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A cladistic analysis, primarily based on morphology, is presented from 40 diploid taxa representing the 24 monogenomic genera of the Triticeae. General problems related to the treatment of hybrids and supposedly allopolyploid heterogenomic taxa are highlighted. Special emphasis is given to taxa not traditionally included in Aegilops s.J. Most of the 33 characters used in the analysis are coded as binary. The only four multistate characters in the matrix are treated as unordered. Three diploid species of Bromus are used as outgroup. The number of equally parsimonious trees found is very large (approx. 170000; length = 107, ci = 0.36, ri = 0.75) and the strict consensus tree has an expectedly low level of resolution. However, most of the equally parsimonious trees owe their existence to an unresolved Aegilops clade. If this clade is replaced by its hypothetical ancestor, the number of equally parsimonious trees drops dramatically (48; length = 78, ci = 0.45, ri = 0.76). When trees for which more highly resolved compatible trees exist are excluded, only two trees remain. Bremer support is used as a measure of branch support. The trees based on morphology and on molecular data are largely incongruent.  相似文献   

以礼草属系统发育的分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
基于分支系统学的原理和方法。对禾本科以礼草属进行了系统发育分析,以礼草属是个单系在群,它的32个外部性状选作极性分析。鹅观草属中的肃草作为外类群,采用PAUP程序对矩阵进行运算,获得了1个最简约的谱系分支图。在分支图上,以民礼草属26个种可以归为3个组,但不适合于划分系,3个组中各组包含的种数分别与传统分类的3个组基本吻合,从而支持了传统分类的结果。同时,分支图还展示了各个类群间的亲缘演化关系,其  相似文献   

In this study, 68 specimens of the genus Lolium were scored for 27 characters, comprising 12 vegetative, 12 inflorescence and 3 seed characters. The aim of the study was to investigate the species relationships within the genus in Iran. The data were analysed using principal components analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis. Both analyses separated L. perenne, L. persicum, L. temulentum, L. multiflorum from each other. According to previous authors, L. rigidum and L. loliaceum show little difference from each other and are not separable to a species level. In this study these two species separated clearly from the other species, but were most closely related to L. perenne following cluster analysis and to L. multiflorum following PCA. L. persicum was found to be the most distinct species within the genus Lolium in Iran.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The Quadrifaria group of Paspalum (Poaceae, Paniceae) comprises species native to the subtropical and temperate regions of South America. The purpose of this research was to characterize the I genomes in five species of this group and to establish phylogenetic relationships among them. METHODS: Prometaphase chromatin condensation patterns, the physical location of 5S and 45S rDNA sites by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), and sequences of five chloroplast non-coding regions were analysed. KEY RESULTS: The condensation patterns observed were highly conserved among diploid and tetraploid accessions studied and not influenced by the dyes used or by the FISH procedure, allowing the identification of almost all the chromosome pairs that carried the rDNA signals. The FISH analysis of 5S rDNA sites showed the same localization and a correspondence between the number of sites and ploidy level. In contrast, the distribution of 45S rDNA sites was variable. Two general patterns were observed with respect to the location of the 45S rDNA. The species and cytotypes Paspalum haumanii 2x, P. intermedium 2x, P. quadrifarium 4x and P. exaltatum 4x showed proximal sites on chromosome 8 and two to four distal sites in other chromosomes, while P. quarinii 4x and P. quadrifarium 2x showed only distal sites located on a variable number of small chromosomes and on the long arm of chromosome 1. The single most-parsimonious tree found from the phylogenetic analysis showed the Quadrifaria species partitioned in two clades, one of them includes P. haumanii 2x and P. intermedium 2x together with P. quadrifarium 4x and P. exaltatum 4x, while the other contains P. quadrifarium 2x and P. quarinii 4x. CONCLUSIONS: The subdivision found with FISH is consistent with the clades recovered with cpDNA data and both analyses suggest that the Quadrifaria group, as presently defined, is not monophyletic and its species belong in at least two clades.  相似文献   

Within the genus Phragmites (Poaceae), the species P. australis (the common reed) is virtually cosmopolitan, and shows considerable variation in ploidy level and morphology. Genetic variation in Phragmites was studied using AFLPs, and analysed with parsimony and distance methods. Groups of P. australis strongly supported in the analyses include one that comprises all South American clones, a distinct group from the US Gulf Coast, and a group of E. Asian and Australian octoploids. Among the other species, the paleotropical P. vallatoria is supported as monophyletic and most closely related to the paraphyletic P. mauritianus and to the Gulf Coast and S. American groups. The E. Asian species P. japonicus is closely related to a group of P. australis clones mostly from central North America. Tetraploidy predominates in the genus, and optimisation of chromosome numbers onto the phylogeny shows that higher ploidy levels have evolved many times.  相似文献   

A Preliminary Approach to the Phylogeny of the Genus Paspalum (Poaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Souza-Chies TT  Essi L  Rua GH  Valls JF  Miz RB 《Genetica》2006,126(1-2):15-32

Based on recent molecular and morphological studies we present a modern worldwide phylogenetic classification of the ± 12074 grasses and place the 771 grass genera into 12 subfamilies (Anomochlooideae, Aristidoideae, Arundinoideae, Bambusoideae, Chloridoideae, Danthonioideae, Micraioideae, Oryzoideae, Panicoideae, Pharoideae, Puelioideae, and Pooideae), 6 supertribes (Andropogonodae, Arundinarodae, Bambusodae, Panicodae, Poodae, Triticodae), 51 tribes (Ampelodesmeae, Andropogoneae, Anomochloeae, Aristideae, Arundinarieae, Arundineae, Arundinelleae, Atractocarpeae, Bambuseae, Brachyelytreae, Brachypodieae, Bromeae, Brylkinieae, Centotheceae, Centropodieae, Chasmanthieae, Cynodonteae, Cyperochloeae, Danthonieae, Diarrheneae, Ehrharteae, Eragrostideae, Eriachneae, Guaduellieae, Gynerieae, Hubbardieae, Isachneae, Littledaleeae, Lygeeae, Meliceae, Micraireae, Molinieae, Nardeae, Olyreae, Oryzeae, Paniceae, Paspaleae, Phaenospermateae, Phareae, Phyllorachideae, Poeae, Steyermarkochloeae, Stipeae, Streptochaeteae, Streptogyneae, Thysanolaeneae, Triraphideae, Tristachyideae, Triticeae, Zeugiteae, and Zoysieae), and 80 subtribes (Aeluropodinae, Agrostidinae, Airinae, Ammochloinae, Andropogoninae, Anthephorinae, Anthistiriinae, Anthoxanthinae, Arthraxoninae, Arthropogoninae, Arthrostylidiinae, Arundinariinae, Aveninae, Bambusinae, Boivinellinae, Boutelouinae, Brizinae, Buergersiochloinae, Calothecinae, Cenchrinae, Chionachninae, Chusqueinae, Coicinae, Coleanthinae, Cotteinae, Cteniinae, Cynosurinae, Dactylidinae, Dichantheliinae, Dimeriinae, Duthieinae, Eleusininae, Eragrostidinae, Farragininae, Germainiinae, Gouiniinae, Guaduinae, Gymnopogoninae, Hickeliinae, Hilariinae, Holcinae, Hordeinae, Ischaeminae, Loliinae, Melinidinae, Melocanninae, Miliinae, Monanthochloinae, Muhlenbergiinae, Neurachninae, Olyrinae, Orcuttiinae, Oryzinae, Otachyriinae, Panicinae, Pappophorinae, Parapholiinae, Parianinae, Paspalinae, Perotidinae, Phalaridinae, Poinae, Racemobambosinae, Rottboelliinae, Saccharinae, Scleropogoninae, Scolochloinae, Sesleriinae, Sorghinae, Sporobolinae, Torreyochloinae, Traginae, Trichoneurinae, Triodiinae, Tripogoninae, Tripsacinae, Triticinae, Unioliinae, Zizaniinae, and Zoysiinae). In addition, we include a radial tree illustrating the hierarchical relationships among the subtribes, tribes, and subfamilies. We use the subfamilial name, Oryzoideae, over Ehrhartoideae because the latter was initially published as a misplaced rank, and we circumscribe Molinieae to include 13 Arundinoideae genera. The subtribe Calothecinae is newly described and the tribe Littledaleeae is new at that rank.  相似文献   

Andrew Henderson 《Brittonia》1999,51(1):106-113
The Euterpeinae contains six neotropical genera. There has been continual disagreement on generic and subgeneric boundaries in the subtribe.Euterpe andPrestoea, andJessenia andOenocarpus, have been repeatedly united and separated. A phylogenetic analysis based on 54 morphological and anatomical characters gave one tree of 127 steps.Euterpe is separate fromPrestoea, butJessenia andOenocarpus are best treated as one genus. Subgeneric relationships ofEuterpe andOenocarpus are also analyzed and discussed.  相似文献   

The taxonomic relationships of Brachiaria and Urochloa have been questioned based on previous morphological studies. In this paper, we reconsider the phylogenetic relationships of these genera using 22 species of Brachiaria and Urochloa and six species of Paniceae as out-groups. The ITS1, 5.8S, and ITS2 region (internal transcribed spacer) of nuclear ribosomal DNA and eight morphological characters of the inflorescence were compiled into a data matrix. The cladistic analyses suggest that Urochloa-Brachiaria as a complex is paraphyletic with Eriochloa and Melinis. Species of all these genera share molecular synapomorphies and belong to the same monophyletic groups. The results confirm the continuous gradation between those genera previously found in several morphological studies. Therefore, the following eight new combinations are made: Urochloa bovonei (Chiov.) A.M. Torres & C.M. Morton, Urochloa dura (Stapf) A.M. Torres & C.M. Morton, Urochloa dura var. dura (Stapf) A.M. Torres & C.M. Morton, Urochloa dura var. pilosa (J.G. Anderson) A.M. Torres & C.M. Morton, Urochloa lachnantha (Hochst.) A.M. Torres & C.M. Morton, Urochloa leersioides (Hochst.) A.M. Torres & C.M. Morton, Urochloa nigropedata (Munro ex Ficalho & Hiern) A.M. Torres & C.M. Morton, and Urochloa subulifolia (Mez) A.M. Torres & C.M. Morton.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The results of a phylogenetic analysis of Dermestidae (Coleoptera) based on the morphology of immature stages are presented and implications for the classification of the family are discussed. The monophyly of (( Orphilus ) + (Dermestidae) + (Endecatomidae (Bostrichidae + Anobiidae))) is strongly supported. Dermestidae, excluding Orphilus Erichson, forms a monophyletic group. The phylogenetic position of the Orphilinae remains enigmatic. The hypothesized relationships of the remaining dermestid subfamilies are (Thorictinae (Dermestinae (Attageninae (Megatominae + Trinodinae)))). Phylogenetically informative morphological characters of larvae and pupae are illustrated and described. Character state transformations implied by the phylogenetic hypothesis are discussed. New morphological observations are provided, including the first records of the presence of gastric caeca in the larva of Dermestes L., and the first report of the number of Malpighian tubules and the number of abdominal ganglia in Dermestidae, Bostrichidae, Anobiidae, Nosodendridae and Derodontidae. The form of the mandibular base is described for the first time for Thylodriini Beal and Trinodini Beal. The fossil record and distribution of extant Dermestidae are discussed in the light of the phylogenetic hypothesis. The origin of the family is hypothesized to be in the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) restriction site variation was examined in 32 species, representing five subgenera, of Bromus (Poaceae). Thirty-seven phylogenetically informative restriction sites were detected. Cladistic analysis of the restriction site data produced a single most-parsimonious tree of 50 steps. The cladogram indicated two major clades within the genus. One clade included B. trinii of subgenus Neobromus and species of subgenus Ceratochloa. The other was composed of subgenera Festucaria, Stenobromus, and Bromus. Within the second clade, species of subgenus Festucaria appeared in three lineages. The second clade also contained an assemblage of species belonging to subgenera Stenobromus and Bromus in a separate lineage. There was very little resolution of relationships in this assemblage since several species appeared individually in separate lineages. The cpDNA phylogenetic hypothesis did not separate species of subgenera Stenobromus and Bromus into well-defined clades as circumscribed by morphology and cytogenetics. The cpDNA tree is in agreement with the phylogenetic scheme based on traditional data in that: 1) subgenera Neobromus and Ceratochloa were the first to diverge, while Bromus and Stenobromus diverged later; 2) within the genus Bromus species with small chromosomes are ancestral; and 3) subgenera Bromus and Stenobromus probably originated from similar ancestors as Festucaria. The tree based on cpDNA data does not support that: 1) subgenera Neobromus and Ceratochloa did not have a common origin; 2) subgenus Festucaria is monophyletic; and 3) subgenera Stenobromus and Bromus are distinct entities. The mean nucleotide sequence divergence values between pairs of subgenera ranged from p = 0.0 to 0.9. These values suggest that cpDNA evolution in Bromus is slow.  相似文献   

A lectotype has been selected for Aciachne pulvinata. The name A. uniflora is rejected as nom. illeg. Two new species, A. acicularis and A. flagellifera are described and a key is provided. Leaf anatomy is described and discussed, several diagnostic-characters have been found. Distribution maps and altitudinal ranges are discussed.  相似文献   

Paspalum dilatatum Poir. and its related species are warm-season grasses native to the grasslands of temperate South America. The group comprises several sexual tetraploid forms and apomictic tetraploids, pentaploids, hexaploids, and heptaploids. Interest in several of these biotypes as forage grasses has led to the accumulation of abundant cytogenetic information, evolutionary hypotheses, and thorough field studies which make the group a very promising model for analysis of evolutionary processes in apomictic complexes. Microsatellite markers were used here to analyze the relationships among the apomictic biotypes and evolutionary pathways. Most apomictic biotypes were shown to be monoclonal and sexual recombination is probably very rare. Suggested mechanisms for the formation of apomicts involve either unreduced female gametes or euploid pollen grains from the pentaploid biotype. Even-ploid apomictics, including those cytologically capable of facultative apomixis, are monoclonal and seem to play a very minor role in the evolution of the complex. The relationships hypothesized among the apomicts are congruent with a single origin of apomixis in the group which in turn would be coded by a non-recombining genome.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses of 131 terminals of Paspalum and related genera, based on both plastid and nuclear markers, were performed under maximum parsimony and Bayesian methods. The total evidence analyses generated a hypothesis showing that Paspalum would be monophyletic if Spheneria, Thrasyopsis and Reimarochloa are included within the genus. Paspalum inaequivalve and P. microstachyum, two species of the Inaequivalvia group were related to genus Anthaenantiopsis, excluded from Paspalum, or nested within it by plastid and nuclear markers, respectively. Subgenera Anachyris and Harpostachys were partially recovered as monophyletic assemblages, while subg. Ceresia and Paspalum resolved as polyphyletic. Within subgenus Paspalum, some informal groups were recovered as monophyletic, while others were resolved as paraphyletic or polyphyletic. Phylogenetic relationships among species of Paspalum were partially recovered possibly due to reticulation events among species, autopolyploidization and apomixis; all these processes being common in Paspalum, thus obscuring the infrageneric classification.  相似文献   

Floral morphology in all ten species ofCrossostylis, one of the inland genera of Rhizophoraceae and is distributed in the South Pacific Islands, was studied to increase our knowledge on floral features of individual species as well as on relationships among the species. Flowers ofCrossostylis, unlike those of the other Rhizophoraceae, always have semi-inferior ovaries and entire petals, but are diversified concerning the number and arrangement of stamens and carpels, the presence or absence of staminodia, sexuality and the structure of nectaries. Despite some doubt of the presence of apomorphies restricted to the whole genus, we tentatively definedCrossostylis by a combination of the presence of the semi-inferior ovary, entire petals, and arillate seeds, and then performed cladistic analysis on the basis of 24 floral and other morphological characters and withCarallia andGynotroches as outgroups. Our phylogenetic analysis suggested that the species ofCrossostylis are divided into two monophyletic groups: one comprising six species distributed in the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and the Fiji Islands, and the other comprising four species distributed in New Caledonia and Polynesia.  相似文献   

PCR-RFLP analysis of cpDNA in the genus Abies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 We used PCR-RFLP analysis of the chloroplast DNA of the genus Abies (family Pinaceae), to determine if the method could be employed to detect inter-specific variation in this genus and to study how the variation was distributed in different regions of the genome. Ten different chloroplast DNA regions, consisting of coding and non-coding DNA sequences, were amplified with specific primers in ten different Abies taxa. The amplification products were digested with several restriction enzymes. The results showed that the chloroplast genome is highly variable in most of the investigated taxa and contains multiple variable regions that appear to be distributed throughout the whole genome. Species-diagnostic markers were found for four of the ten investigated species. Unexpectedly, intra-specific variation was also detected in four species. It is likely that further studies, including larger sample sizes and/or more powerful methods for the detection of chloroplast DNA variation, will reveal additional variation for this genus. Received: 2 September 1998 / Accepted: 17 September 1998  相似文献   

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