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Virus filtration process is used to ensure viral safety in the biopharmaceutical downstream processes with high virus removal capacity (i.e., >4 log10). However, it is still constrained by protein fouling, which results in reduced filtration capacity and possible virus breakthrough. This study investigated the effects of protein fouling on filtrate flux and virus breakthrough using commercial membranes that had different symmetricity, nominal pore size, and pore size gradients. Flux decay tendency due to protein fouling was influenced by hydrodynamic drag force and protein concentration. As the results of prediction with the classical fouling model, standard blocking was suitable for most virus filters. Undesired virus breakthrough was observed in the membranes having relatively a large pore diameter of the retentive region. The study found that elevated levels of protein solution reduced virus removal performance. However, the impact of prefouled membranes was minimal. These findings shed light on the factors that influence protein fouling during the virus filtration process of biopharmaceutical production.  相似文献   

As biomanufacturers consider the transition from batch to continuous processing, it will be necessary to re-examine the design and operating conditions for many downstream processes. For example, the integration of virus removal filtration in continuous biomanufacturing will likely require operation at low and constant filtrate flux instead of the high (constant) transmembrane pressures (TMPs) currently employed in traditional batch processing. The objective of this study was to examine the effect of low operating filtrate flux (5–100 L/m2/h) on protein fouling during normal flow filtration of human serum Immunoglobulin G (hIgG) through the Viresolve® Pro membrane, including a direct comparison of the fouling behavior during constant-flux and constant-pressure operation. The filter capacity, defined as the volumetric throughput of hIgG solution at which the TMP increased to 30 psi, showed a distinct minimum at intermediate filtrate flux (around 20–30 L/m2/h). The fouling data were well-described using a previously-developed mechanistic model based on sequential pore blockage and cake filtration, suitably modified for operation at constant flux. Simple analytical expressions for the pressure profiles were developed in the limits of very low and high filtrate flux, enabling rapid estimation of the filter performance and capacity. The model calculations highlight the importance of both the pressure-dependent rate of pore blockage and the compressibility of the protein cake to the fouling behavior. These results provide important insights into the overall impact of constant-flux operation on the protein fouling behavior and filter capacity during virus removal filtration using the Viresolve® Pro membrane.  相似文献   

Although virus filtration is now an integral part of the overall viral clearance strategy for the purification of many commercial therapeutic proteins, there is currently little understanding of the factors controlling the performance of the virus filters. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of solution pH on protein transmission and capacity during virus filtration. Data were obtained using bovine serum albumin as a model protein with Viresolve 180 membranes oriented with both the skin-side up and skin-side down. Membranes were also characterized using dextran sieving measurements both before and after protein filtration. Membrane capacity and protein yield were minimal at the protein isoelectric point, which was due to the greater degree of concentration polarization associated with the smaller protein diffusion coefficient at this pH. In contrast, the actual protein sieving coefficient was maximum at the protein isoelectric point due to the absence of any strong electrostatic exclusion under these conditions. The yield and capacity were both significantly greater when the membrane was oriented with the skin-side down. These results provide important insights into the effects of solution conditions on the performance of virus filtration membranes for protein purification.  相似文献   

Although protein fouling is a critical factor governing the performance of microfiltration systems, there have been relatively few studies comparing the fouling behavior of different proteins. Flux-decline data were obtained for the filtration of bovine serum albumin, lysozyme, pepsin, immunoglobulin G, and myoglobin through polycarbonate track-etch membranes. The data were analyzed using a recently developed model that accounts for simultaneous pore blockage and cake formation. The model was in very good agreement with the data for all five proteins, demonstrating the general applicability of this new theoretical framework. The initial fouling due to pore blockage is directly related to the concentration of protein aggregates in solution, which was measured independently by quasi-elastic light scattering. The results provide important insights into the mechanisms of protein fouling during microfiltration.  相似文献   

An increasing number of non-mAb recombinant proteins are being developed today. These biotherapeutics provide greater purification challenges where multiple polishing steps may be required to meet final purity specifications or the process steps may require extensive optimization. Recent studies have shown that activated carbon can be employed in downstream purification processes to selectively separate host cell proteins (HCPs) from monoclonal antibodies (mAb). However, the use of activated carbon as a unit operation in a cGMP purification process is relatively new. As such, the goal of this work is to provide guidance on development approaches, insight into operating parameters and solution conditions that can impact HCP removal, as well as further investigate the mechanism of removal by using mass spectrometry. In this work, activated carbon was evaluated to remove HCPs in the downstream purification process of a recombinant enzyme. Impact of process placement, flux (or residence time), and mass loading on HCP removal was investigated. Feasibility of high throughput screening (HTS) using loose activated carbon was assessed to reduce the amount of therapeutic protein needed and enable testing of a larger number of solution conditions. Finally, mass spectrometry was used to determine the population of HCPs removed by activated carbon. Our work demonstrates that activated carbon can be used effectively in downstream processes of biopharmaceuticals to remove HCPs (up to a 3 log10 reduction) and that an HTS format can be implemented to reduce material demands by up to 23x and allow for process optimization of this adsorbent for purification purposes.  相似文献   

Robust design of a dead end filtration step and the resulting performance at manufacturing scale relies on laboratory data collected with small filter units. During process development it is important to characterize and understand the filter fouling mechanisms of the process streams so that an accurate assessment can be made of the filter area required at manufacturing scale. Successful scale-up also requires integration of the lab-scale filtration data with an understanding of flow characteristics in the full-scale filtration equipment. A case study is presented on the development and scale-up of a depth filtration step used in a 2nd generation polysaccharide vaccine manufacturing process. The effect of operating parameters on filter performance was experimentally characterized for a diverse set of process streams. Filter capacity was significantly reduced when operating at low fluxes, caused by both low filtration pressure and high stream viscosity. The effect of flux on filter capacity could be explained for a variety of diverse streams by a single mechanistic model of filter fouling. To complement the laboratory filtration data, the fluid flow and distribution characteristics in manufacturing-scale filtration equipment were carefully evaluated. This analysis identified the need for additional scale-up factors to account for non-uniform filter area usage in large-scale filter housings. This understanding proved critical to the final equipment design and depth filtration step definition, resulting in robust process performance at manufacturing scale.  相似文献   

High throughput screening (HTS) of chromatography resins can accelerate downstream process development by rapidly providing information on product and impurity partitioning over a wide range of experimental conditions. In addition to the removal of typical product and process‐related impurities, chromatography steps are also used to remove potential adventitious viral contaminants and non‐infectious retrovirus‐like particles expressed by rodent cell lines used for production. This article evaluates the feasibility of using HTS in a 96‐well batch‐binding format to study removal of the model retrovirus xenotropic murine leukemia virus (xMuLV) from product streams. Two resins were examined: the anion exchange resin Q Sepharose Fast Flow? (QSFF) and Capto adhere?, a mixed mode resin. QSFF batch‐binding HTS data was generated using two mAbs at various pHs, NaCl concentrations, and levels of impurities. Comparison of HTS data to that generated using the column format showed good agreement with respect to virus retentation at different pHs, NaCl concentrations and impurity levels. Results indicate that NaCl concentration and impurity level, but not pH, are key parameters that can impact xMuLV binding to both resins. Binding of xMuLV to Capto adhere appeared to tolerate higher levels of NaCl and impurity than QSFF, and showed some product‐specific impact on binding that was not observed with QSFF. Overall, the results demonstrate that the 96‐well batch‐binding HTS technique can be an effective tool for rapidly defining conditions for robust virus clearance on chromatographic resins. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 1984–1994. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A combined pore blockage and cake filtration model was applied to the virus filtration of an Fc-fusion protein using the three commercially available filters, F-1, F-2, and F-3 in a range of buffer conditions including sodium-phosphate and tris-acetate buffers with and without 200 mM NaCl at pH 7.5. The fouling behaviors of the three filters for the feed solutions spiked with minute virus of mice were described well by this combined model for all the solution conditions. This suggests that fouling of the virus filters is dominated by the pore blockage mechanism during the initial stage of the filtration and transformed to the cake filtration mechanism during the later stage of the filtration. Both flux and transmembrane resistance can be described well by this model. The pore blockage rate and the rate of increase of protein layer resistance over blocked pores are found to be affected by membrane properties as well as the solution conditions resulting from the modulation of interactions between virus, protein, and membrane by the solution conditions.  相似文献   

Pre‐filtration using ion exchange membrane adsorbers can improve parvovirus filter throughput of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). The membranes work by binding trace foulants, and although some antibody product also binds, yields ≥99% are easily achieved by overloading. Results show that foulant adsorption is dependent on pH and conductivity, but independent of scale and adsorber brand. The ability to use ion exchange membranes as pre‐filters is significant because it provides a clean, well defined, chemically stable option for enhancing throughput. Additionally, ion exchange membranes facilitate characterization of parvovirus filter foulants. Examination of adsorber elution samples using sedimentation velocity analysis and SEC‐MALS/QELS revealed the presence of high molecular weight species ranging from 8 to 13 nm in hydrodynamic radius, which are similar in size to parvoviruses and thus would be expected to plug the pores of a parvovirus filter. A study of two identical membranes in‐series supports the hypothesis that the foulants are soluble, trace level aggregates in the feed. This study's significance lies in a previously undiscovered application of membrane chromatography, leading to a more cost effective and robust approach to parvovirus filtration for the production of monoclonal antibodies. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;106: 627–637. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Parvovirus retentive filters that assure removal of viruses and virus‐like particles during the production of therapeutic proteins significantly contribute to total manufacturing costs. Operational approaches that can increase throughput and reduce filtration area would result in a significant cost savings. A combination of methods was used to achieve high throughputs of an antibody or therapeutic protein solution through three parvovirus retentive filters. These methods included evaluation of diatomaceous earth or size‐based prefilters, the addition of additives, and the optimization of protein concentration, temperature, buffer composition, and solution pH. An optimum temperature of 35°C was found for maximizing throughput through the Virosart CPV and Viresolve Pro filters. Mass‐throughput values of 7.3, 26.4, and 76.2 kg/m2 were achieved through the Asahi Planova 20N, Virosart CPV, and Viresolve Pro filters, respectively, in 4 h of processing. Mass‐throughput values of 73, 137, and 192 kg/m2 were achieved through a Millipore Viresolve Pro filter in 4.0, 8.8, and 22.1 h of processing, respectively, during a single experiment. However, large‐scale parvovirus filtration operations are typically controlled to limit volumetric throughput to below the level achieved during small‐scale virus spiking experiments. The virus spike may cause significant filter plugging, limiting throughput. Therefore newer parvovirus filter spiking strategies should be adopted that may lead to more representative viral clearance data and higher utilization of large‐scale filter capacity. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

Virus removal filtration is a critical step in the manufacture of monoclonal antibody products, providing a robust size-based removal of both enveloped and non-enveloped viruses. Many monoclonal antibodies show very large reductions in filtrate flux during virus filtration, with the mechanisms governing this behavior and its dependence on the properties of the virus filter and antibody remaining largely unknown. Experiments were performed using the highly asymmetric Viresolve® Pro and the relatively homogeneous Pegasus™ SV4 virus filters using a highly purified monoclonal antibody. The filtrate flux for a 4 g/L antibody solution through the Viresolve® Pro decreased by about 10-fold when the filter was oriented with the skin side down but by more than 1000-fold when the asymmetric filter orientation was reversed and used with the skin side up. The very large flux decline observed with the skin side up could be eliminated by placing a large pore size prefilter directly on top of the virus filter; this improvement in filtrate flux was not seen when the prefilter was used inline or as a batch prefiltration step. The increase in flux due to the prefilter was not related to the removal of large protein aggregates or to an alteration in the extent of concentration polarization. Instead, the prefilter appears to transiently disrupt reversible associations of the antibodies caused by strong intermolecular attractions. These results provide important insights into the role of membrane morphology and antibody properties on the filtrate flux during virus filtration.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in the development of new vaccines based on live‐attenuated viruses (LAVs) and virus‐like particles. The large size of these vaccines, typically 100–400 nm, significantly complicates the use of sterile filtration. The objectives of this study are to examine the performance of several commercial sterile filters for filtration of a cytomegalovirus vaccine candidate (referred to as the LAV) and to develop and evaluate the use of a model nanoparticle suspension to perform a more quantitative assessment. Data obtained with a mixture of 200‐ and 300‐nm fluorescent particles provided yield and pressure profiles that captured the behavior of the viral vaccine. This included the excellent performance of the Sartorius Sartobran P filter, which provided greater than 80% yield of both the vaccine and model particles even though the average particle size was more than 250 nm. The particle yield for the Sartobran P was independent of filtrate flux above 200 L/m2/h, but increased with increasing particle concentration, varying from less than 10% at concentrations around 107 particles/ml to more than 80% at concentrations above 1010 particles/ml due to saturation of particle capture/binding sites within the filter. These results provide important insights into the factors controlling transmission and fouling during sterile filtration of large vaccine products.  相似文献   

Membrane proteins account for about 30% of the genomes sequenced to date and play important roles in a variety of cellular functions. However, determining the three-dimensional structures of membrane proteins continues to pose a major challenge for structural biologists due to difficulties in recombinant expression and purification. We describe here a high throughput pipeline for Escherichia coli based membrane protein expression and purification. A ligation-independent cloning (LIC)-based vector encoding a C-terminal green fluorescence protein (GFP) tag was used for cloning in a high throughput mode. The GFP tag facilitated expression screening in E. coli through both cell culture fluorescence measurements and in-gel fluorescence imaging. Positive candidates from the GFP screening were subsequently sub-cloned into a LIC-based, GFP free vector for further expression and purification. The expressed, C-terminal His-tagged membrane proteins were purified via membrane enrichment and Ni-affinity chromatography. Thermofluor technique was applied to screen optimal buffers and detergents for the purified membrane proteins. This pipeline has been successfully tested for membrane proteins from E. coli and can be potentially expanded to other prokaryotes.  相似文献   

In biopharmaceutical process development, resin-based high throughput screening (HTS) is well known for overcoming experimental limitations by permitting automated parallel processing at miniaturized scale, which results in fast data generation and reduced feed consumption. For membrane adsorber (MA), HTS solutions have so far only been available to a partial extent. Three case studies were performed with the aim of aligning HTS applications for MAs with those established for column chromatography: Process parameter range determination, mechanistic modeling (MM), and scalability. In order to exploit the MA typically features, such as high mass transfer and easy scalability, for scalable high throughput process development, a scale-down device (SDD) for MA was developed. Its applicability is confirmed for a monoclonal antibody aggregate removal step. The first case study explores the experimental application of the SDD developed. It uses bind and elute mode and variations of pH and salt concentration to obtain process operation windows for ion-exchange MAs Sartobind® S and Q. In the second case study, we successfully developed a mechanistic model based on parameters obtained from the SDD–HTS setup. The results proved to validate the use of the SDD developed for parameter estimation and thus model-based process development. The third case study shows the transferability and scalability of data from the SDD–HTS setup using both a direct scale factor and MM. Both approaches show good applicability with a deviation below 20% in the prediction of 10% dynamic breakthrough capacity and reliable scale-up from 0.42 to 800 ml.  相似文献   

RIKEN Structural Genomics Beamlines, BL26B1 & BL26B2 at the SPring-8, have been constructed for the structural genomics research. The main feature of the beamline is full automation of the successive data collections to maximize the beam-time efficiency. The beamline optics adopted a standard design commonly used for the SPring-8 bending magnet beamlines. Beamline instruments are operated by centralized control system through the computer network to achieve the automatic operation. The core part of the beamline development is a sample management system composed of sample changer robots for laboratory and beamline, and a networked sample database. BL26B1 has started user operation, and the automatic operation with the sample management system has been implemented at BL26B2.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem cell test (EST) is the only generally accepted in vitro method for assessing embryotoxicity without animal sacrifice. However, the implementation and application of EST for regulatory embryotoxicity screening are impeded by its technical complexity, long testing period, and limited endpoint data. In this study, a high throughput embryotoxicity screening based on mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) expressing enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) driven by a human survivin promoter and a human cytomegalovirus promoter, respectively, was developed. These EGFP expressing mESCs were cultured in three-dimensional (3D) fibrous scaffolds in microbioreactors on a multiwell plate with EGFP fluorescence signals as cell responses to chemicals monitored noninvasively in a high throughput manner. Nine chemicals with known developmental toxicity were used to validate the survivin-based embryotoxicity assay, which showed that strongly embryotoxic compounds such as 5-fluorouracil, retinoic acid, and methotrexate downregulated survivin expression by more than 50% in 3 days, while weakly embryotoxic compounds such as boric acid, methoxyacetic acid, and tetracyclin showed modest downregulation effect and nonembryotoxic saccharin, penicillin G, and acrylamide had negligible downregulation effect on survivin expression, confirming that survivin can be used as a molecular endpoint for high throughput screening of embryotoxicants. The potential developmental toxicity of three Chinese herbal medicines were also evaluated using this assay, demonstrating its application in in vitro developmental toxicity test for drug safety assessment.  相似文献   

AIM: Development of a fast, automated and reliable screening method for screening of large collections of bacterial strains with minimal handling time. METHODS AND RESULTS: The method is based on the injection of a small headspace sample (100 microl) from culture vials (2 ml) in 96-well format directly into the mass spectrometry (MS). A special sample tray has been developed for liquid media, and anaerobically grown cultures. In principle, all volatile components can be measured, but a representative mass fragment has to be obtained in the MS. Representative masses for 3-methylbutanal, 2-methylpropanal and benzaldehyde are 58, 72 and 105, respectively. In 1 day over 1500 samples could be analysed and the coefficient of variation for the response was <5%. CONCLUSION: Screening of 72 strains belonging to the genus Lactococcus in quadruple on the production of the key-flavour compound 3-methylbutanal illustrated the effectiveness of the method. Furthermore, knowledge of the biochemistry and physiology of 3-methylbutanal formation was used to optimize the composition of the growth medium to enhance 3-methylbutanal production, and thereby improve the screening. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: A commonly used method to control flavour formation in fermented food products is the selection of bacterial strains, which are able to produce the desired flavour compounds. As large collections of strains are available for such screenings, studying biodiversity of micro-organisms on the level of metabolic routes is strongly facilitated by highly automated high throughput screening methods for measuring enzyme activities or production of metabolites. Therefore, this method will be a useful tool for selecting flavour-producing strains and for enhancing starter culture development.  相似文献   

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