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The circadian rhythm of locomotor activity in the freshwater crab, Pseudothelphusa americana, was studied in aquaria using infrared crossing sensors. Individuals with ablated eyestalks were compared with intact individuals in constant darkness (DD) and in light-dark cycles (LD). Our results showed that intact animals in DD displayed bimodal rhythms. In LD conditions the two peaks were associated with lights on and lights off, respectively. A significant difference in the free running periods before and after LD was observed in all intact animals. After eyestalk ablation (ES-X), the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity disappeared immediately, but reappeared several days later. Diurnal activity was seen in some ES-X animals when exposed to LD. Our results indicate that locomotor activity rhythm in P. americana is driven primarily by oscillators located outside the eyestalks, and that extraretinal photoreceptors mediate either entrainment or masking effects.  相似文献   

Long-term recordings of locomotor activity were obtained from intact freshwater crabs, Pseudothelphusa americana in constant darkness (DD), constant light (LL) and different light-dark (LD) protocols. Bimodal rhythms were typically observed in this crab when subjected to DD or LD, with bouts of activity anticipating lights-on and lights-off, respectively. Freerunning circadian rhythms were expressed in both DD and LL for longer than 30 days. In DD, we observed that some animals presented different period lengths for each activity component. During LL, activity was primarily unimodal, however spontaneous splitting of the rhythms were observed in some animals. When activity was recorded under artificial long days, the morning bouts maintained their phase relationship but the evening bouts changed their phase relationship with the Zeitgeber. Our results indicate that, bimodal locomotor activity rhythm in the crab Pseudothelphusa americana is variable among organisms. The characteristics of phase relationship with LD and responses to LL for morning and evening bouts, suggest that, locomotor activity could be driven by multiple oscillators, and that coupling between these oscillators may be regulated by light.  相似文献   

Long-term recordings of locomotor activity were obtained from intact freshwater crabs, Pseudothelphusa americana in constant darkness (DD), constant light (LL) and different light-dark (LD) protocols. Bimodal rhythms were typically observed in this crab when subjected to DD or LD, with bouts of activity anticipating lights-on and lights-off, respectively. Freerunning circadian rhythms were expressed in both DD and LL for longer than 30 days. In DD, we observed that some animals presented different period lengths for each activity component. During LL, activity was primarily unimodal, however spontaneous splitting of the rhythms were observed in some animals. When activity was recorded under artificial long days, the morning bouts maintained their phase relationship but the evening bouts changed their phase relationship with the Zeitgeber. Our results indicate that, bimodal locomotor activity rhythm in the crab Pseudothelphusa americana is variable among organisms. The characteristics of phase relationship with LD and responses to LL for morning and evening bouts, suggest that, locomotor activity could be driven by multiple oscillators, and that coupling between these oscillators may be regulated by light.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms of locomotor activity shown by freshwater decapods display different patterns among crayfish, Procambarus, and crabs, when exposed to artificial light-dark cycles. Crayfish are mainly nocturnal while a crepuscular activity is observed in crabs of the genus Pseudothelphusa. In constant darkness, free running rhythms are displayed in unimodal or bimodal patterns by crayfish Procambarus; however, Pseudothelphusa continues to show bimodal rhythms. The many studies using locomotor activity indicate that the rhythm in freshwater crabs is circadian in nature, but that a multioscillatory system may be controlling the overt rhythm. In the present study, the implications of different locomotor activity patterns are analyzed in selected freshwater decapods with regard to the interactions between light and the organisms. Crabs and crayfish are commonly found in similar habitats, often sharing the same environment; however, different patterns of locomotor activity as well as different sensitivities of the bouts of activity with regard to entrainment by light, indicate that distinct temporal niches may exist that result in temporal exclusion or low competition.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to investigate the non-parametric effect of white light on the activity rhythm of the postembryonic stages of crayfish and to elucidate the characteristics and development of its entrainment mechanisms. Forty-five postembryonical instars of crayfish Procambarus clarkii, separated into three groups according to age and moult, were investigated. They were individually monitored with a motor activity recording system in constant photic conditions. For the three groups of animals, three trials with different skeleton photoperiod (SP) imitating LD 8:16, LD 12:12 and LD 20:4 were conducted, each followed by exposure to a period of constant darkness (DD). The locomotor activity rhythm and its entrainment ability were evaluated. All ages showed a circadian rhythm with a capability to synchronize to the different SP increasing with age. The three groups of crayfish analysed were generally synchronized by the dusk pulse, clustering the onset of activity close to the light pulses considered as dusk. The results presented in this study suggest the involvement of extraretinal pathways in the non-parametric entrainment of crayfish.  相似文献   

Locomotor activity of the surface-dwelling millipede Syngalobolus sp. was recorded under laboratory conditions. Infra-red diodes were used to detect the locomotor activity in an oval shaped chamber, which was connected with an event recorder. The results of 11 individuals showed that the millipedes entrained to light/dark (LD12:12 h) conditions with negative phase angle difference (-83.2 ± 24.72 min). The millipedes showed a clear-cut free-running rhythm with a period (t) of 23.8 ± 1.0 h (n = 9) in constant darkness (DD). The period in continuous light (LL) was relatively greater (25.2 ± 0.1 h; n = 3) than that in DD.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to investigate the non-parametric effect of white light on the activity rhythm of the postembryonic stages of crayfish and to elucidate the characteristics and development of its entrainment mechanisms. Forty-five postembryonical instars of crayfish Procambarus clarkii, separated into three groups according to age and moult, were investigated. They were individually monitored with a motor activity recording system in constant photic conditions. For the three groups of animals, three trials with different skeleton photoperiod (SP) imitating LD 8:16, LD 12:12 and LD 20:4 were conducted, each followed by exposure to a period of constant darkness (DD). The locomotor activity rhythm and its entrainment ability were evaluated. All ages showed a circadian rhythm with a capability to synchronize to the different SP increasing with age. The three groups of crayfish analysed were generally synchronized by the dusk pulse, clustering the onset of activity close to the light pulses considered as dusk. The results presented in this study suggest the involvement of extraretinal pathways in the non-parametric entrainment of crayfish.  相似文献   

Locomotor activity of the surface-dwelling millipede Syngalobolus sp. was recorded under laboratory conditions. Infra-red diodes were used to detect the locomotor activity in an oval shaped chamber, which was connected with an event recorder. The results of 11 individuals showed that the millipedes entrained to light/dark (LD12:12 h) conditions with negative phase angle difference (–83.2 ± 24.72 min). The millipedes showed a clear-cut free-running rhythm with a period (t) of 23.8 ± 1.0 h (n = 9) in constant darkness (DD). The period in continuous light (LL) was relatively greater (25.2 ± 0.1 h; n = 3) than that in DD.  相似文献   

Locomotor activity in a field population of the freshwater crab, Potamon fluviatile, was studied during the breeding season by means of radio-telemetry and by direct counts of active animals along a transect of the stream. The basic pattern of crabs' locomotor activity can be described as a sequence of short distance movements around the shelters (foraging movements), followed by rarer long distance displacements (wandering movements). Whilst direct counting showed that the crabs exhibit a broadly nocturnal rhythm in foraging movements, no daily periodicity in wandering activity was revealed by telemetry. There is sexual difference in these latter excursions: females move farther along the stream and into the surrounding terrestrial habitat than do males. This behaviour is in contrast to observations made during the non-breeding season and is probably related to the stage of female reproduction.  相似文献   

The role of social interactions in entrainment has not been extensively studied in the invertebrates. Leucophaea maderae is a gregarious species of cockroach that exhibits extensive social interactions. Social interactions associated with copulation between the sexes have been shown to be regulated by the circadian system. We show here that social interactions between males are also under circadian control. We examined the question of whether or not these rhythmic social contacts could function as zeitgebers capable of regulating circadian phase and period. Animals initially in phase that were housed as groups or pairs of single sex or mixed sex in constant darkness for 2–7 weeks were found to drift out of phase. Their behavior was not significantly different from individual animals maintained in isolation. Further, animals that were initially out of phase by 12 h housed as groups or pairs were not significantly different in phase from animals that were isolated. The results show the circadian clocks of cockroaches are remarkably insensitive to the extensive social interactions that occur between individuals.  相似文献   

We previously reported that early night peripheral bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) injection produces phase delays in the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity in mice. We now assess the effects of proinflammatory cytokines on circadian physiology, including their role in LPS-induced phase shifts. First, we investigated whether differential systemic induction of classic proinflammatory cytokines could explain the time-specific behavioral effects of peripheral LPS. Induction levels for plasma interleukin (IL)-1α, IL-1β, IL-6, or tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α did not differ between animals receiving a LPS challenge in the early day or early night. We next tested the in vivo effects of central proinflammatory cytokines on circadian physiology. We found that intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) delivery of TNF-α or interleukin IL-1β induced phase delays on wheel-running activity rhythms. Furthermore, we analyzed if these cytokines mediate the LPS-induced phase shifts and found that i.c.v. administration of soluble TNF-α receptor (but not an IL-1β antagonistic) prior to LPS stimulation inhibited the phase delays. Our work suggests that the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) responds to central proinflammatory cytokines in vivo, producing phase shifts in locomotor activity rhythms. Moreover, we show that the LPS-induced phase delays are mediated through the action of TNF-α at the central level, and that systemic induction of proinflammatory cytokines might be necessary, but not sufficient, for this behavioral outcome. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

The responses of the field mouse Mus booduga to shifts in schedules of LD cycles were monitored and the results were interpreted with the help of a PRC constructed for the same species. The results reveal that, M. booduga reentrained faster with a lesser number of transients after delay shifts than advance shifts, thus exhibiting “asymmetry effect.” A positive correlation was observed between the number of transients and the number of hours of shift. In most of the shifts, the sign of the transients (negative for delaying transients and positive for advancing transients) coincided with the direction of the shift. Interestingly, 11 and 12 h of advance shifting resulted in delaying transients. An 11-h advance shift can also be interpreted as a 13-h delay. Reentrainment through delaying transients is faster as compared to reentrainment through advancing transients. Thus, this animal might have taken a “shorter route,” as proved by the fact that an 11-h advance shift has evoked delaying transients. But a 13-h advance shift evoked only advancing transients. This prompts us to speculate that there may be a “phase jump” in M. booduga. Further, irrespective of whether L or D has been doubled in a 12-h shift, both evoked only delaying transients.  相似文献   

Locomotor activity rhythm in the common marmoset has been well described and characterized in captivity, but there is no information about rhythmic aspects of this behavior in free-ranging conditions. To investigate if the locomotor activity rhythm in free-ranging common marmosets is similar to that found in captive common marmosets, we observed reproductive animals from two groups that inhabited at the Experimental Forestry Station, in northeastern Brazil (6°5'S, 35°12'W). From December 1992 to October 1993 we recorded the frequency of locomotor activity by focal animal sampling. The records of locomotor activity were submitted to spectral analysis and to the Cosinor test. Common marmosets showed an average duration of the active phase of 11:37 h ± 13.8 min. Similar to recorded in captive common marmosets, circadian rhythmicity was found with peaks in the morning, and in the afternoon, characterizing a bimodal pattern with peaks separated by 8 hours. The presence of a rhythmic pattern in the locomotor activity in free-ranging and captive common marmosets suggests that this pattern is not determined by the environmental conditions in captivity, but it has a endogenous component that play an important role for adaptation of this species to different conditions.  相似文献   

In order to contribute to a comparative view on lacertids, the effect of pinealectomy on the freerunning activity displayed under constant darkness and temperature (27.5°C ± 0.5) has been studied in the lizard Gallotia galloti eisentrauti . Animals showed an entrained motor activity rhythm under an initial light-dark (12:12 hours) routine and freerunning circadian periods ranging between 24.1 and 25.5 h during constant darkness (periodograms obtained by Sokolove & Bushell's method). After pinealectomy, most animals showed no significant circadian rhythm, their locomotor activity becoming diffuse throughout the whole 24 h period. Thus, the pineal gland seems to play an important role as a main pacemaker regulating the endogenous activity rhythm under constant conditions. This result contrasts with that found in Podarcis sicula where after pinealectomy only changes in length of the freerunning period were found.  相似文献   

In ant colonies a large proportion of individuals remain inside nests for most of their lives and come out only when necessary. It is not clear how, in a nest of several thousand individuals, information about local time is communicated among members of the colony. Central to this seem to be circadian clocks, which have an intrinsic ability to keep track of local time by entraining to environmental light-dark, temperature, and social cycles. Here, the authors report the results of their study aimed at understanding the role of cyclic social interactions in circadian timekeeping of a day-active species of carpenter ant Camponotus paria. The authors found that daily social interactions with visitors (worker ants) was able to synchronize the circadian locomotor activity rhythm of host worker ants and queens, in one-on-one (pair-wise) and multi-individual (group-wise) interactions. Interestingly, the outcome of cyclic social interactions was context specific; when visitor workers socially interacted with host workers one-on-one, host workers considered the time of interaction as subjective day, but when visitor workers interacted with a group of workers and queens, the hosts considered the time of interaction as subjective night. These results can be taken to suggest that members of the ant species C. paria keep track of local time by socially interacting with workers (foragers) who shuttle in and out of the colony in search of food. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

The ontogeny of locomotor activity rhythm in the common marmoset was studied in three animals, observed during infant and juvenile stages, and in adult age. Animals were kept with their families in outdoor cages under natural temperature, humidity and light cycles. Data were collected from sunrise to sunset, three consecutive days a week, at 5 min intervals randomly distributed in the clock hours, and were recorded as the total of arbitrary cage sections traveled by the animal each interval. Animal 3 was observed continuously one day a week in order to detect less than 2 h period harmonic components. Animals' weekly data series were analyzed by Fourier analysis and Siegel's test to detect significant harmonic components. Results showed a main 24 h period com ponent for all records and a secondary 8 h period component in at least 34% of animal's week data series. The power content of the 24 h component showed an increase with age, reaching some stability near the 16th week of life suggesting that this component is mature at the end of the animal's infant stage. However, for the 8 h component an oscillating pattern was observed following the environmental annual temperature cycle; this may indicate a seasonal modulation of daily locomotor activity profiles.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of locomotor activity rhythm in the common marmoset was studied in three animals, observed during infant and juvenile stages, and in adult age. Animals were kept with their families in outdoor cages under natural temperature, humidity and light cycles. Data were collected from sunrise to sunset, three consecutive days a week, at 5 min intervals randomly distributed in the clock hours, and were recorded as the total of arbitrary cage sections traveled by the animal each interval. Animal 3 was observed continuously one day a week in order to detect less than 2 h period harmonic components. Animals' weekly data series were analyzed by Fourier analysis and Siegel's test to detect significant harmonic components. Results showed a main 24 h period com ponent for all records and a secondary 8 h period component in at least 34% of animal's week data series. The power content of the 24 h component showed an increase with age, reaching some stability near the 16th week of life suggesting that this component is mature at the end of the animal's infant stage. However, for the 8 h component an oscillating pattern was observed following the environmental annual temperature cycle; this may indicate a seasonal modulation of daily locomotor activity profiles.  相似文献   

To investigate daily feeding rhythms in zebrafish, the authors have developed a new self-feeding system with an infrared photocell acting as a food-demand sensor, which lets small-size fish such as zebrafish trigger a self-feeder. In this paper, the authors used eight groups of 20 fish. Locomotor activity rhythms were also investigated by means of infrared sensors. Under a 12?h:12?h light (L)-dark (D) cycle, zebrafish showed a clear nocturnal feeding pattern (88.0% of the total daily food-demands occurring in the dark phase), concentrated during the last 4?h of the dark phase. In contrast, locomotor activity was mostly diurnal (88.2% of total daily activity occurring in the light phase). Moreover, both feeding and locomotor rhythms were endogenously driven, as they persisted under free-running conditions. The average period length (τ) of the locomotor and feeding rhythms was shorter (τ?=?22.9?h) and longer (τ?=?24.6?h) than 24?h, respectively. During the time that food availability was restricted, fish could only feed during ZT0–ZT12 or ZT12–ZT16. This resulted in feeding activity being significantly modified according to feeding time, whereas the locomotor activity pattern remained synchronized to the LD cycle and did not change during this trial. These findings revealed an independent phasing between locomotor and feeding activities (which were mostly nocturnal or diurnal, respectively), thus supporting the concept of multioscillatory control of circadian rhythmicity in zebrafish. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

The circalunidian hypothesis that tidal rhythms in coastal animals are controlled by two lunar-day (c. 24.8 h) oscillators coupled in antiphase is challenged. Rhythmic locomotor activity patterns of the shore crab Carcinus maenas, and probably of some other species too, are more economically explained by interacting circadian (c. 24 h) and true circatidal (c. 12.4 h) physiological oscillators. A testable hypothesis is proposed that combines a circadian promotor and a circatidal inhibitor of locomotor activity.  相似文献   

Specimens of the fiddler crab Uca subcylindrica (Stimpson) were captured in south Texas (USA) for locomotor rhythm studies. Actographic data were analyzed using Tau? sofware. Under constant illumination (LL) and darkness (DD), the semiterrestrial crabs express a circadian rhythm of locomotion. When exposed to illumination/darkness cycles (LD12:12 or LD14:10), their bouts of activity are entrained to the photoperiod. In LD, activity is generally bimodal with an initial burst about 0.5 h after illumination. A second burst of activity begins 1 to 2 h before the end of illumination. When transferred from LD to LL, a locomotor rhythm with an average period of 24.6 ± 1.0 h (n = 19) is expressed in 89 percent of the crabs. On the other hand, when placed in DD after LD (n = 8), the crabs are either arrythmic or weakly rhythmic (period = 23.8 ± 0.2 h; n = 2). If the onset of illumination is advanced by 6 h, a period of less than 24.0 h is detected in the actogram. If the onset of illumination is delayed by 6 h, a locomotor rhythm with a period greater than 24.0 h appears. The locomotor behavior of this species of fiddler crab, Uca subcylindrica, is not related to the tidal rhythmicities seen in other members of the genus Uca. Rather, it has strong circadian components.  相似文献   

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