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The current pace of structural biology now means that protein three-dimensional structure can be known before protein function, making methods for assigning homology via structure comparison of growing importance. Previous research has suggested that sequence similarity after structure-based alignment is one of the best discriminators of homology and often functional similarity. Here, we exploit this observation, together with a merger of protein structure and sequence databases, to predict distant homologous relationships. We use the Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP) database to link sequence alignments from the SMART and Pfam databases. We thus provide new alignments that could not be constructed easily in the absence of known three-dimensional structures. We then extend the method of Murzin (1993b) to assign statistical significance to sequence identities found after structural alignment and thus suggest the best link between diverse sequence families. We find that several distantly related protein sequence families can be linked with confidence, showing the approach to be a means for inferring homologous relationships and thus possible functions when proteins are of known structure but of unknown function. The analysis also finds several new potential superfamilies, where inspection of the associated alignments and superimpositions reveals conservation of unusual structural features or co-location of conserved amino acids and bound substrates. We discuss implications for Structural Genomics initiatives and for improvements to sequence comparison methods.  相似文献   

A novel variation in electrophoretic phenotype is described for a mouse salivary androgen binding protein (Abp). Crosses show that the variation is inherited in an autosomal codominant manner and protein characterization studies show that the variant Abp differs in isoelectric point from the common form of the protein. Those observations suggest that the variation involves the structural gene for the mouse salivary Abp. The genetic studies also show that the electrophoretic mobility of the variant Abp can be influenced by the sex-limited saliva pattern (Ssp) gene. The Ssp S allele alters the electrophoretic mobility of Abp in males at puberty or in females which have received exogenous testosterone [Karn, R. C., Dlouhy, S. R., Springer, K. R., Hjorth, J. P., and Nielsen, J. T. (1982). Biochem Genet. 20:493]. This study shows that Abp and Ssp are distinct genes which are not closely linked and that Ssp S is trans active in F1 (Abp a /Abp b , Ssp S /Ssp F ) males.SRD was supported in part by PHS General Medical Training Grant T32 GMO7468 and the Indiana University School of Medicine Research Program in Academic Medicine. RCK was supported in part by PHS Career Development Award 1 KO4 AMOO284.  相似文献   

Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) comprise a diverse superfamily of enzymes found in organisms from all kingdoms of life. GSTs are involved in diverse processes, notably small-molecule biosynthesis or detoxification, and are frequently also used in protein engineering studies or as biotechnology tools. Here, we report the high-resolution X-ray structure of Atu5508 from the pathogenic soil bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens (atGST1). Through use of comparative sequence and structural analysis of the GST superfamily, we identified local sequence and structural signatures, which allowed us to distinguish between different GST classes. This approach enables GST classification based on structure, without requiring additional biochemical or immunological data. Consequently, analysis of the atGST1 crystal structure suggests a new GST class, distinct from previously characterized GSTs, which would make it an attractive target for further biochemical studies.  相似文献   

Genomic studies are now being undertaken on thousands of samples requiring new computational tools that can rapidly analyze data to identify clinically important features. Inferring structural variations in cancer genomes from mate-paired reads is a combinatorially difficult problem. We introduce Fastbreak, a fast and scalable toolkit that enables the analysis and visualization of large amounts of data from projects such as The Cancer Genome Atlas.  相似文献   

A novel protocol, based on the HN(C)N experiment, has been developed for rapid assignment of backbone H(N) and (15)N resonances in ((15)N, (13)C) labeled proteins. The protocol exploits the directly observable (15)N and H(N) sequential correlations and the distinctive peak patterns in the different planes of the HN(C)N spectrum, depending upon the nature of the residues displaying the correlations. Glycines and prolines, which are responsible for the distinctive features, provide many check/start points for the sequential walks. These features enhance the speed of data analysis and render side chain assignments less crucial for the success of the assignments. The application of the protocol has been demonstrated with FK506 binding protein (FKBP, molecular mass 12 kDa).  相似文献   

Advances in structural genomics and protein structure prediction require the design of automatic, fast, objective, and well benchmarked methods capable of comparing and assessing the similarity of low-resolution three-dimensional structures, via experimental or theoretical approaches. Here, a new method for sequence-independent structural alignment is presented that allows comparison of an experimental protein structure with an arbitrary low-resolution protein tertiary model. The heuristic algorithm is given and then used to show that it can describe random structural alignments of proteins with different folds with good accuracy by an extreme value distribution. From this observation, a structural similarity score between two proteins or two different conformations of the same protein is derived from the likelihood of obtaining a given structural alignment by chance. The performance of the derived score is then compared with well established, consensus manual-based scores and data sets. We found that the new approach correlates better than other tools with the gold standard provided by a human evaluator. Timings indicate that the algorithm is fast enough for routine use with large databases of protein models. Overall, our results indicate that the new program (MAMMOTH) will be a good tool for protein structure comparisons in structural genomics applications. MAMMOTH is available from our web site at http://physbio.mssm.edu/~ortizg/.  相似文献   

The NMR structure of the conserved hypothetical protein TM0487 from Thermotoga maritima represents an alpha/beta-topology formed by the regular secondary structures alpha1-beta1-beta2-alpha2-beta3-beta4-alpha3- beta5-3(10)-alpha4, with a small anti-parallel beta-sheet of beta-strands 1 and 2, and a mixed parallel/anti-parallel beta-sheet of beta-strands 3-5. Similar folds have previously been observed in other proteins, with amino acid sequence identity as low as 3% and a variety of different functions. There are also 216 sequence homologs of TM0487, which all have the signature sequence of domains of unknown function 59 (DUF59), for which no three-dimensional structures have as yet been reported. The TM0487 structure thus presents a platform for homology modeling of this large group of DUF59 proteins. Conserved among most of the DUF59s are 13 hydrophobic residues, which are clustered in the core of TM0487. A putative active site of TM0487 consisting of residues D20, E22, L23, T51, T52, and C55 is conserved in 98 of the 216 DUF59 sequences. Asp20 is buried within the proposed active site without any compensating positive charge, which suggests that its pK(a) value may be perturbed. Furthermore, the DUF59 family includes ORFs that are part of a conserved chromosomal group of proteins predicted to be involved in Fe-S cluster metabolism.  相似文献   

Genetic surveys of the population structure of species can be used as resources for exploring their genomic architecture. By adjusting filtering assumptions, genome‐wide single‐nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) datasets can be reused to give new insights into the genetic basis of divergence and speciation without targeted resampling of specimens. Filtering only for missing data and minor allele frequency, we used a combination of principal components analysis and linkage disequilibrium network analysis to distinguish three cohorts of variable SNPs in the mountain pine beetle in western Canada, including one that was sex‐linked and one that was geographically associated. These marker cohorts indicate genomically localized differentiation, and their detection demonstrates an accessible and intuitive method for discovering potential islands of genomic divergence without a priori knowledge of a species’ genomic architecture. Thus, this method has utility for directly addressing the genomic architecture of species and generating new hypotheses for functional research.  相似文献   

Does the amino acid use at the terminal positions of an α‐helix become altered depending on the context—more specifically, when there is an adjoining 310‐helix, and can a single helical cylinder encompass the resultant composite helix? An analysis of 138 and 107 cases of 310–α and α–310 composite helices, respectively, found in known protein structures indicate that the secondary structural element occurring first imposes its characteristics on the sequence of the structural element coming next. Thus, when preceded by a 310‐helix, the preference of proline to occur at the N1 position of an α‐helix is shifted to the N2 position, a typical characteristic of the C‐terminal capping of the 310‐helix. When an α‐ or a 310‐helix leads into a helix of the other type, there is a bend at the junction, especially for the 310–α composite, with the two junction residues facing inward and buried within the structure. Thus a single helical cylinder may not properly represent a composite helix, the bend providing a means for the tertiary structure to assume a globular shape, very much akin to what a proline‐induced kink does to an α‐helix. The tertiary structural context in which β–310 and 310–β composites occurs can be different, causing the angle between the secondary structural elements in the two cases to be different. Composites of 310‐helices and β‐strands are much more conserved among members in families of homologous structures than those between two types of helices; in many of the former instances, the 310‐helix constitutes the loops in β‐hairpin or β–β‐corner motifs. The overall fold of the chain may be more conserved than the actual identify of the secondary structure elements in a composite. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 78: 147–162, 2005 This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The “Published Online” date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com  相似文献   

Wenchengia alternifolia (Lamiaceae), the sole species of the genus Wenchengia is extremely rare and is currently listed as Critically Endangered (CR) on the IUCN Red List. The species had long been considered endemic to Hainan Island, China and was once believed to be extinct until a small remnant population was rediscovered at the type locality in 2010. Four more populations were later found on Hainan and in Vietnam. In order to develop genomic resources for further studies on population genetics and conservation biology of this rare species, we identified infraspecific molecular markers in the present study, using genome skimming data of five individuals collected from two populations on Hainan Island and three populations in Vietnam respectively. The length of plastome of the five individuals varied from 152,961 bp to 150,204 bp, and exhibited a typical angiosperm quadripartite structure. Six plastid hotspot regions with the Pi > 0.01 (trnH-psbA, psbA-trnK, rpl22, ndhE, ndhG-ndhI and rps15-ycf1), 1621 polymorphic gSSRs, as well as 1657 candidate SNPs in 237 variant nuclear genes were identified, thereby providing important information for further genetic studies.  相似文献   

Structural GenomiX, Inc. (SGX), four New York area institutions, and two University of California schools have formed the New York Structural GenomiX Research Consortium (NYSGXRC), an industrial/academic Research Consortium that exploits individual core competencies to support all aspects of the NIH-NIGMS funded Protein Structure Initiative (PSI), including protein family classification and target selection, generation of protein for biophysical analyses, sample preparation for structural studies, structure determination and analyses, and dissemination of results. At the end of the PSI Pilot Study Phase (PSI-1), the NYSGXRC will be capable of producing 100–200 experimentally determined protein structures annually. All Consortium activities can be scaled to increase production capacity significantly during the Production Phase of the PSI (PSI-2). The Consortium utilizes both centralized and de-centralized production teams with clearly defined deliverables and hand-off procedures that are supported by a web-based target/sample tracking system (SGX Laboratory Information Data Management System, LIMS, and NYSGXRC Internal Consortium Experimental Database, ICE-DB). Consortium management is provided by an Executive Committee, which is composed of the PI and all Co-PIs. Progress to date is tracked on a publicly available Consortium web site (http://www.nysgxrc.org) and all DNA/protein reagents and experimental protocols are distributed freely from the New York City Area institutions. In addition to meeting the requirements of the Pilot Study Phase and preparing for the Production Phase of the PSI, the NYSGXRC aims to develop modular technologies that are transferable to structural biology laboratories in both academe and industry. The NYSGXRC PI and Co-PIs intend the PSI to have a transforming effect on the disciplines of X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy of biological macromolecules. Working with other PSI-funded Centers, the NYSGXRC seeks to create the structural biology laboratory of the future. Herein, we present an overview of the organization of the NYSGXRC and describe progress toward development of a high-throughput Gene→Structure platform. An analysis of current and projected consortium metrics reflects progress to date and delineates opportunities for further technology development.  相似文献   

Whitmore L  Janes RW  Wallace BA 《Chirality》2006,18(6):426-429
The Protein Circular Dichroism Data Bank (PCDDB) is a new deposition data bank for validated circular dichroism spectra of biomacromolecules. Its aim is to be a resource for the structural biology and bioinformatics communities, providing open access and archiving facilities for circular dichroism and synchrotron radiation circular dichroism spectra. It is named in parallel with the Protein Data Bank (PDB), a long-existing valuable reference data bank for protein crystal and NMR structures. In this article, we discuss the design of the data bank structure and the deposition website located at http://pcddb.cryst.bbk.ac.uk. Our aim is to produce a flexible and comprehensive archive, which enables user-friendly spectral deposition and searching. In the case of a protein whose crystal structure and sequence are known, the PCDDB entry will be linked to the appropriate PDB and sequence data bank files, respectively. It is anticipated that the PCDDB will provide a readily accessible biophysical catalogue of information on folded proteins that may be of value in structural genomics programs, for quality control and archiving in industrial and academic labs, as a resource for programs developing spectroscopic structural analysis methods, and in bioinformatics studies.  相似文献   

The decipherment of higher level relationships among the orders of Afrotheria – an extraordinary assumption in mammalian evolution – constitutes one of the major disputes in the evolutionary history of mammals. Recent comprehensive studies of various genomic data, including mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences, chromosomal syntenic associations and retroposon insertions support strongly the monophyly of Afrotheria. However, the relationships within Afrotheria have remained ambiguous and there is a necessity for a more sophisticated analysis (i.e. combination of gene phylogeny and Rare Genomic Changes (RGCs)), which could aid in the comprehension of the evolutionary history of this old group of mammals. The present study investigated the phylogenetic relationships within Afrotheria by analysing a data set of coding and non-coding sequences (~32 000 bp) comprising 57 orthologous genes and 31 RGCs, such as chromosomal associations and retroposon insertions, and re-evaluated a molecular timescale for afrotherian mammals using a Bayesian relaxed clock approach. The interordinal afrotherians phylogeny presented here contributed to the elucidation of the evolutionary history of this ancient clade of mammals, which is one of the most unorthodox proposals in mammalian biology. This is critical not only for understanding how Afrotheria evolved in Africa, but also to comprehend the early biogeographical history of placental mammals.  相似文献   

Detailed structural analysis of protein necessitates investigation at primary, secondary and tertiary levels, respectively. Insight into protein secondary structures pave way for understanding the type of secondary structural elements involved (α-helices, β-strands etc.), the amino acid sequence that encode the secondary structural elements, number of residues, length and, percentage composition of the respective elements in the protein. Here we present a standalone tool entitled "ExSer" which facilitate an automated extraction of the amino acid sequence that encode for the secondary structural regions of a protein from the protein data bank (PDB) file. AVAILABILITY: ExSer is freely downloadable from http://code.google.com/p/tool-exser/  相似文献   

Tragopogon kashmirianus (Asteraceae: Lactuceae) (2n = 24) was described based on collections from Kashmir. The tetraploid is morphologically similar to allotetraploid T. mirus from North America that has formed in western North America from the introduced T. dubius (2n = 12) and T. porrifolius (salsify; 2n = 12). Singh and Kachroo (1976 ) suggested that T. kashmirianus might have formed from the same diploid parental combination as T. mirus. To determine this, we investigated internal and external transcribed spacers (ITS, ETS) and five plastid regions of T. kashmirianus and species reported from Kashmir, northern India and neighbouring countries (T. badachschanicus, T. longirostris, T. porrifolius, T. pratensis, T. orientalis, T. subalpinus, T. trachycarpus, T. gracilis and T. dubius). Molecular data indicate that the parents of T. kashmirianus are not the European T. porrifolius and T. dubius. The exact parentage of T. kashmirianus is still unclear, but if it is an allotetraploid, at least one parent is a species native to Kashmir/India. Alternatively, it may represent an autopolyploid, again with the diploid parent native to Kashmir/India. We also found that ‘T. dubius’ from Kashmir is phylogenetically and morphologically distinct from collections of T. dubius from Europe and probably represents a previously unrecognized species. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 391–398.  相似文献   

Summary The location and nucleotide sequence of tobacco chloroplast genes for tRNASer (GGA), tRNAThr (UGU), tRNALeu (UAA) and tRNAPhe (GAA) (trnS-GGA, trnT-UGU, trnL-UAA and trnF-GAA, respectively) have been determined. These genes are located in the 10 kbp BamHI fragment which lies in the middle of the large single-copy region of the chloroplast DNA. The gene order is trnS-trnT-trnL-trnF. The trnS, trnL and trnF are encoded on the same strand while the trnT on the opposite strand. The trnL contains a 503 bp intron like maize and broad bean trnL-UAAs.  相似文献   

Poly(rI) stabilized by either Na+ or K+ was investigated using uv resonance Raman (UVRR) spectroscopy. Raman excitation profiles of inosine 5′-monophosphate demonstrated the 250 nm excitation selectively enhances base stacking interactions, while ribose and carbonyl stretching vibrations are preferentially enhanced with 210 nm excitation. These wavelengths were used to examine the structure of poly(rI) in the presence of either K+ or Na+ as a function of temperature. UVRR studies revealed that the K+ stabilized form is more thermally stable, yielding a Tm of ∼ 47°C compared to a Tm of ∼ 30°C for the Na+ stabilized form. We observed that both the ribosyl conformation and the coordination of the carbonyl groups depend on the nature of the cation. The C6O stretching frequency indicates that Na+ coordinates much more strongly to the carbonyl groups than K+ (1672 cm−1 Na+ vs 1684 cm−1 K+ at 4°C). Conformationally sensitive modes of the phosphate backbone and the ribosyl ring indicate that Na+ stabilized poly(rI) predominantly exists in a C3′-endo ribose conformation, whereas K+ stabilized poly(rI) adopts a C2′-endo conformation possibly as a consequence of the larger ionic radius of the K+ ion. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 46: 475–487, 1998  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial genome of Tonkinacris sinensis is 15,627 bp long and contains13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 22 tRNA genes, 2 rRNA genes and one A + T-rich region. The gene order and orientation are identical to those of other Orthoptera species, containing the rearrangement of trnD and trnK. Intriguingly, a tRNASer-like gene exists on the N strand between the trnSUCN and nad1 genes. The length of this gene is 110 bp, and it has a typical clover-leaf structure, an anticodon, and a high cove score (23.49). On its clover-leaf structure, on the anticodon arm, there is a 41 bp intron with an unknown function. Here, phylogenetic analysis was conducted based on 13 PCGs of 30 species from 9 subfamilies of Acrididae to understand their phylogenetic relationships. According to the phylogenetic tree, the relationship among the 9 subfamilies within Acrididae was as follows: (Spathosterninae + (Oxyinae + (Catantopinae + (Calliptaminae + (Cyrtacanthacridinae + (Melanoplinae + (Gomphocerinae + (Oedipodinae + Acridinae)))))))).  相似文献   

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