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HDMX and its homologue HDM2 are two essential proteins for the cell; after genotoxic stress, both are phosphorylated near to their RING domain, specifically at serine 403 and 395, respectively. Once phosphorylated, both can bind the p53 mRNA and enhance its translation; however, both recognize p53 protein and provoke its degradation under normal conditions. HDM2 has been well-recognized as an E3 ubiquitin ligase, whereas it has been reported that even with the high similarity between the RING domains of the two homologs, HDMX does not have the E3 ligase activity. Despite this, HDMX is needed for the proper p53 poly-ubiquitination. Phosphorylation at serine 395 changes the conformation of HDM2, helping to explain the switch in its activity, but no information on HDMX has been published. Here, we study the conformation of HDMX and its phospho-mimetic mutant S403D, investigate its E3 ligase activity and dissect its binding with p53. We show that phospho-mutation does not change the conformation of the protein, but HDMX is indeed an E3 ubiquitin ligase in vitro; however, in vivo, no activity was found. We speculated that HDMX is regulated by induced fit, being able to switch activity accordingly to the specific partner as p53 protein, p53 mRNA or HDM2. Our results aim to contribute to the elucidation of the contribution of the HDMX to p53 regulation.  相似文献   

Ras association domain family (RASSF) 6 is a member of the C-terminal RASSF proteins such as RASSF1A and RASSF3. RASSF6 is involved in apoptosis in various cells under miscellaneous conditions, but it remains to be clarified how RASSF6 exerts tumor-suppressive roles. We reported previously that RASSF3 facilitates the degradation of MDM2, a major E3 ligase of p53, and stabilizes p53 to function as a tumor suppressor. In this study, we demonstrate that RASSF6 overexpression induces G1/S arrest in p53-positive cells. Its depletion prevents UV- and VP-16-induced apoptosis and G1/S arrest in HCT116 and U2OS cells. RASSF6-induced apoptosis partially depends on p53. RASSF6 binds MDM2 and facilitates its ubiquitination. RASSF6 depletion blocks the increase of p53 in response to UV exposure and up-regulation of p53 target genes. RASSF6 depletion delays DNA repair in UV- and VP-16-treated cells and increases polyploid cells after VP-16 treatment. These findings indicate that RASSF6 stabilizes p53, regulates apoptosis and the cell cycle, and functions as a tumor suppressor. Together with the previous reports regarding RASSF1A and RASSF3, the stabilization of p53 may be the common function of the C-terminal RASSF proteins.  相似文献   

Recently, we have described that CREB (cAMP-responsive element-binding protein) has the ability to transactivate tumor suppressor p53 gene in response to glucose deprivation. In this study, we have found that CREB forms a complex with p53 and represses p53-mediated transactivation of MDM2 but not of p21WAF1. Immunoprecipitation analysis revealed that CREB interacts with p53 in response to glucose deprivation. Forced expression of CREB significantly attenuated the up-regulation of the endogenous MDM2 in response to p53. By contrast, the mutant form of CREB lacking DNA-binding domain (CREBΔ) had an undetectable effect on the expression level of the endogenous MDM2. During the glucose deprivation-mediated apoptosis, there existed an inverse relationship between the expression levels of MDM2 and p53/CREB. Additionally, p53/CREB complex was dissociated from MDM2 promoter in response to glucose deprivation. Collectively, our present results suggest that CREB preferentially down-regulates MDM2 and thereby contributing to p53-mediated apoptosis in response to glucose deprivation.  相似文献   

The sequence-specific binding to DNA is crucial for the p53 tumor suppressor function. To investigate the constraints imposed on p53-DNA recognition by nucleosomal organization, we studied binding of the p53 DNA binding domain (p53DBD) and full-length wild-type p53 protein to a single p53 response element (p53RE) placed near the nucleosomal dyad in six rotational settings. We demonstrate that the strongest p53 binding occurs when the p53RE in the nucleosome is bent in the same direction as observed for the p53-DNA complexes in solution and in co-crystals. The p53RE becomes inaccessible, however, if its orientation in the core particle is changed by ∼180°. Our observations indicate that the orientation of the binding sites on a nucleosome may play a significant role in the initial p53-DNA recognition and subsequent cofactor recruitment.  相似文献   

Six p53 wild-type cancer cell lines from infrequently p53-mutated entities (neuroblastoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, and melanoma) were continuously exposed to increasing concentrations of the murine double minute 2 inhibitor nutlin-3, resulting in the emergence of nutlin-3-resistant, p53-mutated sublines displaying a multi-drug resistance phenotype. Only 2 out of 28 sublines adapted to various cytotoxic drugs harboured p53 mutations. Nutlin-3-adapted UKF-NB-3 cells (UKF-NB-3rNutlin10 μM, harbouring a G245C mutation) were also radiation resistant. Analysis of UKF-NB-3 and UKF-NB-3rNutlin10 μM cells by RNA interference experiments and lentiviral transduction of wild-type p53 into p53-mutated UKF-NB-3rNutlin10 μM cells revealed that the loss of p53 function contributes to the multi-drug resistance of UKF-NB-3rNutlin10 μM cells. Bioinformatics PANTHER pathway analysis based on microarray measurements of mRNA abundance indicated a substantial overlap in the signalling pathways differentially regulated between UKF-NB-3rNutlin10 μM and UKF-NB-3 and between UKF-NB-3 and its cisplatin-, doxorubicin-, or vincristine-resistant sublines. Repeated nutlin-3 adaptation of neuroblastoma cells resulted in sublines harbouring various p53 mutations with high frequency. A p53 wild-type single cell-derived UKF-NB-3 clone was adapted to nutlin-3 in independent experiments. Eight out of ten resulting sublines were p53-mutated harbouring six different p53 mutations. This indicates that nutlin-3 induces de novo p53 mutations not initially present in the original cell population. Therefore, nutlin-3-treated cancer patients should be carefully monitored for the emergence of p53-mutated, multi-drug-resistant cells.  相似文献   

Ribosomal proteins play an important role in p53 activation in response to nucleolar stress. Multiple ribosomal proteins, including L5, L11, L23, and S7, have been shown to bind to and inhibit MDM2, leading to p53 activation. However, it is not clear whether ribosomal protein regulation of MDM2 is specific to some, but not all ribosomal proteins. Here we show that L29 and L30, two ribosomal proteins from the 60 S ribosomal subunit, do not bind to MDM2 and do not inhibit MDM2-mediated p53 suppression, indicating that the ribosomal protein regulation of the MDM2-p53 feedback loop is specific. Interestingly, direct perturbation of the 60 S ribosomal biogenesis by knocking down either L29 or L30 drastically induced the level and activity of p53, leading to p53-depedent cell cycle arrest. This p53 activation was drastically inhibited by knockdown of L11 or L5. Consistently, knockdown of L29 or L30 enhanced the interaction of MDM2 with L11 and L5 and markedly inhibited MDM2-mediated p53 ubiquitination, suggesting that direct perturbation of 60 S ribosomal biogenesis activates p53 via L11- and L5-mediated MDM2 suppression. Mechanistically, knockdown of L30 or L29 significantly increased the NEDDylation and nuclear retention of L11. Knocking down endogenous NEDD8 suppressed p53 activation induced by knockdown of L30. These results demonstrate that NEDDylation of L11 plays a critical role in mediating p53 activation in response to perturbation of ribosomal biogenesis.  相似文献   

The molecular network that controls responses to genotoxic stress is centered at p53 and Mdm2. Recent findings have shown this network to be more complex than previously envisioned. Using a notation specifically designed for circuit diagram-like representations of bioregulatory networks, we have prepared an updated molecular interaction map of the immediate connections of p53 and Mdm2, which are described as logic elements of the network. We use the map as the basis for a comprehensive review of current concepts of signal processing by these logic elements (an interactive version of the maps-eMIMs can be examined at ). We also used molecular interaction maps to propose a p53 Off-On switch in response to DNA damage.  相似文献   

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