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Inbreeding is known to reduce heterozygosity of neutral genetic markers, but its impact on quantitative genetic variation is debated. Theory predicts a linear decline in additive genetic variance (V(A)) with increasing inbreeding coefficient (F) when loci underlying the trait act additively, but a nonlinear hump-shaped relationship when dominance and epistasis are important. Predictions for heritability (h2) are similar, although the exact shape depends on the value of h2 in the absence of inbreeding. We located 22 published studies in which the level of genetic variation in experimentally inbred populations (measured by V(A) or h2) was compared with that in outbred control populations. For life-history traits, the data strongly supported a nonlinear change in genetic variation with increasing F. V(A) and h2 were, respectively, 244% and 50% higher at F = 0.4 than in outbred populations, and dominance plus epistatic variance together exceeded additive variance by a factor of four. For nonfitness traits the decline was linear and estimates of nonadditive variance were small. These results confirm that population bottlenecks frequently increase V(A) in some traits, and imply that life-history traits are underlain by substantial dominance or epistasis. However, the importance of drift-induced genetic variation in conservation or evolutionary biology is questionable, in part because inbreeding depression usually accompanies inbreeding.  相似文献   

Range shift, a widespread response to climate change, will depend on species abilities to withstand warmer climates. However, these abilities may vary within species and such intraspecific variation can strongly impact species responses to climate change. Facing warmer climates, individuals should disperse according to their thermal optimum with consequences for species range shifts. Here, we studied individual dispersal of a reptile in response to climate warming and preferred temperature using a semi‐natural warming experiment. Individuals with low preferred temperatures dispersed more from warmer semi‐natural habitats, whereas individuals with higher preferred temperatures dispersed more from cooler habitats. These dispersal decisions partly matched phenotype‐dependent survival rates in the different thermal habitats, suggesting adaptive dispersal decisions. This process should result into a spatial segregation of thermal phenotypes along species moving ranges which should facilitate local adaptation to warming climates. We therefore call for range shift models including intraspecific variation in thermal phenotype and dispersal decision.  相似文献   

Infectious diseases have profound effects on life, both in nature and agriculture. However, a quantitative genetic theory of the host population for the endemic prevalence of infectious diseases is almost entirely lacking. While several studies have demonstrated the relevance of transmission of infections for heritable variation and response to selection, current quantitative genetics ignores transmission. Thus, we lack concepts of breeding value and heritable variation for endemic prevalence, and poorly understand response of endemic prevalence to selection. Here, we integrate quantitative genetics and epidemiology, and propose a quantitative genetic theory for the basic reproduction number R0 and for the endemic prevalence of an infection. We first identify the genetic factors that determine the prevalence. Subsequently, we investigate the population-level consequences of individual genetic variation, for both R0 and the endemic prevalence. Next, we present expressions for the breeding value and heritable variation, for endemic prevalence and individual binary disease status, and show that these depend strongly on the prevalence. Results show that heritable variation for endemic prevalence is substantially greater than currently believed, and increases strongly when prevalence decreases, while heritability of disease status approaches zero. As a consequence, response of the endemic prevalence to selection for lower disease status accelerates considerably when prevalence decreases, in contrast to classical predictions. Finally, we show that most heritable variation for the endemic prevalence is hidden in indirect genetic effects, suggesting a key role for kin-group selection in the evolutionary history of current populations and for genetic improvement in animals and plants.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence of segregating sexually antagonistic (SA) genetic variation for fitness in laboratory and wild populations, yet the conditions for the maintenance of such variation can be restrictive. Epistatic interactions between genes can contribute to the maintenance of genetic variance in fitness and we suggest that epistasis between SA genes should be pervasive. Here, we explore its effect on SA genetic variation in fitness using a two locus model with negative epistasis. Our results demonstrate that epistasis often increases the parameter space showing polymorphism for SA loci. This is because selection in one locus is affected by allele frequencies at the other, which can act to balance net selection in males and females. Increased linkage between SA loci had more marginal effects. We also show that under some conditions, large portions of the parameter space evolve to a state where male benefit alleles are fixed at one locus and female benefit alleles at the other. This novel effect of epistasis on SA loci, which we term the ‘equity effect’, may have important effects on population differentiation and may contribute to speciation. More generally, these results support the suggestion that epistasis contributes to population divergence.  相似文献   

Effects of dietary lipid hydroperoxides on lymphoid tissue were studied in mice. When graded amounts (190, 270 and 310 mg) of methyl linoleate hydroperoxide (MLHPO) were orally administered to male C57BL/6 mice (6 weeks old), necrosis was observed in lymphocytes located among the reticular network in the thymus, and thymus weight was significantly decreased 24 h after the treatment. The spleen weight of mice given MLHPO tended to decrease. Spontaneous chemiluminescence of the thymus was remarkably increased after the dose. Thiobarbituric acid reactants in the liver, thymus and blood were also increased after the dose of MLHPO. At intervals of 3, 6, 12 and 24 h after a dose of 14C-labeled MLHPO, 14C was detected in the blood and liver. Fatty infiltration of the liver was found after the treatment with MLHPO. These findings indicate that oral intake of lipid hydroperoxides causes significant damage to lymphoid tissues of mice.  相似文献   

Population studies in man and experimental animal work support the contention that dietary supplementation with calcium may prevent the development of colorectal cancer. The mechanism of action is postulated to be bile acid chelation in the small-bowed forming non-toxic calcium soap compounds but such substances have yet to be isolated and quantified. In this 2-part study faecal concentrations of acidic lipids and neutral sterols were measured in 93 Sprague-Dawley rats whose calcium intake was modulated by enriching the chow and adding calcium lactate (24 milligrams) to the drinking water. In study-1 (dietary calcium intake doubled from 0.4-0.8%) small bowel resection was used to manipulate colonic lipid concentration for comparison with control rats who had undergone transection with immediate restoration of bowel continuity at an equivalent point. Faecal concentrations of free bile acids were 53-67% less in animals receiving added calcium [1.76 +/- 1.33 vs 0.82 +/- 0.65 mg/g (transection); 2.74 +/- 3.73 vs 1.03 +/- 1.27 mg/g (small bowel resection): P less than 0.001]. In study-2 (dietary calcium intake trebled to 1.21%) faecal bile acid concentration was reduced by 32% (1.86 +/- 0.57 vs 1.27 +/- 0.34 mg/g: NS) whereas long chain fatty acid concentrations were increased by 117% (6.77 +/- 2.39 vs 14.67 +/- 4.82 mg/g: P less than 0.001) in animals receiving added calcium. Serum calcium levels remained unchanged in these animals. Calcium soaps of the bile acids were not detected in faeces and therefore contrary to popular theory these results indicate that conditions within the intestinal lumen favour calcium chelation of long chain fatty acids rather than bile acids.  相似文献   

Plant Growth Regulation - Growth-promoting endophytes have great potential to boost crop production and sustainability. There is, however, a lack of research on how differences in the plant host...  相似文献   

We have previously shown that the number of ovarian follicles <4 mm in diameter can be increased by enhanced dietary intake in heifers. This study investigated the effect of the same dietary treatment on superovulatory response. The estrous cycles of 24 mature Hereford x Friesian heifers were synchronized by a standard progesterone plus prostaglandin protocol. The animals were fed with either 100% (group M, n = 12) or 200% (group 2M, n = 12) maintenance requirements for a 3-week period. Starting from day 4 of the synchronized estrous cycle, all the animals were superovulated using a standard 4-day FSH regime followed by an injection of GnRH analogue (GnRHa) to induce ovulation. Rectal ultrasound scanning was carried out to assess ovarian follicular populations at the start of FSH treatment and on the day of GnRHa injection, and to determine the number of corpora lutea 5 days after GnRHa injection. The body weight (BW) and body condition score (BCS) were recorded weekly and plasma samples were collected throughout the experimental period. There were no differences in either BW or BCS between two groups at the start of the experiment. The BW and BCS were maintained during the experiment in the group M, whilst animals in the group 2M showed a non-significant (P > 0.05) increase in BW and BCS. Circulating concentrations of insulin were significantly (P < 0.01) higher in heifers from the group 2M throughout the controlled feeding period. The group 2M had significantly (P < 0.05) more follicles 2-4 mm in diameter at the start of FSH treatment and more (P < 0.01) follicles >9 mm in diameter on the day of GnRHa injection, when compared with the group M. Similarly, 5 days after GnRHa injection there were significantly (P < 0.01) more corpora lutea in the group 2M (18.1+/-2.2) than in the group M (10.6+/-3.0). In addition, plasma progesterone concentrations following GnRHa injection were significantly (P < 0.01) higher in heifers from the group 2M. In conclusion, these results confirm that increased dietary intake can enhance the recruitment of ovarian follicles in heifers. This treatment may provide a valuable approach to improving superovulatory response in cattle.  相似文献   

Six healthy subjects walked 37 km per day for four consecutive days on two occasions one month apart; on one walk, subjects consumed a high carbohydrate (CHO) diet (85 +/- 1% CHO, Mean +/- SE) and on the other walk an isocaloric low CHO diet (2 +/- 0% CHO) was consumed. Subjects were fasted each day until after the completion of the walk. Blood samples were obtained at rest prior to exercise and after completion of each of three laps of 12.3 km. Exercise intensity corresponded to approximately 17% of VO2max. The first day of each walk demonstrated that the pattern of substrate mobilisation in response to this type of exercise is highly reproducible, there being no difference in any of the parameters measured between the two walks. Circulating glucose, lactate, insulin and triglyceride levels remained essentially unchanged; alanine fell progressively and glycerol, free fatty acid (FFA) and 3-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) rose progressively. After the first day there was a general tendency for the blood glucose concentration to decline as exercise progressed; by the end of the walk on Day 2, blood glucose was lower on the low CHO diet than on the high CHO diet. On Day 4 plasma insulin was higher (p less than 0.05) on the high CHO diet than on the low CHO diet and declined progressively on both diets. Blood lactate and alanine concentrations were generally higher at rest on the high CHO diet, but fell so that no differences existed by the end of exercise.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   



The impacts of climate change on phenological responses of species and communities are well-documented; however, many such studies are correlational and so less effective at assessing the causal links between changes in climate and changes in phenology. Using grasshopper communities found along an elevational gradient, we present an ideal system along the Front Range of Colorado USA that provides a mechanistic link between climate and phenology.

Methodology/Principal Findings

This study utilizes past (1959–1960) and present (2006–2008) surveys of grasshopper communities and daily temperature records to quantify the relationship between amount and timing of warming across years and elevations, and grasshopper timing to adulthood. Grasshopper communities were surveyed at four sites, Chautauqua Mesa (1752 m), A1 (2195 m), B1 (2591 m), and C1 (3048 m), located in prairie, lower montane, upper montane, and subalpine life zones, respectively. Changes to earlier first appearance of adults depended on the degree to which a site warmed. The lowest site showed little warming and little phenological advancement. The next highest site (A1) warmed a small, but significant, amount and grasshopper species there showed inconsistent phenological advancements. The two highest sites warmed the most, and at these sites grasshoppers showed significant phenological advancements. At these sites, late-developing species showed the greatest advancements, a pattern that correlated with an increase in rate of late-season warming. The number of growing degree days (GDDs) associated with the time to adulthood for a species was unchanged across the past and present surveys, suggesting that phenological advancement depended on when a set number of GDDs is reached during a season.


Our analyses provide clear evidence that variation in amount and timing of warming over the growing season explains the vast majority of phenological variation in this system. Our results move past simple correlation and provide a stronger process-oriented and predictive framework for understanding community level phenological responses to climate change.  相似文献   

Holling's type II functional response is a cornerstone of community ecology and coevolutionary theory. The so‐called disc equation is the most widely used model of the type II response, yet thus far no robust experimental assessment has been achieved in any single system. Fundamental issues that remain to be assessed include whether the assumptions of the disc equation are fulfilled, whether the disc equation yields accurate estimates of predation‐related individual traits, and whether differences in disc equation parameters can capture genetic variation in prey behaviour. This paper provides a rigorous approach to all of these questions. The functional response of the predatory mite Pergamasus crassipes on three genetically distinct clones of the springtail Folsomia candida was measured at six levels of prey density in controlled conditions where prey number and arena size were concomitantly manipulated. A crucial assumption of Holling's disc equation was fulfilled by maintaining a constant prey density for the entire experimental period of predation. The timing of each attack and capture, as well as the duration of the handling time, were recorded by constant observation. We contrasted three different methods to calculate functional response curves: (1) indirect estimation of the disc equation's parameters from the number of prey killed by the end of each experimental run; (2) direct estimation of the parameters via a unique protocol of constant observation; and (3) independently deriving a function based on direct measurements of encounter rate and attack success. The basic assumptions of the disk equation were globally fulfilled. Estimations of the functional response's parameters (type II) were remarkably congruent across approach (1) and (2). A single genetic effect was detected – the relationship between the encounter rate and prey density differed significantly between clones – whereas a direct comparison of functional response across clones failed to reveal genetic variation.  相似文献   

A broad collection was made for 42 isolates of Marssonina brunnea affecting poplar trees from three different sections (Leuce, Aigeiros and Tacamahaca) within the same Populus genus in China. Genetic diversity among these isolates was analyzed for morphological traits, cultural features, pathogenicity, hyphal anastomosis and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA markers (RAPDs). No significant difference was found in conidial morphological features, such as size, shape and septum location. Yet, considerable differences occur in other characteristics, which leads to the classification of the 42 isolates into two distinct groups, M. brunnea f.sp. monogermtubi and M. brunnea f.sp. multigermtubi. Isolates of M. brunnea f.sp. monogermtubi, derived from section Leuce, germinate only one germ tube, grow fast, produce dark-reddish conidiosorus clusters on the PDA medium, and are highly pathogenic to Populus tomentosa of section Leuce. By contrast, isolates of M. brunnea f.sp. multigermtubi, derived from sections Aigeiros and Tacamahaca, germinate 1–5 germ tubes, grow slowly, produce yellow-greenish conidiosorus clusters on PDA medium, and are pathogenic to Populus ×euramericana cv I-45 and Populus canadensis of section Aigeiros. DNA amplification using 11 RAPD primers generate 78 polymorphic bands among isolates. Cluster analyses based on RAPD markers broadly support such a classification by phenotypes, but provide a new insight into the possible origins of M. brunnea. It is proposed that the pathogen co-evolves with the poplars of section Leuce and has been subsequently distributed to the poplars of sections Aigeiros and Tacamahaca. An isolate from Populus adenopoda of section Leuce is placed in the third group, which is most likely a transmission type from M. brunnea f.sp. monogermtubi to M. brunnea f.sp. multigermtubi. Received: 20 May 1999 / Accepted: 30 July 1999  相似文献   

What is the relationship between genetic or environmental variation and the variation in messenger RNA (mRNA) expression? To address this, microarrays were used to examine the effect of genetic and environmental variation on cardiac mRNA expression for metabolic genes in three groups of Fundulus heteroclitus: (i) individuals sampled in the field (field), (ii) field individuals acclimated for 6 months to laboratory conditions (acclimated), or (iii) individuals bred for 10 successive generations in a laboratory environment (G10). The G10 individuals have significantly less genetic variation than individuals obtained in the field and had a significantly lower variation in mRNA expression across all genes in comparison to the other two groups (P = 0.001). When examining the gene specific variation, 22 genes had variation in expression that was significantly different among groups with lower variation in G10 individuals than in acclimated individuals. Additionally, there were fewer genes with significant differences in expression among G10 individuals vs. either acclimated or field individuals: 66 genes have statistically different levels of expression vs. 107 or 97 for acclimated or field groups. Based on the permutation of the data, these differences in the number of genes with significant differences among individuals within a group are unlikely to occur by chance (P < 0.01). Surprisingly, variation in mRNA expression in field individuals is lower than in acclimated individuals. Relative to the variation among individual within a group, few genes have significant differences in expression among groups (seven, 2.3%) and none of these are different between acclimated and field individuals. The results support the concept that genetic variation affects variation in mRNA expression and also suggests that temporal environmental variation associated with estuarine environments does not increase the variation among individuals or add to the differences among groups.  相似文献   

In a simulation model we investigated how much of the initial genetic variation that is retained in a population after a dominant mutation has brought apomixis to fixation in it. A marker allele associated with the apomixis mutation is generally retained after the fixation of apomixis, particularly if the two alleles are closely linked. The spread of asexuality, however, normally leads to almost no loss of genetic variation, neither with respect to cytotypes nor with respect to genotypes. This holds for large populations and apomixis mutants with strong pollen production. In smaller populations, and with apomicts with reduced pollen production, the outcome is more variable, ranging from no genetic variation retained to only weakly reduced variability compared with the initial state. These results help explain the high genetic variability in many apomicts. They also imply that natural selection will have many genotypes to act on even after the spread of apomixis.  相似文献   

Chronic dietary restriction (DR) is considered among the most robust life-extending interventions, but several reports indicate that DR does not always extend and may even shorten lifespan in some genotypes. An unbiased genetic screen of the lifespan response to DR has been lacking. Here, we measured the effect of one commonly used level of DR (40% reduction in food intake) on mean lifespan of virgin males and females in 41 recombinant inbred strains of mice. Mean strain-specific lifespan varied two to threefold under ad libitum (AL) feeding and 6- to 10-fold under DR, in males and females respectively. Notably, DR shortened lifespan in more strains than those in which it lengthened life. Food intake and female fertility varied markedly among strains under AL feeding, but neither predicted DR survival: therefore, strains in which DR shortened lifespan did not have low food intake or poor reproductive potential. Finally, strain-specific lifespans under DR and AL feeding were not correlated, indicating that the genetic determinants of lifespan under these two conditions differ. These results demonstrate that the lifespan response to a single level of DR exhibits wide variation amenable to genetic analysis. They also show that DR can shorten lifespan in inbred mice. Although strains with shortened lifespan under 40% DR may not respond negatively under less stringent DR, the results raise the possibility that life extension by DR may not be universal.  相似文献   

The effects of orotic acid supplementation to casein, egg protein, soy protein and wheat gluten diets on the lipids of liver and serum were compared. When orotic acid was added, the contents of total lipids and triacylglycerol in the liver of the casein group were significantly higher or tended to be higher than those of the other three dietary groups. Dietary orotic acid had no effect on the food intake. The liver weight, and liver total lipids, triacylglycerol, cholesterol and phospholipids were increased or tended to be increased by the addition of orotic acid. The serum triacylglycerol level was decreased by the addition of orotic acid to either the casein or soy protein diet. Thus, the response to liver lipid accumulation induced by orotic acid feeding depended on the dietary protein type.  相似文献   

Individual animals frequently exhibit repeatable differences from other members of their population, differences now commonly referred to as ‘animal personality’. Personality differences can arise, for example, from differences in permanent environmental effects―including parental and epigenetic contributors―and the effect of additive genetic variation. Although several studies have evaluated the heritability of behaviour, less is known about general patterns of heritability and additive genetic variation in animal personality. As overall variation in behaviour includes both the among-individual differences that reflect different personalities and temporary environmental effects, it is possible for personality to be largely genetically influenced even when heritability of behaviour per se is quite low. The relative contribution of additive genetic variation to personality variation can be estimated whenever both repeatability and heritability are estimated for the same data. Using published estimates to address this issue, we found that approximately 52% of animal personality variation was attributable to additive genetic variation. Thus, while the heritability of behaviour is often moderate or low, the heritability of personality is much higher. Our results therefore (i) demonstrate that genetic differences are likely to be a major contributor to variation in animal personality and (ii) support the phenotypic gambit: that evolutionary inferences drawn from repeatability estimates may often be justified.  相似文献   

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