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This report describes the activity budget of a group of Callithrix geoffroyi in a patch of Atlantic forest on the Brazilian coast, between February 1993 and January 1994, using the scan sampling methods. On average, the group rested for 29% of the daylight hours, fed for 21%, moved for 20%, and foraging and gouging occupied 14% and 13% of this period, respectively. A greater proportion of time was spent resting during the wet seasons (32.1%) than the dry seasons (17.8%), but the reverse observed for time spent foraging (9.7% and 20.6% of the group's daylight hours during wet and dry seasons, respectively). The time allocated to feeding was greater in the first hours of the day. Gum consumption showed two peaks, a larger one in the early morning and a minor one in the afternoon. Animal prey foraging occurred throughout the day, but was more intense during the hottest hours. The increase in foraging and decrease in resting during the dry season was related to a decrease in the availability of insects. Am. J. Primatol. 46:333–340, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The home range of one group of the Geoffroy's marmoset (Callithrix geoffroyi) was studied in a fragment of the Atlantic Forest in south-eastern Brazil, between February 1993 and January 1994. The total home range was 23.3 ha and the area used in the dry season was significantly larger than that of the wet season. The smallest distance travelled by group was 480 m/day in May and the longest was 1,980 m/day in March, but with no significant differences between seasons. The total home range used for this species agrees with the ecological grouping of the genus Callithrix proposed by Rylands & Faria (1993) and may be associated with the habitat structure, the limit of the fragment and the inexistence of neighbouring groups.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out from 2001 to 2005, with the objective of analyzing the diet of Leopardus geoffroyi in extreme southern Brazil, through analyses of stomach contents and scats. The importance of each prey type found in the scats (n=66) was determined from the frequency of occurrence and percentage of occurrence. In the stomachs (n=9), the importance of each prey was determined using Pianka's index of relative importance (IRI). The food spectrum of L. geoffroyi included mammals, birds, serpents, amphibians and insects. Mammals were the most abundant items, present in 95.5% of the scats and representing 74.4% of the total prey, reaching an IRI of 13296.3 in the stomachs. The principal prey types found in the stomachs and scats were small rodents (Cavia spp., Oligoryzomys spp., Necromys spp. and Holochilus brasiliensis) and large-sized rodents (Myocastor coypus), of terrestrial, arboreal or semi-aquatic habit. Probably, the high percentage of these prey items in the diet is related to their availability and abundance. The index of niche breadth was low in both the stomach and scat analyses (respectively, Bsta=0.18 and 0.17), demonstrating the high degree of specialization of these cats.  相似文献   

The diet of a group of six brown howlers was studied weekly during 12 months in a reserve of 250 ha of secondary, mesophytic, semi-deciduous forest. The phenology of 186 trees of 72 species and 29 families was monitored simultaneously. Scan sampling was used to record the diet from dawn until dusk on a total of 60 days of observation, yielding 718 hr of animal-observer contact and 2,943 feeding scans. The diet was composed of leaves (73%), flowers (12%), and fruits (5%), from 68 identified plant species.Celtis iguanae, Cassia ferruginea, andInga spp. were the main food sources, accounting for approximately 50% of the diet. Young leaves (59%) were preferred to mature leaves (31%), trees contributing 56% and lianas 41% of the leaf diet. The ingestion of young leaves was correlated to the availability of these items, however, the correlations were not significant for flowers and fruits. The diet was poorer in fruits and richer in young leaves of lianas in comparison to other howler monkey species studies, probably as a consequence of the liana abundance in this forest fragment.  相似文献   

Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is endogenously produced in the skin of primates when exposed to the appropriate wavelengths of ultraviolet light (UV-B). Common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) maintained indoors require dietary provision of vitamin D3 due to lack of sunlight exposure. The minimum dietary vitamin D3 requirement and the maximum amount of vitamin D3 that can be metabolized by marmosets is unknown. Observations of metabolic bone disease and gastrointestinal malabsorption have led to wide variation in dietary vitamin D3 provision amongst research institutions, with resulting variation in circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25(OH)D3), the accepted marker for vitamin D sufficiency/deficiency. Multiple studies have reported serum 25(OH)D3 in captive marmosets, but 25(OH)D3 is not the final product of vitamin D3 metabolism. In addition to serum 25(OH)D3, we measured the most physiologically active metabolite, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D3), and the less well understood metabolite, 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (24,25(OH)2D3) to characterize the marmoset's ability to metabolize dietary vitamin D3. We present vitamin D3 metabolite and related serum chemistry value colony reference ranges in marmosets provided diets with 26,367 (Colony A, N = 113) or 8,888 (Colony B, N = 52) international units (IU) of dietary vitamin D3 per kilogram of dry matter. Colony A marmosets had higher serum 25(OH)D3 (426 ng/ml [SD 200] vs. 215 ng/ml [SD 113]) and 24,25(OH)2D3 (53 ng/ml [SD 35] vs. 7 ng/ml [SD 5]). There was no difference in serum 1,25(OH)2D3 between the colonies. Serum 1,25(OH)2D3 increased and 25(OH)D3 decreased with age, but the effect was weak. Marmosets tightly regulate metabolism of dietary vitamin D3 into the active metabolite 1,25(OH)2D3; excess 25(OH)D3 is metabolized into 24,25(OH)2D3. This ability explains the tolerance of high levels of dietary vitamin D3 by marmosets, however, our data suggest that these high dietary levels are not required.  相似文献   

The feeding ecology of the Atlantic forest marmosets (Callithrix spp.) in southeastern Brazil is poorly known, and few studies have focused on buffy tufted-eared marmosets, Callithrix aurita. We determined the food items and investigated the seasonal variation in the diet of a group of four Callithrix aurita in a 17-ha semideciduous forest fragment in southern Minas Gerais State, Brazil. We recorded daily feeding activities between October 1994 and September 1995 using scan sampling at 5-min intervals. The marmosets devoted feeding time to gums (50.5%), fruits (11%), and animal prey (38.5%) in a total of 499 records. Plant resources comprised 27 species from 16 families. They used Acacia paniculata (Mimosoideae, Leguminosae), the main gum source (82%), year-round. Maclura tinctoria (Moraceae) was the fruit species that they consumed most (22%). The marmosets preyed on caterpillars (33%), katydids (5%), and homopterans (4%). Feeding on fruits varied seasonally and was inversely related to gum feeding. Consumption of animal prey remained constant over the year. The wide and year-round dependence on gum suggests that Acacia may play a critical role in marmoset persistence in forest fragments.  相似文献   

Observations previously made in the field of inter-group mating raised questions concerning the fertility of daughters in family groups and about possible competition between mothers and daughters. To test whether daughters in captive family groups could become pregnant, daughters from four groups were placed with a strange male for a period of 30 min, twice a week for eight weeks. No changes were observed in the mother/daughter interactions during the time in which the daughters were allowed contact with the strange male. Two of the daughters showed signs of ovulation and the male only copulated with these animals. One daughter became pregnant, but it was aggression with her siblings rather than her mother which necessitated removing her from her family group.  相似文献   

Little of Brazil's remaining Atlantic forest is protected, so it is important to assess how well the region's wildlife can persist in areas/habitats outside reserves. We studied bird diversity and abundance during 546 point counts in the Sooretama/Linhares reserve, 200 point counts in 31 forest fragments (10–150 h), and 50 point counts in <30-year-old Eucalyptus plantations, within 7 km of the reserve. Only eight bird species were recorded in Eucalyptus, and this impoverishment, as compared to some Eucalyptus plantations elsewhere in Brazil may be a result of intensive clearance of understory vegetation. Species diversity in forest fragments was significantly lower than in the reserve. Twelve, mostly non-forest or edge species, were significantly commoner in the fragments, but nineteen species were frequent in the reserve but rare or absent in forest fragments. These included two Pyrrhura parakeets, a Brotogeris parakeet, a trogon Trogon, a jacamar Galbula, woodpeckers Piculus and Campephilus, Myrmotherula antwrens, and Hemithraupus and Tachyphonus tanagers. Bird species richness at points in forest fragments did not decline with fragment size, distance from the reserve, or forest quality. However, forest in fragments was more heavily degraded than forest within the reserve and poor forest quality may be the cause of declines in some species. Whilst protection of forest within reserves is a priority, management of forest fragments may aid conservation of some threatened species.  相似文献   

In this paper I examine exploratory behavior and learning in two groups of common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus jacchus), both living under laboratory conditions. The main aim of my studies was to compare behavior occurring in an experimental testing situation with home-cage behavior, and to assess conditions under which exploration is enhanced. One group of marmosets was tested individually in an experimental room away from a larger animal holding room, and a second group was observed in their own home cages, surrounded by other marmosets. Marmosets in both groups were given the opportunity to learn simple tasks, such as pressing a lever for food or jumping on to a wire grid to open a door and see a neighbouring marmoset, and were provided with sets of novel or familiar objects to encourage play and exploration. In the isolated experimental cage, marmosets which learnt a lever-pressing task showed higher general activity levels than controls; in the home cages the mere addition of novel objects resulted in enhancements in exploratory behavior (measured in terms of contacts with the objects). Although the activities associated with learning tended to decline over time, the novel objects remained a constant interest throughout the experiment. The results have implications for maintaining marmosets in captivity, especially in situations when they are housed separately.  相似文献   

A slowly growing microaerophilic Helicobacter species was isolated from the feces of the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). This bacterium possessed a pair of nonsheathed bipolar flagella, was positive for oxidase, catalase and alkaline phosphatase activities, but was negative for gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase and urease activity and for nitrate reduction. The bacterium was susceptible to nalidixic acid and resistant to cephalotine and did not hydrolyze hippurate. On the basis of phenotypic characteristics, 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis and whole-cell protein profiles, the isolate represents a new species of the genus Helicobacter, for which the name Helicobacter callitrichis sp. nov. is proposed; the type strain of the new species is R-204(T) (GenBank accession number AY192526).  相似文献   

The predator avoidance behaviour of a free-ranging group of buffy-headed marmosets,Callithrix flaviceps, was recorded in detail during the course of a long-term study of behavioural ecology at the Fazenda Montes Claros, southeastern Brazil. Four distinct patterns of predator avoidance behaviour, each with specific vocalisations, were recognised and are described here. The selection and use of sleeping sites by the study group are also described. An analysis of the records indicates that these small monkeys are generally most vulnerable to predation by aerial raptors. Variations in the frequency of alarm calls also indicate that the marmosets tend to be more vigilant at higher levels in the forest and when the leaf cover is less extensive. The implications of group size and social structure for both the evolution and the efficacy of the anti-predator behaviour of marmosets are also discussed.  相似文献   

I studied alloparental behavior in a captive group of spider monkeys at the Auckland Zoo using seven infants as focal subjects and assessed the effects of age, sex, and reproductive status of alloparents on patterns of infant-other interaction. Adult males initiated interactions with infants most often, followed by adult females. Immature individuals interacted with infants infrequently. Infants themselves initiated contact with adult males more often than with other members of the group. Alloparental behavior in spider monkeys differs from that in most other species in that the infant is an active rather than a passive participant in alloparental interactions. I discuss the patterns of infant-other interaction in relation to the social structure and dispersal patterns of Ateles.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of follicle-stimulating hormone, forskolin, insulin-like growth factor type I, epidermal growth factor, and 12-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate on marmoset granulosa cell communication via gap junctions was investigated by morphological means and microinjection of carboxyfluorescein. Gap junctions between neighbouring granulosa cells were present in all groups. The number, but not length, of gap junctions between marmoset granulosa cells increased when the cells had been treated with follicle-stimulating hormone, insulin-like growth factor type I, and follicle-stimulating hormone plus insulin-like growth factor type I. No effect on gap junctions was seen, after exposure of the cells to the other three substances. Carboxyfluorescein and counting of the surrounding labelled cells showed that supplementation with follicle-stimulating hormone, forskolin, insulin-like growth factor type I and epidermal growth factor from the beginning of cultivation led to an increase in stained cells after 48 h. When treatment was started in 48 h cultures the substances reached their maximal activity within 30 min (forskolin and epidermal growth factor) or 3 h (follicle-stimulating hormone and insulin-like growth factor type I). Spreading of the fluorescen dye was inhibited when the medium was supplemented with 12-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate. This effect was maximal after 30 min. Additive effects regarding the coupling of the cells were seen by combining of epidermal growth factor with follicle-stimulating hormone, but not with insulin-like growth factor type I or forskolin plus follicle-stimulating hormone.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate whether the emission of food calls in common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) is influenced by different social contexts. Food calls are emitted by this species only in the presence of preferred food. If these calls have any communicative function, it may be that individuals produce food calls in order to call family mates toward the food source. If this is the case, the number of calls produced should vary in accordance with the number of family mates present at the moment of the discovery of the food, i.e., the fewer family mates nearby, the more food calls are emitted. This hypothesis was tested with five pairs of common marmosets, by recording the number of food calls emitted in four experimental conditions: 1). isolation: completely isolated from the family mates; 2). visual isolation: separated by a wooden panel from the family mates; 3). visual contact: separated by a wire-mesh from the family mates; and 4). physical interaction: together with the family mates. The results show that the proportion of intervals during which food calls were produced by the pairs was significantly different in the four experimental conditions. It decreased from the isolation and visual isolation condition, through the visual contact condition, reaching the lowest value in the physical interaction condition. The variation observed in the proportion of intervals during which food calls were emitted, in relation to different social contexts, is an indication in favor of the communicative function of this vocalization.  相似文献   

Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) is cultivated in the states of Bahia and Espírito Santo in eastern Brazil under the so-called cabruca system, where the understorey of native Atlantic forest is cleared and the canopy is thinned out to provide adequate shading for the cocoa trees. Apart from its economic and social role, the cabruca system is said to be important for the conservation of Atlantic forest biodiversity. In this paper we studied tree species richness and forest structure of cabrucas to examine the demographic health of these forests and discuss their long-term survival. Data were collected in 20 farms located alongside a 30km track of the northern margin of the Rio Doce, in northern Espírito Santo. All trees 5cm DBH were identified and their diameter was measured in 80 plots (600m2), totalling 4.8ha of sampled area. Recorded trees were also allocated to four different regeneration phases (pioneers, early secondary, late secondary and climax). The inventory resulted in 507 trees belonging to 105 species in 39 families. This species richness is much lower than in less disturbed forests located in the region. Pioneers and early secondary species dominate the cabruca forest in terms of number of species (56.2%), density (71.0%) and basal area (72.3%). The distribution of diameter frequency showed an imbalance in tree regeneration. Most trees in the range of 5–30cm DBH were pioneers (40.7%), or early secondary species (32.6%), while late secondary and climax trees were less frequent (10.2 and 16.5% of the sampled trees, respectively). The dominance of species of early regeneration phases was also observed for trees >30cm DBH (69.0% of pioneers or early secondary and 31.0% of late secondary or climax species). The results indicated that the cabruca forests are not only less diverse and less dense than secondary or primary forests of the region, but also, and more importantly, their natural succession and gap dynamics are being severely impaired. As a consequence, cabrucas present a structure where tree species of late successional phases are becoming increasingly rare while pioneers and early secondary species are becoming dominant. If current management practices of thinning and clearing of native trees are not improved, the long-term survival of these forests is questionable and their role in maintaining biodiversity in the long run is limited.  相似文献   

Callithrix jacchus infants are raised in complex family environments where most members participate in rearing the young. Many studies examining male parental behavior have focused on the carrying of infants with observations made within the family context. However, interference from family members can make it difficult to assess the father's motivation to care for infants. Our goals were to develop a testing paradigm for determining an individual's response to infant stimuli separate from family influences, compare a male's motivation to respond to an infant stimulus outside the family with his paternal behavior within the family, to compare responses to infant stimuli of parentally experienced versus inexperienced males and finally to develop a reproducible and standardized method of testing male responsiveness to infant stimulus that could serve to evaluate hormonal manipulations. Fifteen experienced common marmoset fathers were evaluated using three different measures of parental behavior: (1) instantaneous scan sampling, (2) continuous focal sampling in the family, and (3) continuous focal sampling of males presented with four infant stimuli: familiar and unfamiliar infants, familiar and unfamiliar infant vocalizations. Six parentally inexperienced males (non-fathers) served as controls. Males that carried the most in the family were typically the same males that responded most to the infant vocalization tests. Experienced fathers did not differ in their latency to enter the stimulus cage for any of the four infant stimuli response tests while inexperienced males took significantly longer to enter the stimulus cage. In addition, fathers expressed a greater frequency of infant-directed behavior than did the inexperienced males during the unfamiliar infant and unfamiliar vocalization tests. These studies show that experienced male marmosets are highly motivated to interact with infant stimuli and that there is interindividual variability in response to infant vocalizations. Testing males outside of the family allows for a clear assessment of male's interest in infant stimuli in both parentally experienced fathers and inexperienced males.  相似文献   

Reciprocal herkogamy is known to promote intermorph-pollination in distylous species, which are generally self- and intramorph-incompatible. Legitimate crossing rates are also influenced by pollinator foraging strategy, which determines most of the pollen flow in natural populations. This study reports on the floral morphology, compatibility relations and pollination biology of Psychotria nuda (Cham. and Schltdl.) Wawra in the Atlantic rain forest, southeastern Brazil, based on floral measurements, hand-pollination experiments and focal observation of floral visitors. It was found that P. nuda does not present an exactly reciprocal herkogamy, however, this morphological trait in P. nuda is as good as in most of Rubiaceae. Reproductive experiments showed compatibility relations similar to those frequently observed in distylous species. The hummingbirds Ramphodon naevius and females of Thalurania glaucopis were the main pollinators of P. nuda, presenting the traplining foraging strategy, which seems to maximize intermorph crosses in P. nuda flowers. These hummingbirds pollinated P. nuda flowers sequentially throughout the flowering period.  相似文献   

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