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In recent years, adipocytes obtained by suction-assisted lipectomy have been used for implantation by injection methods. This study is designed to assess the appearance of suctioned and excised adipose tissue and its survival after being injected or implanted into different tissues (0.5 cc into the rectus muscle and 0.5 cc into the dorsal ear skin) of New Zealand White rabbits. The results showed that significant numbers of adipocytes were ruptured after suction procedures. The intact cells represented approximately 10 percent of the fat cell population. Fat cells in aspirated and excised samples remained intact and did not differ histologically. After being injected into tissue, adipocytes appeared to survive better for a short term in a more vascularized bed (rectus muscle) than in a low vascular area (ear dermis). Long-term studies at 6- to 9-month intervals revealed transplanted adipose tissue, taken by suction or excision, being replaced with fibrosis, although cystic spaces and only a small number of surviving adipocytes were still present. Insulin did not show any protective effects on survival of the adipocytes during their transplantation.  相似文献   

Field studies on the slender tuna Allothunnus fallai revealed cranial temperatures that were 4·8 ± 0·4° C (mean ± s . d .) above the ambient sea surface temperature. Dissections aimed at documenting the cranial heat source revealed a fused extraocular muscle complex positioned beneath the brain of this basal tuna species. The muscle complex is structurally distinct from that documented for any other fish species. In A. fallai , all four extraocular rectus muscle pairs (superior, inferior, medial and lateral rectus) are incorporated into one distinct tissue complex which is positioned between the orbits and in direct contact with the braincase. A combination of morphological, physiological and biochemical techniques were used to characterize the modified muscle tissue, and high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging was used to illustrate its association with the brain and optic nerves. The modified eye muscles lack organized contractile proteins and are perfused by an extensive vascular counter-current system that originates from the internal carotid artery. Vessel diameters, artery–vein configuration, and anatomic position between the systemic circulation and the warm eye muscles all suggest that this system is a heat exchanger. Collectively, these findings suggest that A. fallai has evolved extraocular muscles that may function to warm the brain and eye region. This is the first record of a cranial modification comprised of all four rectus muscles and the only documented occurrence of this mechanism for cranial endothermy among the tunas.  相似文献   

Summary The highly mobile cyclopic compound eye of Daphnia magna is rotated by six muscles arranged as three bilateral pairs. The three muscles on each side of the head share a common origin on the carapace and insert dorsally, laterally and ventrally on the eye. The dorsal and ventral muscles are each composed of two muscle fibers and the lateral muscle is composed of from two to five fibers, with three the most common number. Individual muscle fibers are spindle-shaped mononucleated cells with organized bundles of myofilaments. Lateral eye-muscle fibers are thinner than those of the other muscles but are otherwise similar in ultrastructure. Two motor neurons innervate each dorsal and each ventral muscle and one motor neuron innervates each lateral muscle. The cell bodies of the motor neurons are situated dorsally in the supraesophageal ganglion (SEG) and are ipsilateral to the muscles they innervate. The dendritic fields of the dorsal-muscle motor neurons are ipsilateral to their cell bodies; those of the ventral-muscle motor neurons are bilateral though predominantly contralateral. The central projections of the lateral-muscle motor neurons are unknown. In the dorsal and ventral muscles one motor axon synapses principally with one muscle fiber; in each lateral muscle the single motor axon branches to, and forms synapses with, all the fibers. The neuromuscular junctions, characterized by pre- and postsynaptic densities and clear vesicles, are similar in all the eye muscles.  相似文献   

Unit activity was recorded extracellularly from lamb's nucleus principalis and pars oralis of trigeminal nuclear complex following moderate manual stretching of individual extraocular muscles. The oral portion of the spinal trigeminal nucleus and the main sensory nucleus have been investigated by systematic exploration of the second-order neurons of the eye muscle proprioception. Such responses were somatotopically organized. In particular, each single extraocular muscle was represented along the main dorso-ventral axis in this manner: superior oblique and superior rectus in a dorsal layer; inferior rectus and inferior oblique in an intermediate layer, while the medial rectus and the lateral rectus were represented more ventrally. In a few experiments this representation was not observed, due to intermingling of the units. The topographic organization of eye muscle proprioception in the trigeminal nuclear complex described above closely corresponds to that reported by previous authors in the Gasser ganglion.  相似文献   

In the medial dorsolateral portion of the semilunar ganglion of curarized and anaesthetized lambs a cellular pool has been identified which contains the perikarya of the first-order neurons of the eye muscle proprioception. Responses to moderate manual stretch of individual eye muscles were recorded by means of tungsten microelectrodes, from single units of the ganglion. They were of the type induced by muscle spindle excitation. Such responses showed a somatotopic localization. The superior rectus and the superior oblique muscles were represented in the most dorsal layers of the ganglion, while the inferior rectus and the inferior oblique muscles projected on the most ventral portion of the pool. The medial and the lateral recti were represented in the medial and lateral parts and occasionally wedged themselves between the cells innervating the superior and the inferior muscles. Thus a somatotopic arrangement of the eye muscle proprioception has been demonstrated for the first time in the semilunar ganglion.  相似文献   

The role of white and brown adipose tissues in energy metabolism is well established. However, the existence of brown fat in adult humans was until very recently a matter of debate, and the molecular mechanisms underlying brown adipocyte development remained largely unknown. In 2009, several studies brought direct evidence for functional brown adipose tissue in adults. New factors involved in brown fat cell differentiation have been identified. Moreover, work on the origin of fat cells took an unexpected path with the recognition of different populations of brown fat cell precursors according to the anatomical location of the fat depots: a precursor common to skeletal muscle cells and brown adipocytes from brown fat depots, and a progenitor cell common to white adipocytes and brown adipocytes that appear in certain conditions in white fat depots. There is also mounting evidence that mature white adipocytes, including human fat cells, can be converted into brown fat-like adipocytes, and that the typical fatty acid storage phenotype of white adipocyte can be altered towards a fat utilization phenotype. These data open up new opportunities for the development of drugs for obesity and its metabolic and cardiovascular complications.  相似文献   

Soft-tissue injuries involving the dorsum of the hand and foot continue to pose complex reconstructive challenges in terms of function and contour. Requirements for coverage include thin, vascularized tissue that supports skin grafts and at the same time provides a gliding surface for tendon excursion. This article reports the authors' clinical experience with the free posterior rectus sheath-peritoneal flap foil dorsal coverage in three patients. Two patients required dorsal hand coverage; one following acute trauma and another for delayed reconstruction 1 year after near hand replantation. A third patient required dorsal foot coverage for exposed tendons resulting from skin loss secondary to vasculitis. In all three patients, the flap was harvested through a paramedian incision at the lateral border of the anterior rectus sheath. After opening the anterior rectus sheath, the rectus muscle was elevated off of the posterior rectus sheath and peritoneum. When elevating the muscle, the attachments of the inferior epigastric vessels to the posterior rectus sheath and peritoneum were preserved while ligating any branches of these vessels to the muscle. Segmental intercostal innervation to the muscle was preserved. The deep inferior epigastric vessels were then dissected to their origin to maximize pedicle length and diameter. The maximum dimension of the flaps harvested for the selected cases was 16 X 8 cm. The anterior rectus sheath was closed primarily with non-absorbable suture. Mean follow-up was 1 year, and all flaps survived with excellent contour and good function in all three patients. Complications included a postoperative ileus in one patient, which resolved after 5 days with nasogastric tube decompression.  相似文献   

The lean-to-fat ratio, that is, the relative masses of muscle and adipose tissue, is a criterion for the yield and quality of bovine carcasses and meat. This review describes the interactions between muscle and adipose tissue (AT) that may regulate the dynamic balance between the number and size of muscle v. adipose cells. Muscle and adipose tissue in cattle grow by an increase in the number of cells (hyperplasia), mainly during foetal life. The total number of muscle fibres is set by the end of the second trimester of gestation. By contrast, the number of adipocytes is never set. Number of adipocytes increases mainly before birth until 1 year of age, depending on the anatomical location of the adipose tissue. Hyperplasia concerns brown pre-adipocytes during foetal life and white pre-adipocytes from a few weeks after birth. A decrease in the number of secondary myofibres and an increase in adiposity in lambs born from mothers severely underfed during early pregnancy suggest a balance in the commitment of a common progenitor into the myogenic or adipogenic lineages, or a reciprocal regulation of the commitment of two distinct progenitors. The developmental origin of white adipocytes is a subject of debate. Molecular and histological data suggested a possible transdifferentiation of brown into white adipocytes, but this hypothesis has now been challenged by the characterization of distinct precursor cells for brown and white adipocytes in mice. Increased nutrient storage in fully differentiated muscle fibres and adipocytes, resulting in cell enlargement (hypertrophy), is thought to be the main mechanism, whereby muscle and fat masses increase in growing cattle. Competition or prioritization between adipose and muscle cells for the uptake and metabolism of nutrients is suggested, besides the successive waves of growth of muscle v. adipose tissue, by the inhibited or delayed adipose tissue growth in bovine genotypes exhibiting strong muscular development. This competition or prioritization occurs through cellular signalling pathways and the secretion of proteins by adipose tissue (adipokines) and muscle (myokines), putatively regulating their hypertrophy in a reciprocal manner. Further work on the mechanisms underlying cross-talk between brown or white adipocytes and muscle fibres will help to achieve better understanding as a prerequisite to improving the control of body growth and composition in cattle.  相似文献   

Summary The vascular anatomy of the lateral musculature of the flatheadPlatycephalus bassensis, was studied by scanning electron microscopy of corrosion casts. Arteries and veins showed an alternating pattern in neighbouring vertebral segments. The red muscle was supplied by five major branches of the intermuscular artery, and the white muscle by infrequent branches of the intermuscular artery, dorsal segmental artery and ventral segmental artery. Venous drainage of the red and white muscles broadly mimicked the arterial supply. The functional unit of the trunk vasculature can be considered as an artery, a vein and connecting fine blood vessels. There appear to be 2 over-lapping types leading to alternating clockwise and counter-clockwise flows of blood. Small satellite vessels were observed running parallel to most of the larger blood vessels. No anatomical A-V shunt vessels, or series vascular connections between the red and white muscle, were observed. The irregular, alternating adult system is postulated to have developed from an earlier system showing strict bilateral symmetry and equal arterial and venous development in each vertebral segment.  相似文献   

The vascular territories of the superior and the deep inferior epigastric arteries were investigated by dye injection, dissection, and barium radiographic studies. By these means it was established that the deep inferior epigastric artery was more significant than the superior epigastric artery in supplying the skin of the anterior abdominal wall. Segmental branches of the deep epigastric system pass upward and outward into the neurovascular plane of the lateral abdominal wall, where they anastomose with the terminal branches of the lower six intercostal arteries and the ascending branch of the deep circumflex iliac artery. The anastomoses consist of multiple narrow "choke" vessels. Similar connections are seen between the superior and the deep inferior epigastric arteries within the rectus abdominis muscle well above the level of the umbilicus. Many perforating arteries emerge through the anterior rectus sheath, but the highest concentration of major perforators is in the paraumbilical area. These vessels are terminal branches of the deep inferior epigastric artery. They feed into a subcutaneous vascular network that radiates from the umbilicus like the spokes of a wheel. Once again, choke connections exist with adjacent territories: inferiorly with the superficial inferior epigastric artery, inferolaterally with the superficial circumflex iliac artery, and superiorly with the superficial superior epigastric artery. The dominant connections, however, are superolaterally with the lateral cutaneous branches of the intercostal arteries. For breast reconstruction, it would appear that prior ligation of the deep inferior epigastric artery would be of advantage when elevating the lower abdominal skin on a superiorly based rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flap. The vascularity of this flap would be further increased by positioning some part of the skin paddle over the dense pack of large paraumbilical perforators. Based on these anatomic studies, the relative merits of the superior and deep inferior epigastric arteries with respect to local and distant tissue transfer using various elements of the abdominal wall are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Lungs of two chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) were examined. The right pulmonary artery runs across the ventral side of the right upper lobe bronchiole and, then across the dorsal side of the right middle lobe bronchiole. Thereafter, it runs between the dorsal bronchiole system and the lateral bronchiole system, along the right bronchus. During its course, it gives off arterial branches which run along each bronchiole. The left pulmonary artery runs across the dorsal side of the left middle lobe bronchiole and then between the dorsal bronchiole system and the lateral bronchiole system. The branches of the pulmonary artery run mainly along the dorsal or lateral side of the bronchiole. The pulmonary veins run mainly along the ventral or medial side of the bronchioles, and between them. Finally, they enter the left atrium with four large veins, i.e. the common trunk of the right upper lobe vein and the right middle lobe vein, right lower lobe pulmonary venous trunk, left middle lobe vein, and left lower lobe pulmonary venous trunk.  相似文献   

Marlins, sailfish, and spearfishes have a heat-producing tissue beneath the brain and adjacent to the eyes. This tissue warms the brain and eyes while the rest of the body remains at water temperature. The heater tissue is derived from the superior rectus eye muscle. Only a portion of this eye muscle contains normal skeletal muscle tissue; the rest consists of the modified muscle tissue that is associated with heat production. The heat-producing portion is supplied with blood through a countercurrent heat exchanger that originates from the carotid artery. The vascular rate prevents the heat being produced by the tissue from being dissipated at the gill. An unusual circulatory supply to the eyes and brain is associated with the presence of the heater tissue in these fishes.  相似文献   

The anatomy of the cephalic arterial system in the fowl was studied in 24 specimens by means of latex-injected preparations and by dissection. Branches of the external carotid artery supply the extracranial regions. The vertebral arteries unite with the occipitals and have no major communications with the encephalic system. Blood can reach the brain directly from the internal carotid artery and indirectly by way of the extensive cerebral-extracranial anastomoses; especially prominent are those to the palatine and sphenomaxillary arteries from the maxillary and facial branches of the external carotid artery. A large external ophthalmic artery supplies the temporal rete and eye musculature, and an internal ophthalmic artery links the rete and the cerebral vessels. The circle of Willis is incomplete both anteriorly and posteriorly; the anterior cerebral arteries do not unite and the basilar artery is generally asymmetrical in origin. The basilar artery tapers caudally and is continued as the ventral spinal artery.  相似文献   

The lobular division, bronchial tree, and blood vessels in lungs of seven squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) were examined from the viewpoint of comparative anatomy. The right lung of the squirrel monkey consists of the upper, middle, lower, and accessory lobes, whereas the left lung consists of the upper, middle, and lower lobes. These lobes are completely separated by interlobular fissures. In three of seven examples examined the left middle lobe was lacking. The squirrel monkey lung has four bronchiole systems, i.e. dorsal, lateral, ventral, and medial, on both sides. The upper lobes are formed by the first branches of the dorsal bronchiole systems. The middle lobes are formed by the first branches of the lateral bronchiole systems. The remaining bronchioles constitute the lower lobes. In addition to the above lobes, in the right lung, the accessory lobe is present, being formed by the first branch of the ventral bronchiole system. The right pulmonary artery runs across the ventral side of the right upper lobe bronchiole, and then across the dorsal side of the right middle lobe bronchiole. Thereafter, it runs between the dorsal bronchiole and lateral bronchiole systems along the dorso-lateral side of the right bronchus. During its course, the right pulmonary artery gives off the arterial branches which run along each bronchiole. These branches run mainly along the dorsal or lateral side of the bronchioles. In the left lung, the pulmonary artery and its branches run the same course as in the right lung. The pulmonary veins run mainly the ventral or medial side of the bronchioles, and between the bronchioles.  相似文献   

Synopsis InChaetodon trifasciatus, the large eye has the form of a thick disk rather than that of a globe. A deep cutaneous groove surrounds the eyeball, probably allowing rapid eye movements. The form and innervation of the three pairs of extraocular muscles are described. Each muscle is made of two types of fascicles of fibres, thick and thin. There is neither an anterior nor posterior myodome. The skull attachment of the obliques and of the inferior rectus is made on the thin sagittal ethmoidal membranous septum while that of the other recti occurs on osseous pieces of the skull. The attachment on the eyeball is made on the cartilaginous sclera. The ratio of the lengths of the antagonist muscles, superior vs. inferior oblique, superior vs. inferior rectus and medial vs. lateral rectus, is about 1.43:1. The three oculomotor nerves (III: common oculomotor, IV: trochlear and VI: abducens) as well as the ciliary system are described. For the following reasons, an analogy between the lateral rectus ofChaetodon trifasciatus and the lateral rectus + retractor bulbi of other vertebrates is indicated: (1) the nucleus of nerve III (which innervates four muscles) has four sectors, while that of IV (which innervates only the superior oblique) is made of one sector; (2) nerve VI consists of two roots corresponding to two groups of nerve cells of its motor nucleus and (3) in other vertebrates, nerve VI innervates both the lateral rectus and the retractor bulbi.  相似文献   

In the mammalian adipose organ cold exposure not only activates typical brown adipose tissue, but also induces browning, that is the formation of thermogenic multilocular adipocytes in white, or predominantly white, adipose depots such as subcutaneous fat. Unlike typical brown adipocytes, newly formed thermogenic adipocytes have been reported not to express the gene zinc finger of the cerebellum 1 (Zic1). Here, a time course approach enabled us to document a significant increase in Zic1 messenger RNA in inguinal subcutaneous fat from acutely (24 hr) cold-exposed mice, which was paralleled by an increase in multilocular and paucilocular uncoupling protein 1-positive adipocytes and in parenchymal noradrenergic innervation. This transient, depot-specific molecular signature was associated not to Zic1 promoter demethylation, but to chromatin remodeling through an H3K9me3 histone modification. These findings challenge the notion that Zic1 is exclusively expressed by typical brown adipocytes and suggest its involvement in brown adipocyte precursor differentiation and/or white-to-brown adipocyte transdifferentiation.  相似文献   

Extraocular muscle motoneurones were localised in the oculomotor nucleus (ON), trochlear nucleus (TN) and abducens nucleus (AN) in the marmoset brain using the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) retrograde labelling technique. HRP pellets injected into individual extraocular muscles revealed one or more groups of labelled neurones occupying discrete loci within these nuclei. Relatively little overlap of motoneurone pools was observed, except in the case of the inferior oblique and superior rectus muscles. Injections of HRP into the medial rectus muscle revealed three separate populations of labelled cells in the ipsilateral ON. Motoneurones innervating the inferior rectus muscle were mainly localised in the lateral somatic cell column of the ipsilateral ON. A second smaller grouping was observed in the medial longitudinal fasciculus. The inferior oblique muscle motoneurones were localised in the ipsilateral medial somatic cell column intermingled with motoneurones supplying the superior rectus muscle of the opposite eye. The superior oblique muscle motoneurones occupied the entire TN and the lateral rectus muscle motoneurones the AN. It was concluded that the organisation of nuclei and subnuclei responsible for controlling the extraocular muscles in the marmoset is broadly similar to that of other primates.  相似文献   

H Masaki  T Ohta 《FEBS letters》1982,149(1):129-132
Thermogenin is the purine-nucleotide binding polypeptide in brown adipose tissue mitochondria (Mr 32 000) which confers upon these mitochondria the ability to produce heat. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) has been developed to demonstrate and quantitate the occurrence of thermogenin antigen in small amounts of tissue, and thus to characterize different depots of fat tissue as white or brown. The extreme sensitivity of the method allows determination of thermogenin in samples equivalent to <1 mg tissue. The results indicate that thermogenin seems to be exclusively localised in brown fat mitochondria (as compared to white fat, liver or heart muscle mitochondria), and thermogenin antigen could only be found in brown adipocytes (as compared to white adipocytes). Thus, brown and white adipose tissue are probably ontogenetically different  相似文献   

The effects of dietary fat types on the thermogenic activity of brown adipocytes isolated from rat were examined. When beef tallow (saturated fatty acids + oleic) and safflower oil (linoleic) were the dietary fats, the respiration rates of brown adipocytes activated either by norepinephrine or an uncoupler of mitochondrial respiration (carbonylcyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone) were both slightly higher in rats fed the polyunsaturated fat. When the effects of safflower oil and evening primrose oil (linoleīc + γ-linolenic) were compared, the activated respiration rate tended to be higher in the latter. The respiratory responses to varying concentrations of norepinephrine were apparently dependent on the dietary fat types. Triglyceride stored in interscapular brown adipose tissue appeared to be modified by dietary fat types. Dietary fat also characteristically modified the fatty acid compositions of interscapular brown and epididymal white adipose tissues. Thus, the type of dietary fat caused an alteration to the thermogenesis of brown adipose tissue at the cellular level.  相似文献   

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