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转基因植物中抗生素抗性基因的安全性评价   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
20世纪80年代以来,植物转基因技术取得突飞猛进的进展。转基因植物大量出现,带来了巨大的经济效益和社会效益。与此同时,转基因植物的释放可能带来的风险也越来越受到人们的重视,抗生素抗性基因是筛选转基因植物的常用基因,其安全性引起了人们的普遍关注,作者就转基因植物中抗生素抗性基因的安全性作一综述。  相似文献   

随着集约化畜禽养殖业的不断发展,兽用抗生素的长期使用导致畜禽粪便抗生素抗性基因污染日益严重,对生态环境和人类健康造成严重危害。如何有效消减畜禽粪便中的抗生素抗性基因成为当前研究热点。本文系统总结了畜禽粪便中抗生素抗性基因的产生途径、分布和影响因素,并阐述了好氧堆肥、厌氧消化及其强化工艺消减畜禽粪便抗生素抗性基因的研究进展,根据现有工艺研究存在的问题展望了今后的重点研究方向,为畜禽粪便中抗生素抗性基因的消减提供理论基础和技术支撑。  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2022,82(18):3499-3512.e10
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Antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) are a global health concern. Antibiotic resistance occurs naturally, but misuse of antibiotics in humans and animals is accelerating the process of antibiotic resistance emergency, which has been aggravated by exposure to molecules of antibiotics present in clinical and agricultural settings and the engagement of many countries in water reuse especially in Middle East and North Africa region. Bacteriophages have the potential to be significant actors in ARGs transmission through the transduction process. These viruses have been detected along with ARGs in non impacted habitats and in anthropogenic impacted environments like wastewater, reclaimed water and manure amended soil as well as minimally processed food and ready to eat vegetables. The ubiquity of bacteriophages and their persistence in the environment raises concern about their involvement in ARGs transmission among different biomes and the generation of pathogenic-resistant bacteria that pose a great threat to human health. The aim of this review is to give an overview of the potential role of bacteriophages in the dissemination and the transfer of ARGs to pathogens in food production and processing and the consequent contribution to antibiotic resistance transmission through faecal oral route carrying ARGs to our dishes.  相似文献   

Efficient monitoring and control schemes are mandatory in the current operation of biological wastewater treatment plants because they must accomplish more demanding environmental policies. This fact is of particular interest in anaerobic digestion processes where the availability of accurate, inexpensive, and suitable sensors for the on‐line monitoring of key process variables remains an open problem nowadays. In particular, this problem is more challenging when dealing with batch processes where the monitoring strategy has to be performed in finite time, which limits the application of current advanced monitoring schemes as those based in the proposal of nonlinear observers (i.e., software sensors). In this article, a fractal time series analysis of pH fluctuations in an anaerobic sequential batch reactor (AnSBR) used for the treatment of tequila vinasses is presented. Results indicated that conventional on‐line pH measurements can be correlated with off‐line determined key process variables, such as COD, VFA and biogas production via some fractality indexes. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 2131–2139. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

环境中抗生素抗性基因的水平传播扩散   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗生素抗性基因作为一类新型环境污染物,其在不同环境介质中的传播扩散可能比抗生素本身的环境危害更大,其中,水平基因转移是抗生素抗性基因传播的重要方式,是造成抗性基因环境污染日益严重的原因之一.本文系统阐述了抗生素抗性基因在环境中发生水平转移的主要分子传播元件及其影响因素,这对于正确揭示抗性基因的分子传播机制具有重要意义.结合多重抗药性的传播扩散机制,探讨了行之有效的遏制抗生素抗性基因传播扩散的方法和途径,并针对目前的污染现状,对今后有关抗生素抗性基因水平转移的研究重点进行了展望.  相似文献   

Aims:  The study aimed to identify the resistance genes mediating atypical minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) for tetracycline, erythromycin, clindamycin and chloramphenicol within two sets of representative strains of the species Lactobacillus reuteri and Lactobacillus plantarum and to characterize identified genes by means of gene location and sequencing of flanking regions.
Methods and Results:  A tet (W) gene was found in 24 of the 28 Lact. reuteri strains with atypical MIC for tetracycline, whereas four of the six strains with atypical MIC for erythromycin were positive for erm (B) and one strain each was positive for erm (C) and erm (T). The two Lact. plantarum strains with atypical MIC for tetracycline harboured a plasmid-encoded tet (M) gene. The majority of the tet (W)-positive Lact. reuteri strains and all erm -positive Lact. reuteri strains carried the genes on plasmids, as determined by Southern blot and a real-time PCR method developed in this study.
Conclusions:  Most of the antibiotic-resistant strains of Lact. reuteri and Lact. plantarum harboured known plasmid-encoded resistance genes. Examples of putative transfer machineries adjacent to both plasmid- and chromosome-located resistance genes were also demonstrated.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  These data provide some of the knowledge required for assessing the possible risk of using Lact. reuteri and Lact. plantarum strains carrying antibiotic resistance genes as starter cultures and probiotics.  相似文献   

The application of the expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) reactor for the anaerobic treatment of low-strength soluble wastewaters using ethanol as a model substrate was investigated in laboratory-scale reactors at 30oC. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency was above 80% at organic loading rates up to12 g COD/L . d with influent concentrations as low as 100 to 200 mg COD/L. These results demonstrate the suitability of the EGBS reactor for the anaerobic treatment of low-strength wastewaters. The high treatment performance can be attributed to the intense mixing regime obtained by high hydraulic and organic loads. Good mixing of the bulk liquid phase for the substrate-biomass contact and adequate expansion of the substrate-biomass contact and adequate expansion of the sludge bed for the degassing were obtained when the liquid upflow velocity (V(up)) was greater than 2.5 m/h. Under such conditions, an extremely low apparent K(s) value for acetoclastic methanogenesis of 9.8 mg COD/L was observed. The presence of dissolved oxygen in the wastewater had no detrimental effect on the treatment performance. Sludge piston flotation from pockets of biogas accumulating under the sludge bed occurred at V(up) lower than 2.5 m/h due to poor bed expansion. This problem is expected only in small diameter laboratory-scale reactors. A. more important restriction of the EGSB reactor was the sludge washout occurring at V(up) higher than 5.5 m/h and which was intensified at organic loads higher than 7 g COD/L. d due to buoyancy forces from the gas production. To achieve an equilibrium between the mixing intensity and the sludge hold-up, the operation should be limited to an organic loading rate of 7 g COD/L d. and to a liquid up-flow velocity between 2.5 and 5.5 m/h (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

土壤中抗生素抗性基因(ARGs)污染是全世界面临的重大环境和健康挑战,开发有效技术以减少其负面影响对维护土壤和人类健康至关重要。生物炭具有高碳含量、大表面积、良好的吸附性能和经济优势,可能是一种非常合适的阻控材料。其对ARGs的阻控作用可能归因于以下3种机制: 1) 吸附某些污染物,如抗生素和重金属,减弱ARGs的共选择性压力;2) 通过改变土壤理化特性影响微生物种群结构,从而限制细菌之间ARGs的水平转移;3) 通过吸附或破坏质粒、转座子、整合子等水平转移载体,直接减弱基因水平转移能力。但生物炭对ARGs的阻控效果取决于生物炭的物料来源、热解工艺和添加水平等。此外,生物炭的老化可能会降低其阻控ARGs的效果。生物炭的内源性污染物,如多环芳烃和重金属,也可能导致环境中特定抗生素抗性细菌的富集或诱导水平基因转移。在后续研究中,应根据土壤环境选择合适的生物炭种类,并采取生物炭老化控制措施,以进一步提高生物炭对ARGs的阻控作用。  相似文献   

抗生素抗性基因在环境中的传播扩散及抗性研究方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
抗生素在医药、畜牧和水产养殖业的大量使用造成了环境中抗性耐药菌和抗性基因日益增加,抗生素抗性基因作为一种新型环境污染物引起人们的广泛关注.本文综述了近年来国内外有关抗生素抗性基因的研究进展,其在水、土壤、空气等环境介质中和动,植物体内的传播扩散,以及开展环境中抗生素抗性基因研究的必要性,重点介绍了有关抗生素抗性(包括抗性细菌和抗性基因)的研究方法,指出抗性基因研究中存在的问题,并对未来的相关研究进行了展望.  相似文献   

近年来,抗生素滥用造成的抗性基因(ARGs)污染问题引起了人们的关注.四环素及磺胺类抗生素由于价格低廉被广泛使用,大量残留的四环素和磺胺通过各种途径进入污水处理厂,并进一步导致ARGs的污染.为深入了解四环素和磺胺类ARGs的污染及治理现状,本研究对污水处理厂中四环素和磺胺类ARGs的分布情况及传播机制进行了综述,并重点讨论了不同污水处理工艺对ARGs的去除效果.在此基础上,从加大污水处理厂ARGs污染调查、改进污水处理工艺以及探讨ARGs传播机制等方面进行了展望.  相似文献   

Methanogenic activity in thermophilic, anaerobic reactors was determined by comparing the amount of methane generated in single- and two-stage systems with the size of the methanogenic population, as determined by microscopy. The methanogenic activities were 2.71 × 10–9 ml methane cell–1 d–1 and 1.10 × 10–9 ml methane cell–1 d–1 for 10 and 4 days of the hydraulic retention time (HRT), in the single-stage system. In the two-stage system, 7.49 × 10–9 ml methane cell–1 d–1 in the acidogenic reactor and 1.56 × 10–9 ml methane cell–1 d–1 in the methanogenic reactor for 4 days of the HRT. A high correlation was evident between the methane production and methanogenic population [0.1354 ln(x) – 2.1375](R2 0.8619).  相似文献   

Anaerobic pretreated paper process water was characterized interms of readily biodegradable, slowly biodegradable, very slowly biodegradable and inert wastewaterfractions under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions. The anaerobic pretreated paper process water containeda relatively high amount of slowly biodegradable components and few easily biodegradable componentsas indicated by the ratio of short term BOD over the BOD5. Wastewater readily biodegradable COD, determinedas short term BOD, was almost similar when measured under both temperature conditions. Fractions ofslowly biodegradable COD and inert COD of the same wastewater were found to depend on the type of biomassinvolved in the test. Thermophilic aerobic biomass was not able to degrade the wastewater to the sameextent as the mesophilic biomass resulting in higher apparent inert COD levels. Furthermore, wastewater colloidalCOD did not flocculate under thermophilic conditions and was thus not removed from the liquid phase.  相似文献   

Rising global populations have amplified food scarcity across the world and ushered in the development of genetically modified (GM) crops to overcome these challenges. Cultivation of major crops such as corn and soy has favoured GM crops over conventional varieties to meet crop production and resilience needs. Modern GM crops containing small interference RNA molecules and antibiotic resistance genes have become increasingly common in the United States. However, the use of these crops remains controversial due to the uncertainty regarding the unintended release of its genetic material into the environment and possible downstream effects on human and environmental health. DNA or RNA transgenes may be exuded from crop tissues during cultivation or released during plant decomposition and adsorbed by soil. This can contribute to the persistence and bioavailability in soil or water environment and possible uptake by soil microbial communities and further passing of this information to neighbouring bacteria, disrupting microbial ecosystem services such as nutrient cycling and soil fertility. In this review, transgene mechanisms of action, uses in crops, and knowledge regarding their environmental fate and impact to microbes are evaluated. This aims to encapsulate the current knowledge and promote further research regarding unintended effects transgenes may cause.  相似文献   

土壤中抗生素耐药性的扩散对全球的公共卫生和食品安全造成威胁,严重挑战人类感染类疾病的预防与治疗.噬菌体介导的抗生素抗性基因(ARGs)的水平转移是环境中抗性基因扩散的重要机制.但是,噬菌体对土壤环境中抗性基因传播的贡献尚未见报道.本文综述了土壤环境中噬菌体的分布特征与影响因子,总结了纯化和富集土壤噬菌体的主要研究方法;...  相似文献   

Attached growth bioprocesses that use biofilms to remove organic matter or nutrients from wastewater are known to harbor antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs). Biofilms in these processes are spatially heterogeneous, but little is known about depth stratification of ARGs in complex, mixed culture biofilms. To address this knowledge gap, we used an experimental approach combining cryosectioning and quantitative polymerase chain reaction to quantify the spatial distribution of three ARGs (sul1, ermB, and qnrS) and the class 1 integron-integrase gene intI1 in biofilms from a lab-scale rotating annular reactor fed with synthetic wastewater. We also used high throughput 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene sequencing to characterize community structure with depth in biofilms. The ARG sul1 and the integron-integrase gene intI1 were found in higher abundances in upper layers of biofilm near the fluid-biofilm interface than in lower layers and exhibited significant correlations between the distance from substratum and gene abundances. The genes ermB and qnrS were present in comparatively low relative abundances. Microbial community structure varied significantly by date of sampling and distance from the substratum. These findings highlight the genetic and taxonomic heterogeneity with distance from substratum in wastewater treatment biofilms and show that sul1 and intI1 are particularly abundant near fluid-biofilm interfaces where cells are most likely to detach and flow into downstream portions of treatment systems and can ultimately be released into the environment through effluent.  相似文献   

Anaerobic co-digestion of fruit and vegetable waste (FVW) and abattoir wastewater (AW) was investigated using anaerobic sequencing batch reactors (ASBRs). The effects of hydraulic retention time (HRT) and temperature variations on digesters performances were examined. At both 20 and 10 days biogas production for co-digestion was greater thanks to the improved balance of nutrients. The high specific gas productions for the different digestion processes were 0.56, 0.61 and 0.85 l g−1 total volatile solids (TVS) removal for digesters treating AW, FVW and AW + FVW, respectively. At an HRT of 20 days, biogas production rates from thermophilic digesters were higher on average than from mesophilic AW, FVW and AW + FVW digestion by 28.5, 44.5 and 25%, respectively. However, at 10 days of HRT results showed a decrease of biogas production rate for AW and AW + FVW digestion processes due to the high amount of free ammonia at high organic loading rate (OLR).  相似文献   

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