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Transmural electrophysiological heterogeneities have been shown to contribute to arrhythmia induction in the heart; however, their role in defibrillation failure has never been examined. The goal of this study is to investigate how transmural heterogeneities in ionic currents and gap-junctional coupling contribute to arrhythmia generation following defibrillation strength shocks. This study used a 3D anatomically realistic bidomain model of the rabbit ventricles. Transmural heterogeneity in ionic currents and reduced sub-epicardial intercellular coupling were incorporated based on experimental data. The ventricles were paced apically, and truncated-exponential monophasic shocks of varying strength and timing were applied via large external electrodes. Simulations demonstrate that inclusion of transmural heterogeneity in ionic currents results in an increase in vulnerability to shocks, reflected in the increased upper limit of vulnerability, ULV, and the enlarged vulnerable window, VW. These changes in vulnerability stem from increased post-shock dispersion in repolarisation as it increases the likelihood of establishment of re-entrant circuits. In contrast, reduced sub-epicardial coupling results in decrease in both ULV and VW. This decrease is caused by altered virtual electrode polarisation around the region of sub-epicardal uncoupling, and specifically, by the increase in (1) the amount of positively polarised myocardium at shock-end and (2) the spatial extent of post-shock wavefronts.  相似文献   

Volatile anaesthetics such as halothane, isoflurane and sevoflurane inhibit membrane currents contributing to the ventricular action potential. Transmural variation in the extent of current blockade induces differential effects on action potential duration (APD) in the endocardium and epicardium which may be pro-arrhythmic. Biophysical modelling techniques were used to simulate the functional impact of anaesthetic-induced blockade of membrane currents on APD and effective refractory period (ERP) in rat endocardial and epicardial cell models. Additionally, the transmural conduction of excitation waves in 1-dimensional cell arrays, the tissue's vulnerability to arrhythmogenesis and dynamic behaviour of re-entrant excitation in 2-dimensional cell arrays were studied. Simulated anaesthetic exposure reduced APD and ERP in both epicardial and endocardial cell models. The reduction in APD was greater in endocardial than epicardial cells, reducing transmural APD dispersion consistent with experimental data. However, the transmural ERP dispersion was augmented. All three anaesthetics increased the width of the tissue's vulnerable window during which a premature stimulus could induce unidirectional conduction block but only halothane reduced the critical size of ventricular substrates necessary to initiate and sustain re-entrant excitation. All three anaesthetics accelerated the rate of re-entrant excitation waves, but only halothane prolonged the lifespan of re-entry. These data illustrate in silico, that modest changes in ion channel conductance abbreviate rat ventricular APD and ERP, reduce transmural APD dispersion, but augment transmural ERP dispersion. These changes collectively enhance the propensity for arrhythmia generation and provide a substrate for re-entry circuits with a longer half life than in control conditions.  相似文献   

Only a limited number of studies have addressed the reliability of extracellular markers of cardiac repolarization time, such as the classical marker RTeg defined as the time of maximum upslope of the electrogram T wave. This work presents an extensive three-dimensional simulation study of cardiac repolarization time, extending the previous one-dimensional simulation study of a myocardial strand by Steinhaus [B.M. Steinhaus, Estimating cardiac transmembrane activation and recovery times from unipolar and bipolar extracellular electrograms: a simulation study, Circ. Res. 64 (3) (1989) 449]. The simulations are based on the bidomain - Luo-Rudy phase I system with rotational fiber anisotropy and homogeneous or heterogeneous transmural intrinsic membrane properties. The classical extracellular marker RTeg is compared with the gold standard of fastest repolarization time RTtap, defined as the time of minimum derivative during the downstroke of the transmembrane action potential (TAP). Additionally, a new extracellular marker RT90eg is compared with the gold standard of late repolarization time RT90tap, defined as the time when the TAP reaches 90% of its resting value. The results show a good global match between the extracellular and transmembrane repolarization markers, with small relative mean discrepancy (?1.6%) and high correlation coefficients (?0.92), ensuring a reasonably good global match between the associated repolarization sequences. However, large local discrepancies of the extracellular versus transmembrane markers may ensue in regions where the curvature of the repolarization front changes abruptly (e.g. near front collisions) or is negligible (e.g. where repolarization proceeds almost uniformly across fiber). As a consequence, the spatial distribution of activation-recovery intervals (ARI) may provide an inaccurate estimate of (and weakly correlated with) the spatial distribution of action potential durations (APD).  相似文献   

乌拉坦对兴奋性和抑制性配体门控通道具有广泛的可检测的作用.作者运用全细胞膜片钳技术研究乌拉坦对wistar大鼠海马CA1神经元电压门控钠通道和动作电位的作用.结果发现乌拉坦可逆并剂量依赖性地抑制钠电流和动作电位,其中,在10mmol/L浓度时可减小钠电流强度达38%,使激活曲线向去极化方向移动,并延长钠通道失活后的恢复时间,降低动作电位的幅值.这些结果表明乌拉坦对电压门控钠通道的抑制作用可能是乌拉坦全身麻醉作用的机制之一.  相似文献   

目的:从电生理角度探讨葛根素抗心律失常的可能机制。方法:采用膜片钳技术记录大鼠心室肌细胞动作电位(AP)、转染的人胚胎肾细胞缓慢延迟整流钾电流(IKs),观察加药前、后葛根素对AP和IKs的影响。结果:0.01、0.1、1 mmol/L葛根素可浓度依赖性地延长动作电位时程,分别使APD50从(71.8±11.8)ms延长至(86.9±10.7)ms、(100.5±14.1)ms和(123.6±25.4)ms;使APD90从(164.6±21.4)ms延长至(188.3±11.5)ms、(221.6±25.7)ms和(278.7±38.2)ms(n=6,均P0.05),而对RMP、APA和APD20无显著影响。此外,0.01、0.1、1 mmol/L葛根素对IKs抑制率分别为(17.8±2.5)%、(40.4±1.9)%和(60.9±3.2)%(n=6,均P0.05)。结论:葛根素可能通过抑制IKs来延长动作电位时程,发挥抗心律失常作用。  相似文献   

Little is known about extensive nervous system growth after axons reach their targets. Indeed, postnatal animals continue to grow, suggesting that axons are stretched to accommodate the expanding body. We have previously shown that axons can sustain stretch-growth rates reaching 1 cm/day; however, it remained unknown whether the ability to transmit active signals was maintained. Here, stretch-growth did not alter sodium channel activation, inactivation, and recovery or potassium channel activation. In addition, neurons generated normal action potentials that propagated across stretch-grown axons. Surprisingly, Na and K channel density increased due to stretch-growth, which may represent a natural response to preserve the fidelity of neuronal signaling.  相似文献   

(1) Fluctuations of the membrane potential states are essential for the brain functions from the response of individual neurons to the cognitive function of the brain. It has been reported in slice preparations that the action potential duration is dependent on the membrane potential states. (2) In order to examine whether dependence of action potential duration on the membrane potential could happen in isolated individual neurons that have no network connections, we studied the membrane potential dependence of the action potential duration by artificially setting the membrane potentials to different states in individual cultured rat hippocampal neurons using patch-clamp technique. (3) We showed that the action potential of individual neurons generated from depolarized membrane potentials had broader durations than those generated from hyperpolarized membrane potentials. (4) Furthermore, the membrane potential dependence of the action potential duration was significantly reduced in the presence of voltage-gated K+ channel blockers, TEA, and 4-AP, suggesting involvement of both delayed rectifier I K and transient I A current in the membrane potential dependence of the action potential duration. (5) These results indicated that the dependence of action potential duration on the membrane potential states could be an intrinsic property of individual neurons. Bo Gong and Mingna Liu contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

The incidence of atrial fibrillation correlates with increasing atrial size. The electrical consequences of atrial stretch contribute to both the initiation and maintenance of atrial fibrillation. It is suggested that altered calcium handling and stretch-activated channel activity could explain the experimental findings of stretch-induced depolarisation, shortened refractoriness, slowed conduction and increased heterogeneity of refractoriness and conduction. Stretch-activated channel blocking agents protect against these pro-arrhythmic effects. Gadolinium, GsMTx-4 toxin and streptomycin prevent the stretch-related vulnerability to atrial fibrillation without altering the drop in refractory period associated with stretch. Changes the activity of two-pore K+ channels, which are sensitive to stretch and pH but not gadolinium, could underlie the drop in refractoriness. Intracellular acidosis induced with propionate amplified the change in refractoriness with stretch in the isolated rabbit heart model in keeping with the clinical observation of increased propensity to atrial fibrillation with acidosis. We propose that activation of non-specific cation stretch-activated channels provides the triggers for acute atrial fibrillation with high atrial pressure while activation of atrial two-pore K+ channels shortens atrial refractory period and increases heterogeneity of refractoriness, providing the substrate for atrial fibrillation to be sustained. Stretch-activated channel blockade represents an exciting target for future antiarrhythmic drugs.  相似文献   

Cardiac cells are electrically coupled through gap junction channels, which allow ionic current to spread intercellularly from one cell to the next. In addition, it is possible that cardiac cells are coupled through the electric potential in the junctional cleft space between neighboring cells. We develop and analyze a mathematical model of two cells coupled through a common junctional cleft potential. Consistent with more detailed models, we find that the coupling mechanism is highly parameter dependent. Analysis of our model reveals that there are two time scales involved, and the dynamics of the slow subsystem provide new mathematical insight into how the coupling mechanism works. We find that there are two distinct types of propagation failure and we are able to characterize parameter space into regions of propagation success and the two different types of propagation failure.  相似文献   

Ion channels exhibit stochastic conformational changes determining their gating behavior. In addition, the process of protein turnover leads to a natural variability of the number of membrane and gap junctional channels. Nevertheless, in computational models, these two aspects are scarcely considered and their impacts are largely unknown. We investigated the effects of stochastic current fluctuations and channel distributions on action potential duration (APD), intercellular conduction delays (ICDs) and conduction blocks using a modified ventricular cell model (Rudy et al.) with Markovian formulations of the principal ion currents (to simulate their stochastic open-close gating behavior) and with channel counts drawn from Poisson distributions (to simulate their natural variability). In single cells, APD variability (coefficient of variation: 1.6% at BCL=1000 ms) was essentially caused by stochastic channel gating of IKs, persistent INa and ICa,L. In cell strands, ICD variability induced by stochastic channel gating and Poissonian channel distributions was low under normal conditions. Nonetheless, at low intercellular coupling levels, Poissonian gap junctional channel distribution resulted in a large ICD variability (coefficient of variation >20%), highly heterogeneous conduction patterns and conduction blocks. Therefore, the stochastic behavior of current fluctuations and channel distributions can contribute to the heterogeneity of conduction patterns and to conduction block, as observed previously in experiments in cardiac tissue with altered intercellular coupling.  相似文献   

In this study various electrical conductivity approximations used in bidomain models of cardiac tissue are considered. Comparisons are based on epicardial surface potential distributions arising from regions of subendocardial ischaemia situated within the cardiac tissue. Approximations studied are a single conductivity bidomain model, an isotropic bidomain model and equal and reciprocal anisotropy ratios both with and without fibre rotation. It is demonstrated both analytically and numerically that the approximations involving a single conductivity bidomain, an isotropic bidomain or equal anisotropy ratios (ignoring fibre rotation) results in identical epicardial potential distributions for all degrees of subendocardial ischaemia. This result is contrary to experimental observations. It is further shown that by assuming reciprocal anisotropy ratios, epicardial potential distributions vary with the degree of subendocardial ischaemia. However, it is concluded that unequal anisotropy ratios must be used to obtain the true character of experimental observations.  相似文献   

Effects of 253.7 nm ultraviolet radiation on membrane potential and conductance in internodal cells of Nitellopsis obtusa were studied. The radiation caused transient depolarization of plasmalemma and tonoplast and simultaneous increase in electric conductance. These effects were partly reversible and the degree of the recovery depended on the duration of the exposure. In cells with potential difference (between vacuole and external medium) more negative than – 140 mV, the radiation induced an action potential. The hyperpolarized state created by visible light and indole-3-acetic acid was fully suppressed by the radiation. The results are discussed taking into account the data for Chara corallina obtained by C. J. Doughty and A. B. Hope. It is suggested that 253.7 nm radiation inhibits electrogenic proton pumps in the plasmalemma and activates the Cl channels.  相似文献   

Heterogeneities in the densities of membrane ionic currents of myocytes cause regional variations in action potential duration (APD) at various intramural depths and along the apico-basal and circumferential directions in the left ventricle. This work extends our previous study of cartesian slabs to ventricular walls shaped as an ellipsoidal volume and including both transmural and apex-to-base APD heterogeneities. Our 3D simulation study investigates the combined effect on repolarization sequences and APD distributions of: (a) the intrinsic APD heterogeneity across the wall and along the apex-to-base direction, and (b) the electrotonic currents that modulate the APDs when myocytes are embedded in a ventricular wall with fiber rotation and orthotropic anisotropy. Our findings show that: (i) the transmural and apex-to-base heterogeneities have only a weak influence on the repolarization patterns on myocardial layers parallel to the epicardium; (ii) the patterns of APD distribution on the epicardial surface are mostly affected by the apex-to-base heterogeneities and do not reveal the APD transmural heterogeneity; (iii) the transmural heterogeneity is clearly discernible in both repolarization and APD patterns only on transmural sections; (iv) the apex-to-base heterogeneity is clearly discernible only in APD patterns on layers parallel to the epicardium. Thus, in our orthotropic ellipsoidal wall, the complex 3D electrotonic modulation of APDs does not fully mix the effects of the transmural and apex-to-base heterogeneity. The intrinsic spatial heterogeneity of the APDs is unmasked in the modulated APD patterns only in the appropriate transmural or intramural sections. These findings are independent of the stimulus location (epicardial, endocardial) and of Purkinje involvement.  相似文献   

Calculations using the Hodgkin–Huxley and one-dimensional cable equations have been performed to determine the expected sensitivity of conduction and refractoriness to changes in the time constant of sodium channel deactivation at negative potentials, as reported experimentally by Rosen (Bioelectromagnetics 24 (2003) 517) when voltage-gated sodium channels are exposed to a 125 mT static magnetic field. The predicted changes in speed of conduction and refractory period are very small.  相似文献   

Xiao-Bing Gao   《Peptides》2009,30(11):2025
Melanin concentrating hormone (MCH) has been implicated in many brain functions and behaviors essential to the survival of animals. The hypothalamus is one of the primary targets where MCH-containing nerve fibers and MCH receptors are extensively expressed and its actions in the brain are exerted. Since the identification of MCH receptors as orphan G protein coupled receptors, the cellular effects of MCH have been revealed in many non-neuronal expression systems (including Xenopus oocytes and cell lines), however, the mechanism by which MCH modulates the activity in the neuronal circuitry of the brain is still under investigation. This review summarizes our current knowledge of electrophysiological effects of MCH on neurons in the hypothalamus, particularly in the lateral hypothalamus. Generally, MCH exerts inhibitory effects on neurons in this structure and may serve as a homeostatic regulator in the lateral hypothalamic area. Given the contrast between the limited data on cellular functions of MCH in the hypothalamus versus a fast growing body of evidence on the vital role of MCH in animal behavior, further investigations of the former are warranted.  相似文献   

It has been shown experimentally that the crustacean motor axon is supernormally excitable following a train of action potentials (Zucker 1974). Such a phenomenon can lead to recruitment of terminals which are unexcited at low rates of stimulation. Although currents underlying the crustacean motor axon have been characterized (Connor et al. 1977), it is not known whether this membrane model accounts for a supernormal period, what might cause superexcitablity in this model, or how excitability might change during repetitive stimulation. In present study, it is demonstrated that the crustacean motor axon model does predict a supernormal period, that the supernormal period results from slow recovery from inactivation of the transient potassium, or A, current, and that supernormal excitability is enhanced by repetitive stimulation.  相似文献   

The electric organ discharge of the gymnotiform fish Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus is a biphasic waveform. The female's electric organ discharge is nearly symmetric but males produce a longer second phase than first phase. In this study, infrared-sensitive video cameras monitored the position of unrestrained fish, facilitating precise measurement of electric organ discharge duration and amplitude every 2 h for 24 h. Males (n=27) increased electric organ discharge duration by 37 ± 12% and amplitude by 24 ± 9% at night and decreased it during the day. In contrast, females (n=8) exhibited only minor electric organ discharge variation over time. Most of a male's increase occurred rapidly within the first 2–3 h of darkness. Electric organ discharge values gradually diminished during the second half of the dark period and into the next morning. Modulation of the second phase of the biphasic electric organ discharge produced most of the duration change in males, but both phases changed amplitude by similar amounts. Turning the lights off at mid-day triggered an immediate increase in electric organ discharge, suggesting modification of existing ion channels in the electric organ, rather than altered genomic expression. Exaggeration of electric organ discharge sex differences implies a social function. Daily reduction of duration and amplitude may reduce predation risk or energy expenditure. Accepted: 12 September 1998  相似文献   

We investigated the signaling mechanism of stretch-induced NO (Nitric oxide) production in bovine arterial endothelial cells (BAECs). BAECs cultured on an elastic silicone chamber coated with fibronectin were subjected to uni-axial cyclic stretch (1 Hz, 20% in length) and the amount of produced NO was measured by a cGMP assay. NO production increased in a bi-phasic manner and peaked at 5 min and 20 min after stretch onset. Correspondingly, the activities of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and Akt/PKB (measured by phosphorylation at serine 1,177 and serine 473, respectively), showed two peaks over time. Application of Gd(3+), a potent SA channel blocker, and depletion of external Ca(2+) exclusively inhibited the first peaks of eNOS and Akt activity, but exerted little effect on the second peak. On the other hand, the PI3K inhibitors, Wortmannin, LY294002, almost completely inhibited the second peak but not the first. These results suggest that up-regulation of eNOS in response to cyclic stretch was mediated by two distinct pathways, [Ca(2+)](i) increases via the SA channel in an early phase (partially Akt/PKB), and PI3K-Akt/PKB pathways in a late phase.  相似文献   

ATP-sensitive K+ (KATP) channels are distributed in a variety of cell types, including hippocampal neurons. These channels provide a link between electrical activity of cell membranes and cellular metabolism. The activity of KATP channels in hippocampal H19-7 neurons treated with or without short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) directed against Kir6.2 mRNA was investigated in this study. In single-channel recordings, cell exposure to diazoxide (30 μM) significantly prolonged the mean open time of KATP channels; however, neither closed-time kinetics nor the single-channel conductance of the channel was altered by this compound. However, in cells transfected with Kir6.2 siRNAs, diazoxide-stimulated activity of KATP channels was abolished. Based on single-channel recordings, the activity of KATP channels was mathematically constructed in a Markovian manner. The simulated activity of single KATP channels was incorporated in a modeled hippocampal neuron to assess how any changes in KATP-channel activity affect burst firing of action potentials (APs). The modeled neuron was adopted from the model of Xu and Clancy (2008). Specifically, to mimic the action of diazoxide, the baseline value of open time (τbas) of KATP channels was arbitrarily elevated, while varying number of active channels (NO) was set to simulate electrical behavior of Kir6.2 siRNAs-transfected cells. The increase of either NO or τbas depressed membrane excitability of modeled neuron. Fast-slow analysis of AP bursting from this modeled neuron also revealed that the increased KATP-channel activity shifted the voltage nullcline in an upward direction, thereby leading to a reduction of the repetitive spike regime. Taken together, it is anticipated that the increased activity of KATP channels caused by increasing NO or τbas contributes to or is responsible for burst firing of APs in hippocampal neurons if similar results occur in vivo.  相似文献   

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