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The main objective of this work was to study the ecology of enterococci and related bacteria in raw and treated wastewater from a treatment plant receiving domestic and pretreated industrial effluents in order to assess the influence of treatment on the prevalence of antibiotic resistance phenotypes among this group of bacteria. The predominant species found in the raw wastewater were Entercoccus hirae, Entercoccus faecium and Entercoccus faecalis. Wastewater treatment led to a reduction in E. hirae (alpha<0.1) and an increase in E. faecium (alpha<0.1); the relative proportions of E. faecalis remained the same in the raw and in the treated wastewater. Among the isolates tested, no vancomycin resistance was observed among the enterococci. Entercoccus faecium and E. faecalis showed resistance prevalence values reaching 33%, 40% and 57% for the antibiotics ciprofloxacin, erythromycin and tetracycline, respectively. Antibiotic-resistant strains of enterococci were not eliminated by wastewater treatment. A positive selection of ciprofloxacin-resistant enterococci was indicated by a significant increase in resistance prevalence (alpha<0.02) in treated wastewater compared with the raw wastewater.  相似文献   

耐药微生物和抗生素耐药基因与全健康   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钱璟  吴哲元  郭晓奎  刘畅 《微生物学通报》2022,49(10):4412-4424
因人类的各种活动,耐药微生物和抗生素耐药基因在“人-动物-环境”界面发生跨物种和跨生境的传播。将人类、动物和环境视作有机整体的“全健康”(One Health)理念有望成为解决这种传播的有效策略。抗生素及其代谢活性产物在环境中富集,再经动物及动物制品传播到人,产生耐药微生物并造成耐药基因的传播。本文综述了人-动物-环境界面耐药菌和抗生素耐药基因传播的流动与循环,总结了我国和其他国家应对抗生素耐药性问题的政策,倡导更多的国家和地区将“全健康”理念和方法用于控制抗生素耐药性传播;通过医疗卫生部门、食品药品监督管理部门、农林渔牧部门与教育、财政等多部门合作来应对抗生素耐药性的全球挑战。  相似文献   

抗生素抗性基因在环境中的传播扩散及抗性研究方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
抗生素在医药、畜牧和水产养殖业的大量使用造成了环境中抗性耐药菌和抗性基因日益增加,抗生素抗性基因作为一种新型环境污染物引起人们的广泛关注.本文综述了近年来国内外有关抗生素抗性基因的研究进展,其在水、土壤、空气等环境介质中和动,植物体内的传播扩散,以及开展环境中抗生素抗性基因研究的必要性,重点介绍了有关抗生素抗性(包括抗性细菌和抗性基因)的研究方法,指出抗性基因研究中存在的问题,并对未来的相关研究进行了展望.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine Salmonella enterica serovars and antibiotic resistance (ABR) in the human waste stream. METHODS AND RESULTS: Sampling of influent wastewater at municipal treatment plants in two California cities was performed by collecting composite samples, over a 24-h period, from the treatment plants on five to six occasions. Serial water quantities were filtered and cultured with a Salmonella selective method and an oxytetracycline-supplemented Salmonella selective method. Antibiotic susceptibilities to 12 antibiotics were determined and the isolates were grouped based on ABR patterns. From 983 S. enterica isolated, 102 represented unique sampling-serovar-ABR patterns. Thirty-five different serovars were identified to be distributed over 17 different ABR patterns. The serovar distribution differed between the sampling sites, whereas there was no significant trend in levels of multiple ABR. CONCLUSIONS: Salmonella enterica was recovered with ease from small sample volumes of wastewater received by municipal water treatment plants. A large variety of serovars and ABR profiles were represented in the recovered Salmonella. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The ease of sampling and recovery of Salmonella from municipal wastewater from treatment plants makes it a valuable sampling approach for monitoring the presence of Salmonella in the human population.  相似文献   

环境中抗生素抗性基因的水平传播扩散   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗生素抗性基因作为一类新型环境污染物,其在不同环境介质中的传播扩散可能比抗生素本身的环境危害更大,其中,水平基因转移是抗生素抗性基因传播的重要方式,是造成抗性基因环境污染日益严重的原因之一.本文系统阐述了抗生素抗性基因在环境中发生水平转移的主要分子传播元件及其影响因素,这对于正确揭示抗性基因的分子传播机制具有重要意义.结合多重抗药性的传播扩散机制,探讨了行之有效的遏制抗生素抗性基因传播扩散的方法和途径,并针对目前的污染现状,对今后有关抗生素抗性基因水平转移的研究重点进行了展望.  相似文献   

The fate of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in environmental microbial communities is of primary concern as prodromal of a potential transfer to pathogenic bacteria. Although of diverse origin, the persistence of ARGs in aquatic environments is highly influenced by anthropic activities, allowing potential control actions in well‐studied environments. However, knowledge of abundance and space–time distribution of ARGs in ecosystems is still scarce. Using quantitative real‐time PCR, we investigated the presence and the abundance of twelve ARGs (against tetracyclines, β‐lactams, aminoglycosides, quinolones and sulphonamides) at different sampling sites, depths and seasons, in Lake Maggiore, a large subalpine lake, and in the area of its watershed. We then evaluated the correlation between each ARG and a number of ecological parameters in the water column in the deepest part of the lake. Our results suggest the constitutive presence of at least four ARGs within the bacterial community with a high proportion of bacteria potentially resistant to tetracyclines and sulphonamides. The presence of these ARGs was independent of the total bacterial density and temperature. The dynamics of tet(A) and sulII genes were, however, positively correlated with dissolved oxygen and negatively to chlorophyll a, suggesting that the resistant microbes inhabit specific niches. These observations indicate that the lake is a reservoir of antibiotic resistances, highlighting the need of a deeper understanding of the sources of ARGs and the factors allowing their persistence in waters.  相似文献   

【背景】极端天气事件(如台风)带来的强风和降水,会给水生生态系统造成短暂和持久的影响。然而,很少有研究关注台风对水生微生物群落和抗生素耐药性基因(antibiotic resistance genes,ARGs)的影响。【目的】对台风前后城市淡水水域的微生物群落和抗性基因组成进行研究分析,更好地认识极端天气对淡水生态系统的干扰。【方法】在台风前后从4个地点采集了水样,通过宏基因组分析,检测了台风利奇马对温州休闲水域微生物群落和抗性基因的影响。除水生微生物群落和抗性基因外,还分析了每个采样点的物理、化学参数,包括温度、pH、溶解氧、叶绿素a、可溶性活性磷、硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐和铵。【结果】台风登陆后,大多数地点的pH、溶解氧和叶绿素a都有所增加。然而,台风对九山湖的影响要弱于对三垟湿地的影响。台风登陆后,变形菌门、蓝菌门和拟杆菌门的相对丰度增加,而放线菌门的相对丰度下降。在属水平上,栖湖菌的微生物多样性和相对丰度显著增加。在所有的环境因子中,铵是影响微生物群落结构的最重要的环境因子。另外,在所有样本中均检测到35个机会性致病菌类群。台风后,铜绿假单胞菌的相对丰度增加。ARGs显示了空间(采样点间)和时间(台风前后)的变化。冗余分析表明,水总无机氮是影响抗性基因分布的主要环境因子。【结论】这些发现为极端天气(如台风)如何影响淡水系统中的微生物群落和抗性基因提供了新的见解。台风登陆增加了城市淡水系统的公共安全风险,因此,检验检疫方法和手段应该前移,加强对环境健康安全的评价和分析,这将有助于减轻抗生素耐药性和致病菌扩散的风险。  相似文献   

Wastewater discharges introduce antibiotic residues and antibiotic‐resistant bacteria (ARB) into surface waters. Both inputs directly affect the streambed resistome, either by exerting a selective pressure that favour the proliferation of resistant phenotypes or by enriching the resident communities with wastewater‐associated ARB. Here, we investigated the impact of raw and treated urban wastewater discharges on epilithic (growing on rocks) and epipsammic (growing on sandy substrata) streambed biofilms. The effects were assessed by comparing control and impact sites (i) on the composition of bacterial communities; (ii) on the abundance of twelve antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) encoding resistance to β‐lactams, fluoroquinolones, sulphonamides, tetracyclines, macrolides and vancomycin, as well as the class 1 integron‐integrase gene (intI1); (iii) on the occurrence of wastewater‐associated bacteria, including putative pathogens, and their potential linkage to target ARGs. We measured more pronounced effects of raw sewage than treated wastewater at the three studied levels. This effect was especially noticeable in epilithic biofilms, which showed a higher contribution of wastewater‐associated bacteria and ARB than in epipsammic biofilms. Comparison of correlation coefficients obtained between the relative abundance of both target ARGs and operational taxonomic units classified as either potential pathogens or nonpathogens yielded significant higher correlations between the former category and genes intI1, sul1, sul2 and ermB. Altogether, these results indicate that wastewater‐associated micro‐organisms, including potential pathogens, contribute to maintain the streambed resistome and that epilithic biofilms appear as sensitive biosensors of the effect of wastewater pollution in surface waters.  相似文献   

近年来,抗生素滥用造成的抗性基因(ARGs)污染问题引起了人们的关注.四环素及磺胺类抗生素由于价格低廉被广泛使用,大量残留的四环素和磺胺通过各种途径进入污水处理厂,并进一步导致ARGs的污染.为深入了解四环素和磺胺类ARGs的污染及治理现状,本研究对污水处理厂中四环素和磺胺类ARGs的分布情况及传播机制进行了综述,并重点讨论了不同污水处理工艺对ARGs的去除效果.在此基础上,从加大污水处理厂ARGs污染调查、改进污水处理工艺以及探讨ARGs传播机制等方面进行了展望.  相似文献   

杨兵  梁晶  刘林梦  李雪佩  王荃  任一 《生物工程学报》2020,36(12):2582-2597
抗生素是人类历史上的革命性发现,其临床应用挽救了无数患者的生命。但是随着抗生素的广泛使用和滥用,越来越多的病原菌产生了耐药性,甚至出现了具有多重耐药性的"超级细菌"。在人类与病原菌斗争的军备竞赛中,人类即将面临无药可用的境地。针对微生物的耐药性、耐药机制及耐药性传播的研究吸引了众多科研工作者的目光,各种耐药基因数据库以及耐药基因分析工具应运而生。文中对目前耐药领域的基因数据库进行收集整理,从数据库类型、数据特征、耐药基因预测模型以及可分析序列的类型等方面对这些数据库进行论述和介绍。此外,文中对抗金属离子和抗杀菌剂的基因数据库也有所涉及,将为如何选择及使用耐药基因数据库提供参考和帮助。  相似文献   

自抗生素被发现和使用以来,其在人类和动物疾病预防与治疗、提高动物生产等方面均发挥了重要作用。但抗生素的批量生产及大量应用,特别是在养殖业和临床医疗上的滥用,导致抗生素抗性基因(ARGs)在环境中普遍存在,其借助质粒、转座子、整合子等可移动元件通过接合、转座、转化等方式在环境中广泛传播,导致微生物药性不断增强,对人类健康和生态安全造成严重威胁。当前,ARGs对人类健康的影响已受到高度关注,但有关ARGs在环境中的生态风险研究还相对薄弱。本文综述了ARGs污染的现状及其生态风险,并对该领域中未来研究重点进行了展望,以期为今后抗性基因的研究和生态防控提供参考。  相似文献   

转基因植物中抗生素抗性基因的安全性评价   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
20世纪80年代以来,植物转基因技术取得突飞猛进的进展。转基因植物大量出现,带来了巨大的经济效益和社会效益。与此同时,转基因植物的释放可能带来的风险也越来越受到人们的重视,抗生素抗性基因是筛选转基因植物的常用基因,其安全性引起了人们的普遍关注,作者就转基因植物中抗生素抗性基因的安全性作一综述。  相似文献   

Evolution and ecology of antibiotic resistance genes   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A new perspective on the topic of antibiotic resistance is beginning to emerge based on a broader evolutionary and ecological understanding rather than from the traditional boundaries of clinical research of antibiotic-resistant bacterial pathogens. Phylogenetic insights into the evolution and diversity of several antibiotic resistance genes suggest that at least some of these genes have a long evolutionary history of diversification that began well before the 'antibiotic era'. Besides, there is no indication that lateral gene transfer from antibiotic-producing bacteria has played any significant role in shaping the pool of antibiotic resistance genes in clinically relevant and commensal bacteria. Most likely, the primary antibiotic resistance gene pool originated and diversified within the environmental bacterial communities, from which the genes were mobilized and penetrated into taxonomically and ecologically distant bacterial populations, including pathogens. Dissemination and penetration of antibiotic resistance genes from antibiotic producers were less significant and essentially limited to other high G+C bacteria. Besides direct selection by antibiotics, there is a number of other factors that may contribute to dissemination and maintenance of antibiotic resistance genes in bacterial populations.  相似文献   

[目的] 南极洲不同地区环境极端多样,且受人类活动影响不一。本研究旨在探究南极不同纬度地区土壤抗生素抗性基因(ARGs)的分布特征与迁移机制。[方法] 下载南极不同纬度地区及加拿大阿尔伯特地区养殖场附近土壤宏基因组数据集,利用MetaWRAP进行组装,使用CARD、PlasFlow和ICEberg数据库对ARGs与可移动遗传元件(MGEs)进行注释。[结果] 在南极不同纬度地区土壤中,优势菌门为变形菌门、放线菌门、拟杆菌门和厚壁菌门。共注释出25类406种ARGs,以多重耐药类、四环素类及氨基糖苷类抗生素抗性基因为主。NMDS分析结果表明,南极不同纬度地区与养殖场附近土壤中ARGs的分布特征显著不同(ANISOM,P=0.001)。南极高纬度地区ARGs占总基因数的比例为0.28%,显著低于低纬度地区(1.93%,P<0.01)。不同抗生素类型的ARGs呈现不同的区域分布模式,其中硝基咪唑类、氨基糖苷类、糖肽类与大环内酯类ARGs主要分布在南极高纬度地区,四环素类与磺胺类ARGs主要分布在南极低纬度地区(P<0.05)。南极土壤中ARGs的迁移研究表明,质粒携带的ARGs占检测到的ARGs的17%。同时,共发现163个整合与接合元件(ICEs)可携带多抗耐药类、肽类和四环素类等14类ARGs。这些携带ARGs的ICEs主要分布于α-、β-与γ-变形菌纲中。[结论] 南极高纬度与南极低纬度地区土壤中ARGs的分布存在差异性,质粒与ICEs共同介导ARGs的迁移。本研究为进一步了解抗生素时代之前的原始抗性组提供数据基础。  相似文献   

【背景】近岸海域抗生素抗性基因(antibiotic resistance genes, ARGs)的污染和累积将直接影响海产品质量和安全,海州湾作为江苏省的四大渔场之一,是江苏渔业发展的主要载体,有多条大小河流注入,沿岸为重要农业区,对公众健康产生重大影响。【目的】对海州湾夏秋季的水样及沉积物展开微生物及ARGs检测。【方法】基于宏基因组测序技术开展海州湾夏秋两季近岸6个站点中水体和沉积物中ARGs种类和相对丰度以及微生物群落的组成研究。【结果】变形菌门(Proteobacteria)和放线菌门(Actinobacteria)是夏秋季度两种介质中最优势的门类,水样中优势的科级细菌为红细菌科(Rhodobacteraceae),沉积物样品中为脱硫杆菌科(Desulfobacteraceae);夏季水样中的ARGs相对丰度要明显高于秋季,但沉积物中不同季节的ARGs相对丰度未表现出明显的变化趋势;在水样中主要门级微生物群落的抗性机制主要是抗生素靶位替换和抗生素靶位保护,沉积物样品则以抗生素灭活机制为主,而主要科级微生物群落的抗性机制更加多样;冗余分析(redundancyanalysis...  相似文献   

Aim: To determine if exposure of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms to chloraminated drinking water can lead to individual bacteria with resistance to antibiotics. Methods and Results: Biofilms of P. aeruginosa PA14 were grown in drinking water in a Kadouri drip‐fed reactor; the biofilms were treated with either 0·5 mg l‐1 or 1·0 mg l‐1 of chloramine for 15 or 21 days; control biofilms were grown in water without chloramine. Fewer isolates with antibiotic resistance were obtained from the chloramine‐treated biofilms as compared to the control. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) for selected antibiotic‐resistant isolates were determined using ciprofloxacin, tobramycin, gentamicin, rifampicin and chloramphenicol. All of the isolates tested had increased resistance over the wildtype to ciprofloxacin, rifampicin and chloramphenicol, but were not resistant to tobramycin or gentamicin. Conclusions: Under these test conditions, there was no detectable increase in antibiotic resistance in P. aeruginosa exposed as biofilms to disinfectant residues in chloraminated drinking water. Significance and Impact of the study: Chloramine in drinking water, while unable to kill biofilm bacteria, does not increase the potential of P. aeruginosa to become resistant to antibiotics.  相似文献   

Antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) are a global health concern. Antibiotic resistance occurs naturally, but misuse of antibiotics in humans and animals is accelerating the process of antibiotic resistance emergency, which has been aggravated by exposure to molecules of antibiotics present in clinical and agricultural settings and the engagement of many countries in water reuse especially in Middle East and North Africa region. Bacteriophages have the potential to be significant actors in ARGs transmission through the transduction process. These viruses have been detected along with ARGs in non impacted habitats and in anthropogenic impacted environments like wastewater, reclaimed water and manure amended soil as well as minimally processed food and ready to eat vegetables. The ubiquity of bacteriophages and their persistence in the environment raises concern about their involvement in ARGs transmission among different biomes and the generation of pathogenic-resistant bacteria that pose a great threat to human health. The aim of this review is to give an overview of the potential role of bacteriophages in the dissemination and the transfer of ARGs to pathogens in food production and processing and the consequent contribution to antibiotic resistance transmission through faecal oral route carrying ARGs to our dishes.  相似文献   

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