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Lateral phase separations in Escherichia coli membranes   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  

The lateral diffusion of the excimer-forming probe pyrene decanoic acid has been determined in erythrocyte membranes and in vesicles of the lipid extracts. The random walk of the probe molecules is characterized by their jump frequency, vj, within the lipid matrix. At T = 35°C a value of vj = 1.6 · 103 s?1 is found in erythrocyte membranes. A somewhat slower mobility is determined in vesicles prepared from lipid extracts of the erythrocyte membrane. Depending on structure and charge of the lipids we obtain jump frequencies between 0.8 · 108 s?1 and 1.5 · 108 s?1 at T = 35°C. The results are compared with jump frequencies yielded in model membranes.The mobility of molecules perpendicular to the membrane surface (transversal diffusion) is investigated. Erythrocyte ghosts doped with pyrene phosphatidylcholine were mixed with undoped ghosts in order to study the exchange kinetics of the probe molecule. A fast transfer between the outer layers of the ghost cells (τ12 = 1.6 min at T = 37°C) is found. The exchange process between the inner and the outer layer of one erythrocyte ghost (flip-flop process) following this fast transfer occurs with a half-life time value of t12 = 100 min at T = 37°C.The application of excimer-forming probes presumes a fluid state of the membrane. Therefore we investigated the phase transition behaviour using the excimer technique. Beside a thermotropic phase transition at T = 23°C and T = 33°C we observed an additional fluidity change at T = 38°C in erythrocyte ghosts. This transition is attached to a separation of the boundary lipid layer from the intrinsic proteins. No lipid phase transition is observed in liposomes from isolated extracts of the erythrocyte membrane with our methods.  相似文献   

The interaction between a series of condensed aromatic hydrocarbons of different size and shape (with and without carcinogenic activity) with dipalmitoyl lecithin bilayers was investigated by the spin label method. The spectra of a cholestane spin probe in the bilayers were examined. The smaller non-carcinogenic hydrocarbons did not alter the degree of organization of the phospholipid molecules to a large extent. On the other hand, large, carcinogenic aromatic hydrocarbons interacted with the bilayers, promoting a gel to liquid crystal phase transition. These data indicate that the two types of molecules interact with the membrane in different ways.  相似文献   

A spin-labeling study, with a nitroxide analog of N-ethylmaleimide, was carried out to investigate the effect of streptomycin on the conformation of ribosomes from E. coli. Spin-labeling of 70S ribosomes and 30S subunits was performed before and after the addition of streptomycin. Streptomycin has no effect if added after labeling, which confirms that the blocking of sulfhydryl groups of ribosomal proteins interferes with the binding of the antibiotic. However, when the antibiotic is added before labeling, there is a decrease in the rotational correlation time of the labels. This result indicates that the binding of streptomycin to ribosomes loosens the ribosomal structure.  相似文献   

Phase transitions in sphingomyelin thin filsm. A spin label study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
3-Spiro-(2′-(N-oxyl-4′,4′-dimethyloxazolidine)) — cholestane, (I) and 12-spiro-(2′-(N-oxyl-4′,4′-dimethyloxazolidine))-stearic acid (II) have been used as molecular probes to study the interaction of sphingomyelin and cholesterol in both dry and hydrated oriented films at different temperatures. The presence of 50 mole percent cholesterol causes a gel to liquid crystalline phase transition of bovine brain sphingomyelin at 20°C. A temperature induced phase transition involving the phospholipid polar groups has been detected. The mean transition temperature from a rigid to a fluid bilayer lattice structure is 32°C ±0.5°C in hydrated equimolar sphingomyelin — cholesterol films.  相似文献   

The d-galactose-H+ symport protein (GalP) of Escherichia coli is a homologue of the human glucose transport protein, GLUT1. After amplified expression of the GalP transporter in E. coli, other membrane proteins were prereacted with N-ethylmaleimide in the presence of excess d-galactose to protect GalP. Inner membranes were then specifically spin labelled on Cys374 of GalP with 4-maleimide-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl. The electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra are characteristic of a single labelling site in which the mobility of the spin label is very highly constrained. This is confirmed with other nitroxyl spin labels, which are derivatives of iodoacetamide and indanedione. Saturation transfer EPR spectra indicate that the overall rotation of the GalP protein in the membrane is slow at low temperatures (approx. 2°C), but considerably more rapid and highly anisotropic at physiological temperatures. The rate of rotation about the membrane normal at 37°C is consistent with predictions for a 12-transmembrane helix assembly that is less than closely packed.  相似文献   

The D-galactose-H(+) symport protein (GalP) of Escherichia coli is a homologue of the human glucose transport protein, GLUT1. After amplified expression of the GalP transporter in E. coli, other membrane proteins were prereacted with N-ethylmaleimide in the presence of excess D-galactose to protect GalP. Inner membranes were then specifically spin labelled on Cys(374) of GalP with 4-maleimide-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl. The electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra are characteristic of a single labelling site in which the mobility of the spin label is very highly constrained. This is confirmed with other nitroxyl spin labels, which are derivatives of iodoacetamide and indanedione. Saturation transfer EPR spectra indicate that the overall rotation of the GalP protein in the membrane is slow at low temperatures (approx. 2 degrees C), but considerably more rapid and highly anisotropic at physiological temperatures. The rate of rotation about the membrane normal at 37 degrees C is consistent with predictions for a 12-transmembrane helix assembly that is less than closely packed.  相似文献   

A spin label study, as a function of temperature, has been made with the bacteriorhodopsin membrane using a stearic acid spin label. The ESR spectra show a strong variation with temperature and the presence of isosbestic points. The spectra are interpreted as indicating the presence of a two-component system with an activation energy (approx. 14 kcal/mol) corresponding to a protein conformational change. This activation energy is similar to that deduced from recent flash photolysis studies.It is concluded that the spin label is sensitive to the temperature-dependent protein conformational change in this membrane system.  相似文献   

A spin label study of E. coli membrane vesicles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The phase transition in E. coli membrane vesicles has been investigated by the spin labeling technique. N-oxyl-4′,4′-dimethyloxazolidine derivatives of stearic acid were incorporated into the vesicles. The results suggest that there are two phase transitions in these bacterial membrane vesicles (one at ≈20°C and the other at ≈30°C). These two phase transitions may be related to some of the functional properties of the membranes.  相似文献   

Mammary tumors induced in Sprague-Dawley Rats by the carcinogen 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene contain a DNA polymerase similar to that found in RNA tumor viruses. It has a molecular weight of 105,000 daltons and is active on the synthetic templates poly(rA):oligo(dT) and poly(rC):-oligo(dG) but is inactive on poly(dA):oligo(dT). This polymerase may be purified more than 300 fold with a 25% yield by ammonium sulfate precipitation, phosphocellulose chromatography and hydroxyapatite chromatography. A similar polymerase is also found in lactating normal rat mammary tissues.  相似文献   

The ESR spectra of six different positional isomers of a stearic acid and three of a phosphatidylcholine spin label have been studied as a function of temperature in chromaffin granule membranes from the bovine adrenal medulla, and in bilayers formed by aqueous dispersion of the extracted membrane lipids. Only minor differences were found between the spectra of the membranes and the extracted lipid, indicating that the major portion of the membrane lipid is organized in a bilayer arrangement which is relatively unperturbed by the presence of the membrane protein. The order parameter profile of the spin label lipid chain motion is less steep over the first half of the chain than over the section toward the terminal methyl end of the chain. This 'stiffening' effect is attributed to the high proportion of cholesterol in the membrane and becomes less marked as the temperature is raised. The isotropic hyperfine splitting factors of the various positional isomers display a profile of decreasing polarity as one penetrates further into the interior of the membrane. No marked differences are observed between the effective polarities in the intact membranes and in bilayers of the extracted membrane lipids. The previously observed temperature-induced structural change occurring in the membranes at approx. 35 degrees C was found also in the extracted lipid bilayers, showing this to be a result of lipid-lipid interactions and not lipid-protein interactions in the membrane. A steroid spin label indicated a second temperature-dependent structural change occurring in the lipid bilayers at lower temperatures. This correspond to the onset of a more rapid rotation about the long axis of the lipid molecules at a temperature of approx. 10 degrees C. The lipid bilayer regions probed by the spin labels used in this study may be involved in the fusion of the chromaffin granule membrane leading to hormone release by exocytosis.  相似文献   

The lipid distribution in binary mixed membranes containing charged and uncharged lipids and the effect of Ca2+ and polylysine on the lipid organization was studied by the spin label technique. Dipalmitoyl phosphatidic acid was the charged, and spin labelled dipalmitoyl lecithin was the uncharged (zwitterionic) component. The ESR spectra were analyzed in terms of the spin exchange frequency, Wex. By measuring Wex as a function of the molar percentage of labelled lecithin a distinction between a random and a heterogeneous lipid distribution could be made. It is established that mixed lecithinphosphatidic acid membranes exhibit lipid segregation (or a miscibility gap) in the fluid state. Comparative experiments with bilayer and monolayer membranes strongly suggest a lateral lipid segregation. At low lecithin concentration, aggregates containing between 25% and 40% lecithin are formed in the fluid phosphatidic acid membrane. This phase separation in membranes containing charged lipids is understandable on the basis of the Gouy-Chapman theory of electric double layers.In dipalmitoyl lecithin and in dimyristoyl phosphatidylethanolamine membranes the labelled lecithin is randomly distributed above the phase transition and has a coefficient of lateral diffusion of D = 2.8·10?8 cm2/s at 59°C.Addition of Ca2+ dramatically increases the extent of phase separation in lecithin-phosphatidic acid membranes. This chemically (and isothermally) induced phase separation is caused by the formation of crystalline patches of the Ca2+-bound phosphatidic acid. Lecithin is squeezed out from these patches of rigid lipid. The observed dependence of Wex on the Ca2+ concentration could be interpreted quantitatively on the basis of a two-cluster model. At low lecithin and Ca2+ concentration clusters containing about 30 mol% lecithin are formed. At high lecithin or Ca2+ concentrations a second type of precipitation containing 100% lecithin starts to form in addition. A one-to-one binding of divalent ions and phosphatidic acid at pH 9 was assumed. Such a one-to-one binding at pH 9 was established for the case of Mn2+ using ESR spectroscopy.Polylysine leads to the same strong increase in the lecithin segregation as Ca2+. The transition of the phosphatidic acid bound by the polypeptide is shifted from Tt = 47.5° to Tt = 62°C. This finding suggests the possibility of cooperative conformational changes in the lipid matrix and in the surface proteins in biological membranes.  相似文献   

Washed human platelets were labeled with stearate or methyl stearate spin probe. The order parameter of stearate spin probe was decreased markedly when the platelets were aggregated by thrombin, ADP or epinephrine. Central peak width of methyl stearate spin probe was also reduced in the aggregation induced by thrombin and ADP. However, isolated plasma membrane did not show any decrease of the order parameter by the addition of thrombin. Aspirin inhibited both the platelet aggregation and the decrease of the order parameter. The results suggest that ESR spectral changes might be caused by reorganization of membrane constituents rather than their quantitative or qualitative alteration.  相似文献   

Lateral diffusion of proteins in the periplasm of Escherichia coli.   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
We have introduced biologically active, fluorescently labeled maltose-binding protein into the periplasmic space of Escherichia coli and measured its lateral diffusion coefficient by the fluorescence photobleaching recovery method. Diffusion of this protein in the periplasm was found to be surprisingly low (lateral diffusion coefficient, 0.9 X 10(-10) cm2 s-1), about 1,000-fold lower than would be expected for diffusion in aqueous medium and almost 100-fold lower than for an equivalent-size protein in the cytoplasm. Galactose-binding protein, myoglobin, and cytochrome c were also introduced into the periplasm and had diffusion coefficients identical to that determined for the maltose-binding protein. For all proteins nearly 100% recovery of fluorescence was obtained after photobleaching, indicating that the periplasm is a single contiguous compartment surrounding the cell. These data have considerable implications for periplasmic structure and for the role of periplasmic proteins in transport and chemotaxis.  相似文献   

The mobility of 5-doxylstearic acid spin label (5-SASL) in the intact rat liver Golgi membranes of streptozotocin diabetes was studied as a function of free blood sugar level and temperature. During development of diabetes, indicated by the increase of the free blood sugar level, the membrane fluidity measured in the physiological temperature range (1) does not change in comparison with control in light diabetes, (2) decreases significantly in advanced diabetes and (3) again increases to the control level in heavy diabetes (the free blood sugar levels being 200-250 mg/100 ml, 250-350 mg/100 ml and greater than 350 mg/100 ml, respectively). The development of streptozotocin diabetes is accompanied by significant changes in lipid composition of liver Golgi membranes as also shown in our previous observations. The measurements of motion of 5-SASL in Golgi membranes as well as in vesicles, made from commercially available lipids of composition close to the liver Golgi membranes, show that a decrease of cholesterol contents is the main factor which induces the increase membrane fluidity. We suggest that in the heavy diabetes the hemostatic regulation in the lipid composition leads to minimization of alterations in membrane fluidity to obtain comparatively normal activity of certain membrane enzymes.  相似文献   

The lipid distribution in binary mixed membranes containing charged and uncharged lipids and the effect of Ca2+ and polylysine on the lipid organization was studied by the spin label technique. Dipalmitoyl phosphatidic acid was the charged, and spin labelled dipalmitoyl lecithin was the uncharged (zwitterionic) component. The ESR spectra were analyzed in terms of the spin exchange frequency, Wex. By measuring Wex as a function of the molar percentage of labelled lecithin a distinction between a random and a heterogeneous lipid distribution could be made. It is established that mixed lecithin-phosphatidic acid membranes exhibit lipid segregation (or a miscibility gap) in the fluid state. Comparative experiments with bilayer and monolayer membranes strongly suggest a lateral lipid segregation. At low lecithin concentration, aggregates containing between 25% and 40% lecithin are formed in the fluid phosphatidic acid membrane. This phase separation in membranes containing charged lipids is understandable on the basis of the Gouy-Chapman theory of electric double layers. In dipalmitoyl lecithin and in dimyristoyl phosphatidylethanolamine membranes the labelled lecithin is randomly distributed above the phase transition and has a coefficient of lateral diffusion of D = 2.8-10(-8) cm2/s at 59 degrees C. Addition of Ca2+ dramatically increases the extent of phase separation in lecithin-phosphatidic acid membranes. This chemically (and isothermally) induced phase separation is caused by the formation of crystalline patches of the Ca2+-bound phosphatidic acid. Lecithin is squeezed out from these patches of rigid lipid. The observed dependence of Wex on the Ca2+ concentration could be interpreted quantitatively on the basis of a two-cluster model. At low lecithin and Ca2+ concentration clusters containing about 30 mol % lecithin are formed. At high lecithin or Ca2+ concentrations a second type of precipitation containing 100% lecithin starts to form in addition. A one-to-one binding of divalent ions and phosphatidic acid at pH 9 was assumed. Such a one-to-one binding at pH 9 was established for the case of Mn2+ using ESR spectroscopy. Polylysine leads to the same strong increase in the lecithin segregation as Ca2+. The transition of the phosphatidic acid bound by the polypeptide is shifted from Tt = 47.5 degrees to Tt = 62 degrees C. This finding suggests the possibility of cooperative conformational changes in the lipid matrix and in the surface proteins in biological membranes.  相似文献   

A fluorescent derivative of the M-13 phage coat protein (molecular weight 5260) was reconsituted into oriented multilayers and giant liposomes of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine. The rate of lateral diffusion of the labeled protein in the fluid phase was measured as a function of temperature and found to be comparable to that of lipid probes. The protein was found to have a nonuniform lateral distribution in the solid phase of both types of model membranes. Cardiolipin (0.5 mol %) included in the multibilayers did not have any substantial effect upon the rate of diffusion.  相似文献   

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