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Two bdelloid species,Macrotrachela quadricornifera (aquatic species) andPhilodina vorax (terrestrial moss species), with similar survival but different age-specific fecundity schedules, were analyzed daily to determine growth rates and the volume invested in reproduction. The two species had similar growth patterns and started reproduction while still growing. In both, the size at maturity was independent of age.M. quadricornifera resumed growth after reaching a size plateau when reproduction was over, whileP. vorax continued to reproduce until death. Although the net reproductive rate ofP. vorax was consistently lower than that ofM. quadricornifera, the same percent of adult volume was invested in reproduction over its life time because its eggs were relatively bigger. The difference in reproductive rates is probably related to different partitioning of equal amounts of relative biomass: more small eggs for the aquatic rotifer vs. fewer big eggs for the terrestrial rotifer. Egg size might be related to the selective pressures of the environments.  相似文献   

Life‐history theory predicts a trade‐off between current and future reproduction to maximize lifetime fitness. In cooperatively breeding species, where offspring care is shared between breeders and helpers, helper presence may influence the female breeders’ egg investment, and consequently, survival and future reproductive success. For example, female breeders may reduce egg investment in response to helper presence if this reduction is compensated by helpers during provisioning. Alternatively, female breeders may increase egg investment in response to helper presence if helpers allow the breeders to raise more or higher quality offspring successfully. In the facultatively cooperative‐breeding Tibetan ground tit Pseudopodoces humilis, previous studies found that helpers improve total nestling provisioning rates and fledgling recruitment, but have no apparent effects on the number and body mass of fledglings produced, while breeders with helpers show reduced provisioning rates and higher survival. Here, we investigated whether some of these effects may be explained by female breeders reducing their investment in eggs in response to helper presence. In addition, we investigated whether egg investment is associated with the female breeder's future fitness. Our results showed that helper presence had no effect on the female breeders’ egg investment, and that egg investment was not associated with breeder survival and reproductive success. Our findings suggest that the responses of breeders to helping should be investigated throughout the breeding cycle, because the conclusions regarding the breeders’ adjustment of reproductive investment in response to being helped may depend on which stage of the breeding cycle is considered.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. 1. Egg sizes and clutch sizes of the grasshoppers Chorthippus brunneus (Thunb.) and Myrmeleotettix maculatus (Thunb.) were compared among three years and among three sites less than 1.3 km apart. Relationships between these reproductive traits and date of egg laying, body size and body condition were sought.
2. M.maculatus , the smaller species, laid fewer but larger eggs; and only the eggs of this species showed significant differences between sites and years.
3. A negative correlation between egg size and number per clutch was evident between species and years, but generally not among sites and among individuals of a population.
4. However, a hidden negative correlation between egg size and number was uncovered within populations when the relationship was examined for females of a given mature weight.
5. Variation in the number of eggs per clutch was explained statistically by a positive relationship between female body weight and egg number. Also, both interpopulation and intrapopulation comparisons revealed that for M.maculatus , but not for C.brunneus , females with long hind femurs laid large eggs.  相似文献   

Egg size and offspring fitness in a bdelloid rotifer   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
To test if the quality of offspring is affected by egg size and whether it increases with the amount of resources allocated to an individual egg, we compared the offspring hatched from small and large eggs of Macrotrachela quadricornifera(Rotifera, Bdelloidea). Differently sized eggs were obtained by feeding mothers with different food concentrations. Large eggs were expected to provide better offspring in terms of (1) development time of the embryos, (2) age at first reproduction of the juveniles and (3) recovery after desiccation of the newborns. The comparison between offspring hatched from large vs. small eggs of the same bdelloid species revealed that animals hatched from large eggs had shorter embryonic development and earlier age at first reproduction than animals hatched from small eggs. In contrast, the capacity to survive stress, like desiccation, was not affected by egg size. Thus, offspring hatched from larger eggs had shorter generation times, but were not favoured under harsh circumstances.  相似文献   

Reproducing females can allocate energy between the production of eggs or offspring of different size or number, both of which can strongly influence fitness. The physical capacity to store developing offspring imposes constraints on maximum clutch volume, but individual females and populations can trade off whether more or fewer eggs or offspring are produced, and their relative sizes. Harsh environments are likely to select for larger egg or offspring size, and many vertebrate populations compensate for this reproductive investment through an increase in female body size. We report a different trade‐off in a frog endemic to the Tibetan Plateau, Rana kukunoris. Females living at higher altitudes (n = 11 populations, 2000–3500 m) produce larger eggs, but without a concomitant increase in female body size or clutch size. The reduced diel and seasonal activity at high altitudes may impose constraints on the maximum body size of adult frogs, by limiting the opportunity for energy accumulation. Simultaneously, producing larger eggs likely helps to increase the rate of embryonic development, causing tadpoles to hatch earlier. The gelatinous matrix surrounding eggs, more of which is produced by large females, may help buffer developing embryos from temperature fluctuations or offer protection from ultraviolet radiation. High‐altitude frogs on the Tibetan Plateau employ a reproductive strategy that favours large egg size independent of body size, which is unusual in amphibians. The harsh and unpredictable environmental conditions at high altitudes can thus impose strong and opposing selection pressures on adult and embryonic life stages, both of which can simultaneously influence fitness.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. The nutritional value of the bacterivorous ciliate Tetrahymena pyriformis and the algivorous ciliate Coleps sp., as well as the heterotrophic flagellate Chilomonas paramecium and the autotrophic flagellate Cryptomonas ovata , were investigated in population growth experiments using the rotifer B. calyciflorus . The two ciliates, both flagellates, which were of similar size, shape and mobility, were each offered as a sole diet and as a supplement to the alga Monoraphidium minutum , known to support reproduction of B. calyciflorus .
2. To further test nutritional differences between the prey organisms, prey selection experiments were conducted in which B. calyciflorus was able to select between the bacterivorous and algivorous ciliate, and between the heterotrophic and autotrophic flagellate.
3. The results demonstrated that both ciliates and the heterotrophic flagellate were not sufficient to support reproduction of B. calyciflorus when offered as a sole diet. They were, however, a good supplement to algal prey (except for the bacterivorous ciliate T. pyriformis ). In the prey selection experiments, B. calyciflorus positively selected for the algivorous Coleps sp. and the autotrophic C. ovata.
4. Overall, ciliates and heterotrophic flagellates may enhance survival of B. calyciflorus , but reproduction of the rotifer is likely to rely on algal prey. Both higher population growth of B. calyciflorus when fed the algivorous Coleps and the autotrophic Cryptomonas, along with their positive selection, give evidence for prey specific differences in nutrition, with algivorous or autotrophic prey species tending to be of higher nutritional value.  相似文献   

The life cycle of the nine-spined stickleback Pungitius pungitius from Airolo Lake, Alaska, was studied using samples taken during 1993–1994 and 1997–1998. Pungitius pungitius was actively reproducing in late May and ceased reproductive activities by late June. Spawning adults were 2+ years old. Contrary to an earlier report, the data indicate that an individual female oviposits all of her ovulated eggs ( i.e. an entire clutch) into a male's nest during one spawning episode. There was a trade-off between clutch size and egg size without concomitant variation in clutch mass between two years. The results are compared to those from other studies.  相似文献   

Aim There is substantial residual scatter about the positive range size–body size relationship in Australian frogs. We test whether species’ life history and abundance can account for this residual scatter. Location Australia. Methods Multiple regressions were performed using both cross‐species and independent contrasts analyses to determine whether clutch size, egg size and species abundance account for variation in range size over and above the effects of body size. Results In both cross‐species and independents contrasts models with body size, clutch size and egg size as predictors, partial r2 values revealed that only egg size was significantly and uniquely related to range size. Contrary to expectation, neither body size nor clutch size could account for significant variation in range size. Incorporating species abundance as a predictor in further multiple regression analysis demonstrated that while abundance accounted for a significant proportion of range size variation, the contribution of egg size was reduced but still significant. Notably, non‐significant relationships persisted between range size and both body size and clutch size. Conclusions The weak positive correlation between body size and range size in Australian frogs disappears after accounting for species abundance and egg size. Our findings demonstrate that species with both high local abundance and small eggs occupy comparatively wider geographical ranges than species with low abundance and large eggs.  相似文献   

The biodiversity of Mediterranean freshwater bodies is among the most threatened worldwide; therefore, its accurate estimation is an urgent issue. However, traditional methods are likely to underestimate freshwater zooplankton biodiversity due to its high species seasonality and cryptic diversity. We test the value of applying DNA barcoding to diapausing egg banks, in combination with the creation of a reference collection of DNA barcodes using adult individual samples, to characterize rotifer communities. We use monogonont rotifers from two lakes in Doñana National Park and one from Ruidera Natural Park in Spain as models to create a reference collection of DNA barcodes for taxonomically diagnosed adult individuals sampled from the water column, to compare with the sequences obtained from individual eggs from the diapausing egg banks. We apply two different approaches to carry out DNA taxonomy analyses, the generalized mixed Yule coalescent method (GMYC) and the Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery (ABGD), to the obtained sequences and to publicly available rotifer sequences. We obtained a total of 210 new rotifer COI sequences from all three locations (151 diapausing eggs and 59 adults). Both GMYC and ABGD generated the same 35 operational taxonomic units (OTUs), revealing four potential cryptic species. Most sequences obtained from diapausing eggs (85%) clustered with sequences obtained from morphologically diagnosed adults. Our approach, based on a single sediment sample, retrieved estimates of rotifer biodiversity higher than or similar to those of previous studies based on a number of seasonal samples. This study shows that DNA barcoding of diapausing egg banks is an effective aid to characterize rotifer diversity in Mediterranean freshwater bodies.  相似文献   

Quantifying rotifer species richness in temperate lakes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. Biodiversity assessments of lakes depend on the ability to identify the complement of species present, although the degree of sampling required is often uncertain. We utilise long‐term data to predict rotifer species richness in three habitats in three Polish lakes using rarefaction sampling methods. 2. Richness in littoral and psammon habitats did not saturate, even with up to 130 samples. Highest richness was observed in psammon habitat (119 species) in Lake Mikolajskie, followed by littoral habitat in Lakes ?uknajno (114 species) and Kuc (110 species). Littoral habitats in Lakes ?uknajno (56%) and Kuc (51%) had the most species not shared with other habitats in the same lake. 3. Species richness (Chao2) estimates ranged between 44 for pelagic and 135 for psammon habitat in Lake Mikolajskie, to 100 for psammon and 137 for littoral habitat in Lake Kuc, and 65 for pelagic and 162 for littoral habitat in Lake ?uknajno. Whole lake estimates were 167, 205 and 171 species, respectively, for these lakes, higher than the 150 to 160 species predicted by Dumont and Segers (Hydrobiologia, 1996, 341 , 125). 4. Using standardised sampling, richness was significantly higher in littoral than either pelagic or psammon habitats. Contrasts of standardised rarefaction curves revealed that richness in Lakes Kuc and Mikolajskie was described as well by littoral‐only or psammon‐only samples, respectively, as by those randomly drawn from across all habitats in the lake. 5. Species richness estimates for Lake Mikolajskie were highest in summer, followed by autumn and spring. Interannual estimates differed by up to 427%, nearly an order of magnitude greater than maximal seasonal variation of 70%. 6. Results indicate that much higher sampling intensity is required to establish species richness than is presently carried out in most lakes. Because many species can be detected only with very intensive sampling, conservation programmes must consider sampling intensity when designing studies.  相似文献   

Walz  Norbert  Gschloessl  Tanja  Hartmann  Ulli 《Hydrobiologia》1989,(1):363-369
The influence of temperature and food quality was studied on the following energy balance parameters of B. angularis: ingestion, production, growth and mortality. The ingestion rate rises to an optimum at 15 and 20 °C and decreases at 25 °C. The other rates increase continuously over the 5–25 °C range. The Q10-values of production rate are higher than those of ingestion rate. Temperature also modifies the relationship between food concentration and bioenergetic rates. They react according to a Monod function (production at all temperatures, growth at 10 °C) or decrease at high concentrations (growth at 15° and 20 °C.)  相似文献   

Yúfera  M.  Pascual  E.  Guinea  J. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,(1):159-164
The contribution of the egg weight and the population size structure to the body mass have been studied in two strains of Brachionus plicatilis of different size. A mathematical model was developed in order to obtain a reliable estimate of the dry mass from two single easily determined parameters; the egg/female ratio and the mean lorica length.  相似文献   

Correlations between female investment in egg production and age, breeding experience and laying date have been reported in several seabird species. In general, clutch and egg sizes increase with female age and breeding experience but decrease with laying date. Positive correlations of clutch and egg size with age and breeding experience can be caused by an increase in reproductive investment with maturation or they may be an artefact of lower survival rates for individuals with poor-quality phenotypes. Negative correlations of clutch and egg size with laying date might signal an adaptive reduction in egg production or be due in part to variation among individuals. We examined the interactions of female age, breeding experience, laying date and clutch and egg size in Adélie Penguins Pygoscelis adeliae . Breeding experience strongly affected clutch size with 87.3% of all one-egg clutches laid by first-time breeders. In addition, increasing age had a positive influence on egg size and was associated with earlier laying dates. However, there was little evidence to suggest that either clutch or egg sizes are influenced by laying date. Laying dates and clutch and egg sizes did not affect a female's probability of returning to breed in the following year, indicating that increased investment is a product of maturation and not of the loss of poor-quality breeders from the population. Our results suggest that as female Adélie Penguins gain foraging and breeding experience they are able to initiate breeding earlier, to lay complete clutches of two eggs and to lay larger eggs.  相似文献   

Ricci  Claudia 《Hydrobiologia》1995,(1):157-163
Life-history traits and growth patterns of four strains of Macrotrachela quadricornifera (Rotifera, Bdelloidea) were studied to assess the influence of maternal traits on egg size. There were two small (S, Va) and two large strains (H, G) with similar patterns of life cycle and body growth. They allocated to reproduction similar relative amounts of resources partitioned into eggs of similar relative size. All strains started reproduction while growing and, although their final sizes differed, at maturity had similar large or small sizes but different ages. Their egg sizes were unaffected by the clutch size, but were positively correlated with mother's body size.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation in length of the most abundant copepod species in the lagoon of Venice were compared and the relative influence of temperature, chlorophyll concentration and salinity examined. Temperature seems to be the primary factor influencing copepod body length in the lagoon of Venice, but the different species vary markedly in their response. Calanoid copepods (Acartia clausi, A. tonsa, Paracalanus parvus and Centropages ponticus) showed a more definite trend of size variation with temperature than the cyclopoids (Oithona nana and O. similis) and the harpacticoid Euterpina acutifrons. The size of the poecilostomatoids Oncaea media and O. subtilis was not affected by temperature, and was almost constant over time. Differences in the metabolic rates, longevity and specialization of calanoid, cyclopoid and harpacticoid copepods could explain their different responses to temperature.  相似文献   

This study aimed to test the hypothesis that clutch size covaries with egg volume and hatching success in the Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis. We determined clutch size and egg volume in a sample of 131 nests, and we used the data to check whether egg volume varied among nests according to clutch size, while taking into account the effects of egg laying order. We also estimated hatching success rate and investigated the relationship between hatching success and clutch size. Egg volume varied among clutches according to clutch size, with eggs being larger in three-egg clutches than in two-egg clutches. Moreover, three-egg clutches showed higher daily survival rates, and hence hatching success, than two-egg clutches. Overall, our results suggest that in the Yellow-legged Gull clutch size covaries with egg volume and hatching success, which could possibly reflect an age effect through different mechanisms. Indeed, older females could be hypothesised to exhibit greater breeding performance than younger females because of their higher experience in tapping energy resources for egg formation and defending nests from dangers. Moreover, due to their age, older females are likely to have lower residual reproductive potential and should invest more heavily in current breeding attempts.  相似文献   

The range boundaries of organisms are frequently interpreted in terms of a decline in the extent to which the life histories of outer populations are able to adapt to local environmental conditions. To test this hypothesis, we compared the reproductive characteristics of two Iberian populations of the lizard Psammodromus algirus (Linnaeus, 1758). One of them (Lerma) is close to the northern edge of the species' range, whereas the other one (El Pardo) occupies a typical core habitat 200 km further south. Gravid females were captured in the field and transported to the lab for egg laying. Second clutches were less frequent at Lerma (where clutch size and clutch mass were larger for first than for second clutches) than at El Pardo. The total mass of both clutches combined was similar at both sites. Thus, the higher frequency of second clutches at El Pardo appeared to balance the between-sites difference in energy allocation to the first clutch. Females from Lerma laid more but smaller eggs than those from El Pardo. When incubated at the same temperature, eggs from Lerma hatched sooner even when controlling for between-sites differences in mean egg size. These differences are interpreted in the light of the advantages of early hatching and high fecundity in the northern population, as opposed to large offspring size in the core population. We conclude that the life-history traits studied show enough variation, presumably of an adaptive nature, to cope with environmental challenges at the edge of the species' range.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 92 , 87–96.  相似文献   

We demonstrated that zebra mussels Dreissena polymorpha collected from the Hudson River could consume two rotifer species that were common before the zebra mussel invasion. The clearance rates (volume of water filtered per hour) of zebra mussels differed when feeding on the two rotifer species but both decreased with an increase in rotifer density. The ingestion rates (biomass of rotifers per hour) for the two rotifer species also differed, but both increased with increasing rotifer density. This is the first experiment to measure zooplankton consumption by bivalve molluscs at different zooplankton densities. The feeding rates of mussels in this study were compared with those of phytoplankton and other zooplankton from previous studies. The diameter of the mussel inhalent siphon was correlated linearly with the shell length and tissue weight, and was usually an order of magnitude wider than rotifer sizes. It is concluded that bivalve suspension feeders not only act as food competitors but also as predators on zooplankton in the aquatic ecosystem.  相似文献   

Feeding rates of Brachionus plicatilis were studied for two types of food — algae Monochrysis lutheri and baker's yeast Saccharomyces cerevisae. The main regularities of changes in filtration rate and ration were studied in small culture volumes (1 ml) for adult amictic females depending on food concentration (1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 · 106 cells · ml−1), ambient temperature (16 and 26 °C), and salinity (5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 ppt). B. plicatilis ration did not depend on the salinity, but was largely determined by temperature and food concentration. It was found that at 16 and 26 °C the dependence of the ingestion rate (ration) on food concentration differed greatly. A hypothesis was suggested to explain this phenomenon. A critical concentration of both types of food at which the increase in the rotifer ration ceased is 4 · 106 cells · ml−1. This is the minimum “background” food concentration for B. plicatilis mass cultivation. The average rations measured at the concentration of M. lutheri and S. cerevisae of 4 · 106 cells · ml−1 where 1.3 ± 0.1 and 4.8 ± 1.3 μg dry weight. · ind−1 · day−1 at 26 °C and 0.54 ± 0.1 and 1.9 μg d. w. · ind−1 · day−1 at 16 °C, respectively. The rations obtained in the laboratory were corrected for the conditions of rotifer commercial production in the open field in summer time. The correct values were 0.86 and 0.72 μg d. w. · ind−1 · day−1 for algae and yeast, respectively.  相似文献   

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