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Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells have considerable promise as a novel tool for modelling human disease and for drug discovery. While the generation of disease-specific iPS cells has become routine, realizing the potential of iPS cells in disease modelling poses challenges at multiple fronts. Such challenges include selecting a suitable disease target, directing the fate of iPS cells into symptom-relevant cell populations, identifying disease-related phenotypes and showing reversibility of such phenotypes using genetic or pharmacological approaches. Finally, the system needs to be scalable for use in modern drug discovery. Here, we will discuss these points in the context of modelling familial dysautonomia (FD, Riley-Day syndrome, hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy III (HSAN-III)), a rare genetic disorder in the peripheral nervous system. We have demonstrated three disease-specific phenotypes in FD-iPS-derived cells that can be partially rescued by treating cells with the plant hormone kinetin. Here, we will discuss how to use FD-iPS cells further in high throughput drug discovery assays, in modelling disease severity and in performing mechanistic studies aimed at understanding disease pathogenesis. FD is a rare disease but represents an important testing ground for exploring the potential of iPS cell technology in modelling and treating human disease.  相似文献   

Human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells obtained by reprogramming technology are a source of great hope, not only in terms of applications in regenerative medicine, such as cell transplantation therapy, but also for modeling human diseases and new drug development. In particular, the production of iPS cells from the somatic cells of patients with intractable diseases and their subsequent differentiation into cells at affected sites (e.g., neurons, cardiomyocytes, hepatocytes, and myocytes) has permitted the in vitro construction of disease models that contain patient‐specific genetic information. For example, disease‐specific iPS cells have been established from patients with neuropsychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia and autism, as well as from those with neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. A multi‐omics analysis of neural cells originating from patient‐derived iPS cells may thus enable investigators to elucidate the pathogenic mechanisms of neurological diseases that have heretofore been unknown. In addition, large‐scale screening of chemical libraries with disease‐specific iPS cells is currently underway and is expected to lead to new drug discovery. Accordingly, this review outlines the progress made via the use of patient‐derived iPS cells toward the modeling of neurological disorders, the testing of existing drugs, and the discovery of new drugs.


Causative mutations and variants associated with cardiac diseases have been found in genes encoding cardiac ion channels, accessory proteins, cytoskeletal components, junctional proteins, and signaling molecules. In most cases the functional evaluation of the genetic alterationhas been carried out by expressing the mutated proteins in in-vitro heterologous systems. While these studies have provided a wealth of functional details that have greatly enhanced the understanding of the pathological mechanisms, it has always been clear that heterologous expression of the mutant protein bears the intrinsic limitation of the lack of a proper intracellular environment and the lack of pathological remodeling. The results obtained from the application of the next generation sequencing technique to patients suffering from cardiac diseases have identified several loci, mostly in non-coding DNA regions, which still await functional analysis. The isolation and culture of human embryonic stem cells has initially provided a constant source of cells from which cardiomyocytes(CMs) can be obtained by differentiation. Furthermore, the possibility to reprogram cellular fate to a pluripotent state, has opened this process to the study of genetic diseases. Thus induced pluripotent stem cells(i PSCs) represent a completely new cellular model that overcomes the limitations of heterologous studies. Importantly, due to the possibility to keep spontaneously beating CMs in culture for several months, during which they show a certain degree of maturation/aging, this approach will also provide a system in which to address the effect of long-term expression of the mutated proteins or any other DNA mutation, in terms of electrophysiological remodeling. Moreover, since i PSC preserve the entire patients’ genetic context, the system will help the physicians in identifying the most appropriate pharmacological intervention to correct the functional alteration. This article summarizes the current knowledge of cardiac genetic diseases modelled with i PSC.  相似文献   

Derived from any somatic cell type and possessing unlimited self-renewal and differentiation potential, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are poised to revolutionize stem cell biology and regenerative medicine research, bringing unprecedented opportunities for treating debilitating human diseases. To overcome the limitations associated with safety, efficiency, and scalability of traditional iPSC derivation, expansion, and differentiation protocols, biomaterials have recently been considered. Beyond addressing these limitations, the integration of biomaterials with existing iPSC culture platforms could offer additional opportunities to better probe the biology and control the behavior of iPSCs or their progeny in vitro and in vivo. Herein, we discuss the impact of biomaterials on the iPSC field, from derivation to tissue regeneration and modeling. Although still exploratory, we envision the emerging combination of biomaterials and iPSCs will be critical in the successful application of iPSCs and their progeny for research and clinical translation.  相似文献   


Background aims

Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) are becoming increasingly popular in research endeavors due to their potential for clinical application; however, such application is challenging due to limitations such as inferior function and low induction efficiency. In this study, we aimed to establish a three-dimensional (3D) culture condition to mimic the environment in which hepatogenesis occurs in vivo to enhance the differentiation of hiPSCs for large-scale culture and high throughput BAL application.


We used hydrogel to create hepatocyte-like cell (HLC) spheroids in a 3D culture condition and analyzed the cell-behavior and differentiation properties of hiPSCs in a synthetic nanofiber scaffold.


We found that treating cells with Y-27632 promoted the formation of spheroids, and the cells aggregated more rapidly in a 3D culture condition. The ALB secretion, urea production and glycogen synthesis by HLCs in 3D were significantly higher than those grown in a 2-dimensional culture condition. In addition, the metabolic activities of the CYP450 enzymes were also higher in cells differentiated in the 3D culture condition.


3D hydrogel culture condition can promote differentiation of hiPSCs into hepatocytes. The 3D culture approach could be applied to the differentiation of hiPSCs into hepatocytes for bioartificial liver.  相似文献   

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) have the ability to differentiate into cardiomyocytes (CMs). They are not only widely used in cardiac pharmacology screening, human heart disease modeling, and cell transplantation-based treatments, but also the most promising source of CMs for experimental and clinical applications. However, their use is largely restricted by the immature phenotype of structure and function, which is similar to embryonic or fetal CMs and has certain differences from adult CMs. In order to overcome this critical issue, many studies have explored and revealed new strategies to induce the maturity of iPSC-CMs. Therefore, this article aims to review recent induction methods of mature iPSC-CMs, related mechanisms, and limitations.  相似文献   

Hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) play a crucial role in liver fibrosis by producing excessive extracellular matrix (ECM) following chronic inflammation. However, studying HSC function has been challenging due to the limited availability of primary human quiescent HSCs (qHSCs) in vitro, and the fact that primary qHSCs quickly activate when cultured on plastic plates. Advances in stem cell technology have allowed for the generation of qHSCs from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) with the potential to provide an unlimited source of cells. However, differentiated quiescent-like HSCs (iqHSCs) also activate spontaneously on conventional plastic plates. In this study, we generated iqHSCs from hiPSCs and developed a culture method to maintain such iqHSCs in a lowly activated state for up to 5 days by optimizing their physical culture microenvironment. We observed that three-dimensional (3D) culture of iqHSCs in soft type 1 collagen hydrogels significantly inhibited their spontaneous activation in vitro while maintaining their ability to convert to activated state. Activation of iqHSC was successfully modeled by stimulating them with the fibrotic cytokine TGFβ1. Hence, our culture method can be used to generate HSCs with functions comparable to those in a healthy liver, facilitating the development of accurate in vitro liver models for identifying novel therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

Human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) that include human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) have gained enormous interest as potential sources for regenerative biomedical therapies and model systems for studying early development. Traditionally, mouse embryonic fibroblasts have been used as a supportive feeder layer for the sustained propagation of hPSCs. However, the use of nonhuman‐derived feeders presents concerns about the possibility of xenogenic contamination, labor intensiveness, and variability in experimental results in hPSC cultures. Toward addressing some of these concerns, we report the propagation of three different hPSCs on feeder‐free extracellular matrix (ECM)‐based substrates derived from human fibroblasts. hPSCs propagated in this setting were indistinguishable by multiple criteria, including colony morphology, expression of pluripotency protein markers, trilineage in vitro differentiation, and gene expression patterns, from hPSCs cultured directly on a fibroblast feeder layer. Further, hPSCs maintained a normal karyotype when analyzed after 15 passages in this setting. Development of this ECM‐based culture system is a significant advance in hPSC propagation methods as it could serve as a critical component in the development of humanized propagation systems for the production of stable hPSCs and its derivatives for research and therapeutic applications. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

Microglia are the primary resident immune cells in the retina. They regulate neuronal survival and synaptic pruning making them essential for normal development. Following injury, they mediate adaptive responses and under pathological conditions they can trigger neurodegeneration exacerbating the effect of a disease. Retinal organoids derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) are increasingly being used for a range of applications, including disease modelling, development of new therapies and in the study of retinogenesis. Despite many similarities to the retinas developed in vivo, they lack some key physiological features, including immune cells. We engineered an hiPSC co-culture system containing retinal organoids and microglia-like (iMG) cells and tested their retinal invasion capacity and function. We incorporated iMG into retinal organoids at 13 weeks and tested their effect on function and development at 15 and 22 weeks of differentiation. Our key findings showed that iMG cells were able to respond to endotoxin challenge in monocultures and when co-cultured with the organoids. We show that retinal organoids developed normally and retained their ability to generate spiking activity in response to light. Thus, this new co-culture immunocompetent in vitro retinal model provides a platform with greater relevance to the in vivo human retina.  相似文献   

Engineering/reprogramming differentiated adult somatic cells to gain the ability to differentiate into any type of cell lineage are called as induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Offering unlimited self-renewal and differentiation potential, these iPSC are aspired to meet the growing demands in the field of regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, disease modeling, nanotechnology, and drug discovery. Biomaterial fabrication with the rapid evolution of technology increased their versatility and utility in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering, revolutionizing the stem cell biology research with the property to guide the process of proliferation, differentiation, and morphogenesis. Combining traditional culture platforms of iPSC with biomaterials aids to overcome the limitations associated with derivation, proliferation, and maturation, thereby could improve the clinical translation of iPSC. The present review discusses in brief about the reprogramming techniques for the derivation iPSC and details on several biomaterial guided differentiation of iPSC to different cell types with specific relevance to tissue engineering/regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) microspectroscopy was employed to elucidate the macromolecular phenotype of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) and their differentiated progeny. Undifferentiated hESCs and hiPSC lines were found to be not clearly distinguishable from each other. However, although both hESC and hiPSC variants appeared to undergo similar changes during differentiation in terms of cell surface antigens, the derived cell types from all cell lines could be discriminated using FTIR spectroscopy. We foresee a possible future role for FTIR microspectroscopy as a powerful and objective investigative and quality control tool in regenerative medicine. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Recent advances in the study of human hepatocytes derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) represent new promises for liver disease study and drug discovery. Human hepatocytes or hepatocyte-like cells differentiated from iPSC recapitulate many functional properties of primary human hepatocytes and have been demonstrated as a powerful and efficient tool to model human liver metabolic diseases and facilitate drug development process. In this review, we summarize the recent progress in this field and discuss the future perspective of the application of human iPSC derived hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Tissue function during development and in regenerative medicine completely relies on correct cell organization and patterning at micro and macro scales. We describe a rapid method for patterning mammalian cells including human embryonic stem cells (HESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) on elastomeric membranes such that micron‐scale control of cell position can be achieved over centimeter‐length scales. Our method employs surface engineering of hydrophobic polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) membranes by plasma polymerization of allylamine. Deposition of plasma polymerized allylamine (ppAAm) using our methods may be spatially restricted using a micro‐stencil leaving faithful hydrophilic ppAAm patterns. We employed airbrushing to create aerosols which deposit extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins (such as fibronectin and Matrigel?) onto the same patterned ppAAm rich regions. Cell patterns were created with a variety of well characterized cell lines (e.g., NIH‐3T3, C2C12, HL1, BJ6, HESC line HUES7, and HiPSC line IPS2). Individual and multiple cell line patterning were also achieved. Patterning remains faithful for several days and cells are viable and proliferate. To demonstrate the utility of our technique we have patterned cells in a variety of configurations. The ability to rapidly pattern cells at high resolution over macro scales should aid future tissue engineering efforts for regenerative medicine applications and in creating in vitro stem cell niches. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2012; 109: 2630–2641. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

One of the recent breakthroughs in stem cell research has been the reprogramming of human somatic cells to an embryonic stem cell (ESC)-like state (induced pluripotent stem cells, iPS cells). Similar to ESCs, iPS cells can differentiate into derivatives of the three germ layers, for example cardiomyocytes, pancreatic cells or neurons. This technique offers a new approach to investigating disease pathogenesis and to the development of novel therapies. It may now be possible to generate iPS cells from somatic cells of patients who suffer from vascular genetic diseases, such as hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT). The iPS cells will have a similar genotype to that of the patient and can be differentiated in vitro into the cell type(s) that are affected in the patient. Thus they will serve as excellent models for a better understanding of mechanisms underlying the disease. This, together with the ability to test new drugs, could potentially lead to novel therapeutic concepts in the near future. Here we report the first derivation of three human iPS cell lines from two healthy individuals and one HHT patient in the Netherlands. The iPS cells resembled ESCs in morphology and expressed typical ESC markers. In vitro, iPS cells could be differentiated into cells of the three germ layers, including beating cardiomyocytes and vascular cells. With this technique it will be possible to establish human cardiovascular disease models from patient biopsies provided by the principal hospitals in the Netherlands. (Neth Heart J 2010;18:51-4.)  相似文献   

We have developed a new simple method to induce serotonergic neurons from embryonic stem (ES) and induced pluripotent stem cells. When ES or induced pluripotent stem cells were cultured on a thick gel layer of Matrigel, most colonies extended TuJ1-positive neurites. We found that noggin, a known antagonist of bone morphogenic protein, induces ES cells to express genes involved in serotonergic differentiation, such as Nkx2.2, Pet-1, Sonic hedgehog, tryptophan hydroxylase 2, and serotonin transporter, as well as increases high potassium-induced release of serotonin. To concentrate serotonergic neurons, ES cells carrying Pet-1-enhancer-driven enhanced green fluorescent protein were differentiated and sorted into about 80% pure cultures of serotonergic neurons. Whole cell voltage-clamp recordings showed a voltage-dependent current in dissociated neurons. This simplified method provides an alternative option for serotonergic differentiation of pluripotent stem cells and will likely contribute a deeper understanding regarding the nature of serotonergic neurons and open new therapeutic perspectives for the treatment of psychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

Pre‐clinical testing of drug candidates in animal models is expensive, time‐consuming, and often fails to predict drug effects in humans. Industry and academia alike are working to build human‐based in vitro test beds and advanced high throughput screening systems to improve the translation of preclinical results to human drug trials. Human neurons derived from induced pluripotent stems cells (hiPSCs) are readily available for use within these test‐beds and high throughput screens, but there remains a need to robustly evaluate cellular behavior prior to their incorporation in such systems. This study reports on the characterization of one source of commercially available hiPSC‐derived neurons, iCell® Neurons, for their long‐term viability and functional performance to assess their suitability for integration within advanced in vitro platforms. The purity, morphology, survival, identity, and functional maturation of the cells utilizing different culture substrates and medium combinations were evaluated over 28 days in vitro (DIV). Patch‐clamp electrophysiological data demonstrated increased capacity for repetitive firing of action potentials across all culture conditions. Significant differences in cellular maturity, morphology, and functional performance were observed in the different conditions, highlighting the importance of evaluating different surface types and growth medium compositions for application in specific in vitro protocols. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 31:1613–1622, 2015  相似文献   

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