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Cox GN  Laufer JS  Kusch M  Edgar RS 《Genetics》1980,95(2):317-339
Eighty-eight mutants of C. elegans that display a roller phenotype (a helically twisted body) have been isolated and characterized genetically and phenotypically. The mutations are located in 14 different genes. Most genes contain a number of alleles. Their distribution among the chromosomes appears nonrandom, with seven of the genes being located on linkage group II, some very closely linked. The phenotypes of the mutants suggest that there are five different classes of genes, each class representing a set of similar phenotypic effects: Left Roller (four genes), Right Roller (one gene), Left Squat (one gene), Right Squat (two genes) and Left Dumpy Roller (six genes). The classes of mutants differ with respect to a number of characteristics that include the developmental stages affected and the types of aberrations observed in cuticle structure. A variety of gene interactions were found, arguing that these genes are involved in a common developmental process. The presence of alterations in cuticle morphology strongly suggests that these genes are active in the formation of the nematode cuticle.  相似文献   

Bacteria were isolated from a landfill site previously used for disposal of chlorinated organic wastes. These soil isolates were capable of utilizing various chloroaromatic compounds. One such bacterial strain, designated Pseudomonas cepacia HCV (2,6-DCT) and growing on 2,6-dichlorotoluene, transferred this trait to a catechol-1,2-oxygenase mutant of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.  相似文献   

Two new "dumpy" mutants (Hbdpy-2 and Hbdpy-3) of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora were induced and characterized. Mutants (hermaphrodites and males) that hatched from eggs were shorter and wider than the wild-type strain. This phenotype was not discernible in young animals until 24 hours after hatching from eggs or in mutants that developed from infective juveniles. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the tails of the two mutants are much more slender than in the wild-type. In addition, the vulva of Hbdpy-3 nematodes appeared to be sunken; that of Hbdpy-2 animals was protruding, like in the wild-type. Upon self fertilization, individual Hbdpy-3 hermaphrodites produced fewer progeny than the wild-type. Crosses between virgin Hbdpy-2 and Hbdpy-3 hermaphrodites and wild-type males indicated that the two mutations are recessive. Complementation tests indicated that Hbdpy-1, Hbdpy-2, and Hbdpy-3 affect different genes. The ratio (1.03:1) of wild-type to dumpy phenotype among the F₂ progeny of self-fertilizing heterozygotes suggested linkage among the three genes. The genetic map distance was estimated only between Hbdpy-1 and Hbdpy-2 genes, approximately 29 map units.  相似文献   

The presence of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in breast cancer patients has been proven to have clinical relevance. Cytogenetic characterization of these cells could have crucial relevance for targeted cancer therapies. We developed a method that combines an immunomagnetic selection of CTCs from peripheral blood with the fluorescence immunophenotyping and interphase cytogenetics as a tool for investigation of neoplasm (FICTION) technique. Briefly, peripheral blood (10 ml) from healthy donors was spiked with a predetermined number of human breast cancer cells. Nucleated cells were separated by double density gradient centrifugation of blood samples. Tumor cells (TCs) were immunomagnetically isolated with an anti-cytokeratin antibody and placed onto slides for FICTION analysis. For immunophenotyping and genetic characterization of TCs, a mixture of primary monoclonal anti-pancytokeratin antibodies was used, followed by fluorescent secondary antibodies, and finally hybridized with a TOP2A/HER-2/CEP17 multicolor probe. Our results show that TCs can be efficiently isolated from peripheral blood and characterized by FICTION. Because genetic amplification of TOP2A and ErbB2 (HER-2) in breast cancer correlates with response to anthracyclines and herceptin therapies, respectively, this novel methodology could be useful for a better classification of patients according to the genetic alterations of CTCs and for the application of targeted therapies. (J Histochem Cytochem 56:667–675, 2008)  相似文献   

Chory J  Nagpal P  Peto CA 《The Plant cell》1991,3(5):445-459
The greening phenotypes produced by recessive mutations in a gene designated de-etiolated-2 (DET2) are described. Recessive mutations in the DET2 gene uncouple light signals from a number of light-dependent processes. det2 mutations result in dark-grown Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings with many characteristics of light-grown plants, including hypocotyl growth inhibition, cotyledon expansion, primary leaf initiation, anthocyanin accumulation, and derepression of light-regulated gene expression. In contrast to these morphological and gene expression changes, however, the chloroplast development program is not initiated in the dark in det2 mutants, suggesting that light-regulated gene expression precedes the differentiation of etioplasts to chloroplasts. det2 mutations thus reveal at least two classes of downstream light-regulated responses that differ in their timing and control mechanisms. Homozygous det2 mutations also affect photoperiodic responses in light-grown plants, including timing of flowering, dark adaptation of gene expression, and onset of leaf senescence. The phenotype of det1 det2 double mutants is additive, implying that DET1 and DET2 function in distinct pathways that affect downstream light-regulated genes. Furthermore, these pathways are not utilized solely during early seedling development but must also be required to regulate different aspects of the light developmental program during later stages of vegetative growth.  相似文献   

The properties of temperature-sensitive mutants of adenovirus type 2 representing 12 complementation groups were studied. All mutants were normal with respect to adsorption as measured by viral inclusion formation and viral DNA synthesis as shown by velocity sedimentation in alkaline sucrose gradients. One mutant, however, formed viral inclusions of altered morphology at the nonpermissive temperature. The synthesis of the major capsid proteins was examined by immunodiffusion. On this basis, the complementation groups could be arranged as follows: (i) one group was negative for all three proteins; (ii) three groups failed to synthesize penton bases; (iii) eight groups were positive for hexons, pentons, and fibers. The assembly of virus particles at 39 C was examined by equilibrium sedimentation in CsCl; three groups were found defective, whereas two of the penton-negative groups were positive for virion production. Tests of the thermolability of virions at 50 C revealed eight groups labile whereas the remainder were insensitive to heat inactivation. None of five mutants inoculated in newborn rats induced tumors, although three of them were capable of in vitro transformation.  相似文献   

Noroviruses (NoVs) are a leading cause of epidemic and sporadic cases of acute gastroenteritis worldwide. Oysters are well recognized as the main vectors of environmentally transmitted NoVs, and disease outbreaks linked to oyster consumption have been commonly observed. Here, to quantify the genetic diversity, temporal distribution, and circulation of oyster-related NoVs on a global scale, 1,077 oyster-related NoV sequences deposited from 1983 to 2014 were downloaded from both NCBI GenBank and the NoroNet outbreak database and were then screened for quality control. A total of 665 sequences with reliable information were obtained and were subsequently subjected to genotyping and phylogenetic analyses. The results indicated that the majority of oyster-related NoV sequences were obtained from coastal countries and regions and that the numbers of sequences in these regions were unevenly distributed. Moreover, >80% of human NoV genotypes were detected in oyster samples or oyster-related outbreaks. A higher proportion of genogroup I (GI) (34%) was observed for oyster-related sequences than for non-oyster-related outbreaks, where GII strains dominated with an overwhelming majority of >90%, indicating that the prevalences of GI and GII are different in humans and oysters. In addition, a related convergence of the circulation trend was found between oyster-related NoV sequences and human pandemic outbreaks. This suggests that oysters not only act as a vector of NoV through environmental transmission but also serve as an important reservoir of human NoVs. These results highlight the importance of oysters in the persistence and transmission of human NoVs in the environment and have important implications for the surveillance of human NoVs in oyster samples.  相似文献   

Although the genome contains all the information necessary for maintenance and perpetuation of life, it is the proteome that repairs, duplicates and expresses the genome and actually performs most cellular functions. Here we reveal strong phenotypes of physiological oxidative proteome damage at the functional and genomic levels. Genome-wide mutations rates and biosynthetic capacity were monitored in real time, in single Escherichia coli cells with identical levels of reactive oxygen species and oxidative DNA damage, but with different levels of irreversible oxidative proteome damage (carbonylation). Increased protein carbonylation correlates with a mutator phenotype, whereas reducing it below wild type level produces an anti-mutator phenotype identifying proteome damage as the leading cause of spontaneous mutations. Proteome oxidation elevates also UV-light induced mutagenesis and impairs cellular biosynthesis. In conclusion, protein damage reduces the efficacy and precision of vital cellular processes resulting in high mutation rates and functional degeneracy akin to cellular aging.  相似文献   

Theodore Homyk  Jr.  Angel Rodriguez    Jon Weil 《Genetics》1976,83(3):477-487
In the course of isolating viable T4 deletions that affect plaque morphology (Homyk and Weil 1974), two closely linked point mutants, sip1 and sip2, were obtained. They map between genes t and 52, cause a reduction in plaque size and burst size, and partially suppress the lethality of rII mutants for growth in lambda lysogens. These characteristics demonstrate that sip1 and sip2 are similar to mutants previously reported by Freedman and Brenner (1972). In addition, D. Hall (personal communication) has shown that sip1 and sip2 are similar to the mutant farP85, which affects the regulation of a number of early genes ( Chace and Hall 1975).——Sip suppression of rII mutants can be demonstrated in one-step growth experiments, even when both rII genes are completely deleted. This indicates that sip mutants do not simply reduce the level of rII gene products required for growth in a lambda lysogen. Instead, they alter the growth cycle so as to partially circumvent the need for any rII products.——Mutations at two other sites, designated L1 and L2, reverse the poor phage growth caused by sip and, in the one case tested, reverse the rII-suppressing ability of sip.  相似文献   

Studies of adult neurogenesis have greatly expanded in the last decade, largely as a result of improved tools for detecting and quantifying neurogenesis. In this review, we summarize and critically evaluate detection methods for neurogenesis in mammalian and human brain tissue. Besides thymidine analog labeling, cell-cycle markers are discussed, as well as cell stage and lineage commitment markers. Use of these histological tools is critically evaluated in terms of their strengths and limitations, as well as possible artifacts. Finally, we discuss the method of radiocarbon dating for determining cell and tissue turnover in humans.Detection of neurogenesis in vivo requires the ability to image at a cellular resolution, which currently precludes noninvasive imaging approaches, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In vivo microscopy, using deeply penetrating UV illumination with multiphoton microscopy, or by the recently available endoscopic confocal microscopy, may provide new opportunities for longitudinal studies of neurogenesis in the living animal with single-cell resolution. These newer microscopy approaches are particularly compelling when coupled with transgenic mice expressing phenotype-specific fluorescent reporter genes. Additionally, an advanced method using 14C carbon dating of postmortem DNA from specific cell populations of the brain revealed insights into adult human neurogenesis. Nevertheless, at present, the predominant approach for studying neurogenesis relies on traditional histological methods of fixation, production of tissue sections, staining, and microscopic analysis.This review discusses methodological considerations for detection of neurogenesis in the adult brain according to our current state of knowledge. This will include the use of exogenous or endogenous markers of cell cycle, as well as phenotype markers that contribute to resolving stages of neuronal lineage commitment. The accurate analysis of cell phenotype will be discussed, including suggestions for accurate detection and reliable quantification of cell numbers. Finally, we will present the newly developed 14C carbon dating of nuclear DNA for quantitative analysis of neurogenesis in human tissue.  相似文献   

王艳  马艳  韩悦  郭军巧 《病毒学报》2012,28(5):506-510
本研究用Vero/Slam细胞从辽宁省2008~2011年流行性腮腺炎暴发和散发患者的临床标本中分离到13株流行性腮腺炎野病毒(Mumps virus,MuV),应用逆转录-聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)针对MuV分离株的SH基因的316个核苷酸片段进行扩增,并对该产物进行序列测定。将这13株MuV与从GenBank下载的世界卫生组织(WHO)MuV基因型参考株一起进行分子流行病学研究。结果提示:除2011-015株外,辽宁省2008~2011年12株MuV分离株均属于F基因型,核苷酸和氨基酸同源性为94.9%~100%和83.3%~100%。与F基因型参考株序列相比,核苷酸和氨基酸同源性分别为92.4%~97.2%和96.5%~84.2%。表明2008~2011年辽宁省流行的F基因型MuV发生较大的型内变异。另外还发现F基因型MuV在SH基因上存在着特异性突变(CNt65,CNt105,G Nt137,C Nt192,C Nt239,GNT262),而其它基因型MuV在这些位点上均未发生改变。F基因型MuV在SH基因编码的氨基酸保守位点也发生变化。如:第2位上由S→P,第6位上由P→L,第23位上由T→N,第48位上由L→P/R。与基因分型有关的氨基酸三联体,2008-01-007毒株也发生了改变,由IML变为TMP。2011-015株病毒与F基因型参考株平均核苷酸和氨基酸同源性分别为87.5%和79.8%,与G型参考株平均核苷酸和氨基酸同源性分别为96.8%和97.4%,属于G基因型。该基因型为中国内地首次发现。  相似文献   



Adaptive divergence between populations in the face of strong selection on key traits can lead to morphological divergence between populations without concomitant divergence in neutral DNA. Thus, the practice of identifying genetically distinct populations based on divergence in neutral DNA may lead to a taxonomy that ignores evolutionarily important, rapidly evolving, locally-adapted populations. Providing evidence for a genetic basis of morphological divergence between rapidly evolving populations that lack divergence in selectively neutral DNA will not only inform conservation efforts but also provide insight into the mechanisms of the early processes of speciation. The coastal plain swamp sparrow, a recent colonist of tidal marsh habitat, differs from conspecific populations in a variety of phenotypic traits yet remains undifferentiated in neutral DNA.

Methods and Principal Findings

Here we use an experimental approach to demonstrate that phenotypic divergence between ecologically separated populations of swamp sparrows is the result of local adaptation despite the lack of divergence in neutral DNA. We find that morphological (bill size and plumage coloration) and life history (reproductive effort) differences observed between wild populations were maintained in laboratory raised individuals suggesting genetic divergence of fitness related traits.

Conclusions and Significance

Our results support the hypothesis that phenotypic divergence in swamps sparrows is the result of genetic differentiation, and demonstrate that adaptive traits have evolved more rapidly than neutral DNA in these ecologically divergent populations that may be in the early stages of speciation. Thus, identifying evolutionarily important populations based on divergence in selectively neutral DNA could miss an important level of biodiversity and mislead conservation efforts.  相似文献   

Inorganic matrices were developed for fixed-film bioreactors affording protection to microorganisms and preventing loss of bioreactor productivity during system upsets. These biocarriers, designated Type-Z, contain ion-exchange properties and possess high porosity and a high level of surface area, which provide a suitable medium for microbial colonization. Viable cell populations of 109/g were attainable, and scanning electron micrographs revealed extensive external colonization and moderate internal colonization with aerobic microorganisms. Laboratory-scale bioreactors were established with various biocarriers and colonized with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and comparative studies were performed. The data indicated that bioreactors containing the Type-Z biocarriers were more proficient at removing phenol (1,000 ppm) than bioreactors established with Flexirings (plastic) and Celite R635 (diatomaceous earth) biocarriers. More significantly, these biocarriers were shown to moderate system upsets that affect operation of full-scale biotreatment processes. For example, subjecting the Type-Z bioreactor to an influent phenol feed at pH 2 for periods of 24 h did not decrease the effluent pH or reactor performance. In contrast, bioreactors containing either Celite or Flexirings demonstrated an effluent pH drop to ~2.5 and a reduction in reactor performance by 75 to 82%. The Celite reactor recovered after 5 days, whereas the bioreactors containing Flexirings did not recover. Similar advantages were noted during either nutrient or oxygen deprivation experiments as well as alkali and organic system shocks. The available data suggest that Type-Z biocarriers represent an immobilization medium that provides an amenable environment for microbial growth and has the potential for improving the reliability of fixed-film biotreatment processes.  相似文献   

We have identified and characterized the phenotype of a new insertional mutation in one line of transgenic mice. Mice carrying this mutation, which we have designated TgN(Imusd)370Rpw, display undulations of the vertebrae giving rise to a novel kinky-tail phenotype. Molecular characterization of the insertion site indicates that the transgene integration has occurred without any substantial alterations in the structure of the host sequences. Using probes that flank the insertion site, we have mapped the mutation to chromosome 5 near the semidominant mutation, thick tail (Tht). Thick tail does not complement the TgN(Imusd)370Rpw mutation; compound mutants containing one copy of each mutation display a more severe phenotype than either mutation individually.  相似文献   

The 16S rRNA sequences and selected phenotypic characteristics were determined for six recently isolated bacteria that can tolerate high levels of hydrolyzable and condensed tannins. Bacteria were isolated from the ruminal contents of animals in different geographic locations, including Sardinian sheep (Ovis aries), Honduran and Colombian goats (Capra hircus), white-tail deer (Odocoileus virginianus) from upstate New York, and Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni) from Oregon. Nearly complete sequences of the small-subunit rRNA genes, which were obtained by PCR amplification, cloning, and sequencing, were used for phylogenetic characterization. Comparisons of the 16S rRNA of the six isolates showed that four of the isolates were members of the genus Streptococcus and were most closely related to ruminal strains of Streptococcus bovis and the recently described organism Streptococcus gallolyticus. One of the other isolates, a gram-positive rod, clustered with the clostridia in the low-G+C-content group of gram-positive bacteria. The sixth isolate, a gram-negative rod, was a member of the family Enterobacteriaceae in the gamma subdivision of the class Proteobacteria. None of the 16S rRNA sequences of the tannin-tolerant bacteria examined was identical to the sequence of any previously described microorganism or to the sequence of any of the other organisms examined in this study. Three phylogenetically distinct groups of ruminal bacteria were isolated from four species of ruminants in Europe, North America, and South America. The presence of tannin-tolerant bacteria is not restricted by climate, geography, or host animal, although attempts to isolate tannin-tolerant bacteria from cows on low-tannin diets failed.The toxicity of phenolic compounds in the environment has fostered studies of bacteria that are able to tolerate and/or metabolize high levels of these compounds, particularly under anaerobic conditions (1, 4, 14, 21, 30, 36). Tannins are secondary polyphenolic compounds known primarily for their ability to bind to and precipitate proteins and other macromolecules. Tannins have been found in many habitats, including sewage sludge, forest litter, and the rumen (9, 14, 15, 28). Bacteria capable of degrading or tolerating tannins have been isolated from sewage sludge (14) and from the alimentary tracts of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) (33), goats (Capra hircus) (4, 30), and horses (Equus caballus) (31). Most of the isolates have been characterized phenotypically, and phylogenetic characterization has been limited to studies conducted in Australia (4, 34, 35) and Japan (31). Little is known about the geographic diversity and host species diversity of tannin-tolerant and tannin-degrading bacteria.The objective of this study was to characterize six recently isolated tannin-tolerant bacteria by examining their phenotypic characteristics and molecular phylogeny. These bacteria were isolated from the ruminal contents of goats (C. hircus), sheep (Ovis aries), white-tail deer (Odocoileus virginianus), and Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni), all of which had consumed forage containing tannins. Our goal was to genetically and biochemically characterize tannin-tolerant bacteria isolated from different host animals in various geographic locations.  相似文献   

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