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Synexin was isolated from bovine liver and found to aggregate adrenal chromaffin granules in the same Ca2+-dependent manner as previously described for adrenal synexin. The chromaffin granule aggregating activity of liver synexin was blocked in vitro by the addition of an antibody prepared to the 47,000 molecular weight band extracted from an SDS gel of an adrenal medullary synexin preparation. Chromaffin granules aggregated by synexin fused when exposed to cis-unsaturated fatty acids at concentrations comparable to those released from phospholipids by stimulated secretory cells. The synexin-induced aggregation reaction was blocked by Erythrosin B, a common food coloring, and by the phenothiazine antipsychotic trifluoperazine and promethazine. The aggregation and fusion of chromaffin granules thus appears to be a useful model system for studying synexin from diverse tissues and for testing pharmacologically or toxicologically active substances for effects on secretory systems.  相似文献   

Reorganisation of peripheral actin filaments as a prelude to exocytosis   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Evidence is presented, from studies on the adrenal chromaffin cell, that reorganisation of the cortical actin network is necessary to allow granules to reach exocytotic sites in stimulated cells. This reorganisation may involve changes in actin filament cross-linking, assembly and interactions with secretory granule and plasma membranes. The possibility is discussed that cytoskeletal elements including the membrane-binding proteins caldesmon, p70 and p36 may be involved in granule-plasmalemmal interactions immediately prior to exocytosis.  相似文献   

Annexin I, a member of the calcium- and phospholipid-binding annexin superfamily of proteins, is largely present in human neutrophils. To determine its exact intracellular distribution a combination of flow cytometry, confocal microscopy and electron microscopy analyses were performed on resting human neutrophils as well as on cells which had been activated. In resting neutrophils, annexin I was found to be present in small amounts in the nucleus, in the cytoplasm and partially also associated with the plasma membrane. The cytoplasmic pool of annexin I was predominant, and the protein was co-localized with gelatinase (marker of gelatinase granules), but not with human serum albumin or CD35 (markers of secretory vesicles), or with lysosomes. Electron microscopy showed the presence of annexin I inside the gelatinase granules. Neutrophil adhesion to monolayers of endothelial cells, but not phagocytosis of particles of opsonized zymosan, provoked an intense mobilization of annexin I, with a marked externalization on the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane. Remaining intracellular annexin I was also found in proximity of the plasma membrane. These results provide a novel mechanism for annexin I secretion from human neutrophils, which is via a degranulation event involving gelatinase granules.  相似文献   

For over a decade SNARE hypotheses have been proposed to explain the mechanism of membrane fusion, yet the field still lacks sufficient evidence to conclusively identify the minimal components of native fusion. Consequently, debate concerning the postulated role(s) of SNAREs in membrane fusion continues. The focus of this review is to revisit original literature with a current perspective. Our analysis begins with the earliest studies of clostridial toxins, leading to various cellular and molecular approaches that have been used to test for the roles of SNAREs in exocytosis. We place much emphasis on distinguishing between specific effects on membrane fusion and effects on other critical steps in exocytosis. Although many systems can be used to study exocytosis, few permit selective access to specific steps in the pathway, such as membrane fusion. Thus, while SNARE proteins are essential to the physiology of exocytosis, assay limitations often prevent definitive conclusions concerning the molecular mechanism of membrane fusion. In all, the SNAREs are more likely to function upstream as modulators or priming factors of fusion.  相似文献   

Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans is an important pathogen in the etiology of human periodontal and systemic diseases. Inactivation of the gene coding for the inner membrane protein, morphogenesis protein C (MorC), results in pleotropic effects pertaining to the membrane structure and function of this bacterium. The role of this protein in membrane biogenesis is unknown. To begin to understand the role of this conserved protein, stable isotope dimethyl labeling in conjunction with MS was used to quantitatively analyze differences in the membrane proteomes of the isogenic mutant and wild‐type strain. A total of 613 proteins were quantified and 601 of these proteins were found to be equal in abundance between the two strains. The remaining 12 proteins were found in lesser (10) or greater (2) abundance in the membrane preparation of the mutant strain compared with the wild‐type strain. The 12 proteins were ascribed functions associated with protein quality control systems, oxidative stress responses, and protein secretion. The potential relationship between these proteins and the phenotypes of the MorC mutant strain is discussed.  相似文献   

In secretory cells, calcium-regulated exocytosis is rapidly followed by compensatory endocytosis. Neuroendocrine cells secrete hormones and neuropeptides through various modes of exo-endocytosis, including kiss-and-run, cavicapture and full-collapse fusion. During kiss-and-run and cavicapture modes, the granule membrane is maintained in an omega shape, whereas it completely merges with the plasma membrane during full-collapse mode. As the composition of the granule membrane is very different from that of the plasma membrane, a precise sorting process of granular proteins must occur. However, the fate of secretory granule membrane after full fusion exocytosis remains uncertain. Here, we investigated the mechanisms governing endocytosis of collapsed granule membranes by following internalization of antibodies labeling the granule membrane protein, dopamine-β-hydroxylase (DBH) in cultured chromaffin cells. Using immunofluorescence and electron microscopy, we observed that after full collapse, DBH remains clustered on the plasma membrane with other specific granule markers and is subsequently internalized through vesicular structures composed mainly of granule components. Moreover, the incorporation of this recaptured granule membrane into an early endosomal compartment is dependent on clathrin and actin. Altogether, these results suggest that after full collapse exocytosis, a selective sorting of granule membrane components is facilitated by the physical preservation of the granule membrane entity on the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Both turgor pressure and differences in membrane tension are capable of providing an energy input into exocytosis, the process of fusion of Golgi vesicles with the cell membrane in plants. It is shown that the contribution of turgor pressure is much larger than that of membrane tension, so that the exocytotic process is not likely on thermodynamic grounds to be reversible unless another source of energy is made available. However, recycling of membrane material as flattened, empty vesicles is energetically possible and is likely to be favoured when the magnitude of membrane tension in the cell membrane is low. Thus the outward flows of membrane and cell wall material are in principle linked to turgor, whereas membrane tension influences the inward flow of membrane material.  相似文献   

Assays for real-time investigation of exocytosis typically measure what is released from the granule. From this, inferences are made about the dynamics of membrane remodeling as fusion progresses from start to finish. We have recently undertaken a different approach to investigate the fusion process, by focusing not primarily on the granule, but rather its partner in exocytosis - the plasma membrane. We have been guided by the idea that biochemical interactions between the granule and plasma membranes before and during fusion, cause changes in membrane conformation. To enable study of membrane conformation, a novel imaging technique was developed combining polarized excitation of an oriented membrane probe 1,1'-dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate (diI) with total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (pTIRFM). Because this technique measures changes in membrane conformation (or deformations) directly, its usefulness persists even after granule cargo reporter (catecholamine, or protein), is no longer present. In this mini-review, we first summarize the workings of pTIRFM. We then discuss the application of the technique to investigate deformations in the membrane preceding fusion, and later, during fusion pore expansion. Finally, we discuss how expansion of the fusion pore may be regulated by the GTPase activity of dynamin.  相似文献   

Stimulation-induced chromaffin cell cortical F-actin disassembly allows the movement of vesicles towards exocytotic sites. Scinderin (Sc), a Ca2+-dependent protein, controls actin dynamics. Sc six domains have three actin, two PIP2 and two Ca2+-binding sites. F-actin severing activity of Sc is Ca2+-dependent, whereas Sc-evoked actin nucleation is Ca2+-independent. Sc domain role in secretion was studied by co-transfection of human growth hormone (hGH) reporter gene and green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion Sc constructs. Cells over-expressing actin severing Sc1-6 or Sc1-2 (first and second actin binding sites) constructs, increased F-actin disassembly and hGH release upon depolarization. Over-expression of nucleating Sc5-6, Sc5 or ScABP3 (third actin site) constructs decreased F-actin disassembly and hGH release upon stimulation. Over-expression of ScL5-6 or ScL5 (lack of third actin site) produced no changes. During secretion, actin sites 1 and 2 are involved in F-actin severing, whereas site 3 is responsible for nucleation (polymerization). Sc functions as a molecular switch in the control of actin (disassembly left arrow over right arrow assembly) and release (facilitation left arrow over right arrow inhibition). The position of the switch (severing left arrow over right arrow nucleation) may be controlled by [Ca2+]i. Thus, increase in [Ca2+]i produced by stimulation-induced Ca2+ entry would increase Sc-evoked cortical F-actin disassembly. Decrease in [Ca2+]i by either organelle sequestration or cell extrusion would favor Sc-evoked actin nucleation.  相似文献   

Summary 1. To understand better the mechanisms which govern the sensitivity of secretory vesicles to a calcium stimulus, we compared the abilities of injected chromaffin granule membranes and of endogenous cortical granules to undergo exocytosis inXenopus laevis oocytes and eggs in response to cytosolic Ca2+. Exocytosis of chromaffin granule membranes was detected by the appearance of dopamine--hydroxylase of the chromaffin granule membrane in the oocyte or egg plasma membrane. Cortical granule exocytosis was detected by release of cortical granule lectin, a soluble constituent of cortical granules, from individual cells.2. Injected chromaffin granule membranes undergo exocytosis equally well in frog oocytes and eggs in response to a rise in cytosolic Ca2+ induced by incubation with ionomycin.3. Elevated Ca2+ triggered cortical granule exocytosis in eggs but not in oocytes.4. Injected chromaffin granule membranes do not contribute factors to the oocyte that allow calcium-dependent exocytosis of the endogenous cortical granules.5. Protein kinase C activation by phorbol esters stimulates cortical granule exocytosis in bothXenopus laevis oocytes andX. laevis eggs (Bement, W. M., and Capco, D. G.,J. Cell Biol. 108, 885–892, 1989). Activation of protein kinase C by phorbol ester also stimulated chromaffin granule membrane exocytosis in oocytes, indicating that although cortical granules and chromaffin granule membranes differ in calcium responsiveness, PKC activation is an effective secretory stimulus for both.6. These results suggest that structural or biochemical characteristics of the chromaffin granule membrane result in its ability to respond to a Ca2+ stimulus. In the oocytes, cortical granule components necessary for Ca2+-dependent exocytosis may be missing, nonfunctional, or unable to couple to the Ca2+ stimulus and downstream events.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanism of clinical alcohol-induced pancreatitis remains vague. We had reported that experimental high-dose cholecystokinin (CCK)-induced pancreatitis is in part because of excessive aberrant basolateral exocytosis. High-dose CCK caused Munc18c on basolateral plasma membrane (BPM) to dissociate from syntaxin (Syn)-4, activating Syn-4 to complex with plasma membrane (PM)-SNAP-23 and granule-VAMP to mediate basolateral exocytosis. We now hypothesize that alcohol could render the acinar cell BPM conducive to exocytosis by a similar mechanism. Weakly stimulating postprandial doses of alcohol (20-50 mM) inhibited postprandial low-dose CCK-stimulated secretion by blocking physiologic apical exocytosis and redirecting exocytosis to less-efficient basal PM (visualized by FM1-43 fluorescence imaging) and lateral PM sites (electron microscopy). Alcohol or low-dose CCK had no effect on PM-Munc18c, but alcohol preincubation enabled low-dose CCK to displace Munc18c from BPM, leading to SNARE complex assembly in the BPM. Similarly, alcohol diet-fed rats did not exhibit morphologic defects in the pancreas nor affected PM-Munc18c behavior, but subsequent intraperitoneal injections of low-dose CCK analog cerulein caused Munc18c displacement from BPM and cytosolic degradation, which contributed to pancreatitis. We conclude that alcohol induces BPM-Munc18c to become receptive to postprandial CCK-induced displacement into the cytosol, a process which facilitates SNARE complex assembly that in turn activates restricted BPM sites to become available for aberrant exocytosis into the interstitial space, where zymogen activation would take place and cause pancreatitis.  相似文献   

《Developmental cell》2023,58(8):709-723.e7
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Summary We have previously shown that pertussis toxin (PTX) stimulates delayed-onset, [Ca2–] a -dependent catecholamine (CA) release from bovine chromaffin cells. We now show that this effect of PTX is inhibited in part (50%) by dihydropyridine Ca2–-channel antagonists niludipine and nifedipine, and is potentiated by the dihydropyridine Ca2+-channel agonist Bay K-8644. We and others have shown that pretreatment of chromaffin cells with PTX results in enhanced catecholamine secretion in response to high [K] a , nicotine and muscarine, and here we extend these observations by showing that toxin pretreatment also enhances the secretory response to [Ba2+] a . All these data are consistent with the concept that PTX may act on Ca2– channels. To examine the possibility of a direct action of the toxin on the voltage-gated L-type Ca2+ channel known to be present in these cells, we studied the effects of the toxin on whole cell Ca2+ currents. We found and report here that spontaneous electrical activity was considerably increased in PTX-treated cells. Our measurements of whole cell inward Ca2+ currents indicate that the underlying mechanism is a marked shift of the activation curve of the L-type Ca2+ current along the voltage axis towards more negative potentials. While treatment of the cells with PTX had no effect on L-type Ca2+-channel conductance (6 nS/cell at 2.6mm [Ca2+] a ). PTX evoked the activation of a new class of Ca2+-selective channels (5 pS in 25mm [Ca2+]pipet), which are rather insensitive to membrane potential. We have termed theseG-type calcium channels. These data suggest that treatment with PTX not only increases the probability of L-type Ca2+-channel activation at more negative potentials, but also increases the probability of opening of an entirely new, voltage-independent, Ca2+ channel. These actions of PTX should promote Ca2+ entry and might explain the stimulation by the toxin of CA secretion from medullary chromaffin cells in culture.  相似文献   

This study examines the Cav1 isoforms expressed in mouse chromaffin cells and compares their biophysical properties and roles played in cell excitability and exocytosis. Using immunocytochemical and electrophysiological techniques in mice lacking the Cav1.3α1 subunit (Cav1.3(-/-) ) or the high sensitivity of Cav1.2α1 subunits to dihydropyridines, Cav1.2 and Cav1.3 channels were identified as the only Cav1 channel subtypes expressed in mouse chromaffin cells. Cav1.3 channels were activated at more negative membrane potentials and inactivated more slowly than Cav1.2 channels. Cav1 channels, mainly Cav1.2, control cell excitability by functional coupling to BK channels, revealed by nifedipine blockade of BK channels in wild type (WT) and Cav1.3(-/-) cells (53% and 35%, respectively), and by the identical change in the shape of the spontaneous action potentials elicited by the dihydropyridine in both strains of mice. Cav1.2 channels also play a major role in spontaneous action potential firing, supported by the following evidence: (i) a similar percentage of WT and Cav1.3(-/-) cells fired spontaneous action potentials; (ii) firing frequency did not vary between WT and Cav1.3(-/-) cells; (iii) mostly Cav1.2 channels contributed to the inward current preceding the action potential threshold; and (iv) in the presence of tetrodotoxin, WT or Cav1.3(-/-) cells exhibited spontaneous oscillatory activity, which was fully abolished by nifedipine perfusion. Finally, Cav1.2 and Cav1.3 channels were essential for controlling the exocytotic process at potentials above and below -10 mV, respectively. Our data reveal the key yet differential roles of Cav1.2 and Cav1.3 channels in mediating action potential firing and exocytotic events in the neuroendocrine chromaffin cell.  相似文献   

The Ca(2+)-binding S100A1 protein displays a specific and high expression level in the human myocardium and is considered to be an important regulator of heart contractility. Diminished protein levels detected in dilated cardiomyopathy possibly contribute to impaired Ca(2+) handling and contractility in heart failure. To elucidate the S100A1 signaling pathway in the human heart, we searched for S100A1 target proteins by applying S100A1-specific affinity chromatography and immunoprecipitation techniques. We detected the formation of a Ca(2+)-dependent complex of S100A1 with SERCA2a and PLB in the human myocardium. Using confocal laser scanning microscopy, we showed that all three proteins co-localize at the level of the SR in primary mouse cardiomyocytes and confirmed these results by immunoelectron microscopy in human biopsies. Our results support a regulatory role of S100A1 in the contraction-relaxation cycle in the human heart.  相似文献   

The whole-cell secretory response evoked by acetylcholine (ACh) in human chromaffin cells was examined using a new protocol based on quickly switching from the voltage-clamp to the current-clamp (CC) configuration of the patch-clamp technique. Our experiments revealed that Ca(2+) entry through the nicotinic receptor at hyperpolarized membrane potentials contributed as much to the exocytosis (100.4 +/- 27.3 fF) evoked by 200 ms pulses of ACh, as Ca(2+) flux through voltage-dependent Ca(2+) channels at depolarized membrane potentials. The nicotinic current triggered a depolarization event with a peak at +49.3 mV and a 'plateau' phase that ended at -23.9 mV, which was blocked by 10 mumol/L mecamylamine. When a long ACh stimulus (15 s) was applied, the nicotinic current at the end of the pulse reached a value of 15.45 +/- 3.6 pA, but the membrane potential depolarization still remained at the 'plateau' stage until withdrawal of the agonist. Perfusion with 200 mumol/L Cd(2+) during the 15 s ACh pulse completely abolished the plasma membrane depolarization at the end of the pulse, indicating that Ca(2+) entry through Ca(2+) channels contributed to the membrane potential depolarization provoked by prolonged ACh pulses. These findings also reflect that voltage-dependent Ca(2+) channels were recruited by the small current flowing through the desensitized nicotinic receptor to maintain the depolarization. Finally, muscarinic receptor activation triggered a delayed exocytotic process after prolonged ACh stimulation, dependent on Ca(2+) mobilization from the endoplasmic reticulum. In summary, we show here that nicotinic and muscarinic receptors contribute to the exocytosis of neurotransmitters in human chromaffin cells, and that the nicotinic receptor plays a key role in several stages of the stimulus-secretion coupling process in these cells.  相似文献   

The synthesis and processing of the periplasmic components of the leucine transport system of E coli have been studied to determine the role played by transmembrane potential in protein secretion. Both the leucine-isoleucine-valine binding protein and the leucine-specific binding protein are synthesized as precursors with 23 amino acid N-terminal leader sequences. The processing of these precursors is sensitive to the transmembrane potential. Since the amino acid sequence and the crystal structure have been determined for the leucine-isoleucine-valine binding protein, it and the closely related leucine-specific binding protein represent convenient models in which to examine the mechanism of protein secretion in E coli. A model for secretion has been proposed, suggesting a role for transmembrane potential. In this model, the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the precursor is assumed to form a hairpin of two helices. The membrane potential may orient this structure to make it accessible to processing. In addition, the model suggests that a negatively charged, folded domain of the secretory protein may electrophorese toward the trans-positive side of the membrane, thus providing an additional role for the transmembrane potential.  相似文献   

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