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Worker honeybees (Apis mellifera) usually only lay eggs when their colony is queenless. However, an extremely rare ''anarchistic'' phenotype occurs, in which workers develop functional ovaries and lay large numbers of haploid eggs which develop into adult drones despite the presence of the queen. Studies of such colonies can give important insights into the mechanisms by which worker sterility is maintained in normal colonies. Here we report on the results of a breeding programme which enhanced the frequency of the anarchistic phenotype. Colonies derived from queens inseminated only by worker-laid males showed up to 9% of workers with highly developed ovaries. In these colonies a large proportion of males arose from worker-laid eggs. Colonies headed by queens inseminated with 50% worker-laid drones and 50% queen-laid drones showed variable phenotypes. In most such colonies there was no worker reproduction. In some, many workers had highly developed ovaries, but no worker-laid eggs were reared. In one colony, many worker-laid eggs were reared to maturity. The results suggest that the anarchy phenotype results from a complex interaction of queen genotype, the worker genotype of subfamilies that successfully reproduce and of those that do not, and the external environment.  相似文献   

Responses to social cues, such as pheromones, can be modified by genotype, physiology, or environmental context. Honey bee queens produce a pheromone (queen mandibular pheromone; QMP) which regulates aspects of worker bee behavior and physiology. Forager bees are less responsive to QMP than young bees engaged in brood care, suggesting that physiological changes associated with behavioral maturation modulate response to this pheromone. Since 3′,5′-cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) is a major regulator of behavioral maturation in workers, we examined its role in modulating worker responses to QMP. Treatment with a cGMP analog resulted in significant reductions in both behavioral and physiological responses to QMP in young caged workers. Treatment significantly reduced attraction to QMP and inhibited the QMP-mediated increase in vitellogenin RNA levels in the fat bodies of worker bees. Genome-wide analysis of brain gene expression patterns demonstrated that cGMP has a larger effect on expression levels than QMP, and that QMP has specific effects in the presence of cGMP, suggesting that some responses to QMP may be dependent on an individual bees’ physiological state. Our data suggest that cGMP-mediated processes play a role in modulating responses to QMP in honey bees at the behavioral, physiological, and molecular levels.  相似文献   

The experience of foraging under natural conditions increases the volume of mushroom body neuropil in worker honey bees. A comparable increase in neuropil volume results from treatment of worker honey bees with pilocarpine, an agonist for muscarinic-type cholinergic receptors. A component of the neuropil growth induced by foraging experience is growth of dendrites in the collar region of the calyces. We show here, via analysis of Golgi-impregnated collar Kenyon cells with wedge arborizations, that significant increases in standard measures of dendritic complexity were also found in worker honey bees treated with pilocarpine. This result suggests that signaling via muscarinic-type receptors promotes the increase in Kenyon cell dendritic complexity associated with foraging. Treatment of worker honey bees with scopolamine, a muscarinic inhibitor, inhibited some aspects of dendritic growth. Spine density on the Kenyon cell dendrites varied with sampling location, with the distal portion of the dendritic field having greater total spine density than either the proximal or medial section. This observation may be functionally significant because of the stratified organization of projections from visual centers to the dendritic arborizations of the collar Kenyon cells. Pilocarpine treatment had no effect on the distribution of spines on dendrites of the collar Kenyon cells.  相似文献   

The ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor is currently the most important pest of the honey bee, Apis mellifera. Because mite reproduction occurs within the sealed cell, the direct observation of varroa activity inside the cell is difficult. A video observation method using transparent polystyrol cells containing infested brood was used to analyze the behavior of varroa mites in worker brood of Africanized honey bees. We recorded how mites feed on the larva and pupa, construct a fecal accumulation site and how the bee larva carried out some longitudinal movements around the cell. The feeding activity of the foundress mite varies during the course of the cycle. On the prepupa mites were found to feed often (0.3 ± 0.2 bouts h−1) for a period of 8.7 ± 8.4 min h−1 and there was no preference for a specific segment as feeding site. On the opposite, during the pupal stage mites fed less often (0.1 ± 0.1 bouts h−1) for a period of 6.2 ± 4.0 min h−1 and almost always at a particular site (92.4%). On pupa, 83.7% of the feeding was on the 2nd abdominal segment (n = 92), and only few perforations were found on the thorax. Varroa shows a preference for defecation in the posterior part of the cell (cell apex), close to the bee′s anal zone. We found a high correlation between the position of the feeding site on the pupa and the position of the fecal accumulation on the cell wall. Most infested cells have only one fecal accumulation site and it was the favorite resting site for the mite, where it spent 24.3 ± 3.9 min h−1. Longitudinal displacements were observed in 28.0% (n = 25) of the analyzed bee larvae. Turning movements around the cell, from the bottom to the top, were carried out by these larvae, mainly during the second day (47.7 ± 22.5 min h−1), just before pupation, with a total time of 874.9 ± 262.2 min day−1 (n = 7 individuals). These results in worker brood of Africanized bees demonstrate adaptations of varroa mites to parasitizing the developing bee inside the capped brood cells.  相似文献   

李兆英  奚耕思 《动物学报》2008,54(3):546-554
通过形态解剖、免疫组织化学、原位细胞凋亡检测技术,对中华蜜蜂工蜂嗅叶的胚后发育过程进行了系统的比较研究.结果表明:(1)中华蜜蜂工蜂的嗅叶由神经纤维网区和外围的中脑神经细胞体层组成,在幼虫早期,神经纤维网的腹外侧和背外侧区内有几个大型的成神经细胞,呈现出典型的不对称分裂模式;在随后的发育过程中,神经纤维网的体积逐渐增加,神经细胞逐渐分散,细胞层变薄;分裂细胞主要集中在背外侧细胞区;在3龄幼虫期 ,触角嗅觉神经元的传入纤维开始进入嗅叶;在蛹发育的第3天,神经纤维网内的神经纤维球开始出现;(2)嗅叶发育过程中的细胞凋亡发生较少,增殖细胞和凋亡细胞数量的相对比率基本恒定;细胞凋亡的高峰期出现在幼虫末期;蛹发育的第4天左右,凋亡细胞完全消失 ;(3)中华蜜蜂的嗅叶存在雌雄异形现象[动物学报 54(3):546-554,2008].  相似文献   

Swarming is an important mechanism by which honey bee, Apis mellifera L., colonies reproduce, yet very little is known about the physiological changes in workers that are preparing to swarm. In this study, we determined the endocrine status of worker honey bees in preswarming colonies and in normal (nonswarming) colonies. Juvenile hormone (JH) titers in worker bees were similar in both groups before queen cells were present, but they became significantly lower in preswarming colonies compared with normal colonies when queen cells occurred in preswarming colonies. The lower JH titers in the preswarming colonies suggest that behavioral development is delayed in these colonies, consistent with previous reports that preswarming colonies have reduced foraging activities. Understanding the endocrine status of bees preparing for swarming will help us to better understand the biology of swarming.  相似文献   

The behavioral activity of Varroa destructor was observed using transparent cells. Mite oviposition started at 45.0?±?25.0?h post capping, followed by the next eggs laid at regular 27.3?±?2.0?h intervals. On the prepupa, mites were found to feed often and there was no preference for a specific segment as a feeding site. During the pupal stage the mite fed less often and almost always at the same point. Varroa showed a preference for defecation in the posterior part of the cell. A significant association was observed between the position of the feeding point in the pupa and the defecation site on the cell wall. Displacement behavior was observed in 71?% of the infested bee larvae and a major change in the free space available for varroa in the cell occurred when the prepupa molted into a pupa.  相似文献   

Multilocus interactions (also known as Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibilities) are thought to be the major source of hybrid inviability and sterility. Because cytoplasmic and nuclear genomes have conflicting evolutionary interests and are often highly coevolved, cytonuclear incompatibilities may be among the first to develop in incipient species. Here, we report the discovery of cytoplasm-dependent anther sterility in hybrids between closely related Mimulus species, outcrossing M. guttatus and selfing M. nasutus. A novel pollenless anther phenotype was observed in F2 hybrids with the M. guttatus cytoplasm (F2G) but not in the reciprocal F2N hybrids, F1 hybrids or parental genotypes. The pattern of phenotypic segregation in the F2G hybrids and two backcross populations fit a Mendelian single-locus recessive model, allowing us to map the underlying nuclear locus to a small region on LG7 of the Mimulus linkage map. Anther sterility was associated with a 20% reduction in flower size in backcross hybrids and we mapped a major cytoplasm-dependent corolla width QTL with its peak at the anther sterility locus. We argue that the cytonuclear anther sterility seen in hybrids reflects the presence of a cryptic cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) and restorer system within the hermaphroditic M. guttatus population and therefore name the anther sterility locus restorer-of-male-fertility (RMF). The genetic mapping of RMF is a first step toward testing hypotheses about the molecular basis, individual fitness consequences, and ecological context of CMS and restoration in a system without stable CMS-restorer polymorphism (i.e., gynodioecy). The discovery of cryptic CMS in a hermaphroditic wildflower further suggests that selfish cytoplasmic evolution may play an important, but often undetected, role in shaping patterns of hybrid incompatibility and interspecific introgression in plants.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone synthesis in adult worker honey bees was measured by an in vitro corpora allata bioassay. Adult queenless workers exhibit higher rates of juvenile hormone biosynthesis than queenright workers. Hormone synthesis is not correlated with the volume of the glands. Extract of queen mandibular glands, applied to a dummy, reduces juvenile hormone biosynthesis in caged queenless workers to the level of queenright workers. The same result was obtained with synthetic (E)-9-oxo-2-decenoic acid, the principal component of the queen mandibular gland secretion. This pheromonal primer effect may function as a key regulating element in maintaining eusocial colony homeostasis. The presence of brood does not affect the hormone production of the corpora allata.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - CA Corpora allata - JH juvenile hormone - 9-ODA (E)-9-oxo-2-decnoic acid  相似文献   

We have compared the variation in histamine content of the venom of worker honey bees maintained in the field with those in an indoor flight room. We find that the temporal changes in venom histamine content are parallel under the different conditions.We have measured the histamine content of different regions of the venom system of virgin queen bees and found temporal changes in histamine concentration which parallel those seen in workers. While the absolute amounts of histamine in the queen venom system exceed those measured in workers, we estimate that the histamine concentration in queen and worker venom is similar.The LD50 of histamine, injected into the haemocoele of worker bees in saline, is found to be 3.2 μg/worker.  相似文献   

Summary The types of cell death in the midgut epithelium of the worker honey bee during the larva-to-pupa transformation were analyzed by light and electron microscopes. The metamorphosis begins with an increase in the number of autophagic vacuoles in larval epithelial cells and terminates with lytic destruction of the whole intestinal epithelium. Apoptosis seems to be independent of cell age, but important in fashioning of the new organ. Even in the cells in the regenerative nests of the larval epithelium, from which the pupal epithelium develops, apoptotic death occurs. Single apoptotic cells are eliminated gradually from the primary multilayer tissue until the monolayer pupal epithelium is formed. Some of the apoptotic cells are endocytosed by sister epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Social environments are notoriously multifactorial, yet studies in rodents have suggested that single variables such as maternal care can in fact be disentangled and correlated with specific DNA methylation changes. This study assesses whether non-detrimental social environmental variation in a highly plastic social insect is correlated with epigenomic modifications at the DNA methylation level. Honey bee workers perform tasks such as nursing and foraging in response to the social environment in the hive, in an age-linked but not age-dependent manner. In this study, the methylation levels of 83 cytosine-phosphate-guanosine dinucleotides over eight genomic regions were compared between the brains of age-matched bees performing nursing or foraging tasks. The results reveal more changes correlated with task than with chronological age, and also hive-associated methylation at some sites. One methylation site from a gene encoding Protein Kinase C binding protein 1 was consistently more methylated in foragers than nurses, which is suggested to lead to production of task-specific protein isoforms via alternative splicing. This study illustrates the ability of the neural epigenome to dynamically respond to complex social stimuli.  相似文献   

Summary The cause of male sterility in 3 soybean lines, TGM 103-1, N-69-2774 and TGM 242-4 was studied. In TGM 103-1, which was both male and female sterile, two different abnormalities were associated with sterility. Precocious movement of a few chromosomes at the metaphase I stage resulted into the production of non-functional pollen while cells which underwent apparent normal meiotic division had disintergration of the tapetal cell wall immediately after the free microspore stage leading to the starvation and subsequent death of the developing microspores. In lines N-69-2774 and TGM 242-4, both of which were partially sterile, male sterility resulted from a failure of cytokinesis after the telophase II stage. Meiosis proceeded normally but the 4 microspores after telophase II failed to separate into pollen grains and degenerated thereafter.  相似文献   

Harpin, an elicitor molecule of bacterial origin induces hypersensitive response (HR) in non-host plants. In an attempt to induce male sterility, harpin was tagged with a signal peptide and expressed downstream to tapetum-specific TA29 promoter resulting in extracellular secretion, subsequent degeneration of tapetum and development of male sterility in tobacco. Putative transgenics were analyzed by PCR amplification of transgene, semiquantitative RT-PCR analysis from total RNA extracts from anther tissue with transgene specific probe, Western blotting using polyclonal antibody raised against harpin, by transmission and scanning electron microscopy, and by confocal microscopy of anthers and pollen at various stages of development. Varying degrees of male sterility (30–100 %) was observed with plants showing complete and partial male sterility as well as several morphological variations were seen especially in leaves and flowers. Further, some of the transgenics showed un-induced of HR-like local lesions in the vegetative tissues. HarpinPss got deposited on the pollen grains upon tapetal degeneration resulting in significant alterations in the morphology of pollen cell wall. However, megagametogenesis was not affected in complete and partial male sterile plants and female gametes were completely fertile. The complete male sterility was attributed to premature tapetal cell death due to sufficient extracellular harpinPss accumulation whereas insufficient protein content might be the reason for partial male sterility. These findings indicate the possible use of cytotoxic harpinPss for the development of male sterile plants.  相似文献   

Sweigart AL  Fishman L  Willis JH 《Genetics》2006,172(4):2465-2479
Much evidence has shown that postzygotic reproductive isolation (hybrid inviability or sterility) evolves by the accumulation of interlocus incompatibilities between diverging populations. Although in theory only a single pair of incompatible loci is needed to isolate species, empirical work in Drosophila has revealed that hybrid fertility problems often are highly polygenic and complex. In this article we investigate the genetic basis of hybrid sterility between two closely related species of monkeyflower, Mimulus guttatus and M. nasutus. In striking contrast to Drosophila systems, we demonstrate that nearly complete hybrid male sterility in Mimulus results from a simple genetic incompatibility between a single pair of heterospecific loci. We have genetically mapped this sterility effect: the M. guttatus allele at the hybrid male sterility 1 (hms1) locus acts dominantly in combination with recessive M. nasutus alleles at the hybrid male sterility 2 (hms2) locus to cause nearly complete hybrid male sterility. In a preliminary screen to find additional small-effect male sterility factors, we identified one additional locus that also contributes to some of the variation in hybrid male fertility. Interestingly, hms1 and hms2 also cause a significant reduction in hybrid female fertility, suggesting that sex-specific hybrid defects might share a common genetic basis. This possibility is supported by our discovery that recombination is reduced dramatically in a cross involving a parent with the hms1-hms2 incompatibility.  相似文献   

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