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John F. Pruski 《Brittonia》1996,48(2):188-191
Siapaea liesneri is a new genus and species of Compositae tribe Eupatorieae. Features most important for recognition as a new genus are the glabrous, convex to conical receptacle; the appressed-pubescent, weakly expanded style base; and the pappus reduced to an annular callus or, less commonly, with one bristle. The genus is provisionally placed in Ayapaninae.  相似文献   

John F. Pruski 《Brittonia》1992,44(2):213-219
Chromolaena ternicapitulata is described from Sierra de Maigualida in T. F. Amazonas and a key to the species of Chromolaena from Guayana is given. Newly documented for the flora of Venezuela are M. aschersonii Hieron. and M. amazonica Baker, the second herein resurrected from the synonymy of common and widespread M. sprucei Baker. Mikania karsteniana Klot. ex Hieron. is not considered synonymous with M. pannosa Baker, thus the latter is again considered to be endemic to Guayana.  相似文献   

The leaves of five species ofFlyriella were found to contain from one to four glycosides of quercetin and its 4- and 7,4-methyl ethers. These patterns are distinct from those observed for more than seventy species ofBrickellia and support morphological and chromosomal data which indicate thatFlyriella should not be treated as an element ofBrickellia. Alternative treatments are briefly considered.  相似文献   

John F. Pruski 《Brittonia》1991,43(4):264-268
Described and illustrated from Cerro de la Neblina in T. F. Amazonas, Venezuela is the fifth known Guayanan species ofPentacalia, a genus recently reinstated from synonymy withinSenecio. The distinctions between these two genera are briefly discussed as are the distinctions betweenPentacalia and similar genera. A key to the new species,Pentacalia neblinesis, and the other species ofPentacalia from the Guayana Highland is given.  相似文献   

The distinct characters of the flower of Plagiostachys elliptica, S. Q. Tong et Y. M. Xia are: (1) each flower possesses two large lateral staminodes, which are adnate to the lip (labellum) to form a deeply 3 lobed labellum;(2) connective extends into a curved, beak like conspicuous appendage (anther crest) and envelops the upper part of style. In the Zingiberaceae, these characters are only present in the genus Zingiber.Furthermore, in Sect. Pleuranthesis of Zingiber the spike also arises from side of the leafy stem. Pollen grains of the species are with cerebelloid sculpture,that is the character of the Subtype Cerebelloid areolate in Zingiberaceae, and are similar to those sculpture and morphology of Sect. Zingiber of the genus Zingiber and differ from those of Plagiostachys, of which pollen grains are with longer spines and belong to the Group long spinate of Subtype spinate. The endotesta of seeds in this species is composed of one layer of brick shaped parenchymatous cells, which is similar to the parenchymatous endotesta of Zingiber seeds and obviously differs from that of seeds of Plagiostachys, which consists of one layer of sclereids. Therefore,Plagiostachys elliptica S. Q. Tong et Y. M. Xia should be transferred from Plagiostachys to the genus Zingiber, and a new combination——Zingiber ellipticum (S. Q. Tong et Y. M. Xia) Q. G. Wu et T. L. Wu is made in this paper.  相似文献   

Veronica erciyasdagi (M. A. Fischer) C. Vural comb. & stat. nov., previously regarded as a variety, is proposed as a new combination, based on the morphological characters and seed storage protein polymorphism presented in this study. In addition, information about the ecology and conservation status of Veronica erciyasdagi was reported. This taxon is endemic to central Anatolia, Turkey and is critically endangered.  相似文献   

Cancer remains one of the leading causes of death. Research and resulting technologies have contributed to rising numbers of cancer survivors. Cancer nanotechnology is a novel and burgeoning field with the promise to open the door for the development of improved cancer therapies and detection methods. Cancer nanotechnology has the potential to become clinical reality.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. In vitro studies demonstrated the presence of the enzyme 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3β-HSD) in the dorsal body complex, ovotestis and buccal ganglia of Helix pomatia.
  • 2.2. Results of incubations with tritiated pregnenolone and tritiated dehydroepiandrosterone indicate substrate specificity of the 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase.
  • 3.3. The activity of the two 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases vary independently of each other during different physiological states of the animal.
  • 4.4. Before oviposition the conversion of dehydroepiandrosterone into androstenedione in all tissues investigated exceeds that of pregnenolone into progesterone. On the contrary, after oviposition this is reversed for the ovotestis.
  • 5.5. The relative importance of the pathways in steroidogenesis followed in the organs studied is discussed.

Xiao  Tingting  Boada  Roberto  Marini  Carlo  Llugany  Mercè  Valiente  Manuel 《Plant and Soil》2020,453(1-2):409-422
Plant and Soil - Plant volatiles serve as airborne semiochemicals, bridging the interactions between the plant and environment. Intercropping of a Chinese medicinal herb, Atractylodes lancea, with...  相似文献   

The abundance and aggregation of eggs of Aedes aegypti L. and Aedes albopictus Skuse was evaluated in the municipalities of Cambé, Ibipor?, Jacarezinho, Maringá and Paranavaí, in the State of Paraná, Brazil by means of oviposition traps. Of the 225 installed traps, 100 were registered as positive for eggs; 4140 eggs were collected, thus demonstrating an highly aggregate distribution. Both species were registered in Cambé, Jacarezinho, Maringá and Paranavaí. Ae. albopictus was generally less abundant and was not present in Ibipor? nor in the oviposition traps of a second collection of Maringá. The relation between sexes for Ae. aegypti was approximately 1:1. In the comparison of the number of adults collected between the two species, a negative correlation was obtained in the samples of Maringá and Cambé, what was attributed the seasonality of these populations. The coexistence of these species indicates that both are under pressure by the control programs, therefore specific evaluations are necessary.  相似文献   

A study was made on Fritillaria cirrhosa D.Don and its related species based on both field observation and herbarium material.As a result,four species are recognized and 16 specific names and 18 variety names are reduced as synonyms.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences of nuclear gene EF-1α were determined for 49 species of Lasiocampidae from Eurasia and Africa. Based on these data, the phylogeny of the family was reconstructed using the minimum evolution, maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian inference methods. The molecular genetic research confirms the monophyly of Malacosominae which is treated as a separate subfamily. The genus Euthrix appears to be paraphyletic. The group of genera similar to Arguda, previously united with Odonestis in the tribe Odonestini, proved to be a separate lineage; contrary to the earlier assumption, the genera do not seem to be related. On the other hand, the genera Argonestis and Odonestis were found to be closely related and therefore were placed in the same tribe. The position of the genus Macrothylacia remains obscure. The genus Stoermeriana de Fr. et Witt is also para- or polyphyletic and consists of several independent lineages whose status remains to be determined. The new classification supports synonymization of Pinarinae with Lasiocampinae. The rank of subfamily is not supported for the Neotropical Macromphaliinae, which is downgraded to a tribe, Macromphaliini stat. n., within Poecilocampinae. The genus Hypopacha, previously considered within Macromphaliinae, is transferred to Poecilocampini; the close relation between Poecilocampini and Macromphaliini is additionally supported by the presence of a member of Poecilocampini in the New World. A new tribe, Argudini Zolotuhin trib. n., is established.  相似文献   

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