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The kinetics of accumulation of resident transposon copies in a dividing population has been defined using a special experimental system. Analysis of the kinetics made it possible to estimate the probability of transposition for Tn5 as 2.5 X 10(-4) and for Tn10 as 2.3 X 10(-6) per cell per generation. Transposition of the composite elements does not depend on RecBC or RecF pathways of recombination. The fraction of the bacterial population with tandem duplications in the proA region of the genome is permanent for Escherichia coli. It is independent of the recombination pathways (RecBC of RecF) and the integrity of DNA polymerase I.  相似文献   

J. Dimpfl  H. Echols 《Genetics》1989,123(2):255-260
The SOS response in Escherichia coli involves the induction of a multioperon regulatory system, which copes with the presence of DNA lesions that interfere with DNA replication. Induction depends on activation of the RecA protein to cleave the LexA repressor of SOS operons. In addition to inducible DNA repair, the SOS system produces a large increase in the frequency of point mutations. To examine the possibility that other types of mutations are induced as part of the SOS response, we have studied the production of tandem duplications. To avoid the complications of indirect effects of the DNA lesions, we have activated the SOS response by a constitutive mutation in the recA gene, recA730. The introduction of the recA730 mutation results in an increase in duplications in the range of tenfold or greater, as judged by two different criteria. Based on its genetic requirements, the pathway for induced duplication formation is distinct from the point mutation pathway and also differs from the major normal recombination pathway. The induction of pathways for both duplications and point mutations shows that the SOS system produces a broad mutagenic response. We have suggested previously that many types of mutations might be induced by severe environmental stress, thereby enhancing genetic variation in an endangered population.  相似文献   

Bacterial transposons are known to move to new genomic sites using either a replicative or a conservative mechanism. The behavior of transposon Tn5 is anomalous. In vitro studies indicate that it uses a conservative mechanism while in vivo results point to a replicative mechanism. To explain this anomaly, a model is presented in which the two mechanisms are not independent—as widely believed—but could represent alternate outcomes of a common transpositional pathway.  相似文献   

Copy Number Control of Tn5 Transposition   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
Transposition of Tn5 in Escherichia coli strains containing one or multiple copies of the transposable element was investigated. It was found that the overall frequency of transposition within a cell remained constant regardless of the number of copies of Tn5 present in that cell. Experiments measuring the transposition frequency of differentially marked Tn5s confirmed that the frequency of transposition of an individual Tn5 decreased proportionally with the total number of copies of the element present in a cell. The IS50R -encoded function, protein 2, which has previously been shown to be an inhibitor of transposition, is sufficient to mediate this inhibitory effect. The concentration of protein 2 in a cell appears to modulate the transposition of individual Tn5 elements in such a way that the overall transposition of Tn5 in a cell remains constant.  相似文献   

Tn5 transposase (Tnp) overproduction is lethal to Escherichia coli. The overproduction causes cell filamentation and abnormal chromosome segregation. Here we present three lines of evidence strongly suggesting that Tnp overproduction killing is due to titration of topoisomerase I. First, a suppressor mutation of transposase overproduction killing, stkD10, is localized in topA (the gene for topoisomerase I). The stkD10 mutant has the following characteristics: first, it has an increased abundance of topoisomerase I protein, the topoisomerase I is defective for the DNA relaxation activity, and DNA gyrase activity is reduced; second, the suppressor phenotype of a second mutation localized in rpoH, stkA14 (H. Yigit and W. S. Reznikoff, J. Bacteriol. 179:1704–1713, 1997), can be explained by an increase in topA expression; and third, overexpression of wild-type topA partially suppresses the killing. Finally, topoisomerase I was found to enhance Tn5 transposition up to 30-fold in vivo.  相似文献   

C. L. Smith  R. D. Kolodner 《Genetics》1988,119(2):227-236
A low resolution Not I physical map of Escherichia coli was recently constructed. In this report we demonstrated that this map can be used to map Tn5 and F insertions physically. The transposon, Tn5, contains Not I recognition sequences in its IS50 sequences. F plasmid contains an unmapped Not I site. Hence, the location of Tn5 and F in the chromosome can be mapped by identifying the location of the introduced Not I sites using pulsed field gel electrophoresis. The physical mapping of genetically mapped Tn5 insertions confirm the previously constructed Not I map and helps align the E. coli physical and genetic maps. The use of Tn5 can assist the construction of both physical and genetic maps for microorganisms lacking such maps. Variations on this approach will facilitate physical mapping with a wide variety of organisms, enzymes, and genetic elements.  相似文献   

The streptococcal transposon Tn917 was demonstrated to transpose in Escherichia coli from the Bacillus subtilis-E. coli shuttle plasmid pHK1207 into an F' plasmid derivative. Subsequently, a second round of transposition from the F' plasmid into pACYC184 could be readily demonstrated. These results represent the initial demonstration of the transposition of a gram-positive transposon in a gram-negative bacterium at a relatively high frequency.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore alternatives to insect-derived transposable elements as insect gene vectors with the intention of improving existing insect transgenesis methods. The mobility properties of the bacterial transposon, Tn5, were tested in mosquitoes using a transient transposable element mobility assay and by attempting to create transgenic insects. Tn5 synaptic complexes were assembled in vitro in the absence of Mg(2+) and co-injected with a target plasmid into developing yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti, embryos. Target plasmids recovered from embryos a day later were screened for the presence of Tn5. Recombinants (transposition events) were found at a frequency of 1.2 x 10(-3). Some transposition events did not appear to be associated with canonical 9 bp direct duplications at the site of insertion and also were associated with either deletions or rearrangements. A Tn5 element containing the brain-specific transgene, 3 x P3DsRed, was assembled into synaptic complexes in vitro and injected into pre-blastoderm embryos of Ae. aegypti. Of the approximately 900 embryos surviving injection and developing into adults, two produced transgenic progeny. Both transgenic events involved the co-integrations of approximately five elements resulting in nested and tandem arrayed Tn5::3 x P3DsRed elements. This study extends the known host range of Tn5 to insects and makes available to insect biologists and others another eukaryotic genome-manipulation tool. The hyperactivity of synaptic complexes may be responsible for the unusual clustering of elements and managing this aspect of the element's behavior will be important in future applications of this technology to insects.  相似文献   

The bacterial transposon Tn5 possesses a regulatory mechanism that allows it to move with higher efficiency when it is first introduced into a cell than after it is established. Tn5 is a composite transposable element containing inverted repeats of two nearly identical elements, IS 50R, which encodes the transposase protein necessary for Tn5 movement, and IS50L which contains an ochre mutant allele of the transposase gene. Data presented here show that Tn5 transposition is inhibited about 50-fold in cells of Escherichia coli which already carry IS 50R in the multicopy plasmid pBR322. If the cells contain a plasmid carrying either IS50L instead of IS50R, or derivatives of IS 50R in which the transposase gene has been mutated, little if any inhibition of Tn5 transposition is found. Although inhibition had previously been hypothesized to require interaction between the products of IS50 L and IS50R, our results show that IS50R alone is sufficient to mediate inhibition and suggest that the inhibitor is a product of the transposase gene itself.  相似文献   

Excision and formation of a covalently closed circular transposon molecule are required for conjugative transposition of Tn916 but are not the only factors that limit the frequency of conjugative transposition from one host to another. We found that in gram-positive bacteria, an increase in the frequency of excision and circularization of Tn916 caused by expression of integrase (Int) and excisionase (Xis) from a xylose-inducible promoter does not lead to an increase in the frequency of conjugative transposition. We also found that the concentration of Int and Xis in the recipient cell does not limit the frequency of conjugative transposition and that increased excision does not result in increased expression of transfer functions required to mobilize a plasmid containing the Tn916 origin of transfer. We conclude that in gram-positive hosts in which the Tn916 functions Int and Xis are overexpressed, the frequency of conjugative transposition is limited by the availability of transfer functions.  相似文献   


Tn10 is a bacterial transposon that transposes through a non-replicative mechanism. This mode of DNA transposition is widely used in bacteria and is also used by “DNA-based” transposons in eukaryotes. Tn10 has served as a paradigm for this mode of transposition and continues to provide novel insights into how steps in transposition reactions occur and how these steps are regulated. A common feature of transposition reactions is that they require the formation of a higher order protein-DNA complex called a transpososome. A major objective in the last few years has been to better understand the dynamics of transpososome assembly and progression through the course of transposition reactions. This problem is particularly interesting in the Tn10 system because two important host proteins, IHF and H-NS, have been implicated in regulating transpososome assembly and/or function. Interestingly, H-NS is an integral part of stress response pathways in bacteria, and its function is known to be sensitive to changes in environmental conditions. Consequently, H-NS may provide a means of allowing Tn10 to responed to changing environmental conditions. The current review focuses on the roles of both IHF and H-NS on Tn10 transposition.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of Porphyromonas gingivalis, an obligately anaerobic gram-negative bacterium, has been hindered by the apparent lack of naturally occurring bacteriophages, transposable elements, and plasmids. Plasmid R751::*omega 4 has previously been used as a suicide vector to demonstrate transposition of Tn4351 in B. uniformis. The erythromycin resistance gene on Tn4351 functions in Bacteroides and Porphyromonas. Erythromycin-resistant transconjugants were obtained at a mean frequency of 1.6 x 10(-7) from matings between Escherichia coli HB101 containing R751::*omega 4 and P. gingivalis 33277. Southern blot hybridization analysis indicated that about half of the erythromycin-resistant P. gingivalis transconjugants contained simple insertions of Tn4351 and half contained both Tn4351 and R751 sequences. The presence of R751 sequences in some P. gingivalis transconjugants most likely occurred from Tn4351-mediated cointegration of R751, since we were unable to detect autonomous plasmid in these P. gingivalis transconjugants. The P. gingivalis-Tn4351 DNA junction fragments from different transconjugants varied in size. These results are consistent with transposition of Tn4351 and with insertion at several different locations in the P. gingivalis chromosome. Tn4351 may be useful as a mutagen to isolate well-defined mutants of P. gingivalis.  相似文献   

Transposition Tn917 was introduced into Bacillus pumilus 289 by protoplast transformation with plasmid pTV32. The temperature-sensitive replication property of pTV32 was maintained in B. pumilus. Tn917 was transposed efficiently in B. pumilus with 4.8 x 10(-4) transposition rate. The yield of auxotrophs was about 0.65% in all insertional mutants. It indicated a prospects for the use of Tn917 as a tool for insertional mutagenesis and genetic manipulation in B. pumilus.  相似文献   

Transposition of Tn917 in Bacillus megaterium.   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Transposon Tn917, carried on plasmid pTV1, was introduced into Bacillus megaterium and transposed efficiently and apparently randomly. Insertional mutations included at least eight different auxotrophic loci, two carbon source loci, and sporulation loci. One trp::Tn917 mutation was further verified as an insertion by both reversion and transduction.  相似文献   

Summary Tn5-trp hybrid transposons have been constructed by insertion of a trpPOED Hind III fragment into an in vivo Tn5 internal deletion mutant or by substitution of trp for the internal Tn5 Hind III fragment. These hybrids are called, respectively, Tn409 and Tn410. Both Tn409 and Tn410 will transpose into in the presence of a complementing Tn5 element. In the absence of a wild Tn5, lysogens carrying R1162::Tn409 and R1162::Tn410 plasmids will yield trp phages at less than six per cent of the complemented frequency. This reduction indicates that Tn409 and Tn410 lack a diffusible transposition function provided by wild Tn5 elements. However, the formation of trp phages without complementation is real. Most of these transducing particles contain Tn409 and Tn410 still linked to the carrier R1162 plasmid. This observation suggests that uncomplemented Tn409 and Tn410 elements mediate the formation of -transposon-plasmid cointegrate structures. Thus, the missing transposition function may be involved in resolving these cointegrate structures to the final ::Tn409 or ::Tn410 product.Abbreviations p.f.u. plaque-forming units - MIC minimal inhibitory concentration - LFT low frequency transducing - HFT high frequency transducing  相似文献   

Transposition of the kanamycin-resistance transposon Tn903   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary The insertion of the kanamycin-resistance transposon, Tn903, into the Escherichia coli chromosome was studied. Tn903 is similar in structure to the well known transposons Tn5 and Tn10 in that it has a unique central sequence flanked by inverted repeat sequences extending more than a thousand base pairs. However, the central region of Tn903 has enough single-frame coding capacity only for the drug modifying enzyme, whereas Tn5 and Tn10 carry multigenic unique sequences. In this paper we demonstrate that two different classes of insertion event occur: (1) the first class is a complex event in which all or part of the genome of the bacteriophage lambda vector is co-inserted near the purE locus on the E. coli chromosome (11.7 min); (2) the second class appears to be a simple transposition event in which the transposon alone is inserted at relatively nonspecific sites in the chromosome, as has been described for Tn5 and Tn10. Furthermore both classes show dependency on homology-requiring recombination systems. We suggest that Tn903 transposes infrequently because it must utilize a recA-controlled host function, whereas Tn5 and Tn10 are recA-independent and encode similar but more active functions on the transposon DNA.  相似文献   

Polarity of Tn5 insertion mutations in Escherichia coli.   总被引:41,自引:59,他引:41       下载免费PDF全文
We assessed the effect of insertions of the kanamycin resistance transposon Tn5 in the lac operon of Escherichia coli on the expression of distal genes lacY and lacA (melibiose fermentation at 41 degrees C and thiogalactoside transacetylase synthesis, respectively). Every insertion mutation tested (41 in lacZ and 23 in lacY) was strongly polar. However, approximately one-third of the insertion mutants expressed distal genes at low levels due to a promoter associated with Tn5. To localize this promoter, we (i) reversed the orientation of Tn5 at several sites and (ii) replaced wild-type Tn5 with several substitution derivatives which lack Tn5's central region. Neither alteration changed the expression of distal genes. Thus, in contrast to transposons IS2 and TnA. Tn5's ability to turn on distal gene expression is not due to a promoter in its central region and therefore is not dependent on the overall orientation of Tn5 in the operon. Our results suggest that the promoter is within 186 base pairs of the ends of Tn5. It is possible that the promoter is detected in only a fraction of insertions because it overlaps Tn5-target sequence boundary.  相似文献   

The number of exconjugants having the transposon Tn5 excised precisely during the crosses of the Escherichia coli proA::Tn5 donor with the recipients F- rec+ or F- recA441 (tif) was 20-30 times higher for the crosses involving the latter recipient. The high recombinogenic activity is characteristic of the tif recipient. Precise excision from a tandem duplication is more efficient than from nonduplicated region of the genome. It is four orders higher, if a transposon is localized in an arm of a duplication. The effect is recA-dependent. The presented data permit us to suggest the participation of RecA protein (its synaptic function) in the formation of the intermediate "stem-loop" structure. The latter is predicted by the three mechanisms of transposon excision: "slippage", "correctional" and "recombinational". The latter two mechanisms were formulated in the paper. The experimental proof of the postexcision transposition presented in the paper, is a good support to the version of "recombinational" excision.  相似文献   

Tn5 transposase (Tnp) overproduction is lethal to Escherichia coli. Genetic evidence suggested that this killing involves titration of E. coli topoisomerase I (Topo I). Here, we present biochemical evidence that supports this model. Tn5 Tnp copurifies with Topo I while nonkilling derivatives of Tnp, Delta37Tnp and Delta55Tnp (Inhibitor [Inh]), show reduced affinity or no affinity, respectively, for Topo I. In agreement with these results, the presence of Tnp, but not Delta37 or Inh derivatives of Tnp, inhibits the DNA relaxation activity of Topo I in vivo as well as in vitro. Other proteins, including RNA polymerase, are also found to copurify with Tnp. For RNA polymerase, reduced copurification with Tnp is observed in extracts from a topA mutant strain, suggesting that RNA polymerase interacts with Topo I and not Tnp.  相似文献   

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