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The possible contribution of NKT cells to resistance to Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection remains unclear. In this paper we characterized the Valpha14 NKT cell population following infection with Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG). BCG infection determined an early expansion of Valpha14 NKT cells in liver, lungs, and spleen, which peaked on day 8 and was sustained until day 30. However, an NK1.1(+) Valpha14 NKT population preferentially producing IFN-gamma predominated at an early stage (day 8), which was substituted by an NK1.1(-) population preferentially producing IL-4 at later stages (day 30). Despite the fact that Valpha14 NKT cell-deficient mice eliminated BCG as did control mice, they had significantly higher numbers of granulomas in liver and lungs. Additionally, while control mice developed organized small granulomas, those in Valpha14 NKT-deficient mice had signs of caseation, large cellular infiltrates, and some multinucleated macrophages, suggesting that Valpha14 NKT cells may actually work as anti-inflammatory cells by limiting excessive lymphocyte influx and tissue pathology. In agreement, we found an increased spontaneous production and mRNA expression of TNF-alpha in liver and lungs of Valpha14 NKT-deficient mice, whose neutralization in vivo by anti-TNF-alpha mAbs consistently reduced the number of granulomas in liver and lungs. Together, our results support a regulatory role for Valpha14 NKT cells in the course of BCG infection through their ability to limit the extent of inflammatory response and point to an important role for this cell subset as a regulator of the balance between protective responses and immunopathology.  相似文献   

The hallmark of Mycobacterium-induced pathology is granulomatous inflammation at the site of infection. Mycobacterial lipids are potent immunomodulators that contribute to the granulomatous response and are released in appreciable quantities by intracellular bacilli. Previously we investigated the granulomagenic nature of the peripheral cell wall lipids of Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) by coating the lipids onto 90-microm diameter microspheres that were mixed into Matrigel matrix with syngeneic bone marrow-derived macrophages and injected i.p. into mice. These studies demonstrated that BCG lipids elicit proinflammatory cytokines and recruit leukocytes. In the current study we determined the lipids responsible for this proinflammatory effect. BCG-derived cell wall lipids were fractionated and purified by liquid chromatography and preparative TLC. The isolated fractions including phosphatidylinositol dimannosides, cardiolipin, phosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylethanolamine, trehalose monomycolate, trehalose dimycolate, and mycoside B. Trehalose dimycolate, when delivered to bone marrow-derived murine macrophages, induced the greatest secretion of IL-1beta, IL-6, and TNF-alpha in vitro. Trehalose dimycolate similarly induced the greatest secretion of these proinflammatory cytokines in ex vivo matrices over the course of 12 days. Trehalose monomycolate and dimycolate also induced profound neutrophil recruitment in vivo. Experiments with TLR2 or TLR4 gene-deficient mice revealed no defects in responses to trehalose mycolates, although MyD88-deficient mice manifested significantly reduced cell recruitment and cytokine production. These results demonstrate that the trehalose mycolates, particularly trehalose dimycolate, are the most bioactive lipids in the BCG extract, inducing a proinflammatory cascade that influences granuloma formation.  相似文献   

Differentiation of macrophages into foamy (lipid-laden) macrophages is a common pathological observation in tuberculous granulomas both in experimental settings as well as in clinical conditions; however, the mechanisms that regulate intracellular lipid accumulation in the course of mycobacterial infection and their significance to pathophysiology of tuberculosis are not well understood. In this study, we investigated the mechanisms of formation and function of lipid-laden macrophages in a murine model of tuberculosis. Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG), but not Mycobacterium smegmatis, induced a dose- and time-dependent increase in lipid body-inducible nonmembrane-bound cytoplasmic lipid domain size and numbers. Lipid body formation was drastically inhibited in TLR2-, but not in TLR4-deficient mice, indicating a role for TLR2 in BCG recognition and signaling to form lipid bodies. Increase in lipid bodies during infection correlated with increased generation of PGE2 and localization of cyclooxygenase-2 within lipid bodies. Moreover, we demonstrated by intracellular immunofluorescent localization of newly formed eicosanoid that lipid bodies were the predominant sites of PGE2 synthesis in activated macrophages. Our findings demonstrated that BCG-induced lipid body formation is TLR2 mediated and these structures function as signaling platforms in inflammatory mediator production, because compartmentalization of substrate and key enzymes within lipid bodies has impact on the capacity of activated leukocytes to generate increased amounts of eicosanoids during experimental infection by BCG.  相似文献   

Regardless of the dose of Ag, Ag presentation occurs rapidly within the first few days which results in rapid expansion of the CD8+ T cell response that peaks at day 7. However, we have previously shown that this rapid priming of CD8+ T cells is absent during infection of mice with Mycobacterium bovis (bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG)). In this study, we have evaluated the mechanisms responsible for the delayed CD8+ T cell priming. Because BCG replicates poorly and survives within phagosomes we considered whether 1) generation of reduced amounts of Ag or 2) weaker activation by pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) during BCG infection is responsible for the delay in CD8+ T cell priming. Using rOVA-expressing bacteria, our results indicate that infection of mice with BCG-OVA generates greatly reduced levels of OVA, which are 70-fold lower in comparison to the levels generated during infection of mice with Listeria monocytogenes-expressing OVA. Furthermore, increasing the dose of OVA, but not PAMP signaling during BCG-OVA infection resulted in rapid Ag presentation and consequent expansion of the CD8+ T cell response, indicating that the generation of reduced Ag levels, not lack of PAMP-associated inflammation, was responsible for delayed priming of CD8+ T cells. There was a strong correlation between the relative timing of Ag presentation and the increase in the level of OVA in vivo. Taken together, these results reveal that some slowly replicating pathogens, such as mycobacteria, may facilitate their chronicity by generating reduced Ag levels which causes a substantial delay in the development of acquired immune responses.  相似文献   

The course of infection after injection of small doses of bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) was studied in mice which were depleted in vivo of T cell subsets by administration of either anti-L3T4 or anti-Lyt-2 mAb. The results presented herein strongly suggest that the L3T4+ subpopulation play a pivotal role in the immunologic control of BCG infection because the depletion of L3T4+ cells led to a dramatic increase in the number of viable bacteria. Depletion of Lyt-2+ cells had no significant effect on the course of infection. These results were confirmed by using adoptive transfer experiments which showed that protective immunity was mediated by L3T4+ cells generated in the spleen as a result of infection. Moreover, T cells capable of controlling the recurrence of BCG multiplication from residual bacteria remaining in organs after the recovery from infection were shown to belong to the L3T4+ subpopulation.  相似文献   

Although the correlates of vaccine-induced protection against human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) are not fully known, it is presumed that neutralizing antibodies (NAb) play a role in controlling virus infection. In this study, we examined immune responses elicited in rhesus macaques following vaccination with recombinant Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin expressing an HIV-1 Env V3 antigen (rBCG Env V3). We also determined the effect of vaccination on protection against challenge with either a simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV-MN) or a highly pathogenic SHIV strain (SHIV-89.6PD). Immunization with rBCG Env V3 elicited significant levels of NAb for the 24 weeks tested that were predominantly HIV-1 type specific. Sera from the immunized macaques neutralized primary HIV-1 isolates in vitro, including HIV-1BZ167/X4, HIV-1SF2/X4, HIV-1CI2/X4, and, to a lesser extent, HIV-1MNp/X4, all of which contain a V3 sequence homologous to that of rBCG Env V3. In contrast, neutralization was not observed against HIV-1SF33/X4, which has a heterologous V3 sequence, nor was it found against primary HIV-1 R5 isolates from either clade A or B. Furthermore, the viral load in the vaccinated macaques was significantly reduced following low-dose challenge with SHIV-MN, and early plasma viremia was markedly decreased after high-dose SHIV-MN challenge. In contrast, replication of pathogenic SHIV-89.6PD was not affected by vaccination in any of the macaques. Thus, we have shown that immunization with an rBCG Env V3 vaccine elicits a strong, type-specific V3 NAb response in rhesus macaques. While this response was not sufficient to provide protection against a pathogenic SHIV challenge, it was able to significantly reduce the viral load in macaques following challenge with a nonpathogenic SHIV. These observations suggest that rBCG vectors have the potential to deliver an appropriate virus immunogen for desirable immune elicitations.  相似文献   

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