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Interactions of rat alpha-foetoprotein with bilirubin.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
UDP-glucuronyltransferase activities towards 2-aminophenol and bilirubin were studied in a total of 70 human subjects, including premature and full-term newborn babies, infants, children and adults. These two activities have been reported in rat to develop latefoetally and neonatally respectively, but in man they both develop neonatally. There is a linear relationship between the logarithm of each liver transferase activity and the logarithm of the number of days after birth during the first 3 months of life, after which each activity remains constant.  相似文献   

The effect of sulphide on resting oxidized cytochrome c oxidase was studied by both e.p.r. and optical-absorption spectroscopy. Excess sulphide causes some reduction of cytochrome a, CuA and CuB, and the formation of the cytochrome a3-SH complex after about 1 min. After several hours in the presence of excess sulphide only the e.p.r. signals due to low-spin ferricytochrome a3-SH persist, giving a partially reduced species. Re-oxidation of this partially reduced sulphide-bound enzyme by ferricyanide makes all of the metal centres except CuB detectable by e.p.r. We conclude that sulphide has reduced and binds to CuB as well as to ferricytochrome a3. Sulphide binding to cuprous CuB may raise its mid-point potential and make re-oxidation difficult. Addition of reductant (ascorbate + NNN'N'-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine) and sulphide together to the oxidized resting enzyme produces a species in which cytochrome a and CuA are nearly completely reduced and cytochrome a3 is e.p.r.-detectable as approx. 80% of one haem in the low-spin sulphide-bound complex. The g = 12 signal of this partially reduced derivative is almost unchanged in magnitude relative to that of the resting enzyme; this suggests that the g = 12 signal may arise from less than 20% of the enzyme and that it may be relatively unreactive to both ligation and reduction. Such a reactivity pattern of the g = 12 form of the oxidase is also demonstrated with the ligands F- and NO, which are thought to bind to cytochrome a3 and CuB respectively.  相似文献   

Ligandin and aminoazo-dye-binding protein A both bind bilirubin at a single site. Quantitative studies of the interactions using difference spectrophotometry show that at pH 7.0, protein A binds the tetrapyrrole with an association constant (K) greater than or equal to 2 X 10(7) litre/mol, whereas binding by ligandin is slightly weaker (K = 7 X 10(6) litre/mol) at this pH. The protein-bilirubin complexes give rise to absorption and fluorescence spectra quite different from those of unbound bilirubin and also to large Cotton effects. It appears that on binding to both proteins, the ligand is forced into a rigid twisted configuration in a hydrophobic environment. Ligandin and protein A resemble serum albumin in their interactions with bilirubin.  相似文献   

The interactions of two representative mixed-sequence (one with an AT-stretch) PNA-DNA duplexes (10 or 15 base-pairs) and a PNA2/DNA triplex with the DNA binding reagents distamycin A, 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI), ethidium bromide, 8-methoxy-psoralen and the delta and lambda enantiomers of Ru(phen)2-dppz2+ have been investigated using optical spectroscopic methods. The behaviour of these reagents versus two PNA-PNA duplexes has also been investigated. With triple helical poly(dA)/(H-T10-Lys-NH2)2 no significant intercalative binding was detected for any of the DNA intercalators, whereas DAPI, a DNA minor groove binder, was found to exhibit a circular dichroism with a positive sign and amplitude consistent with minor groove binding. Similarly, a PNA-DNA duplex containing a central AATA motif, a typical minor groove binding site for the DNA minor groove binders distamycin A and DAPI, showed binding for both of these drugs, though with strongly reduced affinity. No important interactions were found for any of the ligands with a PNA-DNA duplex consisting of a ten base-pair mixed purine-pyrimidine sequence with only two AT base-pairs in the centre. Nor did any of the ligands show any detectable binding to the PNA-PNA duplexes (one containing an AATT motif). Various PNA derivatives with extentions of the backbone, believed to increase the flexibility of the duplex to opening of an intercalation slot, were tested for intercalation of ethidium bromide or 8-methoxypsoralen into the mixed sequence PNA-DNA duplex, however, without any observation of improved binding. The importance of the ionic contribution of the deoxyribose phosphate backbone, versus interactions with the nucleobases, for drug binding to DNA is discussed in the light of these findings.  相似文献   

1. To assess the possible involvement of ligandin and aminoazo-dye-binding protein A in intracellular transport it is necessary to know how their ligands, most of which are molecules with hydrophobic moieties, interact with cellular membranes. To obtain such information we examined the interactions of bromosulphophthalein, oestrone sulphate, haem and bilirubin with aqueous dispersions of egg phosphatidylcholine and egg phosphatidylchone/cholesterol (1:1, molar ratio) by equilibrium dialysis and spectrophotometry. 2. In all four cases, saturation effects were observed. Values of Vmax (v = mol of compound bound/mol of lipid phosphorus) at 25 degrees C were: for bromosulphophthalein, approximately 0.1; for oestrone sulphate, approximately 0.25; for haem, approximately 0.25 (all at pH 7.4); and for bilirubin 0.1--0.2 (at pH 8.2). 3. Limiting values of v/c (c = unbound concentration) as v leads to 0 at 25 degrees C and pH 7.4 are: for bromosulphophthalein, 6.25 x 10(4) litre-mol-1; for oestrone sulphate, 7.8 x 10(2) litre-mol-1; for haem, 4.5 x 10(5) litre-mol-1; and for bilirubin, approximately 1.2 x 10(4) litre-mol-1. For haem the result depends on the assumption that only the monomeric form binds to the lipid. 4. The binding of each compound was decreased by cholesterol; bromosulphophthalein and oestrone sulphate were affected more than haem and bilirubin. 5. Bromosulphophthalein at saturating concentration decreased the limiting values of v/c of the other three compounds by approximately one order of magnitude. 6. By assuming that the interactions with egg phosphatidylcholine resemble those with the phospholipid components of mammalian intracellular membranes the binding data for phosphyatidylcholine, together with data for binding to the intracellular proteins ligandin and aminoazo-dye-binding protein A, enable the subcellular distributions of the four compounds to be estimated. For the rat hepatocyte up to 92, 51, 98 and 47% of the total bromosulphophthalein, oestrone sulphate, haem and bilirubin respectively may be membrane-bound.  相似文献   

1. The interactions of ferriprotoporphyrin IX with ligandin and aminoazo-dye-binding protein A result in absorption spectra in the Soret region characteristic of the ligand in its monomeric state. 2. Both proteins are able to bind ferrous as well as ferric haem. 3. Ferriprotoporphyrin IX is bound at a single site on both proteins. At pH7.0, I 0.16M, difference-spectrophotometric measurements gave association constants of 10(7) and 4 X 10(6) LITRE/MOL FOR LIGANDIN AND PROTEin A respectively. Under the same conditions fluorescence-quenching experiments gave an association constant of 2 X 10(7) litre/mol for ligandin. 4. Bilirubin, bromosulphophthalein and oesterone sulphate each compete with haem for binding by the two proteins. 5. Ferriprotoporphyrin IX bound to both ligandin and protein A is able to form co-ordination complexes with CN-, but not, to any measurable extent, with either N3- or F-. From these results it is suggested that binding by the two proteins may not involve the haem iron atom. 6. Both haem-protein complexes give rise to measurable extrinsic Cotton effects in the Soret region. 7. The formation and properties of the ligandin- and protein A-haem complexes are compared with those of haem-albumin, haemoglobin, myoglobin and other haemoproteins.  相似文献   

Living organisms establish complex networks of mutualistic and antagonistic interactions in nature, which impact strongly on their own survival and on the stability of the whole population. Fungi, in particular, can shape natural as well as man-managed ecosystems due to their ubiquitous occurrence and the range of interactions they establish with plants, animals and other microbes. This review describes some examples of mutualistic and antagonistic fungal interactions that are of particular interest for their ecological role, or because they can be exploited by man to improve plant health and/or productivity in sustainable agriculture and forestry.  相似文献   

Procedures are described that facilitate the immunoelectrophoretic analysis of the carcinogen-binding protein ligandin. Rocket immunoelectrophoresis is performed at pH 4.9 in agarose gel containing carbamylated antiserum thereby promoting more rapid migration of ligandin, pI 9.0, into the gel. This method is used as a basis for quantitative crossed immunoelectrophoresis using either electrophoresis or isoelectrofocusing of ligandin in the first dimension.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450s (CYPs) are heme-containing monooxygenases that contribute to an enormous range of enzymatic function including biosynthetic and detoxification roles. This review summarizes recent studies concerning interactions of CYPs with ligands including substrates, inhibitors, and diatomic heme-ligating molecules. These studies highlight the complexity in the relationship between the heme spin state and active site occupancy, the roles of water in directing protein–ligand and ligand–heme interactions, and the details of interactions between heme and gaseous diatomic CYP ligands. Both kinetic and thermodynamic aspects of ligand binding are considered.  相似文献   

The theoretical isoelectric focusing behavior for rapidly reversible, bimolecular complexing between two macromolecules depends upon the relative value of the isoelectric point of the complex. When it is intermediate in value, the transient patterns exhibit three peaks. As equilibrium is approached the central peak of complex disappears leaving two reactant peaks. When the isoelectric point is acidic or alkaline to both reactants, the equilibrium pattern also shows two peaks; but in this case only one is pure reactant, the other being a reaction zone. The two cases can be distinguished by varying the relative amounts of reactants. Transient patterns for ligand-binding exhibit a peak of unliganded protein and a reaction zone. As the charged ligand is driven out of the focusing column the reaction zone disappears, so that the equilibrium pattern shows only a peak of unliganded protein. In general, the isoelectric point of the complex cannot be determined from the transient patterns.  相似文献   

Interactions of connexins with other membrane channels and transporters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cell-to-cell communication through gap junctions exists in most animal cells and is essential for many important biological processes including rapid transmission of electric signals to coordinate contraction of cardiac and smooth muscle, the intercellular propagation of Ca(2+) waves and synchronization of physiological processes between adjacent cells within a tissue. Recent studies have shown that connexins (Cx) can have either direct or indirect interactions with other plasma membrane ion channels or membrane transport proteins with important functional consequences. For example, in tissues most severely affected by cystic fibrosis (CF), activation of the CF Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) has been shown to influence connexin function. Moreover, a direct interaction between Cx45.6 and the Major Intrinsic Protein/AQP0 in lens appears to influence the process of cell differentiation whereas interactions between aquaporin 4 (AQP4) and Cx43 in mouse astrocytes may coordinate the intercellular movement of ions and water between astrocytes. In this review, we discuss evidence supporting interactions between Cx and membrane channels/transporters including CFTR, aquaporins, ionotropic glutamate receptors, and between pannexin1, another class of putative gap-junction-forming proteins, and Kvbeta3, a regulatory beta-subunit of voltage gated potassium channels. Although the precise molecular nature of these interactions has yet to be defined, their consequences may be critical for normal tissue homeostasis.  相似文献   

In the present paper we report the results of a study on the base specificity and affinity of eight dyes potentially able to interact with DNA. These compounds include four triphenylmethane dyes used in histochemistry, auramine, "Hoechst 33258" and two acridines substituted with t-butyl groups. They were selected with regard to their inability to intercalate between the base pairs of helical polynucleotides due to structural limitations. Hydrodynamic studies performed with the DNA complexes of crystal violet and Hoechst 33258 confirmed our assumptions that compounds of this type bind to the outside of DNA. The main results from DNA binding studies indicate that the triphenylmethane dyes except p-fuchsin are bound with high preference to two adjacent A - T pairs while Hoechst 33258 seems to need three A - T pairs as the binding site. Model studies with synthetic polynucleotides revealed that not only a sequence of A - T pairs, but also their structural arrangement in a helix, is crucial for the high affinities observed for most of the ligands when interacting with natural DNA. Methyl green and Hoechst 33258 can be used for increasing the resolution power of cesium chloride density gradients for DNAs with different (A + T) content.  相似文献   

1. Equilibrium dialysis studies have been made of the binding of a number of small molecules by rat ligandin. Direct measurements of binding together with competition experiments indicated that bromosulphophthalein, oestrone sulphate and dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate each bind at the same single primary binding site with association constants of 1.1 X 10(7), 6.6 X 10(5) and 2.6 X 10(5) 1/mol respectively at pH 7.0,IO.16M,4 degrees C. As well as bromosulphophthalein and dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate, a number of strucurally similar organic anions including 2-hydroxyoestradiol-glutathione oestrone glycyronide, N-methyl-4-aminoazobenzene-glutathione and several bile acids, were able to displace oestrone sulphate from ligandin in a manner consistent with competition at a single binding site. From these experiments association constants for the competing ligands were derived; these were inthe range 1 X 10(4)-1 X 10(6) 1/mol. 2. Ligandin was found to bind a number of compounds for which, because of their low aqueous solubilities relative to their binding affinities complete binding isotherms could bot be obtained. These included several steroids (but not cortisol), 20-methylcholanthrene, diethylstilboestrol, oleate and palmitate. Oestrone sulphate was able to compete with these ligands for binding and the results of the competition experiments were interpretable in terms of 1:1 competition at a single binding site. 3. In general the conjugation of non-polar ligands with sulphate or glutathione resulted in increased affinities, but such increases were relatively small (approximately 15% in therms of free energy) implying that the main driving force for the binding of both the conjugated and unconjugated species was the hydrophobic effect. This conclusion is borne out by the observations that both oestrone and its sulphate showed slight increases in affinity with increase in ionic strength, as would be expected for hydrophobic interactions. 4. As well as non-polar compounds and organic anions, ligandin was also found to bind sulphate and glucuronate to a measurable degree, and to interact quite strongly with glutathione. For the latter compound a single binding site was found with an association constant of 1 X 10(5) 1/mol. Glutathione was able to cause the dissociation of the ligandin-oestrone sulphate complex, but this effect was not explicable in terms of simple 1:1 competition. 5. Both oestrone and oestrone sulphare were bound most strongly at pH 6-7, the affinity of the protein for these ligands falling off quite sharply on either side of this maximum. 6. The affinities of ligandin for bromosulphophthalein, steroids and their conjugates, diethylstilboestrol and N,N-dimethyl-4-aminoazobenzene are similar in magnitude to those of serum albumin and aminoazodye-binding protein A (B. Ketterer, E. Tipping, J.F. Hackney and D. Beale, 1976).  相似文献   

Identity of ligandin in rat testis and liver.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
1. One of the main problems in the field of multifunctional proteins such as ligandin is the possibility that multiple forms and isoproteins may exist. Because liver ligandin [GSH (reduced glutathione) S-transferase B] consists of equal amounts of Ya (22 000 Da) and Yc (25 000 Da) subunits, and testis ligandin, prepared by the standard technique of anion-exchange and molecular-exclusion chromatography, contains more Yc subunit than Ya, it has been claimed that testis and liver ligandin are different entities. 2. We purified testis ligandin by immunoaffinity chromatography and have obtained a product identical with liver ligandin (Yc = Ya). This suggests that the differences previously described may be due to contamination of testis ligandin by a closely related species. In fact sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel-electrophoretic analysis of testis GSH S-transferases separated by CM-cellulose chromatography showed that GSH S-transferase AA, present in large amounts, migrated in the same region as Yc subunit. 3. Testis ligandin prepared by the standard technique was similar to that reported [Bhargava, Ohmi, Listowsky & Arias (1980) J. Biol. Chem. 255, 724-727] and contained more Yc subunit than Ya. CM-cellulose chromatography of this 'pure' preparation revealed significant amounts of GSH S-transferase AA migrating as Yc subunit, in addition to ligandin consisting of equal amounts of Ya and Yc subunits. 4. Our studies show that testis ligandin is identical with liver ligandin. Previously described differences are due to a contaminant identified as GSH S-transferase AA.  相似文献   

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