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The effect of nitrogen source concentration on the production of the polysaccharide curdlan by the bacterium Agrobacterium sp. ATCC 31749 from hydrolysates of prairie cordgrass was examined. The highest curdlan concentrations were produced by ATCC 31749 when grown on a medium containing a solids-only hydrolysate and the nitrogen source ammonium phosphate (2.2 mM) or on a medium containing a complete hydrolysate and 3.3 mM ammonium phosphate. The latter medium sustained a higher level of bacterial curdlan production than the former medium after 144 hr. Biomass production by ATCC 31749 was highest after 144 hr when grown on a medium containing a solids-only hydrolysate and 2.2 or 8.7 mM ammonium phosphate. On the medium containing the complete hydrolysate, biomass production by ATCC 31749 was highest after 144 hr when 3.3 mM ammonium phosphate was present. Bacterial biomass production after 144 hr was greater on the complete hydrolysate medium compared to the solids-only hydrolysate medium. Curdlan yield produced by ATCC 31749 after 144 hr from the complete hydrolysate medium containing 3.3 mM ammonium phosphate was higher than from the solids-only hydrolysate medium containing 2.2 mM ammonium phosphate.  相似文献   

The association of caffeine and actinocin derivatives (ActII), analogs of the antitumor antibiotic actinomycin D, was studied by molecular dynamics simulation in explicit solvent (water and Na+ and Cl? ions). Information was obtained describing in detail the association of caffeine and ActII in water and water-salt solution and the interaction of monomers and their associates with the ionic hydrate environment. The schemes of hydration of monomers of actinocin derivatives and caffeine and their self-and heteroassociates are determined. The calculated energies of monomer interaction in associates indicate that dimerization of these compounds in aqueous solutions is advantageous in energy. Both self-and heteroassociates are stabilized by van der Waals, electrostatic, and hydrophobic interactions, as well as intermolecular hydrogen bonds. The rearrangement of the hydration shells of monomers during their association in water is energy-unfavorable and destabilizes the associates. In water-salt solutions, it is energy-favorable for the systems containing associates of the singly charged ActII+ and caffeine-ActII+. The formation of caffeine-actinocin heterodimers is preferable in energy to the formation of self-associates. In this way caffeine can decrease the concentration of the actinocin derivatives in solution and thereby decrease their biological activity.  相似文献   

Amylovoran, the acidic exopolysaccharide (EPS) of Erwinia amylovora, and stewartan, the capsular EPS of E. stewartii, were characterized by analytical ultracentrifugation and by size exclusion chromatography connected to dual detection of light scattering and mass. The average molecular weights of amylovoran and stewartan were determined as 1.0×106 and 1.7×106 Da, with polydispersity values (Mw/Mn) of 1.5 and 1.4, respectively. Based on the sugar composition and their molecular weight, both exopolysaccharides consist of approximately 1000 repeating units per molecule, this suggests a similar mechanism for chain length determination during biosynthesis of EPS in both organisms.  相似文献   

为研究大青叶多糖的分子特性和免疫活性,采用超声-微波协同提取大青叶多糖并测定其化学组成,衍生化后利用气质联用分析仪检测单糖组成和链接方式,用HPSEC-MALLS-RI联机系统测定分子质量及分布情况,最后利用RAW264. 7细胞分析大青叶多糖的免疫活性。结果表明,多糖最佳提取参数:料液比25∶1(V/m),温度90℃,蒸馏水浸提70 min,超声-微波提取50 min,微波功率500 W,超声功率50 W,多糖得率为10. 49%。大青叶多糖化学组成包括63. 8%总糖、13. 1%蛋白质、14. 2%硫酸根和12. 6%糖醛酸,单糖组成主要包括半乳糖、阿拉伯糖、鼠李糖和葡萄糖,分子质量为7. 85×105u,回转半径为183. 3 nm。同时分析了大青叶多糖的链接方式,体外生物活性实验表明大青叶多糖可以促进RAW264. 7细胞增殖并产生一氧化氮。  相似文献   

Pure 3-sn-monogalactosyldilinolenoylglycerol and 3-sn-digalactosyldilinol-enoylglycerol have been isolated from bean leaves. Distearoyl derivatives have been prepared by catalytic hydrogenation of the unsaturated galactolipids. The unsaturated lipids form stable monomolecular films at the air/water interface which are similar to liquid-expanded phospholipid monolayers. The limiting areas were about 0.57 nm2 and 0.62 nm2 for the mono- and digalactosyldiacyl-glycerols, respectively. The saturated galactolipids formed condensed monolayers that were relatively unstable. The surface pressure-area isotherm of the digalactosyl derivative was more expanded than that of the monogalactosyldiacylglycerol especially at low surface pressures. Low-angle X-ray diffraction and freeze-fracture electron microscopy studies of the monogalactosyldiacylgly-cerols showed that an hexagonal-type structure was formed by the unsaturated lipid in aqueous systems, whilst the saturated lipid was arranged in a lamellar configuration. Both digalactosyldiacylglycerols form lamellar structures in water. A gel-to-liquid-crystalline phase transition of distearoyldigalactosylgly-cerol was observed at about 51°C by fluorescence depolarization measurements, using 1,6-diphenylhexatriene, and by differential scanning calorimetry. The saturated monogalactosyldiacylglycerol did not form dispersions suitable for fluorescence probe studies of a phase transition. A complex pattern of endotherms was observed for this lipid by differential scanning calorimetry.  相似文献   

【目的】驱避剂是防止蚊虫叮咬的良好个人防护用品,但其作用机理一直未被解释清楚。本研究利用化学计算手段对4种重要的人体引诱物(乙酸、丙酸、丁酸和戊酸)与22个萜类驱避化合物的缔合作用以及该作用对驱避活性的影响进行了研究,以期为蚊虫驱避机理研究提供新思路。【方法】利用GAUSS View软件构建引诱化合物分子、驱避化合物分子以及二者可能形成的缔合体结构,再利用GAUSSIAN软件优化所有结构,并计算它们的能量和各类参数;借助AMPAC和CODESSA软件计算出所有结构的描述符;以萜类驱避化合物对白纹伊蚊Aedes albopictus校正驱避率的对数值(logCRR)为活性数据,利用CODESSA软件建立描述符与驱避活性的定量构效关系模型。【结果】4种羧酸与萜类驱避化合物相互缔合的缔合能量大多在18~20 kJ/mol之间,缔合距离和角度分别在2.0~2.5 Å 和110°~180°内波动,符合氢键相互作用的特征。4个最优定量构效关系模型的R2值均大于0.9,模型中的参数都包含缔合体的描述符,表明引诱物 驱避物缔合作用与校正驱避率的对数值显著相关。【结论】4种羧酸与萜类驱避化合物之间存在中等强度的氢键缔合作用,该缔合作用对驱避活性具有重要影响。研究初步揭示了引诱物 驱避物缔合作用的存在,也为从新的角度研究蚊虫驱避机理提供了前期研究基础。  相似文献   

Modern genetic and immunological techniques have become important tools for assessing protistan species diversity for both the identification and quantification of specific taxa in natural microbial communities. Although these methods are still gaining use among ecologists, the new approaches have already had a significant impact on our understanding of protistan diversity and biogeography. For example, genetic studies of environmental samples have uncovered many protistan phylotypes that do not match the DNA sequences of any cultured organisms, and whose morphological identities are unknown at the present time. Additionally, rapid and sensitive methods for detecting and enumerating taxa of special importance (e.g. bloom-forming algae, parasitic protists) have enabled much more detailed distributional and experimental studies than have been possible using traditional methods. Nevertheless, while the application of molecular approaches has advanced some aspects of aquatic protistan ecology, significant issues still thwart the widespread adoption of these approaches. These issues include the highly technical nature of some of the molecular methods, the reconciliation of morphology-based and sequence-based species identifications, and the species concept itself.  相似文献   

The influence of chloride salts of Na+, Rb+ and Cs+ at concentrations from 0.15 to 1.2M was studied with bovine albumin, trypsin, ovoalbumin and lysozyme partitioning in an aqueous two-phase system formed by polyethyleneglycol 1500 and potassium phosphate at pH 7.4. Monovalent cations favoured the protein transfer to the polyethyleneglycol rich phase in the following order: Rb+ > Na+ > Cs+. Structure making cations as Na+ induced a poor loss of structured water, producing little diminution of the molar partial specific volume of polyethyleneglycol, while Rb+ and Cs+, structure breaking cations, induced a significant decrease in the specific volume of the polyethylene glycol. The increase of available solution free volume in the top phase favours the protein transfer to the polyethyleneglycol rich phase. Na+ and Rb+ induced a slight decrease in the alpha helix content of the proteins, while Cs+ increased the secondary structure for all the proteins. All the cations induced a decrease in the hydrophobic surface of the proteins, this effect was more significant in the presence of Cs+.  相似文献   

The molecular dynamics simulations have been performed for the sodium nitrate solution at various concentrations in the 1.1 mol% sodium chloride aqueous solution, which is a model of the sea water. The structure, the velocity correlation functions and the frequency-dependent diffusion coefficients have been obtained. The share viscosity has also been obtained at various concentrations using the Green–Kubo formula, which agrees well with the experimental data. The complex formation and the microscopic charge neutrality in the solution have been discussed in relation to the ionic conductivity estimated by the Nernst–Einstein relation.  相似文献   

The soliton model of charge and energy transport in biological macromolecules is used to suggest one of the possible mechanisms for electromagnetic radiation influence on biological systems. The influence of the electromagnetic field (EMF) on molecular solitons is studied both analytically and numerically. Numerical simulations prove the stability of solitons for fields of large amplitude, and allow the study of emission of phonons. It is shown that in the spectra of biological effects of radiation there are two characteristic frequencies of EMFs, one of which is connected with the most intensive energy absorption and emission of sound waves by the soliton, and the other of which is connected with the soliton photodissociation into a delocalized state.  相似文献   

The effect of diets varying in carbohydrate and protein content on the structure and function of the hindgut microbiota of crickets was evaluated by determining bacterial densities, fermentation activity, and guanine plus cytosine (G + C) profiles of the DNA extracted from the microbial hindgut community. DNA isolated from the gut community was fractionated and quantified according to G + C content as a comprehensive, coarse-level measure of the composition and structure of the community. The bacterial densities measured by direct counts were not significantly different among the four diets. The crickets were initially reared in the laboratory on cricket chow, which resulted in a hindgut community dominated by bacteria with a G + C content between 32% and 57%. Crickets shifted to an alfalfa diet showed a similar hindgut community G + C profile, although microbial populations with DNA between 35% and 45% G + C were more abundant in alfalfa- than chow-fed crickets. The apparent complexity of the gut community was reduced in crickets fed beet-pulp and protein-based diets compared to those fed chow and alfalfa, and was dominated by populations with a low percentage G + C content. Hindgut communities in crickets fed pulp and protein diets also showed a decrease in hydrogen and carbon dioxide production, suggesting that these diets affected the biochemical activity of the hindgut community. The protein-based diet resulted in a decrease in the rate of evolution of volatile fatty acids, while the ratio of butyrate production to acetate and propionate production was significantly higher in these crickets. Our results show the emergence of a new microbial community structure concomitant with changes in microbial biochemical activity due to shifts in the cricket's dietary regime.  相似文献   

In order to assess the stability of molecular and rheological properties of the exopolysaccharide (EPS) produced byCyanospira capsulata the strain was cultivated under both continuous light and light-dark cycles in two culture devices, an open pond and a completely stirred reactor (CSR), having quite different surface-to-volume ratios and stirring systems. All EPS samples obtained from the cultures showed the same monosaccharidic composition and relative proportions among sugar units. However, Gel Permeation Chromatography demonstrated that EPS samples produced by cultures run in open ponds were more homogeneous in size than those obtained from cultures grown in CSR. In spite of this difference, no significant change in the flow properties was observed among the aqueous solutions of the different EPS samples.  相似文献   

一株产碱性蛋白酶菌株的筛选鉴定及酶学特性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
【目的】从丝茅草中筛选得到产蛋白酶菌株并研究驯化过程中微生物群落结构,以及探究该菌株的生长特性和蛋白酶的酶学特性。【方法】通过高通量测序探究来源于丝茅草的菌株在不同培养条件下细菌种类及丰度,通过选择性培养基来筛选能够分解酪素并产生蛋白酶的菌株,通过单因素试验方法确定环境因子对菌株生长和蛋白酶活性的影响。【结果】微生物群落结构在基础培养基和牛肉膏蛋白胨培养基中不同。通过含酪素的选择性培养基里筛选到1株产蛋白酶菌株H-16,经生理生化试验和16S r DNA鉴定知该菌株属于Escherichia marmotae,菌株H-16能产生分子量为70 k Da左右的单亚基蛋白酶。胰蛋白胨、蔗糖、30°C或35°C、p H 7分别为菌株生长的最适氮源、碳源、温度和p H。菌株H-16分泌的蛋白酶最适p H为6–8,在50°C及6%盐度以下酶活性几乎不受影响。此外,Cu(II)和Ag(I)等金属离子能够抑制蛋白酶的活性。【结论】该菌株H-16为嗜中温菌株,能够产生碱性蛋白酶。  相似文献   

A water soluble acidic heteropolysaccharide named WAF was isolated from Auricularia auricula‐judae by extracting with 0.9% NaCl solution. By using gas chromatography, gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry, and NMR, its chemical structure was determined to be composed of a backbone of α‐(1→3)‐linked D ‐mannopyranose residues with pendant side groups of β‐D ‐xylose, β‐D ‐glucose, or β‐D ‐glucuronic acid at position O6 or O2. Six fractions prepared from WAF with a weight‐average molecular mass (Mw) between 5.9 × 104 and 64.7 × 104 g/mol were characterized with laser light scattering and viscometry in 0.1M NaCl at 25°C. The dependence of intrinsic viscosity ([η]) and radius of gyration (Rg) on Mw for this polysaccharide were found to be [η] = 1.79 × 10?3Mw0.96 cm3 g?1 and Rg = 6.99 × 10?2 Mw0.54 nm. The molar mass per unit contour length (ML) and the persistence length (Lp) were estimated to be 1124 nm?1 and 11 nm, respectively. The WAF exhibited a semirigid character typical of linear polysaccharides. Molecular modeling was then used to predict the ordered and disordered states of WAF; the simulated ML and Lp were however much smaller than the experimental values. Taken altogether, the results suggested that WAF formed a duplex in solution. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 95: 217–227, 2011.  相似文献   

The detection and analysis of nucleic acids extracted from microbial communities are the ultimate ways to determine the diversity and functional capability of microbial communities in the environments. However, it remains a challenge to use molecular techniques for unequivocal determination and quantification of microbial species composition and functional activities. Considerable efforts have been made to enhance the capability of molecular techniques. Here an update of the recent developments in molecular techniques for environmental microbiology is provided.  相似文献   

Peptide GVKGDKGNPGWPGAPY from the triple-helix domain of type IV collagen aggregates in solution at a critical aggregation concentration of 18 mM. This molecular self association process is investigated by 1H- and 13C-nmr spectroscopy. As a function of increasing peptide concentration, selective 1H resonances are cooperatively chemically shifted by up to 0.04 ppm to apparently saturable values at high concentration. Pulsed field gradient nmr was used to derive translation diffusion constants that, as the peptide concentration is increased, also cooperatively and monotonically decrease to an apparent limiting value. An average number of 6 monomer units per aggregate have been estimated from diffusion constant and 13C relaxation data. Comparative 1H nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY) spectra accumulated at high and low peptide concentrations suggest that average internuclear distances are decreased as a result of peptide association. 13C-nmr multiplet spin-lattice relaxation and 13C- {1H} NOE effects on 13C-enriched glycine methylene positions in the peptide demonstrate that overall molecular tumbling and backbone internal motions are attenuated in the aggregate state. Lowering the solution pD from pD 6 to pD 2 disrupts the aggregate state, suggesting a role for electrostatic interactions in the association process. Based on thermodynamic considerations, hydrophobic interactions also probably act to stabilize the aggregate state. These data are discussed in terms of an nmr/NOE constrained computer-modeled structure of the peptide. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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