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Following incubation at 37 degrees C with tritiated glucocorticoids isolated hepatocytes prepared from non-adrenalectomized rats show rapid uptake of label. Uptake is non-saturable, and non-linear over the first 60 sec of exposure to steroids. HPLC separation of aqueous extracts of cells and incubation medium shows that polar metabolites of the natural steroid, corticosterone, appear within 10 sec, whereas the synthetic glucocorticoid, dexamethasone, is not altered. Our results suggest that diffusion is the most important process by which glucocorticoids enter liver cells, and that the predominant fate of corticosterone is rapid metabolism.  相似文献   

The abilities of various inhibitors and metabolism modifiers to alter the metabolism of estradiol and the irreversible binding of estradiol to proteins were examined in subcellular microsomal incubations and in intact hepatocyte preparations. In studies with rat liver microsomal preparations containing estradiol and an NADPH-generating system, the irreversible binding of radiolabeled steroid metabolite(s) to the microsomal proteins was 77.59 pmol/mg/min (SD 6.1; 7.6% of total steroid). 2-Bromoestradiol and 4-bromoestradiol, inhibitors of estrogen 2-hydroxylase, effectively decreased this irreversible binding of radiolabeled estradiol metabolite(s) to microsomal proteins to 17 pmol mg-1 min-1 (2.1% of total estradiol). These haloestrogens were also effective inhibitors in the intact hepatocyte cells, decreasing the amounts of organic metabolites, aqueous-soluble conjugates, and protein-bound materials. The HPLC radiochromatograms of the organic-extracted fractions from the 2 h hepatocyte incubations demonstrate that the catechol estrogen products, i.e. 2-hydroxyestrogens and 2-methoxyestrogens, were present in lower amounts in the incubations containing the bromoestrogens than in control incubations containing no inhibitor. Ascorbic acid and cysteine, general modifiers of oxidative pathways of metabolism, also affected estradiol metabolism in microsomal and hepatocyte preparations. Both these agents were able to decrease the irreversible binding of estradiol to proteins in the microsomal assays. Ascorbic acid decreased the general metabolism of estradiol in the hepatocyte incubations but did not decrease irreversible binding to proteins. The addition of cysteine to the hepatocyte incubation resulted in an increased metabolism of estradiol and the production of more aqueous-soluble radiolabeled metabolites than the control incubations; however, cysteine did not decrease the amounts of estradiol metabolite(s) irreversibly bound to proteins. Investigations of steroid metabolism in the isolated hepatocytes thus provide an effective in vitro technique for examining the overall oxidative, reductive, and conjugative pathways that are functional in the liver and enables one to investigate the abilities of inhibitors, regulators, and modifiers to affect the metabolic processes. Also, these hepatocyte studies demonstrate that the inhibitors of estrogen 2-hydroxylase, 2-bromoestradiol and 4-bromoestradiol, can enter and act in the intact cells. Consequently, these agents may be useful pharmacological probes for examining the functions of catechol estrogens in other tissues.  相似文献   

A small to moderate inhibitory effect of iron uptake by isolated rat hepatocytes in short-term studies was seen with oxidative phosphorylation and electron transport inhibitors, and no inhibition by agents affecting pinocytosis. Intracellular transferrin was able to donate iron to the small-molecular weight iron pool, and the latter was able to transfer, by a process not requiring energy or movement of serum transferrin, iron to ferritin. Serum transferrin was not able to lose iron to any cytosol components. Reducing agents were not able to abstract iron from rat serum transferrin to any great extent. It is concluded that iron is taken up by the rat hepatocyte from serum transferrin by a process not requiring energy or movement of serum transferrin into the cell interior; and that intracellular transferrin is involved in acquiring iron from serum transferrin at the cell surface, with iron then being transferred to the small-molecular weight iron pool and hence to ferritin. It is also proposed that intracellular transferrins may have the general function of interacting with serum transferrin at cell surfaces.  相似文献   

The effects of zymosan on transport, distribution, and metabolism of octanoate in the perfused rat liver were investigated using the multiple‐indicator dilution technique. Livers were perfused with 300 µM octanoate in the absence or in the presence of 100 µg/mL zymosan. Tracer amounts of [1‐14C]octanoate, [3H] water, and [131I]albumin were injected into the portal vein, and the effluent perfusate was fractionated. The normalized dilution curves were analyzed by means of a space‐distributed variable transit time model. Zymosan decreased the space into which octanoate undergoes flow‐limited distribution, possibly the first cellular exchanging pool represented by plasma membranes and their adjacencies. However, the rate of transfer of octanoate from the plasma membrane into the rest of the cell was not modified as indicated by the similar values of the influx rates and also the net uptake of octanoate per unit of accessible cellular volume. However, when referred to the wet weight of the liver, the net uptake of octanoate was 37.5% reduced, a value corresponding to the diminution of the cellular accessible space. It can be concluded that an exclusion of a fraction of the liver parenchyma from the microcirculation is the main mechanism by which zymosan reduces the metabolism of exogenous octanoate. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biochem Mol Toxicol 23:155–165, 2009; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/jbt.20269  相似文献   

D-mannose transport and metabolism has been studied in enterocytes isolated from chicken small intestine. In the presence of Na(+), the mannose taken up by the cells either remains free, is phosphorylated, is catabolized to H(2)O, or becomes part of membrane components. The mannose remaining free in the cytosol is released when the cells are transferred to an ice bath. The Na(+)-dependent D-mannose transport is electrogenic and inhibited by ouabain and dinitrophenol; its substrate specificity differs from SGLT-1 transporter. The Glut2 transporter inhibitors phloretin and cytochalasin B added following 30-min mannose uptake reduced the previously accumulated D-mannose, whereas these two agents increased the cell to external medium 3-O-methyl-glucose (3-OMG) concentration ratio. D-mannose efflux rate from preloaded D-[2-(3)H]-mannose enterocytes is Na(+)-independent. Phloretin did not affect D-mannose efflux rate, whereas it inhibited that of 3-OMG. Neither mannose uptake nor efflux rate were affected by fructose. It is concluded that part of the mannose taken up by the enterocytes is rapidly metabolized and that enterocytes have two D- mannose transport systems: one is concentrative and Na(+)-dependent and the other is Na(+)-independent and passive.  相似文献   

The effect of caffeine on the transport, metabolism and ultrastructure of the colon were determined. Segments of proximal colon were excised from the anesthetized rat and prepared for radioisotopic tracing of ion transport in the flux chambers or oxidative metabolism in an incubator. Other segments were fixed before or after caffeine administration for electron microscopy. The isolated rat colon actively transported both Na+ and Cl- in the absorptive direction, mucosa to serosa. Serosal addition of 10 mmol/l caffeine abolished the smaller Na+ transport but did not significantly affect the larger Cl- transport. The electrical potential difference and the short-circuit current rose accordingly. Although the oxidation of glucose was inhibited by 35%, caffeine had no significant effect on the oxidation of the fatty acid, butyric acid. Comparable metabolic responses were obtained using the isolated terminal ileum of the rat. Neither the height nor the density of the microvilli in the proximal colon were affected significantly by caffeine. It may be concluded that caffeine, unlike theophylline, effectively preserves the normal absorptive condition of the colon. Thus, caffeine may have actions other than inhibition of phosphodiesterase in the distal intestine.  相似文献   

Hyperammonemia and changes in brain monoamine metabolism have been proposed to contribute to the pathogenesis of the neuropsychiatric symptoms characteristic of human portal-systemic encephalopathy (PSE) resulting from chronic liver disease. Portacaval anastomosis (PCA) in the rat leads to sustained hyperammonemia and mild encephalopathy. In order to evaluate the role of dopamine (DA) metabolism in PSE, levels of DA and its metabolites were measured by HPLC with electrochemical detection in brain regions of rats with PCA at various stages of encephalopathy precipitated by ammonium acetate administration. Following ammonium acetate administration, rats with PCA rapidly develop severe neurological signs of encephalopathy progressing through loss of righting reflex to coma; sham-operated control animals administered ammonium acetate showed no such neurological deterioration. Concentrations of the DA metabolites DOPAC and HVA as well as [DA metabolites]/[DA] ratios, an indirect measure of DA turnover in brain, were increased in caudate-putamen, in cingulate and pyriform entorhinal cortices as well as in raphe nucleus and locus coeruleus. Increased DA metabolites, however, did not worsen at coma states of PSE. Increased DA turnover thus appears to relate to early neuropsychiatric and extrapyramidal symptoms of PSE.  相似文献   

Freshly isolated rat hepatocytes were found to contain a 3-fold higher level of putrescine than perfused liver. The bulk of this diamine was recovered in the acid-insoluble fraction of the cell. In order to determine the nature of the amine binding, the levels of gamma-glutamylamine derivatives were measured. The method used involves exhaustive proteolytic digestion of the acid-insoluble fraction of hepatocytes, followed by ion-exchange chromatography. For N1-(gamma-glutamyl)putrescine, a combined ion-exchange chromatographic and reverse-phase h.p.l.c. procedure was adopted. This allowed for the direct detection of less than 50 pmol of this derivative in enzymic hydrolysates. Several of the gamma-glutamylamines reported previously [Beninati, Piacentini, Argento-Ceru', Russo-Caia & Autuori (1985) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 841, 120-126] in the whole organ were found in the isolated liver cells. The elevated level of N1-(gamma-glutamyl)putrescine and the absence of bis-(gamma-glutamyl)spermine was noteworthy. The results suggest that, in rat hepatocytes, both polyamine-dependent post-translational modification of some proteins and cross-linking between proteins involving the glutamine and lysine residues occurs.  相似文献   

To elucidate the mechanism of taurine transport across the hepatic plasma membranes, rat liver sinusoidal plasma membrane vesicles were isolated and the transport process was analyzed. In the presence of a sodium gradient across the membranes (vesicle inside less than vesicle outside), an overshooting uptake of taurine occurred. In the presence of other ion gradients (K+, Li+, and choline+), taurine uptake was very small and no such overshoot was observed. Sodium-dependent uptake of taurine occurred into an osmotically active intravesicular space. Taurine uptake was stimulated by preloading vesicles with unlabeled taurine (transstimulation) in the presence of NaCl, but not in the presence of KCl. Sodium-dependent transport followed saturation kinetics with respect to taurine concentration; double-reciprocal plots of uptake versus taurine concentration gave a straight line from which an apparent Km value of 0.38 mM and Vmax of 0.27 nmol/20 s x mg of protein were obtained. Valinomycin-induced K+-diffusion potential failed to enhance the rate of taurine uptake, suggesting that taurine transport does not depend on membrane potential. Taurine transport was inhibited by structurally related omega-amino acids, such as beta-alanine and gamma-aminobutyric acid, but not by glycine, epsilon-aminocaproic acid, or other alpha-amino acids, such as L-alanine. These results suggest that Na+-dependent uptake of taurine might occur across the hepatic sinusoidal plasma membranes via a transport system that is specific for omega-amino acids having 2-3 carbon chain length.  相似文献   

Rat hepatocytes in culture take up [14C]-agmatine by both a high-affinity transport system [KM = 0.03 mM; Vmax = 30 pmol x min x (mg protein)-1] and a low-affinity system. The high-affinity system also transports putrescine, but not cationic amino acids such as arginine, and the polyamines spermidine and spermine. The rate of agmatine uptake is increased in cells deprived of polyamines with difluoromethylornithine. Of the agmatine taken up, 10% is transformed into polyamines and 50% is transformed into 4-guanidinobutyrate, as demonstrated by HPLC and MS. Inhibition by aminoguanidine and pargyline shows that this is due to diamine oxidase and an aldehyde dehydrogenase. 14C-4-aminobutyrate is also accumulated in the presence of an inhibitor of 4-aminobutyrate transaminase.  相似文献   

Leukotrienes constrict smooth muscle and could be important for the regulation of the pulmonary circulation. We examined the production and action of lipoxygenase metabolites in isolated lungs, where we controlled the perfusing fluid used. Arachidonate injected into isolated rat lungs perfused with cell- and protein-free physiological salt solution caused a transient pressor response. Following indomethacin, arachidonate caused a delayed slow pressure rise followed by edema. The lung effluent contracted the guinea pig ileum. High-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of the perfusate demonstrated the presence of leukotrienes (LTC4 and LTD4). Diethylcarbamazine, a leukotriene synthesis inhibitor, prevented the slow pressure rise and edema seen after indomethacin plus arachidonate. In lungs perfused with cell- and protein-free physiological salt solution, LTC4, but not LTD4, caused a transient pressure rise followed by a sustained pressure rise. The sustained rise was abolished by a leukotriene-receptor blocker (FPL 55712) but not by indomethacin. In blood-perfused lungs, LTC4 caused only the transient pressure rise that was not blocked by FPL 55712. In lungs perfused with physiological salt solution containing albumin, LTC4 had no effect. We concluded that 1) perfused nonsensitized rat lungs produced LTC4 and LTD4; 2) LTC4 may be a major pulmonary vasoconstrictor; and 3) albumin binding limits the pressor effect of LTC4.  相似文献   

Studies are presented which demonstrate that β-endorphin induces corticosterone synthesis in isolated fasciculata cells. This activation of steroidogenesis has a lag period of 3 to 5 minutes and is cycloheximide-sensitive. The data suggest that β-endorphin exhibits steroidogenic activity by binding to the adrenocorticotropic hormone receptors of the cells.  相似文献   

We investigated the stereoselective kinetic disposition and metabolism of metoprolol (MET) in rats. The racemic MET (15 mg/kg) was given by oral gavage and blood samples were collected from 0 to 10h (n=6 at each time point). The enantiomeric concentrations of MET and its metabolites alpha-hydroxymetoprolol (alpha-OHM) and O-demethylmetoprolol (ODM) were determined by HPLC using a Chiralpak AD chiral column and fluorescence detection. The pharmacokinetic parameters of unchanged MET and the formation of ODM did not show to be stereoselective. In contrast, the AUC (ng h/mL) of alpha-hydroxymetoprolol isomers were higher to I'R [638.2(525.2-706.2) for 1'R2R and 659.6(580.4-698.1) for 1'R,2S, mean, (95%CI)] than to I'S products [58.3(47.4-66.1) for 1'S,2R and 57.1(44.7-67.9) for 1'S,2S, mean, (95%CI)]. We conclude that the kinetic disposition of unchanged MET and the formation of ODM are not enantioselective in rats but the metabolism of alpha-OHM yields predominantly the 1'R-product.  相似文献   

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