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A H(2)-based, denitrifying and sulfate-reducing membrane biofilm reactor (MBfR) was effective for removing 1,1,1-trichloroethane (TCA) and chloroform (CF) by reductive dechlorination. When either TCA or CF was first added to the MBfR, reductive dechlorination took place immediately and then increased over 3 weeks, suggesting enrichment for TCA- or CF-dechlorinating bacteria. Increasing the H(2) pressure increased the dechlorination rates of TCA or CF, and it also increased the rate of sulfate reduction. Increased sulfate loading allowed more sulfate reduction, and this competed with reductive dechlorination, particularly the second steps. The acceptor flux normalized by effluent concentration can be an efficient indicator to gauge the intrinsic kinetics of the MBfR biofilms for the different reduction reactions. The analysis of normalized rates showed that the kinetics for reductive-dechlorination reactions were slowed by reduced H(2) bio-availability caused by a low H(2) pressure or competition from sulfate reduction.  相似文献   

A study with H(2)-based membrane biofilm reactors (MBfRs) was undertaken to examine the effectiveness of direct H(2) delivery in ex-situ reductive dechlorination of chlorinated ethenes. Trichloroethene (TCE) could be reductively dechlorinated to ethene with up to 95% efficiency as long as the pH-increase effects of methanogens and homoacetogens were managed and dechlorinators were selected for during start-up by creating H(2) limitation. Based on quantitative PCR, the dominant bacterial groups in the biofilm at the end of reactor operation were Dehalococcoides, Geobacter, and homoacetogens. Pyrosequencing confirmed the dominance of the dechlorinators and identified Acetobacterium as the key homoacetogen. Homoacetogens outcompeted methanogens for bicarbonate, based on the effluent concentration of acetate, by suppressing methanogens during batch start-up. This was corroborated by the methanogenesis functional gene mcrA, which was 1-2 orders of magnitude lower than the FTHFS functional gene for homoacetogens. Imaging of the MBfR fibers using scanning electron microscopy showed a distinct Dehalococcoides-like morphology in the fiber biofilm. These results support that direct addition of H(2) can allow for efficient and complete reductive dechlorination, and they shed light into how H(2)-fed biofilms, when operated to manage methanogenic and homoacetogenic activity, can be used for ex-situ bioremediation of chlorinated ethenes.  相似文献   

Anaerobic oxidation of methane coupled to denitrification (AOM-D) in a membrane biofilm reactor (MBfR), a platform used for efficiently coupling gas delivery and biofilm development, has attracted attention in recent years due to the low cost and high availability of methane. However, experimental studies have shown that the nitrate-removal flux in the CH4-based MBfR (<1.0 g N/m2-day) is about one order of magnitude smaller than that in the H2-based MBfR (1.1–6.7 g N/m2-day). A one-dimensional multispecies biofilm model predicts that the nitrate-removal flux in the CH4-based MBfR is limited to <1.7 g N/m2-day, consistent with the experimental studies reported in the literature. The model also determines the two major limiting factors for the nitrate-removal flux: The methane half-maximum-rate concentration (K2) and the specific maximum methane utilization rate of the AOM-D syntrophic consortium (kmax2), with kmax2 being more important. Model simulations show that increasing kmax2 to >3 g chemical oxygen demand (COD)/g cell-day (from its current 1.8 g COD/g cell-day) and developing a new membrane with doubled methane-delivery capacity (Dm) could bring the nitrate-removal flux to ≥4.0 g N/m2-day, which is close to the nitrate-removal flux for the H2-based MBfR. Further increase of the maximum nitrate-removal flux can be achieved when Dm and kmax2 increase together.  相似文献   

The potential of the membrane aerated biofilm reactor (MABR) for high-rate bio-oxidation was investigated. A reaction-diffusion model was combined with a preliminary hollow-fiber MABR process model to investigate reaction rate-limiting regime and to perform comparative analysis on prospective designs and operational parameters. High oxidation fluxes can be attained in the MABR if the intra-membrane oxygen pressure is sufficiently high, however the volumetric oxidation rate is highly dependent on the membrane specific surface area and therefore the maximum performance, in volumetric terms, was achieved in MABRs with relatively thin fibers. The results show that unless the carbon substrate concentration is particularly high, there does not appear to be an advantage to be gained by designing MABRs on the basis of thick biofilms even if oxygen limitations can be overcome.  相似文献   

The biofilm thickness in membrane biofilm reactors (MBfRs) is an important factor affecting system performance because excessive biofilm formation on the membrane surface inhibits gas diffusion to the interior of the biofilm, resulting in a significant reduction in the performance of contaminant removal. This study provides innovative insights into the control of biofilm thickness in O2-based MBfRs by using the quorum quenching (QQ) method. The study was carried out in MBfRs operated at different gas pressures and hydraulic retention times (HRTs) using QQ beads containing Rhodococcus sp. BH4 at different amounts. The highest performance was observed in reactors operated with 0.21 ml QQ bead/cm2 membrane surface area, 12 HRTs and 1.40 atm. Over this period, the performance increase in chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal was 25%, while the biofilm thickness on the membrane surface was determined to be 250 μm. Moreover, acetate and equivalent oxygen flux results reached 6080 and 10 640 mg·m−2·d−1 maximum values, respectively. The extracellular polymeric substances of the biofilm decreased significantly with the increase of gas pressure and QQ beads amount. Polymerase chain reaction denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis results showed that the microbial community in the MBfR system changed depending on operating conditions and bead amount. The results showed that the QQ method was an effective method to control the biofilm thickness in MBfR and provide insights for future research.  相似文献   

Bromate (BrO(3)(-)) is an oxidized contaminant produced from bromide (Br(-)) during ozonation and advanced oxidation of drinking water. Previous research shows that denitrifying bioreactors can reduce bromate to innocuous bromide. We studied a hydrogen-based, denitrifying membrane-biofilm reactor (MBfR) for bromate reduction, and report the first kinetics for a hydrogen-based bromate reduction process. A mixed-culture MBfR reduced up to 1,500 microg/L bromate to below 10 microg/L with a 50-min hydraulic residence time. Kinetics were determined using short-term tests on a completely mixed MBfR at steady state with an influent of 5 mg N/L nitrate plus 100 microg/L bromate. Short-term tests examined the impact of pH, nitrite, nitrate, and bromate on bromate reduction rates in the MBfR. Kinetic parameters for the process were estimated based on the short-term bromate tests. The q(max) for bromate reduction was 0.12 mg BrO(3)(-) x mg(x)(-1) x day(-1), and the K was 1.2 mg BrO(3)(-)/L. This q(max) is 2-3 times higher than reported for heterotrophic enrichments, and the K is the first reported in the literature. Nitrite and nitrate partially inhibited bromate reduction, with nitrite exerting a stronger inhibitory effect. Bromate was self-inhibitory at concentrations above 15 mg/L, but up to 50 mg/L of bromate had no inhibitory effect on denitrification. The optimum pH was approximately 7. We also examined the performance of an MBfR containing pure culture of the denitrifying bacterium Ralstonia eutropha. Under conditions similar to the mixed-culture tests, no bromate reduction was detected, showing that not all denitrifying bacteria are active in bromate reduction. Our results suggest the presence of specialized, dissimilatory bromate-reducing bacteria in the mixed-culture MBfR.  相似文献   

Biofilms are known to be robust biocatalysts. Conventionally, they have been mainly applied for wastewater treatment, however recent reports about their employment for chemical synthesis are increasingly attracting attention. Engineered Pseudomonas sp. strain VLB120ΔC biofilm growing in a tubular membrane reactor was utilized for the continuous production of (S)‐styrene oxide. A biofilm specific morphotype appeared in the effluent during cultivation, accounting for 60–80% of the total biofilm irrespective of inoculation conditions but with similar specific activities as the original morphotype. Mass transfer of the substrate styrene and the product styrene oxide was found to be dependent on the flow rate but was not limiting the epoxidation rate. Oxygen was identified as one of the main parameters influencing the biotransformation rate. Productivity was linearly dependent on the specific membrane area and on the tube wall thickness. On average volumetric productivities of 24 g L day?1 with a maximum of 70 g L day?1 and biomass concentrations of 45 gBDW L have been achieved over long continuous process periods (≥50 days) without reactor downtimes. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010. 105: 705–717. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A sequencing batch membrane biofilm reactor (SBMBfR) was developed for simultaneous carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus removal from wastewater. This reactor was composed of two functional parts: (1) a gas-permeable membrane on which a nitrifying biofilm formed and (2) a bulk solution in which bacteria, mainly denitrifying polyphosphate-accumulating organisms (DNPAOs), were suspended. The reactor was operated sequentially under anaerobic condition and then under membrane aeration condition in one cycle. During the anaerobic period, organic carbon was consumed by DNPAOs; this was accompanied by phosphate release. During the subsequent membrane aeration period, nitrifying bacteria utilized oxygen supplied directly to them from the inside of the membrane. Consequently, the nitrite and nitrate products diffused into the bulk solution, where they were used by DNPAOs as electron acceptors for phosphate uptake. In a long-term sequencing batch operation, the mean removal efficiencies of total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (T-N), and total phosphorus (T-P) under steady-state condition were 99%, 96%, and 90%, respectively. In addition, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) clearly demonstrated the difference in bacterial community structure between the membrane biofilm and the suspended sludge: ammonia-oxidizing bacteria belonging to the Nitrosomonas group were dominant in the region adjacent to the membrane throughout the operation, and the occupation ratio of the well-known polyphosphate-accumulating organism (PAO) Candidatus "Accumulibacter phosphates" in the suspended sludge gradually increased to a maximum of 37%.  相似文献   

A continuous-stirred, hydrogen-based, hollow-fiber membrane biofilm reactor (HFMBfR) that was active in nitrate and sulfate reductions was shown to be effective for degradation or detoxification of para-chloronitrobenzene (p-CNB) in water by biotransforming it first to para-chloroaniline (nitro-reduction) and then to aniline (reductive dechlorination) with hydrogen (H2) as an electron donor. A series of short-term experiments examined the effects of nitrate and sulfate on p-CNB bioreduction. The results obtained showed both higher nitrate and sulfate concentration declined the p-CNB bioreduction in the biofilm, and this suggests the competition for H2 caused less H2 available for the p-CNB bioreduction when the H2 demand for the reductions was larger. Denitrification and sulfate reduction intermediates were thought to be potential factors inhibiting the p-CNB bioreduction. Analysis of electron-equivalent fluxes and reaction orders in the biofilm further demonstrated both denitrification and sulfate reduction competed more strongly for H2 availability than p-CNB bioreduction. These findings have significant implications for the HFMBfR used for degrading p-CNB under denitrifying and/or sulfate reducing conditions.  相似文献   

This work presents a multispecies biofilm model that describes the co‐existence of nitrate‐ and sulfate‐reducing bacteria in the H2‐based membrane biofilm reactor (MBfR). The new model adapts the framework of a biofilm model for simultaneous nitrate and perchlorate removal by considering the unique metabolic and physiological characteristics of autotrophic sulfate‐reducing bacteria that use H2 as their electron donor. To evaluate the model, the simulated effluent H2, UAP (substrate‐utilization‐associated products), and BAP (biomass‐associated products) concentrations are compared to experimental results, and the simulated biomass distributions are compared to real‐time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) data in the experiments for parameter optimization. Model outputs and experimental results match for all major trends and explain when sulfate reduction does or does not occur in parallel with denitrification. The onset of sulfate reduction occurs only when the nitrate concentration at the fiber's outer surface is low enough so that the growth rate of the denitrifying bacteria is equal to that of the sulfate‐reducing bacteria. An example shows how to use the model to design an MBfR that achieves satisfactory nitrate reduction, but suppresses sulfate reduction. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 763–772. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A membrane-aerated biofilm reactor (MABR) was developed to degrade acetonitrile (ACN) in aqueous solutions. The reactor was seeded with an adapted activated sludge consortium as the inoculum and operated under step increases in ACN loading rate through increasing ACN concentrations in the influent. Initially, the MABR started at a moderate selection pressure, with a hydraulic retention time of 16 h, a recirculation rate of 8 cm/s and a starting ACN concentration of 250 mg/l to boost the growth of the biofilm mass on the membrane and to avoid its loss by hydraulic washout. The step increase in the influent ACN concentration was implemented once ACN concentration in the effluent showed almost complete removal in each stage. The specific ACN degradation rate achieved the highest at the loading rate of 101.1 mg ACN/g-VSS h (VSS, volatile suspended solids) and then declined with the further increases in the influent ACN concentration, attributed to the substrate inhibition effect. The adapted membrane-aerated biofilm was capable of completely removing ACN at the removal capacity of up to 21.1 g ACN/m2 day, and generated negligible amount of suspended sludge in the effluent. Batch incubation experiments also demonstrated that the ACN-degrading biofilm can degrade other organonitriles, such as acrylonitrile and benzonitrile as well. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis studies showed that the ACN-degrading biofilms contained a stable microbial population with a low diversity of sequence of community 16S rRNA gene fragments. Specific oxygen utilization rates were found to increase with the increases in the biofilm thickness, suggesting that the biofilm formation process can enhance the metabolic degradation efficiency towards ACN in the MABR. The study contributes to a better understanding in microbial adaptation in a MABR for biodegradation of ACN. It also highlights the potential benefits in using MABRs for biodegradation of organonitrile contaminants in industrial wastewater.  相似文献   

The effects of biofilm formation on membrane performance were evaluated for a submerged membrane bioreactor (sMBR) system with six different types of micro- and ultrafiltration membranes (working volume = 19 l). After operation for 24 h the permeability of the membranes with a larger pore size (microfiltration) decreased to that of the membranes with a much smaller pore size (ultrafiltration). Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) confirmed that biofilms could reduce the influence of the membrane surface properties. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency was 95% for the oily wastewater treatment in the sMBR where the filtration process made an important contribution (47% based on feed COD). Significant enhancement in COD removal occurred at the initial filtration stage because of biofilm formation and the dynamic member role of the biofilm layer. Membranes with various pore sizes had approximately the same permeate quality that was attributed to the biofilm on the membrane surfaces. Nevertheless, the ultrafiltration membranes had 43% more COD removal efficiency than the other applied membranes at the beginning of filtration (before biofilm formation) because of the smaller pore sizes and better sieving.  相似文献   

A fluid dynamic gauging (FDG) technique was used for on-line and in situ measurements of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 biofilm thickness and strength on flat sheet polyethersulphone membranes. The measurements are the first to be successfully conducted in a membrane cross-flow filtration system under constant permeation. In addition, FDG was used to demonstrate the removal behaviour of biofilms through local biofilm strength and removal energy estimation, which other conventional measurements such as flux and TMP cannot provide. The findings suggest that FDG can provide valuable additional information related to biofilm properties that have not been measured by other monitoring methods.  相似文献   

Gasification followed by syngas fermentation is a unique hybrid process for converting lignocellulosic biomass into fuels and chemicals. Current syngas fermentation faces several challenges with low gas–liquid mass transfer being one of the major bottlenecks. The aim of this work is to evaluate the performance of hollow fiber membrane biofilm reactor (HFM-BR) as a reactor configuration for syngas fermentation. The volumetric mass transfer coefficient (KLa) of the HFM-BR was determined at abiotic conditions within a wide range of gas velocity/flowrate passing through the hollow fiber lumen and liquid velocity/flowrate passing through the membrane module shell. The KLa values of the HFM-BR were higher than most reactor configurations such as stir tank reactors and bubble columns. A continuous syngas fermentation of Clostridium carboxidivorans P7 was implemented in the HFM-BR system at different operational conditions, including the syngas flow rate, liquid recirculation between the module and reservoir, and the dilution rate. It was found that the syngas fermentation performance such as syngas utilization efficiency, ethanol concentration and productivity, and ratio of ethanol to acetic acid depended not only on the mass transfer efficiency but also the characteristics of biofilm attached on the membrane module (biofouling or abrading of the biofilm). The HFM-BR results in a highest ethanol concentration of 23.93 g/L with an ethanol to acetic acid ratio of 4.79. Collectively, the research shows the HFM-BR is an efficient reactor system for syngas fermentation with high mass transfer.  相似文献   

A combination of cell immobilization and membrane aeration approaches was used in a biological reactor to treat NH4 + in wastewater. Nitrifying microorganisms, immobilized by polyvinyl-alcohol (PVA) and attached to the surface of a silicone membrane tube, were used to develop a novel reactor for nitrification. The immobilized biofilm had a rubber-like elasticity and resisted shear stress over 5 months of operation. The reactor removed 95% of ammonium, added at 1.97 g N m–2 d–1, with O–2 enriching the membrane.  相似文献   

Decolorization and mineralization of reactive dyes by intimately coupled TiO2‐photocatalysis and biodegradation (ICPB) on a novel TiO2‐coated biofilm carrier were investigated in a photocatalytic circulating‐bed biofilm reactor (PCBBR). Two typical reactive dyes—Reactive Black 5 (RB5) and Reactive Yellow 86 (RY86)—showed similar first‐order kinetics when being photocatalytically decolorized at low pH (~4–5) in batch experiments. Photocatalytic decolorization was inhibited at neutral pH in the presence of phosphate or carbonate buffer, presumably due to electrostatic repulsion from negatively charged surface sites on TiO2, radical scavenging by phosphate or carbonate, or both. Therefore, continuous PCBBR experiments were carried out at a low pH (~4.5) to maintain high photocatalytic efficiency. In the PCBBR, photocatalysis alone with TiO2‐coated carriers could remove target compound RB5 and COD by 97% and 47%, respectively. Addition of biofilm inside macroporous carriers maintained a similar RB5 removal efficiency, but COD removal increased to 65%, which is evidence of ICPB despite the low pH. ICPB was further proven by finding microorganisms inside carriers at the end of the PCBBR experiments. A proposed ICPB pathway for RB5 suggests that a major intermediate, a naphthol derivative, was responsible for most of the residual COD, while most of the nitrogen in the azo‐bonds (? N?N? ) was oxidized to N2. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2012; 109:884–893. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The effect of effluent recirculation on perchlorate reduction in a nominally plug-flow fixed biofilm reactor was studied in two cases: influent concentrations of 10 and 400 microg/L at low hydraulic loading rates (1.9 and 37.5 m(3)/m(2)/day without and with recirculation, respectively) and after a step increase in perchlorate concentration to 1,000 microg/L at the higher hydraulic loading rate (5 and 100 m(3)/m(2)/day without and with recirculation, respectively). Complete perchlorate reduction was sustained for influent concentrations of 400 and 10 microg/L in both flow regimes at the lower hydraulic loading rates. Reactor tracer profiles showed that biofilm diffusion had a more significant effect on mass transfer in the plug flow reactor compared with recirculation. The recirculation bioreactor acclimated more rapidly to increased hydraulic and perchlorate mass loading rates with significantly lower effluent perchlorate compared to the plug flow reactor: 16 microg/L versus 46 microg/L, respectively, although complete perchlorate removal was not achieved in either flow regime after 21 days acclimation to the higher loading. Total biofilm mass was more uniformly distributed in the recirculation reactor which may have contributed to better performance under increased perchlorate loading.  相似文献   

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