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Transgenic Fv-4 mice resistant to Friend virus.   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Fv-4 is a mouse gene that confers resistance to infection with ecotropic retroviruses. A candidate Fv-4 gene was cloned previously and found to resemble the 3' half of a murine leukemia virus (MuLV). To study the effect of this gene in vivo, we generated two transgenic mouse strains carrying the Fv-4 env gene under control of its presumed natural promoter, a cellular sequence unrelated to retroviruses. Transgenic progeny expressed a 3-kb Fv-4 env RNA in all of the organs and tissues examined, as well as an Fv-4 envelope antigen on the surface of thymocytes and spleen cells, similar to mice carrying the natural Fv-4 gene. One of the two transgenic strains (designated Fv4-2) expressed three to nine times as much transgene RNA and protein as the other strain (Fv4-11). When challenged with a Friend virus complex containing up to 10(4) XC PFU of Friend MuLV, Fv4-2 mice were completely resistant to development of splenomegaly and had no detectable ecotropic virus in the spleen or blood, confirming that the cloned Fv-4 gene is responsible for resistance to ecotropic MuLV in vivo. In contrast, Fv4-11 mice were only partially resistant, developing viremia and splenomegaly at the highest inoculum dose but recovering from viremia several weeks after inoculation with 10-fold less virus. The phenotype of recovery from viremia in Fv4-11 mice was unexpected and suggests that low levels of expression of the Fv-4 gene enhance the effectiveness of the immune response.  相似文献   

Fv-4 is a mouse gene that dominantly confers resistance to infection with Friend murine leukemia virus (F-MuLV) (S. Suzuki, Jpn. J. Exp. Med. 45:473-478, 1975). However, the resistance caused by Fv-4 is recessive in nude mice, which suggests that immunological effects play important roles in this resistance in vivo (K. Higo, Y. Kubo, Y. Iwatani, T. Ono, M. Maeda, H. Hiai, T. Masuda, K. Kuribayashi, F. Zhang, T. Lamin, A. Adachi, and A. Ishimoto, J. Virol. 71:750-754, 1997). To determine the immunological effect on the resistance in vivo, we infected immunologically immature newborn mice homozygous (Fv-4(r/r)) and heterozygous (Fv-4(r/-)) for Fv-4. Although the Fv-4(r/r) mice showed complete resistance to F-MuLV whether infected neonatally or as adolescents, the Fv-4(r/-) mice showed high sensitivity to viral proliferation and disease induction when infected as newborns but complete resistance when infected as adolescent mice. To confirm the immunological effect on the resistance in adolescent mice with the Fv-4(r/r) and Fv-4(r/-) genotypes, we examined the effect of an immunosuppressant drug, FK506, on the resistance. The mice with the Fv-4(r/r) genotype treated with FK506 still showed resistance, but the mice with the Fv-4(r/-) genotype became highly sensitive to F-MuLV infection. Flow cytometric analysis to detect the Fv-4 gene product showed that the Fv-4 gene product was expressed on the cells from newborn and adolescent mice. The Fv-4 gene product was also detected on the cells from the FK506-treated mice as well as on those from untreated mice. However, a quantitative difference in the gene product between the cells with the Fv-4(r/r) and Fv-4(r/-) genotypes was detected by indirect staining for flow cytometry. These results show that the resistance to F-MuLV infection conferred by the Fv-4 gene is originally recessive, but it looks dominant in adolescent mice mainly because of the effect of the immune system.  相似文献   

Retroviral interference is manifested in chronically infected cells as a decrease in susceptibility to superinfection by virions using the same cellular receptor. The pattern of interference reflects the cellular receptor specificity of the chronically infecting retrovirus and is mediated by the viral envelope glycoprotein, which is postulated to bind competitively all cellular receptors available for viral attachment. We established retroviral interference in mice by infecting them with Friend murine leukemia virus and them measured susceptibility to superinfection by challenging the mice with the erythroproliferative spleen focus-forming virus. Infection of approximately 10% of nucleated splenocytes rendered mice 1% as susceptible to superinfection as untreated controls. The magnitude of this effect was the same in mice incapable of producing neutralizing antibodies or genetically deficient for T cells. The results indicated that retroviral interference in vivo was established rapidly with infection of a fraction of the host cell population and that the decrease in susceptibility to superinfection occurred without a detectable contribution by immunologic factors.  相似文献   

The murine gene Fv-1 exerts a major control over the replication of Friend murine leukemia virus (F-MuLV). An effect of the gene product has been determined to be at the level of accumulation and integration of viral DNA. Aphidicolin, an inhibitor of eucaryotic DNA polymerase alpha, was studied in murine cells infected either permissively or nonpermissively with regard to the Fv-1 genotype. Results indicated that inhibition of DNA polymerase alpha did not affect the accumulation of form III viral DNA in either permissive or nonpermissive cells. However, the normal accumulation of circular form I DNA in permissive cells was inhibited. The block in the accumulation of form I DNA resembled that occurring in some F-MuLV Fv-1-nonpermissive infections. Additionally, aphidicolin treatment resulted in the accumulation of novel low-molecular-weight viral DNA species, normally detectable in a nonpermissive infection of NIH cells with B-tropic F-MuLV. These data suggest that the Fv-1 gene product may interact with host DNA polymerase alpha to prevent viral replication.  相似文献   

Friend murine leukemia virus (F-MuLV), an erythroleukemogenic replication-competent retrovirus, induces leukemia in its host after a long latency. However, the early effects of infection may determine the pathway that eventually leads to malignant transformation. To determine how F-MuLV affects host cell proliferation soon after infection, BALB/c mice were inoculated with virus and then were assayed for susceptibility to appropriately pseudotyped spleen focus-forming virus (SFFV) as an indicator of erythropoietic activity. Twelve-week-old mice exposed to F-MuLV for 9 days were more susceptible (by a factor of 30) to superinfection by SFFV than were nonviremic mice. To test whether increased susceptibility was the result of increased hematopoietic activity, hematopoietic progenitors from the spleens of F-MuLV-infected mice were enumerated with a clonal culture assay. Nine days after inoculation with F-MuLV, the numbers of colony-forming progenitors increased by a factor of 4. Morphological analysis of the cultured colonies showed that erythroid, granulocytic, monocytic, and mixed granulocytic-monocytic progenitors all had increased. Thus, F-MuLV more rapidly induced a generalized increase in hematopoiesis than has previously been reported. The splenic hyperplasia induced by F-MuLV soon after infection may explain its ability to accelerate leukemogenesis in mice also infected by the polytropic Friend mink cell focus-forming virus.  相似文献   

The ability of splenic T-cells to regulate Friend murine leukemia virus replication in lipopolysaccharide-activated target B-cells infected in vitro was investigated. Removal of the T-cell fraction from spleen cells resulted in an 8- to 10-fold enhancement in the number of productively infected cells in the remaining B-cell-enriched fraction, as compared with unseparated spleen cells, and the addition of increasing numbers of purified T-cells to isolated B-cells prior to infection resulted in a directly proportional reduction in the number of B-cells releasing infectious progeny virus. Separation of splenic T-cells into Lyt 2- and Lyt 2+ T-cells before addition to infected B-cell cultures resulted in inhibition of infection only with the Lyt 2- T-cells; Lyt 2+ T-cells did not inhibit infection, even at high 1:1 ratios. Similarly, separation of splenic T-cells into L3T4+ and L3T4- T-cells before addition resulted in inhibition by L3T4+ but not L3T4- T-cells. Also, cytotoxic treatment of splenic T-cells with monoclonal anti-L3T4 antibody and complement before addition to B-cell cultures destroyed the regulatory effects. Finally, depletion of macrophages from both T-cells and B-cells before infection and coculture had no effect on the ability of T-cells to regulate B-cell infection. Collectively these results demonstrate that L3T4+ T-cells can inhibit Friend murine leukemia virus replication in target B-cells. Culture of isolated splenic T-cells with Friend murine leukemia virus in vitro resulted in the induction of alpha/beta but not interferon-gamma synthesis and in some experiments interferon-containing supernatants from T-cell-virus cultures were able to mediate suppression of B-cell infection with Friend helper virus; the addition of antibody specific for interferon-alpha/beta to cultures inhibited the ability of T-cells to regulate B-cell infection.  相似文献   

Friend murine leukemia virus (G-MuLV) is a helper-independent, type C retrovirus isolated from stocks of Friend virus complex (spleen focus-forming virus plus MuLV). In cell culture, F-MuLV has an ecotropic and NB-tropic host range and causes XC cells to fuse. When injected into newborn NIH Swiss mice, F-MuLV produces hepatosplenomegaly, severe anemia, and numerous circulating hematopoietic precursors in the peripheral blood with normal thymus and lymph nodes after 3 to 6 weeks. Recently, we molecularly cloned an 8.5-kilobase pair (kbp) form of F-MuLV DNA from which we could recover the pathogenic F-MuLV virus by DNA transfection of NIH 3T3 cells. From this molecularly cloned F-MuLV DNA, we have now subcloned in pBR322 a 4.1-kbp HindIII fragment which contains in continuity 3.0 kbp from the 3' terminus (env and c region), 0.6 kbp of the terminal repeat sequences, and 0.5 kbp from the 5'terminus of the viral RNA (genome). NIH 3T3 fibroblasts were transfected with this DNA fragment an then infected with the wild mouse amphotropic retrovirus (cl 1504-A). In cell culture, 1504-A is a helper-independent type C virus which has an N-tropic host range and does not cause fusion of XC cells. When injected into newborn NIH Swiss mice, 1504-A does not produce splenomegaly or thymic enlargement in mice held for up to 8 months. The transfection with the F-MuLV fragment and the infection with 1504-A consistently yielded virus preparations that were XC positive. From such virus stocks we were able to isolate both helper-independent and replication-defective XC-positive viruses. The helper-independent virus was shown to be a recombinant virus since it contains a gp70 molecule derived at least in part from F-MuLV and a specific gag precursor derived from 1504-A as determined by radioactive immune precipitation assays. When injected into newborn Swiss mice, the recombinant helper-independent virus caused hepatosplenomegaly in approximately 50% of the mice in 6 to 8 weeks. The histology of the diseased splenic tissue was indistinguishable from that seen in the disease caused by the whole F-MuLV. The replication-defective virus could be pseudotyped with new 1504-A virus, and this viral complex also caused the F-MuLV disease picture when the complex was injected into newborn Swiss mice. We conclude that the genetic information responsible for the pathogenicity of F-MuLV is contained within the 4.1-kbp DNA fragment, which includes env gene sequences, the terminal repeat sequences, and the c region sequences of the F-MuLV genome.  相似文献   

To examine whether the resistance allele of the Fv-4 gene (the Fv-4r gene) is a dominant inhibitory-product-encoding gene which an be used to prevent the development of murine AIDS (MAIDS), bone marrow cells from BALB/c-Fv-4wr mice were transplanted into BALB/c mice and C57BL/6 mice infected with MAIDS virus. Almost all of the virus-infected BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice developed MAIDS within 4 months and died 2 or 3 months later. However, when the virus-infected mice were subjected to cobalt irradiation and then given an intravenous injection of 10(7) BALB/c-Fv-4wr mouse bone marrow cells, the recipient mice survived much longer than the untreated mice, which suggests that the Fv-4 gene is a dominant inhibitory gene that is potentially useful in gene therapy of MAIDS.  相似文献   

The murine gene Fv-1 predominantly controls the outcome of infection by murine ecotropic retroviruses. The inhibition of virus replication by the Fv-1 gene product has been determined to be at an early stage in virus replication. Mechanistically, its effect appears to be on the accumulation of unintegrated proviral DNA or its integration or both. We investigated the synthesis of unintegrated proviral DNA, using several clones of B-, N-, or NB-tropic Friend murine leukemia virus. Our results indicate that the accumulation of B-tropic proviral DNA in NIH cells may be inhibited at either the level of linear (form III) or covalently closed circular DNA (form I), depending upon the degree of restriction of the clone of virus used. We confirmed that there is an effect of the Fv-1 gene on the accumulation of form I DNA of either B- or N-tropic Friend murine leukemia virus. However, the decrease in infectious centers effected by the Fv-1 gene did not correlate quantitatively with the effect on form I proviral DNA produced by N-tropic Friend murine leukemia virus in nonpermissive cells. Lastly, we demonstrated in nonpermissively infected NIH cells that a rapidly migrating doublet of viral DNA is formed.  相似文献   

Taylor GM  Gao Y  Sanders DA 《Journal of virology》2001,75(22):11244-11248
Mice expressing the Fv-4 gene are resistant to infection by ecotropic murine leukemia viruses (MuLVs). The Fv-4 gene encodes an envelope (Env) protein whose putative receptor-binding domain resembles that of ecotropic MuLV Env protein. Resistance to ecotropic MuLVs appears to result from viral interference involving binding of the endogenously expressed Fv-4 env-encoded protein to the ecotropic receptor, although the immune system also plays a role in resistance. The Fv-4 env-encoded protein is processed normally and can be incorporated into virus particles but is unable to promote viral entry. Among the many sequence variations between the transmembrane (TM) subunit of the Fv-4 env-encoded protein and the TM subunits of other MuLV Env proteins, there is a substitution of an arginine residue in the Fv-4 env-encoded protein for a glycine residue (gly-491 in Moloney MuLV Env) that is otherwise conserved in all of the other MuLVs. This residue is present in the MuLV TM fusion peptide sequence. In this study, gly-491 of Moloney MuLV Env has been replaced with other residues and a mutant Env bearing a substitution for gly-487 was also created. G491R recapitulates the Fv-4 Env phenotype in cell culture, indicating that this substitution is sufficient for creation of an Env protein that can establish the interference-mediated resistance to ecotropic viruses produced by the Fv-4 gene. Analysis of the mutant MuLV Env proteins also has implications for an understanding of the role of conserved glycine residues in fusion peptides and for the engineering of organismal resistance to retroviruses.  相似文献   

Spleen cells from DBA/2 mice with dormant Friend leukemia virus (FLV) infections or from mice immunized with x-irradiated FLC-745 erythroleukemic cells are not cytolytic for FLC-745 cells when tested directly, but acquire cytolytic activity in vitro by cultivation with x-irradiated FLC-745 cells. Spleen cells cultured from normal mice do not acquire such cytolytic activity. Cytolytic activity resides in the T lymphocyte population. Alloantiserum, but not antisera against FLV-virion polypeptides, inhibited the lysis of FLC-745 cells by cytolytic T lymphocytes. To understand further the role of cellular and humoral immune anti-FLV responses in mice with dormant FLV-infections, in vitro experiments were conducted that mimicked the in vivo FLV-specific immune environment of these mice. We found that FLV-immune serum from mice with dormant FLV-infections modulated FLV-antigen expression on the surfaces of FLC-745 cells without affecting their susceptibility to lysis by cytolytic T lymphocytes. These results suggest that cytolytic T lymphocyte restrain the outgrowth of FLV-antigen-modulated erythroleukemic cells in mice with dormant FLV infections and that the targets for cell-mediated lysis may be H-2d-associated antigens.  相似文献   

Nondefective Friend murine leukemia virus (MuLV) causes erythroleukemia when injected into newborn NFS mice, while Moloney MuLV causes T-cell lymphoma. Exchange of the Friend virus enhancer region, a sequence of about 180 nucleotides including the direct repeat and a short 3'-adjacent segment, for the corresponding region in Moloney MuLV confers the ability to cause erythroid disease on Moloney MuLV. We have used the electrophoretic mobility shift assay and methylation interference analysis to identify cellular factors which bind to the Friend virus enhancer region and compared these with factors, previously identified, that bind to the Moloney virus direct repeat (N. A. Speck and D. Baltimore, Mol. Cell. Biol. 7:1101-1110, 1987). We identified five binding sites for sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins in the Friend virus enhancer region. While some binding sites are present in both the Moloney and Friend virus enhancers, both viruses contain unique sites not present in the other. Although none of the factors identified in this report which bind to these unique sites are present exclusively in T cells or erythroid cells, they bind to three regions of the enhancer shown by genetic analysis to encode disease specificity and thus are candidates to mediate the tissue-specific expression and distinct disease specificities encoded by these virus enhancer elements.  相似文献   

Friend murine leukemia virus (F-MuLV) is a highly leukemogenic replication-competent murine retrovirus. Both the F-MuLV envelope gene and the long terminal repeat (LTR) contribute to its pathogenic phenotype (A. Oliff, K. Signorelli, and L. Collins, J. Virol. 51:788-794, 1984). To determine whether the F-MuLV gag and pol genes also possess sequences that affect leukemogenicity, we generated recombinant viruses between the F-MuLV gag and pol genes and two other murine retroviruses, amphotrophic clone 4070 (Ampho) and Friend mink cell focus-inducing virus (Fr-MCF). The F-MuLV gag and pol genes were molecularly cloned on a 5.8-kilobase-pair DNA fragment. This 5.8-kilobase-pair F-MuLV DNA was joined to the Ampho envelope gene and LTR creating a hybrid viral DNA, F/A E+L. A second hybrid viral DNA, F/Fr ENV, was made by joining the 5.8-kilobase-pair F-MuLV DNA to the Fr-MCF envelope gene plus the F-MuLV LTR. F/A E+L and F/Fr ENV DNAs generated recombinant viruses upon transfection into NIH 3T3 cells. F/A E+L virus (F-MuLV gag and pol, Ampho env and LTR) induced leukemia in 20% of NIH Swiss mice after 6 months. Ampho-infected mice did not develop leukemia. F/Fr ENV virus (F-MuLV gag and pol, Fr-MCV env, F-MuLV LTR) induced leukemia in 46% of mice after 3 months. Recombinant viruses containing the Ampho gag and pol, Fr-MCF env, and F-MuLV LTR caused leukemia in 38% of mice after 6 months. We conclude that the F-MuLV gag and pol genes contain sequences that contribute to the pathogenicity of murine retroviruses. These sequences can convert a nonpathogenic virus into a leukemia-causing virus or increase the pathogenicity of viruses that are already leukemogenic.  相似文献   

Although Fv-2r homozygous mice are resistant to leukemias induced either by an erythropoietin-encoding virus or by wild-type Friend virus (FV) (M. E. Hoatlin, S. L. Kozak, F. Lilly, A. Chakraborti, C. A. Kozak, and D. Kabat, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87:9985-9989, 1990), they are susceptible to some variants of FV (R. A. Steeves, E. A. Mirand, A. Bulba, and P. J. Trudel, Int. J. Cancer 5:349-356, 1970; R. W. Geib, M. B. Seaward, M. L. Stevens, C.-L. Cho, and M. Majumdar, Virus Res. 14:161-174, 1989). To localize the virus gene involved in influencing the host range, we cloned and sequenced the env gene of the BB6 variant of FV (Steeves et al., Int. J. Cancer 5:349-356, 1970). In comparison with the wild-type env gene, the BB6 variant contains a 159-bp deletion that eliminates the membrane-proximal portion of the extracellular domain and 58 point mutations resulting in 13 amino acid changes. Substitution of the variant env gene for the wild-type env gene resulted in a recombinant virus that produced a Friend virus-like disease in Fv-2r homozygotes. Our results identify the spleen focus-forming virus env gene as the viral gene involved in this virus-host interaction. Additionally, they suggest that the product of the Fv-2r gene modifies the interaction between the spleen focus-forming virus envelope protein and the erythropoietin receptor.  相似文献   

Wild-derived mice originally obtained from Asia, Africa, North America, and Europe were typed for in vitro sensitivity to ecotropic murine leukemia viruses and for susceptibility to Friend virus-induced disease. Cell cultures established from some wild mouse populations were generally less sensitive to exogenous virus than were cell cultures from laboratory mice. Wild mice also differed from inbred strains in their in vitro sensitivity to the host range subgroups defined by restriction at the Fv-1 locus. None of the wild mice showed the Fv-1n or Fv-1b restriction patterns characteristic of most inbred strains, several mice resembled the few inbred strains carrying Fv-1nr, and most differed from laboratory mice in that they did not restrict either N- or B-tropic murine leukemia viruses. Analysis of genetic crosses of Mus spretus and Mus musculus praetextus demonstrated that the nonrestrictive phenotype is controlled by a novel allele at the Fv-1 locus, designated Fv-10. The wild mice were also tested for sensitivity to Friend virus complex-induced erythroblastosis to type for Fv-2. Only M. spretus was resistant to virus-induced splenomegaly and did not restrict replication of Friend virus helper murine leukemia virus. Genetic studies confirmed that this mouse carries the resistance allele at Fv-2.  相似文献   

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