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A simple behavioral model is used to investigate whether differences in the specific-mate-recognition system (SMRS), occur within species of the Drosophila genus. This model takes into account, and overcomes, the distorting effect of vigor differences on experimental results. Analysis shows significant deviations from the expected values under the assumption of identical SMRSs in around one fifth of the multiple-choice experiments performed with natural strains of twelve different Drosophila species. Different selection procedures raise the number of significant assortative mating results between strains of D. melanogaster and D. pseudoobscura from 3.0% to 32.8%. Finally, sub- or semispecific taxa show variations in their SMRS even more frequently (74.5%). Differences in male vigor and female receptivity are also found. These results show that a classification of Drosophila species based on SMRS stability, as proposed by the “Recognition concept of species”, is virtually impossible.  相似文献   

Bacteria exchange genes rarely but are promiscuous in the choice of their genetic partners. Inter-specific recombination has the advantage of increasing genetic diversity and promoting dissemination of novel adaptations, but suffers from the negative effect of importing potentially harmful alleles from incompatible genomes. Bacterial species experience a degree of 'sexual isolation' from genetically divergent organisms - recombination occurs more frequently within a species than between species. In this review, I outline the sources and mechanisms of sexual isolation within the context of selective pressures acting on different types of recombination events.  相似文献   

Determining which forms of reproductive isolation have the biggest impact on the process of divergence is a major goal of speciation research. These barriers are often divided into those that affect the potential for hybridization (premating isolation), and those that occur after mating (postmating isolation), and much debate has surrounded the relative importance of these categories. Within the species Mimulus aurantiacus, red‐ and yellow‐flowered ecotypes occur in the southwest corner of California, and a hybrid zone occurs where their ranges overlap. We show that premating barriers are exclusively responsible for isolation in this system, with both ecogeographic and pollinator isolation contributing significantly to total isolation. Postmating forms of reproductive isolation have little or no impact on gene flow, indicating that hybrids likely contribute to introgression at neutral loci. Analysis of molecular variation across thousands of restriction‐site associated DNA sequencing (RAD‐seq) markers reveals that the genomes of these taxa are largely undifferentiated. However, structure analysis shows that these taxa are distinguishable genetically, likely due to the impact of loci underlying differentiated adaptive phenotypes. These data exhibit the power of divergent natural selection to maintain highly differentiated phenotypes in the face of gene flow during the early stages of speciation.  相似文献   

Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is the etiologic agent of paracoccidioidomycosis, a disease confined to Latin America and of marked importance in the endemic areas due to its frequency and severity. This species is considered to be clonal according to mycological criteria and has been shown to vary in virulence. To characterize natural genetic variation and reproductive mode in this fungus, we analyzed P. brasiliensis phylogenetically in search of cryptic species and possible recombination using concordance and nondiscordance of gene genealogies with respect to phylogenies of eight regions in five nuclear loci. Our data indicate that this fungus consists of at least three distinct, previously unrecognized species: S1 (species 1 with 38 isolates), PS2 (phylogenetic species 2 with six isolates), and PS3 (phylogenetic species 3 with 21 isolates). Genealogies of four of the regions studied strongly supported the PS2 clade, composed of five Brazilian and one Venezuelan isolate. The second clade, PS3, composed solely of 21 Colombian isolates, was strongly supported by the alpha-tubulin genealogy. The remaining 38 individuals formed S1. Two of the three lineages of P. brasiliensis, S1 and PS2, are sympatric across their range, suggesting barriers to gene flow other than geographic isolation. Our study provides the first evidence for possible sexual reproduction in P. brasiliensis S1, but does not rule it out in the other two species.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is proposed to be an important driver of diversification in animal systems, yet previous tests of this hypothesis have produced mixed results and the mechanisms involved remain unclear. Here, we use a novel phylogenetic approach to assess the influence of sexual selection on patterns of evolutionary change during 84 recent speciation events across 23 passerine bird families. We show that elevated levels of sexual selection are associated with more rapid phenotypic divergence between related lineages, and that this effect is restricted to male plumage traits proposed to function in mate choice and species recognition. Conversely, we found no evidence that sexual selection promoted divergence in female plumage traits, or in male traits related to foraging and locomotion. These results provide strong evidence that female choice and male–male competition are dominant mechanisms driving divergence during speciation in birds, potentially linking sexual selection to the accelerated evolution of pre-mating reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

The spectacular diversity in sexually selected traits in the animal kingdom has inspired the hypothesis that sexual selection can promote species divergence. In recent years, several studies have attempted to test this idea by correlating species richness with estimates of sexual selection across phylogenies. These studies have yielded mixed results and it remains unclear whether the comparative evidence can be taken as generally supportive. Here, we conduct a meta‐analysis of the comparative evidence and find a small but significant positive overall correlation between sexual selection and speciation rate. However, we also find that effect size estimates are influenced by methodological choices. Analyses that included deeper phylogenetic nodes yielded weaker correlations, and different proxies for sexual selection showed different relationships with species richness. We discuss the biological and methodological implications of these findings. We argue that progress requires more representative sampling and justification of chosen proxies for sexual selection and speciation rate, as well as more mechanistic approaches.  相似文献   

The unit of adaptation is usually thought to be a gene or set of interacting genes, rather than the whole genome, and this may be true of species differentiation. Defining species on the basis of reproductive isolation (RI), on the other hand, is a concept best applied to the entire genome. The biological species concept (BSC; 84 ) stresses the isolation aspect of speciation on the basis of two fundamental genetic assumptions – the number of loci underlying species differentiation is large and the whole genome behaves as a cohesive, or coadapted genetic unit. Under these tenets, the exchange of any part of the genomes between diverging groups is thought to destroy their integrity. Hence, the maintenance of each species’ genome cohesiveness by isolating mechanisms has become the central concept of species. In contrast, the Darwinian view of speciation is about differential adaptation to different natural or sexual environments. RI is viewed as an important by product of differential adaptation and complete RI across the whole genome need not be considered as the most central criterion of speciation. The emphasis on natural and sexual selection thus makes the Darwinian view compatible with the modern genic concept of evolution. Genetic and molecular analyses of speciation in the last decade have yielded surprisingly strong support for the neo‐Darwinian view of extensive genetic differentiation and epistasis during speciation. However, the extent falls short of what BSC requires in order to achieve whole‐genome ‘cohesiveness’. Empirical observations suggest that the gene is the unit of species differentiation. Significantly, the genetic architecture underlying RI, the patterns of species hybridization and the molecular signature of speciation genes all appear to support the view that RI is one of the manifestations of differential adaptation, as 34 , Chap. 8) suggested. The nature of this adaptation may be as much the result of sexual selection as natural selection. In the light of studies since its early days, BSC may now need a major revision by shifting the emphasis from isolation at the level of whole genome to differential adaptation at the genic level. With this revision, BSC would in fact be close to Darwin’s original concept of speciation.  相似文献   

The power of sexual selection to drive changes in mate recognition traits gives it the potential to be a potent force in speciation. Much of the evidence to support this possibility comes from comparative studies that examine differences in the number of species between clades that apparently differ in the intensity of sexual selection. We argue that more detailed studies are needed, examining extinction rates and other sources of variation in species richness. Typically, investigations of extant natural populations have been too indirect to convincingly conclude speciation by sexual selection. Recent empirical work, however, is beginning to take a more direct approach and rule out confounding variables.  相似文献   

The role of sexual selection as a driver of speciation remains unresolved, not least because we lack a clear empirical understanding of its influence on different phases of the speciation process. Here, using data from 1306 recent avian speciation events, we show that plumage dichromatism (a proxy for sexual selection) does not predict diversification rates, but instead explains the rate at which young lineages achieve geographical range overlap. Importantly, this effect is only significant when range overlap is narrow (< 20%). These findings are consistent with a ‘differential fusion’ model wherein sexual selection reduces rates of fusion among lineages undergoing secondary contact, facilitating parapatry or limited co‐existence, whereas more extensive sympatry is contingent on additional factors such as ecological differentiation. Our results provide a more mechanistic explanation for why sexual selection appears to drive early stages of speciation while playing a seemingly limited role in determining broad‐scale patterns of diversification.  相似文献   

Serpula himantioides (Boletales, Basidiomycota) produces thin resupinate basidiocarps on dead coniferous wood worldwide and causes damage in buildings as well. In this study, we present evidence for the existence of at least three phylogenetically defined cryptic species (referred to as Sib I-III) within the morphospecies S. himantioides, a conclusion based on analyses of sequence data from four DNA regions and amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPS). A low degree of shared sequence polymorphisms was observed among the three lineages indicating a long-lasting separation. The AFLPs revealed two additional subgroups within Sib III. Results from mating studies were consistent with the molecular data. In Sib III, no correspondence between genetic and geographical distance was observed among isolates worldwide, presumably reflecting recent dispersal events. Our results indicate that at least two of the lineages (Sib II and Sib III) have wide sympatric distributions. A population genetic analysis of Sib III isolates, scoring sequence polymorphisms as codominant SNP markers, indicates that panmictic conditions exist in the Sib III group. This study supports the view that cryptic speciation is a common phenomenon in basidiomycete fungi and that phylogenetic species recognition can be a powerful inference to detect cryptic species. Furthermore, this study shows that AFLP data are a valuable supplement to DNA sequence data in that they may detect a finer level of genetic variation.  相似文献   

A coalescence model for predicting the fate of neutral divergence among closely related taxa distinguishable as separate DNA sequence clusters is presented here. The model simulates iteratively the positive feedback between sequence divergence and sexual isolation among taxa, where increases in sequence divergence result in reduced recombination, and reduced recombination results in increased sequence divergence. Iteration of this feedback is continued until sequence divergence either converges on a steady state or reaches a runaway process. The eventual outcome of sequence divergence was shown to depend on four estimable population-genetic parameters: the expected intrataxon sequence diversity, the baseline rate of intertaxon recombination, the sensitivity of the recombination rate to sequence divergence, and the neutral mutation rate. The model can be used to determine whether neutral divergence among actual taxa is destined to stop at an equilibrium level, or whether neutral divergence will reach a runaway process. Application of the model to the group of taxa containing Bacillus subtilis and its closest relatives showed these taxa to be on a trajectory of unbounded neutral divergence from one another.  相似文献   

Bacteria diversify into genetic clusters analogous to those observed in sexual eukaryotes, but the definition of bacterial species is an ongoing problem. Recent work has focused on adaptation to distinct ecological niches as the main driver of clustering, but there remains debate about the role of recombination in that process. One view is that homologous recombination occurs too rarely for gene flow to constrain divergent selection. Another view is that homologous recombination is frequent enough in many bacterial populations that barriers to gene flow are needed to permit divergence. Niche‐specific gene pools have been proposed as a general mechanism to limit gene flow. We use theoretical models to evaluate additional hypotheses that evolving genetic architecture, specifically the effect sizes of genes and gene gain and loss, can limit gene flow between diverging populations. Our model predicts that (a) in the presence of gene flow and recombination, ecological divergence is concentrated in few loci of large effect and (b) high rates of gene flow plus recombination promote gene loss and favor the evolution of niche‐specific genes. The results show that changing genetic architecture and gene loss can facilitate ecological divergence, even without niche‐specific gene pools. We discuss these results in the context of recent studies of sympatric divergence in microbes.  相似文献   

We review the significance of two forms of sexual conflict (different evolutionary interests of the two sexes) for genetic differentiation of populations and the evolution of reproductive isolation. Conflicting selection on the alleles at a single locus can occur in males and females if the sexes have different optima for a trait, and there are pleiotropic genetic correlations between the sexes for it. There will then be selection for sex limitation and hence sexual dimorphism. This sex limitation could break down in hybrids and reduce their fitness. Pleiotropic genetic correlations between the sexes could also affect the likelihood of mating in interpopulation encounters. Conflict can also occur between (sex-limited) loci that determine behaviour in males and those that determine behaviour in females. Reproductive isolation may occur by rapid coevolution of male trait and female mating preference. This would tend to generate assortative mating on secondary contact, hence promoting speciation. Sexual conflict resulting from sensory exploitation, polyspermy and the cost of mating could result in high levels of interpopulation mating. If females evolve resistance to make pre- and postmating manipulation, males from one population could be more successful with females from the other, because females would have evolved resistance to their own (but not to the allopatric) males. Between-locus sexual conflict could also occur as a result of conflict between males and females of different populations over the production of unfit hybrids. We develop models which show that females are in general selected to resist such matings and males to persist, and this could have a bearing on both the initial level of interpopulation matings and the likelihood that reinforcement will occur. In effect, selection on males usually acts to promote gene flow and to restrict premating isolation, whereas selection on females usually acts in the reverse direction. We review theoretical models relevant to resolution of this conflict. The winning role depends on a balance between the ''value of winning'' and ''power'' (relating to contest or armament costs): the winning role is likely to correlate with high value of winning and low costs. Sperm-ovum (or sperm-female tract) conflicts (and their plant parallels) are likely to obey the same principles. Males may typically have higher values of winning, but it is difficult to quantify ''power'', and females may often be able to resist mating more cheaply than males can force it. We tentatively predict that sexual conflict will typically result in a higher rate of speciation in ''female-win'' clades, that females will be responsible for premating isolation through reinforcement, and that ''female-win'' populations will be less genetically diverse.  相似文献   

According to current taxonomical rules, a bona fide bacterialspecies is a genomic species characterized by the genomic similarityof its members. It has been proposed that the genomic cohesionof such clusters may be related to sexual isolation, which limitsgene flow between too divergent bacteria. Homologous recombinationis one of the most studied mechanisms responsible for this geneticisolation. Previous studies on several bacterial models showedthat recombination frequencies decreased exponentially withincreasing DNA sequence divergence. In the present study, weinvestigated this relationship in the Agrobacterium tumefaciensspecies complex, which allowed us to focus on sequence divergencein the vicinity of the genetic boundaries of genomic species.We observed that the sensitivity of the recombination frequencyto DNA divergence fitted a log-linear function until approximately10% sequence divergence. The results clearly revealed that therewas no sharp drop in recombination frequencies at the pointwhere the sequence divergence distribution showed a "gap" delineatinggenomic species. The ratio of the recombination frequency inhomogamic conditions relative to this frequency in heterogamicconditions, that is, sexual isolation, was found to decreasefrom 8 between the most distant strains within a species to9 between the most closely related species, for respective increasesfrom 4.3% to 6.4% mismatches in the marker gene chvA. This meansthat there was only a 1.13-fold decrease in recombination frequenciesfor recombination events at both edges of the species border.Hence, from the findings of this investigation, we concludethat—at least in this taxon—sexual isolation basedon homologous recombination is likely not high enough to stronglyhamper gene flow between species as compared with gene flowbetween distantly related members of the same species. The 70%relative binding ratio cutoff used to define bacterial speciesis likely correlated to only minor declines in homologous recombinationfrequencies. Consequently, the sequence diversity, as a mechanisticfactor for the efficiency of recombination (as assayed in thelaboratory), appears to play little role in the genetic cohesionof bacterial species, and thus, the genomic species definitionfor prokaryotes is definitively not reconcilable with the biologicalspecies concept for eukaryotes.  相似文献   



Widely distributed species with populations adapted to different environmental conditions can provide valuable opportunities for tracing the onset of reproductive incompatibilities and their role in the speciation process. Drosophila montana, a D. virilis group species found in high latitude boreal forests in Nearctic and Palearctic regions around the globe, could be an excellent model system for studying the early stages of speciation, as a wealth of information concerning this species' ecology, mating system, life history, genetics and phylogeography is available. However, reproductive barriers between populations have hereto not been investigated.  相似文献   

肖钰  王茜  何梓晗  李玲玲  胡新生 《生物多样性》2022,30(5):21480-3007
物种形成是进化生物学研究的一个永恒主题, 由于生物群体进化是连续和动态的, 物种界限变得难于界定。本文首先讨论了3种地理物种形成模式(同域、邻域及异域), 并分析了近期报道的研究证据。其次, 评述了合子后生殖隔离机制的分子遗传基础和应用群体基因组数据分析的证据, 包括BDMI模型(Bateson-Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibility)、QTLs (quantitative trait loci)、霍尔丹法则及大X染色体效应。最后, 探讨了交配系统作为合子前隔离机制之一与物种形成的关系, 认为近交或自交通过扩大种群遗传结构分化, 增强不同交配系统的种群间不对称基因渐渗, 或种群间无基因渐渗等途径, 促进新物种形成。已知植物交配系统的演化更倾向于从异交(或自交不亲和)向自交(或近交亲和)方式, 花性状和基因组的分化推动形成所谓的自交综合征, 研究交配系统驱动或强化物种形成模式对认识植物物种形成机制有重要意义。  相似文献   

Even genetically distant prokaryotes can exchange genes between them, and these horizontal gene transfer events play a central role in adaptation and evolution. While this was long thought to be restricted to prokaryotes, certain eukaryotes have acquired genes of bacterial origin. However, gene acquisitions in eukaryotes are thought to be much less important in magnitude than in prokaryotes. Here, we describe the complex evolutionary history of a bacterial catabolic gene that has been transferred repeatedly from different bacterial phyla to stramenopiles and fungi. Indeed, phylogenomic analysis pointed to multiple acquisitions of the gene in these filamentous eukaryotes—as many as 15 different events for 65 microeukaryotes. Furthermore, once transferred, this gene acquired introns and was found expressed in mRNA databases for most recipients. Our results show that effective inter-domain transfers and subsequent adaptation of a prokaryotic gene in eukaryotic cells can happen at an unprecedented magnitude.  相似文献   

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