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Cytoplasmic class XI myosins are the fastest processive motors known. This class functions in high-velocity cytoplasmic streaming in various plant cells from algae to angiosperms. The velocities at which they process are ten times faster than its closest class V homologues.


To provide sequence determinants and structural rationale for the molecular mechanism of this fast pace myosin, we have compared the sequences from myosin class V and XI through Evolutionary Trace (ET) analysis. The current study identifies class-specific residues of myosin XI spread over the actin binding site, ATP binding site and light chain binding neck region. Sequences for ET analysis were accumulated from six plant genomes, using literature based text search and sequence searches, followed by triple validation viz. CDD search, string-based searches and phylogenetic clustering. We have identified nine myosin XI genes in sorghum and seven in grape by sequence searches. Both the plants possess one gene product each belonging to myosin type VIII as well. During this process, we have re-defined the gene boundaries for three sorghum myosin XI genes using fgenesh program.


Molecular modelling and subsequent analysis of putative interactions involving these class-specific residues suggest a structural basis for the molecular mechanism behind high velocity of plant myosin XI. We propose a model of a more flexible switch I region that contributes to faster ADP release leading to high velocity movement of the algal myosin XI.  相似文献   

The influence of core hydrophobicity and packing on the structure and stability of the hyperthermophile proteins Sac7d and Sso7d have been studied by calorimetry, circular dichroism, and NMR. Valine 30 is positioned in Sac7d to allow a cavity-filling Val --> Ile substitution which occurs naturally in the homologous more thermostable Sso7d. The cavity-filling mutation in Sac7d has been characterized and compared to the reciprocal Ile --> Val mutation in Sso7d. A detailed analysis of the stability of the proteins was obtained by globally fitting the variation of DSC parameters and circular dichroism intensities as a function of temperature (0-100 degrees C), salt (0-0.3 M), and pH (0-8). A global analysis over such a range of conditions permitted an unusually precise measure of the thermodynamic parameters, as well as the separation of the thermodynamics of the intrinsic unfolding reaction from the linked effects of protonation and chloride binding associated with acid-induced folding. The results indicate differences in the energetics of unfolding Sac7d and Sso7d that would not be apparent from an analysis of DSC data alone using conventional methods. The sign and magnitude of the changes in DeltaG, DeltaH, TDeltaS, and DeltaC(P) of unfolding resulting from core Ile/Val substitutions in the two proteins were consistent with differences in hydrophobicity of Val and Ile and negligible changes in packing (van der Waals) interactions. The benefit of increased hydrophobicity of the core increased with temperature, with maximal effect around 116 degrees C. Increased hydrophobicity of the core achieved not only an increase in the free energy of unfolding, but also a lateral shift of the temperature of maximal stability to higher temperature.  相似文献   

Members of the Sso7d/Sac7d family are small, abundant, non-specific DNA-binding proteins of the hyperthermophilic Archaea Sulfolobus. Crystal structures of these proteins in complex with oligonucleotides showed that they induce changes in the helical twist and marked DNA bending. On this basis they have been suggested to play a role in organising chromatin structures in these prokaryotes, which lack histones. We report functional in vitro assays to investigate the effects of the observed Sso7d-induced structural modifications on DNA geometry and topology. We show that binding of multiple Sso7d molecules to short DNA fragments induces significant curvature and reduces the stiffness of the complex. Sso7d induces negative supercoiling of DNA molecules of any topology (relaxed, positively or negatively supercoiled) and in physiological conditions of temperature and template topology. Binding of Sso7d induces compaction of positively supercoiled and relaxed DNA molecules, but not of negatively supercoiled ones. Finally, Sso7d inhibits the positive supercoiling activity of the thermophile-specific enzyme reverse gyrase. The proposed biological relevance of these observations is that these proteins might model the behaviour of DNA in constrained chromatin environments.  相似文献   

We have engineered pH sensitive binding proteins for the Fc portion of human immunoglobulin G (hIgG) (hFc) using two different strategies – histidine scanning and random mutagenesis. We obtained an hFc-binding protein, Sso7d-hFc, through mutagenesis of the Sso7d protein from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus; Sso7d-hFc was isolated from a combinatorial library of Sso7d mutants using yeast surface display. Subsequently, we identified a pH sensitive mutant, Sso7d-his-hFc, through systematic evaluation of Sso7d-hFc mutants containing single histidine substitutions. In parallel, we also developed a yeast display screening strategy to isolate a different pH sensitive hFc binder, Sso7d-ev-hFc, from a library of mutants obtained by random mutagenesis of a pool of hFc binders. In contrast to Sso7d-hFc, both Sso7d-his-hFc and Sso7d-ev-hFc have a higher binding affinity for hFc at pH 7.4 than at pH 4.5. The Sso7d-mutant hFc binders can be recombinantly expressed at high yield in E. coli and are monomeric in solution. They bind an epitope in the CH3 domain of hFc that has high sequence homology in all four hIgG isotypes (hIgG1–4), and recognize hIgG1–4 as well as deglycosylated hIgG in western blotting assays. pH sensitive hFc binders are attractive candidates for use in chromatography, to achieve elution of IgG under milder pH conditions. However, the surface density of immobilized hFc binders, as well as the avidity effect arising from the multivalent interaction of dimeric hFc with the capture surface, influences the pH dependence of dissociation from the capture surface. Therefore, further studies are needed to evaluate if the Sso7d mutants identified in this study are indeed useful as affinity ligands in chromatography.  相似文献   

Sso7d from the extreme thermophilic crenarchaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus is a multifunctional protein in in vitro assays, whose in vivo role is still puzzling. Crystals of Sso7d in complex with DNA elucidated the protein surface involved in the binding to the nucleic acid, whereas the locations of the Sso7d regions responsible for a chaperone activity in renaturing protein aggregates (i.e., the protein-binding surface and the site of ATPase activity) are still unknown. We identified the regions of Sso7d involved in protein-binding by limited proteolysis experiments associated to advanced mass spectrometric procedures performed on isolated Sso7d and Sso7d in complex with the peptide melittin. By affinity labeling of Sso7d with the ATP analogue 5'-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyl adenosine and characterization of the labeled tryptic peptides by tandem mass spectrometry, we found that Y7 and K39 are residues involved in ATP binding/hydrolysis. Insights into the positions of the ligands melittin and ATP were achieved by a molecular modeling study; the models obtained were in agreement with most experimental data. A comparison among the complexes of Sso7d with DNA, with melittin, and with ATP showed that the DNA-binding surface and the protein-binding surface overlap, whereas the ATPase site is mostly independent of the binding sites for the nucleic acid and melittin.  相似文献   

Understanding how proteins are approached by surrounding molecules is fundamental to increase our knowledge of life at atomic resolution. Here, the surface accessibility of a multifunctional small protein, the archaeal protein Sso7d from Sulfolobus solfataricus, has been investigated by using TEMPOL and Gd(III)(DTPA-BMA) as paramagnetic probes. The DNA binding domain of Sso7d appears very accessible both to TEMPOL and Gd(III)(DTPA-BMA). Differences in paramagnetic attenuation profiles of (1)H-(15)N HSQC protein backbone amide correlations, observed in the presence of the latter paramagnetic probes, are consistent with the hydrogen bond acceptor capability of the N-oxyl moiety of TEMPOL to surface exposed Sso7d amide groups. By using the gadolinium complex as a paramagnetic probe a better agreement between Sso7d structural features and attenuation profile is achieved. It is interesting to note that the protein P-loop region, in spite of the high surface exposure predicted by the available protein structures, is not approached by TEMPOL and only partially by Gd(III)(DTPA-BMA).  相似文献   

The enzyme glycinamide ribonucleotide transformylase (GART) catalyzes the transfer of a formyl group from formyl tetrahydrofolate (fTHF) to glycinamide ribonucleotide (GAR), a process that is pH-dependent with pK(a) of approximately 8. Experimental studies of pH-rate profiles of wild-type and site-directed mutants of GART have led to the proposal that His108, Asp144, and GAR are involved in catalysis, with His108 being an acid catalyst, while forming a salt bridge with Asp144, and GAR being a nucleophile to attack the formyl group of fTHF. This model implied a protonated histidine with pK(a) of 9.7 and a neutral GAR with pK(a) of 6.8. These proposed unusual pK(a)s have led us to investigate the electrostatic environment of the active site of GART. We have used Poisson-Boltzmann-based electrostatic methods to calculate the pK(a)s of all ionizable groups, using the crystallographic structure of a ternary complex of GART involving the pseudosubstrate 5-deaza-5,6,7,8-THF (5dTHF) and substrate GAR. Theoretical mutation and deletion analogs have been constructed to elucidate pairwise electrostatic interactions between key ionizable sites within the catalytic site. Also, a construct of a more realistic catalytic site including a reconstructed pseudocofactor with an attached formyl group, in an environment with optimal local van der Waals interactions (locally minimized) that imitates closely the catalytic reactants, has been used for pK(a) calculations. Strong electrostatic coupling among catalytic residues His108, Asp144, and substrate GAR was observed, which is extremely sensitive to the initial protonation and imidazole ring flip state of His108 and small structural changes. We show that a proton can be exchanged between GAR and His108, depending on their relative geometry and their distance to Asp144, and when the proton is attached on His108, catalysis could be possible. Using the formylated locally minimized construct of GART, a high pK(a) for His108 was calculated, indicating a protonated histidine, and a low pK(a) for GAR(NH(2)) was calculated, indicating that GAR is in neutral form. Our results are in qualitative agreement with the current mechanistic picture of the catalytic process of GART deduced from the experimental data, but they do not reproduce the absolute magnitude of the pK(a)s extracted from fits of k(cat)-pH profiles, possibly because the static time-averaged crystallographic structure does not describe adequately the dynamic nature of the catalytic site during binding and catalysis. In addition, a strong effect on the pK(a) of GAR(NH(2)) is produced by the theoretical mutations of His108Ala and Asp144Ala, which is not in agreement with the observed insensitivity of the pK(a) of GAR(NH(2)) modeled from the experimental data using similar mutations. Finally, we show that important three-way electrostatic interactions between highly conserved His137, with His108 and Asp144, are responsible for stabilizing the electrostatic microenvironment of the catalytic site. In conclusion, our data suggest that further detailed computational and experimental work is necessary.  相似文献   

Sso7d and Sac7d are two small chromatin proteins from the hyperthermophilic archaeabacterium Sulfolobus solfataricus and Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, respectively. The crystal structures of Sso7d-GTGATCGC, Sac7d-GTGATCGC and Sac7d-GTGATCAC have been determined and refined at 1.45 A, 2.2 A and 2.2 A, respectively, to investigate the DNA binding property of Sso7d/Sac7d in the presence of a T-G mismatch base-pair. Detailed structural analysis revealed that the intercalation site includes the T-G mismatch base-pair and Sso7d/Sac7d bind to that mismatch base-pair in a manner similar to regular DNA. In the Sso7d-GTGATCGC complex, a new inter-strand hydrogen bond between T2O4 and C14N4 is formed and well-order bridging water molecules are found. The results suggest that the less stable DNA stacking site involving a T-G mismatch may be a preferred site for protein side-chain intercalation.  相似文献   

The unfolding induced by guanidine hydrochloride of the small protein Sso7d from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus has been investigated by means of circular dichroism and fluorescence measurements. At neutral pH and room temperature the midpoint of the transition occurred at 4M guanidine hydrochloride. Thermodynamic information was obtained by means of both the linear extrapolation model and the denaturant binding model, in the assumption of a two-state N<==>D transition. A comparison with thermodynamic data determined from the thermal unfolding of Sso7d indicated that the denaturant binding model has to be preferred. Finally, it is shown that Sso7d is the most stable against both temperature and guanidine hydrochloride among a set of globular proteins possessing a very similar 3D structure.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic ribonuclease alpha-sarcin is the best characterized member of the ribotoxin family. Ribotoxins share a common structural core, catalytic residues, and active site topology with members of the broader family of nontoxic microbial extracellular RNases. They are, however, much more specific in their biological action. To shed light on the highly specific alpha-sarcin activity, we have evaluated the structural and electrostatic interactions of its charged groups, by combining the structural and pK(a) characterization by NMR of several variants with theoretical calculations based on the Tanford-Kirkwood and Poisson-Boltzmann models. The NMR data reveal that the global conformation of wild-type alpha-sarcin is preserved in the H50Q, E96Q, H137Q, and H50/137Q variants, and that His137 is involved in an H-bond that is crucial in maintaining the active site structure and in reinforcing the stability of the enzyme. The loss of this H-bond in the H137Q and H50/137Q variants modifies the local structure of the active site. The pK(a) values of active site groups H50, E96, and H137 in the four variants have been determined by two-dimensional NMR. The catalytic dyad of E96 and H137 is not sensitive to charge replacements, since their pK(a) values vary less than +/-0.3 pH unit with respect to those of the wild type. On the contrary, the pK(a) of His50 undergoes drastic changes when compared to its value in the intact protein. These amount to an increase of 0.5 pH unit or a decrease of 1.1 pH units depending on whether a positive or negative charge is substituted at the active site. The main determinants of the pK(a) values of most of the charged groups in alpha-sarcin have been established by considering the NMR results in conjunction with those derived from theoretical pK(a) calculations. With regard to the active site residues, the H50 pK(a) is chiefly influenced by electrostatic interactions with E96 and H137, whereas the effect of the low dielectric constant and the interaction with R121 appear to be the main determinants of the altered pK(a) value of E96 and H137. Charge-charge interactions and an increased level of burial perturb the pK(a) values of the active site residues of alpha-sarcin, which can account for its reduced ribonucleolytic activity and its high specificity.  相似文献   

In this work, we demonstrate that the inclusion of long-range interactions has a significant impact on the estimation of ligand–protein binding energies. Within the scope of the electrostatically embedded adaptation of the molecular fragmentation with conjugated caps (EE-AMFCC) scheme, we unveil the role played by long-range contributions in distinct levels of quantum mechanical calculations. As a prototypical system, we consider ibuprofen coupled to the human serum albumin. In particular, we show that some relevant ligand–residue interaction energies can only be accurately captured in density functional theory (DFT) approaches when the electrostatic background is properly represented by an explicit point charge distribution.
Graphical Abstract (left) The binding site FA3/FA4 of HSA containing the attached IBU. (right) Absolute value of difference between the biding energies calculated including the electrostatic embedding and the energies calculated without the electrostatic embedding using the HF, B3LYP, CAM-B3LYP, and MP2 methodologies

The Hill plots of NMR titration data for protein residues disclose more clearly than the usual titration curves the presence of multiple weak perturbations originating from other titratable groups, and should be used whenever the conventional curve fitting is poor. For a quantitative interpretation, we derive here expressions for the Hill equation and the Hill coefficient when the titration of the observed group is perturbed by more than one titratable group. When the generalized Hill equation is fitted to the data, values of the interaction parameters between the observed group and the others are extracted provided that there are no mutual interactions between the latter groups. The method is applied to the titration data of two histidyl residues of l-arginine phosphotransferase (E.C. in the transition state analogue complex (enzyme-Mg2+-ADP-NOsk3/–l-Arg). From the Hill plots, interactions with three titratable groups are disclosed for both residues, and the fitting with the Hill equation reveals that they experience perturbations from the same three groups. Microscopic pK values are obtained for all the involved groups, indicating large changes (up to 3 pH units) upon protonation of the interacting groups. As compared to the conventional fitting procedure, the use and fitting of Hill plots yields from NMR data more information on the neighbourhood of enzyme residues and on the changes intervening therein through the steps involved in the catalysis.  相似文献   

The physiological role of the nonspecific DNA-binding protein Sso7d from the crenarchaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus is unknown. In vitro studies have shown that Sso7d promotes annealing of complementary DNA strands (Guagliardi et al. 1997), induces negative supercoiling (Lopez-Garcia et al. 1998), and chaperones the disassembly and renaturation of protein aggregates in an ATP hydrolysis-dependent manner (Guagliardi et al. 2000). In this study, we examined the relationships among the binding of Sso7d to double-stranded DNA, its interaction with protein aggregates, and its ATPase activity. Experiments with 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonic acid as probe demonstrated that exposed hydrophobic surfaces in Sso7d are responsible for interactions with protein aggregates and double-stranded DNA, whereas the site of ATPase activity has a non-hydrophobic character. The interactions of Sso7d with double-stranded DNA and with protein aggregates are mutually exclusive events, suggesting that the disassembly activity and the DNA-related activities of Sso7d may be competitive in vivo. In contrast, the hydrolysis of ATP by Sso7d is independent of the binding of Sso7d to double-stranded DNA or protein aggregates.  相似文献   

Sso7d is a 62-residue protein from the hyperthemophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus with a denaturation temperature close to 100 degrees C around neutral pH. An engineered form of Sso7d truncated at leucine 54 (L54Delta) is significantly less stable, with a denaturation temperature of 53 degrees C. Molecular dynamics (MD) studies of Sso7d and its truncated form at two different temperatures have been performed. The results of the MD simulations at 300 K indicate that: (1) the flexibility of Sso7d chain at 300 K agrees with that detected from X-ray and NMR structural studies; (2) L54Delta remains stable in the native folded conformation and possesses an overall dynamic behavior similar to that of the parent protein. MD simulations performed at 500 K, 10 ns long, indicate that, while Sso7d is in-silico resistant to high temperature, the truncated variant partially unfolds, revealing the early phases of the thermal unfolding pathway of the protein. Analysis of the trajectories of L54Delta suggests that the unzipping of the N-terminal and C-terminal beta-strands should be the first event of the unfolding pathway, and points out the regions more resistant to thermal unfolding. These findings allow one to understand the role played by specific interactions connecting the two ends of the chain for the high thermal stability of Sso7d, and support recent hypotheses on its folding mechanism emerged from site-directed mutagenesis studies.  相似文献   

The Sso7d protein from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus is an attractive binding scaffold because of its small size (7 kDa), high thermal stability (Tm of 98 °C), and absence of cysteines and glycosylation sites. However, as a DNA-binding protein, Sso7d is highly positively charged, introducing a strong specificity constraint for binding epitopes and leading to nonspecific interaction with mammalian cell membranes. In the present study, we report charge-neutralized variants of Sso7d that maintain high thermal stability. Yeast-displayed libraries that were based on this reduced charge Sso7d (rcSso7d) scaffold yielded binders with low nanomolar affinities against mouse serum albumin and several epitopes on human epidermal growth factor receptor. Importantly, starting from a charge-neutralized scaffold facilitated evolutionary adaptation of binders to differentially charged epitopes on mouse serum albumin and human epidermal growth factor receptor, respectively. Interestingly, the distribution of amino acids in the small and rigid binding surface of enriched rcSso7d-based binders is very different from that generally found in more flexible antibody complementarity-determining region loops but resembles the composition of antibody-binding energetic hot spots. Particularly striking was a strong enrichment of the aromatic residues Trp, Tyr, and Phe in rcSso7d-based binders. This suggests that the rigidity and small size of this scaffold determines the unusual amino acid composition of its binding sites, mimicking the energetic core of antibody paratopes. Despite the high frequency of aromatic residues, these rcSso7d-based binders are highly expressed, thermostable, and monomeric, suggesting that the hyperstability of the starting scaffold and the rigidness of the binding surface confer a high tolerance to mutation.  相似文献   

In the assembly of DNA-protein complex, the DNA kinking plays an important role in nucleoprotein structures and gene regulation. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed on specific protein-DNA complexes in this study to investigate the stability and structural transitions of DNA depending on temperature. Furthermore, we introduced the molecular mechanics/Poisson-Boltzmann surface area (MM-PBSA) approach to analyze the interactions between DNA and protein in hyperthermophile. Focused on two specific Sso7d-DNA complexes (PDB codes: 1BNZ and 1BF4), we performed MD simulations at four temperatures (300, 360, 420, and 480?K) and MM-PBSA at 300 and 360?K to illustrate detailed information on the changes of DNA. Our results show that Sso7d stabilizes DNA duplex over a certain temperature range and DNA molecules undergo B-like to A-like form transitions in the binary complex with the temperature increasing, which are consistent with the experimental data. Our work will contribute to a better understanding of protein-DNA interaction.  相似文献   

Sac7d and Sso7d are homologous, hyperthermophile proteins with a high density of charged surface residues and potential ion pairs. To determine the relative importance of specific amino acid side-chains in defining the stability and function of these Archaeal chromatin proteins, pK(a) values were measured for the acidic residues in both proteins using (13)C NMR chemical shifts. The stability of Sso7d enabled titrations to pH 1 under low-salt conditions. Two aspartate residues in Sso7d (D16 and D35) and a single glutamate residue (G54) showed significantly perturbed pK(a) values in low salt, indicating that the observed pH-dependence of stability was primarily due to these three residues. The pH-dependence of backbone amide NMR resonances demonstrated that perturbation of all three pK(a) values was primarily the result of side-chain to backbone amide hydrogen bonds. Few of the significantly perturbed acidic pK(a) values in Sac7d and Sso7d could be attributed to primarily ion pair or electrostatic interactions. A smaller perturbation of E48 (E47 in Sac7d) was ascribed to an ion pair interaction that may be important in defining the DNA binding surface. The small number (three) of significantly altered pK(a) values was in good agreement with a linkage analysis of the temperature, pH, and salt-dependence of folding. The linkage of the ionization of two or more side-chains to protein folding led to apparent cooperativity in the pH-dependence of folding, although each group titrated independently with a Hill coefficient near unity. These results demonstrate that the acid pH-dependence of protein stability in these hyperthermophile proteins is due to independent titration of acidic residues with pK(a) values perturbed primarily by hydrogen bonding of the side-chain to the backbone. This work demonstrates the need for caution in using structural data alone to argue the importance of ion pairs in stabilizing hyperthermophile proteins.  相似文献   

In the assembly of DNA-protein complex, the DNA kinking plays an important role in nucleoprotein structures and gene regulation. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed on specific protein-DNA complexes in this study to investigate the stability and structural transitions of DNA depending on temperature. Furthermore, we introduced the molecular mechanics/Poisson–Boltzmann surface area (MM-PBSA) approach to analyze the interactions between DNA and protein in hyperthermophile. Focused on two specific Sso7d-DNA complexes (PDB codes: 1BNZ and 1BF4), we performed MD simulations at four temperatures (300, 360, 420, and 480?K) and MM-PBSA at 300 and 360?K to illustrate detailed information on the changes of DNA. Our results show that Sso7d stabilizes DNA duplex over a certain temperature range and DNA molecules undergo B-like to A-like form transitions in the binary complex with the temperature increasing, which are consistent with the experimental data. Our work will contribute to a better understanding of protein-DNA interaction.  相似文献   

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