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In song learning, white-crowned sparrows ( Zonotrichia leucophrys ) begin memorizing conspecific song models at around 20 d of age. Even prior to song memorization, however, between 10 and 20 d of age, these birds respond differently to playbacks of conspecific and heterospecific songs. To investigate the acoustic cues underlying this early song discrimination, we measured the vocal responses of newly fledged young to playbacks of modified conspecific and heterospecific songs. Fledgling white-crowned sparrows responded more strongly to songs containing conspecific notes than to songs containing notes from other species. In contrast, the presence or placement of an introductory whistle, present in all white-crowned sparrow songs, did not affect response levels. A whistle has previously been shown to serve as an acoustic cue for song memorization and production in this species. Such different responses to the species-typical introductory whistle at different stages suggests that developmental changes occur in the template system underlying song learning, the factors governing song recognition, or both.  相似文献   

Seven male and three female zebra finches were exposed to 14 zebra finch (CON) and 14 starling (HET) songs during their sensitive period for song learning and then tested for their recognition memory of both the CON and HET songs in two separate memory tests. Amount of song exposure was varied by presenting individual songs either 3, 9, 27, or 81 times per day for nine consecutive days. After song exposure the birds were trained to discriminate two of the exposed, familiar songs (FAM) from two novel songs (NOV) in a go/no-go operant discrimination procedure, with FAM songs as "go" stimuli. Following discrimination training, untrained FAM and NOV songs were presented as probe songs without reinforcement. Birds responded more to FAM than NOV songs at all levels of song exposure, indicating that the songs were recognized. There were no differences in recognition memory for CON and HET song at any level of song exposure. The results suggest that selective song learning does not result from selective memorization of conspecific song.  相似文献   

Songbirds of many species acquire their songs by imitating the songs of conspecific singers. Conclusive evidence of such imitation comes from controlled laboratory studies, but such studies do not reveal when and where songbirds learn their songs under natural conditions. To determine the timing and location of song learning in a population of prairie warblers, we compared the songs of yearling prairie warblers of known hatching location to the songs of other birds in the yearlings' natal and first breeding areas. The comparisons yielded a likely model song (and model singer) for each of the song types used by the focal yearlings. We supplemented our findings from the song comparisons with inferences drawn from an analysis of local geographic variation in songs. This analysis revealed that shared song types showed no tendency to be geographically clustered within the study area. Taken together, our data suggest that prairie warblers learn their songs during the hatch year, at locations somewhat distant (mean distance 1,437 m) from their natal site, most likely as birds wander about during the post-fledging period.  相似文献   

The anterior forebrain (AF) pathway of songbirds has an essential but poorly understood function during song learning, a process requiring auditory experience. Consistent with a role in processing auditory information, two nuclei of the AF, the lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum (lMAN) and Area X (X), contain some of the most complex auditory neurons known. In adult zebra finches, these neurons are strongly selective for both spectral and temporal properties of song: They respond more robustly to the bird's own song (BOS) than to songs of conspecific individuals, and they respond less well to BOS if it is played in reverse. lMAN and X neurons of young finches early in the process of song learning (30–45 days of age) are also song responsive, but lack the song and order selectivity present in adult birds. By an intermediate stage of learning (60 days), when birds have experience of both tutor song and their own developing (plastic) song, AF neurons have significant song and order selectivity for both tutor song and BOS (in this case, plastic song). The degree of BOS selectivity is still less than that found in adults, however. In addition, neurons at 60 days are heterogenous in their preference for BOS versus tutor song: Most prefer BOS, some prefer tutor song, and others respond equally to both songs. The selectivity of adult AF auditory neurons therefore arises rapidly during development from neurons that are initially unselective. These neurons are one of the clearest examples of experience-dependent acquisition of complex stimulus selectivity. Moreover, the neural selectivity for both BOS and tutor song at 60 days raises the possibility that experience of both songs during learning contributes to the properties of individual AF neurons. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 33: 694–709, 1997  相似文献   

The songs of many birds are unusual in that they serve a role in identifying conspecific mates, yet they are also culturally transmitted. Noting the apparently high rate of diversity in one avian taxon, the songbirds, in which song learning appears ubiquitous, it has often been speculated that cultural transmission may increase the rate of speciation. Here we examine the possibility that song learning affects the rate of allopatric speciation. We construct a population-genetic model of allopatric divergence that explores the evolution of genes that underlie learning preferences (predispositions to learn some songs over others). We compare this with a model in which mating signals are inherited only genetically. Models are constructed for the cases where songs and preferences are affected by the same or different loci, and we analyze them using analytical local stability analysis combined with simulations of drift and directional sexual selection. Under nearly all conditions examined, song divergence occurs more readily in the learning model than in the nonlearning model. This is a result of reduced frequency-dependent selection in the learning models. Cultural evolution causes males with unusual genotypes to tend to learn from the majority of males around them, and thus develop songs compatible with the majority of the females in the population. Unusual genotypes can therefore be masked by learning. Over a wide range of conditions, learning therefore reduces the waiting time for speciation to occur and can be predicted to accelerate the rate of speciation.  相似文献   

Male Bengalese finches, Lonchura striata var. domestica, learn their song from an adult male conspecific with whom they can interact at 35 to 70 days of age and normally-raised males fail to reproduce song which they have only heard before or after this time. Birds which have been raised by their mother alone and those which have been deprived of a song tutor during the learning phase produce abnormal songs with indistinct elements and little or no phrase structure; this is typical of males which fail to hear adult song during their development. These songs are unstable and are replaced by normal songs, if there is an opportunity to learn from an adult male conspecific. Presumably, this flexibility in the time when young males learn acts as a safeguard to ensure that normal conspecific song is produced. These results bear striking similarity to those on zebra finch song development. Differences between the two species, especially in the learning of call notes by female zebra finches, are discussed.  相似文献   

Juvenile male zebra finches develop their song by imitation. Females do not sing but are attracted to males' songs. With functional magnetic resonance imaging and event‐related potentials we tested how early auditory experience shapes responses in the auditory forebrain of the adult bird. Adult male birds kept in isolation over the sensitive period for song learning showed no consistency in auditory responses to conspecific songs, calls, and syllables. Thirty seconds of song playback each day over development, which is sufficient to induce song imitation, was also sufficient to shape stimulus‐specific responses. Strikingly, adult females kept in isolation over development showed responses similar to those of males that were exposed to songs. We suggest that early auditory experience with songs may be required to tune perception toward conspecific songs in males, whereas in females song selectivity develops even without prior exposure to song. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 2010  相似文献   

Studies on the song learning in birds revealed a puzzling property of the acquisition system: Stimulus memorization becomes effective after remarkably few exposures, but nevertheless shows a relationship to the frequency of exposure to learning stimuli. This raises questions on the amount of learning that will occur during a given exposure to song. To examine this issue, we tutored handraised fledgling nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos) with song strings, in which the serial succession of species-typical master songs was altered upon subsequent exposures. The sequencing of imitations obtained from the birds' adult singing revealed the following results: (1) A single exposure was sufficient for subjects to acquire serial information on song-type sequencing. (2) The first exposure to a master string played a key role for this accomplishment. (3) Nevertheless, the acquisition of serial information improved with increasing exposure frequency of master strings. (4) The acquisition of song patterns was not impaired by a non-regular presentation of master song-types. With respect to the particular salience of the first exposure for sequence memorization, we termed the phenomenon primer effect. The findings suggest that stimulus acquisition during perceptual song learning is mediated by a discontinuous process. Once acquired, information is then consolidated gradually, i.e. through an incremental process.  相似文献   

Are young songbirds ready to learn virtually any song, or are they predisposed to learn songs of their own species? To explore this question tests were conducted on the equipotentiality of auditory song learning stimuli in the song sparrow. 23 males reared as nestlings were exposed to tape recordings of their own and other species songs in early life and subsequent song production was analyzed for imitations. Birds exposed to natural song sparrow songs, including their fathers', and equal numbers of swamp sparrow songs, strongly preferred conspecific songs. They neither favored nor eschewed paternal songs despite having had access to them for 6–10 days as nestlings. In three other experiments synthetic songs were used in which some properties were held constant and others were systematically varied. Birds were exposed to 1–4 segmented songs varying in phrase order, tempo and syllable number, each synthesized in two versions, one from conspecific and the other from heterospecific (swamp sparrow) song syllables. With one-segmented songs (alien syntax) subjects favored conspecific over heterospecific syllable songs. Heterospecific syllables were rendered more acceptable by incorporation into two-segmented trilled songs (more song sparrow-like syntax). Heterogeneous summation of phonological and syntactical cues appeared to occur. There was also evidence of interaction between phonology and syntax. When another phrase type, the note complex, was added, in three- and four-segmented songs, a preference for conspecific syllables reappeared. Heterospecific syllables may be more readily accepted as a trilled sequence than without repetition, as in a note-complex. When phrase structure within four-segmented songs was varied, birds favored patterns most like normal conspecific song. We conclude that there are innate learning preferences in the song sparrow, based on note and syllabic structure (phonology and syllabic syntax), and temporal organization of phrases (segmental syntax), differing from those of the closely related swamp sparrow, Melospiza georgiana, in which song syntax plays no role in learning preferences.  相似文献   

Songbirds have shown variation in vocalizations across different populations and different geographical ranges. Such variations can over time lead to divergence in song characteristics, sometimes referred to as dialects. House Wren (Troglodytes aedon) is one such widely distributed bird species that has shown variation in its song characteristics within different populations. Traditionally, such studies have been conducted using manual approaches for classification. In this work we explore the use of machine learning models that can assist in performing classification of bird songs at a conspecific level. Two machine learning techniques, the random forest and a shallow feed forward neural network, are fed with pre-computed sound features to classify vocal variation in House Wren species across different reported population groups and latitudinal areas. A randomized approach is employed to create balanced subsets of sounds from different locations for repeated classification runs in order to provide a reliable estimate of performance. It is observed that such an automated approach is able to classify variations in songs within House Wren with high accuracy. We were also able to confirm the latitudinal variation of House Wren songs reported in previous studies. Given these results, we believe, such a purely data-driven way of analyzing bird songs in general can provide useful hints to biologists on where to look for interesting patterns in order to understand the evolutionary divergence in song characteristics.  相似文献   

In studies of birdsong learning, imitation-based assays of stimulus memorization do not take into account that tutored song types may have been stored, but were not retrieved from memory. Such a 'silent' reservoir of song material could be used later in the bird's life, e.g. during vocal interactions. We examined this possibility in hand-reared nightingales during their second year. The males had been exposed to songs, both as fledglings and later, during their first full song period in an interactive playback design. Our design allowed us to compare the performance of imitations from the following categories: (i) songs only experienced during the early tutoring; (ii) songs experienced both during early tutoring and interactive playbacks; and (iii) novel songs experienced only during the simulated interactions. In their second year, birds imitated song types from each category, including those from categories (i) and (ii) which they had failed to imitate before. In addition, the performance of these song types was different (category (ii) > category (i)) and more pronounced than for category (iii) songs. Our results demonstrate 'silent' song storage in nightingales and point to a graded influence of the time and the social context of experience on subsequent vocal imitation.  相似文献   

Biological predispositions in learning can bias and constrain the cultural evolution of social and communicative behaviors (e.g., speech and birdsong), and lead to the emergence of behavioral and cultural “universals.” For example, surveys of laboratory and wild populations of zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) document consistent patterning of vocal elements (“syllables”) with respect to their acoustic properties (e.g., duration, mean frequency). Furthermore, such universal patterns are also produced by birds that are experimentally tutored with songs containing randomly sequenced syllables (“tutored birds”). Despite extensive demonstrations of learning biases, much remains to be uncovered about the nature of biological predispositions that bias song learning and production in songbirds. Here, we examined the degree to which “innate” auditory templates and/or biases in vocal motor production contribute to vocal learning biases and production in zebra finches. Such contributions can be revealed by examining acoustic patterns in the songs of birds raised without sensory exposure to song (“untutored birds”) or of birds that are unable to hear from early in development (“early‐deafened birds”). We observed that untutored zebra finches and early‐deafened zebra finches produce songs with positional variation in some acoustic features (e.g., mean frequency) that resemble universal patterns observed in tutored birds. Similar to tutored birds, early‐deafened birds also produced song motifs with alternation in acoustic features across adjacent syllables. That universal acoustic patterns are observed in the songs of both untutored and early‐deafened birds highlights the contribution motor production biases to the emergence of universals in culturally transmitted behaviors.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(5):1359-1371
Results of earlier studies indicated that hand-raised white-crowned sparrows exposed to taperecorded songs learned conspecific song between ages 10–50 days, but not before or after that age. These studies also indicated that allospecific songs were not learned. We describe song development in 41 male and 22 female hand-raised white-crowned sparrows. Thirty males and 15 females were exposed to a live adult singing male. It was found that most male students learned the song of their live tutor even though tutoring was begun at 50 days of age, an age by which young would have dispersed from the natal to the breeding area. Male students learned allospecific song as easily as they did conspecific song, even though conspecific song was present in the laboratory. Only three females copied any part of the song of either conspecific or allospecific live tutors. Six 50-day-old males and seven females were exposed to taperecorded song and none learned the tutor song. These results indicate that there are sex differences in song learning, and that, if live tutors are used, the sensitive phase for male song learning extends beyond 50 days of age. We conclude that social interaction can override any auditory gating mechanism that prevents inappropriate stimuli from influencing song learning centres.  相似文献   

White-crowned sparrows learn and produce multiple song types as juveniles, but most individuals stop singing all except one by the end of the first singing season. This single song type is generally maintained throughout adulthood. We demonstrate that, at the start of the second and subsequent singing seasons, this species can recall songs that had been deleted during the first singing season. The re-expression of song occurred in both the oriantha and the gambelii subspecies. Although all our males recrystallized the original song in the second year, our results indicate a mechanism for seasonal song change without new song memorization. The traditional dichotomy of closed-ended versus open-ended learning is inadequate for birds that learn early in life but can change their song output seasonally. We suggest that species can exhibit a closed sensitive period for song memorization and first production, with the ability to recall deleted songs later in life. This type of learning, selective attrition followed by subsequent re-expression, may be used by some species currently considered open-ended learners. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

In sexually dimorphic zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata), only males learn to sing their father's song, whereas females learn to recognize the songs of their father or mate but cannot sing themselves. Memory of learned songs is behaviorally expressed in females by preferring familiar songs over unfamiliar ones. Auditory association regions such as the caudomedial mesopallium (CMM; or caudal mesopallium) have been shown to be key nodes in a network that supports preferences for learned songs in adult females. However, much less is known about how song preferences develop during the sensitive period of learning in juvenile female zebra finches. In this study, we used blood-oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to trace the development of a memory-based preference for the father's song in female zebra finches. Using BOLD fMRI, we found that only in adult female zebra finches with a preference for learned song over novel conspecific song, neural selectivity for the father's song was localized in the thalamus (dorsolateral nucleus of the medial thalamus; part of the anterior forebrain pathway, AFP) and in CMM. These brain regions also showed a selective response in juvenile female zebra finches, although activation was less prominent. These data reveal that neural responses in CMM, and perhaps also in the AFP, are shaped during development to support behavioral preferences for learned songs.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that territorial songbirds do not maximize vocal amplitude. Instead, song intensity appears to be a flexible trait that is individually regulated. Given the benefits of singing loudly with regard to signal transmission in the context of territory defence and mate attraction, we investigated whether songbirds adjust the sound level of their territorial songs depending on social influences. While interacting with the playback of a simulated conspecific rival, seven male nightingales, Luscinia megarhynchos, increased the sound level of their songs, on average, by more than 5 dB. The nightingales increased their song level to significantly lower values (about 1 dB) in response to control songs of other species, so the revealed increase in vocal intensity during interactions cannot be fully explained by the acoustical masking of the interfering conspecific songs. Thus, the birds improved signal transmission to a higher degree during conspecific male-male interactions.  相似文献   

Signal Interception and the Use of Soft Song in Aggressive Interactions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Song sparrows, like many species of songbirds, produce songs of especially low amplitude during aggressive contests. Such ‘soft songs’ have been shown to be reliable signals of intention to attack in song sparrows. Low intensity is a paradoxical feature in a highly aggressive signal, in that it seems likely to make the signal less intimidating to an opponent. A hypothesis that resolves this paradox is that use of soft songs benefits a signaler by limiting the interception of his signals by third party receivers. Here, we test this hypothesis with respect to song sparrows and two classes of third party receivers, predators and conspecific males. We tested whether selection to avoid predation is responsible for use of soft song by examining whether male song sparrows increase production of soft song in an aggressive context when they also receive signals (alarm calls) that indicate a predator is present. We found that the proportion of soft song produced by male song sparrows was actually significantly lower in the predator context than in a control context, directly contradicting the prediction. We tested whether avoiding eavesdropping by conspecific males is a benefit of soft song by removing territory owners and simulating interactions on their territories using playback from two loudspeakers. We found that intrusions by third party males were more likely in trials in which the simulated owner countered an intruder's songs using soft songs than in trials in which the simulated owner countered with loud song, again directly contradicting the hypothesis. We conclude that limiting interception by predators and conspecific males does not provide an explanation for use of soft song by song sparrows.  相似文献   

Studies of avian vocal development without exposure to conspecific song have been conducted in many passerine species, and the resultant isolate song is often interpreted to represent an expression of the genetic code for conspecific song. There is wide recognition that vocal learning exists in oscine songbirds, but vocal learning has only been thoroughly investigated in a few model species, resulting in a narrow view of birdsong learning. By extracting acoustic signals from published spectrograms, we have reexamined the findings of isolate studies with a universally applicable semi‐automated quantitative analysis regimen. When song features were analyzed in light of three different production aspects (respiratory, syringeal, and central programming of sequence), all three show marked interspecific variability in how close isolate song features are to normal. This implies that song learning mechanisms are more variable than is commonly recognized. Our results suggest that the interspecific variation shows no readily observable pattern reflecting phylogeny, which has implications for understanding the mechanisms behind the evolution of avian vocal communication. We emphasize that song learning in passerines provides an excellent opportunity to investigate the evolution of a complex, plastic trait from a phylogenetic perspective.  相似文献   

Songbirds develop their songs by imitating songs of adults. For song learning to proceed normally, the bird's hearing must remain intact throughout the song development process. In many species, song learning takes place during one period early in life, and no more new song elements are learned thereafter. In these so-called close-ended learners, it has long been assumed that once song development is complete, audition is no longer necessary to maintain the motor patterns of full song. However, many of these close-ended learners maintain plasticity in overall song organization; the number and the sequence of song elements included in a song of an individual vary from one utterance to another, although no new song elements are added or lost in adulthood. It is conceivable that these species rely on continued auditory feedback to produce normal song syntax. The Bengalese finch is a close-ended learner that produces considerably variable songs as an adult. In the present study, we found that Bengalese finches require real-time auditory feedback for motor control even after song learning is complete; deafening adult finches resulted in development of abnormal song syntax in as little as 5 days. We also found that there was considerable individual variation in the degree of song deterioration after deafening. The neural mechanisms underlying adult song production in different species of songbirds may be more diverse than has been traditionally considered. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 33: 343–356, 1997  相似文献   

Vocal learning has evolved in several groups of animals, yet the reasons for its origins and maintenance are controversial, with none of the theories put forward appearing to apply over a broad range of species. The theory of gene-culture coevolution is applied to this problem taking the specific case of the maintenance of song learning in birds. The interaction between genes underlying the filter for recognizing and learning conspecific song and the culturally transmitted songs themselves sets up an evolutionary force that may maintain vocal learning. We evaluate this hypothesis using a spatial simulation model. Our results suggest that selection that would maintain song learning exists over a wide range of conditions. Song learning may persist due to an evolutionary trap even though the average fitness in a population of learners may be lower than in a population of non-learners.  相似文献   

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