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Arundo donax L. (Poaceae) is native to Mediterranean Europe and invasive in the Rio Grande Basin of North America. Rhizomes from nine sites in France and Spain infested with a candidate control agent, the armoured scale Rhizaspidiotus donacis (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) weighed 50% less than those from nine sites without scale.  相似文献   

The effect of feeding by the armored scale, Rhizaspidiotus donacis (Leonardi, 1920) (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) on the growth of the plant Arundo donax L. (Poaceae) was evaluated under field conditions in its native range. The study was designed to evaluate the impact of R. donacis, a candidate agent for biological control of A. donax which is invasive in arid riparian ecosystems of the Southwestern USA and Mexico. The study was carried out at five A. donax sites in the Province of Alicante, Spain, differing in altitude and climate. At each site, 30 infested lateral shoots were selected and 15 were randomly treated monthly with imidacloprid insecticide. Shoot lengths were measured monthly over a 1-year period in a comparative growth analysis. Shoots infested with R. donacis had an over 2-fold reduced growth rate as compared to treated shoots. Growth of shoots varied by site, and the effect of R. donacis on growth was most pronounced in the late spring, when mature females produced first instar scale crawlers. The impact of R. donacis on A. donax growth under field conditions in the native range, combined with its narrow host specificity, indicate that R. donacis is a promising candidate for biological control of A. donax in North America and other areas invaded by this weed.  相似文献   

The armored scale Rhizaspidiotus donacis (Leornardi) was evaluated as a potential biological control agent of the invasive reed grass Arundo donax in North America. No-choice tests, native range field surveys and non-target host exposures were used to determine the fundamental host range of the scale collected from Caloma, Spain and Perpignan, France. Thirty-five species, including two genotypes of A. donax and seven ecotypes of Phragmites australis, along with closely related grasses, economic grasses and habitat associates were tested. In quarantine no-choice testing using releases of 200 crawlers per plant, normal development of R. donacis was observed on A. donax and A. formosana, with very limited survival to the adult stage on Spartina alterniflora and Leptochloa spp. In follow-up studies using 1000 crawlers per plant, 10 live adult females were found on Leptochloa virgata, and one adult female on Spartina alterniflora, but average adult female abundance per plant was (2580%) 26-times lower on L. virgata and over (39,090%) 100-times lower on S. alterniflora than on A. donax. Field surveys were conducted at five locations in Spain and France at which A. donax infested with R. donacis, co-occurred with two non-target species of concern and R. donacis was only found on A. donax. Six-month field host exposures in Spain using potted Leptochloa plants entwined with heavily infested A. donax confirmed that R. donacis is specific to Arundo under field conditions. Based on our results, the scale R. donacis appears to be specific to the genus Arundo and is unlikely to harm native or cultivated plants in the Americas.  相似文献   

Five years post-release of the arundo gall wasp, Tetramesa romana, into the riparian habitats of the lower Rio Grande River, changes in the health of the invasive weed, Arundo donax, or giant reed, have been documented. These changes in plant attributes are fairly consistent along the study area of 558 river miles between Del Rio and Brownsville, TX, and support the hypothesis that the arundo wasp has had a significant impact as a biological control agent. Plant attributes were measured prior to release in 10 quadrats at each of 10 field sites in 2007, and measured again at the same undisturbed sites, 5 years after the release of T. romana, in 2014. Above ground biomass of A. donax decreased on average by 22% across the 10 sites. This decline in biomass was negatively correlated to increased total numbers of T. romana exit holes in main and lateral shoots per site in 2014 compared to 2007. Changes in biomass, live shoot density and shoot lengths, especially the positive effect of galling on main and lateral shoot mortality, appear to be leading to a consistent decline of A. donax. Economically, this reduction in A. donax biomass is estimated to be saving 4.4 million dollars per year in agricultural water. Additional impacts are expected as populations of the wasp increase and as other biological control agents such as the arundo scale, Rhizaspidiotus donacis, become more widespread.  相似文献   

Water deficit stress can reduce the reproductive performance of galling insects, but has not previously been studied in the context of mass-rearing of a galling agent on a perennial grass. The effects of water deficit were examined for the wasp Tetramesa romana Walker (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae), released in the Lower Rio Grande Basin of Texas and Mexico in 2009 and in northern California in 2010 for control of giant reed (Arundo donax (L)) (Poaceae). In one study, water deficit was imposed for 7–10 weeks during gall maturation, ending when adult progeny began to emerge. Aboveground water content was reduced by 1.7% and culm height by 41% in pots receiving one-fourth of normal watering (soil saturation), indicating that water deficit stress occurred. Water deficit did not affect proportion of culms successfully galled or number of progeny produced. However, time to first exit hole appearance was 2–4 days longer and adult wasp generation time 5–7 days longer on galls on water deficit–stressed compared to control culms, thereby reducing the wasp's intrinsic rate of increase. Water deficit imposed only during parent wasp oviposition had no effect on galling success or reproduction. Water deficit thus has a negative effect on rearing by delaying adult emergence and reducing the rate of population increase, even without affecting adult fertility. Mass-rearing should involve well-watered plants, and variable drought conditions in the field should be considered when evaluating T. romana establishment and impact.  相似文献   

An invasive grass, Arundo donax, occupies thousands of hectares of arid riparian habitat along the Rio Grande in Texas and Mexico, and has negative impacts on national security, water resources, and riparian ecosystems. The shoot-tip-galling wasp Tetramesa romana was released in 2009 between Brownsville and Del Rio, Texas, and has dispersed over 800?km along the river channel. Plots along the river were surveyed for shoot counts of arundo and all other plant species in 2016 at seven sites in regions in which prior studies had documented a 22% decline in arundo biomass (estimated from live shoot length) from 2007 to 2014. Estimated live biomass declined a further 32% between 2014 and 2016. Native plants accounted for 86% of the 44 species encountered in plots. Individual plots averaged five plant species, and arundo was most abundant in only 9 of 21 plots. Arundo live biomass and shoot density were negatively associated with plant diversity, indicating that live arundo interferes with germination and/or survival of other plant species. The proportion of dead shoots in plots, proportion of wasp-galled shoots, and density of exit holes made by emerging adult wasps per metre live main shoot length were positively associated with plant diversity in a combined model. Regressions indicated that the effects of wasp damage measures on diversity were mediated through their effects on main shoot mortality. By reducing live arundo biomass, the arundo wasp is fostering recovery of native plant communities at riparian sites along the Rio Grande.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The hypothesis of an ancient introduction, i.e. archaeophyte origin, is one of the most challenging questions in phylogeography. Arundo donax (Poaceae) is currently considered to be one of the worst invasive species globally, but it has also been widely utilzed by man across Eurasia for millennia. Despite a lack of phylogenetic data, recent literature has often speculated on its introduction to the Mediterranean region.


This study tests the hypothesis of its ancient introduction from Asia to the Mediterranean by using plastid DNA sequencing and morphometric analysis on 127 herbarium specimens collected across sub-tropical Eurasia. In addition, a bioclimatic species distribution model calibrated on 1221 Mediterranean localities was used to identify similar ecological niches in Asia.

Key Results

Despite analysis of several plastid DNA hypervariable sites and the identification of 13 haplotypes, A. donax was represented by a single haplotype from the Mediterranean to the Middle East. This haplotype is shared with invasive samples worldwide, and its nearest phylogenetic relatives are located in the Middle East. Morphometric data characterized this invasive clone by a robust morphotype distinguishable from all other Asian samples. The ecological niche modelling designated the southern Caspian Sea, southern Iran and the Indus Valley as the most suitable regions of origin in Asia for the invasive clone of A. donax.


Using an integrative approach, an ancient dispersion of this robust, polyploid and non-fruiting clone is hypothesized from the Middle East to the west, leading to its invasion throughout the Mediterranean Basin.  相似文献   

The shoot tip-galling wasp Tetramesa romana Walker (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae) has been released for biological control of giant reed or arundo (Arundo donax L.) (Poaceae), an invasive grass in the USA and Mexico. The role of urea fertilization to improve plant-based mass-rearing was examined. In a greenhouse study, rhizomes were fertilized with urea pellets at rates equivalent to 1000 kg (low), 2000 kg (moderate), and 4000 (high) kg N per ha–1. Total nitrogen content of ungalled stems was significantly 0.60–0.65% higher under low and moderate fertilization compared to unfertilized pots, and shoot water content was elevated 3–4% at all urea levels. Moderate fertilization significantly (by 1.4-fold) increased the relative growth rate of all shoots in pots, but did not affect final dry biomass. Fertilization did not affect number and duration of probing events by females. The percentage of shoots colonized by wasps that were galled, progeny production per shoot and per female, and emergent wasp size were not affected. However, average generation time (adult to adult) of emergent wasps was 4–5 days shorter on shoots in pots under moderate and high urea fertilization. After a four-week wasp emergence period, only 3–9% of progeny remained in fertilized shoots, while 21% of progeny remained inside unfertilized shoots. In field plots, fertilization did not affect gall density per m shoot length or per female released. Urea fertilization increased the efficiency of greenhouse rearing of the arundo wasp and availability of adults for release, even without direct effects on gall production.  相似文献   

The delphacid Megamelus scutellaris Berg was evaluated for host specificity and potential impact as part of a biological control program targeting Eichhornia. crassipes. Survival and development of adults and nymphs were used as metrics with no-choice, two-choice, nymph transfer, and sustainability tests conducted under quarantine conditions. A total of 69 plant species were tested including 12 from the Pontederiaceae (including E. crassipes). Additionally, 27 native and 5 exotic associated wetland species and 11 economic species were tested. Megamelus scutellaris exhibited a high level of oviposition and developmental fidelity to E. crassipes by failing to sustain populations on any non-target test plant past the F1 generation. Nymph transfer tests which simulated potential spill-over events found that survival was virtually non-existent on associated wetland plants, regardless of taxonomic relatedness, including on Pontederia cordata, an important and widespread native species. Eichhornia crassipes plants exposed to two consecutive generations of feeding produced 66.9% less biomass and 73.4% fewer leaves than those in the controls. We conclude that Megamelus scutellaris is safe to release on E. crassipes in the United States.  相似文献   

Megamelus scutellaris Berg (Delphacidae) and Taosa (Cuernavaca) longula Remes Lenicov (Dictyopharidae) are specialist planthoppers that feed and reproduce on the invasive aquatic weed, Eichhornia crassipes (Martius) Solms-Laubach (Pontederiaceae). They overlap geographically in several regions of South America and may, therefore, interact and compete for food and microhabitat. Preliminary observations indicated that both species do not feed on the same part of the plant. We hypothesized that they partition the resource; hence, we studied (1) the feeding mechanism at the tissue level and (2) the spatial distribution of both species on the water hyacinth plant. Salivary sheaths were detected through histological sections of plant tissues using light microscopy. The location of either planthopper species on the plant was recorded when in the presence or absence of the other species. Both species produced true salivary sheaths, mostly branched (M. scutellaris: 82%; T. longula: 84%), ending in phloem (M. scutellaris: 56%; T. longula: 52%), and xylem tissues (M. scutellaris: 24%; T. longula: 28%). They resided on different parts of the water hyacinth plant even when they did not coexist; nymphs of T. longula occurred primarily on the back side of the leaf laminas, while nymphs of M. scutellaris occupied the basal zone of the petioles. This study shows that these planthoppers complement each other and could be used in combination as control agents for water hyacinth. Further experimental studies and field observations are necessary to quantify interactions.  相似文献   

Schinus terebinthifolia Raddi (Anacardiaceae) (Brazilian peppertree) is one of the most serious terrestrial invasive plants in Florida. The leaf galling psyllid, Calophya latiforceps Burckhardt (Hemiptera: Calophyidae), was discovered feeding on the Brazilian peppertree in Bahia, Brazil, in 2010, and is being evaluated for release as a biological control agent. In order to understand how this candidate biological control agent affects the growth of S. terebinthifolia, we measured the effect of the psyllid on photosynthesis, leaf chlorophyll content and plant growth. Infested plants had lower photosynthesis compared to uninfested plants 30 and 45 days after gall initiation, and chlorophyll content was lower over a 70-d period. Plant height was reduced 31% and biomass 11% after three months of infestation. Results of these studies suggest that C. latiforceps will negatively affect the growth of the Brazilian peppertree if released in Florida.  相似文献   

载体植物系统(Banker plant system, BPS)通过建立自然天敌的自我维持机制以持续控制田间及保护地害虫。本研究分别以玉米蚜Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch)和小麦Triticum aestivum L.作为替代猎物和载体植物,构建龟纹瓢虫Propylaea japonica (Thunberg)载体植物系统防控桃蚜Myzus persicae (Sulzer),通过正交试验设计优化该载体植物系统中各因子的组合,并对该系统繁殖的龟纹瓢虫对玉米蚜和目标害虫桃蚜的取食选择性进行研究。结果显示,龟纹瓢虫成虫获得量最大的组合是小麦播种后第四天接蚜720头,待蚜虫扩繁5天后,投入龟纹瓢虫初孵幼虫30头。取食选择性试验结果表明小麦载体植物扩繁的龟纹瓢虫对靶标害虫桃蚜具有良好的捕食作用。  相似文献   

Cottony-cushion scale ( Icerya purchasi ) infestation on red berried mistletoe ( Viscum cruciatum ) is reported for the first time. Mistletoe is a hemiparasitic plant that was parasitizing stems of olive trees; however, I. purchasi infested only the mistletoe and not the olive. Economic implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Cryptognatha nodiceps Marshall is an important natural enemy used in biological control programmes against Aspidiotus destructor (Signoret), an introduced pest of coconut in many countries. In order to increase our understanding of C. nodiceps, the present study to quantify aspects of the developmental, reproductive and feeding biology under constant environmental conditions (26±2°C, 55-65% RH) was carried out. In addition, methods for culturing the scale and the beetle were developed. The average duration of development was 19.2±0.1 days for males and 19.6±0.2 days for females. Female longevity and lifetime fecundity was 35.6±5.1 days and 141.0±35.6 eggs, respectively. Life table statistics were as follows: reproductive rate, 9.99, intrinsic rate of increase, 0.09, finite rate of increase, 1.1, doubling time, 7.8 days and generation time, 41.1 days. Studies on feeding biology showed that C. nodiceps was oligophagous. The coccinellid fed and reproduced on prey species in two families, Diaspididae and Coccidae. Adults also fed on the coconut whitefly Aleurodicus cocois (Curtis) (Aleyrodidae) but no reproduction occurred on this prey. Aphididae, Psyllidae and Pseudococcidae were not fed upon.  相似文献   

Rising atmospheric CO2 levels could have drastic effects on the performance of invasive weeds and their insect herbivores. Despite the importance of biological control as an effective management tool for environmental weeds, there have been few studies on the potential impact of climate change on the future efficacy of biological control. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of elevated CO2 on the performance of tropical soda apple Solanum viarum (Solanaceae) and its biological control agent Gratiana boliviana (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). We established three levels of CO2 in environmental growth chambers: ambient (400 ppm), medium (580 ppm) and high (780 ppm). Plants growing at the high level had greater biomass compared to those growing at the ambient and medium levels of CO2. Leaf water content and the amount of leaf nitrogen were reduced at high compared to ambient or medium CO2 levels. G. boliviana immature survival and developmental time were negatively affected at high CO2 but not at medium or ambient levels. Adults were lighter and smaller when reared at the high CO2 level compared to ambient and medium treatments, while adult fecundity was higher at the medium CO2 level. Leaf area consumed by fifth instars was lower when feeding on plants grown at the high CO2 level either inside a Petri dish or on potted plants. These results suggest that beetle performance may be diminished under future climate. However, further studies should incorporate other factors such as temperature and precipitation as well as the evolutionary potential of herbivores and plants to adapt to a changing climate.  相似文献   

Pistia stratiotes L. (Araceae) is a floating aquatic plant that has become invasive in Florida. It is primarily controlled with herbicides, but two biocontrol agents have previously been released to assist in management of this species. A new potential biocontrol agent from Argentina, Lepidelphax pistiae Remes Lenicov (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), has been evaluated comprehensively for specificity after initial host range studies done in its native range indicated that it is likely specific to P. stratiotes. Host range studies indicated that this insect is specific to P. stratiotes, with no survival or reproduction occurring on any of the 42 other plant species tested. Impact studies indicated that this insect can significantly damage P. stratiotes at medium and high population densities, which were comparable to those seen in its native range. Lepidelphax pistiae is sufficiently specific enough to warrant release and has a high probability of aiding management of P. stratiotes populations in Florida.  相似文献   

Galls on Bauhinia cupulata (Fabaceae) were investigated in two physiognomies of the Cerrado, riparian and dry forest, in the municipality of Barreiras (Western Bahia, Brazil) from October 2012 to July 2014. Four insect gall morphotypes were found. They were characterized based on shape, color, indumentum, plant organ of occurrence and galling taxon. A new galling species, Schizomyia barreirensis, is described, illustrated (larva, pupa, male, female and gall) and compared to other Neotropical congeneric species.  相似文献   

Lygus lineolaris populations in the northeastern USA have been markedly reduced by the introduced parasitoid Peristenus digoneutis. A 3-year study in NJ where P. digoneutis has been established for many years demonstrated that parasitism of Lygus nymphs in strawberries averaged 30% (mostly P. digoneutis). Strawberry damage by L. lineolaris ranged from 19 to 33%.  相似文献   

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