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The Neolithic transition has been widely debated particularly regarding the extent to which this revolution implied a demographic expansion from the Near East. We attempted to shed some light on this process in northeastern Iberia by combining ancient DNA (aDNA) data from Early Neolithic settlers and published DNA data from Middle Neolithic and modern samples from the same region. We successfully extracted and amplified mitochondrial DNA from 13 human specimens, found at three archaeological sites dated back to the Cardial culture in the Early Neolithic (Can Sadurní and Chaves) and to the Late Early Neolithic (Sant Pau del Camp). We found that haplogroups with a low frequency in modern populations-N* and X1-are found at higher frequencies in our Early Neolithic population (~31%). Genetic differentiation between Early and Middle Neolithic populations was significant (F(ST) ~0.13, P<10(-5)), suggesting that genetic drift played an important role at this time. To improve our understanding of the Neolithic demographic processes, we used a Bayesian coalescence-based simulation approach to identify the most likely of three demographic scenarios that might explain the genetic data. The three scenarios were chosen to reflect archaeological knowledge and previous genetic studies using similar inferential approaches. We found that models that ignore population structure, as previously used in aDNA studies, are unlikely to explain the data. Our results are compatible with a pioneer colonization of northeastern Iberia at the Early Neolithic characterized by the arrival of small genetically distinctive groups, showing cultural and genetic connections with the Near East.  相似文献   

Assessments of plant population dynamics in space and time have depended on dated records of fossil pollen synthesized on a subcontinental scale. Genetic analyses of extant populations have revealed spatial relationships that are indicative of past spatial dynamics, but lack an explicit timescale. Synthesis of these data requires genetic analyses from abundant dated fossil material, and this has hitherto been lacking. Fossil pollen is the most abundant material with which to fill this data gap. Here we report genetic analyses of fossil pollen retrieved from Holtjärnen postglacial lake sediment in Sweden and show that plastid DNA is recoverable from Scots Pine and Norway spruce pollen grains that are 100 and 10 000 years old. By sequencing clones from two short plastid PCR products and by using multiple controls we show that the ancient sequences were endogenous to the fossil grains. Comparison of ancient sequences and those obtained from an extant population of Scots pine establishes the first genetic link between extant and fossil samples in this species, providing genetic continuity through time. The finding of one common haplotype present in modern, 100-year old and 10 000-year old samples suggests that it may have persisted near Holtjärnen throughout the postglacial period. This retrieval of ancient DNA from pollen has major implications for plant palaeoecology in conifer species by allowing direct estimates of population dynamics in space and time.  相似文献   

古代DNA研究实验技术   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
杨淑娟  赖旭龙  唐先华  盛桂莲 《遗传》2002,24(5):551-554
现代分子生物技术的发展,使从古代样品中获取微量DNA成为现实。在过去的十多年里,古DNA研究取得了重大进展,但实验方案还需要加以改进,其结果的分析与推论也需要多方面的验证。本综述着重介绍了古DNA研究的实验技术及可靠性分析。 Experimental Techniques for Ancient DNA Research YANG Shu-juan1,LAI Xu-long1,2,TANG Xian-hua1,SHENG Gui-lian1,2 1.Faculty of Earth Sciences,China University of Geosciences,Wuhan,430074,China; 2.Institute of Life Sciences,China University of Geosciences,Wuhan,430074,China Abstract:The development of modern molecular biological techniques makes it possible to study minimum DNA from ancient materials.During past decade,a lot of significant achievements on ancient DNA research have been made in many fields especially in molecular evolutionary biology.The nature of degradation and contamination of ancient DNA from ancient biological materials pose a dominating problem in ancient DNA research.Therefore,the experiments should be modified based on the modern molecular techniques and more factors should be considered when the results are analyzed.In this paper,authors review the general experimental protocols on sampling,extraction and amplification as well as authenticity of ancient DNA. Key words:ancient DNA;authenticity;ancient DNA techniques  相似文献   

Present-day contamination can lead to false conclusions in ancient DNA studies. A number of methods are available to estimate contamination, which use a variety of signals and are appropriate for different types of data. Here an overview of currently available methods highlighting their strengths and weaknesses is provided, and a classification based on the signals used to estimate contamination is proposed. This overview aims at enabling researchers to choose the most appropriate methods for their dataset. Based on this classification, potential avenues for the further development of methods are discussed.  相似文献   

Now that the hype surrounding Jurassic Park has settled down and we have become relatively used to dramatic headlines announcing the recovery of DNA from exotic fossilized remains, scientists working on ancient DNA are beginning to reflect on the long-term prospects and implications of the subject.1 The science of ancient DNA has grown exponentially since its birth only ten years ago, and despite serious technical difficulties, it promises to become a revolutionary research tool in anthropology and molecular evolution. The use of bone DNA typing in particular has already yielded useful insights into Polynesian prehistory as well as spectacular applications in the forensic identification of skeletal remains.  相似文献   

古代DNA序列信息能够为物种演化研究提供最直接的分子证据,但获取古代DNA的技术仍存在诸多瓶颈,尤其是扩增中存在受损伤DNA模板的干扰、获取成本高和实验周期长等问题.改进了异丙醇沉淀提取法,并采用了尿嘧啶糖苷酶(UNG)去除受损伤DNA模板后进行扩增的方法,最终可以高效地获取真实的古代DNA序列.实验利用距今4 300~3 900年前的猪牙样本,将改进的古 DNA 获取方法与常规方法进行比较研究,结果表明,改进的异丙醇沉淀法提取结合UNG处理后进行PCR扩增的方法,可以在保证古代DNA获取成功率并提高获得的DNA序列可靠性的前提下,将经费投入和实验周期都各减少至常规方法的50%以下.这可以为开展大规模古代样本检测提供一种切实可行的 DNA 获取方法.  相似文献   

The population history of extant and extinct hyenas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have analyzed partial DNA sequences of the mitochondrialcytochrome b gene from extant striped, brown, and spotted hyenasas well as from Pleistocene cave hyenas. Sequences of the Pleistocenecave hyenas from Eurasia and modern spotted hyenas from Africaare intermixed in phylogenetic analyses, questioning any taxonomicdelineation between the two groups. Contrary to cave hyenasin Eurasia, spotted hyenas in Africa show a phylogeographicpattern with little geographical overlap between two mitochondrialDNA (mtDNA) clades, suggesting two Pleistocene refugia in thenorth and south of Africa. Our results, furthermore, suggestthree waves of migration from Africa to Eurasia for spottedhyenas, around 3, 1, and 0.3 MYA. A recent emigration of stripedhyenas from Africa to Eurasia took place less than 0.1 MYA,resulting in a dramatic expansion of the geographical rangeof striped hyenas. In striped hyenas and within the geographicalrange of mtDNA clades in spotted hyenas, we found identicalsequences several thousand kilometers apart, indicating a highrate of migration during the Pleistocene as well as the Holocene.Both striped and brown hyenas show low amounts of genetic diversity,with the latter ones displaying just a single haplotype.  相似文献   

Joint phylogenetic analysis of ancient DNA (aDNA) with modern phylogenies is hampered by low sequence coverage and post-mortem deamination, often resulting in overconservative or incorrect assignment. We provide a new efficient likelihood-based workflow, pathPhynder, that takes advantage of all the polymorphic sites in the target sequence. This effectively evaluates the number of ancestral and derived alleles present on each branch and reports the most likely placement of an ancient sample in the phylogeny and a haplogroup assignment, together with alternatives and supporting evidence. To illustrate the application of pathPhynder, we show improved Y chromosome assignments for published aDNA sequences, using a newly compiled Y variation data set (120,908 markers from 2,014 samples) that significantly enhances Y haplogroup assignment for low coverage samples. We apply the method to all published male aDNA samples from Africa, giving new insights into ancient migrations and the relationships between ancient and modern populations. The same software can be used to place samples with large amounts of missing data into other large non-recombining phylogenies such as the mitochondrial tree.  相似文献   

The transition from hunting and gathering to agriculture in Europe is associated with demographic changes that may have shifted the human gene pool of the region as a result of an influx of Neolithic farmers from the Near East. However, the genetic composition of populations after the earliest Neolithic, when a diverse mosaic of societies that had been fully engaged in agriculture for some time appeared in central Europe, is poorly known. At this period during the Late Neolithic (ca. 2,800-2,000 BC), regionally distinctive burial patterns associated with two different cultural groups emerge, Bell Beaker and Corded Ware, and may reflect differences in how these societies were organized. Ancient DNA analyses of human remains from the Late Neolithic Bell Beaker site of Kromsdorf, Germany showed distinct mitochondrial haplotypes for six individuals, which were classified under the haplogroups I1, K1, T1, U2, U5, and W5, and two males were identified as belonging to the Y haplogroup R1b. In contrast to other Late Neolithic societies in Europe emphasizing maintenance of biological relatedness in mortuary contexts, the diversity of maternal haplotypes evident at Kromsdorf suggests that burial practices of Bell Beaker communities operated outside of social norms based on shared maternal lineages. Furthermore, our data, along with those from previous studies, indicate that modern U5-lineages may have received little, if any, contribution from the Mesolithic or Neolithic mitochondrial gene pool.  相似文献   

田娇阳  李玉春  孔庆鹏  张亚平 《遗传》2018,40(10):814-824
东亚是研究解剖学意义上现代人迁徙和演化的重要地带之一,该地区现代人群的起源及形成问题一直都是人类学领域广泛关注的焦点。遗传学研究为重建东亚人群历史提供了新的视角和见解。越来越多的遗传学证据表明,现代人约20万年前起源于非洲的晚期智人,并于10万年前走出非洲,大约在5~6万年前沿海岸线快速到达东亚南部,进而扩散到整个东亚地区。早期智人可能对走出非洲的现代人有一定程度的遗传贡献。早期定居、文化同化、人群迁徙以及基因交流等,对东亚人群的起源和演化起着至关重要的作用。前期的研究对东亚人群的源流历史进行了细致的分析,很大程度上解决了考古学、历史学等领域长期以来存在的分歧,然而这还需通过全基因组学和古DNA研究的进一步验证。本文从遗传学视角梳理和总结了东亚人群起源、迁徙和演化的历史,完善了对东亚人群演变的系统认识,并对未来东亚人群源流历史研究的发展方向做了展望。  相似文献   

We describe histochemical techniques for detecting DNA within the osteocytic lacunae of ancient bones. The bones examined were fragments of femurs from two human individuals found in the Pompeian C. I. Polybius house and fragments of metacarpals from two horses (Equus sp.) found in the Pompeian “Casti Amanti” house. Both buildings were buried by the 79 A. D. Vesuvius eruption. Fragments of femurs from a modern horse, a modern swine and a modern amphibian also were studied as controls. Some bone sections were stained with two different DNA-specific fluorochromes, 4' -' 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) and chromomycin A3 (CMA), while others were stained by the Feulgen reaction. All of the techniques gave a positive reaction within the osteocytic lacunae. Histological analysis of the undecalcified, ground and unstained sections agreed well with results of bone sections stained with either the fluorochromes or the Feulgen reaction. Bones showing good histology also were positive by our DNA-specific stain. Histochemical and histological analyses correlated well with the success of DNA extraction and amplification. Using conventional DNA-specific histochemical techniques in conjunction with histological analysis can be useful in the study of DNA extracted from ancient bone remains while reducing both the amount of time and cost.  相似文献   

We describe histochemical techniques for detecting DNA within the osteocytic lacunae of ancient bones. The bones examined were fragments of femurs from two human individuals found in the Pompeian C. I. Polybius house and fragments of metacarpals from two horses (Equus sp.) found in the Pompeian “Casti Amanti” house. Both buildings were buried by the 79 A. D. Vesuvius eruption. Fragments of femurs from a modern horse, a modern swine and a modern amphibian also were studied as controls. Some bone sections were stained with two different DNA-specific fluorochromes, 4′ -′ 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) and chromomycin A3 (CMA), while others were stained by the Feulgen reaction. All of the techniques gave a positive reaction within the osteocytic lacunae. Histological analysis of the undecalcified, ground and unstained sections agreed well with results of bone sections stained with either the fluorochromes or the Feulgen reaction. Bones showing good histology also were positive by our DNA-specific stain. Histochemical and histological analyses correlated well with the success of DNA extraction and amplification. Using conventional DNA-specific histochemical techniques in conjunction with histological analysis can be useful in the study of DNA extracted from ancient bone remains while reducing both the amount of time and cost.  相似文献   

Beluga whales ( Delphinapterus leucas ) in North American waters migrate seasonally between wintering areas in broken pack ice and summering locations in estuaries and other open water areas in the Arctic and sub-Arctic. Results from our previous investigation of beluga whale mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) revealed genetic heterogeneity among beluga from different summering locations that was interpreted as representing a high degree of summering site philopatry. However, mtDNA is maternally inherited and does not reflect mating that may occur among beluga from different summering locations in wintering areas or during annual migrations. To test the possibility that breeding occurs among beluga from different summering locations, genetic variability at five nuclear DNA (nDNA) microsatellite loci was examined in the same animals tested in the mtDNA study. Beluga samples ( n = 640) were collected between 1984 and 1994 from 24 sites across North America, mostly during the summer. Whales from the various sites were categorized into eight summering locations as identified by mtDNA analysis, as well as four hypothesized wintering areas: Bering Sea, Hudson Strait (Hudson Strait, Labrador Sea, southwest Davis Strait), Baffin Bay (North Water, east Davis Strait), and St Lawrence River. Microsatellite allele frequencies indicated genetic homogeneity among animals from summering sites believed to winter together but differentiation among whales from some of the wintering areas. In particular, beluga from western North America (Bering Sea) were clearly distinguished from beluga from eastern North America (Hudson Strait, Baffin Bay, and St Lawrence River). Based upon the combined data set, the population of North American beluga whales was divided into two evolutionarily significant units. However, the population may be further subdivided into management units to reflect distinct groups of beluga at summering locations.  相似文献   

Beluga whales ( Delphinapterus leucas ) in North American waters migrate seasonally between wintering areas in broken pack ice and summering locations in estuaries and other open water areas in the Arctic and sub-Arctic. Results from our previous investigation of beluga whale mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) revealed genetic heterogeneity among beluga from different summering locations that was interpreted as representing a high degree of summering site philopatry. However, mtDNA is maternally inherited and does not reflect mating that may occur among beluga from different summering locations in wintering areas or during annual migrations. To test the possibility that breeding occurs among beluga from different summering locations, genetic variability at five nuclear DNA (nDNA) microsatellite loci was examined in the same animals tested in the mtDNA study. Beluga samples ( n = 640) were collected between 1984 and 1994 from 24 sites across North America, mostly during the summer. Whales from the various sites were categorized into eight summering locations as identified by mtDNA analysis, as well as four hypothesized wintering areas: Bering Sea, Hudson Strait (Hudson Strait, Labrador Sea, southwest Davis Strait), Baffin Bay (North Water, east Davis Strait), and St Lawrence River. Microsatellite allele frequencies indicated genetic homogeneity among animals from summering sites believed to winter together but differentiation among whales from some of the wintering areas. In particular, beluga from western North America (Bering Sea) were clearly distinguished from beluga from eastern North America (Hudson Strait, Baffin Bay, and St Lawrence River). Based upon the combined data set, the population of North American beluga whales was divided into two evolutionarily significant units. However, the population may be further subdivided into management units to reflect distinct groups of beluga at summering locations.  相似文献   

To assess the genetic affinities of extinct Ciboneys (also called Guanajuatabeys) from Cuba, 47 pre-Columbian skeletal samples belonging to this group were analyzed using ancient DNA techniques. At the time of European contact, the center and east of Cuba were occupied by agriculturalist Taino groups, while the west was mainly inhabited by Ciboneys, hunter-gatherers who have traditionally been considered a relic population descending from the initial colonization of the Caribbean. The mtDNA hypervariable region I (HVR-I) and haplogroup-specific markers were amplified and sequenced in 15 specimens using overlapping fragments; amplification from second extractions from the same sample, independent replication in different laboratories, and cloning of some PCR products support the authenticity of the sequences. Three of the five major mtDNA Amerindian lineages (A, C, and D) are present in the sample analyzed, in frequencies of 0.07, 0.60, and 0.33, respectively. Different phylogenetic analyses seem to suggest that the Caribbean most likely was populated from South America, although the data are still inconclusive, and Central American influences cannot be discarded. Our hypothesis is that the colonization of the Caribbean mainly took place in successive migration movements that emanated from the same area in South America, around the Lower Orinoco Valley: the first wave consisted of hunter-gatherer groups (ancestors of the Ciboneys), a subsequent wave of agriculturalists (ancestors of the Tainos), and a latter one of nomadic Carib warriors. However, further genetic studies are needed to confirm this scenario.  相似文献   

The long‐term persistence of forest‐dwelling caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) will probably be determined by management and conservation decisions. Understanding the evolutionary relationships between modern caribou herds, and how these relationships have changed through time will provide key information for the design of appropriate management strategies. To explore these relationships, we amplified microsatellite and mitochondrial markers from modern caribou from across the Southern Yukon, Canada, as well as mitochondrial DNA from Holocene specimens recovered from alpine ice patches in the same region. Our analyses identify a genetically distinct group of caribou composed of herds from the Southern Lakes region that may warrant special management consideration. We also identify a partial genetic replacement event occurring 1000 years before present, coincident with the deposition of the White River tephra and the Medieval Warm Period. These results suggest that, in the face of increasing anthropogenic pressures and climate variability, maintaining the ability of caribou herds to expand in numbers and range may be more important than protecting the survival of any individual, isolated sedentary forest‐dwelling herd.  相似文献   

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