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Noise driven exploration of a brain network’s dynamic repertoire has been hypothesized to be causally involved in cognitive function, aging and neurodegeneration. The dynamic repertoire crucially depends on the network’s capacity to store patterns, as well as their stability. Here we systematically explore the capacity of networks derived from human connectomes to store attractor states, as well as various network mechanisms to control the brain’s dynamic repertoire. Using a deterministic graded response Hopfield model with connectome-based interactions, we reconstruct the system’s attractor space through a uniform sampling of the initial conditions. Large fixed-point attractor sets are obtained in the low temperature condition, with a bigger number of attractors than ever reported so far. Different variants of the initial model, including (i) a uniform activation threshold or (ii) a global negative feedback, produce a similarly robust multistability in a limited parameter range. A numerical analysis of the distribution of the attractors identifies spatially-segregated components, with a centro-medial core and several well-delineated regional patches. Those different modes share similarity with the fMRI independent components observed in the “resting state” condition. We demonstrate non-stationary behavior in noise-driven generalizations of the models, with different meta-stable attractors visited along the same time course. Only the model with a global dynamic density control is found to display robust and long-lasting non-stationarity with no tendency toward either overactivity or extinction. The best fit with empirical signals is observed at the edge of multistability, a parameter region that also corresponds to the highest entropy of the attractors.  相似文献   

A Cayley tree model of idiotypic networks that includes both B cell and antibody dynamics is formulated and analysed. As in models with B cells only, localized states exist in the network with limited numbers of activated clones surrounded by virgin or near-virgin clones. The existence and stability of these localized network states are explored as a function of model parameters. As in previous models that have included antibody, the stability of immune and tolerant localized states are shown to depend on the ratio of antibody to B cell lifetimes as well as the rate of antibody complex removal. As model parameters are varied, localized steady-states can break down via two routes: dynamically, into chaotic attractors, or structurally into percolation attractors. For a given set of parameters percolation and chaotic attractors can coexist with localized attractors, and thus there do not exist clear cut boundaries in parameter space that separate regions of localized attractors from regions of percolation and chaotic attractors. Stable limit cycles, which are frequent in the two-clone antibody B cell (AB) model, are only observed in highly connected networks. Also found in highly connected networks are localized chaotic attractors. As in experiments by Lundkvistet al. (1989.Proc. natn. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 86, 5074–5078), injection ofAb 1 antibodies into a system operating in the chaotic regime can cause a cessation of fluctuations ofAb 1 andAb 2 antibodies, a phenomenon already observed in the two-clone AB model. Interestingly, chaotic fluctuations continue at higher levels of the tree, a phenomenon observed by Lundkvistet al. but not accounted for previously.  相似文献   

B. Doyon 《Acta biotheoretica》1992,40(2-3):113-119
Chaos theory is a rapidly growing field. As a technical term, “chaos” refers to deterministic but unpredictable processes being sensitively dependent upon initial conditions. Neurobiological models and experimental results are very complicated and some research groups have tried to pursue the “neuronal chaos”. Babloyantz's group has studied the fractal dimension (d) of electroencephalograms (EEG) in various physiological and pathological states. From deep sleep (d=4) to full awakening (d>8), a hierarchy of “strange” attractors paralles the hierarchy of states of consciousness. In epilepsy (petit mal), despite the turbulent aspect of a seizure, the attractor dimension was near to 2. In Creutzfeld-Jacob disease, the regular EEG activity corresponded to an attractor dimension less than the one measured in deep sleep. Is it healthy to be chaotic? An “active desynchronisation” could be favourable to a physiological system. Rapp's group reported variations of fractal dimension according to particular tasks. During a mental arithmetic task, this dimension increased. In another task, a P300 fractal index decreased when a target was identified. It is clear that the EEG is not representing noise. Its underlying dynamics depends on only a few degrees of freedom despite yet it is difficult to compute accurately the relevant parameters. What is the cognitive role of such a chaotic dynamics? Freeman has studied the olfactory bulb in rabbits and rats for 15 years. Multi-electrode recordings of a few mm2 showed a chaotic hierarchy from deep anaesthesia to alert state. When an animal identified a previously learned odour, the fractal dimension of the dynamics dropped off (near limit cycles). The chaotic activity corresponding to an alert-and-waiting state seems to be a field of all possibilities and a focused activity corresponds to a reduction of the attractor in state space. For a couple of years, Freeman has developed a model of the olfactory bulb-cortex system. The behaviour of the simple model “without learning” was quite similar to the real behaviour and a model “with learning” is developed. Recently, more and more authors insisted on the importance of the dynamic aspect of nervous functioning in cognitive modelling. Most of the models in the neural-network field are designed to converge to a stable state (fixed point) because such behaviour is easy to understand and to control. However, some theoretical studies in physics try to understand how a chaotic behaviour can emerge from neural networks. Sompolinsky's group showed that a sharp transition from a stable state to a chaotic state occurred in totally interconnected networks depending on the value of one control parameter. Learning in such systems is an open field. In conclusion, chaos does exist in neurophysiological processes. It is neither a kind of noise nor a pathological sign. Its main role could be to provide diversity and flexibility to physiological processes. Could “strange” attractors in nervous system embody mental forms? This is a difficult but fascinating question.  相似文献   

Generating Boolean networks with a prescribed attractor structure   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
MOTIVATION: Dynamical modeling of gene regulation via network models constitutes a key problem for genomics. The long-run characteristics of a dynamical system are critical and their determination is a primary aspect of system analysis. In the other direction, system synthesis involves constructing a network possessing a given set of properties. This constitutes the inverse problem. Generally, the inverse problem is ill-posed, meaning there will be many networks, or perhaps none, possessing the desired properties. Relative to long-run behavior, we may wish to construct networks possessing a desirable steady-state distribution. This paper addresses the long-run inverse problem pertaining to Boolean networks (BNs). RESULTS: The long-run behavior of a BN is characterized by its attractors. The rest of the state transition diagram is partitioned into level sets, the j-th level set being composed of all states that transition to one of the attractor states in exactly j transitions. We present two algorithms for the attractor inverse problem. The attractors are specified, and the sizes of the predictor sets and the number of levels are constrained. Algorithm complexity and performance are analyzed. The algorithmic solutions have immediate application. Under the assumption that sampling is from the steady state, a basic criterion for checking the validity of a designed network is that there should be concordance between the attractor states of the model and the data states. This criterion can be used to test a design algorithm: randomly select a set of states to be used as data states; generate a BN possessing the selected states as attractors, perhaps with some added requirements such as constraints on the number of predictors and the level structure; apply the design algorithm; and check the concordance between the attractor states of the designed network and the data states. AVAILABILITY: The software and supplementary material is available at http://gsp.tamu.edu/Publications/BNs/bn.htm  相似文献   

A large-scale model of the immune network is analyzed, using the shape-space formalism. In this formalism, it is assumed that the immunoglobulin receptors on B cells can be characterized by their unique portions, or idiotypes, that have shapes that can be represented in a space of a small finite dimension. Two receptors are assumed to interact to the extent that the shapes of their idiotypes are complementary. This is modeled by assuming that shapes interact maximally whenever their coordinates in the space-space are equal and opposite, and that the strength of interaction falls off for less complementary shapes in a manner described by a Gaussian function of the Euclidean "distance" between the pair of interacting shapes. The degree of stimulation of a cell when confronted with complementary idiotypes is modeled using a log bell-shaped interaction function. This leads to three possible equilibrium states for each clone: a virgin, an immune, and a suppressed state. The stability properties of the three possible homogeneous steady states of the network are examined. For the parameters chosen, the homogeneous virgin state is stable to both uniform and sinusoidal perturbations of small amplitude. A sufficiently large perturbation will, however, destabilize the virgin state and lead to an immune reaction. Thus, the virgin system is both stable and responsive to perturbations. The homogeneous immune state is unstable to both uniform and sinusoidal perturbations, whereas the homogeneous suppressed state is stable to uniform, but unstable to sinusoidal, perturbations. The non-uniform patterns that arise from perturbations of the homogeneous states are examined numerically. These patterns represent the actual immune repertoire of an animal, according to the present model. The effect of varying the standard deviation sigma of the Gaussian is numerically analyzed in a one-dimensional model. If sigma is large compared to the size of the shape-space, the system attains a fixed non-uniform equilibrium. Conversely if sigma is small, the system attains one out of many possible non-uniform equilibria, with the final pattern depending on the initial conditions. This demonstrates the plasticity of the immune repertoire in this shape-space model. We describe how the repertoire organizes itself into large clusters of clones having similar behavior. These results are extended by analyzing pattern formation in a two-dimensional (2-D) shape-space.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Cortes JM  Torres JJ  Marro J 《Bio Systems》2007,87(2-3):186-190
We study neural automata - or neurobiologically inspired cellular automata - which exhibits chaotic itinerancy among the different stored patterns or memories. This is a consequence of activity-dependent synaptic fluctuations, which continuously destabilize the attractor and induce irregular hopping to other possible attractors. The nature of these irregularities depends on the dynamic details, namely, on the intensity of the synaptic noise and the number of sites of the network, which are synchronously updated at each time step. Varying these factors, different regimes occur, ranging from regular to chaotic dynamics. As a result, and in absence of external agents, the chaotic behavior may turn regular after tuning the noise intensity. It is argued that a similar mechanism might be on the basis of self-controlling chaos in natural systems.  相似文献   

A formalism based on window automata is proposed as a method to analyse complex population dynamics. The method is applied to a model of the immune network (Weisbuch, G.et al., 1990.J. theor. Biol. 146, 483–499), and used to predict which attractor the system reaches after antigenic stimulation, as a function of the parameters. The attractors of the dynamics are interpreted in terms of immune conditions such as vaccination or tolerance. Scaling laws that define the regimes in the parameter space corresponding to the specific attractor reached under antigenic stimulation are derived.  相似文献   

Two models for mammalian cell regulation that invoke the concept of cellular phenotype represented by high dimensional dynamic attractor states are compared. In one model the attractors are derived from an experimentally determined genetic regulatory network (GRN) for the cell type. As the state space architecture within which the attractors are embedded is determined by the binding sites on proteins and the recognition sites on DNA the attractors can be described as “hard-wired” in the genome through the genomic DNA sequence. In the second model attractors arising from the interactions between active gene products (mainly proteins) and independent of the genomic sequence, are descended from a pre-cellular state from which life originated. As this model is based on the cell as an open system the attractor acts as the interface between the cell and its environment. Environmental sources of stress can serve to trigger attractor and therefore phenotypic, transitions without entailing genotypic sequence changes.It is asserted that the evidence from cell and molecular biological research and logic, favours the second model. If correct there are important implications for understanding how environmental factors impact on evolution and may be implicated in hereditary and somatic disease.  相似文献   

Chaotic dynamics generated in a chaotic neural network model are applied to 2-dimensional (2-D) motion control. The change of position of a moving object in each control time step is determined by a motion function which is calculated from the firing activity of the chaotic neural network. Prototype attractors which correspond to simple motions of the object toward four directions in 2-D space are embedded in the neural network model by designing synaptic connection strengths. Chaotic dynamics introduced by changing system parameters sample intermediate points in the high-dimensional state space between the embedded attractors, resulting in motion in various directions. By means of adaptive switching of the system parameters between a chaotic regime and an attractor regime, the object is able to reach a target in a 2-D maze. In computer experiments, the success rate of this method over many trials not only shows better performance than that of stochastic random pattern generators but also shows that chaotic dynamics can be useful for realizing robust, adaptive and complex control function with simple rules.  相似文献   

A simple chemical model of the idiotypic network of immune systems, namely the AB model, has been developed by De Boeret al. The complexity of the system, such as the steady states, periodic oscillations and chaotic motions, has been examined by the authors mentioned above. In the present paper, the periodic motions and chaotic behaviours exhibited by the system are intuitively described. To clarify in which parameter domains concerned the system exhibits periodic oscillations and in which parameter domains the system demonstrates chaotic behaviours the Lyapounov exponent is explored. To characterize the strangeness of the attractors, the fractal dimension problem is worked out.  相似文献   



Boolean network modeling has been widely used to model large-scale biomolecular regulatory networks as it can describe the essential dynamical characteristics of complicated networks in a relatively simple way. When we analyze such Boolean network models, we often need to find out attractor states to investigate the converging state features that represent particular cell phenotypes. This is, however, very difficult (often impossible) for a large network due to computational complexity.


There have been some attempts to resolve this problem by partitioning the original network into smaller subnetworks and reconstructing the attractor states by integrating the local attractors obtained from each subnetwork. But, in many cases, the partitioned subnetworks are still too large and such an approach is no longer useful. So, we have investigated the fundamental reason underlying this problem and proposed a novel efficient way of hierarchically partitioning a given large network into smaller subnetworks by focusing on some attractors corresponding to a particular phenotype of interest instead of considering all attractors at the same time. Using the definition of attractors, we can have a simplified update rule with fixed state values for some nodes. The resulting subnetworks were small enough to find out the corresponding local attractors which can be integrated for reconstruction of the global attractor states of the original large network.


The proposed approach can substantially extend the current limit of Boolean network modeling for converging state analysis of biological networks.



The experimental observations and numerical studies with dissipative metabolic networks have shown that cellular enzymatic activity self-organizes spontaneously leading to the emergence of a Systemic Metabolic Structure in the cell, characterized by a set of different enzymatic reactions always locked into active states (metabolic core) while the rest of the catalytic processes are only intermittently active. This global metabolic structure was verified for Escherichia coli, Helicobacter pylori and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and it seems to be a common key feature to all cellular organisms. In concordance with these observations, the cell can be considered a complex metabolic network which mainly integrates a large ensemble of self-organized multienzymatic complexes interconnected by substrate fluxes and regulatory signals, where multiple autonomous oscillatory and quasi-stationary catalytic patterns simultaneously emerge. The network adjusts the internal metabolic activities to the external change by means of flux plasticity and structural plasticity.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In order to research the systemic mechanisms involved in the regulation of the cellular enzymatic activity we have studied different catalytic activities of a dissipative metabolic network under different external stimuli. The emergent biochemical data have been analysed using statistical mechanic tools, studying some macroscopic properties such as the global information and the energy of the system. We have also obtained an equivalent Hopfield network using a Boltzmann machine. Our main result shows that the dissipative metabolic network can behave as an attractor metabolic network.


We have found that the systemic enzymatic activities are governed by attractors with capacity to store functional metabolic patterns which can be correctly recovered from specific input stimuli. The network attractors regulate the catalytic patterns, modify the efficiency in the connection between the multienzymatic complexes, and stably retain these modifications. Here for the first time, we have introduced the general concept of attractor metabolic network, in which this dynamic behavior is observed.  相似文献   

Persistent activity states (attractors), observed in several neocortical areas after the removal of a sensory stimulus, are believed to be the neuronal basis of working memory. One of the possible mechanisms that can underlie persistent activity is recurrent excitation mediated by intracortical synaptic connections. A recent experimental study revealed that connections between pyramidal cells in prefrontal cortex exhibit various degrees of synaptic depression and facilitation. Here we analyze the effect of synaptic dynamics on the emergence and persistence of attractor states in interconnected neural networks. We show that different combinations of synaptic depression and facilitation result in qualitatively different network dynamics with respect to the emergence of the attractor states. This analysis raises the possibility that the framework of attractor neural networks can be extended to represent time-dependent stimuli.  相似文献   

It is well established that the variability of the neural activity across trials, as measured by the Fano factor, is elevated. This fact poses limits on information encoding by the neural activity. However, a series of recent neurophysiological experiments have changed this traditional view. Single cell recordings across a variety of species, brain areas, brain states and stimulus conditions demonstrate a remarkable reduction of the neural variability when an external stimulation is applied and when attention is allocated towards a stimulus within a neuron's receptive field, suggesting an enhancement of information encoding. Using an heterogeneously connected neural network model whose dynamics exhibits multiple attractors, we demonstrate here how this variability reduction can arise from a network effect. In the spontaneous state, we show that the high degree of neural variability is mainly due to fluctuation-driven excursions from attractor to attractor. This occurs when, in the parameter space, the network working point is around the bifurcation allowing multistable attractors. The application of an external excitatory drive by stimulation or attention stabilizes one specific attractor, eliminating in this way the transitions between the different attractors and resulting in a net decrease in neural variability over trials. Importantly, non-responsive neurons also exhibit a reduction of variability. Finally, this reduced variability is found to arise from an increased regularity of the neural spike trains. In conclusion, these results suggest that the variability reduction under stimulation and attention is a property of neural circuits.  相似文献   

Multi-scroll chaotic attractor makes the oscillator become more complex in dynamic behaviors. The collective behaviors of coupled oscillators with multi-scroll attractors are investigated in the regular network in two-dimensional array, which the local kinetics is described by an improved Chua circuit. A feasible scheme of negative feedback with diversity is imposed on the network to stabilize the spatial patterns. Firstly, the Chua circuit is improved by replacing the nonlinear term with Sine function to generate infinite aquariums so that multi-scroll chaotic attractors could be generated under appropriate parameters, which could be detected by calculating the Lyapunov exponent in the parameter region. Furthermore, negative feedback with different gains (D1, D2) is imposed on the local square center area A2 and outer area A1 of the network, it is found that spiral wave, target wave could be developed in the network under appropriate feedback gain with diversity and size of controlled area. Particularly, homogeneous state could be reached after synchronization by selecting appropriate feedback gain and controlled size in the network. Finally, the distribution for statistical factors of synchronization is calculated in the two-parameter space to understand the transition of pattern region. It is found that developed spiral waves, target waves often are associated with smaller factor of synchronization. These results show that emergence of sustained spiral wave and continuous target wave could be effective for further suppression of spatiotemporal chaos in network by generating stable pacemaker completely.  相似文献   

Attractors represent the long-term behaviors of Random Boolean Networks. We study how the amount of information propagated between the nodes when on an attractor, as quantified by the average pairwise mutual information ([Formula: see text]), relates to the robustness of the attractor to perturbations ([Formula: see text]). We find that the dynamical regime of the network affects the relationship between [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text]. In the ordered and chaotic regimes, [Formula: see text] is anti-correlated with [Formula: see text], implying that attractors that are highly robust to perturbations have necessarily limited information propagation. Between order and chaos (for so-called "critical" networks) these quantities are uncorrelated. Finite size effects cause this behavior to be visible for a range of networks, from having a sensitivity of 1 to the point where [Formula: see text] is maximized. In this region, the two quantities are weakly correlated and attractors can be almost arbitrarily robust to perturbations without restricting the propagation of information in the network.  相似文献   

Cell fusion, a process that merges two or more cells into one, is required for normal development and has been explored as a tool for stem cell therapy. It has also been proposed that cell fusion causes cancer and contributes to its progression. These functions rely on a poorly understood ability of cell fusion to create new cell types. We suggest that this ability can be understood by considering cells as attractor networks whose basic property is to adopt a set of distinct, stable, self-maintaining states called attractors. According to this view, fusion of two cell types is a collision of two networks that have adopted distinct attractors. To learn how these networks reach a consensus, we model cell fusion computationally. To do so, we simulate patterns of gene activities using a formalism developed to simulate patterns of memory in neural networks. We find that the hybrid networks can assume attractors that are unrelated to parental attractors, implying that cell fusion can create new cell types by nearly instantaneously moving cells between attractors. We also show that hybrid networks are prone to assume spurious attractors, which are emergent and sporadic network states. This finding means that cell fusion can produce abnormal cell types, including cancerous types, by placing cells into normally inaccessible spurious states. Finally, we suggest that the problem of colliding networks has general significance in many processes represented by attractor networks, including biological, social, and political phenomena.  相似文献   

Ecosystems sometimes shift between different states or dynamic regimes. Theory attributes these shifts to multiple ecosystem attractors. However, documenting multiple ecosystem attractors is difficult, particularly at spatial and temporal scales relevant to ecosystem management. We manipulated the fish community of a lake with the goal of causing trophic cascades and shifting the food web from a planktivore-dominated state to an alternate piscivore-dominated state. We evaluated evidence that the shifts in the fish community comprise alternate attractors using two complementary approaches. First, we calculated phase space trajectories to visualize the shift between attractors. Second, we computed generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) models and the Brock–Dechert–Scheinkman (BDS) test for linearity. The reconstructed phase space trajectories show the system departing a point attractor, entering a limit cycle, and then shifting to a new point attractor. The GARCH and BDS results indicate that linear explanations are not sufficient to explain the observed patterns. The results provide evidence for alternate attractors based on high-frequency time series of field measurements.  相似文献   

A discrete model of a biological regulatory network can be represented by a discrete function that contains all available information on interactions between network components and the rules governing the evolution of the network in a finite state space. Since the state space size grows exponentially with the number of network components, analysis of large networks is a complex problem. In this paper, we introduce the notion of symbolic steady state that allows us to identify subnetworks that govern the dynamics of the original network in some region of state space. We state rules to explicitly construct attractors of the system from subnetwork attractors. Using the results, we formulate sufficient conditions for the existence of multiple attractors resp. a cyclic attractor based on the existence of positive resp. negative feedback circuits in the graph representing the structure of the system. In addition, we discuss approaches to finding symbolic steady states. We focus both on dynamics derived via synchronous as well as asynchronous update rules. Lastly, we illustrate the results by analyzing a model of T helper cell differentiation.  相似文献   

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