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The amount of folded functional protein in a cell is controlled by a number of factors, including the relative rates of its biosynthetic and specific degradation processes, and its intrinsic thermodynamic stability. Mutation-induced loss of stability is a common cause of disease. Many oncogenic mutants of the tumour suppressor p53, for example, reduce the intrinsic thermodynamic stability of the protein in vitro. We have analysed the level of recombinant folded human p53 core domain (p53C) and its mutants in Escherichia coli spanning a stability range of 6 kcal/mol to assess the effects of intrinsic thermodynamic stability in vivo in the absence of specific ubiquitin-mediated pathways in human cells. The levels of folded protein were measured fluorimetrically in living cells by fusing the gene of p53C upstream to that of green fluorescent protein and measuring the fluorescence relative to a control at various temperatures. At a fixed temperature, the amount of fluorescence is correlated with the thermodynamic stability of the mutant. The level of each protein varied with temperature according to a sigmoid curve that paralleled the melting in vitro, but the apparent T(m) was lower in vivo, because steady-state levels are observed rather than true thermodynamic equilibria. Our results show clearly that changes in the intrinsic thermodynamic stability of p53 reduce the level of folded and hence functional p53 substantially in E. coli, and provide insights into the correlation between protein instability and disease at the cellular level.  相似文献   

Osmolytes of the polyol series are known to accumulate in biological systems under stress and stabilize the structures of a wide variety of proteins. While increased surface tension of aqueous solutions has been considered an important factor in protein stabilization effect, glycerol is an exception, lowering the surface tension of water. To clarify this anomalous effect, the effect of a series of polyols on the thermal stability of a highly thermolabile two domain protein yeast hexokinase A has been investigated by differential scanning calorimetry and by monitoring loss in the biological activity of the enzyme as a function of time. A larger increase in the T(m) of domain 1 compared with that of domain 2, varying linearly with the number of hydroxyl groups in polyols, has been observed, sorbitol being the best stabilizer against both thermal as well as urea denaturation. Polyols help retain the activity of the enzyme considerably and a good correlation of the increase in T(m) (DeltaT(m)) and the retention of activity with the increase in the surface tension of polyol solutions, except glycerol, which breaks this trend, has been observed. However, the DeltaT(m) values show a linear correlation with apparent molal heat capacity and volume of aqueous polyol solutions including glycerol. These results suggest that while bulk solution properties contribute significantly to protein stabilization, interfacial properties are not always a good indicator of the stabilizing effect. A subtle balance of various weak binding and exclusion effects of the osmolytes mediated by water further regulates the stabilizing effect. Understanding these aspects is critical in the rational design of stable protein formulations.  相似文献   

A dispersion of melting temperatures at pH 5.3 for individual residues of the BBL protein domain has been adduced as evidence for barrier-free downhill folding. Other members of the peripheral subunit domain family fold cooperatively at pH 7. To search for possible causes of anomalies in BBL's denaturation behavior, we measured the pH titration of individual residues by heteronuclear NMR. At 298 K, the pKa of His142 was close to that of free histidine at 6.47 ± 0.04, while that of the more buried His166 was highly perturbed at 5.39 ± 0.02. Protonation of His166 is thus energetically unfavorable and destabilizes the protein by ∼ 1.5 kcal/mol. Changes in Cα secondary shifts at pH 5.3 showed a decrease in helicity of the C-terminus of helix 2, where His166 is located, which was accompanied by a measured decrease of 1.1 ± 0.2 kcal/mol in stability from pH 7 to 5.3. Protonation of His166 perturbs, therefore, the structure of BBL. Only ∼ 1% of the structurally perturbed state will be present at the biologically relevant pH 7.6. Experiments at pH 5.3 report on a near-equal mixture of the two different native states. Further, at this pH, small changes of pH and pKa induced by changes in temperature will have near-maximal effects on pH-dependent conformational equilibria and on propagation of experimental error. Accordingly, conventional barrier-limited folding predicts some dispersion of measured thermal unfolding curves of individual residues at pH 5.3.  相似文献   

Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) are essential components of many organisms adaptation to cold temperatures. Fish type III AFPs are divided into two groups, SP isoforms being much less active than QAE1 isoforms. Two type III AFPs from Zoarces viviparus, a QAE1 (ZvAFP13) and an SP (ZvAFP6) isoform, are here characterized and their crystal structures determined. We conclude that the higher activity of the QAE1 isoforms cannot be attributed to single residues, but rather a combination of structural effects. Furthermore both ZvAFP6 and ZvAFP13 crystal structures have water molecules around T18 equivalent to the tetrahedral-like waters previously identified in a neutron crystal structure. Interestingly, ZvAFP6 forms dimers in the crystal, with a significant dimer interface. The presence of ZvAFP6 dimers was confirmed in solution by native electrophoresis and gel filtration. To our knowledge this is the first report of dimerization of AFP type III proteins.  相似文献   

We describe in molecular detail how disruption of an intermonomer salt bridge (Arg337-Asp352) leads to partial destabilization of the p53 tetramerization domain and a dramatically increased propensity to form amyloid fibrils. At pH 4.0 and 37 degrees C, a p53 tetramerization domain mutant (p53tet-R337H), associated with adrenocortical carcinoma in children, readily formed amyloid fibrils, while the wild-type (p53tet-wt) did not. We characterized these proteins by equilibrium denaturation, 13C(alpha) secondary chemical shifts, (1H)-15N heteronuclear NOEs, and H/D exchange. Although p53tet-R337H was thermodynamically less stable, NMR data indicated that the two proteins had similar secondary structure and molecular dynamics. NMR derived pK(a) values indicated that at low pH the R337H mutation partially disrupted an intermonomer salt bridge. Backbone H/D exchange results showed that for at least a small population of p53tet-R337H molecules disruption of this salt bridge resulted in partial destabilization of the protein. It is proposed that this decrease in p53tet-R337H stability resulted in an increased propensity to form amyloid fibrils.  相似文献   

Burkholderia phymatum is a soil bacterium able to develop a nitrogen-fixing symbiosis with species of the legume genus Mimosa, and is frequently found associated specifically with Mimosa pudica. The type strain of the species, STM 815T, was isolated from a root nodule in French Guiana in 2000. The strain is an aerobic, motile, non-spore forming, Gram-negative rod, and is a highly competitive strain for nodulation compared to other Mimosa symbionts, as it also nodulates a broad range of other legume genera and species. The 8,676,562 bp genome is composed of two chromosomes (3,479,187 and 2,697,374 bp), a megaplasmid (1,904,893 bp) and a plasmid hosting the symbiotic functions (595,108 bp).  相似文献   

Daily torpor is a physiological adaptation that allows mammals to cope with energetic challenges associated with unpredictable periods of food shortage. We experimentally tested whether food quality influences torpor frequency and depth in the pichi (Zaedyus pichiy), a small, opportunistically omnivorous armadillo endemic to arid and semi-arid habitats of southern South America. We recorded body temperature (Tsc) changes in 10 semi-captive, adult female pichis using dataloggers implanted subcutaneously during periods of 21 days. All individuals entered spontaneous daily torpor, but those receiving a low-quality diet had significantly lower daily mean and minimum Tsc, spent more time at Tsc below their individual lower limit of normothermia, and had a higher Heterothermy Index than controls. Five individuals entered prolonged torpor bouts lasting more than 24 h, two of them repeatedly. Nine out of ten prolonged torpor bouts occurred in individuals feeding on a low-quality diet, suggesting that pichis are able to enter prolonged periods of torpor during severe environmental stress. In combination with their ability to hibernate and to respond to a reduced insect abundance by ingesting other food items, this physiological adaptation allows pichis to better cope with food shortages and a more extreme climate than other armadillos. It may explain why Z. pichiy naturally occurs farther south than any other armadillo species.  相似文献   

We have recently concluded from the heat-induced denaturation studies that polyols do not affect deltaG(D) degrees (the Gibbs free energy change (deltaG(D)) at 25 degrees C) of ribonuclease-A and lysozyme at physiological pH and temperature, and their stabilizing effect increases with decrease in pH. Since the estimation of deltaG(D) degrees of proteins from heat-induced denaturation curves requires a large extrapolation, the reliability of this procedure for the estimation of deltaG(D) degrees is always questionable, and so are conclusions drawn from such studies. This led us to measure deltaG(D) degrees of ribonuclease-A and lysozyme using a more accurate method, i.e., from their isothermal (25 degrees C) guanidinium chloride (GdmCl)-induced denaturations. We show that our earlier conclusions drawn from heat-induced denaturation studies are correct. Since the extent of unfolding of heat- and GdmCl-induced denatured states of these proteins is not identical, the extent of stabilization of the proteins by polyols against heat and GdmCl denaturations may also differ. We report that in spite of the differences in the structural nature of the heat- and GdmCl-denatured states of each protein, the extent of stabilization by a polyol is same. We also report that the functional dependence of deltaG(D) of proteins in the presence of polyols on denaturant concentration is linear through the full denaturant concentration range. Furthermore, polyols do not affect the secondary and tertiary structures of the native and GdmCl-denatured states.  相似文献   

The mRNA-binding site of annexin A2 resides in helices C-D of its domain IV   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Annexin A2 (AnxA2) is a Ca(2+)-binding and phospholipid-binding protein involved in different intracellular processes including exocytosis, endocytosis and membrane-cytoskeleton movements. We have previously identified AnxA2 as an mRNA-binding protein present in cytoskeleton-bound polysomes, that binds to a specific approximately 100 nucleotide region in the 3'-untranslated region of c-myc and its cognate mRNA. In the present study, we show by UV cross-linking assays and surface plasmon resonance analyses that the mRNA-binding site of AnxA2 resides in its domain IV. Furthermore, the interaction of full-length AnxA2 with the 3'-untranslated region of anxA2 mRNA is Ca(2+)-dependent. By contrast, the interaction is Ca(2+)-independent for the isolated domain IV of AnxA2, suggesting that the mRNA-binding site is masked in Apo-AnxA2 and gains exposure through a Ca(2+)-induced conformational change of AnxA2 generating a favourable mRNA-binding site. The AnxA2-mRNA interaction is specific and involves helices C and D in domain IV of AnxA2, since point mutagenesis of several charged and polar exposed residues of these helices in the full-length protein strongly reduce RNA binding. The interaction appears to be sequential involving an initial phase of recognition dominated by electrostatic interactions, most likely between lysine residues and the phosphate backbone of RNA, followed by a second phase contributing to the specificity of the interaction.  相似文献   

An in-vitro selection strategy was used to obtain strongly stabilized variants of the beta1 domain of protein G (Gbeta1). In a two-step approach, first candidate positions with a high potential for stabilization were identified in Gbeta1 libraries that were created by error-prone PCR, and then, after randomization of these positions by saturation mutagenesis, strongly stabilized variants were selected. For both steps the in-vitro selection method Proside was employed. Proside links the stability of a protein with the infectivity of a filamentous phage. Ultimately, residues from the two best selected variants were combined in a single Gbeta1 molecule. This variant with the four mutations E15V, T16L, T18I, and N37L showed an increase of 35.1 degrees C in the transition midpoint and of 28.5 kJ mol(-1) (at 70 degrees C) in the Gibbs free energy of stabilization. It was considerably more stable than the best variant from a previous Proside selection, in which positions were randomized that had originally been identified by computational design. Only a single substitution (T18I) was found in both selections. The best variants from the present selection showed a higher cooperativity of thermal unfolding, as indicated by an increase in the enthalpy of unfolding by about 60 kJ mol(-1). This increase is apparently correlated with the presence of Leu residues that were selected at the positions 16 and 37.  相似文献   

Thermal denaturation curves of ribonuclease-A were measured by monitoring changes in the far-UV circular dichroism (CD) spectra in the presence of different concentrations of six sugars (glucose, fructose, galactose, sucrose, raffinose and stachyose) and mixture of monosaccharide constituents of each oligosaccharide at various pH values in the range of 6.0-2.0. These measurements gave values of T(m) (midpoint of denaturation), DeltaH(m) (enthalpy change at T(m)), DeltaC(p) (constant-pressure heat capacity change) under a given solvent condition. Using these values of DeltaH(m), T(m) and DeltaC(p) in appropriate thermodynamic relations, thermodynamic parameters at 25 degrees C, namely, DeltaG(D)(o) (Gibbs energy change), DeltaH(D)(o) (enthalpy change), and DeltaS(D)(o) (entropy change) were determined at a given pH and concentration of each sugar (including its mixture of monosaccharide constituents). Our main conclusions are: (i) each sugar stabilizes the protein in terms of T(m) and DeltaG(D)(o), and this stabilization is under enthalpic control, (ii) the protein stabilization by the oligosaccharide is significantly less than that by the equimolar concentration of the constituent monosaccharides, and (iii) the stabilization by monosaccharides in a mixture is fully additive. Furthermore, measurements of the far- and near-UV CD spectra suggested that secondary and tertiary structures of protein in their native and denatured states are not perturbed on the addition of sugars.  相似文献   

Molecular aspects of thermal adaptation of proteins were studied by following the co-evolution of temperature dependence, conformational stability, and substrate specificity in a cold-active lipase modified via directed evolution. We found that the evolution of kinetic stability was accompanied by a relaxation in substrate specificity. Moreover, temperature dependence and selectivity turned out to be mutually dependent. While the wild-type protein was strictly specific for short-chain triglycerides (C4) in the temperature range 10-50 °C and displayed highest activity in the cold, its stabilized variant was able to accept C8 and C12 molecules and its selectivity was temperature dependent. We could not detect any improvement in the overall structural robustness of the mutant when the structure was challenged by temperature or chemical denaturants. There is, however, strong evidence for local stabilization effects in the active-site region provided by two independent approaches. Differential scanning fluorimetry revealed that the exposure of hydrophobic patches (as the active site is) precedes denaturation, and molecular dynamics simulations confirmed that stability was obtained by restriction of the mobility of the lid, a flexible structure that regulates the access to the enzyme active site and influences its stability. This reduction of lid movements is suggested to be accompanied by a concomitant increase in the mobility of other protein regions, thus accounting for the observed broadening of substrate specificity.  相似文献   

Prolyl cis/trans isomerizations determine the rates of many protein-folding reactions, and they can serve as molecular switches and timers. The energy required to shift the prolyl cis/trans equilibrium during these processes originates from conformational reactions that are linked structurally and energetically with prolyl isomerization. We used the N2 domain of the gene-3-protein of phage fd to elucidate how such an energetic linkage develops in the course of folding. The Asp160-Pro161 bond at the tip of a β hairpin of N2 is cis in the crystal structure, but in fact, it exists as a mixture of conformers in folded N2. During refolding, about 10 kJ mol− 1 of conformational energy becomes available for a 75-fold shift of the cis/trans equilibrium constant at Pro161, from 7/93 in the unfolded to 90/10 in the folded form. We combined single- and double-mixing kinetic experiments with a mutational analysis to identify the structural origin of this proline shift energy and to elucidate the molecular path for the transfer of this energy to Pro161. It originates largely, if not entirely, from the two-stranded β sheet at the base of the Pro161 hairpin. The two strands improve their stabilizing interactions when Pro161 is cis, and this stabilization is propagated to Pro161, because the connector peptides between the β strands and Pro161 are native-like folded when Pro161 is cis. In the presence of a trans-Pro161, the connector peptides are locally unfolded, and thus, Pro161 is structurally and energetically uncoupled from the β sheet. Such interrelations between local folding and prolyl isomerization and the potential modulation by prolyl isomerases might also be used to break and reestablish slow communication pathways in proteins.  相似文献   

N-terminal domain of HIV-1 p24 capsid protein is a globular fold composed of seven helices and two β-strands with a flexible structure including the α4–5 loop and both N- and C-terminal ends. However, the protein shows a high tendency (48%) for an intrinsically disordered structure based on the PONDR VL-XT prediction from the primary sequence. To assess the possibility of marginally stabilized structure under physiological conditions, the N-terminal domain of p24 was destabilized by the addition of an artificial flexible tag to either N- or C-terminal ends, and it was analyzed using T1, T2, hetero-nuclear NOE, and amide-proton exchange experiments. When the C-terminal tag (12 residues) was attached, the regions of the α3–4 loop and helix 6 as well as the α4–5 loop attained the flexible structures. Furthermore, in the protein containing the N-terminal tag (27 residues), helix 4 in addition to the above-mentioned area including α3–4 and α4–5 loops as well as helix 6 exhibited highly disordered structures. Thus, the long-range effects of the existence of tag sequence was observed in the stepwise manner of the appearance of disordered structures (step 1: α4–5 loop, step 2: α3–4 loop and helix 6, and step 3: helix 4). Furthermore, the disordered regions in tagged proteins were consistent with the PONDR VL-XT disordered prediction. The dynamic structure located in the middle part (α3–4 loop to helix 6) of the protein shown in this study may be related to the assembly of the viral particle.  相似文献   

A circular cryptic plasmid named pPAGA (2,734 bp) was isolated from Pantoea agglomerans strain EGE6 (an endophytic bacterial isolate from eucalyptus). Sequence analysis revealed that the plasmid has a G+C content of 51% and contains four potential ORFs, 238(A), 250(B), 131(C), and 129(D) amino acids in length without homology to known proteins. The shuttle vector pLGM1 was constructed by combining the pPAGA plasmid with pGFPmut3.0 (which harbors a gene encoding green fluorescent protein, GFP), and the resulting construct was used to over-express GFP in E. coli and P. agglomerans cells. GFP production was used to monitor the colonization of strain EGE6gfp in various plant tissues by fluorescence microscopy. Analysis of EGE6gfp colonization showed that 14 days after inoculation, the strain occupied the inner tissue of Eucalyptus grandis roots, preferentially colonizing the xylem vessels of the host plants.  相似文献   

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