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As significant improvements in volumetric antibody productivity have been achieved by advances in upstream processing over the last decade, and harvest material has become progressively more difficult to recover with these intensified upstream operations, the segregation of upstream and downstream processing has remained largely unchanged. By integrating upstream and downstream process development, product purification issues are given consideration during the optimization of upstream operating conditions, which mitigates the need for extensive and expensive clearance strategies downstream. To investigate the impact of cell culture duration on critical quality attributes, CHO-expressed IgG1 was cultivated in two 2 L bioreactors with samples taken on days 8, 10, 13, 15, and 17. The material was centrifuged, filtered and protein A purified on a 1 ml HiTrap column. Host cell protein (HCP) identification by mass spectrometry (MS) was applied to this system to provide insights into cellular behavior and HCP carryover during protein A purification. It was shown that as cultivation progressed from day 8 to 17 and antibody titer increased, product quality declined due to an increase in post-protein A HCPs (from 72 to 475 peptides detected by MS) and a decrease in product monomer percentage (from 98% to 95.5%). Additionally, the MS data revealed an increase in the abundance of several classes of post-protein A HCPs (e.g., stress response proteins and indicators of cell age), particularly on days 15 and 17 of culture, which were associated with significant increases in total overall HCP levels. This provides new insight into the specific types of HCPs that are retained during mAb purification and may be used to aid process development strategies.  相似文献   

An advanced liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (MS) platform was used to identify and quantify residual Escherichia coli host cell proteins (HCPs) in the drug substance (DS) of several peptibodies (Pbs). Significantly different HCP impurity profiles were observed among different biotherapeutic Pbs as well as one Pb purified via multiple processes. The results can be rationally interpreted in terms of differences among the purification processes, and demonstrate the power of this technique to sensitively monitor both the quantity and composition of residual HCPs in DS, where these may represent a safety risk to patients. The breadth of information obtained using MS is compared to traditional multiproduct enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) values for total HCP in the same samples and shows that, in this case, the ELISA failed to detect multiple HCPs. The HCP composition of two upstream samples was also analyzed and used to demonstrate that HCPs that carry through purification processes to be detectable in DS are not always among those that are the most abundant upstream. Compared to ELISA, we demonstrate that MS can provide a more comprehensive, and accurate, characterization of DS HCPs, thereby facilitating process development as well as more rationally assessing potential safety risks posed by individual, identified HCPs. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 29:951–957, 2013  相似文献   

Protein A chromatography is commonly used as the initial step for purifying monoclonal antibody biotherapeutics expressed in mammalian tissue culture cells. The purpose of this step, as well as later chromatography steps, is, in part, to remove host cell proteins (HCPs) and other related impurities. Understanding the retention mechanism for the subset of HCPs retained during this step is of great interest to monoclonal antibody (mAb) process developers because it allows formation of a guided HCP clearance strategy. However, only limited information is available about the specific HCPs that co‐purify with mAbs at this step. In this study, a comprehensive comparison of HCP subpopulations that associated with 15 different mAbs during protein A chromatography was conducted by a 2D‐LC‐HDMSE approach. We found that a majority of CHO HCPs binding to and eluting with the mAbs were common among the mAbs studied, with only a small percentage (~10% on average) of a mAb's total HCP content in the protein A (PrA) eluate specific for a particular antibody. The abundance of these HCPs in cell culture fluids and their ability to interact with mAbs were the two main factors determining their prevalence in protein A eluates. Potential binding segments for HCPs to associate with mAbs were also studied through their co‐purification with individual Fc and (Fab′)2 antibody fragments. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:708–717, 2016  相似文献   

Host cell protein (HCP) impurities are generated by the host organism during the production of therapeutic recombinant proteins, and are difficult to remove completely. Though commonly present in small quantities, if levels are not controlled, HCPs can potentially reduce drug efficacy and cause adverse patient reactions. A high resolution approach for thorough HCP characterization of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies is presented herein. In this method, antibody samples are first depleted via affinity enrichment (e.g., Protein A, Protein L) using milligram quantities of material. The HCP-containing flow-through is then enzymatically digested, analyzed using nano-UPLC-MS/MS, and proteins are identified through database searching. Nearly 700 HCPs were identified from samples with very low total HCP levels (< 1 ppm to ~10 ppm) using this method. Quantitation of individual HCPs was performed using normalized spectral counting as the number of peptide spectrum matches (PSMs) per protein is proportional to protein abundance. Multivariate analysis tools were utilized to assess similarities between HCP profiles by: 1) quantifying overlaps between HCP identities; and 2) comparing correlations between individual protein abundances as calculated by spectral counts. Clustering analysis using these measures of dissimilarity between HCP profiles enabled high resolution differentiation of commercial grade monoclonal antibody samples generated from different cell lines, cell culture, and purification processes.  相似文献   

Host cell protein (HCP) impurities are generated by the host organism during the production of therapeutic recombinant proteins, and are difficult to remove completely. Though commonly present in small quantities, if levels are not controlled, HCPs can potentially reduce drug efficacy and cause adverse patient reactions. A high resolution approach for thorough HCP characterization of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies is presented herein. In this method, antibody samples are first depleted via affinity enrichment (e.g., Protein A, Protein L) using milligram quantities of material. The HCP-containing flow-through is then enzymatically digested, analyzed using nano-UPLC-MS/MS, and proteins are identified through database searching. Nearly 700 HCPs were identified from samples with very low total HCP levels (< 1 ppm to ∼10 ppm) using this method. Quantitation of individual HCPs was performed using normalized spectral counting as the number of peptide spectrum matches (PSMs) per protein is proportional to protein abundance. Multivariate analysis tools were utilized to assess similarities between HCP profiles by: 1) quantifying overlaps between HCP identities; and 2) comparing correlations between individual protein abundances as calculated by spectral counts. Clustering analysis using these measures of dissimilarity between HCP profiles enabled high resolution differentiation of commercial grade monoclonal antibody samples generated from different cell lines, cell culture, and purification processes.  相似文献   

To establish accurate detection methods of process-specific Escherichia coli residual host cell protein (HCP) and residual host cell DNA (rcDNA) in recombinant biological preparations. Taking the purification process of GLP expressed by E. coli as a specific-process model, the HCP of empty E. coli was intercepted to immunize mice and rabbits. Using IgG from immunized rabbits as the coating antibody and mouse immune serum as the second sandwich antibody, a process-specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for E. coli HCP was established. Targeting the 16S gene of E. coli, ddPCR was used to obtain the absolute copies of rcDNA in samples. Non-process-specific commercial ELISA kit and the process-specific ELISA established in this study were used to detect the HCP in GLP preparation. About 62% of HCPs, which should be process-specific HCPs, could not be detected by the non-process-specific commercial ELISA kit. The sensitivity of established ELISA can reach 338 pg/mL. The rcDNA could be absolutely quantitated by ddPCR, for the copies of rcDNA in three multiple diluted samples showed a reduced gradient. While the copies of rcDNA in three multiple diluted samples could not be distinguished by the qPCR. Process-specific ELISA has high sensitivity in detecting process-specific E. coli HCP. The absolutely quantitative ddPCR has much higher accuracy than the relatively quantitative qPCR, it is a nucleic acid quantitative method that is expected to replace qPCR in the future.  相似文献   

The use of biological systems to synthesize complex therapeutic products has been a remarkable success. However, during product development, great attention must be devoted to defining acceptable levels of impurities that derive from that biological system, heading this list are host cell proteins (HCPs). Recent advances in proteomic analytics have shown how diverse this class of impurities is; as such knowledge and capability grows inevitable questions have arisen about how thorough current approaches to measuring HCPs are. The fundamental issue is how to adequately measure (and in turn monitor and control) such a large number of protein species (potentially thousands of components) to ensure safe and efficacious products. A rather elegant solution is to use an immunoassay (enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay [ELISA]) based on polyclonal antibodies raised to the host cell (biological system) used to synthesize a particular therapeutic product. However, the measurement is entirely dependent on the antibody serum used, which dictates the sensitivity of the assay and the degree of coverage of the HCP spectrum. It provides one summed analog value for HCP amount; a positive if all HCP components can be considered equal, a negative in the more likely event one associates greater risk with certain components of the HCP proteome. In a thorough risk‐based approach, one would wish to be able to account for this. These issues have led to the investigation of orthogonal analytical methods; most prominently mass spectrometry. These techniques can potentially both identify and quantify HCPs. The ability to measure and monitor thousands of proteins proportionally increases the amount of data acquired. Significant benefits exist if the information can be used to determine critical HCPs and thereby create an improved basis for risk management. We describe a nascent approach to risk assessment of HCPs based upon such data, drawing attention to timeliness in relation to biosimilar initiatives. The development of such an approach requires databases based on cumulative knowledge of multiple risk factors that would require national and international regulators, standards authorities (e.g., NIST and NIBSC), industry and academia to all be involved in shaping what is the best approach to the adoption of the latest bioanalytical technology to this area, which is vital to delivering safe efficacious biological medicines of all types. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2015;112: 1727–1737. © 2015 The Authors. Biotechnology and Bioengineering Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Host cell proteins (HCPs) are inevitable process-related impurities in biotherapeutics commonly monitored by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs). Of particular importance for their reliable detection are the anti-HCP polyclonal antibodies (pAbs), supposed to detect a broad range of HCPs. The present study focuses on the identification of suitable host animal species for the development of high-performance CHO-HCP ELISAs, assuming the generation of pAbs with adequate coverage and specificity. Hence, antibodies derived from immunization of sheep, goats, donkeys, rabbits, and chickens were compared concerning their amount of HCP-specific antibodies, coverage, and performance in a sandwich ELISA. Immunization of sheep, goats, donkeys, and rabbits met all test criteria, whereas the antibodies from chickens cannot be recommended based on the results of this study. Additionally, a mixture of antibodies from the five host species was prepared to assess if coverage and ELISA performance can be improved by a multispecies approach. Comparable results were obtained for the single- and multispecies ELISAs in different in-process samples, indicating no substantial improvement for the latter in ELISA performance while raising ethical and financial concerns.  相似文献   

The cell wall of yeast consists of an internal skeletal layer and an external layer of glycoproteins covalently linked to the stress-bearing polysaccharides. The cell wall protein (CWP) population consists of over 20 different proteins, and may vary in composition. We present two complementary methods for quantifying CWPs, based on isobaric tagging and tandem MS: (1) absolute quantitation of individual CWPs, allowing estimation of surface densities; and (2) relative quantitation of CWPs, allowing monitoring of the dynamics of the CWP population. For absolute quantitation, we selected a representative group of five proteins (Cwp1p, Crh1p, Scw4p, Gas1p, and Ecm33p), which had 67 x 10(3), 44 x 10(3), 38 x 10(3), 11 x 10(3) and 6.5 x 10(3) of wall-bound copies per cell, respectively. As Cwp1p is predominantly incorporated in the birth scar, this corresponds to a protein density of c. 22 x 10(3) copies microm(-2). For relative quantitation, we compared wild-type cells to gas1Delta cells, in which the cell wall integrity pathway is constitutively activated. The levels of Crh1p, Crh2p, Ecm33p, Gas5p, Pst1p and Pir3p increased about three- to fivefold, whereas the level of Scw4p was significantly decreased. We propose that our methods are widely applicable to other fungi.  相似文献   

Residual host cell protein impurities (HCPs) are a key component of biopharmaceutical process related impurities. These impurities need to be effectively cleared through chromatographic steps in the downstream purification process to produce safe and efficacious protein biopharmaceuticals. A variety of strategies to demonstrate robust host cell protein clearance using scale-down studies are highlighted and compared. A common strategy is the "spiking" approach, which is widely employed in clearance studies for well-defined impurities. For HCPs this approach involves spiking cell culture harvest, which is rich in host cell proteins, into the load material for all chromatographic steps to assess their clearance ability. However, for studying HCP clearance, this approach suffers from the significant disadvantage that the vast majority of host cell protein impurities in a cell culture harvest sample are not relevant for a chromatographic step that is downstream of the capture step in the process. Two alternative strategies are presented here to study HCP clearance such that relevance of those species for a given chromatographic step is taken into consideration. These include a "bypass" strategy, which assumes that some of the load material for a chromatographic step bypasses that step and makes it into the load for the subsequent step. The second is a "worst-case" strategy, which utilizes information obtained from process characterization studies. This involves operating steps at a combination of their operating parameters within operating ranges that yield the poorest clearance of HCPs over that step. The eluate from the worst case run is carried forward to the next chromatographic step to assess its ability to clear HCPs. Both the bypass and worst-case approaches offer significant advantages over the spiking approach with respect to process relevance of the HCP impurity species being studied. A combination of these small-scale validation approaches with large-scale HCP clearance data from clinical manufacturing and manufacturing consistency runs is used to demonstrate robust HCP clearance for the downstream purification process of an Fc fusion protein. The demonstration of robust HCP clearance through this comprehensive strategy can potentially be used to eliminate the need for routine analytical testing or for establishing acceptance criteria for these impurities as well as to demonstrate robust operation of the entire downstream purification process.  相似文献   

Recombinant human Acid Alpha Glucosidase (GAA) is the therapeutic enzyme used for the treatment of Pompe disease, a rare genetic disorder characterized by GAA deficiency in the cell lysosomes (Raben et al., Curr Mol Med. 2002; 2:145–166). The manufacturing process for GAA can be challenging, in part due to protease degradation. The overall goal of this study was to understand the effects of GAA overexpression on cell lysosomal phenotype and host cell protein (HCP) release, and any resultant consequences for protease levels and ease of manufacture. To do this we first generated a human recombinant GAA producing stable CHO cell line and designed the capture chromatographic step anion exchange (IEX). We then collected images of cell lysosomes via transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and compared the resulting data with that from a null CHO cell line. TEM imaging revealed 72% of all lysosomes in the GAA cell line were engorged indicating extensive cell stress; by comparison only 8% of lysosomes in the null CHO had a similar phenotype. Furthermore, comparison of the HCP profile among cell lines (GAA, mAb, and Null) capture eluates, showed that while most HCPs released were common across them, some were unique to the GAA producer, implying that cell stress caused by overexpression of GAA has a molecule specific effect on HCP release. Protease analysis via zymograms showed an overall reduction in proteolytic activity after the capture step but also revealed the presence of co‐eluting proteases at approximately 80 KDa, which MS analysis putatively identified as dipeptidyl peptidase 3 and prolyl endopeptidase. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 33:666–676, 2017  相似文献   

Measurement of backbone amide hydrogen exchange rates can provide detailed information concerning protein structure, dynamics, and interactions. Although nuclear magnetic resonance is typically used to provide these data, its use is restricted to lower molecular weight proteins that are soluble at millimolar concentrations. Not subject to these limitations is a mass spectrometric approach for measuring deuterium incorporation into proteins that are subsequently proteolyzed by pepsin; the resulting peptide masses are measured using a flowing-fast atom bombardment ionization source (Zhang Z, Smith DL, 1993, Protein Sci 2:522-531). In the current study, amide deuterium incorporation for intact apo- and holo-myoglobin was measured using liquid chromatography coupled directly to an electrospray ionization (LC/MS) source. Electrospray ionization provided a more complete coverage of the protein sequence and permitted the measurement of deuterium incorporation into intact proteins. Tandem mass spectrometry was used to rapidly identify the peptic peptides. It was found that within 30 s, the amides in apo-myoglobin were 47% deuterated, whereas holo-myoglobin was 12% deuterated. Peptic digestion and LC/MS demonstrated that regions represented by peptic peptides encompassing positions 1-7, 12-29, and 110-134 were not significantly altered by removal of the heme. Likewise, destabilized regions were identified within positions 33-106 and 138-153.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress is a core abnormality responsible for disease progression in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). However, the pathways that contribute to oxidative damage in vivo are poorly understood. Our aims were to define the circulating profile of lipid oxidation products in NAFLD patients, the source of these products, and assess whether their circulating levels reflect histological changes in the liver. The levels of multiple structurally specific oxidized fatty acids, including individual hydroxy-eicosatetraenoic acids (HETE), hydroxy-octadecadenoic acids (HODE), and oxo-octadecadenoic acids (oxoODE), were measured by mass spectrometry in plasma at time of liver biopsy in an initial cohort of 73 and a validation cohort of 49 consecutive patients. Of the markers monitored, 9- and 13-HODEs and 9- and 13-oxoODEs, products of free radical-mediated oxidation of linoleic acid (LA), were significantly elevated in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), compared with patients with steatosis. A strong correlation was revealed between these oxidation products and liver histopathology (inflammation, fibrosis, and steatosis). Further analyses of HODEs showed equivalent R and S chiral distribution. A risk score for NASH (oxNASH) was developed in the initial clinical cohort and shown to have high diagnostic accuracy for NASH versus steatosis in the independent validation cohort. Subjects with elevated oxNASH levels (top tertile) were 9.7-fold (P < 0.0001) more likely to have NASH than those with low levels (bottom tertile). Collectively, these findings support a key role for free radical-mediated linoleic acid oxidation in human NASH and define a risk score, oxNASH, for noninvasive detection of the presence of NASH.  相似文献   

An orthogonal chromatography methodology for the enrichment of host cell protein (HCP) species relative to monoclonal antibody (mAb) products was developed and applied for the successful enrichment of HCP from post‐Protein A process pools for seven different mAb products. An advanced two‐dimensional liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry platform (2D‐LC/MSE) was utilized to demonstrate that the HCP enriched material was representative, in terms of species content, to pre‐enriched process pools. The HCP enrichment methodology was scaled up for two different mAb products, and this process relevant enriched HCP material was used to conduct advanced spike challenge studies to demonstrate the utility of the approach for the understanding of (1) quantitative HCP clearance, (2) individual species clearance, and (3) species clearance redundancy across polishing chromatography steps. The combined ability to enrich process relevant HCP, detect individual HCP species with 2D‐LC/MSE technology, and conduct advanced challenge studies with process relevant material surmounts prior limitations to high integrity process challenge study implementation, and facilitates significant process understanding for development of risk‐based control strategies and strategic process design. This also demonstrates implementation of a foundational strategy for conducting spike‐challenge studies using process‐relevant impurities isolated from processes of interest using orthogonal approaches. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 31:983–989, 2015  相似文献   

化学交联质谱技术是解析蛋白质结构和研究蛋白质相互作用的重要工具。近5年以来,该技术在方法和应用上都取得了很大的进步。方法上,一方面可断裂交联剂与新型分离富集方法展现了较好的应用前景,另一方面更加高效的交联肽段搜索引擎和质量控制方法为交联质谱数据分析提供了有力的工具。应用上,一方面与冷冻电镜技术结合解析了大量蛋白质的结构,另一方面从研究蛋白质复合物的相互作用发展到研究全蛋白质组水平的相互作用网络。化学交联质谱技术在方法和应用上的蓬勃发展,体现了这一技术的重要作用。本文对化学交联质谱技术的各个环节进行了详细的综述,包括交联剂选择、交联反应、酶切、交联肽段富集、液质联用、交联肽段鉴定、质量控制和生物学应用,重点介绍了最近5年的研究进展。最后,讨论了化学交联质谱技术面临的挑战及未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

Co‐purification of a subset of host cell proteins (HCPs) with monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) during the capture of mAbs on Protein A affinity chromatography is primarily caused by interactions of HCPs with the mAbs. To date, there is limited information about the identity of those HCPs due to the difficulty in detecting low abundance HCPs in the presence of a large amount of the mAb. Here, an approach is presented that allows identification of HCPs that specifically associate with the mAb, while avoiding interference from the mAb itself. This approach involves immobilization of purified mAb onto chromatography resin via cross‐linking, followed by incubation with HCPs obtained from supernatant of non‐mAb producer cells that are representative of the expression systems used in mAb manufacturing. The HCPs that bind to the mAb are recovered and identified using mass spectrometry. This approach has not only allowed a comprehensive comparison of HCP subpopulations that associate with different mAbs, but also enabled monitoring of the effects of a variety of wash modifiers on the dissociation of individual HCP–mAb interactions. The dissociation of HCPs that associated with the mAb was monitored by enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay and mass spectrometry. This approach can be utilized as a screening tool to assist the development of effective and targeted wash steps in Protein A chromatography that ensures not only reduction of HCP levels copurified with the mAb but also removal of specific HCPs that may have a potential impact on mAb structural stability and patient safety. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 30:1114–1124, 2014  相似文献   

Protein A chromatography is a critical and ‘gold‐standard’ step in the purification of monoclonal antibody (mAb) products. Its ability to remove >98% of impurities in a single step alleviates the burden on subsequent process steps and facilitates the implementation of platform processes, with a minimal number of chromatographic steps. Here, we have evaluated four commercially available protein A chromatography matrices in terms of their ability to remove host cell proteins (HCPs), a complex group of process related impurities that must be removed to minimal levels. SELDI‐TOF MS was used as a screening tool to generate an impurity profile fingerprint for each resin and indicated a number of residual impurities present following protein A chromatography, agreeing with HCP ELISA. Although many of these were observed for all matrices there was a significantly elevated level of impurity binding associated with the resin based on controlled pore glass under standard conditions. Use of null cell line supernatant with and without spiked purified mAb demonstrated the interaction of HCPs to be not only with the resin back‐bone but also with the bound mAb. A null cell line column overload and sample enrichment method before 2D‐PAGE was then used to determine individual components associated with resin back‐bone adsorption. The methods shown allow for a critical analysis of HCP removal during protein A chromatography. Taken together they provide the necessary process understanding to allow process engineers to identify rational approaches for the removal of prominent HCPs. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 28: 1037–1044, 2012  相似文献   

生物质谱技术是蛋白质组学的支撑技术.详细论述了质谱技术的分类与基本分析原理,重点论述了质谱技术的发展变化,包括基质辅助激光解吸飞行时间质谱技术,电喷雾质谱技术,MALDI-Q-TOF和MAL-DI-TOF-TOF等质谱技术,以及质谱技术在蛋白质组学研究中的应用与未来的发展和挑战.  相似文献   

蛋白质的空间结构信息以及蛋白质间的相互作用信息对于研究蛋白质的功能有重要意义.研究蛋白质结构与相互作用的传统技术,如核磁共振技术、X射线晶体衍射技术等,对于蛋白质的纯度、结晶性和绝对量均有比较高的要求,限制了其广泛应用.交联质谱技术是近十多年来发展起来的新技术,它将质谱技术与交联技术相结合,在研究蛋白质结构与相互作用方面具有速度快、成本小、蛋白质各方面性状要求低等优势.本文就交联质谱技术各个环节的技术方法加以综述,包括交联质谱实验分离富集技术、常见交联剂特性、交联质谱数据库搜索算法、结果验证研究和交联质谱技术的应用等方面,并展望了该研究方向未来的发展.  相似文献   

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