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2016年8月24日,在浙江省丽水市莲都区葑垟林场(28°11′51″N,119.°49′2″E,海拔1 100 m)采得无尾目(Anura)蛙科(Ranidae)寒露林蛙(Rana hanluica)雄性成体标本1号;2017年2月14日于同一地点采得蝌蚪标本10号。该物种为浙江省两栖纲新纪录。  相似文献   

A total of 302 samples of healthy farm-cultured Rana catesbeiana specimens (9-21 months-old, 50-350 g liveweight, 50% each sex) from the north-east of Argentina, were analyzed through spectrophotometry, electrophoresis, densitometry, refractometry and microscopy in order to obtain blood and urine normal values. Confidence intervals (p<0.05) for PCV (28.6-31.6%), RBC (0.40-0.44 T/L), MCV (686-732 fL), hemoglobin (6.41-7.20 g/dL), MCH (151-164 pg), MCHC (22.6-24.0%), WBC (18.7-22.3 G/L), neutrophils (58.4-63.4%), lymphocytes (23.9-29.8%), monocytes (2.1-3.8%), eosinophils (4.6-7.0%), basophils (2.9-4.1%), bleeding time (289-393s), coagulation time (452-696s), prothrombin time (76-128s), urinary density (1.0061-1.0089 g/mL), urinary pH (6,38-6.96)., fibrinogen (0.59-0.99 g/dL), total protein (4.19-4.49 g/dL), albumin (1.49-1.67 g/dL), alpha-1 globulin (0.20-0.24 g/dL), alpha-2 globulin (0.48-0.54 g/dL), beta globulin (0.68-0.77 g/dL), gamma globulin (1.28-1.42 g/dL), albumin/globulin ratio (0.50-0.58), creatinine (4.09-5.56 mg/L). urea (76.1-92.4 mg/L), uric acid (11.5-15.4 mg/L), triglycerides (0.34-0.52 g/L), total cholesterol (0.56-0.67 g/L), HDL-C (0.03-0.05 g/L), LDL-C (0.34-0.44 g/L), alpha lipoprotein (6.01-8.67%). beta lipoprotein (91.3-93.9%), glucose (0.45-0.54 g/L), Na (116-121 meq/L), K (3.42-3.81 meq/L), Cl (100-116 meq/L), Ca (7.98-8.61 mg/dL). P (8.319.36 mg/dL), Mg (2.26-2.55 mg/dL), Fe (105-178 ug/dL), ALP (144-170 [U/L), ALT (10.0-14.8 IU/L), AST (42.8-53.4 IU/L), GGT (7.8-10.6 IU/L), LDH (99-135 IU/L), CHE (151-185 lU/L) and CPK (365-500 IU/L), were obtained. Some parameter ranges were similar to those obtained in amphibians, birds or mammals; others were very different. These parameters are useful to evaluate sanitary, metabolic and nutritional state on captive bullfrogs.  相似文献   

The electron density of the lipid droplets and mitochondrial matrix of the interrenal cells of Rana perezi differs during the year. This makes it possible to characterize the different stages of interrenal cell activity. A droplet/mitochondria index, based on their relative size, may provide an indicator of cellular activity.  相似文献   

The abundant Sundaland forest frog, Rana chalconota, has long been considered a single widespread species, although some authors have recommended its division into regional subspecies. The discovery of co‐occurring pairs of morphologically distinct populations in three widely separated parts of the range led to a morphological and molecular analysis of populations from all parts of the known range. The results suggest that R. chalconota consists of at least seven species from Thailand through Borneo and Java. Existing names are applied to three of these species, R. chalconota (Schlegel), R. raniceps (Peters) and R. labialis Boulenger. We describe four others as new species and suggest the existence of one or two additional, unnamed species. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155 , 123–147.  相似文献   

A total of 76 adult individuals of Rana vaillanti were collected in Laguna Escondida, Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico, and their helminth infracommunity structure was determined. Among the 21 helminth taxa collected (10 digeneans, 8 nematodes, and 3 acanthocephalans), the digenean Langeronia macrocirra reached the highest prevalence (64.4%), mean abundance (6.6), and mean intensity (10.4), as well as the highest total number of individuals (499). Only 2 frogs were uninfected, the remainder harbored between 1 and 7 helminth species and 1-102 individuals; mean species richness and abundance were 3.49 +/- 0.22 and 16.1 +/- 16.3, respectively. Langeronia macrocirra dominated in 50.6% of the infracommunities, with relatively low Berger-Parker index values (0.56); for this reason, the evenness was high (0.70 +/- 0.31), and consequently, diversity values are the highest recorded to date in species of Rana. However, patterns of helminth infracommunity richness and diversity were similar to those previously observed in amphibians. This structure is attributed to the feeding habits (between 66.7 and 81% of helminth species parasitizing R. vaillanti enter using the food web dynamics) and low vagility (the remainder species infect by host penetration).  相似文献   

经核查和鉴定中国云南等地原定名为大头蛙[Limnonectes kuhlii(=Rana kuhlii Tschudi,1838)]的标本及相关文献资料,并与产地为印度尼西亚的爪哇大头蛙(Limnonectes kuhlii)模式标本的有关描述相对比,两者在其形态、染色体及线粒体基因分化等特征上均有明显区别,因此将云南、广西等地标本的种名改订为新种,即版纳大头蛙(Limnonectes bannaensis,sp.nov.)。其主要鉴别特征是:1)背面较光滑,具少数细肤棱,体后部有小圆疣;2)体背面浅褐色或灰褐色,肤褶上有黑纹;3)蝌蚪尾部具深色斑纹,但尾后半段不呈黑色;4)其染色体组型为2n=22(20m 2st)。而爪哇产大头蛙:1)背面粗糙,体背部、胫部和肛部周围满布圆形疣粒;2)体背面为黑大理石色或为黑色;3)蝌蚪尾部后半段为黑色;4)染色体组型为2n=26,5对大染色体,8对小染色体,除第8对为亚端部着丝粒外,其余均为中部和亚中部着丝粒。  相似文献   

This article describes the growth of the anuran pectoral girdle of Rana pipiens and compares skeletal development of the shoulder to that of long bones. The pectoral girdle chondrifies as two halves, each adjacent to a developing humerus. In each, the scapula and coracoid form as single foci of condensed chondrocytes that fuse, creating a cartilaginous glenoid bridge articulating with the humerus. Based on histological sections, both the dermal clavicle and cleithrum begin to ossify at approximately the same time as the periosteum forms around the endochondral bones. The dermal and endochondral bones of the girdle form immobile joints with neighboring girdle elements; however, the cellular organization and growth pattern of the scapula and coracoid closely resemble those of a long bone. Similar to a long bone epiphysis, distal margins of both endochondral elements have zones of hyaline, stratified, and hypertrophic cartilages. As a result, fused elements of the girdle can grow without altering the glenoid articulation with the humerus. Comparisons of anuran long bone and pectoral girdle growth suggest that different bones can have similar histology and development regardless of adult morphology.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to clarify the course of inversions by which a ZW sex chromosome dimorphism has become established in Rana rugosa. Fortunately, R. rugosa preserves three different forms of sex chromosomes in the several isolated populations. In both males and females, the homomorphic sex chromosomes from Hiroshima were closely similar to Z, while those from Isehara were slightly different from the Z. Females from Hirosaki demonstrated heteromorphic sex chromosomes. In this study, the configuration and pairing behavior of sex lampbrush chromosomes were examined in the female offspring produced from a cross between a female from Hiroshima and a male from Isehara, as well as the female offspring of a female from Hirosaki and the male from Isehara. For the sex lampbrush chromosomes from Hiroshima and Isehara, chiasmata were exclusively formed between the distal regions of the long arms of one sex chromosome and the terminal regions of the short arms of the other. As a result, landmarks arranged in reverse order were observed in the achiasmatic regions of these chromosomes. For the sex lampbrush chromosomes from Isehara and Hirosaki, on the other hand, chiasma formation was mainly confined to the lower half of the chromosomes corresponding to the long arms, and the landmarks in the achiasmatic regions of these chromosomes were disposed in the opposite direction to each other. These results seem to indicate that in the primitive sex chromosomes of the Hiroshima type two pericentric inversions occurred, leading to the differentiation of the W chromosomes. This is the first report to substantiate the process of sex chromosome differentiation experimentally. Received: 10 November 1996; in revised form: 22 April 1997 / Accepted: 24 April 1997  相似文献   

Study of the esophageal microscopic morphology of adult Rana perezi by light and electron microscopy discloses some large folds throughout the esophagus that are in themselves ringed. Glandular ostia open in the furrows of the luminal surface. The esophageal wall is made up of a connective adventitia rich in melanocytes, a muscular tunica, a connective and glandular subepithelial layer, and a pseudostratified ciliated epithelium. This epithelium basically consists of ciliated, goblet, basal, microvillous-apex, and migratory cells. Two types of goblet cells are distinguished with regard to the granular ultrastructure. The microvillous-apex cell has not been found in other amphibians. It shows a very differentiated morphology with a high number of mitochondria. The basal cells give the epithelium a pseudostratified morphology, and they have a proliferative function. Glands are branched and drain through an excretory duct that has a monolayered mucosecreting epithelium. The glandular units are formed by two principal types of cells: mucosecretory and serous.  相似文献   

This study provides baseline quantitative data on the morphological development of the chondrocranium in a larval anuran. Both linear and geometric morphometric methods are used to quantitatively analyze size-related shape change in a complete developmental series of larvae of the wood frog, Rana sylvatica. The null hypothesis of isometry was rejected in all geometric morphometric and most linear morphometric analyses. Reduced major axis regressions of 11 linear chondrocranial measurements on size indicate a mixture of allometric and isometric scaling. Measurements in the otic and oral regions tend to scale with negative allometry and those associated with the palatoquadrate and muscular process scale with isometry or positive allometry. Geometric morphometric analyses, based on a set of 11 chondrocranial landmarks, include linear regression of relative warp scores and multivariate regression of partial warp scores and uniform components on log centroid size. Body size explains about one-quarter to one-third of the total shape variation found in the sample. Areas of regional shape transformation (e.g., palatoquadrate, otic region, trabecular horns) are identified by thin-plate spline deformation grids and are concordant with linear morphometric results. Thus, the anuran chondrocranium is not a static structure during premetamorphic stages and allometric patterns generally follow scaling predictions for tetrapod cranial development. Potential implications regarding larval functional morphology, cranial development, and chondrocranial evolution in anurans are discussed.  相似文献   

Autologous tongues were transplanted onto the liver of the anuran Rana catesbeiana, specimens of which were sacrificed at intervals from 6 hr to 5 months after transplantation. Light and electron microscopy as well as histochemistry disclose that the grafts start to organize into cysts after 14 days. The taste organs occur in all grafts irrespective of the age of the graft. All surviving taste organs exhibit intense adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activity and contain fluorescent basal cells of the usual type. Ultrastructurally, the taste organs are composed of three distinct types of cells that lack nerves. The taste and basal cells retain the characteristic dense-core granules in their cytoplasm through the experimental periods. The present results suggested that the taste organs of Rana can survive ectopically in the liver for up to 5 months.  相似文献   

Plantcutters (Phytotomidae) represent the only Passeriformes with a predominantly folivorous diet. Little is known however about their feeding habits and adaptations for leaf consumption. Here we analyze the relationship between diet composition and nutritional value in the white-tipped plantcutter Phytotoma rutila in a Chaco woodland in Córdoba, Argentina. The white-tipped plantcutter consumed mainly dicot leaves (91%), complemented with a small proportion of fruits (7%) and flowers (2%). Eleven plant species were utilized, of which five were strongly dominant: Lycium cestroides (38%), Prosopis alba and P. nigra (28%), Celtis tala (22%), and Schinus longifolius (8%). No animal food was consumed. The leaf material ingested by the white-tipped plantcutter had high protein content and low proportion of fibers and phenols. In multivariate analysis, leaf chemical properties accounted for over 81% of the variation in diet composition throughout the year. However, only protein and phenols content related significantly with diet composition in single regressions. The quality index that relates protein with lignin and phenols showed the highest correlation with diet composition. Availability of highly nutritive leaves of Lycium cestroides during the dry season seems to be a key factor for the occurrence of the white-tipped plantcutter in the study area. Our results confirm that plantcutters are truly folivorous passerine species, being able to obtain a highly nutritional diet throughout the year.  相似文献   

温晓敏  吴贯夫  赵尔宓 《四川动物》2005,24(4):459-462,F0003
对倭蛙属(Nanorana)已知3种:高山倭蛙(Nanorana parkeri)、倭蛙(N. pleskei)和腹斑倭蛙(N. ventripunctata)的肩带作了连续切片后进行Masson染色,发现其上喙骨(epicoracoid)的融合与重叠的状况与虎纹蛙(Rana rugulosa)较相似,而与无尾目中其它物种已知的肩带形态存在较大的差异.倭蛙属和虎纹蛙等与已知肩带类型的蛙亚科其它的物种在系统进化中可能来源于不同的最近共同祖先.  相似文献   

对分布于四川、重庆市、贵州、湖北、湖南、安徽和福建的花臭蛙[Odorrana(Odorrana)schmackeri(Boettger,1892)]标本进行了形态比较,结果发现四川省南江和万源县的花臭蛙标本与其他产地的花臭蛙标本在形态特征上存在明显区别,主要是:1)成体雄雌体长之比值较小,约为1∶1.34;2)犁骨齿列短,两内侧间距宽,距内鼻孔远;3)背面深色斑点周围无浅色边缘;4)股后部深色斑大而稀疏;5)趾间蹼较弱,第四趾蹼达远端关节下瘤;6)腹内成熟卵的动植物极均为乳白色。故将四川省南江和万源的标本订为新种--南江臭蛙[Odorrana(Odorrana)nanjiangensis,sp.nov.]。  相似文献   

Obert  Hans-Joachim 《Oecologia》1975,18(4):317-328
Oecologia - The general weather situation distinctly influences the calling behaviour of both Rana esculenta and Rana ridibunda. The weather of the previous day or two previous days decides whether...  相似文献   

Cytomorphological features and tinctorial affinities of the adenohypophyseal gonadotrophs have been studied in stained preparations of the pituitary of adult male frogs Rana hexadactyla Lesson, at monthly intervals during a calendar year. All the five morphologically distinct cell types showed a progressive increase in size from August of February, followed by a decrease from March to July. Extrusion of the synthetized product occurred in the summer and during this period production was low. Injection of steroids viz. stilboestrol, testosterone, oestradiol, doca and cortisol, interfered with the elaboration and secretion of gonadotropins, the adenohypophyseal feedback mechanism, and the sensitivity of the germinal epithelium. Changes in gonadotropins secretion and their impact on the testis are discussed.  相似文献   

Colonization probabilities of parasite species often are determined by the habitat preference and vagility of host individuals. Although extinction-based interpretations have been investigated for nested subset patterns of parasite infracommunities, the low relative frequency of nestedness in colonization-dominated systems makes the determination and interpretation of nested infracommunities of broad ecological importance. In these systems, ontogenetic shifts in habitat preference or diet of the host have the potential to produce nested subset patterns of parasite infracommunities. Helminth infracommunity structure was investigated for 76 Rana vaillanti individuals collected from Laguna Escondida, Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico, in 1998. Pooled helminth infracommunities were significantly nested, as were penetrating and ingested helminth infracommunities when considered separately. Richness, diversity, and evenness of the helminth infracommunities were not correlated with host size, and did not differ between host sexes, suggesting that the structure of infracommunities simply is a product of the interaction between host individuals and their landscape mediated by individual differences in vagility. It is hypothesized that individual differences in recruitment can produce nested subset infracommunity patterns when the habitats or habitat preferences of hosts are themselves nested.  相似文献   

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