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Efforts are underway to restore tidal flow in New England salt marshes that were negatively impacted by tidal restrictions. We evaluated a planned tidal restoration at Mill Brook Marsh (New Hampshire) and at Drakes Island Marsh (Maine) where partial tidal restoration inadvertently occurred. Salt marsh functions were evaluated in both marshes to determine the impacts from tidal restriction and the responses following restoration. Physical and biological indicators of salt marsh functions (tidal range, surface elevations, soil water levels and salinities, plant cover, and fish use) were measured and compared to those from nonimpounded reference sites. Common impacts from tidal restrictions at both sites were: loss of tidal flooding, declines in surface elevation, reduced soil salinity, replacement of salt marsh vegetation by fresh and brackish plants, and loss of fish use of the marsh. Water levels, soil salinities and fish use increased immediately following tidal restoration. Salt-intolerant vegetation was killed within months. After two years, mildly salt-tolerant vegetation had been largely replaced in Mill Brook Marsh by several species characteristic of both high and low salt marshes. Eight years after the unplanned, partial tidal restoration at Drakes Island Marsh, the vegetation was dominated bySpartina alterniflora, a characteristic species of low marsh habitat. Hydrologic restoration that allowed for unrestricted saltwater exchange at Mill Brook restored salt marsh functions relatively quickly in comparison to the partial tidal restoration at Drakes Island, where full tidal exchange was not achieved. The irregular tidal regime at Drakes Island resulted in vegetation cover and patterns dissimilar to those of the high marsh used as a reference. The proper hydrologic regime (flooding height, duration and frequency) is essential to promote the rapid recovery of salt marsh functions. We predict that functional recovery will be relatively quick at Mill Brook, but believe that the habitat at Drakes Island will not become equivalent to that of the reference marsh unless the hydrology is further modified.  相似文献   

In recent years, salt marsh restoration projects have focused upon restoring hydrology through culvert enlargement to return functional values lost due to reduced tidal flow. To evaluate culvert effects on upstream nekton assemblages, fyke nets were set upstream of tidally restricted creeks, creeks recently restored with larger culverts, and paired reference creeks in New Hampshire and Maine, U.S.A. Subtidal habitats created or enlarged by scour were found immediately upstream of undersized culverts. All marshes supported similar assemblages and densities of fish, suggesting that marshes upstream of moderately restrictive culverts provide suitable habitat to support fish communities. However, densities of Crangon septemspinosa (sand shrimp) were significantly reduced upstream of culverts. A mark–recapture study was conducted in tidally restricted, restored, and reference marsh creeks to evaluate culvert effects on the movement of Fundulus heteroclitus (mummichog), the numerically dominant fish species in New England salt marshes. Recapture data indicated that small culvert size and consequently increased water velocity significantly decreased fish passage rates. We infer that upstream subtidal habitats and greater water velocities due to undersized culverts decreased nekton movements between upstream and downstream areas, resulting in segregated nekton populations. Restoration of salt marsh hydrology by the installation of adequately sized culverts will support increased fish access to marsh habitats and nekton‐mediated export of marsh‐derived production to coastal waters.  相似文献   

Hydrologic restoration of Hatches Harbor, a tide-restricted marsh on Cape Cod (Massachusetts), has resulted in significant plant community changes 7 years following the reintroduction of seawater. Since 1999, incremental increases in flow through a tide-restricting dike have facilitated the rapid decline of salt-intolerant vegetation, while encouraging the expansion of native salt marsh taxa. These changes show strong spatial gradients and are correlated with marsh surface elevation, distance from the point of seawater entry, and porewater salinity. Common reed ( Phragmites australis ) has not decreased in abundance but has migrated a considerable distance upslope. In the wake of this retreat native halophytes have proliferated. Now that maximum flow through the existing dike structure has been reached, continued recovery may be limited less by changing physicochemical conditions and more by rates of growth, seed dispersal, and seed germination of salt marsh taxa.  相似文献   

Like many Eastern U.S. salt marshes, East Harbor salt marsh lagoon on Cape Cod was isolated from tidal flow in the 1800s, resulting in near‐freshwater conditions and loss of native salt marsh species. After its partial restoration in 2002, a variety of marine and estuarine fauna recolonized East Harbor, and soft shell clam (Mya arenaria) recolonization was particularly prolific. The goal of our study was to evaluate molluscan community composition, density, and distribution at regular intervals for 10 years following restoration, and to relate molluscan community recovery to various physical properties at the site. In 2007, 2008, and 2011, we sampled mollusks at several points across East Harbor, and we also recorded water salinity and temperature, particle size distribution, and submerged aquatic vegetation density. In 2007 and 2008, we encountered 12 and 11 mollusk species, respectively; M. arenaria was the most abundant species in 2007 and the second most abundant species in 2008. In 2011, we encountered eight mollusk species and M. arenaria was the most abundant species. Mollusk species richness declined from 12 to 8 species between 2008 and 2011. Our results show that mollusk species richness and density have declined significantly since the first few years following restoration; related studies attribute this to high summer water temperatures in the Main Lagoon and severe macroalgal blooms during 2005–2006. This suggests that East Harbor is still equilibrating to baseline conditions and that full tidal restoration may be necessary to sustain a diverse mollusk community at East Harbor.  相似文献   

Restoration of salt marshes in the Netherlands   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Bakker  J.P.  Esselink  P.  Dijkema  K.S.  van Duin  W.E.  de Jong  D.J. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,478(1-3):29-51
The conquest of land from the sea has been a long tradition in the Netherlands. When salt marshes were high enough, they were embanked when it was economically feasible, and transformed into intensively exploited agricultural land. This resulted in the transformation of halophytic communities to glycophytic communities. Often as an alternative, a low levee, a summerdike was built, which greatly reduced the flooding frequency of the landward summerpolder, hence creating a sedimentation deficit therein. Such summerpolders now cover 1200 ha in the Netherlands, 2100 ha in NW-Germany and small areas in England. Due to continuous embankments, the present salt-marsh area is relatively small with respect to the tidal basins. Discussions have been started how to increase the salt-marsh area. Two options will be discussed, firstly de-embankment of summerpolders and maintenance of the protective seawall, secondly increase of the effects of saline seepage behind the seawall by top soil removal. Both options include the restoration of salt-marsh communities (target communities) in intensively agriculturally exploited sites that have been salt marshes before. From the few examples abroad and experiments it is discussed (1) to which extent the sedimentation deficit in summerpolders could be compensated for, (2) if the soil seed bank is likely to contribute to re-establishment of salt-marsh communities, (3) if the dispersal of propagules of halophytic plants will be possible by hydrochory when the summerdike is breached, (4) to what extent is dispersal by endozoochory through waterfowl important in case re-establishment in a saline seepage area behind the seawall without open connection to the sea is envisaged. Two case studies of de-embanked summerpolders in the Netherlands revealed that the sedimentation deficit can be counteracted by rapid sedimentation, provided enough transport is possible from the foreshore. Dispersal by incoming tidal water from the nearby salt-marsh source area into the target area is possible for many salt-marsh plant species. The rate of success seems to depend on the relative position of source area and target area. A case study in a saline seepage area after top soil removal in the Netherlands, showed that the number of viable seeds dispersed by droppings from waterfowl is limited. Hence the possibilities for restoration of inland halophytic plant communities seem much lower than after de-embankment of summerpolders.  相似文献   

Tidal flow to salt marshes throughout the northeastern United States is often restricted by roads, dikes, impoundments, and inadequately sized culverts or bridge openings, resulting in altered ecological structure and function. In this study we evaluated the response of vegetation and nekton (fishes and decapod crustaceans) to restoration of full tidal flow to a portion of the Sachuest Point salt marsh, Middletown, Rhode Island. A before, after, control, impact study design was used, including evaluations of the tide‐restricted marsh, the same marsh after reintroduction of tidal flow (i.e., tide‐restored marsh), and an unrestricted control marsh. Before tidal restoration vegetation of the 3.7‐ha tide‐restricted marsh was dominated by Phragmites australis and was significantly different from the adjacent 6.3‐ha Spartina‐dominated unrestricted control marsh (analysis of similarities randomization test, p < 0.001). After one growing season vegetation of the tide‐restored marsh had changed from its pre‐restoration condition (analysis of similarities randomization test, p < 0.005). Although not similar to the unrestricted control marsh, Spartina patens and S. alterniflora abundance increased and abundance and height of Phragmites significantly declined, suggesting a convergence toward typical New England salt marsh vegetation. Before restoration shallow water habitat (creeks and pools) of the unrestricted control marsh supported a greater density of nekton compared with the tide‐restricted marsh (analysis of variance, p < 0.001), but after one season of restored tidal flow nekton density was equivalent. A similar trend was documented for nekton species richness. Nekton density and species richness from marsh surface samples were similar between the tide‐restored marsh and unrestricted control marsh. Fundulus heteroclitus and Palaemonetes pugio were the numerically dominant fish and decapod species in all sampled habitats. This study provides an example of a quantitative approach for assessing the response of vegetation and nekton to tidal restoration.  相似文献   

Salt Marsh Restoration in Connecticut: 20 Years of Science and Management   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In 1980 the State of Connecticut began a tidal marsh restoration program targeting systems degraded by tidal restrictions and impoundments. Such marshes become dominated by common reed grass (Phragmites australis) and cattail (Typha angustifolia and T. latifolia), with little ecological connection to Long Island Sound. The management and scientific hypothesis was that returning tidal action, reconnecting marshes to Long Island Sound, would set these systems on a recovery trajectory. Specific restoration targets (i.e., pre‐disturbance conditions or particular reference marshes) were considered unrealistic. However, it was expected that with time restored tides would return ecological functions and attributes characteristic of fully functioning tidal salt marshes. Here we report results of this program at nine separate sites within six marsh systems along 110 km of Long Island Sound shoreline, with restoration times of 5 to 21 years. Biotic parameters assessed include vegetation, macroinvertebrates, and use by fish and birds. Abiotic factors studied were soil salinity, elevation and tidal flooding, and soil water table depth. Sites fell into two categories of vegetation recovery: slow, ca. 0.5%, or fast, more than 5% of total area per year. Although total cover and frequency of salt marsh angiosperms was positively related to soil salinity, and reed grass stand parameters negatively so, fast versus slow recovery rates could not be attributed to salinity. Instead, rates appear to reflect differences in tidal flooding. Rapid recovery was characterized by lower elevations, greater hydroperiods, and higher soil water tables. Recovery of other biotic attributes and functions does not necessarily parallel those for vegetation. At the longest studied system (rapid vegetation recovery) the high marsh snail Melampus bidentatus took two decades to reach densities comparable with a nearby reference marsh, whereas the amphipod Orchestia grillus was well established on a slow‐recovery marsh, reed grass dominated after 9 years. Typical fish species assemblages were found in restoration site creeks and ditches within 5 years. Gut contents of fish in ditches and on the high marsh suggest that use of restored marsh as foraging areas may require up to 15 years to reach equivalence with reference sites. Bird species that specialize in salt marshes require appropriate vegetation; on the oldest restoration site, breeding populations comparable with reference marshland had become established after 15 years. Use of restoration sites by birds considered marsh generalists was initially high and was still nearly twice that of reference areas even after 20 years. Herons, egrets, and migratory shorebirds used restoration areas extensively. These results support our prediction that returning tides will set degraded marshes on trajectories that can bring essentially full restoration of ecological functions. This can occur within two decades, although reduced tidal action can delay restoration of some functions. With this success, Connecticut's Department of Environmental Protection established a dedicated Wetland Restoration Unit. As of 1999 tides have been restored at 57 separate sites along the Connecticut coast.  相似文献   

Assessing the response of salt marshes to tidal restoration relies on comparisons of ecosystem attributes between restored and reference marshes. Although this approach provides an objective basis for judging project success, inferences can be constrained if the high variability of natural marshes masks differences in sampled attributes between restored and reference sites. Furthermore, such assessments are usually focused on a small number of restoration projects in a local area, limiting the ability to address questions regarding the effectiveness of restoration within a broad region. We developed a hierarchical approach to evaluate the performance of tidal restorations at local and regional scales throughout the Gulf of Maine. The cornerstone of the approach is a standard protocol for monitoring restored and reference salt marshes throughout the region. The monitoring protocol was developed by consensus among nearly 50 restoration scientists and practitioners. The protocol is based on a suite of core structural measures that can be applied to any tidal restoration project. The protocol also includes additional functional measures for application to specific projects. Consistent use of the standard protocol to monitor local projects will enable pooling information for regional assessments. Ultimately, it will be possible to establish a range of reference conditions characterizing natural tidal wetlands in the region and to compare performance curves between populations of restored and reference marshes for assessing regional restoration effectiveness.  相似文献   

Transpiration, leaf conductance, net photosynthesis, leaf growth, above-ground biomass and regeneration of new culms were studied in a rapidly subsiding Spartina alterniflora Lois. salt marsh following the addition at 47 and 94 Kg m–2 of new sediment. Plant growth was enhanced in response to sediment addition as was evident by a significant increase in leaf area, above-ground biomass production and regeneration of new culms (p 0.05). Leaf conductance and transpiration rates were significantly greater in sediment treated plants than in control plants (p 0.05). Enhanced production of culms per unit area of marsh resulted in increased leaf area which allowed a greater capacity for net photosynthesis and contributed to increases in above-ground biomass of sediment treated plots.  相似文献   

Ice rafting of salt marsh peat is a recurrent phenomenon in north temperate regions. This process was simulated in a northern New England salt marsh to test several hypotheses concerning the effects of peat transport from high to low intertidal heights on the growth and mortality of key sessile organisms: the ribbed mussel Geukensia demissa (Dillwyn), the fucoid alga Fucus vesiculosus L. var. spiralis (Farlow) and the cordgrass Spartina alterniflora (Loisel.). Growth rates increased when Geukensia and Fucus were transported to the lower intertidal; however, Spartina died when similarly transported. Predation pressure (primarily from Carcinus maenus L.) on Geukensia was greater when it was rafted to the lower intertidal zone than in the upper intertidal habitat and was size specific; mussels >3.5cm reached a size-escape from crab predation.A winter survey of dislodged mussels revealed that 72% of the mussels collected were dead and 86% had been overgrown by large Fucus plants, >2.5 × the natural frequency of Fucus overgrowth (32%). In marsh habitats where hard substratum is rare, 91% of the Fucus were growing on Geukensia. A dislodgement experiment showed that a significantly greater percentage of Geukensia was dislodged after ice-out when Fucus was attached to the shell than those mussels without Fucus overgrowth. In the spring, a population survey conducted in the salt marsh examined densities, biomass and population structure of Geukensia, as well as densities, percent cover and biomass of Fucus. Values obtained in the foremarsh were compared to those from the peat islands recently rafted to the tidal flats. Both biomass and densities of Geukensia were similar in the two areas; however, the size-frequency distributions of the mussels were different. Since fewer large mussels, Fucus and Fucus-overgrown mussels were found on the newly transported peat islands, this pattern appears to reflect dislodgement of larger Geukensia by attached algae during ice transport. Two ice-related sources of mortality were identified for Geukensia: (1) Fucus overgrowth acted as a vector for mussel dislodgement and was an indirect source of mortality; and (2) ice crushing was a direct source of mortality for non-overgrown mussels.  相似文献   

Modeling Habitat Change in Salt Marshes After Tidal Restoration   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Salt marshes continue to degrade in the United States due to indirect human impacts arising from tidal restrictions. Roads or berms with inadequate provision for tidal flow hinder ecosystem functions and interfere with self‐maintenance of habitat, because interactions among vegetation, soil, and hydrology within tidally restricted marshes prevent them from responding to sea level rise. Prediction of the tidal range that is expected after restoration relative to the current geomorphology is crucial for successful restoration of salt marsh habitat. Both insufficient (due to restriction) and excessive (due to subsidence and sea level rise) tidal flooding can lead to loss of salt marshes. We developed and applied the Marsh Response to Hydrological Modifications model as a predictive tool to forecast the success of management scenarios for restoring full tides to previously restricted areas. We present an overview of a computer simulation tool that evaluates potential culvert installations with output of expected tidal ranges, water discharges, and flood potentials. For three New England tidal marshes we show species distributions of plants for tidally restricted and nonrestricted areas. Elevation ranges of species are used for short‐term (<5 years) predictions of changes to salt marsh habitat after tidal restoration. In addition, elevation changes of the marsh substrate measured at these sites are extrapolated to predict long‐term (>5 years) changes in marsh geomorphology under restored tidal regimes. The resultant tidal regime should be designed to provide habitat requirements for salt marsh plants. At sites with substantial elevation losses a balance must be struck that stimulates elevation increases by improving sediment fluxes into marshes while establishing flooding regimes appropriate to sustain the desired plants.  相似文献   

Historic human-imposed tidal flow restrictions at many New England estuaries have resulted in dramatic alteration of estuarine community structure and function. East Harbor, a 291-ha coastal lagoon and salt marsh in Truro, Massachusetts, was artificially isolated from Cape Cod Bay in 1868. After the isolation, salinity decreased to near freshwater levels, and estuarine fish and invertebrate populations declined precipitously. Partial tidal flow was restored to East Harbor in 2002; since then, East Harbor has experienced substantial increases in salinity, and native fauna has begun to return to the system. The objective of this study was to obtain information on marine molluscan populations recolonizing East Harbor. Using a combination of benthic cores and direct searching, we surveyed 50 plots throughout the estuary in July and August 2005. We detected 16 molluscan species in East Harbor as a whole; the four most abundant species were Mya arenaria , Littorina spp., Mytilus edulis , and Mercenaria mercenaria . We found significant differences in species richness and abundance of these species among three regions of East Harbor that varied markedly in salinity and distance to Cape Cod Bay; diversity and abundance were both highest in Moon Pond, which has a direct connection with sources of seawater and marine biota, and lowest in the northwest cove, which receives high freshwater discharge. These findings demonstrate the effectiveness of Cape Cod National Seashore's preliminary tidal restoration efforts while underscoring the continued need for full tidal restoration at East Harbor and other tide-restricted estuaries.  相似文献   

The role of salt marshes as nitrogen sink is examined taking into consideration the seasonal variation of above and belowground biomass of Spartina martima and Halimione portulacoides in two marshes from Tagus estuary, Pancas and Corroios, and the degradation rates of belowground litter. Total nitrogen was determined in plant components, decomposing litter and sediment. Biomass was higher in Corroios, the saltier marsh, with 7190 g m−2 y−1 dw of S. maritima and 6593 g m−2 y−1 dw of H. portulacoides and the belowground component contributed to 96% and 90% of total biomass, respectively. In the other marsh, Pancas, belowground biomass contributed to 56% and 76% of total biomass for S. maritima and H. portulacoides, respectively. Litterbag experiment showed that between 25% and 50% of nitrogen is lost within the first month and remained relatively constant in the next four months. Slower decomposition is observed in sediments with higher nitrogen concentration (max. 0.7% N in the saltier marsh). Higher concentrations of N were found in the sediment upper layers. Considering the sediment-root system, most of the nitrogen is stored in the sediment compartment and only about 1–4% of the total N was found in the roots. Considering these results, Tagus salt marshes act as a sink for nitrogen.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic climate change is predicted to cause widespread biodiversity loss due to shifts in species' distributions, but these predictions rarely incorporate ecological associations such as zonation. Here, we predict the decline of a diverse assemblage of mid-latitude salt marsh plants, based on an ecosystem warming experiment. In New England salt marshes, a guild of halophytic forbs occupies stressful, waterlogged pannes. At three sites, experimental warming of < 4 °C led to diversity declines in pannes and rapid takeover by a competitive dominant, Spartina patens . In Rhode Island, near their southern range limit, pannes were more sensitive to warming than farther north, and panne area also declined in control plots over the three-season experiment. These results suggest that warming will rapidly reduce plant diversity in New England salt marshes by eliminating a high diversity zone. Biodiversity in zoned ecosystems may be more affected by climate-driven shifts in zonation than by individual species' distribution shifts.  相似文献   

潮汐作用对黄河三角洲盐沼湿地甲烷排放的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盐沼湿地作为陆海交互作用的过渡带是CH4重要的自然来源。潮汐活动通过影响CH4的产生、氧化和传输驱动了湿地CH4间歇性、周期性的排放。利用涡度相关和微气象监测技术,对黄河三角洲一个盐地碱蓬生态系统CH4通量、环境因子和水文要素(潮汐)进行了长期连续监测分析了该生态系统生长季CH4排放的季节动态及潮汐作用对CH4排放的影响。结果表明:生长季该生态系统是CH4的排放源,排放日均值为0.063 mg m-2 h-1,(范围为-0.36-0.57 mg m-2 h-1)。潮汐淹水阶段和落潮后湿润阶段表现为CH4的显著源。此外我们发现,短期潮汐活动引起土壤干湿状况的变化促进了CH4脉冲式的排放,因此未来气候变化下温度升高和降雨季节分配引起的土壤干湿变化将会对该区域CH4排放甚至碳循环产生积极影响。  相似文献   

Summary Tidal flooding is widely believed to be an important determinant of marsh plant distributions but has rarely been tested in the field. In New England the marsh elder Iva frutescens often dominates the terrestrial border of salt marshes and we examined its flood tolerance and distribution patterns. Marsh elders only occur at elevations where their roots are not subject to prolonged water table flooding. Consequently they are found on the terrestrial border of marshes and at lower elevations associated with drainage ditches and locally elevated surfaces. Marsh elders transplanted to elevations lower than they normally occur died within a year with or without neighbors and greenhouse tests revealed that I. frutescens is much less tolerant of flooded soil conditions than plants found at lower marsh elevations. We also manipulated the water table level of field plots and found that increasing or decreasing water table drainage led to enhanced and diminished I. frutescens performance, respectively. Our results demonstrate the importance of water table dynamics in generating spatial patterns in marsh plant communities and provide further evidence that supports the hypothesis that the seaward distributional limits of marsh plant populations are generally dictated by physical processes.  相似文献   

Although there is mounting evidence that biodiversity is an important and widespread driver of ecosystem multifunctionality, much of this research has focused on small-scale biodiversity manipulations. Hence, which mechanisms maintain patches of enhanced biodiversity in natural systems and if these patches elevate ecosystem multifunctionality at both local and landscape scales remain outstanding questions. In a 17 month experiment conducted within southeastern United States salt marshes, we found that patches of enhanced biodiversity and multifunctionality arise only where habitat-forming foundation species overlap—i.e. where aggregations of ribbed mussels (Geukensia demissa) form around cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) stems. By empirically scaling up our experimental results to the marsh platform at 12 sites, we further show that mussels—despite covering only approximately 1% of the marsh surface—strongly enhance five distinct ecosystem functions, including decomposition, primary production and water infiltration rate, at the landscape scale. Thus, mussels create conditions that support the co-occurrence of high densities of functionally distinct organisms within cordgrass and, in doing so, elevate salt marsh multifunctionality from the patch to landscape scale. Collectively, these findings suggest that patterns in foundation species'' overlap drive variation in biodiversity and ecosystem functioning within and across natural ecosystems. We therefore argue that foundation species should be integrated in our conceptual understanding of forces that moderate biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships, approaches for conserving species diversity and strategies to improve the multifunctionality of degraded ecosystems.  相似文献   

Nekton (fishes and decapod crustaceans) is an abundant and productive faunal component of salt marshes, yet nekton responses to tidal manipulations of New England salt marshes remain unclear. This study examined nekton use of a tidally restricted salt marsh in Narragansett, Rhode Island relative to an unrestricted marsh during summer. In addition, a before‐after‐control‐impact design was used to examine early responses of nekton to the reintroduction of natural tidal flushing. Species richness and densities of Cyprinodon variegatus, Lucania parva, Menidia beryllina, and Palaemonetes pugio were higher in the restricted marsh compared with the unrestricted marsh. The unrestricted marsh supported higher densities of Menidia menidia and Fundulus majalis. Mean lengths of Carcinus maenas and P. pugio were greater in the restricted marsh. Tidal restoration resulted in increased tidal flushing, salinity, and water depth in the restricted marsh. Densities of Fundulus heteroclitus, F. majalis, and Callinectes sapidus were higher after 2 years of restoration. Density of L. parva decreased after restoration, probably in response to a loss of macroalgal habitat. Species richness also decreased after 2 years, from 20.9 species when the marsh was restricted to 13.0 species. Total nekton density did not change with restoration, but shifts in community composition were evident. In this study restoration induced rapid changes in the composition, density, size, and distribution of nekton species, but additional monitoring is necessary to quantify longer‐term effects of salt marsh restoration on nekton.  相似文献   

Tidal channels influence the distribution and composition of salt marsh vegetation in a San Francisco Bay salt marsh. Two channel networks in the Petaluma Marsh, Sonoma County, CA, were mapped and characterized using global positioning and geographic information systems. Plant species abundance was sampled on transects placed perpendicular to and extending away from the channel banks. The vegetation showed significant increases in species richness along channel banks and larger areas of effect which increased approximately linearly with channel size. Composition of species assemblages varies with distance from the channel bank and channel size. These results demonstrate that salt marsh plant assemblages, composed of both major and minor species, are distributed with respect to the channel network in Petaluma Marsh.  相似文献   

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