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Elijah K. Horwitz;Hannah M. Strobel;Jason Haiso;Justin R. Meyer; 《Evolutionary Applications》2024,17(7):e13742
The number of multidrug-resistant strains of bacteria is increasing rapidly, while the number of new antibiotic discoveries has stagnated. This trend has caused a surge in interest in bacteriophages as anti-bacterial therapeutics, in part because there is near limitless diversity of phages to harness. While this diversity provides an opportunity, it also creates the dilemma of having to decide which criteria to use to select phages. Here we test whether a phage's ability to coevolve with its host (evolvability) should be considered and how this property compares to two previously proposed criteria: fast reproduction and thermostability. To do this, we compared the suppressiveness of three phages that vary by a single amino acid yet differ in these traits such that each strain maximized two of three characteristics. Our studies revealed that both evolvability and reproductive rate are independently important. The phage most able to suppress bacterial populations was the strain with high evolvability and reproductive rate, yet this phage was unstable. Phages varied due to differences in the types of resistance evolved against them and their ability to counteract resistance. When conditions were shifted to exaggerate the importance of thermostability, one of the stable phages was most suppressive in the short-term, but not over the long-term. Our results demonstrate the utility of biological therapeutics' capacities to evolve and adjust in action to resolve complications like resistance evolution. Furthermore, evolvability is a property that can be engineered into phage therapeutics to enhance their effectiveness. 相似文献
《Structure (London, England : 1993)》2019,27(7):1094-1102.e4
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Mario A. Torres-Acosta Viviana Clavijo Christopher Vaglio Andrés F. González-Barrios Martha J. Vives-Flórez Marco Rito-Palomares 《Biotechnology progress》2019,35(5):e2852
Poultry products are one of the major transmission media of Salmonella enteritidis to humans. A promising alternative to reduce the load of Salmonella in poultry are bacteriophages. Elsewhere, a mixture of six bacteriophages has been used successfully, but large-scale production would be necessary to supply potential poultry market and costs analyses have not been calculated yet. For this, a powerful tool to predict production costs is bioprocess modeling coupled with economic analyses. This work aims to model the scaled-up production of a six bacteriophages mixture based on a laboratory/pilot-scale production using Biosolve Process. For the model construction, a combination of experimental and reported data was applied, in which different production alternatives and the range of 1–100% of the Colombian poultry market (at broiler's farm and slaughterhouse) were analyzed. Results indicate that the best cost-effective process configuration/scale is to use one bioreactor (156 L) for the six bacteriophages, then a 0.45 μm filtration for removal of biomass, and a 0.22 μm filtration for sterility; this to supply the 35% of the market size for broiler farms (equivalent to 210 million chickens). This configuration gives a production cost per chicken of US$ 0.02. Additionally, a sensitivity analysis and a theoretical contrast for understanding the impact that titer and recovery have on production scale determined that titer affects the most the cost and requires optimization. The present works serves as a first, and required, approach for the development of phage therapy products that are alternatives to present-day pathogens control strategies. 相似文献
Novel alternatives to antibiotics: bacteriophages, bacterial cell wall hydrolases, and antimicrobial peptides 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
A. Parisien B. Allain J. Zhang R. Mandeville C.Q. Lan 《Journal of applied microbiology》2008,104(1):1-13
Extensive research has been conducted on the development of three groups of naturally occurring antimicrobials as novel alternatives to antibiotics: bacteriophages (phages), bacterial cell wall hydrolases (BCWH), and antimicrobial peptides (AMP). Phage therapies are highly efficient, highly specific, and relatively cost-effective. However, precautions have to be taken in the selection of phage candidates for therapeutic applications as some phages may encode toxins and others may, when integrated into host bacterial genome and converted to prophages in a lysogenic cycle, lead to bacterial immunity and altered virulence. BCWH are divided into three groups: lysozymes, autolysins, and virolysins. Among them, virolysins are the most promising candidates as they are highly specific and have the capability to rapidly lyse antibiotic-resistant bacteria on a generally species-specific basis. Finally, AMP are a family of natural proteins produced by eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms or encoded by phages. AMP are of vast diversity in term of size, structure, mode of action, and specificity and have a high potential for clinical therapeutic applications. 相似文献
Hilal Basak Erol Banu Kaskatepe Sulhiye Yildiz Nurten Altanlar Fatma Bayrakdar 《Cell biochemistry and function》2024,42(2):e3966
Multidrug-resistant strains of Acinetobacter baumannii cause major nosocomial infections. Bacteriophages that are specific to the bacterial species and destroy bacteria can be effectively used for treatment. In this study, we characterized lytic bacteriophages specific to A. baumannii strains. We isolated lytic bacteriophages from environmental water samples and then investigated their morphology, host range, growth characteristics, stability, genome analysis, and biofilm destruction on the catheter surface. Our results showed that the efficacy of the phages varied between 32% and 78%, tested on 78 isolates of A. baumannii; 80 phages were isolated, and two lytic bacteriophages, vB_AbaP_HB01 (henceforth called C2 phage) and vB_AbaM_HB02 (henceforth called K3 phage), were selected for characterization. Electron microscopy scans revealed that the C2 and K3 phages were members of the Podoviridae and Myoviridae families, respectively. Whole-genome sequencing revealed that the sequence of the C2 phage is available in the NCBI database (accession number: OP917929.1), and it was found sequence identity with Acinetobacter phage AB1 18%, the K3 phage DNA sequence is closely related to Acinetobacter phage vB_AbaM_phiAbaA1 (94% similarity). The cocktail of C2 and K3 phages demonstrated a promising decrease in the bacterial cell counts of the biofilm after 4 h. Under a scanning electron microscope, the cocktail treatment destructed the biofilm on the catheter. We propose that the phage cocktail could be a strong alternative to antibiotics to control the A. baumannii biofilm in catheter infections. 相似文献
Physiological description of multivariate interdependencies between process parameters,morphology and physiology during fed‐batch penicillin production

Optimization of productivity and economics of industrial bioprocesses requires characterization of interdependencies between process parameters and process performance. In the case of penicillin production, as in other processes, process performance is often closely interlinked with the physiology and morphology of the organism used for production. This study presents a systematic approach to efficiently characterize the physiological effects of multivariate interdependencies between bioprocess design parameters (spore inoculum concentration, pO2 control level and substrate feed rate), morphology, and physiology. Method development and application was performed using the industrial model process of penicillin production. Applying traditional, statistical bioprocess analysis, multivariate correlations of raw bioprocess design parameters (high spore inoculum concentration, low pO2 control as well as reduced glucose feeding) and pellet morphology were identified. A major drawback of raw design parameter correlation models; however, is the lack of transferability across different process scales and regimes. In this context, morphological and physiological bioprocess modeling based on scalable physiological parameters is introduced. In this study, raw parameter effects on pellet morphology were efficiently summarized by the physiological parameter of the biomass yield per substrate. Finally, for the first time to our knowledge, the specific growth rate per spore was described as time‐independent determinant for switching from pellet to disperse growth during penicillin production and thus introduced as a novel, scalable key process parameter for pellet morphology and process performance. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 30:689–699, 2014 相似文献
【背景】细菌耐药已成为全球严重的公共卫生问题,养殖业是细菌耐药性产生的重要源头之一。我国正在全力推进\"减抗、限抗、禁抗\"战略。新型安全高效的抗生素替代品成为当前养殖业的重要需求。噬菌体因其能有效裂解细菌被认为是一个重要的突破口,但噬菌体作为活体微生物,在保存和使用时存在稳定性差、利用率低等问题。【目的】制备噬菌体粉剂,提高噬菌体的抗逆性和稳定性,为噬菌体在养殖业中的应用提供技术支持。【方法】选用大肠杆菌噬菌体BpEP4,采用嵌段式聚醚F-68包被噬菌体,然后负载于脱脂米糠制得噬菌体粉剂,双层琼脂平板法测定粉剂的噬菌体效价,研究其耐高温性能、pH稳定性与常温保存稳定性。【结果】噬菌体粉剂可以在100℃保持噬菌体的活性,pH耐受范围为2.0-12.0。常温下保存3个月噬菌体效价无明显降低。【结论】粉剂显著提高了噬菌体的抗逆性与稳定性,具有很好的应用价值和推广前景。 相似文献
Lytic bacteriophages (phages) have been investigated as treatments for bacterial infectious diseases. An induced phage, SAP-26, was isolated from a clinical isolate of Staphylococcus aureus. It belongs to the family Siphoviridae and its genome consists of double-stranded 41,207 bp DNA coding for 63 open reading frames. The phage SAP-26 showed a wide spectrum of lytic activity against both methicillin-resistant S. aureus and methicillin-susceptible S.aureus. Furthermore, combined treatment with a phage and antimicrobial agents showed a strong biofilm removal effect which induced structural changes in the biofilm matrix and a substantial decrease in the number of bacteria. Such a broad host range in S. aureus and biofilm removal activity of the phage SAP-26 suggests the possibility of its use as a therapeutic phage in combination with appropriate antimicrobial agent(s). Among the three antimicrobial agents combined with phage, the combination of rifampicin showed the best biofilm removal effect. To the authors' knowledge, this study showed for the first time that S. aureus biofilm could be efficiently eradicated with the mixture of phage and an antimicrobial agent, especially rifampicin. 相似文献
In recent years it has become widely recognized that bacteriophages have several potential applications in the food industry. They have been proposed as alternatives to antibiotics in animal health, as biopreservatives in food and as tools for detecting pathogenic bacteria throughout the food chain. Bacteriophages are viruses that only infect and lyse bacterial cells. Consequently, they display two unique features relevant in and suitable for food safety. Namely, their safe use as they are harmless to mammalian cells and their high host specificity that allows proper starter performance in fermented products and keeps the natural microbiota undisturbed. However, the recent approval of bacteriophages as food additives has opened the discussion about ‘edible viruses’. In this review, we examine the promising uses of phages for the control of foodborne pathogens and the drawbacks on which more research is needed to further exploit these biological entities. 相似文献
噬菌体广泛存在于生态环境中。细菌在与噬菌体长期的共进化过程中,衍化出了多种针对噬茵体感染的抗性机制。我们从宿主菌的抑制吸附、阻止噬菌体DNA注入、切断噬菌体DNA和影响其功能及流产感染等方面,对宿主菌抵抗噬菌体感染的机制进行了综述。 相似文献
Bruna R. Zaccarim Fernanda de Oliveira Michel R. Z. Passarini Alysson W. F. Duarte Lara D. Sette Angela F. Jozala Maria F. S. Teixeira Valéria de Carvalho Santos-Ebinuma 《Biotechnology progress》2019,35(1):e2684
The population interest in health products is increasing day-by-day. Thus, the demand for natural products to be added in food and pharmaceutical commodity is also rising. Among these additives, colorants, which provides color to products, can be produced by microorganism through bioprocess. Looking for new source of natural colorants, fungi have been employed to this purpose producing novel and safer natural colorants. So, the main goal of this study was to describe a Talaromyces species able to produce natural colorants and investigate nutritional parameters of colorants production using statistical tool. The taxonomy classified the microorganism as Talaromyces amestolkiae. The statistical design evaluated pH and glucose, meat extract and meat peptone concentration as independent variables, and red colorants production as main response. Under the best condition (g/L: glucose 30, meat extract 1, meat peptone 10, and initial pH of 7.0) an increase of 229% in the red colorant production was achieved as compared with the initial media used. The dried fermented broth containing red colorants showed low cytotoxicity against fibroblasts cells (IC50 > 187.5 g/L) and effective antimicrobial activity against S. aureus (MIC of 2.5 g/L). Thus, T. amestolkiae colorants can be attractive to food and pharmaceutical applications as it does not produce toxic compounds and can promote protection against microorganism contaminants. © 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 35: e2684, 2019 相似文献
噬菌体作为一种侵染细菌的病毒,能够特异性识别宿主细菌。近年来,抗生素的过度使用导致耐药细菌的出现,噬菌体有望成为对抗耐药细菌的新武器。在细菌与噬菌体长期共进化过程中,二者都演化出一系列抵御策略。本文从抑制噬菌体吸附、阻止噬菌体DNA进入、切割噬菌体基因组、流产感染以及群体感应对噬菌体的调控等方面,对细菌抵抗噬菌体的机制以及噬菌体应对细菌的策略进行了综述,同时还列举了细菌和噬菌体相互抵抗机制的检测方法,以期为噬菌体在细菌控制中的应用以及探究细菌抵抗噬菌体的机制提供理论依据。 相似文献
Tay DK Rajagopalan G Li X Chen Y Lua LH Leong SS 《Biotechnology and bioengineering》2011,108(3):572-581
Beta defensins are antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) with a broad spectrum antimicrobial behavior against pathogens while having minimal tendency to incur pathogen resistance. Human β-defensin 28 (hBD28) is a strongly cationic AMP and hence hypothesized to be highly effective in permeabilizing negatively-charged pathogen membranes. However, the scarcity of hBD28 in vivo has impeded detailed structure and antimicrobial studies of hBD28. Chemical synthesis of hBD28 rendered extremely poor yields due to inefficient cysteine oxidation. In this study, a rapid and scalable production route to produce bioactive hBD28 in Escherichia coli (E. coli) is reported. The design of a dual fusion tag expression construct was pivotal in enhancing soluble expression and easing purification of hBD28. The final hBD28 (purity >95%) displayed significant antimicrobial activity against E. coli K12 and showed dose-dependent killing kinetics. Circular dichroism spectroscopy confirmed the presence of both β-sheet and α-helix conformations in the secondary structure of hBD28. 相似文献
Rafael Machleid;Marek Hoehse;Steffi Scholze;Kleanthis Mazarakis;David Nilsson;Erik Johansson;Christoph Zehe;Johan Trygg;Christian Grimm;Izabella Surowiec; 《Biotechnology journal》2024,19(1):2300289
Raman spectroscopy is widely used in monitoring and controlling cell cultivations for biopharmaceutical drug manufacturing. However, its implementation for culture monitoring in the cell line development stage has received little attention. Therefore, the impact of clonal differences, such as productivity and growth, on the prediction accuracy and transferability of Raman calibration models is not yet well described. Raman OPLS models were developed for predicting titer, glucose and lactate using eleven CHO clones from a single cell line. These clones exhibited diverse productivity and growth rates. The calibration models were evaluated for clone-related biases using clone-wise linear regression analysis on cross validated predictions. The results revealed that clonal differences did not affect the prediction of glucose and lactate, but titer models showed a significant clone-related bias, which remained even after applying variable selection methods. The bias was associated with clonal productivity and lead to increased prediction errors when titer models were transferred to cultivations with productivity levels outside the range of their training data. The findings demonstrate the feasibility of Raman-based monitoring of glucose and lactate in cell line development with high accuracy. However, accurate titer prediction requires careful consideration of clonal characteristics during model development. 相似文献
Franziska Winzig Shiv Gandhi Alina Lee Silvia Würstle Gail L. Stanley Isabella Capuano Isabel Neuringer Jonathan L. Koff Paul E. Turner Benjamin K. Chan 《The Yale journal of biology and medicine》2022,95(4):413
The rise of antimicrobial resistant (AMR) bacteria is a global public health threat. AMR Achromobacter bacteria pose a challenging clinical problem, particularly for those with cystic fibrosis (CF) who are predisposed to chronic bacterial lung infections. Lytic bacteriophages (phages) offer a potential alternative to treat AMR infections, with the possible benefit that phage selection for resistance in target bacteria might coincide with reduced pathogenicity. The result is a genetic “trade-off,” such as increased sensitivity to chemical antibiotics, and/or decreased virulence of surviving bacteria that are phage resistant. Here, we show that two newly discovered lytic phages against Achromobacter were associated with stabilization of respiratory status when deployed to treat a chronic pulmonary infection in a CF patient using inhaled (nebulized) phage therapy. The two phages demonstrate traits that could be generally useful in their development as therapeutics, especially the possibility that the phages can select for clinically useful trade-offs if bacteria evolve phage resistance following therapy. We discuss the limitations of the current study and suggest further work that should explore whether the phages could be generally useful in targeting pulmonary or other Achromobacter infections in CF patients. 相似文献
肺炎克雷伯菌是肠杆菌科家族中的一员,在各种环境中广泛存在,可导致诸如奶牛乳房炎在内的多种动物疫病,引起人类的肺炎、尿路感染、菌血症、伤口性感染和化脓性脓肿在内的多种临床感染。该菌对抗生素的耐受日趋严重,而且高毒力菌株不断出现,给该菌的防控带来了巨大挑战。噬菌体是一种裂解细菌的病毒,因其具有治疗耐药细菌感染的潜力而备受关注,世界各地均有使用噬菌体成功治疗耐药细菌感染的案例。本文基于国内外对肺炎克雷伯菌及其噬菌体的研究数据,综述了肺炎克雷伯菌的流行病学调查情况和噬菌体在治疗肺炎克雷伯菌感染方面的应用,以期为基于肺炎克雷伯菌噬菌体的抗菌研究和临床应用提供参考。 相似文献