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Species with alternative phenotypes offer unique opportunities to investigate hormone-behavior relationships. We investigated the relationships between testosterone, corticosterone, morphology, performance, and immunity in a population of lizards (Podarcis melisellensis) which exhibits a color polymorphism. Males occur in three different color morphs (white, yellow, orange), providing an opportunity to test the idea of morphs being alternative solutions to the evolutionary challenges posed on the link between hormones, morphology, performance, and immunity. Morphs differed in bite force capacity, with orange males biting harder, and in corticosterone levels, with yellow males having lower levels than orange. However, morphs did not differ in testosterone levels or in the immunological parameters tested. At the individual level, across morphs, testosterone levels predicted size-corrected bite force capacity, but no relation was found between hormone levels and immunity. Our results do not support the testosterone-based polymorphism hypothesis and reject the hypothesis of a trade-off between testosterone and immunity in this species, but provide a mechanistic link between testosterone and a sexually selected performance trait.  相似文献   

We conducted two experiments to determine mating preferencesof female American goldfinches (Carduelis tristis). In the firstexperiment, females were allowed to choose among four naturallyvarying males. In the second, females chose among four maleswearing either orange, blue, yellow, or no color bands. In experiment1, females performed more courtship with males that had significantlybrighter bills and were brighter overall. In experiment 2, femalespreferred males wearing orange bands over unhanded males. Blue-bandedmales ranked second and yellow third, but neither was preferredsignificantly more often than the unbanded males. A female'spreference for a particular band color was weakly associatedwith her own bill and plumage measures; females with brighterthroat feathers and yellower bills preferred orange bands toblue bands. The results suggest that female preferences fororange and yellow may be functional and that females may alsohave aesthetic preferences.  相似文献   

The throat and belly of both sexes of the common wall lizard Podarcis muralis exhibit a polymorphic coloration with three morphs (white, yellow and red). We documented the occurrence of this polymorphism in 11 populations of northern Italy, and investigated the morphometric features of the three morphs in both sexes. The white morph was more frequent (56.6%), while yellow and red morphs accounted for 28.7 and 14.7% of the lizards, respectively. Moreover, the red morphotype was more frequent among males while the white one was more frequent among females. The occurrence of the three morphs varied microgeographically from populations with a higher proportion of white individuals to those where all morphs were more equally represented. The comparisons of morphometry between morphs did not reveal any significant difference among males, while snout–vent length and head height in females increased from the white-throated to the yellow-throated morph, and from the yellow-throated morph to the red-throated one. Possible functions of this polymorphic coloration are discussed.  相似文献   

Males of the lizard Podarcis melisellensis occur in three distinct colours that differ in bite performance, with orange males biting harder than white or yellow ones. Differences in bite force among colour morphs are best explained by differences in head height, suggesting underlying variation in cranial shape and/or the size of the jaw adductors. To explore this issue further, we examined variation in cranial shape, using geometric morphometric techniques. Additionally, we quantified differences in jaw adductor muscle mass. No significant differences in size corrected head shape were found, although some shape trends could be detected between the colour morphs. Orange males have relatively larger jaw adductors than yellow males. Not only the mass of the external jaw adductors, but also that of the internal jaw adductors was greater for the orange morph. Data for other cranial muscles not related to biting suggest that this is not the consequence of an overall increase in robustness in orange individuals. These results suggest that differences in bite performance among morphs are caused specifically by an increase in the mass of the jaw adductor, which may be induced by differences in circulating hormone levels.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 96 , 13–22.  相似文献   

Permanent colour polymorphisms may be maintained by complex interactions between physiological traits (e.g. immunity) and environmental pressures. In this study we investigate morph specific variation in parasite load and cellular immune response (induced by a Phytohaemagglutinin, PHA injection) in a colour polymorphic population of the Dalmatian wall lizard (Podarcis melisellensis), where adult males have bright white, yellow or orange throats and ventral sides. Orange males have larger heads and can bite harder than the others. To examine seasonal effects, analyses were performed at an early and late stage in the reproductive season (May and September). Infection with mites and ticks did not differ among morphs, but was more severe at the end of the reproductive season. Fewer orange individuals were infected with haemogregarines at the end of the season, but white males were always more infected (higher number of haemogregarines in their blood) than other morphs. White and yellow males showed an increased PHA response towards the end of the season, but PHA response decreased in the orange morph. Finally, across all morphs, a relationship was found between ectoparasite load and PHA response. Our study provides indications of alternative life-history strategies among colour morphs and evidence for an up-regulation of the immune function at the end of the reproductive season.  相似文献   

Genes, copying, and female mate choice: shifting thresholds   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
Recent experimental work on guppies (Poecilia reticulata) hasexamined the strength of genetic and cultural (copying) factorsin determining female mate choice. Using females from a populationwith a heritable preference for the amount of orange body colorpossessed by males, prior work discovered that a threshold differencein orange color among males existed below which females wouldchoose a less orange male if they observed another female choosethat male, but above which they consistently preferred the moreorange of the males, regardless of whether they viewed anotherfemale prefer the less orange male. I tested whether this thresholdcan be shifted by increasing the amount of mate-copying informationavailable to a female. I demonstrate that when a female hasthe opportunity to see two different model females independentlyprefer the less orange of two males or a single female neara drab male for a longer period of time (twice as long as inprior work), the observer female prefers this drab male evenwhen males dramatically differ in orange coloration.  相似文献   

Many colour polymorphisms are present only in one sex, usually males, but proximate mechanisms controlling the expression of sex-limited colour polymorphisms have received little attention. Here, we test the hypothesis that artificial elevation of testosterone in females of the colour polymorphic tawny dragon lizard, Ctenophorus decresii, can induce them to express the same colour morphs, in similar frequencies, to those found in males. Male C. decresii, express four discrete throat colour morphs (orange, yellow, grey and an orange central patch surrounded by yellow). We used silastic implants to experimentally elevate testosterone levels in mature females to induce colour expression. Testosterone elevation resulted in a substantial increase in the proportion and intensity of orange but not yellow colouration, which was present in a subset of females prior to treatment. Consequently, females exhibited the same set of colour morphs as males, and we confirmed that these morphs are objectively classifiable, by using digital image analyses and spectral reflectance measurements, and occur in similar frequencies as in males. These results indicate that the influence of testosterone differs for different colours, suggesting that their expression may be governed by different proximate hormonal mechanisms. Thus, caution must be exercised when using artificial testosterone manipulation to induce female expression of sex-limited colour polymorphisms. Nevertheless, the ability to express sex-limited colours (in this case orange) to reveal the same, objectively classifiable morphs in similar frequencies to males suggests autosomal rather than sex-linked inheritance, and can facilitate further research on the genetic basis of colour polymorphism, including estimating heritability and selection on colour morphs from pedigree data.  相似文献   

Color polymorphic sexual signals are often associated with alternative reproductive behaviors within populations, and the number, frequency, or type of morphs present often vary among populations. When these differences lead to assortative mating by population, the study of such polymorphic taxa may shed light on speciation mechanisms. We studied two populations of a lizard with polymorphic throat color, an important sexual signal. Males in one population exhibit orange, yellow, or blue throats; whereas males in the other exhibit orange, yellow, or white throats. We assessed female behavior when choosing between allopatric and sympatric males. We asked whether females discriminated more when the allopatric male was of an unfamiliar morph than when the allopatric male was similar in coloration to the sympatric male. We found that female rejection of allopatric males relative to sympatric males was more pronounced when males in a pair were more different in throat color. Our findings may help illuminate how behavioral responses to color morph differences between populations with polymorphic sexual signals contribute to reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

Host activity and the risk of nest parasitism by brown-headed cowbirds   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Proportions of nests parasitized by brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) vary greatly among host species, but factors underlyingthis variation remain poorly understood. Cowbirds are believedto find nests by watching host behavior. We tested the hypothesisthat the activity of hosts during nest building correlateswith the probability of parasitism among and within four sympatrichosts: dusky flycatchers (Empidonax oberholseri), warblingvireos (Vireo gilvus), yellow warblers (Dendroica petechia),and American redstarts (Setophaga ruticilla). Daily probabilityof parasitism varied substantially among these species, from3% for dusky flycatchers to more than four times that for warblingvireos. The four species did not differ in the proportion ofcowbirds fledged from their nests. Differences in nest placementdid not explain differences in probability of parasitism amongor within species. Parasitism frequencies increased among speciesthat made longer nest-building visits, had a greater propensityto perch during nest approach, spent more time near their nests,and had males that vocalized more often near nests. Within species, females that visited their nests less often, spent more timeon the nest per visit, and males that sang more and were activein a smaller area around their nests were more likely to beparasitized by cowbirds. These data support the hypothesisthat cowbirds use the activity of hosts during nest buildingto locate nests.  相似文献   

Females of Lampropholis delicata are dimorphic for colour pattern, the difference between morphs being the presence or absence of a distinct white mid-lateral stripe. A less distinct striped morph occurs also in males. We evaluated alternative hypotheses for the maintenance of this polymorphism by examining temporal and spatial variation in morph frequency, testing for differential selection among morphs using data on body size and reproductive traits from preserved specimens, and experimentally manipulating colour pattern in free-ranging lizards of both sexes, to assess the influence of the lateral stripe on survival rates. We found that the relative frequency of striped individuals varied among populations and decreased from north to south in both sexes, coincident with an increasing incidence of regenerated tails. Morph frequencies did not change through time within a population. Striped gravid females appeared to survive better and produced larger clutches than did non-striped females. In our experimental study, the relationship between survival and colour morph differed between the two sexes; males painted with a white lateral stripe had lower survival than control (brown stripe) males, but survival did not differ between striped and control females. The different response in the two sexes may be due partly to differences in temperature and microhabitat selection. We propose that the white lateral stripe decreases susceptibility to predators in gravid females but increases risk of predation in males, especially in combination with low temperatures. The polymorphism might be maintained by: (1) opposing fitness consequences of the stripe in males and females; (2) sex-specific habitat selection; and (3) gene flow in combination with spatial variation in relative fitness of the two morphs.  相似文献   

Carotenoid pigments are responsible for many examples of sexuallyattractive red, orange, and yellow coloration in animals andplay an important role in antioxidant and immune defenses. Becausevertebrates cannot synthesize carotenoids, limited dietary availabilitymay impose a trade-off between maintaining ornamental colorationand health. We used an experimental approach to test the carotenoidtrade-off hypothesis in the fighting fish Betta splendens, byexamining whether carotenoid allocation strategies differ amongconspecifics that exhibit a gradient of body coloration fromblue to red. We found that male redness is underlain by carotenoidsand that females preferred to associate with red males overblue males, suggesting a sexually-selected advantage to beingred. Moreover, we found strong experimental support for thecarotenoid trade-off hypothesis, as individuals that variedin color did not appear to allocate carotenoids equally to bothimmune response and coloration. Redder fish given supplementalcarotenoids increased in both immune response (to a phytohemagglutinationchallenge) and redness compared with controls. In contrast,bluer fish given supplemental carotenoids did not become morered but instead benefited immunologically more so than eithercontrol or redder supplemented fish. These results enhance ourunderstanding of the evolution and plasticity of carotenoidmobilization and utilization pathways in animals.  相似文献   

I tested several hypotheses regarding the antipredator behaviorsof ground skinks (Scincella lateralis) based on a simple-optimalitymodel for avoiding predation. Field studies demonstrated thatS. lateralis with lower body temperatures fled earlier in predatoryevents when the predator was farther away than did warmer animal.This may reflect a compensatory shift in behavior related todecreased sprint speeds observed at lower temperatures. Thesedifferences in maximum sprint speeds at five substrate temperatureswere not linked to morphological characteristics such as mass,snout-vent length, or tail length. Body temperatures of S. lateraliswere highly correlated with substrate temperatures in the field,and these environmental temperatures correlated with the dailyand seasonal activity schedules of S. lateralis. The thermoregulatorystrategy of ground skinks closely parallels theoretical predictionsfor forest-dwelling lizards based on optimum performance curves.In the laboratory, S. lateralis did not alter flight responsesbased on the availability of cover objects or tail conditionof the lizards. Escape behaviors of males and females did notdiffer. Likewise, S. lateralis. showed no differences in responseto differently sized predator models. Differences were foundbetween the reactions of adult and juvenile skinks to an approachingpredator model. Also, S. lateralis collected in Louisiana fledfrom the same predator model with greater frequency than S.lateralis collected in Oklahoma  相似文献   

The food deceptive orchid, Dactylorhiza romana (Sebastiani) Soó exhibits a colour polymorphism with yellow, red, and intermediate orange morphs. In this study we tested if floral odour differed among the three distinct colour morphs. We identified 23 odour compounds in D. romana, and all of them occurred in the three colour morphs. Monoterpenes dominated the floral scent. On the basis of Euclidean distances of relative amounts of compounds, yellow morphs were closer to each other than to orange or red morphs. Differentiation of the morphs was mainly due to linalool and benzaldehyde. Linalool occurred in low relative amounts in the yellow morphs, but in high amounts in some of the red individuals, whereas benzaldehyde occurred in higher relative amounts in yellow morphs. Linalool and benzaldehyde are known to be important signal-substances in plant-insect communication, however, it remains to be shown whether insects can discriminate between flower morphs on the basis of the here shown odour differences.  相似文献   

A growing body of literature is recognizing that males may also play a role in the mating process by behaving non‐randomly toward potential female mates during courtship. In numerous species, discrete color polymorphisms in males are inferred to represent alternative mating tactics, which often correspond with concomitant asymmetries in ecology and behavior. In terms of their mating behavior, these ecological outcomes of a color polymorphism should affect a morph's likelihood and frequency of encountering females in a population, possibly favoring the evolution of morph‐specific mating preferences. Knowledge of how male morphs contribute to a species’ overall mating dynamics will improve our understanding of how sexual selection shapes phenotypic diversity in color polymorphic systems. We conducted a mate choice experiment to evaluate the extent and morph specificity of non‐random mating preferences by male ornate tree lizards, Urosaurus ornatus. We observed the behavior of blue and yellow males in an experimental arena in response to a choice between an orange or yellow female. We found that blue males preferred yellow females over orange females, and although yellow males visited females more often than blue males overall, their attention was not morph‐specific. Given male morph differences in choosiness, and their differences in social dominance, we conclude that female throat color may be partly under sexual selection in U. ornatus. However, a lack of concordance between male and female mating preferences (drawn from an earlier study) suggests that overall mating dynamics may serve to maintain, rather than enhance, color morph differences in this species.  相似文献   

Colour polymorphism (CP) is widespread in animals, but mechanisms underlying morph evolution and maintenance are not completely resolved. In reptiles, CP is often genetically based and associated with alternative behavioural strategies, mainly in males for most cases. However, female colour morphs also display alternative reproductive strategies associated with behavioural and physiological traits, which may contribute to maintain CP in the population. Both sexes of the common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis) show three pure colour morphs, white, yellow and red. Here, we looked for the effects of male and female colour morphs on fitness traits of captive-breeding pairs. All yellow-throated females laid clutches of many small eggs and produced many light offspring, behaving as r-strategists, whereas white-throated females laid clutches of few large eggs and produced few heavy offspring, behaving as K-strategists. Red-throated females adopted a conditional Kr-strategy depending on their size/age. These basic female strategies were modulated in relation to mate morph: white females had the best fitness gain in terms of viable offspring when mated to red males; mating between yellow morphs yielded a greater breeding success than all other morph crosses, but also lighter offspring; finally, red females produced heavy progeny when paired with red or white males, and light offspring in pair with yellow males. Thus, correlation between CP and traits relevant to fitness combined with non-random mating, either assortative or disassortative, could increase the potential for CP to contribute to divergent evolution in the common wall lizard.  相似文献   

Non-random female mating preferences may contribute to the maintenance of phenotypic variation in color polymorphic species. However, the effect of female preference depends on the types of male traits used as signals by receptive females. If preference signals derive from discrete male traits (i.e., morph-specific), female preferences may rapidly fix to a morph. However, female preference signals may also include condition-dependent male traits. In this scenario, female preference may differ depending on the social context (i.e., male morph availability). Male tree lizards (Urosaurus ornatus) exhibit a dewlap color polymorphism that covaries with mating behavior. Blue morph males are aggressive and defend territories, yellow males are less aggressive and defend smaller territories, and orange males are typically nomadic. Female U. ornatus are also polymorphic in dewlap color, but the covariation between dewlap color and female behavior is unknown. We performed an experiment to determine how female mate choice depends on the visual and chemical signals produced by males. We also tested whether female morphs differ in their preferences for these signals. Female preferences involved both male dewlap color and size of the ventral color patch. However, the female morphs responded to these signals differently and depended on the choice between the types of male morphs. Our experiment revealed that females may be capable of distinguishing among the male morphs using chemical signals alone. Yellow females exhibit preferences based on both chemical and visual signals, which may be a strategy to avoid ultra-dominant males. In contrast, orange females may prefer dominant males. We conclude that female U. ornatus morphs differ in mating behavior. Our findings also provide evidence for a chemical polymorphism among male lizards in femoral pore secretions.  相似文献   

Radiation Interception, Partitioning and Use in Grass -Clover Mixtures   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mixed swards of perennial ryegrass /white clover were grownin competition under controlled environmental conditions, attwo temperatures and with different inorganic nitrogen supplies.The swards were studied after canopy closure, from 800 to 1200°C d cumulative temperatures. Clover contents did not varysignificantly during the period. A simulation model of lightinterception was used to calculate light partitioning coefficientsand radiation use efficiencies for both components of the mixturein this controlled environment experiment. Additionally, thissame radiative transfer model was applied to the field datafrom Woledge (1988) (Annals of Applied Biology112: 175 –186)and from Woledge, Davidson and Dennis (1992) (Grass and ForageScience47: 230 –238). The measured and simulated valuesof light transmission, at different depths in the mixed canopy,were highly correlated (P<0.001) with more than 80% of thetotal variance explained. The daily average of photosyntheticallyactive radiation (PAR) interception in a natural environmentwas estimated from simulations, for the field and controlledenvironment data. Under these conditions, white clover capturedsignificantly more light per unit leaf area than perennial ryegrassat low, but not at high, nitrogen supply. In the controlled environment experiment, the radiation useefficiency of the legume was lower than that of its companiongrass. For both species, radiation use efficiency was negativelycorrelated with the mean irradiance of the leaf. The role ofa compensation between light interception and light use forstabilizing the botanical composition of dense grass –cloverswards is discussed. Light interception; radiation transfer model; growth analysis; radiation use efficiency; white clover; perennial ryegrass; Trifolium repensL.; Lolium perenneL.; grassland  相似文献   

Twenty-five species of chromodorid nudibranchs from the Indo-West Pacific are described including nine which are new to science. There are six new species of Chromodoris , two of Nounea and a new species which forms the type of a new monotypic genus. Of the other species discussed in this paper, ten are species of Chromodoris , five Risbecia and one Digidentis. Species with the following colour patterns are discussed: white with orange or yellow spots; white with yellow (or orange) and purple spots; white with purple spots or patches and mantle border; white with a sinuous submarginal brown band. A full review of the relevant literature is included as is a discussion on Indian Ocean and West Pacific species pairs.  相似文献   

We maintained pregnant Sphenomorphus indicus under four thermal conditions for the whole gestation period to assess the effects of gestation temperature on offspring phenotypes. Parturition occurred between late June and early August, with females at high body temperatures giving birth earlier than those maintained at low body temperatures. Litter size, litter mass, and postpartum body mass did not differ among treatments, and females with relatively higher fecundity produced smaller offspring. Females gave birth to predominantly female offspring (85.7% of the 14 sexed offspring were females) at 24 °C and to predominantly male offspring (76.5% of the 17 sexed offspring were males) at 28 °C. Females with the opportunity to regulate body temperature produced a mix of sexes that did not differ from equality. Offspring produced in different treatments differed in head size, hind-limb length, and tympanum length, but not in snout-vent length, tail length, body mass, fore-limb length, and eye length. Offspring produced at 28 °C were not only smaller in head size, but also shorter in hind-limb length and tympanum length than those offspring produced at lower temperatures. Offspring produced at 28 °C performed more poorly in the racetrack and grew more slowly than offspring produced in the other three treatments. Taken together, our results show that S. indicus might be a temperature-dependent sex determination species and that offspring phenotypes are impaired at high gestation temperatures but maximized at relatively low gestation temperatures.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 453–463.  相似文献   

Carotenoid-based plumage ornaments are typically consideredto be sexually selected traits, functioning as honest condition-dependentsignals of phenotypic quality, but few studies have addressedthe function of carotenoid color variation in male contestcompetition. Using two experiments, we investigated the statussignaling function of the variable (ranging from yellow tored) carotenoid throat patch (collar) in the polygynous, sexually dimorphic red-collared widowbird (Euplectes ardens). First,we tested if the red collar functions as a dominance signalby painting spectrometrically controlled collar patches ontothe brown plumage of nonbreeding males and staging dyadic malecontests over food resources. Red-collared males dominatedorange males, which in turn dominated the control brown andnovel blue collars. Red dominance persisted when the collar manipulations were reversed within dyads and also when testedagainst testosterone implanted males. In the second experimentthe collar size and color of breeding males were manipulatedin the field before and after territories were established.All males with enlarged red and most with enlarged orange orreduced red collars obtained territories, whereas most maleswith reduced orange and all with blackened (removed) collarsfailed to establish or retain territories. In addition, amongthe territorial males, those with reduced signals defendedsmaller territories, received more intrusions, and spent moretime in aggressive interactions. Redness and, to a lesser extent,size of the carotenoid ornament both seem to independently indicate male dominance status or fighting ability in male contest competition.  相似文献   

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