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Particulate gold labeling applied to ultrathin sections is a powerful approach for locating cellular proteins and lipids on thin sections of cellular structures and compartments. Effective quantitative methods now allow estimation of both density and distribution of gold labeling across aggregate organelles or compartment profiles. However, current methods generally use random sections of cells and tissues, and these do not readily present the information needed for spatial mapping of cellular quantities of gold label. Yet spatial mapping of gold particle labeling becomes important when cells are polarized or show internal organization or spatial shifts in protein/lipid localization. Here we have applied a stereological approach called the rotator to estimate cellular gold label and proportions of labeling over cellular compartments at specific locations related to a chosen cell axis or chosen cellular structures. This method could be used in cell biology for mapping cell components in studies of protein translocation, cell polarity, cell cycle stages, or component cell types in tissues. (J Histochem Cytochem 57:709–719, 2009)  相似文献   

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) have emerged as a promising biomarker platform for glioblastoma patients. However, the optimal method for quantitative assessment of EVs in clinical bio-fluid remains a point of contention. Multiple high-resolution platforms for quantitative EV analysis have emerged, including methods grounded in diffraction measurement of Brownian motion (NTA), tunable resistive pulse sensing (TRPS), vesicle flow cytometry (VFC), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Here we compared quantitative EV assessment using cerebrospinal fluids derived from glioblastoma patients using these methods. For EVs <150 nm in diameter, NTA detected more EVs than TRPS in three of the four samples tested. VFC particle counts are consistently 2–3 fold lower than NTA and TRPS, suggesting contribution of protein aggregates or other non-lipid particles to particle count by these platforms. While TEM yield meaningful data in terms of the morphology, its particle count are consistently two orders of magnitude lower relative to counts generated by NTA and TRPS. For larger particles (>150 nm in diameter), NTA consistently detected lower number of EVs relative to TRPS. These results unveil the strength and pitfalls of each quantitative method alone for assessing EVs derived from clinical cerebrospinal fluids and suggest that thoughtful synthesis of multi-platform quantitation will be required to guide meaningful clinical investigations.  相似文献   

Quantitative immunoelectron microscopy uses ultrathin sections and gold particle labelling to determine distributions of molecules across cell compartments. Here, we review a portfolio of new methods for comparing labelling distributions between different compartments in one study group (method 1) and between the same compartments in two or more groups (method 2). Specimen samples are selected unbiasedly and then observed and expected distributions of gold particles are estimated and compared by appropriate statistical procedures. The methods can be used to analyse gold label distributed between volume-occupying (organelle) and surface-occupying (membrane) compartments, but in method 1, membranes must be treated as organelles. With method 1, gold counts are combined with stereological estimators of compartment size to determine labelling density (LD). For volume-occupiers, LD can be expressed simply as golds per test point and, for surface-occupiers, as golds per test line intersection. Expected distributions are generated by randomly assigning gold particles to compartments and expressing observed/expected counts as a relative labelling index (RLI). Preferentially-labelled compartments are identified from their RLI values and by Chi-squared analysis of observed and expected distributions. For method 2, the raw gold particle counts distributed between compartments are simply compared across groups by contingency table and Chi-squared analysis. This identifies the main compartments responsible for the differences between group distributions. Finally, we discuss labelling efficiency (the number of gold particles per target molecule) and describe how it can be estimated for volume- or surface-occupiers by combining stereological data with biochemical determinations.  相似文献   

Various methods for quantifying cellular immunogold labelling on transmission electron microscope thin sections are currently available. All rely on sound random sampling principles and are applicable to single immunolabelling across compartments within a given cell type or between different experimental groups of cells. Although methods are also available to test for colocalization in double/triple immunogold labelling studies, so far, these have relied on making multiple measurements of gold particle densities in defined areas or of inter-particle nearest neighbour distances. Here, we present alternative two-step approaches to codistribution and colocalization assessment that merely require raw counts of gold particles in distinct cellular compartments. For assessing codistribution over aggregate compartments, initial statistical evaluation involves combining contingency table and chi-squared analyses to provide predicted gold particle distributions. The observed and predicted distributions allow testing of the appropriate null hypothesis, namely, that there is no difference in the distribution patterns of proteins labelled by different sizes of gold particle. In short, the null hypothesis is that of colocalization. The approach for assessing colabelling recognises that, on thin sections, a compartment is made up of a set of sectional images (profiles) of cognate structures. The approach involves identifying two groups of compartmental profiles that are unlabelled and labelled for one gold marker size. The proportions in each group that are also labelled for the second gold marker size are then compared. Statistical analysis now uses a 2 × 2 contingency table combined with the Fisher exact probability test. Having identified double labelling, the profiles can be analysed further in order to identify characteristic features that might account for the double labelling. In each case, the approach is illustrated using synthetic and/or experimental datasets and can be refined to correct observed labelling patterns to specific labelling patterns. These simple and efficient approaches should be of more immediate utility to those interested in codistribution and colocalization in multiple immunogold labelling investigations.  相似文献   

Reliable antibodies represent crucial tools in the arsenal of the cell biologist and using them to localize antigens for immunocytochemistry is one of their most important applications. However, antibody–antigen interactions are much more complex and unpredictable than suggested by the old ‘lock and key’ analogy, and the goal of trying to prove that an antibody is specific is far more difficult than is generally appreciated. Here, we discuss the problems associated with the very complicated issue of trying to establish that an antibody (and the results obtained with it) is specific for the immunolabeling approaches used in light or electron microscopy. We discuss the increasing awareness that significant numbers of commercial antibodies are often not up to the quality required. We provide guidelines for choosing and testing antibodies in immuno-EM. Finally, we describe how quantitative EM methods can be used to identify reproducible patterns of antibody labeling and also extract specific labeling distributions.  相似文献   

Particulate gold labeling on ultrathin sections is in widespread use for antigen localization at the EM level. To extend the usefulness of gold labeling technology, we are evaluating different methods for sampling and estimating quantities of gold labeling. Here we present a simple, rapid, and unbiased method for assessing the relative pool sizes of immunogold labeling distributed over different cell compartments. The method uses a sampling approach developed for stereology in which a regular array of microscopic fields or linear scans is positioned randomly on labeled sections. From these readouts, gold particles are counted and assigned to identifiable cell structures to construct a gold labeling frequency distribution of those labeled compartments. Here we use ultrathin cryosections labeled for a range of different proteins and for a signaling lipid. We show by scanning labeled sections at the electron microscope that counting 100-200 particles on each of two grids is sufficient to obtain a reproducible and rapid assessment of the pattern of labeling proportions over 10-16 compartments. If more precise estimates of labeling proportions over individual compartments are required (e.g., to achieve coefficients of error of 10-20%), then 100-200 particles need to be counted over each compartment of interest.  相似文献   

Many methods have been developed for statistical analysis of microbial community profiles, but due to the complex nature of typical microbiome measurements (e.g. sparsity, zero-inflation, non-independence, and compositionality) and of the associated underlying biology, it is difficult to compare or evaluate such methods within a single systematic framework. To address this challenge, we developed SparseDOSSA (Sparse Data Observations for the Simulation of Synthetic Abundances): a statistical model of microbial ecological population structure, which can be used to parameterize real-world microbial community profiles and to simulate new, realistic profiles of known structure for methods evaluation. Specifically, SparseDOSSA’s model captures marginal microbial feature abundances as a zero-inflated log-normal distribution, with additional model components for absolute cell counts and the sequence read generation process, microbe-microbe, and microbe-environment interactions. Together, these allow fully known covariance structure between synthetic features (i.e. “taxa”) or between features and “phenotypes” to be simulated for method benchmarking. Here, we demonstrate SparseDOSSA’s performance for 1) accurately modeling human-associated microbial population profiles; 2) generating synthetic communities with controlled population and ecological structures; 3) spiking-in true positive synthetic associations to benchmark analysis methods; and 4) recapitulating an end-to-end mouse microbiome feeding experiment. Together, these represent the most common analysis types in assessment of real microbial community environmental and epidemiological statistics, thus demonstrating SparseDOSSA’s utility as a general-purpose aid for modeling communities and evaluating quantitative methods. An open-source implementation is available at http://huttenhower.sph.harvard.edu/sparsedossa2.  相似文献   

A review is presented of recently developed methods for quantifying electron microscopical thin sections on which colloidal gold-labelled markers are used to identify and localize interesting molecules. These efficient methods rely on sound principles of random sampling, event counting, and statistical evaluation. Distributions of immunogold particles across cellular compartments can be compared within and between experimental groups. They can also be used to test for co-localization in multilabelling studies involving two or more sizes of gold particle. To test for preferential labelling of compartments, observed and expected gold particle distributions are compared by χ(2) analysis. Efficient estimators of gold labelling intensity [labelling density (LD) and/or relative labelling index (RLI)] are used to analyse volume-occupying compartments (e.g. Golgi vesicles) and/or surface-occupying compartments (e.g. cell membranes). Compartment size is estimated by counting chance events after randomly superimposing test lattices of points and/or line probes. RLI=1 when there is random labelling and RLI >1 when there is preferential labelling. Between-group comparisons do not require information about compartment size but, instead, raw gold particle counts in different groups are compared by combining χ(2) and contingency table analyses. These tests may also be used to assess co-distribution of different sized gold particles in compartments. Testing for co-labelling involves identifying sets of compartmental profiles that are unlabelled and labelled for one or both of two gold marker sizes. Numbers of profiles in each labelling set are compared by contingency table analysis and χ(2) analysis or Fisher's exact probability test. The various methods are illustrated with worked examples based on empirical and synthetic data and will be of practical benefit to those applying single or multiple immunogold labelling in their research.  相似文献   

Zymogen granules are obtained in pure form and processed for electron microscopy. Thin sections are photographed and diameters measured with a Zeiss particle size analyzer. Since sectioning cuts any given particle in random way, these diameters are not the true diameters of the particles. The true size distribution is obtained by comparing the observed diameter distribution with a generated diameter distribution. The generated distribution is constructed from an assumed parent distribution (of true diameters) by the Monte-Carlo technique. “Goodness of fit” is judged by the value of “chi-squared” resulting from the comparison. Appropriate adjustments of the parameters of the true distribution are made on the basis of minimizing chi-square. A result of this process is that the zymogen granules follow a normal distribution: mean = 0.984 ±0.005 μm, SD = 0.190 ±0.005 μm. A second preparation of granules was made and diameters were measured directly with a scanning electron microscope. The distribution was again found to be normal, thus supporting the first result.  相似文献   

Functionalized submicroscopic particles are currently used to label proteins or lipids at the surface of living cells for single particle tracking experiments. In many cases, it can be of crucial importance for the particle to be anchored to a single molecule. We have addressed this question for the labeling at the plasma membrane of NRK cells of the mu-opioid receptor bearing a T7 epitope at the N-terminus. Using biophysical methods we were able to prepare quasi-monovalent anti-T7 antibody conjugated gold colloids (40 nm diameter) leading to stable and specific binding to the receptor. The rational method, we report here, can be extended to design customized probes for the labeling of various tagged molecules.  相似文献   

The use of 10-15-nm gold probes in freeze-fracture immunocytochemistry sometimes results in poor immunogold labeling. Replica sites are labeled with only one or two gold particles, making it unlikely that the labeling depicts the true distribution of antigen. In this study, the feasibility of using ultrasmall ( approximately 1.4-nm) gold probes for immunocytochemical labeling of replicas was examined. When HLA Class I in neutrophil membrane replicas was labeled with various sized immunogold particles as the secondary detection system, the apparent distribution density was inversely related to the size of the particles (1.4-nm > 5-nm >10-nm >15-nm). Indeed, the density of the apparent distribution of HLA Class I labeled with 1.4-nm gold particles was about sevenfold greater than when labeling was carried out with the 10-nm gold particles. Similar results were obtained with CD16, another neutrophil membrane protein. Silver enhancement was required to visualize the 1.4-nm gold particles, but this procedure did not adversely affect replica membranes. These results suggest that, when followed by silver enhancement, 1.4-nm gold particles are effective probes for achieving high-resolution immunocytochemical labeling of replicas.(J Histochem Cytochem 47:569-573, 1999)  相似文献   

The detecting sensitivities of different-sized gold particles were compared in the localization of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) in rat atria. The secondary antibodies were goat antirabbit labeled with 5, 15, 30, or 40 nm colloidal gold diluted 1:2 to 1:100 in Tris buffer. The relative quantity of alpha-ANP immunoreactivity in specific granules was determined by subtracting the number of gold particles in 1 micron 2 nongranule area from that in 1 micron 2 granule area measured with a computerized image analyzer. The optimal dilution that achieved the maximal contrast between specific and background label was influenced by the particle size. Optimal dilutions were 1:80, 1:30, 1:20, and 1:5 for 5, 15, 30, and 40 nm gold, respectively. At optimal dilutions, the maximal detecting sensitivity (MDS) was in inverse proportion to the gold particle size; however, this relationship is not entirely linear. The ratio among the MDSs of 5, 15, 30, and 40 nm gold particles was approximately 34:9:3:2. A double immunogold staining was performed to localize alpha- and beta-ANPs with 15 and 5 nm gold, respectively. Both antigens were detected in the same granules. If the ratios established from the single staining data were used, the ratio between the alpha- and the beta-ANP antigens in the same granules was approximately 2.8:1. The data obtained in this study provide a useful reference for applications of immunogold electron microscopy in a quantitative manner, particularly for double immunogold labeling.  相似文献   

Localizing specific components in three-dimensional reconstructions of protein complexes visualized in an electron microscope increases the scientific value of those structures. Subunits are often identified within the complex by labeling; however, unless the label produces directly visible features, it must be detected by computational comparison with unlabeled complex. To bypass this step, we generated a cloneable tag from the actin-nucleating protein Spire that produces a directly visible “pointer” to the subunit after actin polymerization. We have used this new label to identify the intron of the C complex spliceosome to its small domain by fusing the 10 kDa Spire moiety to the affinity label that binds recombinant stem loops in the pre-mRNA substrate and assembling an actin filament on the particle.  相似文献   

Immunochemical labeling was used to study the subcellular distribution of cytochrome oxidase, a respiratory protein, in Trichodesmium thiebautii. The protein was found associated with both cytoplasmic and thylakoid membranes. About a sixfold variation in the protein content (gold particle count) was found among Trichodesmium cells within a single colony. Double labeling was performed with cytochrome oxidase and nitrogenase antisera. Regression analysis of gold particle counts per unit of cell area of cytochrome oxidase and nitrogenase showed a positive correlation (r2 = 0.911); cells with higher nitrogenase levels also had higher levels of cytochrome oxidase. The parallel expression of two proteins suggests that respiratory oxygen uptake may be involved in nitrogenase protection (respiratory protection) in Trichodesmium spp.  相似文献   

Colloidal gold-labeled insulin complex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Biologically active insulin gold complex was used as an ultrastructural marker to study insulin binding sites, uptake, and internalization in isolated rat adipocytes. The preparation conditions for monodispersed particles, ca. 16 nm in diameter and loaded with approximately 100 insulin molecules, are reported. The complex is stable for at least six weeks. Single particles or small clusters were scattered across the cell membrane. The distribution of unbound receptors seemed to be independent of the extensive system of pre-existing surface connected vesicles in adipocytes. The uptake of particles took place predominantly via non-coated pinocytotic invaginations; clathrin-coated pits did not seem to be important for this process. Lysosome-like structures contained aggregates of 10–15 particles. These data suggest that insulin gold complex is a useful marker for the specific labeling of insulin binding sites.Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft D3 SFB 87  相似文献   

Effect of particle size on labeling intensity in protein A-gold immunocytochemistry was studied. Catalase labeling of rat liver peroxisomes was used as a labeling model. Ultra-thin sections of Lowicryl K4M-embedded rat liver were stained for catalase with protein A-gold (pAg) probes. Five different sizes of colloidal gold probes, from 5 nm to 38 nm in diameter, were prepared. Labeling intensity decreased as the particle size of the pAg probes increased. The highest labeling was obtained by the 5-nm pAg probe and the lowest by the 38-nm pAg probe. Quantitative analysis also showed that labeling density was inversely proportional to the size of gold particles. The results suggest that the pAg probe with small gold particles has high sensitivity.  相似文献   

Maeshima K  Eltsov M  Laemmli UK 《Chromosoma》2005,114(5):365-375
To structurally dissect mitotic chromosomes, we aim to position along the folded chromatin fiber proteins involved in long-range order, such as topoisomerase IIα (topoIIα) and condensin. Immuno-electron microscopy (EM) of thin-sectioned chromosomes is the method of choice toward this goal. A much-improved immunoprocedure that avoids problems associated with aldehyde fixation, such as chemical translinking and networking of chromatin fibers, is reported here. We show that ultraviolet irradiation of isolated nuclei or chromosomes facilitates high-level specific immunostaining, as established by fluorescence microscopy with a variety of antibodies and especially by immuno-EM. Ultrastructural localizations of topoIIα and condensin I component hBarren (hBar; hCAP-H) in mitotic chromosomes were studied by immuno-EM. We show that the micrographs of thin-sectioned chromosomes map topoIIα and hBar to the center of the chromosomal body where the chromatin fibers generally converge. This localization is defined by many clustered gold particles with only rare individual particles in the peripheral halo. The data obtained are consistent with the view that condensin and perhaps topoIIα tether chromatin to loops according to a scaffolding-type model.  相似文献   

 Recent technical advances in immunoelectron microscopy (IEM), including methods of pre- and postembedding IEM and cryoultramicrotomy, have helped to elucidate the precise ultrastructural localization of various basement membrane-related molecules. Our objective was to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of several different techniques for studying the ultrastructural organization of basement membrane components. We found that, while ”on-surface” immunolabeling of postembedding IEM and cryoultramicrotomy with anti-type IV collagen or anti-laminin-5 antibody clearly demonstrated dense labeling on the lamina densa, preembedding IEM with a 1-nm ultra-small gold probe showed labeling only on the epidermal and/or dermal surfaces of the lamina densa, with no specific gold particles being seen within the lamina densa itself. These results indicate that even ultra-small colloidal gold-labeled antibody fails to penetrate the lamina densa in preembedding IEM. However, labeling with a GB3 monoclonal antibody against laminin-5 was demonstrable with preembedding IEM and cryoultramicrotomy, but not with post-embedding IEM, probably due to a loss of antigenicity. These results confirm the advantages and limitations of these techniques of IEM and emphasize the importance of using different techniques of IEM in determining the precise ultrastructural distribution of basement membrane antigens. Accepted: 30 January 1998  相似文献   

We have developed a rapid and precise electron microscope technique for the quantitation of gold particles in suspension using latex microspheres as a reference (EM latex technique). This technique allowed us to determine the specific absorption of colloidal gold at its absorption maximum (520 nm) and the average number of ligands ([125I]IgG) bound to one gold particle. On the basis of these values important binding characteristics of protein-gold complexes to cell surfaces were analyzed in a model system consisting of Staphylococcus aureus with protein A on the cell wall as a specific binding site for IgG-Au. Our observations showed that the number of binding sites represented by one IgG-gold complex depended primarily on the particle size, with one 20-nm IgG-Au corresponding to 15 and one 6-nm IgG-Au to 2.5 binding sites. Hence, the efficiency of binding of IgG-Au complexes increased with decreasing gold particle size. Saturation of binding sites, however, was not achieved. The technique also made possible the determination of the affinity between IgG-Au complexes and the cell surface; this affinity can either be regarded as a characteristic of the ligand IgG or of the gold particle. We observed that the affinity of IgG decreased with the size of the gold particles to which IgG was bound, whereas the affinity of the entire gold particle increased with particle size. The EM latex technique for quantitation of gold particles extends the general use of protein-gold complexes to the quantitative characterization of their interaction with cell surface constituents.  相似文献   

Improvements to particle tracking algorithms are required to effectively analyze the motility of biological molecules in complex or noisy systems. A typical single particle tracking (SPT) algorithm detects particle coordinates for trajectory assembly. However, particle detection filters fail for data sets with low signal-to-noise levels. When tracking molecular motors in complex systems, standard techniques often fail to separate the fluorescent signatures of moving particles from background signal. We developed an approach to analyze the motility of kinesin motor proteins moving along the microtubule cytoskeleton of extracted neurons using the Kullback-Leibler divergence to identify regions where there are significant differences between models of moving particles and background signal. We tested our software on both simulated and experimental data and found a noticeable improvement in SPT capability and a higher identification rate of motors as compared with current methods. This algorithm, called Cega, for “find the object,” produces data amenable to conventional blob detection techniques that can then be used to obtain coordinates for downstream SPT processing. We anticipate that this algorithm will be useful for those interested in tracking moving particles in complex in vitro or in vivo environments.  相似文献   

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