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Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) of the stomach are the most frequent followed by those of the intestinal tract, while colon and rectum represent rare sites. GIST of the anal canal are extremely rare. They have been studied along with GIST of the rectum, as a single entity, and along with them they represent 5% of GIST. GIST arising from the anal canal account for only 2%–8% of the anorectal GIST. Thus anal GIST must be considered an exceptional case.

Case presentation

A 78-year-old man was referred to our Institution for an anal mass, in absence of any symptom. The patient was treated by local excision. An histological diagnosis of a low grade GIST was made. No further treatment was necessary. No local recurrence of distant metastases were found at follow-up.


At the moment, only ten cases of c-kit positive anal GIST are reported in the literature. These few data are not sufficient to establish a widely accepted approach for this neoplasia.We recommend to perform an initial local excision, to define the risk of aggressive behavior and the resection margins and proceed to a more aggressive treatment, if the GIST belongs to high or very high risk group. The role of adjuvant therapy is still uncertain. Although inhibitors of tyrosine-kinase receptor needs further studies before their routine use, their role in case of distant or local recurrence has been accepted. Patients' close follow up is mandatory to disclose as soon as possible local recurrences or metastases.

BACKGROUND: Malignant small bowel tumors are very rare and leiomyosarcoma accounts for less than 15% of the cases. Management of these tumors is challenging in view of nonspecific symptoms, unusual presentation and high incidence of metastasis. In this case report, an unusual presentation of jejunal sarcoma and management of liver metastasis with radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is discussed. CASE PRESENTATION: A 45-year-old male presented with anemia and features of small bowel obstruction. Operative findings revealed a mass lesion in jejunum with intussusception of proximal loop. Resection of bowel mass was performed. Histopathological findings were suggestive of leiomyosarcoma. After 3-years of follow-up, the patient developed recurrence in infracolic omentum and a liver metastasis. The omental mass was resected and liver lesion was managed with radiofrequency ablation. CONCLUSION: Jejunal leiomyosarcoma is a rare variety of malignant small bowel tumor and a clinical presentation with intussusception is unusual. We suggest that an aggressive management approach using a combination of surgery and a newer technique like RFA can be attempted in patients with limited metastatic spread to liver to prolong the long-term survival in a subset of patients.  相似文献   

In the Salmonella typhimurium mutagenicity assay, proflavin (PF), in the dark, was shown to possess some direct-acting frameshift mutagenic activity for strains TA1537 and TA98. In the presence of microsomal enzymes from mouse, hamster and rat livers, frameshift mutagenic activity for strain TA1538 and enhanced mutagenicity for strain TA1537 was observed. Exposure of bacteria to PF in the presence of visible light resulted in base substitution (strain TA1535) as well as frameshift (TA1537, TA1538, TA98) genetic activities. The findings are taken to indicate that PF possesses direct-acting frameshift activity (TA1537 and TA98) by virtue of its ability to intercalate between DNA basepairs. The frameshift activity (TA1538, TA98 and enhanced TA1537) seen following metabolic or photo-activation may be due to the formation of chemical adducts between the cellular DNA and oxidation products of PF (a base-displacement effect). The light-induced base-substitution activity probably results from the generation of singlet oxygen which reacts with the guanine moiety of DNA. The mutagenic photoproduct of PF appears to be stable.  相似文献   

An infant showing an unusual combination of craniofacial abnormalities is described. Synotia, astomia, a rudimentary proboscis, and a central placode in the hairline were observed. Serial sections of the head were examined microscopically. The proboscis contained a mass of striated muscle, but no bony or nervous tissue. Cyclopia was suggested by the central placode, the latter consisting of a thin, stratified, squamous nonkeratinized epithelium attached to an incomplete orbit by a strand of connective tissue. The orbit consisted of a bony shelf with bundles of nerves, striated muscle, and degenerate retinal tissue. The central nervous system cranial to the hindbrain was poorly developed. The midbrain and diencephalon were rudimentary, and there was poor separation of the small cerebral hemispheres. The auditory system was well represented. The maxilla and mandible were present, but there was no evidence of tooth formation. The wide range of midline abnormalities and anodontia suggest that this is a case of cranial neural crest deficiency.  相似文献   

The authors report the case, in the same family, of two children with the Meckel's syndrome, of two mis-arriages (one foetus with anencephalia, the other one with occipital meningocele), and of two still-born children (one with anencephalia, the other one with occipital meningocele). The genetic problems raised by this unusual genealogy are discussed.  相似文献   

A 28-year-old male presenting with atrial fibrillation (AF) underwent successful electrical cardioversion to restore sinus rhythm. He had no prior history of AF or other cardiac disease. However, transthoracic echocardiography (TTE), performed to exclude structural abnormalities as a cause of AF, demonstrated a large mass in the left atrium (LA). For further analysis the patient was referred to our centre, and echocardiography, multislice detector computed tomography (MDCT) and cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) were performed for further noninvasive diagnostic work-up.  相似文献   

Carbon monoxide: an unusual drug   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The highly toxic gas carbon monoxide (CO) displays many physiological roles in several organs and tissues. Although many diseases, including cancer, hematological diseases, hypertension, heart failure, inflammation, sepsis, neurodegeneration, and sleep disorders, have been linked to abnormal endogenous CO metabolism and functions, CO administration has therapeutic potential in inflammation, sepsis, lung injury, cardiovascular diseases, transplantation, and cancer. Here, insights into the CO-based therapy, characterized by the induction or gene transfer of heme oxygenase-1 and either gas or CO-releasing molecule administration, are reviewed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Initially described as a pleural tumor, solitaryfibrous tumor of the parotid gland (SFT) is rare and has been reported at a wide range ofanatomic sites. Although cases of SFT arising in the parotid gland have been previously described, a review of the literature failed to reveal cytology-based reports of this entity. CASE: A 42-year-old man presented with a right parotid mass that had gradually enlarged over 3 years. He was otherwise asymptomatic. Fine needle aspiration biopsy of the mass showed a hypercellular smear composed of spindle cells in both clusters and isolated forms, with ovoid nuclei, evenly distributed chromatin, inconspicuous nucleoli and scant to moderate cytoplasm with focally wispy, collagenous, intercellular material. The background was hemorrhagic, without chondromyxoid matrix or inflammatory cells. There was no evidence of a myoepithelial component. A diagnosis of spindle cell neoplasm was rendered. Histologic examination of the total parotidectomy specimen revealed a SFT arising in the parotid gland. The diagnosis was supported by immunohistochemical studies. CONCLUSION: SFT is a well-circumscribed neoplasm composed of short, spindled, plump cells with scanty cytoplasm growing in a haphazard or "patternless" pattern. Tumor cells are intimately admixed with collagenous stroma. Hemangiopericytomalike vessels are frequently seen. Although SFT rarely occurs in the salivary gland and a definitive diagnosis based on cytologic preparations alone is difficult, the diagnosis of SFT can be considered when cytologic examination reveals a hypercellular smear composed of isolated, cohesive clusters of spindled, fibroblastlike cells associated with a collagenous component in ahemorrhagic background. The preoperative magnetic esonance image findings of a highly vascular neoplasm support the diagnosis.  相似文献   

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