerly completely stony beds of the sediment bars and the river channel downstream have become covered with sand, and in the last several years they have become remarkably vegetated. Accumulation of sediment and organic matter in densely and lightly treed areas was investigated on a sediment bar subject to sediment release from upstream. Sediment accumulated in a half cone shape behind trees, and the amount of accumulated sediment was larger at sites with greater tree density. The amounts of accumulated litter were also larger at sites with greater tree density. A higher ratio of autochthonous than allochthonous litter was observed. The ratio of TN to TP was 20–25 in this litter, as opposed to 1.0 in the soil; thus plant growth seems to be limited more by levels of nitrogen than phosphorus. Because sediment and organic matter accumulate in reservoirs over time, it was concluded that the present method of releasing trapped sediment from dams is not suitable, and further modification is required.  相似文献   

This study examined the patterns of plant functional trait variation in relation to geomorphology, disturbance and a suite of other environmental factors in the riparian margin of the Upper Hunter River, New South Wales, Australia. Vegetation was surveyed on three geomorphic surfaces (point bar, bench and bank) along a 5.5‐km stretch of the Upper Hunter River. Functional traits relating to plant growth and reproduction were collected for the identified species. anova and principal components analysis were used to compare the trait assemblages of species associated with each geomorphic unit. Pearson's correlation coefficients were used to investigate trait variation with respect to environmental variables. There were clear differences in the plant functional trait assemblages associated with the three geomorphic units. Generally the point bar was associated with species that were herbaceous, with small seed mass, a short stature and a high specific leaf area (SLA). Conversely, the bench was associated with grasses that had unassisted seed dispersal and intermediate seed mass and SLA, while species on the bank had tall stature, large seed mass, a high SLA and a perennial life cycle. Variation along the primary gradient of plant functional trait composition was most strongly related to disturbance frequency and to a lesser extent soil nutrients and the proportion of clay and silt, while variation along the secondary gradient was associated with variation in substrate texture as well as soil nutrients.  相似文献   

Dam removal is an approach for restoring rivers. However, there are increasing concerns about the impact of removal on downstream biota. We examined the short-term responses of benthic macroinvertebrates and their avian predator (Brown Dipper, Cinclus pallasii Temminck) in reaches downstream of a check dam after it was removed from a mountain stream in central Taiwan. The density and taxonomic richness of downstream macroinvertebrates decreased immediately after dam removal. The decreases were associated with scouring or burial by sediments from the upstream impoundment. Ten weeks post-removal, downstream macroinvertebrate densities, although marginally recovering, remained lower than both pre-removal and upstream densities. Substantial changes in community structure were not significantly associated with an increase in the proportion of taxa with short life spans. However, this small-scale disturbance had no strong effect on the abundance of their very mobile, avian predator. This study and other studies of dam removal have found that downstream sedimentation following dam removal can reduce macroinvertebrate densities and that they may recover over time. Thus, timescale must be considered when interpreting the consequences of dam removal, especially when the long-term goal is stream restoration.  相似文献   

Large hydropower schemes have recently gained renewed interest as a provider of efficient and renewable energy, particularly in developing countries. However, some dams may have widespread effects on hydrological and ecosystem integrity, which reach beyond the scales addressed by typical environmental impact assessments. In this paper we address two main ecological impacts—reduced river connectivity and changes in the natural flow regime—at the scale of the entire Mekong River Basin as an important component of dam evaluations. The goal is to improve our understanding of the effect of individual dams as well as clusters of dams at a very large scale. We introduce two new indices, the River Connectivity Index (RCI) as a tool to measure network connectivity, and the River Regulation Index (RRI) as a measure of flow alteration, and calculate the individual and cumulative impact of 81 proposed dams using HydroROUT, a graph-theory based river routing model. Furthermore, we demonstrate how quantitative weighting, e.g. based on river habitat characterizations or species distribution models, may be included in dam impact assessments.A global comparison of large rivers shows that the Mekong would experience strong deterioration in the fragmentation and flow regulation indices if all dams that are currently under consideration in the basin were built, placing it among other heavily impounded rivers in the world. The results illustrate the importance of considering the location of dams, both relative in the network and relative to other already existing dams. Our approach may be used as an index-based ranking system for individual dams, or to compare basin-wide development scenarios, with the goal of providing guidance for decision makers wishing to select locations for future dams with less environmental impacts and to identify and develop potential mitigation strategies.  相似文献   

1. In riverine ecosystems, streamflow determines the physical template upon which the life history strategies of biota are forged. Human freshwater needs and activities have resulted in widespread alteration of the variability, predictability and timing of streamflow, and anticipating the biotic consequences of anthropogenic streamflow alteration is critical for successful environmental flow management. In this study, we examined relationships between dam characteristics, metrics of flow alteration and fish functional community composition according to life history strategies by coupling stream flow records and fish survey data in paired flow‐regulated and free‐flowing rivers across the conterminous United States. 2. Dam operations have generally reduced flow variability and increased flow constancy based on a comparison of pre‐ and post‐dam flow records (respective mean record lengths 26.2 and 43.1 years). In agreement with ecological theory, fish assemblages downstream of dams were characterised by a lower proportion of opportunistic species (a strategy favoured in environmental settings dominated by unpredictable environmental change) and a higher proportion of equilibrium species (a strategy favoured in more stable, predictable environments) compared to free‐flowing, neighbouring locations. 3. Multiple linear regression models provided modest support for links between alteration of specific flow attributes and differential life history representation below dams, and they provided strong support for life history associations with dam attributes (age and release type). We also found support for a relationship of both reduced flow variability and dam age with higher representation of non‐native species below dams. 4. Our study demonstrated that river regulation by large dams has significant hydrological and biological consequences across the United States. We showed that on ecological time scales (i.e. the order of years to decades), dams are effectively changing the functional composition of communities that have established over millennia. Furthermore, the changes are directional and indicate a filtering by dams for some life histories (equilibrium strategists) and against other life histories (opportunists). Finally, our study highlights that dependence upon long‐term flow records and availability of biotic surveys extracted from national survey efforts limit our ability to guide environmental flow standards particularly in data‐poor regions.  相似文献   

Although dam removal has become an increasingly popular tool for river restoration, there is limited knowledge regarding the ecological effects of dam removal. The purpose of our study was to document feeding habits of coexisting brook charr, brown trout, and rainbow trout above and below a dam that is in the process of a staged removal. Modification of sediment transport caused by Stronach Dam since 1912 has affected stream channel configuration, fish habitat, and many other physical and biological processes. In order to document salmonine feeding habits above and below the dam, we selected zones to represent downstream conditions and areas of river upstream of the dam that encompassed the original reservoir and a stretch of river further upstream that was not hydraulically influenced by the dam. Because physical habitat largely governs aquatic community composition in streams, we expected these effects to be reflected in the fish and macroinvertebrate communities. In particular, we expected limited prey availability and salmonine feeding in the impacted upstream and downstream zones characterized by fine substrate composition and greater macroinvertebrate diversity and salmonine feeding opportunities in the non-impacted zone characterized by coarse substrate. We also expected mean percent wet stomach content weights to be higher downstream, as other studies have documented an increase in piscivory on blocked migratory prey species downstream of dams. Contrary to expectations, the downstream zone of the river contained the highest abundance of drifting invertebrate taxa and, although differences in habitat occurred among the zones, the diversity of drifting macroinvertebrates and stomach contents of salmonines were similar throughout the river. Thus, in this case, the presence of altered habitat caused by a dam did not appear to negatively affect salmonine food habits. Consequently, we expect no major changes in salmonine food habits after the dam removal is completed.  相似文献   

1. Dam removal has great potential for restoring rivers and streams, yet limited data exist documenting recovery of associated biota within these systems following removals, especially on larger systems. This study examined the effects of a dam breach on benthic macroinvertebrate and fish assemblages in the Fox River, Illinois, U.S.A. 2. Benthic macroinvertebrates and fish were collected above and below the breached dam and three nearby intact dams for 1 year pre‐ and 3 years post‐breach (2 years of additional pre‐breach fish data were obtained from previous surveys). We also examined the effects of the breach on associated habitat by measuring average width, depth, flow rate and bed particle size at each site. 3. Physical habitat at the former impoundment (IMP) became comparable to free‐flowing sites (FF) within 1 year of the breach (width and depth decreased, flow rate and bed particle size increased). We also found a strong temporal effect on depth and flow rate at all surveyed sites. 4. Following the breach, relative abundance of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (largely due to hydropsychid caddisflies) increased, whereas relative abundance of Ostracoda decreased, in the former IMP to levels comparable to FF sites. High variation in other metrics (e.g. total taxa, diversity) precluded determination of an effect of the breach on these aspects of the assemblage. However, non‐metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordinations indicated that overall macroinvertebrate assemblage structure at the former IMP shifted to a characteristically FF assemblage 2 years following the breach. 5. Total fish taxa and a regional fish index of biotic integrity became more similar in the former IMP to FF sites following the breach. However, other fish metrics (e.g. biomass, diversity, density) did not show a strong response to the breach of the dam. Ordinations of abundance data suggested the fish assemblage only slightly shifted to FF characteristics 3 years after the breach. 6. Effects of the breach to the site immediately below the former dam included minor alterations in habitat (decreased flow rate and increased particle size) and short‐term changes in several macroinvertebrate metrics (e.g. decreased assemblage diversity and EPT richness for first post‐year), but longer‐term alterations in several fish metrics (e.g. decreased assemblage richness for all three post‐years; decreased density for first two post‐years). However, NMDS ordinations suggested no change to overall assemblage structure for both macroinvertebrates and fish following the breach at this downstream site. 7. Collectively, our results support the effectiveness of dam removal as a restoration practice for impaired streams and rivers. However, differences in response times of macroinvertebrates and fish coupled with the temporal effect on several habitat variables highlight the need for longer‐term studies.  相似文献   

River beads refer to retention zones within a river network that typically occur within wider, lower gradient segments of the river valley. In lowland, floodplain rivers that have been channelized and leveed, beads can also be segments of the river in which engineering has not reduced lateral channel mobility and channel-floodplain connectivity. Decades of channel engineering and flow regulation have reduced the spatial heterogeneity and associated ecosystem functions of beads occurring throughout river networks from headwaters to large, lowland rivers. We discuss the processes that create and maintain spatial heterogeneity within river beads, including examples of beads along mountain streams of the Southern Rockies in which large wood and beaver dams are primary drivers of heterogeneity. We illustrate how spatial heterogeneity of channels and floodplains within beads facilitates storage of organic carbon; retention of water, solutes, sediment, and particulate organic matter; nutrient uptake; biomass and biodiversity; and resilience to disturbance. We conclude by discussing the implications of river beads for understanding solute and particulate organic matter dynamics within river networks and the implications for river management. We also highlight gaps in current understanding of river form and function related to river beads. River beads provide an example of how geomorphic understanding of river corridor form and process can be used to restore retention and resilience within human-altered river networks.  相似文献   

Dams represent a beneficial way to maximize riverine potential, though the benefits often come with costs. Modified conditions to rivers downstream of dams (release temperature, flow, barriers to migration) can lead to changes in species compositions. In California, these effects are amplified, as limited water resources lead to extensive anthropogenic changes. Our study examined the role of seven western Sierra Nevada river dams on localized distribution and population structure of native riffle sculpin (Cottus gulosus) and their role in potential hybridization with native prickly sculpin (C. asper). Individuals were collected above and below dams, genotyped with 10 microsatellite loci, and analyzed for possible hybridization. Three downstream locations (American, Tuolumne, and Kings River) support populations of both species whereas the remaining downstream sites supported only prickly sculpin. River specific genetic population structure was found for both species but was more extensive in riffle sculpin. Hybridization was limited to the Kings River, and represented less than 3 % of individuals sampled. Comparisons between dams including elevation above sea level, type of dam, distance from dam to sampling location, and average released water temperature showed no correlation with riffle sculpin presence below a dam. Expanded sampling within the Kings River found no association with distance and riffle sculpin or hybrid presence, although both were limited to recent trout restoration areas. Therefore, despite initial inclinations, dams show no direct correlation with sculpin distributions or hybridization in the Great Central Valley of California.  相似文献   

Migratory bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) historically spawned in tributaries of the Clark Fork River, Montana and inhabited Lake Pend Oreille as subadult and adult fish. However, in 1952 Cabinet Gorge Dam was constructed without fish passage facilities disrupting the connectivity of this system. Since the construction of this dam, bull trout populations in upstream tributaries have been in decline. Each year adult bull trout return to the base of Cabinet Gorge Dam when most migratory bull trout begin their spawning migration. However, the origin of these fish is uncertain. We used eight microsatellite loci to compare bull trout collected at the base of Cabinet Gorge Dam to fish sampled from both above and further downstream from the dam. Our data indicate that Cabinet Gorge bull trout are most likely individuals that hatched in above-dam tributaries, reared in Lake Pend Oreille, and could not return to their natal tributaries to spawn. This suggests that the risk of outbreeding depression associated with passing adults over dams in the Clark Fork system is minimal compared to the potential genetic and demographic benefits to populations located above the dams.  相似文献   

Biology, fisheries, and conservation of sturgeons and paddlefish in China   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
This paper reviews five of the eight species of acipenseriforms that occur in China, chiefly those of the Amur and Yangtze rivers. Kaluga Huso dauricus and Amur sturgeon Acipenser schrenckii are endemic to the Amur River. Both species still support fisheries, but stocks are declining due to overfishing. Acipenseriformes of the Yangtze River are primarily threatened by hydroelectric dams that block free passage to spawning and feeding areas. The Chinese paddlefish Psephurus gladius now is rare in the Yangtze River system, and its spawning activities were severely limited by completion of the Gezhouba Dam in 1981. Since 1988, only 3–10 adult paddlefishes per year have been found below the dam. Limited spawning still exists above the dam, but when the new Three Gorges Dam is complete, it will further threaten the paddlefish. Artificial propagation appears to be the only hope for preventing extinction of P. gladius, but it has yet to be successfully bred in captivity. Dabry's sturgeon A. dabryanus is a small, exclusively freshwater sturgeon found only in the Yangtze River system. It is concentrated today in reaches of the main stream above Gezhouba Dam. The fishery has been closed since 1983, but populations continue to decline. Acipenser dabryanus has been cultured since the 1970s, and holds promise for commercial aquaculture; availability of aquacultural methods offers hope for enhancing natural populations. The Chinese sturgeon A. sinensis occurs in the Yangtze and Pearl rivers and seas of east Asia. There is still disagreement about the taxonomy of the Pearl and Yangtze River populations. The Yangtze River population is anadromous. Adults begin spawning at about age 14 years (males) and 21 years (females), and adults spend over 15 months in the river for reproduction. Spawning sites of A. sinensis were found every year since 1982 below the Gezhouba Dam, but it seems that insufficient suitable ground is available for spawning. Since 1983, commercial fishing has been prohibited but more measures need to be taken such as establishing protected areas and characterizing critical spawning, summering and wintering habitats.  相似文献   

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