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To investigate the neural processes of decision-makings between attractive females and money, we recorded 18 male participants'' brain event-related potentials (ERPs) when they performed a novel task of deciding between viewing an attractive female''s fuzzy picture in clear and gaining a certain amount of money. Two types of attractive females were included: sexy females and beautiful females. Several new electrophysiological discoveries were obtained as following. First, the beautiful females vs. money task (task B) elicited a larger positive ERP deflection (P2) than the sexy females vs. money task (task S) between 290 and 340 ms, and this probably related to the perception matching process between a visual input and an internal representation or expectation. Second, task S evoked greater negative ERP waves (N2) than task B during the time window of 340–390 ms, and this might relate to response conflict and cognitive monitoring for impulsive tendency. Third, the ERP positivity in task S was larger than task B in the time interval of 550–1000 ms, reflecting that sexy female images may have higher decision value for males than beautiful female images. Fourth, compared with choosing to gain money, choosing to view an attractive female evoked a larger late positive component (LPC) during the same time window, possibly because attractive females are more direct and evolutionarily earlier rewards for males than money amounts.  相似文献   

A long-term romantic relationship can offer many benefits to committed individuals. Thus, humans possess relationship maintenance mechanisms to protect against threats from those who serve as attractive alternatives or intrasexual rivals. Many studies have indicated that romantic love can act as a commitment device to activate these mechanisms. To examine the attentional bias associated with relationship maintenance among 108 college students (49 single and 59 committed females) in China, we used a semantic priming procedure to activate mental representations associated with romantic love and then asked participants to complete a dot-probe task for the purpose of making a distinction between the engage and disengage components of attention. No significant engaging effects toward attractive faces were observed among committed females, but the following significant disengaging effects were found: when primed with romantic love, single females showed increased attention toward and difficulty in disengaging from attractive male faces, whereas females already in a committed relationship did not alter their attention, remaining as inattentive to attractive alternatives as they were in the baseline condition. In addition, committed females responded to love priming by exhibiting difficulty in disengaging from attractive rivals. The present findings provide evidence in the Chinese cultural context for the existence of early-stage attentional processes in the domain of relationship maintenance that committed Chinese females protected an ongoing relationship by not only being inattentive to attractive males who could serve as attractive alternatives, but also being more attentive to attractive females who could be potential rivals when mental representations associated with romantic love were primed.  相似文献   

Face perception is modulated by sexual preference   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Face perception is mediated by a distributed neural system in the human brain . The response to faces is modulated by cognitive factors such as attention, visual imagery, and emotion ; however, the effects of gender and sexual orientation are currently unknown. We used fMRI to test whether subjects would respond more to their sexually preferred faces and predicted such modulation in the reward circuitry. Forty heterosexual and homosexual men and women viewed photographs of male and female faces and assessed facial attractiveness. Regardless of their gender and sexual orientation, all subjects similarly rated the attractiveness of both male and female faces. Within multiple, bilateral face-selective regions in the visual cortex, limbic system, and prefrontal cortex, similar patterns of activation were found in all subjects in response to both male and female faces. Consistent with our hypothesis, we found a significant interaction between stimulus gender and the sexual preference of the subject in the thalamus and medial orbitofrontal cortex, where heterosexual men and homosexual women responded more to female faces and heterosexual women and homosexual men responded more to male faces. Our findings suggest that sexual preference modulates face-evoked activation in the reward circuitry.  相似文献   

According to one influential account, face processing atypicalities in autism reflect reduced reward value of faces, which results in limited attention to faces during development and a consequent failure to acquire face expertise. Surprisingly, however, there is a paucity of work directly investigating the reward value of faces for individuals with autism and the evidence for diminished face rewards in this population remains equivocal. In the current study, we measured how hard children with autism would work to view faces, using an effortful key-press sequence, and whether they were sensitive to the differential reward value of attractive and unattractive faces. Contrary to expectations, cognitively able children with autism did not differ from typically developing children of similar age and ability in their willingness to work to view faces. Moreover, the effort expended was strongly positively correlated with facial attractiveness ratings in both groups of children. There was also no evidence of atypical reward values for other, less social categories (cars and inverted faces) in the children with autism. These results speak against the possibility that face recognition difficulties in autism are explained by atypical reward value of faces.  相似文献   

Females must evaluate male quality to perform mate choice. Since females generally base their selection on different male features, individual females may differ in their choice. In this study, we show that concordance between females in mate choice decisions may arise without any experimental maximization of a particular attractive trait. Choice tests were performed in mound-building mice, Mus spicilegus, a monogamous species. Body odours of two male donors were presented to 12 female subjects individually. To determine female choice, the same pair of males was presented three times to a female. Four different pairs of male body odours were used. Male donors, not related to females, were selected at random in our polymorphic breeding stock. Using this two-way choice design, female mice displayed a clear choice and had a similar preference for particular males.  相似文献   

The early stages of a new romantic relationship are characterized by intense feelings of euphoria, well-being, and preoccupation with the romantic partner. Neuroimaging research has linked those feelings to activation of reward systems in the human brain. The results of those studies may be relevant to pain management in humans, as basic animal research has shown that pharmacologic activation of reward systems can substantially reduce pain. Indeed, viewing pictures of a romantic partner was recently demonstrated to reduce experimental thermal pain. We hypothesized that pain relief evoked by viewing pictures of a romantic partner would be associated with neural activations in reward-processing centers. In this functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study, we examined fifteen individuals in the first nine months of a new, romantic relationship. Participants completed three tasks under periods of moderate and high thermal pain: 1) viewing pictures of their romantic partner, 2) viewing pictures of an equally attractive and familiar acquaintance, and 3) a word-association distraction task previously demonstrated to reduce pain. The partner and distraction tasks both significantly reduced self-reported pain, although only the partner task was associated with activation of reward systems. Greater analgesia while viewing pictures of a romantic partner was associated with increased activity in several reward-processing regions, including the caudate head, nucleus accumbens, lateral orbitofrontal cortex, amygdala, and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex--regions not associated with distraction-induced analgesia. The results suggest that the activation of neural reward systems via non-pharmacologic means can reduce the experience of pain.  相似文献   

The proximal mechanisms leading to monandry have been little studied in most insect orders, including Hymenoptera. In the parasitoid wasp Spalangia endius, mated females are less attractive (less often mounted) than virgins and are unreceptive (unlikely to allow copulation). Which aspects of mating are responsible was tested by observing male responses toward females whose mating had been interrupted at various stages. All females were allowed to receive precopulatory courtship and to open their genital aperture to copulate. Then some were interrupted before copulation, some after copulation but before postcopulatory courtship, and some were allowed to complete postcopulatory courtship. Females that had copulated were not less attractive than females that had not. In contrast, females that had received postcopulatory courtship were clearly both less attractive and less receptive. Thus, postcopulatory courtship functions as extended mate guarding, by making the female less attractive and less receptive to subsequent males even after the original male is no longer present. The effect of postcopulatory courtship on female attractiveness was persistent but imperfect: when males were presented sequentially to mated females, most but not all males retreated without mounting, and a female could repulse more than twenty males in succession.  相似文献   

Variation in mate choice among females can have important consequences for the operation of sexual selection, and can result from differences in the way females search for mates. Our previous work indicates that female satin bowerbirds Ptilonorhynchus violaceus alter their mate-searching patterns according to long-term experience. Females which mate with very attractive males mate with the same males in the following year, thereby reducing their search. In contrast, females which fail to encounter very attractive males typically reject their previous mates and search for more attractive males in the following year, thereby increasing their search. Here we report results from a natural experiment consistent with these observations. Five males, including the most attractive male of 1997, failed to re-establish display sites in 1998, most probably dying over winter. We monitored the mate-searching behaviour of females which mated with these males in 1997 to determine how the loss of attractive mates affects subsequent mate-searching patterns. Females which lost their mates sampled more males compared with their own search patterns in 1997 and with faithful females in 1998. Results from this natural experiment indicate that the loss of attractive and preferred mates forces females to increase their search and provide evidence that long-term experience with males shapes mate-searching behaviour.  相似文献   

In many primates, infants possess distinctive coloration that changes as a function of age. This colour is thought to serve the purpose of eliciting caretaking behaviour from the mother as well as other conspecifics. The present study investigated the responses of adult female rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) to pictures of infant faces in relation to infant age and facial coloration. Study animals were shown digitized images of neonates and 5-6-month-old infants displaying either unaltered facial colour, pink neonatal colour, or novel (green) facial colour. While infant and neonate faces of all colours elicited the attention of adult females, pink neonatal facial coloration did not appear to be especially attractive to subjects in contrast with the findings from an earlier study [Higley, J.D., Hopkins, W.D., Hirsch, R.M. Marra, L.M. Suomi S.J., 1987. Preferences of female rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) for infantile coloration. Dev. Psychobiol. 20, 7-18]. The results suggest that infant facial colour is not particularly important in mediating infant attractiveness to rhesus macaque females as previously suggested or that other infantile facial characteristics might be more important than colour in eliciting caretaking behaviours amongst females.  相似文献   

Cortical neurons that are selectively sensitive to faces, parts of faces and particular facial expressions are concentrated in the banks and floor of the superior temporal sulcus in macaque monkeys. Their existence has prompted suggestions that it is damage to such a region in the human brain that leads to prosopagnosia: the inability to recognize faces or to discriminate between faces. This was tested by removing the face-cell area in a group of monkeys. The animals learned to discriminate between pictures of faces or inanimate objects, to select the odd face from a group, to inspect a face then select the matching face from a pair of faces after a variable delay, to discriminate between novel and familiar faces, and to identify specific faces. Removing the face-cell area produced no or little impairment which in the latter case was not specific for faces. In contrast, several prosopagnosic patients were impaired at several of these tasks. The animals were less able than before to discern the angle of regard in pictures of faces, suggesting that this area of the brain may be concerned with the perception of facial expression and bearing, which are important social signals in primates.  相似文献   

Recent work on Drosophila cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) challenges a historical assumption that CHCs in flies are largely invariant. Here, we examine the effect of time of day and social environment on a suite of sexually selected CHCs in Drosophila serrata. We demonstrate that males become more attractive to females during the time of day that flies are most active and when most matings occur, but females become less attractive to males during the same time of day. These opposing temporal changes may reflect differences in selection among the sexes. To evaluate the effect of social environment on male CHC attractiveness, we manipulated male opportunity for mating: male flies were housed either alone, with five females, with five males or with five males and five females. We found that males had the most attractive CHCs when with females, and less attractive CHCs when with competitor males. Social environment mediated how male CHC attractiveness cycled: males housed with females and/or other males showed temporal changes in CHC attractiveness, whereas males housed alone did not. In total, our results demonstrate temporal patterning of male CHCs that is dependent on social environment, and suggest that such changes may be beneficial to males.  相似文献   

Behavioural flexibility allows an animal to adapt its behaviour in response to changes in the environment. Research conducted in primates, rodents and domestic fowl suggests greater behavioural persistence and reduced behavioural flexibility in males. We investigated sex differences in behavioural flexibility in fish by comparing male and female guppies (Poecilia reticulata) in a reversal learning task. Fish were first trained on a colour discrimination, which was learned equally rapidly by males and females. However, once the reward contingency was reversed, females were better at inhibiting the previous response and reached criterion twice as fast as males. When reward reversing was repeated, males gradually reduced the number of errors, and the two sexes had a comparable performance after four reversals. We suggest that sex differences in behavioural flexibility in guppies can be explained in terms of the different roles that males and females play in reproduction.  相似文献   

Call-timing mechanisms among anuran males calling within choruses are frequent, and previous studies have indicated that midwife toad females respond preferentially to these mechanisms. The results of multi-speaker tests performed here with midwife toads suggest that the temporal order of male calls within a dense chorus can determine the ability of females to locate the most attractive calls (in this instance the low-frequency calls emitted by larger males). When call emission was regular in the multi-speaker tests, most females chose the most attractive option (i.e., the speaker emitting the lower-frequency call). When call emission was not regular, however, most females failed to reach the most attractive option, selecting the speaker that emitted immediately after that emitting the most attractive call. These results support the idea that there may be benefits for smaller males that emit their less attractive calls close to those of larger, more attractive males in dense choruses. Less attractive males could exploit the attractiveness of nearby larger males calls by alternating their calls in an unordered sequence to reach receptive females.  相似文献   

During the breeding season, male meadow voles prefer female over male odors and females prefer male over female odors. Testosterone control of males' odor preferences and production of odors attractive to females differ. A male meadow vole's preference for female versus male odor was still evident 1 week after castration, but not 1 week later. This preference was reinstated in testosterone-treated male voles 2 weeks after the onset of hormone replacement. The attractiveness of male odors to females did not disappear until 3 weeks after castration. The attractiveness of male odors was reinstated 1 week after castrated males were treated with testosterone. The time course for the androgenic modulation of production of odors attractive to females may facilitate breeding. For example, at the end of the breeding season males may emit an odor that is still attractive to females. Similarly, at the beginning of the breeding season males may emit an odor that is attractive to females.  相似文献   

用不同溶剂不同方法提取美洲大蠊Periplaneta americana(L.)粪便,测定美洲大蠊各虫态的诱集活性。结果表明,采用直接浸泡提取方法,丙酮、乙醇、正己烷和二氯甲烷4种粗提物对美洲大蠊各虫态都具有明显的诱集作用,其中乙醇和丙酮粗提物的引诱效果最好,正己烷次之,二氯甲烷最弱。4种溶剂粗提物对美洲大蠊雄成虫和高龄若虫聚集活性最强,对低龄若虫聚集活性最弱。用乙醇溶剂对粪便粗提,3种提取方法均对美洲大蠊有很强的诱集效果,其中索氏抽提诱集效果最弱,直接浸泡和超声波提取效果好,且差异不显著,但直接浸泡提取效果更好。  相似文献   

When rats are mated in a traditional mating chamber (with one male and one female) in which the male dictates the pace of the copulatory sequence, males develop a reward state as evaluated by conditioned place preference (CPP). In this mating situation no reward state is induced in females. However, when female rats are able to control (pace) the rate of sexual stimulation, thereby reducing the aversive consequences associated with mating, a clear CPP is observed. In the present study the CPP paradigm was used to determine whether if the reinforced state induced by coital interactions in male rats can be maintained when females pace the sexual interaction. Adult male and female rats were mated in one of two different conditions: (1) where subjects were able to pace their coital interactions or (2) where subjects were not able to pace their sexual contacts. The results showed that when males had control over the sexual interaction they developed a clear place preference while males that mated with females that paced their coital contacts did not develop CPP. Similarly, only females that were able to pace their sexual contacts developed place preference. These results suggest that coital interactions in males, as well as in females, can induce a reward state only when they are able to control the sexual interaction. Under seminatural conditions sexual behavior in rats is highly promiscuous, they mate in groups and repeatedly change partners in the middle of copulation. This behavioral sequence allows both, male and female to control the rate of sexual interaction, assuring the induction of a reward state outlasting the actual performance of coital responses.  相似文献   

Nest site choice, and its influence on mating and breeding success were studied in a population of individually marked pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) for 7 years. Some nest boxes were used more frequently than expected from random choice of nest site. Flycatchers bred more successfully in such attractive boxes, irrespective of whether the brood was attended by the male or not. Arriving males and females settled at boxes in descending order of attractiveness. Boxes accepted by females were more attractive than alternative boxes advertised simultaneously by males. Secondary nest boxes of polygynous males tended to be more attractive than boxes at which monogamous males displayed, without success, for secondary mates. Returning males with local breeding experience started to sing at nest boxes earlier in spring than first season males, settled at more attractive boxes, and mated polygynously more often. The results indicate that male mating success should be closely dependent on the male's ability to monopolize attractive nest sites.  相似文献   

Few studies have examined how female premating choice correlates with the outcome of copulatory and post-copulatory processes. It has been shown that polyandrous Tribolium castaneum females discriminate among males before mating based on olfactory cues, and also exert cryptic choice during mating through several mechanisms. This study tested whether a male's relative attractiveness predicted his insemination success during copulation. Bioassays with male olfactory cues were used to rank two males as more and less attractive to females; each female was then mated to either her more attractive male followed by less attractive male, or vice versa. Dissections immediately after second copulations revealed a significantly higher percent of successful inseminations for females that remated with more attractive males compared with those that remated with less attractive males. These results indicate that cryptic female choice during copulation reinforces precopulatory female choice in T. castaneum, and suggest that females could use cryptic choice to trade up to more attractive males, possibly gaining better phenotypic or genetic quality of sires.  相似文献   

The division of labour in parental care between the two sexes varies between and within species. In birds, parents have been shown to invest more into egg production and nestling care when paired with an attractive rather than an unattractive mate, as predicted by the differential allocation hypothesis. Here we investigate variation in the female's and male's share of incubation behaviour, a vital, and costly, period of parental care during which the embryo is vulnerable to perturbations in developmental conditions. We manipulated the attractiveness of male zebra finches Taeniopygia guttata , using red or green leg-rings. To simulate their natural social environment we allowed them to breed in outdoor aviaries. All males within an aviary were given the same coloured ring to avoid ring-colour related assortative mating. Males within a colony, however, were still expected to show some variation in attractiveness with the earliest laying females possibly pairing with the most attractive males. Indeed we found that both factors played a role in explaining female incubation effort. Among females mated to red ringed males, earlier laying females contributed significantly more to incubation than late laying females, but no such pattern was found in females mated to green ringed males. Overall, there were no differences in the level of incubation provided by both parents between treatment groups, suggesting some compensation within the pair. Hatching success was correlated with a pair's total incubation effort. These results suggest that variation in the division of parental care between the sexes is in agreement with both increased effort of females mated with attractive males, and females compensating for the reduced effort of attractive males seeking further mating opportunities. These two factors can act at the same time in natural populations and both should be considered when explaining variation in division of labour between the sexes.  相似文献   

We investigated whether Japanese monkeys can discriminate pictures of conspecific males and females using a visual paired comparison (VPC) task. Whole-body pictures of adult and nonadult monkeys were used as stimuli. The monkeys were first familiarized with pairs of pictures of different monkeys from one sex category (the familiarized sex). Pairs of novel pictures of a member of the familiarized sex and the opposite sex (novel) were then presented in test. The monkeys showed a preference for novel-sex pictures of both adult and nonadult individuals, indicating that they perceive the differences between familiarized- and novel-sex pictures. These results suggest that monkeys discriminate between pictures of males and females without specific training.  相似文献   

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