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In this study, a hydrocyclone (HC) especially designed for mammalian cell separation was applied for the separation of Chinese hamster ovary cells. The effect of key features on the separation efficiency, such as type of pumphead in the peristaltic feed pump, use of an auxiliary pump to control the perfusate flow rate, and tubing size in the recirculation loop were evaluated in batch separation tests. Based on these preliminary batch tests, the HC was then integrated to 50-L disposable bioreactor bags. Three perfusion runs were performed, including one where perfusion was started from a low-viability late fed-batch culture, and viability was restored. The successive runs allowed optimization of the HC-bag configuration, and cultivations with 20–25 days duration at cell concentrations up to 50 × 106 cells/ml were performed. Separation efficiencies up to 96% were achieved at pressure drops up to 2.5 bar, with no issues of product retention. To our knowledge, this is the first report in literature of high cell densities obtained with a HC integrated to a disposable perfusion bioreactor.  相似文献   

A highly productive chemically defined fed-batch process was developed to maximize titer and volumetric productivity for Chinese hamster ovary cell-based recombinant protein manufacturing. Two cell lines producing a recombinant antibody (cell line A) and an Fc-fusion protein (cell line B) were used for development. Both processes achieved product titers of 10 g/L on day 18 under chemically defined conditions. For cell line B, the use of plant derived hydrolysates combined with the optimized chemically defined medium increased the titer to 13 g/L. Volumetric productivities were increased from a base line of about 200 mg/L/d to about 500 mg/L/d under chemically defined conditions and as high as 700 mg/L/d with cell line B using plant derived hydrolysates. Peak cell densities reached greater than 20E6 vc/mL, and cell viabilities were maintained above 80% on day 18 without the use of antiapoptotic genes or temperature shift. A rapid compound screening method was developed to effectively test positive factors within 72 h. Peak volumetric oxygen uptake rates (OUR) more than tripled from the baseline condition. Oxygen demand continued to increase after maximum cell density was reached with a maximal OUR of 3.7 mmol/L/h. The new process format was scaled up and verified at 100 L pilot scale using reactor equipment of similar configuration as used at manufacturing scale.  相似文献   

The Biogen upstream platform is capable of delivering equivalent quality material throughout the cell line generation process. This allows us to rapidly deliver high‐quality biopharmaceuticals to patients with unmet medical needs. The drive to reduce time‐to‐market led the cell engineering group to develop an expression system that can enable this strategy. We have developed a clonal Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) host cell line that can routinely produce consistent antibody material at high titers throughout the cell line generation process. This host line enables faster delivery of early phase material through use of the highly productive stable pool or a mixture of high performance clones. Due to unique characteristics of this cell line, the product quality of material from early cell populations is very comparable to material from the final clones. This lends itself to a “fast‐to‐tox” strategy whereby toxicology studies can be performed with representative material from an earlier cell population, thus accelerating the clinical timelines. Our new clonal host offers robust and consistent performance that enables a highly productive, flexible process and faster preclinical timelines. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 33:1468–1475, 2017  相似文献   

An innovative high-throughput medium development method based on media blending was successfully used to improve the performance of a Chinese hamster ovary fed-batch medium in shaking 96-deepwell plates. Starting from a proprietary chemically-defined medium, 16 formulations testing 43 of 47 components at 3 different levels were designed. Media blending was performed following a custom-made mixture design of experiments considering binary blends, resulting in 376 different blends that were tested during both cell expansion and fed-batch production phases in one single experiment. Three approaches were chosen to provide the best output of the large amount of data obtained. A simple ranking of conditions was first used as a quick approach to select new formulations with promising features. Then, prediction of the best mixes was done to maximize both growth and titer using the Design Expert software. Finally, a multivariate analysis enabled identification of individual potential critical components for further optimization. Applying this high-throughput method on a fed-batch, rather than on a simple batch, process opens new perspectives for medium and feed development that enables identification of an optimized process in a short time frame.  相似文献   

Due to the favorable attributes of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells for therapeutic proteins and antibodies biomanufacturing, companies generate proprietary cells with desirable phenotypes. One key attribute is the ability to stably express multi-gram per liter titers in chemically defined media. Cell, media, and feed diversity has limited community efforts to translate knowledge. Moreover, academic, and nonprofit researchers generally cannot study “industrially relevant” CHO cells due to limited public availability, and the time and knowledge required to generate such cells. To address these issues, a university-industrial consortium (Advanced Mammalian Biomanufacturing Innovation Center, AMBIC) has acquired two CHO “reference cell lines” from different lineages that express monoclonal antibodies. These reference cell lines have relevant production titers, key performance outcomes confirmed by multiple laboratories, and a detailed technology transfer protocol. In commercial media, titers over 2 g/L are reached. Fed-batch cultivation data from shake flask and scaled-down bioreactors is presented. Using productivity as the primary attribute, two academic sites aligned with tight reproducibility at each site. Further, a chemically defined media formulation was developed and evaluated in parallel to the commercial media. The goal of this work is to provide a universal, industrially relevant CHO culture platform to accelerate biomanufacturing innovation.  相似文献   

Protein expression from stably transfected Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) clones is an established but time-consuming method for manufacturing therapeutic recombinant proteins. The use of faster, alternative approaches, such as non-clonal stable pools, has been restricted due to lower productivity and longstanding regulatory guidelines. Recently, the performance of stable pools has improved dramatically, making them a viable option for quickly producing drug substance for GLP-toxicology and early-phase clinical trials in scenarios such as pandemics that demand rapid production timelines. Compared to stable CHO clones which can take several months to generate and characterize, stable pool development can be completed in only a few weeks. Here, we compared the productivity and product quality of trimeric SARS-CoV-2 spike protein ectodomains produced from stable CHO pools or clones. Using a set of biophysical and biochemical assays we show that product quality is very similar and that CHO pools demonstrate sufficient productivity to generate vaccine candidates for early clinical trials. Based on these data, we propose that regulatory guidelines should be updated to permit production of early clinical trial material from CHO pools to enable more rapid and cost-effective clinical evaluation of potentially life-saving vaccines.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of culture temperature on erythropoietin (EPO) production and glycosylation in recombinant Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, we cultivated CHO cells using a perfusion bioreactor. Cells were cultivated at 37 degrees C until viable cell concentration reached 1 x 10(7) cells/mL, and then culture temperature was shifted to 25 degrees C, 28 degrees C, 30 degrees C, 32 degrees C, 37 degrees C (control), respectively. Lowering culture temperature suppressed cell growth but was beneficial to maintain high cell viability for a longer period. In a control culture at 37 degrees C, cell viability gradually decreased and fell below 80% on day 18 while it remained over 90% throughout the culture at low culture temperature. The cumulative EPO production and specific EPO productivity, q(EPO), increased at low culture temperature and were the highest at 32 degrees C and 30 degrees C, respectively. Interestingly, the cumulative EPO production at culture temperature below 32 degrees C was not as high as the cumulative EPO production at 32 degrees C although the q(EPO) at culture temperature below 32 degrees C was comparable or even higher than the q(EPO) at 32 degrees C. This implies that the beneficial effect of lowering culture temperature below 32 degrees C on q(EPO) is outweighed by its detrimental effect on the integral of viable cells. The glycosylation of EPO was evaluated by isoelectric focusing, normal phase HPLC and anion exchange chromatography analyses. The quality of EPO at 32 degrees C in regard to acidic isoforms, antennary structures and sialylated N-linked glycans was comparable to that at 37 degrees C. However, at culture temperatures below 32 degrees C, the proportions of acidic isoforms, tetra-antennary structures and tetra-sialylated N-linked glycans were further reduced, suggesting that lowering culture temperature below 32 degrees C negatively affect the quality of EPO. Thus, taken together, cell culture at 32 degrees C turned out to be the most satisfactory since it showed the highest cumulative EPO production, and moreover, EPO quality at 32 degrees C was not deteriorated as obtained at 37 degrees C.  相似文献   

The development of mammalian cell perfusion cultures is still laborious and complex to perform due to the limited availability of scale-down models and limited knowledge of time- and cost-effective procedures. The maximum achievable viable cell density (VCDmax), minimum cell-specific perfusion rate (CSPRmin), cellular growth characteristics, and resulting bleed rate at steady-state operation are key variables for the effective development of perfusion cultures. In this study, we developed a stepwise procedure to use shake tubes (ST) in combination with benchtop (BR) bioreactors for the design of a mammalian cell perfusion culture at high productivity (23 pg·cell−1·day−1) and low product loss in the bleed (around 10%) for a given expression system. In a first experiment, we investigated peak VCDs in STs by the daily discontinuous medium exchange of 1 reactor volume (RV) without additional bleeding. Based on this knowledge, we performed steady-state cultures in the ST system using a working volume of 10 ml. The evaluation of the steady-state cultures allowed performing a perfusion bioreactor run at 20 × 106 cells/ml at a perfusion rate of 1 RV/day. Constant cellular environment and metabolism resulted in stable product quality patterns. This study presents a promising strategy for the effective design and development of perfusion cultures for a given expression system and underlines the potential of the ST system as a valuable scale-down tool for perfusion cultures.  相似文献   

Proposed herein is a systematic media design framework that combines multivariate statistical approaches with in silico analysis of a genome-scale metabolic model of Chinese hamster ovary cell. The framework comprises sequential modules including cell culture and metabolite data collection, multivariate data analysis, in silico modeling and flux prediction, and knowledge-based identification of target media components. Two monoclonal antibody-producing cell lines under two different media conditions were used to demonstrate the applicability of the framework. First, the cell culture and metabolite profiles from all conditions were generated, and then statistically and mechanistically analyzed to explore combinatorial effects of cell line and media on intracellular metabolism. As a result, we found a metabolic bottleneck via a redox imbalance in the TCA cycle in the poorest growth condition, plausibly due to inefficient coenzyme q10-q10h2 recycling. Subsequent in silico simulation allowed us to suggest q10 supplementation to debottleneck the imbalance for the enhanced cellular energy state and TCA cycle activity. Finally, experimental validation was successfully conducted by adding q10 in the media, resulting in increased cell growth. Taken together, the proposed framework rationally identified target nutrients for cell line-specific media design and reformulation, which could greatly improve cell culture performance.  相似文献   

Advantages of using internally developed chemically‐defined (CD) media for cell culture‐based therapeutic protein production over commercial media include better raw material control and medium vendor options, and most importantly, flexibility for process development and subsequent optimization needed for therapeutic protein production. Through several rounds of design of experiment (DOE) screening, and medium component supplementation and optimization studies, we successfully developed a CD basal medium (CDM) for CHO cell culture. The internally prepared liquid CDM demonstrated comparable cell culture performance to that from a commercially available control medium. However, when the same CDM formulation was transferred to two major commercial medium suppliers for manufacturing, cell culture performance utilizing these newly prepared media was significantly reduced compared with the in‐house prepared counterpart. An investigation was launched to assess whether key medium components were sensitive to large‐scale preparation of the final bulk media by the vendors. Further work necessitated the reformulation of the original CDM formulation into a core medium that was suitable for large‐scale media manufacturing. The modified preparation of the core medium with two separate supplements to generate the final CDM was able to recover the expected cell culture performance and monoclonal antibody (mAb) productivity. Confirmation of cell culture robustness in cell growth and production was corroborated in two additional mAb‐expressing cell lines. This work demonstrates that a robust CD medium is not only one that performs during the development stage, but also one that must be reproducible by commercial media vendors. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 31:1163–1171, 2015  相似文献   

Regulation of cell growth and protein expression potentially results in a sustainable enhancement of the volumetric productivity in a fermentation process. Following a biphasic cultivation strategy the process initially passes through a cell proliferation phase to generate a sufficiently high viable cell mass. In the subsequent production phase cells are maintained viable and productive without significant cell proliferation leading to increased viable cell days and product yields. In a previous work we have shown that the well directed alteration of the process environment based on process parameter shifting is a promising tool to regulate cell growth and protein expression. In continuation of this work we investigated process parameters which have been identified to affect cell proliferation in favor of an increased specific productivity and total product yield in a series of biphasic batch cultivation experiments. In most of these processes the integral of viable cells and the specific productivity were increased leading to a significant improvement of both final product concentration and volumetric productivity. In addition, combined parameter shifts (pH 6.90/30 degrees C and pH 6.90/33 degrees C) exerted a synergistic effect on product quality. The loss of product sialylation which occurred at reduced temperatures was prevented by simultaneously reducing the external pH. In conclusion, biphasic cultivation based on combined shifting of process parameters is a suitable tool for controlling cell proliferation and protein expression of mammalian cells in a batch bioreactor leading to enhanced volumetric productivities and therefore offers an enormous potential for bioprocess optimization.  相似文献   

In previous work, we clarified the relationship between the productivity and stability of gene-amplified cells and the location of the amplified gene. The location of the amplified gene enabled us to classify resistant cells into two types. One type of resistant cell group, in which the amplified genes were observed near the telomeric region, was named the "telomere type." The other type of cell group, in which the amplified genes were observed in other chromosomal regions, was named the "other type." The phenotypes of these two types of cells are very different. In this experiment, using a fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled methotrexate (F-MTX) reagent with flow cytometry, we were easily able to distinguish between highly productive cells and the other types of cells. The level of fluorescence differed according to the difference in resistance to MTX. Based on this new finding, highly productive gene-amplified cells could be isolated from heterogeneous gene-amplified cell pools more easily than by the method of limiting-dilution assay. The limiting-dilution method requires several months to obtain highly productive gene-amplified cells, while our flow-cytometry-based method of selection requires only a few weeks.  相似文献   

利用CHO细胞能在培养过程中自然结团的特性,采用超声—沉降柱二合一灌流系统能促进细胞结团和加强截留的特性,我们用无血清培养基连续灌流培养基因重组CHO细胞MK3-A2株,分泌表达rhTNK-tPA获得了成功。培养周期为77-110天,细胞结团率为90%左右,直径在285~570μm之间,细胞截留率保持在95%左右,成活率为85%以上,细胞密度达到2×107/ml左右,rhTNK-tPA生产率平均为89 mg/L/d,最高时达216mg/L/d。 结果表明,使用该灌流系统进行细胞结团培养可以取代微载体培养用于动物细胞制药的规模化生产。  相似文献   

In order to establish an easy and quick construction method for obtaining a stable and highly productive gene-amplified recombinant Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell line, variouskinds of stepwise methotrexate (MTX) selection were carriedout. The specific growth and production rates of the cell were compared with each other, and the distribution of the amplified gene location was determined using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The specific growth andproduction rates of the cell pool reached the highest levels under the selection condition in which the stepwise increase in the MTX concentration was most gradual; about 82% of amplified genes were observed near the telomeric region. During long-term cultivation without MTX, the percentage ofamplified genes near the telomeric region hardly changed, butthat of amplified genes at other regions decreased. Based on these results, stable and highly productive cell pools could be easily and quickly constructed and amplified and gradual stepwise increase of the MTX concentration. In addition, the FISH technique was powerful tool to evaluate highly productiveand stable gene-amplified cells based on the chromosomal location of the amplified gene.  相似文献   

A key goal in process development for antibodies is to increase productivity while maintaining or improving product quality. During process development of an antibody, titers were increased from 4 to 10 g/L while simultaneously decreasing aggregates. Process development involved optimization of media and feed formulations, feed strategy, and process parameters including pH and temperature. To better understand how CHO cells respond to process changes, the changes were implemented in a stepwise manner. The first change was an optimization of the feed formulation, the second was an optimization of the medium, and the third was an optimization of process parameters. Multiple process outputs were evaluated including cell growth, osmolality, lactate production, ammonium concentration, antibody production, and aggregate levels. Additionally, detailed assessment of oxygen uptake, nutrient and amino acid consumption, extracellular and intracellular redox environment, oxidative stress, activation of the unfolded protein response (UPR) pathway, protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) expression, and heavy and light chain mRNA expression provided an in‐depth understanding of the cellular response to process changes. The results demonstrate that mRNA expression and UPR activation were unaffected by process changes, and that increased PDI expression and optimized nutrient supplementation are required for higher productivity processes. Furthermore, our findings demonstrate the role of extra‐ and intracellular redox environment on productivity and antibody aggregation. Processes using the optimized medium, with increased concentrations of redox modifying agents, had the highest overall specific productivity, reduced aggregate levels, and helped cells better withstand the high levels of oxidative stress associated with increased productivity. Specific productivities of different processes positively correlated to average intracellular values of total glutathione. Additionally, processes with the optimized media maintained an oxidizing intracellular environment, important for correct disulfide bond pairing, which likely contributed to reduced aggregate formation. These findings shed important understanding into how cells respond to process changes and can be useful to guide future development efforts to enhance productivity and improve product quality.  相似文献   

Acoustic cell retention devices have provided a practical alternative for up to 50 L/day perfusion cultures but further scale-up has been limited. A novel temperature-controlled and larger-scale acoustic separator was evaluated at up to 400 L/day for a 10(7) CHO cell/mL perfusion culture using a 100-L bioreactor that produced up to 34 g/day recombinant protein. The increased active volume of this scaled-up separator was divided into four parallel compartments for improved fluid dynamics. Operational settings of the acoustic separator were optimized and the limits of robust operations explored. The performance was not influenced over wide ranges of duty cycle stop and run times. The maximum performance of 96% separation efficiency at 200 L/day was obtained by setting the separator temperature to 35.1 degrees C, the recirculation rate to three times the harvest rate, and the power to 90 W. While there was no detectable effect on culture viability, viable cells were selectively retained, especially at 50 L/day, where there was a 5-fold higher nonviable washout efficiency. Overall, the new temperature-controlled and scaled-up separator design performed reliably in a way similar to smaller-scale acoustic separators. These results provide strong support for the feasibility of much greater scale-up of acoustic separations.  相似文献   

Lactate has long been regarded as one of the key metabolites of mammalian cell cultures. High levels of lactate have clear negative impacts on cell culture processes, and therefore, a great amount of efforts have been made to reduce lactate accumulation and/or to induce lactate consumption in the later stage of cultures. However, there is virtually no report on the impact of lactate depletion after initial accumulation. In this work, we observed that glucose uptake rate dropped over 50% at the onset of lactate consumption, and that catabolism of alanine due to lactate depletion led to ammonium accumulation. We explored the impact of feeding lactate as well as pyruvate to the cultures. In particular, a strategy was employed where CO(2) was replaced by lactic acid for culture pH control, which enabled automatic lactate feeding. The results demonstrated that lactate or pyruvate can serve as an alternative or even preferred carbon source during certain stage of the culture in the presence of glucose, and that by feeding lactate or pyruvate, very low levels of ammonia can be achieved throughout the culture. In addition, low levels of pCO(2) were also maintained in these cultures. This was in strong contrast to the control cultures where lactate was depleted during the culture, and ammonia and pCO(2) build-up were significant. Culture growth and productivity were similar between the control and lactate-fed cultures, as well as various product quality attributes. To our knowledge, this work represents the first comprehensive study on lactate depletion and offers a simple yet effective strategy to overcome ammonia and pCO(2) accumulation that could arise in certain cultures due to early depletion of lactate.  相似文献   

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